'use strict'; const assert = require('./../../assert'); const common = require('./../../common'); let battle; describe('Dry Skin', () => { afterEach(() => { battle.destroy(); }); it('should take 1/8 max HP every turn that Sunny Day is active', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: 'Toxicroak', ability: 'dryskin', moves: ['bulkup'] }, ], [ { species: 'Ninetales', ability: 'flashfire', moves: ['sunnyday'] }, ]]); const dryMon = battle.p1.active[0]; assert.hurtsBy(dryMon, Math.floor(dryMon.maxhp / 8), () => battle.makeChoices('move bulkup', 'move sunnyday')); }); it('should heal 1/8 max HP every turn that Rain Dance is active', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: 'Toxicroak', ability: 'dryskin', moves: ['substitute'] }, ], [ { species: 'Politoed', ability: 'damp', moves: ['encore', 'raindance'] }, ]]); const dryMon = battle.p1.active[0]; battle.makeChoices('move substitute', 'move encore'); assert.hurtsBy(dryMon, -Math.floor(dryMon.maxhp / 8), () => battle.makeChoices('move substitute', 'move raindance')); }); it('should grant immunity to Water-type moves and heal 1/4 max HP', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: 'Toxicroak', ability: 'dryskin', moves: ['substitute'] }, ], [ { species: 'Politoed', ability: 'damp', moves: ['watergun'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('move substitute', 'move watergun'); assert.fullHP(battle.p1.active[0]); }); it('should cause the user to take 1.25x damage from Fire-type attacks', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: 'Toxicroak', ability: 'dryskin', moves: ['bulkup'] }, ], [ { species: 'Haxorus', ability: 'unnerve', moves: ['incinerate'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('move bulkup', 'move incinerate'); const damage = battle.p1.active[0].maxhp - battle.p1.active[0].hp; assert.bounded(damage, [51, 61]); }); it('should be suppressed by Mold Breaker', () => { battle = common.createBattle([[ { species: 'Toxicroak', ability: 'dryskin', moves: ['bulkup'] }, ], [ { species: 'Haxorus', ability: 'moldbreaker', moves: ['incinerate', 'surf'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('move bulkup', 'move incinerate'); const target = battle.p1.active[0]; const damage = target.maxhp - target.hp; assert.bounded(damage, [41, 49]); assert.hurts(target, () => battle.makeChoices('move bulkup', 'move surf')); }); });