'use strict'; const assert = require('assert').strict; const { makeUser, makeConnection } = require('../users-utils'); describe('Users features', () => { describe('Users', () => { describe('get', () => { it('should be a function', () => { assert.equal(typeof Users.get, 'function'); }); }); describe('connections', () => { it('should be a Map', () => { assert(Users.connections instanceof Map); }); }); describe('users', () => { it('should be a Map', () => { assert(Users.users instanceof Map); }); }); describe('Connection', () => { describe('#onDisconnect', () => { beforeEach(function () { this.connection = makeConnection(''); }); it('should remove the connection from Users.connections', function () { const connectionid = this.connection.id; this.connection.destroy(); assert.equal(Users.connections.has(connectionid), false); }); it('should destroy any user on the connection as well', function () { const user = makeUser('', this.connection); const userid = user.id; assert.equal(Users.users.has(userid), true, 'before disconnecting'); user.disconnectAll(); user.destroy(); assert.equal(Users.users.has(userid), false, 'after disconnecting'); }); }); describe('#joinRoom', () => { let room, connection; beforeEach(() => { connection = makeConnection(''); }); afterEach(() => { connection.destroy(); if (room) room.destroy(); }); it('should join a room if not already present', () => { room = Rooms.createChatRoom('test'); connection.joinRoom(Rooms.get('test')); assert(connection.inRooms.has('test')); }); }); describe('#leaveRoom', () => { let room; afterEach(() => { if (room) room.destroy(); }); it('should leave a room that is present', function () { this.connection = makeConnection(''); room = Rooms.createChatRoom('test'); this.connection.joinRoom(room); this.connection.leaveRoom(room); assert(!this.connection.inRooms.has('test')); }); }); }); describe('User', () => { it('should store IP addresses after disconnect', () => { const conn = makeConnection(''); const user = makeUser('', conn); assert.deepEqual([''], user.ips); user.onDisconnect(conn); assert.deepEqual([''], user.ips); }); describe('#disconnectAll', () => { for (const totalConnections of [1, 2]) { it('should drop all ' + totalConnections + ' connection(s) and mark as inactive', () => { const user = makeUser(); let iterations = totalConnections; while (--iterations) user.mergeConnection(makeConnection()); user.disconnectAll(); assert.equal(user.connections.length, 0); assert.equal(user.connected, false); }); it('should unref all ' + totalConnections + ' connection(s)', () => { const user = makeUser(); let iterations = totalConnections; while (--iterations) user.mergeConnection(makeConnection()); const connections = user.connections.slice(); user.disconnectAll(); for (let i = 0; i < totalConnections; i++) { assert(!Users.connections.has(connections[i].id)); } }); it('should clear `user` property for all ' + totalConnections + ' connection(s)', () => { const user = makeUser(); let iterations = totalConnections; while (--iterations) user.mergeConnection(makeConnection()); const connections = user.connections.slice(); user.disconnectAll(); for (let i = 0; i < totalConnections; i++) { assert.equal(connections[i].user, null); } }); } }); describe('#ban (network) (slow)', () => { afterEach(() => { for (const ip in Users.bannedIps) { delete Users.bannedIps[ip]; } }); it('should disconnect every user at that IP', async () => { Punishments.sharedIps = new Map(); const user1 = makeUser('', ''); const user2 = makeUser('', ''); await Punishments.ban(user1); assert.equal(user1.connected, false); assert.equal(user2.connected, false); }); it('should not disconnect users at other IPs', async () => { const user1 = makeUser('', ''); const user2 = makeUser('', ''); await Punishments.ban(user1); assert.equal(user2.connected, true); }); }); describe('#can', () => { let room; afterEach(() => { for (const user of Users.users.values()) { user.disconnectAll(); user.destroy(); } if (room) { if (room) room.destroy(); } }); it(`should allow 'u' permissions on lower ranked users`, () => { const user = makeUser(); user.tempGroup = '@'; assert.equal(user.can('globalban', user), false, 'targeting self'); const target = makeUser(); target.tempGroup = ' '; assert.equal(user.can('globalban', target), true, 'targeting lower rank'); target.tempGroup = '@'; assert.equal(user.can('globalban', target), false, 'targeting same rank'); target.tempGroup = '~'; assert.equal(user.can('globalban', target), false, 'targeting higher rank'); }); it(`should not allow users to demote themselves`, () => { room = Rooms.createChatRoom("test"); const user = makeUser("User"); user.joinRoom(room); for (const group of [' ', '+', '@']) { room.auth.set(user.id, group); assert.equal(room.auth.get(user.id), group, 'before demotion attempt'); Chat.parse("/roomdeauth User", room, user, user.connections[0]); assert.equal(room.auth.get(user.id), group, 'after demotion attempt'); } }); }); }); }); });