/** * Tests for the modlog * Written by Annika */ 'use strict'; const ModlogConstructor = Config.usesqlite ? (require('../../dist/server/modlog')).Modlog : null; const modlog = ModlogConstructor ? new ModlogConstructor(':memory:', {}) : null; const assert = require('assert').strict; Config.usesqlitemodlog = true; const DATASET_A = [ { action: 'ROOMBAN', userid: 'sometroll', ip: '', loggedBy: 'annika', note: 'FIRST ENTRY', time: 1 }, { action: 'LOCK', userid: 'sometroll', ip: '', loggedBy: 'annika', note: 'ENTRY 2', time: 2 }, { action: 'ROOMBAN', userid: 'sometroll', ip: '', loggedBy: 'annika', note: 'ENTRY 3', time: 3 }, { action: 'WEEKLOCK', userid: 'sometroll', ip: '', loggedBy: 'annika', note: 'this entry has many parts', time: 4 }, { action: 'ROOMBAN', userid: 'sometroll', ip: '', loggedBy: 'annika', note: 'ENTRY 5', time: 5 }, { action: 'ROOMBAN', userid: 'sometroll', ip: '', loggedBy: 'annika', note: 'ENTRY 6', time: 6 }, { action: 'MUTE', userid: 'sometroll', ip: '', loggedBy: 'annika', note: 'ENTRY 7', time: 7 }, { action: 'ROOMBAN', userid: 'sometroll', ip: '', loggedBy: 'annika', note: 'ENTRY 8', time: 8 }, { action: 'ROOMBAN', userid: 'sometroll', ip: '', loggedBy: 'annika', note: 'LAST ENTRY', time: 9 }, ]; const DATASET_B = [ { action: 'ROOMBAN', userid: 'sometroll', ip: '', loggedBy: 'annika' }, { action: 'ROOMBAN', userid: 'sometroll', ip: '', loggedBy: 'annika' }, { action: 'POLL', loggedBy: 'annika' }, { action: 'ROOMBAN', userid: 'sometroll', ip: '', loggedBy: 'annika' }, { action: 'TOUR START', loggedBy: 'annika' }, ]; async function lastLine(database, roomid) { const prepared = await database.prepare( `SELECT * FROM modlog WHERE roomid = ? ORDER BY modlog_id DESC LIMIT 1` ); return database.get(prepared, [roomid]); } (Config.usesqlite ? describe : describe.skip)('Modlog', () => { before(async () => { if (modlog.readyPromise) await modlog.readyPromise; }); describe('Modlog#prepareSQLSearch', () => { it('should respect the maxLines parameter', async () => { const query = modlog.prepareSQLSearch(['lobby'], 1337, false, { note: [], user: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }); assert(query.queryText.endsWith('LIMIT ?')); assert(query.args.includes(1337)); const noMaxLines = modlog.prepareSQLSearch(['lobby'], 0, false, { note: [], user: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }); assert(!noMaxLines.queryText.includes('LIMIT')); }); it('should attempt to respect onlyPunishments', async () => { const query = modlog.prepareSQLSearch(['lobby'], 0, true, { note: [], user: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }); assert(query.queryText.includes('action IN (')); assert(query.args.includes('WEEKLOCK')); }); }); describe('Modlog#getSharedID', () => { it('should detect shared modlogs', () => { assert(modlog.getSharedID('battle-gen8randombattle-42')); assert(modlog.getSharedID('groupchat-annika-shitposting')); assert(modlog.getSharedID('help-mePleaseIAmTrappedInAUnitTestFactory')); assert(!modlog.getSharedID('1v1')); assert(!modlog.getSharedID('development')); }); }); describe('Modlog#write', () => { it('should write messages serially to the modlog', async () => { await modlog.write('development', { note: 'This message is logged first', action: 'UNITTEST' }); await modlog.write('development', { note: 'This message is logged second', action: 'UNITTEST' }); const lines = await modlog.database.all(await modlog.database.prepare( // Order by modlog_id since the writes most likely happen at the same second `SELECT * FROM modlog WHERE roomid = 'development' ORDER BY modlog_id DESC LIMIT 2` )); assert.equal(lines.pop().note, 'This message is logged first'); assert.equal(lines.pop().note, 'This message is logged second'); }); it('should use overrideID if specified', async () => { await modlog.write('battle-gen8randombattle-1337', { note: "I'm testing overrideID", action: 'UNITTEST' }, 'heyadora'); const line = await lastLine(modlog.database, 'battle-gen8randombattle-1337'); assert.equal(line.note, "I'm testing overrideID"); assert.equal(line.visual_roomid, 'heyadora'); }); }); describe("Modlog#rename", () => { it('should rename modlogs', async () => { const entry = { note: 'This is in a modlog that will be renamed!', action: 'UNITTEST' }; await modlog.write('oldroom', entry); await modlog.rename('oldroom', 'newroom'); const line = await lastLine(modlog.database, 'newroom'); assert.equal(entry.action, line.action); assert.equal(entry.note, line.note); const newEntry = { note: 'This modlog has been renamed!', action: 'UNITTEST' }; await modlog.write('newroom', newEntry); const newLine = await lastLine(modlog.database, 'newroom'); assert.equal(newEntry.action, newLine.action); assert.equal(newEntry.note, newLine.note); }); }); describe('Modlog#search', () => { before(async () => { for (const entry of DATASET_A) { await modlog.write('readingtest', entry); } for (const entry of DATASET_B) { await modlog.write('readingtest2', entry); } }); it('should be capable of reading the entire modlog file', async () => { const results = await modlog.search('readingtest2', { note: [], user: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }, 10000); assert.equal(results.results.length, DATASET_B.length); }); it('user searches should be case-insensitive', async () => { const notExactUpper = await modlog.search('readingtest', { user: [{ search: 'sOmETRoll', isExact: false }], note: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }); const notExactLower = await modlog.search('readingtest', { user: [{ search: 'sometroll', isExact: false }], note: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }); const exactUpper = await modlog.search('readingtest', { user: [{ search: 'sOMEtroLL', isExact: true }], note: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }); const exactLower = await modlog.search('readingtest', { user: [{ search: 'sometroll', isExact: true }], note: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }); assert.deepEqual(notExactUpper.results, notExactLower.results); assert.deepEqual(exactUpper.results, exactLower.results); }); // isExact is currently set up to search for the entire note equalling the search // this could be redesigned, but is what we currently test for. it('note searches should respect isExact', async () => { const notExact = await modlog.search('readingtest', { note: [{ search: 'has man', isExact: false }], user: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }); const exact = await modlog.search('readingtest', { note: [{ search: 'has man', isExact: true }], user: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }); assert.equal(exact.results.length, 0); assert(notExact.results.length); }); it('should be LIFO (last-in, first-out)', async () => { await modlog.write('lifotest', { note: 'firstwrite', action: 'UNITTEST', timestamp: 1 }); await modlog.write('lifotest', { note: 'secondwrite', action: 'UNITTEST', timestamp: 2 }); const search = await modlog.search('lifotest'); // secondwrite was last in, so it should be first out (results[0]) assert.notEqual(search.results[0].note, 'firstwrite'); assert.equal(search.results[0].note, 'secondwrite'); // firstwrite was first in, so it should be last out (results[1]) assert.notEqual(search.results[1].note, 'secondwrite'); assert.equal(search.results[1].note, 'firstwrite'); }); it('should support limiting the number of responses', async () => { const unlimited = await modlog.search('readingtest'); const limited = await modlog.search('readingtest', { note: [], user: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }, 5); assert.equal(limited.results.length, 5); assert(unlimited.results.length > limited.results.length); assert(limited.results[0].note.includes('LAST ENTRY')); assert(unlimited.results[0].note.includes('LAST ENTRY')); const limitedLast = limited.results.pop().note; const unlimitedLast = unlimited.results.pop().note; assert(!limitedLast.includes('FIRST ENTRY')); assert(unlimitedLast.includes('FIRST ENTRY')); }); it('should support filtering out non-punishment-related logs', async () => { const all = (await modlog.search('readingtest2', { note: [], user: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }, 20, false)).results; const onlyPunishments = (await modlog.search('readingtest2', { note: [], user: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }, 20, true)).results; assert(all.length > onlyPunishments.length); assert.equal( onlyPunishments.filter(result => result.action === 'ROOMBAN').length, onlyPunishments.length ); }); }); });