/** * Users * Pokemon Showdown - http://pokemonshowdown.com/ * * Most of the communication with users happens here. * * There are two object types this file introduces: * User and Connection. * * A User object is a user, identified by username. A guest has a * username in the form "Guest 12". Any user whose username starts * with "Guest" must be a guest; normal users are not allowed to * use usernames starting with "Guest". * * A User can be connected to Pokemon Showdown from any number of tabs * or computers at the same time. Each connection is represented by * a Connection object. A user tracks its connections in * user.connections - if this array is empty, the user is offline. * * `Users.users` is the global table of all users, a `Map` of `ID:User`. * Users should normally be accessed with `Users.get(userid)` * * `Users.connections` is the global table of all connections, a `Map` of * `string:Connection` (the string is mostly meaningless but see * `connection.id` for details). Connections are normally accessed through * `user.connections`. * * @license MIT */ type StatusType = 'online' | 'busy' | 'idle'; const THROTTLE_DELAY = 600; const THROTTLE_DELAY_TRUSTED = 100; const THROTTLE_DELAY_PUBLIC_BOT = 25; const THROTTLE_BUFFER_LIMIT = 6; const THROTTLE_MULTILINE_WARN = 3; const THROTTLE_MULTILINE_WARN_STAFF = 6; const THROTTLE_MULTILINE_WARN_ADMIN = 25; const NAMECHANGE_THROTTLE = 2 * 60 * 1000; // 2 minutes const NAMES_PER_THROTTLE = 3; const PERMALOCK_CACHE_TIME = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 30 days const DEFAULT_TRAINER_SPRITES = [1, 2, 101, 102, 169, 170, 265, 266]; import { Utils, type ProcessManager } from '../lib'; import { Auth, GlobalAuth, PLAYER_SYMBOL, HOST_SYMBOL, type RoomPermission, type GlobalPermission, } from './user-groups'; const MINUTES = 60 * 1000; const IDLE_TIMER = 60 * MINUTES; const STAFF_IDLE_TIMER = 30 * MINUTES; const CONNECTION_EXPIRY_TIME = 24 * 60 * MINUTES; /********************************************************* * Utility functions *********************************************************/ // Low-level functions for manipulating Users.users and Users.prevUsers // Keeping them all here makes it easy to ensure they stay consistent function move(user: User, newUserid: ID) { if (user.id === newUserid) return true; if (!user) return false; // doing it this way mathematically ensures no cycles prevUsers.delete(newUserid); prevUsers.set(user.id, newUserid); users.delete(user.id); user.id = newUserid; users.set(newUserid, user); return true; } function add(user: User) { if (user.id) throw new Error(`Adding a user that already exists`); numUsers++; user.guestNum = numUsers; user.name = `Guest ${numUsers}`; user.id = toID(user.name); if (users.has(user.id)) throw new Error(`userid taken: ${user.id}`); users.set(user.id, user); } function deleteUser(user: User) { prevUsers.delete(`guest${user.guestNum}` as ID); users.delete(user.id); } function merge(toRemain: User, toDestroy: User) { prevUsers.delete(toRemain.id); prevUsers.set(toDestroy.id, toRemain.id); } /** * Get a user. * * Usage: * Users.get(userid or username) * * Returns the corresponding User object, or null if no matching * was found. * * By default, this function will track users across name changes. * For instance, if "Some dude" changed their name to "Some guy", * Users.get("Some dude") will give you "Some guy"s user object. * * If this behavior is undesirable, use Users.getExact. */ function getUser(name: string | User | null, exactName = false) { if (!name || name === '!') return null; if ((name as User).id) return name as User; let userid = toID(name); let i = 0; if (!exactName) { while (userid && !users.has(userid) && i < 1000) { userid = prevUsers.get(userid)!; i++; } } return users.get(userid) || null; } /** * Get a user by their exact username. * * Usage: * Users.getExact(userid or username) * * Like Users.get, but won't track across username changes. * * Users.get(userid or username, true) is equivalent to * Users.getExact(userid or username). * The former is not recommended because it's less readable. */ function getExactUser(name: string | User) { return getUser(name, true); } /** * Get a list of all users matching a list of userids and ips. * * Usage: * Users.findUsers([userids], [ips]) */ function findUsers(userids: ID[], ips: string[], options: { forPunishment?: boolean, includeTrusted?: boolean } = {}) { const matches: User[] = []; if (options.forPunishment) ips = ips.filter(ip => !Punishments.isSharedIp(ip)); const ipMatcher = IPTools.checker(ips); for (const user of users.values()) { if (!options.forPunishment && !user.named && !user.connected) continue; if (!options.includeTrusted && user.trusted) continue; if (userids.includes(user.id)) { matches.push(user); continue; } if (user.ips.some(ipMatcher)) { matches.push(user); } } return matches; } /********************************************************* * User groups *********************************************************/ const globalAuth = new GlobalAuth(); function isUsernameKnown(name: string) { const userid = toID(name); if (Users.get(userid)) return true; if (globalAuth.has(userid)) return true; for (const room of Rooms.global.chatRooms) { if (room.auth.has(userid)) return true; } return false; } function isUsername(name: string) { return /[A-Za-z0-9]/.test(name.charAt(0)) && /[A-Za-z]/.test(name) && !name.includes(','); } function isTrusted(userid: ID) { if (globalAuth.has(userid)) return userid; for (const room of Rooms.global.chatRooms) { if (room.persist && !room.settings.isPrivate && room.auth.isStaff(userid)) { return userid; } } const staffRoom = Rooms.get('staff'); const staffAuth = staffRoom && !!(staffRoom.auth.has(userid) || staffRoom.users[userid]); return staffAuth ? userid : false; } function isPublicBot(userid: ID) { if (globalAuth.get(userid) === '*') return true; for (const room of Rooms.global.chatRooms) { if (room.persist && !room.settings.isPrivate && room.auth.get(userid) === '*') { return true; } } return false; } /********************************************************* * User and Connection classes *********************************************************/ const connections = new Map(); export class Connection { /** * Connection IDs are mostly meaningless, beyond being known to be * unique among connections. They set in `socketConnect` to * `workerid-socketid`, so for instance `2-523` would be the 523th * connection to the 2nd socket worker process. */ readonly id: string; readonly socketid: string; readonly worker: ProcessManager.StreamWorker; readonly inRooms: Set; readonly ip: string; readonly protocol: string; readonly connectedAt: number; /** * This can be null during initialization and after disconnecting, * but we're asserting it non-null for ease of use. The main risk * is async code, where you need to re-check that it's not null * before using it. */ user: User; challenge: string; autojoins: string; /** The last bot html page this connection requested, formatted as `${bot.id}-${pageid}` */ lastRequestedPage: string | null; lastActiveTime: number; openPages: null | Set; /** * Used to distinguish Connection from User. * * Makes it easy to do something like * `for (const conn of (userOrConn.connections || [userOrConn]))` */ readonly connections = null; constructor( id: string, worker: ProcessManager.StreamWorker, socketid: string, user: User | null, ip: string | null, protocol: string | null ) { const now = Date.now(); this.id = id; this.socketid = socketid; this.worker = worker; this.inRooms = new Set(); this.ip = ip || ''; this.protocol = protocol || ''; this.connectedAt = now; this.user = user!; this.challenge = ''; this.autojoins = ''; this.lastRequestedPage = null; this.lastActiveTime = now; this.openPages = null; } sendTo(roomid: RoomID | BasicRoom | null, data: string) { if (roomid && typeof roomid !== 'string') roomid = roomid.roomid; if (roomid && roomid !== 'lobby') data = `>${roomid}\n${data}`; Sockets.socketSend(this.worker, this.socketid, data); Monitor.countNetworkUse(data.length); } send(data: string) { Sockets.socketSend(this.worker, this.socketid, data); Monitor.countNetworkUse(data.length); } destroy() { Sockets.socketDisconnect(this.worker, this.socketid); this.onDisconnect(); } onDisconnect() { connections.delete(this.id); if (this.user) this.user.onDisconnect(this); this.user = null!; } popup(message: string) { this.send(`|popup|` + message.replace(/\n/g, '||')); } joinRoom(room: Room) { if (this.inRooms.has(room.roomid)) return; this.inRooms.add(room.roomid); Sockets.roomAdd(this.worker, room.roomid, this.socketid); } leaveRoom(room: Room) { if (this.inRooms.has(room.roomid)) { this.inRooms.delete(room.roomid); Sockets.roomRemove(this.worker, room.roomid, this.socketid); } } toString() { let buf = this.user ? `${this.user.id}[${this.user.connections.indexOf(this)}]` : `[disconnected]`; buf += `:${this.ip}`; if (this.protocol !== 'websocket') buf += `:${this.protocol}`; return buf; } } type ChatQueueEntry = [string, RoomID, Connection]; export interface UserSettings { blockChallenges: boolean | AuthLevel | 'friends'; blockPMs: boolean | AuthLevel | 'friends'; ignoreTickets: boolean; hideBattlesFromTrainerCard: boolean; blockInvites: AuthLevel | boolean; doNotDisturb: boolean; blockFriendRequests: boolean; allowFriendNotifications: boolean; displayBattlesToFriends: boolean; hideLogins: boolean; } // User export class User extends Chat.MessageContext { /** In addition to needing it to implement MessageContext, this is also nice for compatibility with Connection. */ readonly user: User; /** * Not a source of truth - should always be in sync with * `[...Rooms.rooms.values()].filter(room => this.id in room.users)` */ readonly inRooms: Set; /** * Not a source of truth - should always in sync with * `[...Rooms.rooms.values()].filter(` * ` room => room.game && this.id in room.game.playerTable && !room.game.ended` * `)` */ readonly games: Set; mmrCache: { [format: string]: number }; guestNum: number; name: string; named: boolean; registered: boolean; id: ID; tempGroup: GroupSymbol; avatar: string | number; language: ID | null; connected: boolean; connections: Connection[]; latestHost: string; latestHostType: string; ips: string[]; latestIp: string; locked: ID | PunishType | null; semilocked: ID | PunishType | null; namelocked: ID | PunishType | null; permalocked: ID | PunishType | null; punishmentTimer: NodeJS.Timeout | null; previousIDs: ID[]; lastChallenge: number; lastPM: string; lastMatch: ID; settings: UserSettings; battleSettings: { team: string, hidden: boolean, inviteOnly: boolean, special?: string, }; isSysop: boolean; isStaff: boolean; isPublicBot: boolean; lastDisconnected: number; lastConnected: number; foodfight?: { generatedTeam: string[], dish: string, ingredients: string[], timestamp: number }; friends?: Set; chatQueue: ChatQueueEntry[] | null; chatQueueTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null; lastChatMessage: number; lastCommand: string; notified: { blockChallenges: boolean, blockPMs: boolean, blockInvites: boolean, punishment: boolean, lock: boolean, }; lastMessage: string; lastMessageTime: number; lastReportTime: number; lastNewNameTime = 0; newNames = 0; s1: string; s2: string; s3: string; autoconfirmed: ID; trusted: ID; trackRename: string; statusType: StatusType; userMessage: string; lastWarnedAt: number; constructor(connection: Connection) { super(connection.user); this.user = this; this.inRooms = new Set(); this.games = new Set(); this.mmrCache = Object.create(null); this.guestNum = -1; this.name = ""; this.named = false; this.registered = false; this.id = ''; this.tempGroup = Auth.defaultSymbol(); this.language = null; this.avatar = DEFAULT_TRAINER_SPRITES[Math.floor(Math.random() * DEFAULT_TRAINER_SPRITES.length)]; this.connected = true; Users.onlineCount++; if (connection.user) connection.user = this; this.connections = [connection]; this.latestHost = ''; this.latestHostType = ''; this.ips = [connection.ip]; // Note: Using the user's latest IP for anything will usually be // wrong. Most code should use all of the IPs contained in // the `ips` array, not just the latest IP. this.latestIp = connection.ip; this.locked = null; this.semilocked = null; this.namelocked = null; this.permalocked = null; this.punishmentTimer = null; this.previousIDs = []; // misc state this.lastChallenge = 0; this.lastPM = ''; this.lastMatch = ''; // settings this.settings = { blockChallenges: false, blockPMs: false, ignoreTickets: false, hideBattlesFromTrainerCard: false, blockInvites: false, doNotDisturb: false, blockFriendRequests: false, allowFriendNotifications: false, displayBattlesToFriends: false, hideLogins: false, }; this.battleSettings = { team: '', hidden: false, inviteOnly: false, }; this.isSysop = false; this.isStaff = false; this.isPublicBot = false; this.lastDisconnected = 0; this.lastConnected = connection.connectedAt; // chat queue this.chatQueue = null; this.chatQueueTimeout = null; this.lastChatMessage = 0; this.lastCommand = ''; // for the anti-spamming mechanism this.lastMessage = ``; this.lastMessageTime = 0; this.lastReportTime = 0; this.s1 = ''; this.s2 = ''; this.s3 = ''; this.notified = { blockChallenges: false, blockPMs: false, blockInvites: false, punishment: false, lock: false, }; this.autoconfirmed = ''; this.trusted = ''; // Used in punishments this.trackRename = ''; this.statusType = 'online'; this.userMessage = ''; this.lastWarnedAt = 0; // initialize Users.add(this); } sendTo(roomid: RoomID | BasicRoom | null, data: string) { if (roomid && typeof roomid !== 'string') roomid = roomid.roomid; if (roomid && roomid !== 'lobby') data = `>${roomid}\n${data}`; for (const connection of this.connections) { if (roomid && !connection.inRooms.has(roomid)) continue; connection.send(data); Monitor.countNetworkUse(data.length); } } send(data: string) { for (const connection of this.connections) { connection.send(data); Monitor.countNetworkUse(data.length); } } popup(message: string) { this.send(`|popup|` + message.replace(/\n/g, '||')); } getIdentity(room: BasicRoom | null = null) { const punishgroups = Config.punishgroups || { locked: null, muted: null }; if (this.locked || this.namelocked) { const lockedSymbol = (punishgroups.locked?.symbol || '\u203d'); return lockedSymbol + this.name; } if (room) { if (room.isMuted(this)) { const mutedSymbol = (punishgroups.muted?.symbol || '!'); return mutedSymbol + this.name; } return room.auth.get(this) + this.name; } if (this.semilocked) { const mutedSymbol = (punishgroups.muted?.symbol || '!'); return mutedSymbol + this.name; } return this.tempGroup + this.name; } getIdentityWithStatus(room: BasicRoom | null = null) { const identity = this.getIdentity(room); const status = this.statusType === 'online' ? '' : '@!'; return `${identity}${status}`; } getStatus() { const statusMessage = this.statusType === 'busy' ? '!(Busy) ' : this.statusType === 'idle' ? '!(Idle) ' : ''; const status = statusMessage + (this.userMessage || ''); return status; } can(permission: RoomPermission, target: User | null, room: BasicRoom, cmd?: string, cmdToken?: string): boolean; can(permission: GlobalPermission, target?: User | null): boolean; can( permission: RoomPermission & GlobalPermission, target: User | null, room?: BasicRoom | null, cmd?: string, cmdToken?: string, ): boolean; can( permission: string, target: User | null = null, room: BasicRoom | null = null, cmd?: string, cmdToken?: string, ): boolean { return Auth.hasPermission(this, permission, target, room, cmd, cmdToken); } /** * Special permission check for system operators */ hasSysopAccess() { if (this.isSysop && Config.backdoor) { // This is the Pokemon Showdown system operator backdoor. // Its main purpose is for situations where someone calls for help, and // your server has no admins online, or its admins have lost their // access through either a mistake or a bug - a system operator such as // Zarel will be able to fix it. // This relies on trusting Pokemon Showdown. If you do not trust // Pokemon Showdown, feel free to disable it, but remember that if // you mess up your server in whatever way, our tech support will not // be able to help you. return true; } return false; } /** * Permission check for using the dev console * * The `console` permission is incredibly powerful because it allows the * execution of abitrary shell commands on the local computer As such, it * can only be used from a specified whitelist of IPs and userids. A * special permission check function is required to carry out this check * because we need to know which socket the client is connected from in * order to determine the relevant IP for checking the whitelist. */ hasConsoleAccess(connection: Connection) { if (this.hasSysopAccess()) return true; if (!this.can('console')) return false; // normal permission check const whitelist = Config.consoleips || ['']; // on the IP whitelist OR the userid whitelist return whitelist.includes(connection.ip) || whitelist.includes(this.id); } resetName(isForceRenamed = false) { return this.forceRename(`Guest ${this.guestNum}`, false, isForceRenamed); } updateIdentity(roomid: RoomID | null = null) { if (roomid) { return Rooms.get(roomid)!.onUpdateIdentity(this); } for (const inRoomID of this.inRooms) { Rooms.get(inRoomID)!.onUpdateIdentity(this); } } async validateToken(token: string, name: string, userid: ID, connection: Connection) { if (!token && Config.noguestsecurity) { if (Users.isTrusted(userid)) { this.send(`|nametaken|${name}|You need an authentication token to log in as a trusted user.`); return null; } return '1'; } if (!token || token.startsWith(';')) { this.send(`|nametaken|${name}|Your authentication token was invalid.`); return null; } let challenge = ''; if (connection) { challenge = connection.challenge; } if (!challenge) { Monitor.warn(`verification failed; no challenge`); return null; } const [tokenData, tokenSig] = Utils.splitFirst(token, ';'); const tokenDataSplit = tokenData.split(','); const [signedChallenge, signedUserid, userType, signedDate, signedHostname] = tokenDataSplit; if (signedHostname && Config.legalhosts && !Config.legalhosts.includes(signedHostname)) { Monitor.warn(`forged assertion: ${tokenData}`); this.send(`|nametaken|${name}|Your assertion is for the wrong server. This server is ${Config.legalhosts[0]}.`); return null; } if (tokenDataSplit.length < 5) { Monitor.warn(`outdated assertion format: ${tokenData}`); this.send(`|nametaken|${name}|The assertion you sent us is corrupt or incorrect. Please send the exact assertion given by the login server's JSON response.`); return null; } if (signedUserid !== userid) { // userid mismatch this.send(`|nametaken|${name}|Your verification signature doesn't match your new username.`); return null; } if (signedChallenge !== challenge) { // a user sent an invalid token Monitor.debug(`verify token challenge mismatch: ${signedChallenge} <=> ${challenge}`); this.send(`|nametaken|${name}|Your verification signature doesn't match your authentication token.`); return null; } const expiry = Config.tokenexpiry || 25 * 60 * 60; if (Math.abs(parseInt(signedDate) - Date.now() / 1000) > expiry) { Monitor.warn(`stale assertion: ${tokenData}`); this.send(`|nametaken|${name}|Your assertion is stale. This usually means that the clock on the server computer is incorrect. If this is your server, please set the clock to the correct time.`); return null; } const success = await Verifier.verify(tokenData, tokenSig); if (!success) { Monitor.warn(`verify failed: ${token}`); Monitor.warn(`challenge was: ${challenge}`); this.send(`|nametaken|${name}|Your verification signature was invalid.`); return null; } // future-proofing this.s1 = tokenDataSplit[5]; this.s2 = tokenDataSplit[6]; this.s3 = tokenDataSplit[7]; return userType; } /** * Do a rename, passing and validating a login token. * * @param name The name you want * @param token Signed assertion returned from login server * @param newlyRegistered Make sure this account will identify as registered * @param connection The connection asking for the rename */ async rename(name: string, token: string, newlyRegistered: boolean, connection: Connection) { let userid = toID(name); if (userid !== this.id) { for (const roomid of this.games) { const room = Rooms.get(roomid); if (!room?.game || room.game.ended) { this.games.delete(roomid); console.log(`desynced roomgame ${roomid} renaming ${this.id} -> ${userid}`); continue; } if (room.game.allowRenames || !this.named) continue; this.popup(`You can't change your name right now because you're in ${room.game.title}, which doesn't allow renaming.`); return false; } } if (!name) name = ''; if (!/[a-zA-Z]/.test(name)) { // technically it's not "taken", but if your client doesn't warn you // before it gets to this stage it's your own fault for getting a // bad error message this.send(`|nametaken||Your name must contain at least one letter.`); return false; } if (userid.length > 18) { this.send(`|nametaken||Your name must be 18 characters or shorter.`); return false; } name = Chat.namefilter(name, this); if (userid !== toID(name)) { if (name) { name = userid; } else { userid = ''; } } if (this.registered) newlyRegistered = false; if (!userid) { this.send(`|nametaken||Your name contains a banned word.`); return false; } else { if (userid === this.id && !newlyRegistered) { return this.forceRename(name, this.registered); } } const userType = await this.validateToken(token, name, userid, connection); if (userType === null) return; if (userType === '1') newlyRegistered = false; if (!this.trusted && userType === '1') { // userType '1' means unregistered const elapsed = Date.now() - this.lastNewNameTime; if (elapsed < NAMECHANGE_THROTTLE && !Config.nothrottle) { if (this.newNames >= NAMES_PER_THROTTLE) { this.send( `|nametaken|${name}|You must wait ${Chat.toDurationString(NAMECHANGE_THROTTLE - elapsed)} more seconds before using another unregistered name.` ); return false; } this.newNames++; } else { this.lastNewNameTime = Date.now(); this.newNames = 1; } } this.handleRename(name, userid, newlyRegistered, userType); } handleRename(name: string, userid: ID, newlyRegistered: boolean, userType: string) { const registered = (userType !== '1'); const conflictUser = users.get(userid); if (conflictUser) { // unregistered users can only merge in limited situations let canMerge = registered && conflictUser.registered; if ( !registered && !conflictUser.registered && conflictUser.latestIp === this.latestIp && !conflictUser.connected ) { canMerge = true; } if (!canMerge) { if (registered && !conflictUser.registered) { // user has just registered; don't merge just to be safe if (conflictUser !== this) conflictUser.resetName(); } else { this.send(`|nametaken|${name}|Someone is already using the name "${conflictUser.name}".`); return false; } } } // user types: // 1: unregistered user // 2: registered user // 3: Pokemon Showdown system operator // 4: autoconfirmed // 5: permalocked // 6: permabanned if (registered) { if (userType === '3') { this.isSysop = true; this.isStaff = true; this.trusted = userid; this.autoconfirmed = userid; } else if (userType === '4') { this.autoconfirmed = userid; } else if (userType === '5') { this.permalocked = userid; void Punishments.lock(this, Date.now() + PERMALOCK_CACHE_TIME, userid, true, `Permalocked as ${name}`, true); } else if (userType === '6') { void Punishments.lock(this, Date.now() + PERMALOCK_CACHE_TIME, userid, true, `Permabanned as ${name}`, true); this.disconnectAll(); } } if (Users.isTrusted(userid)) { this.trusted = userid; this.autoconfirmed = userid; } if (this.trusted) { this.locked = null; this.namelocked = null; this.permalocked = null; this.semilocked = null; this.destroyPunishmentTimer(); } this.isPublicBot = Users.isPublicBot(userid); Chat.runHandlers('onRename', this, this.id, userid); let user = users.get(userid); const possibleUser = Users.get(userid); if (possibleUser?.namelocked) { // allows namelocked users to be merged user = possibleUser; } if (user && user !== this) { // This user already exists; let's merge user.merge(this); Users.merge(user, this); for (const id of this.previousIDs) { if (!user.previousIDs.includes(id)) user.previousIDs.push(id); } if (this.named && !user.previousIDs.includes(this.id)) user.previousIDs.push(this.id); this.destroy(); Punishments.checkName(user, userid, registered); Rooms.global.checkAutojoin(user); Rooms.global.rejoinGames(user); Chat.loginfilter(user, this, userType); return true; } Punishments.checkName(this, userid, registered); if (this.namelocked) { Chat.loginfilter(this, null, userType); return false; } // rename success if (!this.forceRename(name, registered)) { return false; } Rooms.global.checkAutojoin(this); Rooms.global.rejoinGames(this); Chat.loginfilter(this, null, userType); return true; } forceRename(name: string, registered: boolean, isForceRenamed = false) { // skip the login server const userid = toID(name); if (users.has(userid) && users.get(userid) !== this) { return false; } const oldname = this.name; const oldid = this.id; if (userid !== this.id) { this.cancelReady(); if (!Users.move(this, userid)) { return false; } // MMR is different for each userid this.mmrCache = {}; this.updateGroup(registered); } else if (registered) { this.updateGroup(registered); } if (this.named && oldid !== userid && !this.previousIDs.includes(oldid)) this.previousIDs.push(oldid); this.name = name; const joining = !this.named; this.named = !userid.startsWith('guest') || !!this.namelocked; if (isForceRenamed) this.userMessage = ''; for (const connection of this.connections) { // console.log(`${name} renaming: socket ${i} of ${this.connections.length}`); connection.send(this.getUpdateuserText()); } for (const roomid of this.games) { const room = Rooms.get(roomid); if (!room) { Monitor.warn(`while renaming, room ${roomid} expired for user ${this.id} in rooms ${[...this.inRooms]} and games ${[...this.games]}`); this.games.delete(roomid); continue; } if (!room.game) { Monitor.warn(`game desync for user ${this.id} in room ${room.roomid}`); this.games.delete(roomid); continue; } room.game.onRename(this, oldid, joining, isForceRenamed); } for (const roomid of this.inRooms) { const room = Rooms.get(roomid)!; room.onRename(this, oldid, joining); if (room.game && !this.games.has(roomid)) { if (room.game.playerTable[this.id]) { this.games.add(roomid); room.game.onRename(this, oldid, joining, isForceRenamed); } } } if (isForceRenamed) this.trackRename = oldname; return true; } getUpdateuserText() { const named = this.named ? 1 : 0; const settings = { ...this.settings, // Battle privacy state needs to be propagated in addition to regular settings so that the // 'Ban spectators' checkbox on the client can be kept in sync (and disable privacy correctly) hiddenNextBattle: this.battleSettings.hidden, inviteOnlyNextBattle: this.battleSettings.inviteOnly, language: this.language, }; return `|updateuser|${this.getIdentityWithStatus()}|${named}|${this.avatar}|${JSON.stringify(settings)}`; } update() { this.send(this.getUpdateuserText()); } /** * If Alice logs into Bob's account, and Bob is currently logged into PS, * their connections will be merged, so that both `Connection`s are attached * to the Alice `User`. * * In this function, `this` is Bob, and `oldUser` is Alice. * * This is a pretty routine thing: If Alice opens PS, then opens PS again in * a new tab, PS will first create a Guest `User`, then automatically log in * and merge that Guest `User` into the Alice `User` from the first tab. */ merge(oldUser: User) { oldUser.cancelReady(); for (const roomid of oldUser.inRooms) { Rooms.get(roomid)!.onLeave(oldUser); } const oldLocked = this.locked; const oldSemilocked = this.semilocked; if (!oldUser.semilocked) this.semilocked = null; // If either user is unlocked and neither is locked by name, remove the lock. // Otherwise, keep any locks that were by name. if ( (!oldUser.locked || !this.locked) && oldUser.locked !== oldUser.id && this.locked !== this.id && // Only unlock if no previous names are locked !oldUser.previousIDs.some(id => !!Punishments.hasPunishType(id, 'LOCK')) ) { this.locked = null; this.destroyPunishmentTimer(); } else if (this.locked !== this.id) { this.locked = oldUser.locked; } if (oldUser.autoconfirmed) this.autoconfirmed = oldUser.autoconfirmed; this.updateGroup(this.registered, true); if (oldLocked !== this.locked || oldSemilocked !== this.semilocked) this.updateIdentity(); // We only propagate the 'busy' statusType through merging - merging is // active enough that the user should no longer be in the 'idle' state. // Doing this before merging connections ensures the updateuser message // shows the correct idle state. const isBusy = this.statusType === 'busy' || oldUser.statusType === 'busy'; this.setStatusType(isBusy ? 'busy' : 'online'); for (const connection of oldUser.connections) { this.mergeConnection(connection); } oldUser.inRooms.clear(); oldUser.connections = []; if (oldUser.chatQueue) { if (!this.chatQueue) this.chatQueue = []; this.chatQueue.push(...oldUser.chatQueue); oldUser.clearChatQueue(); if (!this.chatQueueTimeout) this.startChatQueue(); } this.s1 = oldUser.s1; this.s2 = oldUser.s2; this.s3 = oldUser.s3; // merge IPs for (const ip of oldUser.ips) { if (!this.ips.includes(ip)) this.ips.push(ip); } if (oldUser.isSysop) { this.isSysop = true; oldUser.isSysop = false; } oldUser.ips = []; this.latestIp = oldUser.latestIp; this.latestHost = oldUser.latestHost; this.latestHostType = oldUser.latestHostType; this.userMessage = oldUser.userMessage || this.userMessage || ''; oldUser.markDisconnected(); } mergeConnection(connection: Connection) { // the connection has changed name to this user's username, and so is // being merged into this account if (!this.connected) { this.connected = true; Users.onlineCount++; } if (connection.connectedAt > this.lastConnected) { this.lastConnected = connection.connectedAt; } this.connections.push(connection); // console.log(`${this.name} merging: connection ${connection.socket.id}`); connection.send(this.getUpdateuserText()); connection.user = this; for (const roomid of connection.inRooms) { const room = Rooms.get(roomid)!; if (!this.inRooms.has(roomid)) { if (Punishments.checkNameInRoom(this, room.roomid)) { // the connection was in a room that this user is banned from connection.sendTo(room.roomid, `|deinit`); connection.leaveRoom(room); continue; } room.onJoin(this, connection); this.inRooms.add(roomid); } // Yes, this is intentionally supposed to call onConnect twice // during a normal login. Override onUpdateConnection if you // don't want this behavior. room.game?.onUpdateConnection?.(this, connection); } this.updateReady(connection); } debugData() { let str = `${this.tempGroup}${this.name} (${this.id})`; for (const [i, connection] of this.connections.entries()) { str += ` socket${i}[`; str += [...connection.inRooms].join(`, `); str += `]`; } if (!this.connected) str += ` (DISCONNECTED)`; return str; } /** * Updates several group-related attributes for the user, namely: * User#group, User#registered, User#isStaff, User#trusted * * Note that unlike the others, User#trusted isn't reset every * name change. */ updateGroup(registered: boolean, isMerge?: boolean) { if (!registered) { this.registered = false; this.tempGroup = Users.Auth.defaultSymbol(); this.isStaff = false; return; } this.registered = true; if (!isMerge) this.tempGroup = globalAuth.get(this.id); Users.Avatars?.handleLogin(this); const groupInfo = Config.groups[this.tempGroup]; this.isStaff = !!(groupInfo && (groupInfo.lock || groupInfo.root)); if (!this.isStaff) { const rank = Rooms.get('staff')?.auth.getDirect(this.id); this.isStaff = !!(rank && rank !== '*' && rank !== Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()); } if (this.trusted) { if (this.locked && this.permalocked) { Monitor.log(`[CrisisMonitor] Trusted user '${this.id}' is ${this.permalocked !== this.id ? `an alt of permalocked user '${this.permalocked}'` : `a permalocked user`}, and was automatically demoted from ${this.distrust()}.`); return; } this.locked = null; this.namelocked = null; this.destroyPunishmentTimer(); } if (this.autoconfirmed && this.semilocked) { if (this.semilocked.startsWith('#sharedip')) { this.semilocked = null; } else if (this.semilocked === '#dnsbl') { this.popup(`You are locked because someone using your IP has spammed/hacked other websites. This usually means either you're using a proxy, you're in a country where other people commonly hack, or you have a virus on your computer that's spamming websites.`); this.semilocked = '#dnsbl.' as PunishType; } } if (this.settings.blockPMs && this.can('lock') && !this.can('bypassall')) this.settings.blockPMs = false; } /** * Set a user's group. Pass (' ', true) to force trusted * status without giving the user a group. */ setGroup(group: GroupSymbol, forceTrusted = false) { if (!group) throw new Error(`Falsy value passed to setGroup`); this.tempGroup = group; const groupInfo = Config.groups[this.tempGroup]; this.isStaff = !!(groupInfo && (groupInfo.lock || groupInfo.root)); if (!this.isStaff) { const rank = Rooms.get('staff')?.auth.getDirect(this.id); this.isStaff = !!(rank && rank !== '*' && rank !== Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()); } Rooms.global.checkAutojoin(this); if (this.registered) { if (forceTrusted || this.tempGroup !== Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()) { globalAuth.set(this.id, this.tempGroup); this.trusted = this.id; this.autoconfirmed = this.id; } else { globalAuth.delete(this.id); this.trusted = ''; } } } /** * Demotes a user from anything that grants trusted status. * Returns an array describing what the user was demoted from. */ distrust() { if (!this.trusted) return; const userid = this.trusted; const removed = []; const globalGroup = globalAuth.get(userid); if (globalGroup && globalGroup !== ' ') { removed.push(globalAuth.get(userid)); } for (const room of Rooms.global.chatRooms) { if (!room.settings.isPrivate && room.auth.isStaff(userid)) { let oldGroup = room.auth.getDirect(userid) as string; if (oldGroup === ' ') { oldGroup = 'whitelist in '; } else { room.auth.set(userid, '+'); } removed.push(`${oldGroup}${room.roomid}`); } } this.trusted = ''; globalAuth.set(userid, Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()); return removed; } markDisconnected() { if (!this.connected) return; Chat.runHandlers('onDisconnect', this); this.connected = false; Users.onlineCount--; this.lastDisconnected = Date.now(); if (!this.registered) { // for "safety" this.tempGroup = Users.Auth.defaultSymbol(); this.isSysop = false; // should never happen this.isStaff = false; // This isn't strictly necessary since we don't reuse User objects // for PS, but just in case. // We're not resetting .trusted/.autoconfirmed so those accounts // can still be locked after logout. } // NOTE: can't do a this.update(...) at this point because we're no longer connected. } onDisconnect(connection: Connection) { // slightly safer to do this here so that we can do this before Conn#user is nulled. if (connection.openPages) { for (const page of connection.openPages) { Chat.handleRoomClose(page as RoomID, this, connection); } } for (const [i, connected] of this.connections.entries()) { if (connected === connection) { this.connections.splice(i, 1); // console.log('DISCONNECT: ' + this.id); if (!this.connections.length) { this.markDisconnected(); } for (const roomid of connection.inRooms) { this.leaveRoom(Rooms.get(roomid)!, connection); } break; } } if (!this.connections.length) { for (const roomid of this.inRooms) { // should never happen. Monitor.debug(`!! room miscount: ${roomid} not left`); Rooms.get(roomid)!.onLeave(this); } // cleanup this.inRooms.clear(); if (!this.named && !this.previousIDs.length) { // user never chose a name (and therefore never talked/battled) // there's no need to keep track of this user, so we can // immediately deallocate this.destroy(); } else { this.cancelReady(); } } } disconnectAll() { // Disconnects a user from the server this.clearChatQueue(); let connection = null; this.markDisconnected(); for (let i = this.connections.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // console.log('DESTROY: ' + this.id); connection = this.connections[i]; for (const roomid of connection.inRooms) { this.leaveRoom(Rooms.get(roomid)!, connection); } connection.destroy(); } if (this.connections.length) { // should never happen throw new Error(`Failed to drop all connections for ${this.id}`); } for (const roomid of this.inRooms) { // should never happen. throw new Error(`Room miscount: ${roomid} not left for ${this.id}`); } this.inRooms.clear(); } /** * If this user is included in the returned list of * alts (i.e. when forPunishment is true), they will always be the first element of that list. */ getAltUsers(includeTrusted = false, forPunishment = false) { let alts = findUsers([this.getLastId()], this.ips, { includeTrusted, forPunishment }); alts = alts.filter(user => user !== this); if (forPunishment) alts.unshift(this); return alts; } getLastName() { if (this.named) return this.name; const lastName = this.previousIDs.length ? this.previousIDs[this.previousIDs.length - 1] : this.name; return `[${lastName}]`; } getLastId() { if (this.named) return this.id; return (this.previousIDs.length ? this.previousIDs[this.previousIDs.length - 1] : this.id); } async tryJoinRoom(roomid: RoomID | Room, connection: Connection) { roomid = roomid && (roomid as Room).roomid ? (roomid as Room).roomid : roomid as RoomID; const room = Rooms.search(roomid); if (!room) { if (roomid.startsWith('view-')) { return Chat.resolvePage(roomid, this, connection); } connection.sendTo(roomid, `|noinit|nonexistent|The room "${roomid}" does not exist.`); return false; } if (!room.checkModjoin(this)) { if (!this.named) return Rooms.RETRY_AFTER_LOGIN; connection.sendTo(roomid, `|noinit|joinfailed|The room "${roomid}" is invite-only, and you haven't been invited.`); return false; } if ((room as GameRoom).tour) { const errorMessage = (room as GameRoom).tour!.onBattleJoin(room as GameRoom, this); if (errorMessage) { connection.sendTo(roomid, `|noinit|joinfailed|${errorMessage}`); return false; } } if (room.settings.isPrivate) { if (!this.named) { return Rooms.RETRY_AFTER_LOGIN; } } if (!this.can('bypassall') && Punishments.isRoomBanned(this, room.roomid)) { connection.sendTo(roomid, `|noinit|joinfailed|You are banned from the room "${roomid}".`); return false; } if (room.roomid.startsWith('groupchat-') && !room.parent) { const groupchatbanned = Punishments.isGroupchatBanned(this); if (groupchatbanned) { const expireText = Punishments.checkPunishmentExpiration(groupchatbanned); connection.sendTo(roomid, `|noinit|joinfailed|You are banned from using groupchats${expireText}.`); return false; } Punishments.monitorGroupchatJoin(room, this); } if (Rooms.aliases.get(roomid) === room.roomid) { connection.send(`>${roomid}\n|deinit`); } this.joinRoom(room, connection); return true; } joinRoom(roomid: RoomID | Room, connection: Connection | null = null) { const room = Rooms.get(roomid); if (!room) throw new Error(`Room not found: ${roomid}`); if (!connection) { for (const curConnection of this.connections) { this.joinRoom(room, curConnection); } return; } if (!connection.inRooms.has(room.roomid)) { if (!this.inRooms.has(room.roomid)) { room.onJoin(this, connection); this.inRooms.add(room.roomid); } connection.joinRoom(room); room.onConnect(this, connection); } } leaveRoom(room: Room | string, connection: Connection | null = null) { room = Rooms.get(room)!; if (!this.inRooms.has(room.roomid)) { return false; } for (const curConnection of this.connections) { if (connection && curConnection !== connection) continue; if (curConnection.inRooms.has(room.roomid)) { curConnection.sendTo(room.roomid, `|deinit`); curConnection.leaveRoom(room); } if (connection) break; } let stillInRoom = false; if (connection) { stillInRoom = this.connections.some(conn => conn.inRooms.has(room.roomid)); } if (!stillInRoom) { room.onLeave(this); this.inRooms.delete(room.roomid); } } cancelReady() { // setting variables because this can't be short-circuited const searchesCancelled = Ladders.cancelSearches(this); const challengesCancelled = Ladders.challenges.clearFor(this.id, 'they changed their username'); if (searchesCancelled || challengesCancelled) { this.popup(`Your searches and challenges have been cancelled because you changed your username.`); } // cancel tour challenges // no need for a popup because users can't change their name while in a tournament anyway for (const roomid of this.games) { // @ts-expect-error Tournaments aren't TS'd yet Rooms.get(roomid)?.game?.cancelChallenge?.(this); } } updateReady(connection: Connection | null = null) { Ladders.updateSearch(this, connection); Ladders.challenges.updateFor(connection || this); } updateSearch(connection: Connection | null = null) { Ladders.updateSearch(this, connection); } /** * Moves the user's connections in a given room to another room. * This function's main use case is for when a room is renamed. */ moveConnections(oldRoomID: RoomID, newRoomID: RoomID) { this.inRooms.delete(oldRoomID); this.inRooms.add(newRoomID); for (const connection of this.connections) { connection.inRooms.delete(oldRoomID); connection.inRooms.add(newRoomID); Sockets.roomRemove(connection.worker, oldRoomID, connection.socketid); Sockets.roomAdd(connection.worker, newRoomID, connection.socketid); } } /** * The user says message in room. * Returns false if the rest of the user's messages should be discarded. */ chat(message: string, room: Room | null, connection: Connection) { const now = Date.now(); const noThrottle = this.hasSysopAccess() || Config.nothrottle; if (message.startsWith('/cmd userdetails') || message.startsWith('>> ') || noThrottle) { // certain commands are exempt from the queue Monitor.activeIp = connection.ip; Chat.parse(message, room, this, connection); Monitor.activeIp = null; if (noThrottle) return; return false; // but end the loop here } const throttleDelay = this.isPublicBot ? THROTTLE_DELAY_PUBLIC_BOT : this.trusted ? THROTTLE_DELAY_TRUSTED : THROTTLE_DELAY; if (this.chatQueueTimeout) { if (!this.chatQueue) this.chatQueue = []; // this should never happen if (this.chatQueue.length >= THROTTLE_BUFFER_LIMIT - 1) { connection.sendTo( room, `|raw|Your message was not sent because you've been typing too quickly.` ); return false; } else { this.chatQueue.push([message, room ? room.roomid : '', connection]); } } else if (now < this.lastChatMessage + throttleDelay) { this.chatQueue = [[message, room ? room.roomid : '', connection]]; this.startChatQueue(throttleDelay - (now - this.lastChatMessage)); } else { this.lastChatMessage = now; Monitor.activeIp = connection.ip; Chat.parse(message, room, this, connection); Monitor.activeIp = null; } } startChatQueue(delay: number | null = null) { if (delay === null) { delay = (this.isPublicBot ? THROTTLE_DELAY_PUBLIC_BOT : this.trusted ? THROTTLE_DELAY_TRUSTED : THROTTLE_DELAY) - (Date.now() - this.lastChatMessage); } this.chatQueueTimeout = setTimeout( () => this.processChatQueue(), delay ); } clearChatQueue() { this.chatQueue = null; if (this.chatQueueTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.chatQueueTimeout); this.chatQueueTimeout = null; } } processChatQueue(): void { this.chatQueueTimeout = null; if (!this.chatQueue) return; const queueElement = this.chatQueue.shift(); if (!queueElement) { this.chatQueue = null; return; } const [message, roomid, connection] = queueElement; if (!connection.user) { // connection disconnected, chat queue should not be big enough // for recursion to be an issue, also didn't ES6 spec tail // recursion at some point? return this.processChatQueue(); } this.lastChatMessage = new Date().getTime(); const room = Rooms.get(roomid); if (room || !roomid) { Monitor.activeIp = connection.ip; Chat.parse(message, room, this, connection); Monitor.activeIp = null; } else { // room no longer exists; do nothing } const throttleDelay = this.isPublicBot ? THROTTLE_DELAY_PUBLIC_BOT : this.trusted ? THROTTLE_DELAY_TRUSTED : THROTTLE_DELAY; if (this.chatQueue.length) { this.chatQueueTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.processChatQueue(), throttleDelay); } else { this.chatQueue = null; } } setStatusType(type: StatusType) { if (type === this.statusType) return; this.statusType = type; this.updateIdentity(); this.update(); } setUserMessage(message: string) { if (message === this.userMessage) return; this.userMessage = message; this.updateIdentity(); } clearStatus(type: StatusType = this.statusType) { this.statusType = type; this.userMessage = ''; this.updateIdentity(); } getAccountStatusString() { return this.trusted === this.id ? `[trusted]` : this.autoconfirmed === this.id ? `[ac]` : this.registered ? `[registered]` : ``; } destroy() { // deallocate user for (const roomid of this.games) { const game = Rooms.get(roomid)?.game; if (!game) { Monitor.warn(`while deallocating, room ${roomid} did not have a game for ${this.id} in rooms ${[...this.inRooms]} and games ${[...this.games]}`); this.games.delete(roomid); continue; } if (!game.ended) game.forfeit?.(this, " lost by being offline too long."); } this.clearChatQueue(); this.destroyPunishmentTimer(); Users.delete(this); } destroyPunishmentTimer() { if (this.punishmentTimer) { clearTimeout(this.punishmentTimer); this.punishmentTimer = null; } } toString() { return this.id; } } /********************************************************* * Inactive user pruning *********************************************************/ function pruneInactive(threshold: number) { const now = Date.now(); for (const user of users.values()) { if (user.statusType === 'online') { // check if we should set status to idle const awayTimer = user.can('lock') ? STAFF_IDLE_TIMER : IDLE_TIMER; const bypass = !user.can('bypassall') && ( user.can('bypassafktimer') || Array.from(user.inRooms).some(room => user.can('bypassafktimer', null, Rooms.get(room)!)) ); if (!bypass && !user.connections.some(connection => now - connection.lastActiveTime < awayTimer)) { user.setStatusType('idle'); } } if (!user.connected && (now - user.lastDisconnected) > threshold) { user.destroy(); } if (!user.can('addhtml')) { const suspicious = global.Config?.isSuspicious?.(user) || false; for (const connection of user.connections) { if ( // conn's been inactive for 24h, just kill it (now - connection.lastActiveTime > CONNECTION_EXPIRY_TIME) || // they're connected and not named, but not namelocked. this is unusual behavior, ultimately just wasting resources. // people have been spamming us with conns as of writing this, so it appears to be largely bots doing this. // so we're just gonna go ahead and dc them. if they're a real user, they can rejoin and go back to... whatever. suspicious && (now - connection.connectedAt) > threshold ) { connection.destroy(); } } } } } function logGhostConnections(threshold: number): Promise { const buffer = []; for (const connection of connections.values()) { // If the connection's been around for at least a week and it doesn't // use raw WebSockets (which doesn't have any kind of keepalive or // timeouts on it), log it. if (connection.protocol !== 'websocket-raw' && connection.connectedAt <= Date.now() - threshold) { const timestamp = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(connection.connectedAt)); const now = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date()); const log = `Connection ${connection.id} from ${connection.ip} with protocol "${connection.protocol}" has been around since ${timestamp} (currently ${now}).`; buffer.push(log); } } return buffer.length ? Monitor.logPath(`ghosts-${process.pid}.log`).append(buffer.join('\r\n') + '\r\n') : Promise.resolve(); } /********************************************************* * Routing *********************************************************/ function socketConnect( worker: ProcessManager.StreamWorker, workerid: number, socketid: string, ip: string, protocol: string ) { const id = `${workerid}-${socketid}`; const connection = new Connection(id, worker, socketid, null, ip, protocol); connections.set(id, connection); const banned = Punishments.checkIpBanned(connection); if (banned) { return connection.destroy(); } // Emergency mode connections logging if (Config.emergency) { void Monitor.logPath('cons.emergency.log').append('[' + ip + ']\n'); } const user = new User(connection); connection.user = user; void Punishments.checkIp(user, connection); // Generate 1024-bit challenge string. require('crypto').randomBytes(128, (err: Error | null, buffer: Buffer) => { if (err) { // It's not clear what sort of condition could cause this. // For now, we'll basically assume it can't happen. Monitor.crashlog(err, 'randomBytes'); // This is pretty crude, but it's the easiest way to deal // with this case, which should be impossible anyway. user.disconnectAll(); } else if (connection.user) { // if user is still connected connection.challenge = buffer.toString('hex'); // console.log('JOIN: ' + connection.user.name + ' [' + connection.challenge.substr(0, 15) + '] [' + socket.id + ']'); const keyid = Config.loginserverpublickeyid || 0; connection.sendTo(null, `|challstr|${keyid}|${connection.challenge}`); } }); Rooms.global.handleConnect(user, connection); } function socketDisconnect(worker: ProcessManager.StreamWorker, workerid: number, socketid: string) { const id = `${workerid}-${socketid}`; const connection = connections.get(id); if (!connection) return; connection.onDisconnect(); } function socketDisconnectAll(worker: ProcessManager.StreamWorker, workerid: number) { for (const connection of connections.values()) { if (connection.worker === worker) { connection.onDisconnect(); } } } function socketReceive(worker: ProcessManager.StreamWorker, workerid: number, socketid: string, message: string) { const id = `${workerid}-${socketid}`; const connection = connections.get(id); if (!connection) return; connection.lastActiveTime = Date.now(); // Due to a bug in SockJS or Faye, if an exception propagates out of // the `data` event handler, the user will be disconnected on the next // `data` event. To prevent this, we log exceptions and prevent them // from propagating out of this function. // drop legacy JSON messages if (message.startsWith('{')) return; const pipeIndex = message.indexOf('|'); if (pipeIndex < 0) { // drop invalid messages without a pipe character connection.popup(`Invalid message; messages should be in the format \`ROOMID|MESSAGE\`. See https://github.com/smogon/pokemon-showdown/blob/master/PROTOCOL.md`); return; } const user = connection.user; if (!user) return; // LEGACY: In the past, an empty room ID would default to Lobby, // but that is no longer supported const roomId = message.slice(0, pipeIndex) || ''; message = message.slice(pipeIndex + 1); const room = Rooms.get(roomId) || null; const multilineMessage = Chat.multiLinePattern.test(message); if (multilineMessage) { user.chat(multilineMessage, room, connection); return; } const lines = message.split('\n'); if (!lines[lines.length - 1]) lines.pop(); const maxLineCount = ( user.can('bypassall') ? THROTTLE_MULTILINE_WARN_ADMIN : (user.isStaff || room?.auth.isStaff(user.id)) ? THROTTLE_MULTILINE_WARN_STAFF : THROTTLE_MULTILINE_WARN ); if (lines.length > maxLineCount && !Config.nothrottle) { connection.popup(`You're sending too many lines at once. Try using a paste service like [[Pastebin]].`); return; } // Emergency logging if (Config.emergency) { void Monitor.logPath('emergency.log').append(`[${user} (${connection.ip})] ${roomId}|${message}\n`); } for (const line of lines) { if (user.chat(line, room, connection) === false) break; } } const users = new Map(); const prevUsers = new Map(); let numUsers = 0; export const Users = { delete: deleteUser, move, add, merge, users, prevUsers, onlineCount: 0, get: getUser, getExact: getExactUser, findUsers, Auth, Avatars: null as typeof import('./chat-commands/avatars').Avatars | null, globalAuth, isUsernameKnown, isUsername, isTrusted, isPublicBot, PLAYER_SYMBOL, HOST_SYMBOL, connections, User, Connection, socketDisconnect, socketDisconnectAll, socketReceive, pruneInactive, pruneInactiveTimer: setInterval(() => { pruneInactive(Config.inactiveuserthreshold || 60 * MINUTES); }, 30 * MINUTES), logGhostConnections, logGhostConnectionsTimer: setInterval(() => { void logGhostConnections(7 * 24 * 60 * MINUTES); }, 7 * 24 * 60 * MINUTES), socketConnect, };