import { FS } from '../lib/fs'; import type { RoomSection } from './chat-commands/room-settings'; import { toID } from '../sim/dex-data'; export type GroupSymbol = '~' | '#' | '★' | '*' | '@' | '%' | '☆' | '§' | '+' | '^' | ' ' | '‽' | '!'; export type EffectiveGroupSymbol = GroupSymbol | 'whitelist'; export type AuthLevel = EffectiveGroupSymbol | 'unlocked' | 'trusted' | 'autoconfirmed'; export const PLAYER_SYMBOL: GroupSymbol = '\u2606'; export const HOST_SYMBOL: GroupSymbol = '\u2605'; export const ROOM_PERMISSIONS = [ 'addhtml', 'announce', 'ban', 'bypassafktimer', 'declare', 'editprivacy', 'editroom', 'exportinputlog', 'game', 'gamemanagement', 'gamemoderation', 'joinbattle', 'kick', 'minigame', 'modchat', 'modlog', 'mute', 'nooverride', 'receiveauthmessages', 'roombot', 'roomdriver', 'roommod', 'roomowner', 'roomvoice', 'roomprizewinner', 'show', 'showmedia', 'timer', 'tournaments', 'warn', ] as const; export const GLOBAL_PERMISSIONS = [ // administrative 'bypassall', 'console', 'disableladder', 'lockdown', 'potd', // other 'addhtml', 'alts', 'altsself', 'autotimer', 'globalban', 'bypassblocks', 'bypassafktimer', 'forcepromote', 'forcerename', 'forcewin', 'gdeclare', 'hiderank', 'ignorelimits', 'importinputlog', 'ip', 'ipself', 'lock', 'makeroom', 'modlog', 'rangeban', 'promote', ] as const; export type RoomPermission = typeof ROOM_PERMISSIONS[number]; export type GlobalPermission = typeof GLOBAL_PERMISSIONS[number]; export type GroupInfo = { symbol: GroupSymbol, id: ID, name: string, rank: number, inherit?: GroupSymbol, jurisdiction?: string, globalonly?: boolean, roomonly?: boolean, battleonly?: boolean, root?: boolean, globalGroupInPersonalRoom?: GroupSymbol, } & { [P in RoomPermission | GlobalPermission]?: string | boolean; }; /** * Auth table - a Map for which users are in which groups. * * Notice that auth.get will return the default group symbol if the * user isn't in a group. */ export abstract class Auth extends Map { /** * Will return the default group symbol if the user isn't in a group. * * Passing a User will read ``, which is relevant for unregistered * users with temporary global auth. */ get(user: ID | User) { if (typeof user !== 'string') return user.tempGroup; return super.get(user) || Auth.defaultSymbol(); } isStaff(userid: ID) { if (this.has(userid)) { const rank = this.get(userid); // At one point bots used to be ranked above drivers, so this checks // driver rank to make sure this function works on servers that // did not reorder the ranks. return Auth.atLeast(rank, '*') || Auth.atLeast(rank, '%'); } else { return false; } } atLeast(user: User, group: AuthLevel) { if (user.hasSysopAccess()) return true; if (group === 'trusted' || group === 'autoconfirmed') { if (user.trusted && group === 'trusted') return true; if (user.autoconfirmed && !user.locked && group === 'autoconfirmed') return true; group = Config.groupsranking[1]; } if (user.locked || user.semilocked) return false; if (group === 'unlocked') return true; if (group === 'whitelist' && this.has( { return true; } if (!Config.groups[group]) return false; if (this.get( === ' ' && group !== ' ') return false; return Auth.atLeast(this.get(, group); } static defaultSymbol() { return Config.groupsranking[0] as GroupSymbol; } static getGroup(symbol: EffectiveGroupSymbol): GroupInfo; static getGroup(symbol: EffectiveGroupSymbol, fallback: T): GroupInfo | T; static getGroup(symbol: EffectiveGroupSymbol, fallback?: AnyObject) { if (Config.groups[symbol]) return Config.groups[symbol]; if (fallback !== undefined) return fallback; // unidentified groups are treated as voice return { ...(Config.groups['+'] || {}), symbol, id: 'voice', name: symbol, }; } getEffectiveSymbol(user: User): EffectiveGroupSymbol { const group = this.get(user); if (this.has( && group === Auth.defaultSymbol()) { return 'whitelist'; } return group; } static hasPermission( user: User, permission: string, target: User | EffectiveGroupSymbol | ID | null, room?: BasicRoom | null, cmd?: string, cmdToken?: string, ): boolean { if (user.hasSysopAccess()) return true; const auth: Auth = room ? room.auth : Users.globalAuth; const symbol = auth.getEffectiveSymbol(user); let targetSymbol: EffectiveGroupSymbol | null; if (!target) { targetSymbol = null; } else if (typeof target === 'string' && !toID(target)) { // empty ID -> target is a group symbol targetSymbol = target as EffectiveGroupSymbol; } else { targetSymbol = auth.get(target as User | ID); } if (!targetSymbol || ['whitelist', 'trusted', 'autoconfirmed'].includes(targetSymbol)) { targetSymbol = Auth.defaultSymbol(); } let group = Auth.getGroup(symbol); if (group['root']) return true; // Global drivers who are SLs should get room mod powers too if ( room?.settings.section && room.settings.section === Users.globalAuth.sectionLeaders.get( && // But dont override ranks above moderator such as room owner (Auth.getGroup('@').rank > group.rank) ) { group = Auth.getGroup('@'); } let jurisdiction = group[permission as GlobalPermission | RoomPermission]; if (jurisdiction === true && permission !== 'jurisdiction') { jurisdiction = group['jurisdiction'] || true; } const roomPermissions = room ? room.settings.permissions : null; if (roomPermissions) { let foundSpecificPermission = false; if (cmd) { if (!cmdToken) cmdToken = `/`; const namespace = cmd.slice(0, cmd.indexOf(' ')); if (roomPermissions[`${cmdToken}${cmd}`]) { // this checks sub commands and command objects, but it checks to see if a sub-command // overrides (should a perm for the command object exist) first if (!auth.atLeast(user, roomPermissions[`${cmdToken}${cmd}`])) return false; jurisdiction = 'u'; foundSpecificPermission = true; } else if (roomPermissions[`${cmdToken}${namespace}`]) { // if it's for one command object if (!auth.atLeast(user, roomPermissions[`${cmdToken}${namespace}`])) return false; jurisdiction = 'u'; foundSpecificPermission = true; } if (foundSpecificPermission && targetSymbol === Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()) { // if /permissions has granted unranked users permission to use the command, // grant jurisdiction over unranked (since unranked users don't have jurisdiction over unranked) // see (jurisdiction as string) += Users.Auth.defaultSymbol(); } } if (!foundSpecificPermission && roomPermissions[permission]) { if (!auth.atLeast(user, roomPermissions[permission])) return false; jurisdiction = 'u'; } } return Auth.hasJurisdiction(symbol, jurisdiction, targetSymbol as GroupSymbol); } static atLeast(symbol: EffectiveGroupSymbol, symbol2: EffectiveGroupSymbol) { return Auth.getGroup(symbol).rank >= Auth.getGroup(symbol2).rank; } static supportedRoomPermissions(room: Room | null = null) { const commands = []; for (const handler of Chat.allCommands()) { if (!handler.hasRoomPermissions && !handler.broadcastable) continue; // if it's only broadcast permissions, not use permissions, use the broadcast symbol const cmdPrefix = handler.hasRoomPermissions ? "/" : "!"; commands.push(`${cmdPrefix}${handler.fullCmd}`); if (handler.aliases.length) { for (const alias of handler.aliases) { // kind of a hack but this is the only good way i could think of to // overwrite the alias without making assumptions about the string commands.push(`${cmdPrefix}${handler.fullCmd.replace(handler.cmd, alias)}`); } } } return [ ...ROOM_PERMISSIONS, ...commands, ]; } static hasJurisdiction( symbol: EffectiveGroupSymbol, jurisdiction?: string | boolean, targetSymbol?: GroupSymbol | null ) { if (!targetSymbol) { return !!jurisdiction; } if (typeof jurisdiction !== 'string') { return !!jurisdiction; } if (jurisdiction.includes(targetSymbol)) { return true; } if (jurisdiction.includes('a')) { return true; } if (jurisdiction.includes('u') && Auth.getGroup(symbol).rank > Auth.getGroup(targetSymbol).rank) { return true; } return false; } static listJurisdiction(user: User, permission: GlobalPermission | RoomPermission) { const symbols = Object.keys(Config.groups) as GroupSymbol[]; return symbols.filter(targetSymbol => Auth.hasPermission(user, permission, targetSymbol)); } static isValidSymbol(symbol: string): symbol is GroupSymbol { if (symbol.length !== 1) return false; return !/[A-Za-z0-9|,]/.test(symbol); } static isAuthLevel(level: string): level is AuthLevel { if (Config.groupsranking.includes(level as EffectiveGroupSymbol)) return true; return ['‽', '!', 'unlocked', 'trusted', 'autoconfirmed', 'whitelist'].includes(level); } static ROOM_PERMISSIONS = ROOM_PERMISSIONS; static GLOBAL_PERMISSIONS = GLOBAL_PERMISSIONS; } export class RoomAuth extends Auth { room: BasicRoom; constructor(room: BasicRoom) { super(); = room; } get(userOrID: ID | User): GroupSymbol { const id = typeof userOrID === 'string' ? userOrID :; const parentAuth: Auth | null = ? : !== true ? Users.globalAuth : null; const parentGroup = parentAuth ? parentAuth.get(userOrID) : Auth.defaultSymbol(); if (this.has(id)) { // authority is whichever is higher between roomauth and global auth const roomGroup = this.getDirect(id); let group = Config.greatergroupscache[`${roomGroup}${parentGroup}`]; if (!group) { // unrecognized groups always trump higher global rank const roomRank = Auth.getGroup(roomGroup, { rank: Infinity }).rank; const globalRank = Auth.getGroup(parentGroup).rank; if (roomGroup === Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL || roomGroup === Users.HOST_SYMBOL || roomGroup === '#') { // Player, Host, and Room Owner always trump higher global rank group = roomGroup; } else { group = (roomRank > globalRank ? roomGroup : parentGroup); } Config.greatergroupscache[`${roomGroup}${parentGroup}`] = group; } return group; } return parentGroup; } getEffectiveSymbol(user: User) { const symbol = super.getEffectiveSymbol(user); if (! && symbol === user.tempGroup) { const replaceGroup = Auth.getGroup(symbol).globalGroupInPersonalRoom; if (replaceGroup) return replaceGroup; } // this is a bit of a hardcode, yeah, but admins need to have admin commands in prooms w/o the symbol // and we want that to include sysops. // Plus, using user.can is cleaner than Users.globalAuth.get(user) === admin and it accounts for more things. // (and no this won't recurse or anything since user.can() with no room doesn't call this) if ( === true && user.can('makeroom')) { // not hardcoding ~ here since globalAuth.get should return ~ in basically all cases // except sysops, and there's an override for them anyways so it doesn't matter return Users.globalAuth.get(user); } return symbol; } /** gets the room group without inheriting */ getDirect(id: ID): GroupSymbol { return super.get(id); } save() { // construct auth object const auth = Object.create(null); for (const [userid, groupSymbol] of this) { auth[userid] = groupSymbol; } ( as any).auth = auth;; } load() { for (const userid in { super.set(userid as ID,[userid]); } } set(id: ID, symbol: GroupSymbol) { if (symbol === 'whitelist' as GroupSymbol) { symbol = Auth.defaultSymbol(); } super.set(id, symbol);[id] = symbol;; const user = Users.get(id); if (user); return this; } delete(id: ID) { if (!this.has(id)) return false; super.delete(id); delete[id];; return true; } } export class GlobalAuth extends Auth { usernames = new Map(); sectionLeaders = new Map(); constructor() { super(); this.load(); } save() { FS('config/usergroups.csv').writeUpdate(() => { let buffer = ''; for (const [userid, groupSymbol] of this) { buffer += `${this.usernames.get(userid) || userid},${groupSymbol},${this.sectionLeaders.get(userid) || ''}\n`; } return buffer; }); } load() { const data = FS('config/usergroups.csv').readIfExistsSync(); for (const row of data.split("\n")) { if (!row) continue; const [name, symbol, sectionid] = row.split(","); const id = toID(name); if (!id) { Monitor.warn('Dropping malformed usergroups line (missing ID):'); Monitor.warn(row); continue; } this.usernames.set(id, name); if (sectionid) this.sectionLeaders.set(id, sectionid as RoomSection); // handle glitched entries where a user has two entries in usergroups.csv due to bugs const newSymbol = symbol.charAt(0) as GroupSymbol; // Yes, we HAVE to ensure that it exists in the super. super.get here returns either the group symbol, // or the default symbol if it cannot find a symbol in the map. // the default symbol is truthy, and the symbol for trusted user is ` ` // meaning that the preexisting && atLeast would return true, which would skip the row and nuke all trusted users // on a fresh load (aka, a restart). const preexistingSymbol = super.has(id) ? super.get(id) : null; // take a user's highest rank in usergroups.csv if (preexistingSymbol && Auth.atLeast(preexistingSymbol, newSymbol)) continue; super.set(id, newSymbol); } } set(id: ID, group: GroupSymbol, username?: string) { if (!username) username = id; const user = Users.get(id, true); if (user) { user.tempGroup = group; user.updateIdentity(); username =;; } this.usernames.set(id, username); super.set(id, group); void; return this; } delete(id: ID) { if (!super.has(id)) return false; super.delete(id); const user = Users.get(id); if (user) { user.tempGroup = ' '; } this.usernames.delete(id);; return true; } setSection(id: ID, sectionid: RoomSection, username?: string) { if (!username) username = id; const user = Users.get(id); if (user) { user.updateIdentity(); username =;; } if (!super.has(id)) this.set(id, ' ', username); this.sectionLeaders.set(id, sectionid); void; return this; } deleteSection(id: ID) { if (!this.sectionLeaders.has(id)) return false; this.sectionLeaders.delete(id); if (super.get(id) === ' ') { return this.delete(id); } const user = Users.get(id); if (user) { user.updateIdentity();; }; return true; } }