import { FS, Utils } from '../../lib'; import { YouTube } from './youtube'; const MINUTE = 60 * 1000; const PRENOM_BUMP_TIME = 2 * 60 * MINUTE; const PRENOMS_FILE = 'config/chat-plugins/otd-prenoms.json'; const DATA_FILE = 'config/chat-plugins/otds.json'; export const prenoms: { [k: string]: [string, AnyObject][] } = JSON.parse(FS(PRENOMS_FILE).readIfExistsSync() || "{}"); export const otdData: OtdData = JSON.parse(FS(DATA_FILE).readIfExistsSync() || "{}"); export const otds = new Map(); const FINISH_HANDLERS: { [k: string]: (winner: AnyObject) => Promise } = { cotw: async winner => { const { channel, nominator } = winner; const searchResults = await YouTube.searchChannel(channel, 1); const result = searchResults?.[0]; if (result) { if ([result]) return; void YouTube.getChannelData(`${result}`); const yt = Rooms.get('youtube'); if (!yt) return; yt.sendMods( `|c|~|/log The channel with ID ${result} was added to the YouTube channel database.` ); yt.modlog({ action: `ADDCHANNEL`, note: `${result} (${toID(nominator)})`, loggedBy: toID(`COTW`), }); } }, }; interface OtdSettings { id?: string; updateOnNom?: boolean; keys: string[]; title: string; keyLabels: string[]; timeLabel: string; roomid: RoomID; } interface OtdData { [k: string]: { settings: OtdSettings, winners: AnyObject[] }; } function savePrenoms() { return FS(PRENOMS_FILE).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(prenoms)); } function toNominationId(nomination: string) { return nomination.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '').replace(/\b&\b/g, ''); } class OtdHandler { id: string; name: string; room: Room; nominations: Map; removedNominations: Map; voting: boolean; timer: NodeJS.Timeout | null; keys: string[]; keyLabels: string[]; timeLabel: string; settings: OtdSettings; lastPrenom: number; winners: AnyObject[]; constructor( id: string, room: Room, settings: OtdSettings ) { = id; = settings.title; = room; this.nominations = new Map(prenoms[id]); this.removedNominations = new Map(); = false; this.timer = null; this.keys = settings.keys; this.keyLabels = settings.keyLabels; this.timeLabel = settings.timeLabel; this.settings = settings; this.lastPrenom = 0; = otdData[]?.winners || []; } static create(room: Room, settings: OtdSettings) { const { title, timeLabel } = settings; const id = || toID(title).charAt(0) + 'ot' + timeLabel.charAt(0); const handler = new OtdHandler(id, room, settings); otds.set(id, handler); let needsSave = false; for (const winner of { if (winner.timestamp) { winner.time = winner.timestamp; delete winner.timestamp; needsSave = true; } } if (needsSave); return handler; } static parseOldWinners(content: string, keyLabels: string[], keys: string[]) { const data = `${content}`.split("\n"); const winners = []; for (const arg of data) { if (!arg || arg === '\r') continue; if (arg.startsWith(`${keyLabels[0]}\t`)) { continue; } const entry: AnyObject = {}; const vals = arg.trim().split("\t"); for (let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { entry[keys[i]] = vals[i]; } entry.time = Number(entry.time) || 0; winners.push(entry); } return winners; } /** * Handles old-format data from the IP and userid refactor */ convertNominations() { for (const value of this.nominations.values()) { if (!Array.isArray(value.userids)) value.userids = Object.keys(value.userids); if (!Array.isArray(value.ips)) value.ips = Object.keys(value.ips); } for (const value of this.removedNominations.values()) { if (!Array.isArray(value.userids)) value.userids = Object.keys(value.userids); if (!Array.isArray(value.ips)) value.ips = Object.keys(value.ips); } } startVote() { = true; this.timer = setTimeout(() => this.rollWinner(), 20 * MINUTE); this.display(); } finish() { = false; this.nominations = new Map(); this.removedNominations = new Map(); delete prenoms[]; void savePrenoms(); if (this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer); } addNomination(user: User, nomination: string) { const id = toNominationId(nomination); if ( .some(entry => toNominationId(entry[this.keys[0]]) === id) ) { return user.sendTo(, `This ${} has already been ${} in the past month.`); } for (const value of this.removedNominations.values()) { if (value.userids.includes(toID(user)) || (!Config.noipchecks && value.ips.includes(user.latestIp))) { return user.sendTo(, `Since your nomination has been removed by staff, you cannot submit another ${} until the next round.` ); } } const prevNom = this.nominations.get(id); if (prevNom) { if (!(prevNom.userids.includes(toID(user)) || (!Config.noipchecks && prevNom.ips.includes(user.latestIp)))) { return user.sendTo(, `This ${} has already been nominated.`); } } for (const [key, value] of this.nominations) { if (value.userids.includes(toID(user)) || (!Config.noipchecks && value.ips.includes(user.latestIp))) { user.sendTo(, `Your previous vote for ${value.nomination} will be removed.`); this.nominations.delete(key); if (prenoms[]) { const idx = prenoms[].findIndex(val => val[0] === key); if (idx > -1) { prenoms[].splice(idx, 1); void savePrenoms(); } } } } const obj: { [k: string]: string } = {}; obj[] =; const nomObj = { nomination, name:, userids: user.previousIDs.concat(, ips: user.ips.slice(), }; this.nominations.set(id, nomObj); if (!prenoms[]) prenoms[] = []; prenoms[].push([id, nomObj]); void savePrenoms(); user.sendTo(, `Your nomination for ${nomination} was successfully submitted.`); let updateOnly = !; if (updateOnly) { const now =; if (now - this.lastPrenom > PRENOM_BUMP_TIME) { updateOnly = false; this.lastPrenom = now; } } if (this.settings.updateOnNom) { this.display(updateOnly); } } generateNomWindow() { let buffer = ''; if ( { buffer += `

Nominations for ${} of the ${this.timeLabel} are in progress! Use /${} nom to nominate a${['A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'].includes([0]) ? 'n' : ''} ${}!

`; if (this.nominations.size) buffer += `Nominations:`; } else { buffer += `

Pre-noms for ${} of the ${this.timeLabel}. Use /${} nom to nominate a${['A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'].includes([0]) ? 'n' : ''} ${}:

`; } if ( { const winner =[ - 1]; buffer += `

Current winner: ${winner[this.keys[0]]} (nominated by ${winner.nominator})

`; } const entries = []; for (const value of this.nominations.values()) { entries.push(Utils.html`
  • ${value.nomination} (Submitted by ${})
  • `); } if (entries.length > 20) { buffer += `
      ${entries.slice(0, Math.ceil(entries.length / 2)).join('')}
      ${entries.slice(Math.ceil(entries.length / 2)).join('')}
    `; } else { buffer += `
    `; } buffer += `
    `; return buffer; } display(update = false) { if (update) {'otd', this.generateNomWindow()); } else {`|uhtml|otd|${this.generateNomWindow()}`); } } displayTo(connection: Connection) { connection.sendTo(, `|uhtml|otd|${this.generateNomWindow()}`); } rollWinner() { const keys = [...this.nominations.keys()]; if (!keys.length) return false; const winner = this.nominations.get(keys[Math.floor(Math.random() * keys.length)]); if (!winner) return false; // Should never happen but shuts typescript up. const winnerEntry = this.appendWinner(winner.nomination,; const names = [...this.nominations.values()].map(obj =>; const columns = names.length > 27 ? 4 : names.length > 18 ? 3 : names.length > 9 ? 2 : 1; let content = ''; for (let i = 0; i < columns; i++) { content += `${names.slice(Math.ceil((i / columns) * names.length), Math.ceil(((i + 1) / columns) * names.length)).join('
    ')}`; } const namesHTML = `${content}

    `; const finishHandler = FINISH_HANDLERS[]; if (finishHandler) { void finishHandler(winnerEntry); } Utils.html`|uhtml|otd|

    ` + `Nominations for ${} of the ${this.timeLabel} are over!

    ` + `Out of ${keys.length} nominations, we randomly selected ${winner.nomination} as the winner! ` + `(Nomination by ${})

    Thanks to today's participants:` + namesHTML );; this.finish(); return true; } removeNomination(name: string) { name = toID(name); let success = false; for (const [key, value] of this.nominations) { if (value.userids.includes(name)) { this.removedNominations.set(key, value); this.nominations.delete(key); if (prenoms[]) { const idx = prenoms[].findIndex(val => val[0] === key); if (idx > -1) { prenoms[].splice(idx, 1); void savePrenoms(); } } success = true; } } if ( this.display(); return success; } forceWinner(winner: string, user: string) { this.appendWinner(winner, user); this.finish(); } appendWinner(nomination: string, user: string): AnyObject { const entry: AnyObject = { time:, nominator: user }; entry[this.keys[0]] = nomination;;; return entry; } removeWinner(nominationName: string) { for (const [i, entry] of { if (toID(entry[this.keys[0]]) === toID(nominationName)) { const removed =, 1);; return removed[0]; } } throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The winner with nomination ${nominationName} could not be found.`); } setWinnerProperty(properties: { [k: string]: string }) { if (! return; for (const i in properties) {[ - 1][i] = properties[i]; } return; } save(destroy = false) { if (!destroy) { otdData[] = { settings: this.settings, winners:, }; } FS(DATA_FILE).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(otdData)); } destroy() { = null!; delete otdData[]; otds.delete(; delete Chat.commands[]; delete Chat.pages[];; } async generateWinnerDisplay() { if (! return false; const winner =[ - 1]; let output = `

    ` + Utils.html`

    The ${} of the ${this.timeLabel} is ` + Utils.html`${winner[this.keys[0]]}${ ? ` by ${}` : ''}.`; if (winner.quote) output += Utils.html`
    "${winner.quote}"`; if (winner.tagline) output += Utils.html`
    ${winner.tagline}`; output += `

    `; if (winner.image) { try { const [width, height] = await Chat.fitImage(winner.image, 100, 100); output += Utils.html``; } catch {} } output += `
    `; if (winner.event) output += Utils.html`Event: ${winner.event}
    `; if ( { output += `Song: `; if ( { output += Utils.html`${}`; } else { output += Utils.escapeHTML(; } output += `
    `; } else if ( { output += Utils.html`Link: ${}
    `; } // Batch these together on 2 lines. Order intentional. const athleteDetails = []; if ( athleteDetails.push(Utils.html`Sport: ${}`); if ( athleteDetails.push(Utils.html`Team: ${}`); if (winner.age) athleteDetails.push(Utils.html`Age: ${winner.age}`); if ( athleteDetails.push(Utils.html`Nationality: ${}`); if (athleteDetails.length) { output += athleteDetails.slice(0, 2).join(' | ') + '
    '; if (athleteDetails.length > 2) output += athleteDetails.slice(2).join(' | ') + '
    '; } output += Utils.html`Nominated by ${winner.nominator}.`; output += `
    `; return output; } generateWinnerList(context: Chat.PageContext) { context.title = `${} Winners`; let buf = `

    ${} of the ${this.timeLabel} Winners

    `; // Only use specific fields for displaying in winners list. const columns: string[] = []; const labels = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i++) { if (i === 0 || ['song', 'event', 'link', 'tagline', 'sport', 'country'] .includes(this.keys[i]) && !(this.keys[i] === 'link' && this.keys.includes('song')) ) { columns.push(this.keys[i]); labels.push(this.keyLabels[i]); } } if (!columns.includes('time')) { columns.push('time'); labels.push('Timestamp'); } let content = ``; content += `${ => `


    `).join('')}`; for (let i = - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const entry = => { let val =[i][col]; if (!val) return ''; switch (col) { case 'time': const date = new Date(parseInt([i].time)); const pad = (num: number) => `${num}`.padStart(2, '0'); return Utils.html`${pad(date.getMonth() + 1)}-${pad(date.getDate())}-${date.getFullYear()}`; case 'song': if (![i].link) return val; // falls through case 'link': return `${val}`; case 'book': val = `${val}${[i].author ? ` by ${[i].author}` : ''}`; // falls through case columns[0]: return `${Utils.escapeHTML(val)}${[i].nominator ? Utils.html`
    nominated by ${[i].nominator}` : ''}`; default: return Utils.escapeHTML(val); } }); content += `${ => `${val}`).join('')}`; } if (!content) { buf += `

    There have been no ${} winners.

    `; } else { buf += `${content}
    `; } buf += `
    `; return buf; } } function selectHandler(message: string) { const id = toID(message.substring(1).split(' ')[0]); const handler = otds.get(id); if (!handler) throw new Error("Invalid type for otd handler."); return handler; } export const otdCommands: Chat.ChatCommands = { start(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { this.checkChat(); const handler = selectHandler(this.message); if (! return this.errorReply(`The room for this -otd doesn't exist.`); if (room !== return this.errorReply(`This command can only be used in ${}.`); this.checkCan('mute', null, room); if ( { return this.errorReply( `The nomination for the ${} of the ${handler.timeLabel} nomination is already in progress.` ); } handler.startVote(); this.privateModAction(`${} has started nominations for the ${} of the ${handler.timeLabel}.`); this.modlog(`${} START`, null); }, starthelp: [`/-otd start - Starts nominations for the Thing of the Day. Requires: % @ # ~`], end(target, room, user) { this.checkChat(); const handler = selectHandler(this.message); if (! return this.errorReply(`The room for this -otd doesn't exist.`); if (room !== return this.errorReply(`This command can only be used in ${}.`); this.checkCan('mute', null, room); if (! { return this.errorReply(`There is no ${} of the ${handler.timeLabel} nomination in progress.`); } if (!handler.nominations.size) { return this.errorReply(`Can't select the ${} of the ${handler.timeLabel} without nominations.`); } handler.rollWinner(); this.privateModAction(`${} has ended nominations for the ${} of the ${handler.timeLabel}.`); this.modlog(`${} END`, null); }, endhelp: [ `/-otd end - End nominations for the Thing of the Day and set it to a randomly selected nomination. Requires: % @ # ~`, ], nom(target, room, user) { this.checkChat(target); if (!target) return this.parse('/help otd'); const handler = selectHandler(this.message); if (! return this.errorReply(`The room for this -otd doesn't exist.`); if (room !== return this.errorReply(`This command can only be used in ${}.`); if (!toNominationId(target).length || target.length > 75) { return this.sendReply(`'${target}' is not a valid ${} name.`); } handler.addNomination(user, target); }, nomhelp: [`/-otd nom [nomination] - Nominate something for Thing of the Day.`], view(target, room, user, connection) { this.checkChat(); if (!this.runBroadcast()) return false; const handler = selectHandler(this.message); if (! return this.errorReply(`The room for this -otd doesn't exist.`); if (room !== return this.errorReply(`This command can only be used in ${}.`); if (this.broadcasting) { selectHandler(this.message).display(); } else { selectHandler(this.message).displayTo(connection); } }, viewhelp: [`/-otd view - View the current nominations for the Thing of the Day.`], remove(target, room, user) { this.checkChat(); const handler = selectHandler(this.message); if (! return this.errorReply(`The room for this -otd doesn't exist.`); if (room !== return this.errorReply(`This command can only be used in ${}.`); this.checkCan('mute', null, room); const userid = toID(target); if (!userid) return this.errorReply(`'${target}' is not a valid username.`); if (handler.removeNomination(userid)) { this.privateModAction(`${} removed ${target}'s nomination for the ${} of the ${handler.timeLabel}.`); this.modlog(`${} REMOVENOM`, userid); } else { this.sendReply(`User '${target}' has no nomination for the ${} of the ${handler.timeLabel}.`); } }, removehelp: [ `/-otd remove [username] - Remove a user's nomination for the Thing of the Day.`, `Prevents them from voting again until the next round. Requires: % @ # ~`, ], removewinner(target, room, user) { const handler = selectHandler(this.message); room = this.requireRoom(; this.checkCan('mute', null, room); if (!toID(target)) { return this.parse(`/help aotd removewinner`); } const removed = handler.removeWinner(target); this.privateModAction(`${} removed the nomination for ${removed[handler.keys[0]]} from ${removed.nominator}`); this.modlog(`${} REMOVEWINNER`, removed.nominator, removed[handler.keys[0]]); }, removewinnerhelp: [ `/-otd removewinner [nomination] - Remove winners matching the given [nomination] from Thing of the Day.`, `Requires: % @ # ~`, ], force(target, room, user) { this.checkChat(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help aotd force'); const handler = selectHandler(this.message); if (! return this.errorReply(`The room for this -otd doesn't exist.`); if (room !== return this.errorReply(`This command can only be used in ${}.`); this.checkCan('declare', null, room); if (!toNominationId(target).length || target.length > 50) { return this.sendReply(`'${target}' is not a valid ${} name.`); } handler.forceWinner(target,; this.privateModAction(`${} forcibly set the ${} of the ${handler.timeLabel} to ${target}.`); this.modlog(`${} FORCE`,, target); room.add(`The ${} of the ${handler.timeLabel} was forcibly set to '${target}'`); }, forcehelp: [ `/-otd force [nomination] - Forcibly sets the Thing of the Day without a nomination round. Requires: # ~`, ], delay(target, room, user) { this.checkChat(); const handler = selectHandler(this.message); if (! return this.errorReply(`The room for this -otd doesn't exist.`); if (room !== return this.errorReply(`This command can only be used in ${}.`); this.checkCan('mute', null, room); if (!( && handler.timer)) { return this.errorReply(`There is no ${} of the ${handler.timeLabel} nomination to disable the timer for.`); } clearTimeout(handler.timer); this.privateModAction(`${} disabled the ${} of the ${handler.timeLabel} timer.`); }, delayhelp: [ `/-otd delay - Turns off the automatic 20 minute timer for Thing of the Day voting rounds. Requires: % @ # ~`, ], set(target, room, user) { this.checkChat(); const handler = selectHandler(this.message); if (! return this.errorReply(`The room for this -otd doesn't exist.`); if (room !== return this.errorReply(`This command can only be used in ${}.`); this.checkCan('mute', null, room); const params = target.split(target.includes('|') ? '|' : ',').map(param => param.trim()); const changelist: { [k: string]: string } = {}; for (const param of params) { let [key, ...values] = param.split(':'); if (!key || !values.length) return this.errorReply(`Syntax error in '${param}'`); key = key.trim(); const value = values.join(':').trim(); if (!handler.keys.includes(key)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid key: '${key}'. Valid keys: ${handler.keys.join(', ')}`); } switch (key) { case 'artist': case 'film': case 'show': case 'channel': case 'book': case 'author': case 'athlete': if (!toNominationId(value) || value.length > 50) return this.errorReply(`Please enter a valid ${key} name.`); break; case 'quote': case 'tagline': case 'match': case 'event': case 'videogame': if (!value.length || value.length > 150) return this.errorReply(`Please enter a valid ${key}.`); break; case 'sport': case 'team': case 'song': case 'country': if (!value.length || value.length > 50) return this.errorReply(`Please enter a valid ${key} name.`); break; case 'link': case 'image': if (!/https?:\/\//.test(value)) { return this.errorReply(`Please enter a valid URL for the ${key} (starting with http:// or https://)`); } if (value.length > 200) return this.errorReply("URL too long."); break; case 'age': const num = parseInt(value); // let's assume someone isn't over 100 years old? Maybe we should for the memes // but i doubt there's any legit athlete over 100. if (isNaN(num) || num < 1 || num > 100) return this.errorReply('Please enter a valid number as an age'); break; default: // another custom key w/o validation if (!toNominationId(value)) { return this.errorReply(`No value provided for key ${key}.`); } break; } changelist[key] = value; } const keys = Object.keys(changelist); if (keys.length) { void handler.setWinnerProperty(changelist); this.modlog(, null, `changed ${keys.join(', ')}`); return this.privateModAction(`${} changed the following propert${Chat.plural(keys, 'ies', 'y')} of the ${} of the ${handler.timeLabel}: ${keys.join(', ')}`); } }, sethelp: [ `/-otd set property: value[, property: value] - Set the winner, quote, song, link or image for the current Thing of the Day.`, `Requires: % @ # ~`, ], toggleupdate(target, room, user) { const otd = selectHandler(this.message); room = this.requireRoom(; this.checkCan('declare', null, room); let logMessage = ''; if (this.meansYes(target)) { if (otd.settings.updateOnNom) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`This -OTD is already set to update automatically on nomination.`); } otd.settings.updateOnNom = true; logMessage = 'update automatically on nomination'; } else { if (!otd.settings.updateOnNom) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`This -OTD is not set to update automatically on nomination.`); } delete otd.settings.updateOnNom; logMessage = 'not update on nomination'; } this.privateModAction(`${} set the ${} of the ${otd.timeLabel} to ${logMessage}`); this.modlog(`OTD TOGGLEUPDATE`, null, logMessage);; }, winners(target, room, user, connection) { this.checkChat(); const handler = selectHandler(this.message); if (! return this.errorReply(`The room for this -otd doesn't exist.`); if (room !== return this.errorReply(`This command can only be used in ${}.`); return this.parse(`/join view-${}`); }, winnershelp: [`/-otd winners - Displays a list of previous things of the day.`], async ''(target, room) { this.checkChat(); if (!this.runBroadcast()) return false; const handler = selectHandler(this.message); if (! return this.errorReply(`The room for this -otd doesn't exist.`); if (room !== return this.errorReply(`This command can only be used in ${}.`); const text = await handler.generateWinnerDisplay(); if (!text) return this.errorReply("There is no winner yet."); this.sendReplyBox(text); }, }; export const pages: Chat.PageTable = {}; export const commands: Chat.ChatCommands = { otd: { create(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (room.settings.isPrivate) { return this.errorReply(`This command is only available in public rooms`); } const count = [...otds.values()].filter(otd => === room.roomid).length; if (count > 3) { return this.errorReply(`This room already has 3+ -otd's.`); } this.checkCan('rangeban'); if (!toID(target)) { return this.parse(`/help otd`); } const [title, time, ...keyLabels] = target.split(',').map(i => i.trim()); if (!toID(title)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid title.`); } const timeLabel = toID(time); if (!['week', 'day'].includes(timeLabel)) { return this.errorReply("Invalid time label - use 'week' or 'month'"); } const id = `${title.charAt(0)}ot${timeLabel.charAt(0)}`; const existing = otds.get(id); if (existing) { this.errorReply(`That -OTD already exists (${} of the ${existing.timeLabel}, in ${})`); return this.errorReply(`Try picking a new title.`); } const titleIdx =; if (titleIdx > -1) { keyLabels.splice(titleIdx, 1); } keyLabels.unshift(title); const filteredKeys =; if (!filteredKeys.length) { return this.errorReply(`No valid key labels given.`); } if (new Set(filteredKeys).size !== keyLabels.length) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid keys in set - do not use duplicate key labels.`); } if (filteredKeys.length < 3) { return this.errorReply(`Specify at least 3 key labels.`); } if (filteredKeys.some(k => k.length < 3 || k.length > 50)) { return this.errorReply(`All labels must be more than 3 characters and less than 50 characters long.`); } const otd = OtdHandler.create(room, { keyLabels, keys: filteredKeys, title, timeLabel, roomid: room.roomid, }); const name = `${} of the ${otd.timeLabel}`; this.globalModlog(`OTD CREATE`, null, `${name} - ${filteredKeys.join(', ')}`); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${} created the ${name} for ${room.title}`);; }, updateroom(target, room, user) { this.checkCan('rangeban'); const [otdId, roomid] = target.split(',').map(i => toID(i)); if (!otdId || !roomid) { return this.parse('/help otd'); } const otd = otds.get(otdId); if (!otd) { return this.errorReply(`OTD ${otd} not found.`); } const targetRoom = Rooms.get(roomid); if (!targetRoom) { return this.errorReply(`Room ${roomid} not found.`); } const oldRoom = otd.settings.roomid.slice(); otd.settings.roomid = targetRoom.roomid; = targetRoom;; this.privateGlobalModAction( `${} updated the room for the ${} of the ${otd.timeLabel} from ${oldRoom} to ${targetRoom}` ); this.globalModlog(`OTD UPDATEROOM`, null, `${} to ${targetRoom} from ${oldRoom}`); }, delete(target, room, user) { this.checkCan('rangeban'); target = toID(target); if (!target) { return this.parse(`/help otd`); } const otd = otds.get(target); if (!otd) return this.errorReply(`OTD ${target} not found.`); otd.destroy(); this.globalModlog(`OTD DELETE`, null, target); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${} deleted the OTD ${} of the ${otd.timeLabel}`); }, }, otdhelp: [ `/otd create [title], [time], [...labels] - Creates a Thing of the Day with the given [name], [time], and [labels]. Requires: ~`, `/otd updateroom [otd], [room] - Updates the room for the given [otd] to the new [room]. Requires: ~`, `/otd delete [otd] - Removes the given Thing of the Day. Requires: ~`, ], }; const otdHelp = [ `Thing of the Day plugin commands (aotd, fotd, sotd, cotd, botw, motw, anotd):`, `- /-otd - View the current Thing of the Day.`, `- /-otd start - Starts nominations for the Thing of the Day. Requires: % @ # ~`, `- /-otd nom [nomination] - Nominate something for Thing of the Day.`, `- /-otd remove [username] - Remove a user's nomination for the Thing of the Day and prevent them from voting again until the next round. Requires: % @ # ~`, `- /-otd end - End nominations for the Thing of the Day and set it to a randomly selected nomination. Requires: % @ # ~`, `- /-otd removewinner [nomination] - Remove a winner with the given [nomination] from the winners list. Requires: % @ # ~`, `- /-otd force [nomination] - Forcibly sets the Thing of the Day without a nomination round. Requires: # ~`, `- /-otd delay - Turns off the automatic 20 minute timer for Thing of the Day voting rounds. Requires: % @ # ~`, `- /-otd set property: value[, property: value] - Set the winner, quote, song, link or image for the current Thing of the Day. Requires: % @ # ~`, `- /-otd winners - Displays a list of previous things of the day.`, `- /-otd toggleupdate [on|off] - Changes the Thing of the Day to display on nomination ([on] to update, [off] to turn off updates). Requires: # ~`, ]; for (const otd in otdData) { const data = otdData[otd]; const settings = data.settings; const room = Rooms.get(settings.roomid); if (!room) { Monitor.warn(`Room for -otd ${settings.title} of the ${settings.timeLabel} (${settings.roomid}) not found.`); continue; } OtdHandler.create(room, settings); } for (const [k, v] of otds) { pages[k] = function () { return v.generateWinnerList(this); }; commands[k] = otdCommands; commands[`${k}help`] = otdHelp; } export const handlers: Chat.Handlers = { onRenameRoom(oldID, newID, room) { for (const otd in otdData) { const data = otdData[otd]; if (data.settings.roomid === oldID) { data.settings.roomid = newID; const handler = otds.get(otd); handler!.room = room as Room; handler!.save(); } } }, }; export const punishmentfilter: Chat.PunishmentFilter = (user, punishment) => { user = toID(user); if (!['NAMELOCK', 'BAN'].includes(punishment.type)) return; for (const handler of otds.values()) { handler.removeNomination(user); } };