/** * Scavengers Games Plugin * Pokemon Showdown - http://pokemonshowdown.com/ * * This plugin stores the different possible game modes and twists that take place in scavengers room * * @license MIT license */ import { ScavengerHunt, type ScavengerHuntPlayer, sanitizeAnswer } from './scavengers'; import { Utils } from '../../lib'; export type TwistEvent = (this: ScavengerHunt, ...args: any[]) => void; interface Twist { name: string; id: string; isGameMode?: true; desc?: string; [eventid: string]: string | number | TwistEvent | boolean | undefined; } type GameModeFunction = (this: ScavengerGameTemplate, ...args: any[]) => void; interface GameMode { name: string; id: string; mod: Twist; round?: number; leaderboard?: true; teamAnnounce?: GameModeFunction; getPlayerTeam?: GameModeFunction; advanceTeam?: GameModeFunction; [k: string]: any; } function toSeconds(time: string) { // hhmmss => ss const parts = time.split(':').reverse(); return parts.map((value, index) => parseInt(value) * (60 ** index)).reduce((a, b) => a + b); } class Leaderboard { data: { [userid: string]: AnyObject }; constructor() { this.data = {}; } addPoints(name: string, aspect: string, points: number, noUpdate?: boolean) { const userid: string = toID(name); if (!userid || userid === 'constructor' || !points) return this; if (!this.data[userid]) this.data[userid] = { name }; if (!this.data[userid][aspect]) this.data[userid][aspect] = 0; this.data[userid][aspect] += points; if (!noUpdate) this.data[userid].name = name; // always keep the last used name return this; // allow chaining } visualize(sortBy: string): Promise<({ rank: number } & AnyObject)[]>; visualize(sortBy: string, userid: string): Promise<({ rank: number } & AnyObject) | undefined>; visualize(sortBy: string, userid?: string) { // FIXME: this is not how promises work // return a promise for async sorting - make this less exploitable return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let lowestScore = Infinity; let lastPlacement = 1; const ladder = Utils.sortBy( Object.entries(this.data).filter(([u, bit]) => sortBy in bit), ([u, bit]) => -bit[sortBy] ).map(([u, bit], i) => { if (bit[sortBy] !== lowestScore) { lowestScore = bit[sortBy]; lastPlacement = i + 1; } return { rank: lastPlacement, ...bit, } as { rank: number } & AnyObject; }); // identify ties if (userid) { const rank = ladder.find(entry => toID(entry.name) === userid); resolve(rank); } else { resolve(ladder); } }); } async htmlLadder(): Promise { const data = await this.visualize('points'); return `
${data.map(line => ``).join('') }
`; } } const TWISTS: { [k: string]: Twist } = { perfectscore: { name: 'Perfect Score', id: 'perfectscore', desc: "Players who finish the hunt without submitting a single wrong answer get a shoutout!", onLeave(player) { if (!this.leftGame) this.leftGame = []; this.leftGame.push(player.id); }, onSubmitPriority: 1, onSubmit(player, value) { const currentQuestion = player.currentQuestion; if (!player.answers) player.answers = {}; if (!player.answers[currentQuestion]) player.answers[currentQuestion] = []; if (player.answers[currentQuestion].includes(value)) return; player.answers[currentQuestion].push(value); }, onComplete(player, time, blitz) { const isPerfect = !this.leftGame?.includes(player.id) && Object.values(player.answers).every((attempts: any) => attempts.length <= 1); return { name: player.name, time, blitz, isPerfect }; }, onAfterEndPriority: 1, onAfterEnd(isReset) { if (isReset) return; const perfect = this.completed.filter(entry => entry.isPerfect).map(entry => entry.name); if (perfect.length) { this.announce(Utils.html`${Chat.toListString(perfect)} ${perfect.length > 1 ? 'have' : 'has'} completed the hunt without a single wrong answer!`); } }, }, bonusround: { name: 'Bonus Round', id: 'bonusround', desc: "Players can choose whether or not they choose to complete the 4th question.", onAfterLoad() { if (this.questions.length === 3) { this.announce('This twist requires at least four questions. Please reset the hunt and make it again.'); this.huntLocked = true; } else { this.questions[this.questions.length - 1].hint += ' (You may choose to skip this question using ``/scavenge skip``.)'; } }, onAnySubmit(player) { if (this.huntLocked) { player.sendRoom('The hunt was not set up correctly. Please wait for the host to reset the hunt and create a new one.'); return true; } }, onSubmitPriority: 1, onSubmit(player, value) { const currentQuestion = player.currentQuestion; if (value === 'skip' && currentQuestion + 1 === this.questions.length) { player.sendRoom('You have opted to skip the current question.'); player.skippedQuestion = true; this.onComplete(player); return true; } }, onComplete(player, time, blitz) { const noSkip = !player.skippedQuestion; return { name: player.name, time, blitz, noSkip }; }, onAfterEndPriority: 1, onAfterEnd(isReset) { if (isReset) return; const noSkip = this.completed.filter(entry => entry.noSkip).map(entry => entry.name); if (noSkip.length) { this.announce(Utils.html`${Chat.toListString(noSkip)} ${noSkip.length > 1 ? 'have' : 'has'} completed the hunt without skipping the last question!`); } }, }, incognito: { name: 'Incognito', id: 'incognito', desc: "Upon answering the last question correctly, the player's finishing time will not be announced in the room! Results will only be known at the end of the hunt.", onCorrectAnswer(player, value) { if (player.currentQuestion + 1 >= this.questions.length) { this.runEvent('PreComplete', player); player.sendRoom(`Congratulations! You have gotten the correct answer.`); player.sendRoom(`This is a special style where finishes aren't announced! To see your placement, wait for the hunt to end. Until then, it's your secret that you finished!`); return false; } }, onPreComplete(player) { const now = Date.now(); const time = Chat.toDurationString(now - this.startTime, { hhmmss: true }); const canBlitz = this.completed.length < 3; const blitz = now - this.startTime <= 60000 && canBlitz && (this.room.settings.scavSettings?.blitzPoints?.[this.gameType] || this.gameType === 'official'); const result = this.runEvent('Complete', player, time, blitz) || { name: player.name, time, blitz }; this.preCompleted = this.preCompleted ? [...this.preCompleted, result] : [result]; player.completed = true; player.destroy(); }, onEnd() { this.completed = this.preCompleted || []; }, }, spamfilter: { name: 'Spam Filter', id: 'spamfilter', desc: 'Every wrong answer adds 30 seconds to your final time!', onIncorrectAnswer(player: ScavengerHuntPlayer, value: string) { if (!player.incorrect) player.incorrect = []; const id = `${player.currentQuestion}-${value}`; if (player.incorrect.includes(id)) return; player.incorrect.push(id); }, onComplete(player, time, blitz) { const seconds = toSeconds(time); if (!player.incorrect) return { name: player.name, total: seconds, blitz, time, original_time: time }; const total = seconds + (30 * player.incorrect.length); const finalTime = Chat.toDurationString(total * 1000, { hhmmss: true }); if (total > 60) blitz = false; return { name: player.name, total, blitz, time: finalTime, original_time: time }; }, onConfirmCompletion(player, time, blitz, place, result) { blitz = result.blitz; time = result.time; const deductionMessage = player.incorrect?.length ? Chat.count(player.incorrect, 'incorrect guesses', 'incorrect guess') : "Perfect!"; return `${Utils.escapeHTML(player.name)} has finished the hunt! (Final Time: ${time} - ${deductionMessage}${(blitz ? " - BLITZ" : "")})`; }, onEnd() { Utils.sortBy(this.completed, entry => entry.total); }, }, blindincognito: { name: 'Blind Incognito', id: 'blindincognito', desc: "Upon completing the last question, neither you nor other players will know if the last question is correct! You may be in for a nasty surprise when the hunt ends!", onAnySubmit(player, value) { if (player.precompleted) { player.sendRoom(`That may or may not be the right answer - if you aren't confident, you can try again!`); return true; } }, onCorrectAnswer(player, value) { if (player.currentQuestion + 1 >= this.questions.length) { this.runEvent('PreComplete', player); player.sendRoom(`That may or may not be the right answer - if you aren't confident, you can try again!`); return true; } }, onIncorrectAnswer(player, value) { if (player.currentQuestion + 1 >= this.questions.length) { player.sendRoom(`That may or may not be the right answer - if you aren't confident, you can try again!`); return false; } }, onPreComplete(player) { const now = Date.now(); const time = Chat.toDurationString(now - this.startTime, { hhmmss: true }); const canBlitz = this.completed.length < 3; const blitz = now - this.startTime <= 60000 && canBlitz && (this.room.settings.scavSettings?.blitzPoints?.[this.gameType] || this.gameType === 'official'); const result = this.runEvent('Complete', player, time, blitz) || { name: player.name, time, blitz }; this.preCompleted = this.preCompleted ? [...this.preCompleted, result] : [result]; player.precompleted = true; }, onEnd() { this.completed = this.preCompleted || []; }, }, timetrial: { name: 'Time Trial', id: 'timetrial', desc: "Time starts when the player starts the hunt!", onAfterLoad() { if (this.questions.length === 3) { this.announce('This twist requires at least four questions. Please reset the hunt and make it again.'); this.huntLocked = true; } this.altIps = {}; this.startTimes = {}; }, onJoin(user: User) { if (!Config.noipchecks) { const altIp = user.ips.find(ip => this.altIps[ip] && this.altsIps[ip].id !== user.id); if (altIp) { user.sendTo(this.room, `You already have started the hunt as ${this.altIps[altIp].name}.`); return true; } } if (!this.startTimes[user.id]) this.startTimes[user.id] = Date.now(); if (this.addPlayer(user)) { this.cacheUserIps(user); delete this.leftHunt[user.id]; user.sendTo(this.room, "You joined the scavenger hunt! Use the command /scavenge to answer."); this.onSendQuestion(user); } else { user.sendTo(this.room, "You have already joined the hunt."); } return true; }, onLeave(player) { for (const ip of player.joinIps) { this.altIps[ip] = { id: player.id, name: player.name }; } }, onAnySubmit(player) { if (this.huntLocked) { player.sendRoom('The hunt was not set up correctly. Please wait for the host to reset the hunt and create a new one.'); return true; } }, onComplete(player, time, blitz) { const now = Date.now(); const takenTime = now - this.startTimes[player.id]; const result = { name: player.name, id: player.id, time: Chat.toDurationString(takenTime, { hhmmss: true }), duration: takenTime, blitz, }; this.completed.push(result); const place = Utils.formatOrder(this.completed.length); this.announce( Utils.html`${result.name} is the ${place} player to finish the hunt! (${takenTime}${(blitz ? " - BLITZ" : "")})` ); Utils.sortBy(this.completed, entry => entry.duration); player.destroy(); // remove from user.games; return true; }, }, scavengersfeud: { id: 'scavengersfeud', name: 'Scavengers Feud', desc: 'After completing the hunt, players will guess what the most common incorrect answer for each question is.', onAfterLoad() { this.guesses = {}; this.incorrect = this.questions.map(() => ({})); this.questions.push({ hint: 'Please enter what you think are the most common incorrect answers to each question. (Enter your guesses in the order of the previous questions, and separate them with a comma)', answer: ['Any'], spoilers: [], }); }, onIncorrectAnswer(player: ScavengerHuntPlayer, value: string) { const curr = player.currentQuestion; if (!this.incorrect[curr][value]) this.incorrect[curr][value] = []; if (this.incorrect[curr][value].includes(player.id)) return; this.incorrect[curr][value].push(player.id); }, onSubmitPriority: 1, onSubmit(player, jumble, value) { const currentQuestion = player.currentQuestion; if (currentQuestion + 1 === this.questions.length) { this.guesses[player.id] = value.split(',').map((part: string) => sanitizeAnswer(part)); this.onComplete(player); return true; } }, onEnd() { this.questions = this.questions.slice(0, -1); // remove the automatically added last question. }, onAfterEnd(isReset) { if (isReset) return; const buffer = []; for (const [idx, data] of this.incorrect.entries()) { // collate the data for each question let collection = []; for (const str in data) { collection.push({ count: data[str].length, value: str }); } collection = collection.sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count); const maxValue = collection[0]?.count || 0; const matches = collection .filter(pair => pair.count === maxValue) .map(pair => pair.value); const matchedPlayers = []; for (const playerid in this.guesses) { const guesses = this.guesses[playerid]; if (matches.includes(guesses[idx])) matchedPlayers.push(playerid); } // display the data const matchDisplay = matches.length ? matches.join(', ') : 'No wrong answers!'; const playerDisplay = matches.length ? matchedPlayers.length ? `- ${matchedPlayers.join(', ')}` : '- No one guessed correctly!' : ''; buffer.push(`Q${idx + 1}: ${matchDisplay} ${playerDisplay}`); } this.announce(`

Most common incorrect answers:

')}`); }, }, minesweeper: { id: 'minesweeper', name: 'Minesweeper', desc: 'The huntmaker adds \'mines\' to the hunt using `!(mine)` - players that dodge all mines get extra points, while the huntmaker gets points every time a mine is hit.', onAfterLoad() { this.guesses = this.questions.map(() => []); this.mines = []; for (const question of this.questions) { this.mines.push(question.answer.filter(ans => ans.startsWith('!'))); question.answer = question.answer.filter(ans => !ans.startsWith('!')); } if ((this.mines as string[][]).some(mineSet => mineSet.length === 0)) { this.announce('This twist requires at least one mine for each question. Please reset the hunt and make it again.'); this.huntLocked = true; } }, onEditQuestion(questionNumber: number, questionAnswer: string, value: string) { if (questionAnswer === 'question') questionAnswer = 'hint'; if (!['hint', 'answer'].includes(questionAnswer)) return false; let answer: string[] = []; if (questionAnswer === 'answer') { answer = value.split(';').map(p => p.trim()); } if (!questionNumber || questionNumber < 1 || questionNumber > this.questions.length || (!answer && !value)) { return false; } questionNumber--; // indexOf starts at 0 if (questionAnswer === 'answer') { // These two lines are the only difference from the original this.mines[questionNumber] = answer.filter(ans => ans.startsWith('!')); this.questions[questionNumber].answer = answer.filter(ans => !ans.startsWith('!')); } else { this.questions[questionNumber].hint = value; } this.announce(`The ${questionAnswer} for question ${questionNumber + 1} has been edited.`); if (questionAnswer === 'hint') { for (const p in this.playerTable) { this.playerTable[p].onNotifyChange(questionNumber); } } return true; }, onAnySubmit(player) { if (this.huntLocked) { player.sendRoom('The hunt was not set up correctly. Please wait for the host to reset the hunt and create a new one.'); return true; } }, onIncorrectAnswer(player: ScavengerHuntPlayer, value: string) { const curr = player.currentQuestion; if (!this.guesses[curr][player.id]) this.guesses[curr][player.id] = new Set(); this.guesses[curr][player.id].add(sanitizeAnswer(value)); throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("That is not the answer - try again!"); }, onShowEndBoard(endedBy?: User) { const sliceIndex = this.gameType === 'official' ? 5 : 3; const hosts = Chat.toListString(this.hosts.map(h => `${Utils.escapeHTML(h.name)}`)); const mines: { mine: string, users: string[] }[][] = []; for (const mineSet of this.mines as string[][]) { mines.push(mineSet.map(mine => ({ mine: mine.substr(1), users: [] as string[] }))); } for (const player of Object.values(this.playerTable)) { if (!player) continue; if (player.mines) { for (const { index, mine } of player.mines) { mines[index].find(obj => obj.mine === mine)?.users.push(player.name); } } } for (const mineSet of mines) mineSet.sort(); this.announce( `The ${this.gameType ? `${this.gameType} ` : ""}scavenger hunt by ${hosts} was ended ${(endedBy ? "by " + Utils.escapeHTML(endedBy.name) : "automatically")}.
` + `${this.completed.slice(0, sliceIndex).map((p, i) => `${Utils.formatOrder(i + 1)} place: ${Utils.escapeHTML(p.name)} [${p.time}].
`).join("")}` + `${this.completed.length > sliceIndex ? `Consolation Prize: ${this.completed.slice(sliceIndex).map(e => `${Utils.escapeHTML(e.name)} [${e.time}]`).join(', ')}
` : ''}
` + `
` + `${this.questions.map((q, i) => ( `${i + 1}) ${this.formatOutput(q.hint)} [${Utils.escapeHTML(q.answer.join(' / '))}]
` + `
Mines: ${mines[i].map(({ mine, users }) => Utils.escapeHTML(`${mine}: ${users.join(' / ') || '-'}`)).join('
` )).join("
")}` + `
` ); return true; }, onEnd(isReset) { if (isReset) return; for (const [q, guessObj] of this.guesses.entries()) { const mines: string[] = this.mines[q]; for (const [playerId, guesses] of Object.entries(guessObj)) { const player = this.playerTable[playerId]; if (!player) continue; if (!player.mines) player.mines = []; (player.mines as { index: number, mine: string }[]).push(...mines .filter(mine => (guesses as Set).has(sanitizeAnswer(mine))) .map(mine => ({ index: q, mine: mine.substr(1) }))); } } }, onAfterEndPriority: 1, onAfterEnd(isReset) { if (isReset) return; const noMines = []; for (const { name } of this.completed) { const player = this.playerTable[toID(name)]; if (!player) continue; if (!player.mines?.length) noMines.push(name); } if (noMines.length) { this.announce(Utils.html`${Chat.toListString(noMines)} ${noMines.length > 1 ? 'have' : 'has'} completed the hunt without hitting a single mine!`); // Points are awarded manually } }, }, }; const MODES: { [k: string]: GameMode | string } = { ko: 'kogames', kogames: { name: 'KO Games', id: 'kogames', mod: { name: 'KO Games', id: 'KO Games', isGameMode: true, onLoad() { this.allowRenames = false; // don't let people change their name in the middle of the hunt. }, onJoin(user: User) { const game = this.room.scavgame!; if (game.playerlist && !game.playerlist.includes(user.id)) { user.sendTo(this.room, 'You are not allowed to join this scavenger hunt.'); return true; } }, onAfterEnd() { const game = this.room.scavgame!; if (!this.completed.length) { this.announce('No one has completed the hunt - the round has been void.'); return; } game.round++; // elimination if (!game.playerlist) { game.playerlist = this.completed.map(entry => toID(entry.name)); this.announce(`Round ${game.round} - ${Chat.toListString(this.completed.map(p => `${p.name}`))} have successfully completed the last hunt and have moved on to the next round!`); } else { let eliminated = []; const completed = this.completed.map(entry => toID(entry.name)) as string[]; if (completed.length === game.playerlist.length) { eliminated.push(completed.pop()); // eliminate one game.playerlist = game.playerlist.filter(userid => completed.includes(userid)); } else { eliminated = game.playerlist.filter(userid => !completed.includes(userid)); for (const username of eliminated) { const userid = toID(username); game.playerlist = game.playerlist.filter(pid => pid !== userid); } } this.announce(`Round ${game.round} - ${Chat.toListString(eliminated.map(n => `${n}`))} ${Chat.plural(eliminated, 'have', 'has')} been eliminated! ${Chat.toListString(game.playerlist.map(p => `${this.playerTable[p].name}`))} have successfully completed the last hunt and have moved on to the next round!`); } // process end of game if (game.playerlist.length === 1) { const winningUser = Users.get(game.playerlist[0]); const winner = winningUser ? winningUser.name : game.playerlist[0]; this.announce(`Congratulations to the winner - ${winner}!`); game.destroy(); } else if (!game.playerlist.length) { this.announce('Everyone has been eliminated! Better luck next time!'); game.destroy(); } }, }, round: 0, playerlist: null, }, scav: 'scavengergames', scavgames: 'scavengergames', scavengergames: { name: 'Scavenger Games', id: 'scavengergames', mod: { name: 'Scavenger Games', id: 'scavengergames', isGameMode: true, onLoad() { this.allowRenames = false; // don't let people change their name in the middle of the hunt. this.setTimer(1); }, onJoin(user) { const game = this.room.scavgame!; if (game.playerlist && !game.playerlist.includes(user.id)) { user.sendTo(this.room, 'You are not allowed to join this scavenger hunt.'); return true; } }, onAfterEnd() { const game = this.room.scavgame!; if (!this.completed.length) { this.announce('No one has completed the hunt - the round has been void.'); return; } game.round++; let eliminated: string[] = []; if (!game.playerlist) { game.playerlist = this.completed.map(entry => toID(entry.name) as string); } else { const completed = this.completed.map(entry => toID(entry.name) as string); eliminated = game.playerlist.filter(userid => !completed.includes(userid)); for (const username of eliminated) { const userid = toID(username); game.playerlist = game.playerlist.filter(pid => pid !== userid); } } this.announce(`Round ${game.round} - ${Chat.toListString(eliminated.map(n => `${n}`))} ${eliminated.length ? `${Chat.plural(eliminated, 'have', 'has')} been eliminated!` : ''} ${Chat.toListString(game.playerlist.map(p => `${this.playerTable[p].name}`))} have successfully completed the last hunt and have moved on to the next round!`); // process end of game if (game.playerlist.length === 1) { const winningUser = Users.get(game.playerlist[0]); const winner = winningUser ? winningUser.name : game.playerlist[0]; this.announce(`Congratulations to the winner - ${winner}!`); game.destroy(); } else if (!game.playerlist.length) { this.announce('Everyone has been eliminated! Better luck next time!'); game.destroy(); } }, }, round: 0, playerlist: null, }, pr: 'pointrally', pointrally: { name: 'Point Rally', id: 'pointrally', pointDistribution: [50, 40, 32, 25, 20, 15, 10], mod: { name: 'Point Rally', id: 'pointrally', isGameMode: true, onLoad() { const game = this.room.scavgame!; this.announce(`Round ${++game.round}`); }, async onAfterEnd() { const game = this.room.scavgame!; for (const [i, completed] of this.completed.map(e => e.name).entries()) { const points = (game.pointDistribution[i] || game.pointDistribution[game.pointDistribution.length - 1]); game.leaderboard.addPoints(completed, 'points', points); } // post leaderboard const room = this.room; const html = await game.leaderboard.htmlLadder() as string; room.add(`|raw|${html}`).update(); }, }, round: 0, leaderboard: true, }, js: 'jumpstart', jump: 'jumpstart', jumpstart: { name: 'Jump Start', id: 'jumpstart', jumpstart: [60, 40, 30, 20, 10], round: 0, mod: { name: 'Jump Start', id: 'jumpstart', isGameMode: true, onLoad() { const game = this.room.scavgame!; if (game.round === 0) return; const maxTime = Math.max(...game.jumpstart); this.jumpstartTimers = []; this.answerLock = true; for (const [i, time] of game.jumpstart.entries()) { if (!game.completed[i]) break; this.jumpstartTimers[i] = setTimeout(() => { const target = game.completed.shift(); if (!target) return; const staffHost = Users.get(this.staffHostId); const targetUser = Users.get(target); if (targetUser) { if (staffHost) staffHost.sendTo(this.room, `${targetUser.name} has received their first hint early.`); targetUser.sendTo( this.room, `|raw|The first hint to the next hunt is:
` ); targetUser.sendTo( this.room, `|notify|Early Hint|The first hint to the next hunt is:
` ); } }, (maxTime - time) * 1000 + 5000); } // when the jump starts are all given to eligible players this.jumpstartTimers[this.jumpstartTimers.length] = setTimeout(() => { this.answerLock = false; const message = this.getCreationMessage(true); this.room.add(message).update(); this.announce('You may start guessing!'); this.startTime = Date.now(); }, 1000 * (maxTime + 5)); }, onJoin(user) { if (this.answerLock) { user.sendTo(this.room, `The hunt is not open for guesses yet!`); return true; } }, onViewHunt(user) { if (this.answerLock && !(this.hosts.some(h => h.id === user.id) || user.id === this.staffHostId)) { return true; } }, onCreateCallback() { if (this.answerLock) { return `|raw|
${['official', 'unrated'].includes(this.gameType) ? 'An' : 'A'} ${this.gameType} ` + `Scavenger Hunt by ${Utils.escapeHTML(Chat.toListString(this.hosts.map(h => h.name)))} ` + `has been started${(this.hosts.some(h => h.id === this.staffHostId) ? '' : ` by ${Utils.escapeHTML(this.staffHostName)}`)}.` + `
The first hint is currently being handed out to early finishers.`; } }, onEnd(reset) { if (this.jumpstartTimers) { for (const timer of this.jumpstartTimers) { clearTimeout(timer); } } const game = this.room.scavgame!; if (!reset) { if (game.round === 0) { game.completed = this.completed.map(entry => toID(entry.name)); game.round++; } else { game.destroy(); } } }, }, }, ts: 'teamscavs', tscav: 'teamscavs', teamscavengers: 'teamscavs', teamscavs: { name: 'Team Scavs', id: 'teamscavs', /* { [team name: string]: { name: string[], players: UserID[], answers: string[], question: number, completed: boolean } } */ teams: {}, teamAnnounce(player: ScavengerHuntPlayer | User, message: string) { const team = this.getPlayerTeam(player); for (const userid of team.players) { const user = Users.getExact(userid); if (!user?.connected) continue; // user is offline user.sendTo(this.room, `|raw|
`); } }, getPlayerTeam(player: ScavengerHuntPlayer | User) { const game = this.room.scavgame!; for (const teamID in game.teams) { const team = game.teams[teamID]; if (team.players.includes(player.id)) { return team; } } return null; }, advanceTeam(answerer: ScavengerHuntPlayer, isFinished?: boolean) { const hunt = this.room.getGame(ScavengerHunt)!; const team = this.getPlayerTeam(answerer); team.question++; const question = hunt.getQuestion(team.question); for (const userid of team.players) { const user = Users.getExact(userid); if (!user) continue; user.sendTo(this.room, question); } team.answers = []; }, mod: { name: 'Team Scavs', id: 'teamscavs', isGameMode: true, onLoad() { // don't let people change their name in the middle of the hunt. this.allowRenames = false; }, onViewHunt(user) { const game = this.room.scavgame!; const team = game.getPlayerTeam(user); const player = this.playerTable[user.id]; if (!player || !team) return; if (player.currentQuestion !== team.question - 1) player.currentQuestion = team.question - 1; if (team.completed) player.completed = true; }, onSendQuestion(player) { const game = this.room.scavgame!; const team = game.getPlayerTeam(player); if (!team) return; if (player.currentQuestion !== team.question - 1) player.currentQuestion = team.question - 1; if (team.completed) { player.completed = true; player.sendRoom('Your team has already completed the hunt!'); return true; } }, onConnect(user) { const player = this.playerTable[user.id]; if (!player) return; const game = this.room.scavgame!; const team = game.getPlayerTeam(player); if (team) { if (player.currentQuestion !== team.question - 1) player.currentQuestion = team.question - 1; if (team.completed) player.completed = true; } }, onJoin(user) { const game = this.room.scavgame!; const team = game.getPlayerTeam(user); if (!team) { user.sendTo(this.room, 'You are not allowed to join this scavenger hunt as you are not on any of the teams.'); return true; } }, onAfterLoadPriority: -9999, onAfterLoad() { const game = this.room.scavgame!; if (Object.keys(game.teams).length === 0) { this.announce('Teams have not been set up yet. Please reset the hunt.'); } }, // -1 so that blind incog takes precedence of this onCorrectAnswerPriority: -1, onCorrectAnswer(player, value) { const game = this.room.scavgame!; if (player.currentQuestion + 1 < this.questions.length) { game.teamAnnounce( player, Utils.html`${player.name} has gotten the correct answer (${value}) for question #${player.currentQuestion + 1}.` ); game.advanceTeam(player); return false; } }, onAnySubmit(player, value) { const game = this.room.scavgame!; const team = game.getPlayerTeam(player); if (!team) return true; // handle players who get kicked during the hunt. if (player.currentQuestion !== team.question - 1) player.currentQuestion = team.question - 1; if (team.completed) player.completed = true; if (player.completed) return; if (team.answers.includes(value)) return; game.teamAnnounce(player, Utils.html`${player.name} has guessed "${value}".`); team.answers.push(value); }, onCompletePriority: 2, onComplete(player, time, blitz) { const game = this.room.scavgame!; const team = game.getPlayerTeam(player); return { name: team.name, time, blitz }; }, // workaround that gives the answer after verifying that completion should not be hidden onConfirmCompletion(player, time, blitz) { const game = this.room.scavgame!; const team = game.getPlayerTeam(player); team.completed = true; team.question++; game.teamAnnounce( player, Utils.html`${player.name} has gotten the correct answer for question #${player.currentQuestion}. Your team has completed the hunt!` ); }, onEnd() { const game = this.room.scavgame!; for (const teamID in game.teams) { const team = game.teams[teamID]; team.answers = []; team.question = 1; team.completed = false; } }, }, }, }; export class ScavengerGameTemplate { room: Room; playerlist: null | string[]; timer: NodeJS.Timeout | null; [k: string]: any; constructor(room: Room) { this.room = room; this.playerlist = null; this.timer = null; } destroy(force?: boolean) { if (this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer); const game = this.room.getGame(ScavengerHunt); if (force && game) game.onEnd(false); this.room.scavgame = null; } eliminate(userid: string) { if (!this.playerlist?.includes(userid)) return false; this.playerlist = this.playerlist.filter(pid => pid !== userid); if (this.leaderboard) delete this.leaderboard.data[userid]; return true; } announce(msg: string) { this.room.add(`|raw|
`).update(); } } const LoadGame = function (room: Room, gameid: string) { let game = MODES[gameid]; if (!game) return false; // invalid id if (typeof game === 'string') game = MODES[game]; const base = new ScavengerGameTemplate(room); const scavgame = Object.assign(base, Utils.deepClone(game)); // initialize leaderboard if required if (scavgame.leaderboard) { scavgame.leaderboard = new Leaderboard(); } return scavgame; }; export const ScavMods = { LoadGame, twists: TWISTS, modes: MODES, };