/** * Moderation commands * Pokemon Showdown - http://pokemonshowdown.com/ * * These are commands for staff. * * For the API, see chat-plugins/COMMANDS.md * * @license MIT */ import { Utils } from '../../lib'; import { type RoomSection, RoomSections } from './room-settings'; /* eslint no-else-return: "error" */ const MAX_REASON_LENGTH = 600; const MUTE_LENGTH = 7 * 60 * 1000; const HOURMUTE_LENGTH = 60 * 60 * 1000; const DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; /** Require reasons for punishment commands */ const REQUIRE_REASONS = true; /** * Promotes a user within a room. Returns a User object if a popup should be shown to the user, * and null otherwise. Throws a Chat.ErrorMessage on an error. * * @param promoter the User object of the user who is promoting * @param room the Room in which the promotion is happening * @param userid the ID of the user to promote * @param symbol the GroupSymbol to promote to * @param username the username of the user to promote * @param force whether or not to forcibly promote */ export function runPromote( promoter: User, room: Room, userid: ID, symbol: GroupSymbol, username?: string, force?: boolean ) { const targetUser = Users.getExact(userid); username = username || userid; if (!username) return; if (userid.length > 18) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User '${username}' does not exist (the username is too long).`); } if (!targetUser && !Users.isUsernameKnown(userid) && !force) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User '${username}' is offline and unrecognized, and so can't be promoted.`); } if (targetUser && !targetUser.registered) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User '${username}' is unregistered, and so can't be promoted.`); } let currentSymbol: GroupSymbol | 'whitelist' = room.auth.getDirect(userid); if (room.auth.has(userid) && currentSymbol === Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()) { currentSymbol = 'whitelist'; } const currentGroup = Users.Auth.getGroup(currentSymbol); const currentGroupName = currentGroup.name || "regular user"; const nextGroup = Config.groups[symbol]; if (currentSymbol === symbol) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User '${username}' is already a ${nextGroup?.name || symbol || 'regular user'} in this room.`); } if (!promoter.can('makeroom')) { if (currentGroup.id && !promoter.can(`room${currentGroup.id || 'voice'}` as 'roomvoice', null, room)) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Access denied for promoting/demoting ${username} from ${currentGroupName}.`); } if (symbol !== ' ' && !promoter.can(`room${nextGroup.id || 'voice'}` as 'roomvoice', null, room)) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Access denied for promoting/demoting ${username} to ${nextGroup.name}.`); } } if (targetUser?.locked && room.persist && room.settings.isPrivate !== true && nextGroup.rank > 2) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${username} is locked and can't be promoted.`); } if (symbol === Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()) { room.auth.delete(userid); } else { room.auth.set(userid, symbol); } if (targetUser) { targetUser.updateIdentity(room.roomid); if (room.subRooms) { for (const subRoom of room.subRooms.values()) { targetUser.updateIdentity(subRoom.roomid); } } } // Only show popup if: user is online and in the room, the room is public, and not a groupchat or a battle. if (targetUser && room.users[targetUser.id] && room.persist && room.settings.isPrivate !== true) { return targetUser; } return null; } export function runCrisisDemote(userid: ID) { const from = []; const section = Users.globalAuth.sectionLeaders.get(userid); if (section) { from.push(`Section Leader (${RoomSections.sectionNames[section] || section})`); Users.globalAuth.deleteSection(userid); } const globalGroup = Users.globalAuth.get(userid); if (globalGroup && globalGroup !== ' ') { from.push(globalGroup); Users.globalAuth.delete(userid); } for (const room of Rooms.global.chatRooms) { if (!room.settings.isPrivate && room.auth.isStaff(userid)) { let oldGroup: string = room.auth.getDirect(userid); if (oldGroup === ' ') { oldGroup = 'whitelist in '; } else { room.auth.set(userid, '+'); } from.push(`${oldGroup}${room.roomid}`); } } return from; } Punishments.addPunishmentType({ type: 'YEARLOCK', desc: "Locked for a year", onActivate: (user, punishment) => { user.locked = user.id; Chat.punishmentfilter(user, punishment); }, }); export const commands: Chat.ChatCommands = { roomowner(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!room.persist) { return this.sendReply("/roomowner - This room isn't designed for per-room moderation to be added"); } if (!target) return this.parse('/help roomowner'); const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest } = this.splitUser(target, { exactName: true }); if (rest) return this.errorReply(`This command does not support specifying a reason.`); const userid = toID(targetUsername); if (!Users.isUsernameKnown(userid)) { return this.errorReply(`User '${targetUsername}' is offline and unrecognized, and so can't be promoted.`); } this.checkCan('makeroom'); if (room.auth.getDirect(userid) === '#') return this.errorReply(`${targetUsername} is already a room owner.`); room.auth.set(userid, '#'); const message = `${targetUsername} was appointed Room Owner by ${user.name}.`; if (room.settings.isPrivate === true) { this.addModAction(message); Rooms.get(`upperstaff`)?.addByUser(user, `<<${room.roomid}>> ${message}`).update(); } else { this.addGlobalModAction(message); } this.modlog('ROOMOWNER', userid); if (targetUser) { targetUser.popup(`You were appointed Room Owner by ${user.name} in ${room.roomid}.`); room.onUpdateIdentity(targetUser); if (room.subRooms) { for (const subRoom of room.subRooms.values()) { subRoom.onUpdateIdentity(targetUser); } } } room.saveSettings(); }, roomownerhelp: [`/roomowner [username] - Appoints [username] as a room owner. Requires: ~`], roomdemote: 'roompromote', forceroompromote: 'roompromote', forceroomdemote: 'roompromote', roompromote(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { if (!room) { // this command isn't marked as room-only because it's usable in PMs through /invite return this.errorReply("This command is only available in rooms"); } this.checkChat(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help roompromote'); const force = cmd.startsWith('force'); const users = target.split(',').map(part => part.trim()); let nextSymbol = users.pop() as GroupSymbol | 'deauth'; if (nextSymbol === 'deauth') nextSymbol = Users.Auth.defaultSymbol(); const nextGroup = Users.Auth.getGroup(nextSymbol); if (!nextSymbol) { return this.errorReply("Please specify a group such as /roomvoice or /roomdeauth"); } if (!Config.groups[nextSymbol]) { if (!force || !user.can('bypassall')) { this.errorReply(`Group '${nextSymbol}' does not exist.`); if (user.can('bypassall')) { this.errorReply(`If you want to promote to a nonexistent group, use /forceroompromote`); } return; } else if (!Users.Auth.isValidSymbol(nextSymbol)) { // yes I know this excludes astral-plane characters and includes combining characters return this.errorReply(`Admins can forcepromote to nonexistent groups only if they are one character long`); } } if (!force && (nextGroup.globalonly || (nextGroup.battleonly && !room.battle))) { return this.errorReply(`Group 'room${nextGroup.id || nextSymbol}' does not exist as a room rank.`); } const nextGroupName = nextGroup.name || "regular user"; for (const toPromote of users) { const userid = toID(toPromote); if (!userid) return this.parse('/help roompromote'); // weird ts bug (?) - 7022 // it implicitly is 'any' because it has no annotation and is "is referenced directly or indirectly in its own initializer." // dunno why this happens, but for now we can just cast over it. const oldSymbol: GroupSymbol = room.auth.getDirect(userid); let shouldPopup; try { shouldPopup = runPromote(user, room, userid, nextSymbol, toPromote, force); } catch (err: any) { if (err.name?.endsWith('ErrorMessage')) { this.errorReply(err.message); continue; } throw err; } const targetUser = Users.getExact(userid); const name = targetUser?.name || toPromote; if (this.pmTarget && targetUser) { const text = `${targetUser.name} was invited (and promoted to Room ${nextGroupName}) by ${user.name}.`; room.add(`|c|${user.getIdentity(room)}|/log ${text}`).update(); this.modlog('INVITE', targetUser, null, { noip: 1, noalts: 1 }); } else if ( nextSymbol in Config.groups && oldSymbol in Config.groups && nextGroup.rank < Config.groups[oldSymbol].rank ) { if (targetUser && room.users[targetUser.id] && !nextGroup.modlog) { // if the user can't see the demotion message (i.e. rank < %), it is shown in the chat targetUser.send(`>${room.roomid}\n(You were demoted to Room ${nextGroupName} by ${user.name}.)`); } this.privateModAction(`${name} was demoted to Room ${nextGroupName} by ${user.name}.`); this.modlog(`ROOM${nextGroupName.toUpperCase()}`, userid, '(demote)'); shouldPopup?.popup(`You were demoted to Room ${nextGroupName} by ${user.name} in ${room.roomid}.`); } else if (nextSymbol === '#') { this.addModAction(`${name} was promoted to ${nextGroupName} by ${user.name}.`); const logRoom = Rooms.get(room.settings.isPrivate === true ? 'upperstaff' : 'staff'); logRoom?.addByUser(user, `<<${room.roomid}>> ${name} was appointed Room Owner by ${user.name}`); this.modlog('ROOM OWNER', userid); shouldPopup?.popup(`You were promoted to ${nextGroupName} by ${user.name} in ${room.roomid}.`); } else { this.addModAction(`${name} was promoted to Room ${nextGroupName} by ${user.name}.`); this.modlog(`ROOM${nextGroupName.toUpperCase()}`, userid); shouldPopup?.popup(`You were promoted to Room ${nextGroupName} by ${user.name} in ${room.roomid}.`); } if (targetUser) { targetUser.updateIdentity(room.roomid); if (room.subRooms) { for (const subRoom of room.subRooms.values()) { targetUser.updateIdentity(subRoom.roomid); } } if (targetUser.trusted && !Users.isTrusted(targetUser.id)) { targetUser.trusted = ''; } } } room.saveSettings(); }, roompromotehelp: [ `/roompromote OR /roomdemote [comma-separated usernames], [group symbol] - Promotes/demotes the user(s) to the specified room rank. Requires: @ # ~`, `/room[group] [comma-separated usernames] - Promotes/demotes the user(s) to the specified room rank. Requires: @ # ~`, `/roomdeauth [comma-separated usernames] - Removes all room rank from the user(s). Requires: @ # ~`, ], auth: 'authority', stafflist: 'authority', globalauth: 'authority', authlist: 'authority', authority(target, room, user, connection) { if (target && target !== '+') { const targetRoom = Rooms.search(target); const availableRoom = targetRoom?.checkModjoin(user); if (targetRoom && availableRoom) return this.parse(`/roomauth1 ${target}`); return this.parse(`/userauth ${target}`); } const showAll = !!target; const rankLists: { [k: string]: string[] } = {}; for (const [id, symbol] of Users.globalAuth) { if (symbol === ' ' || (symbol === '+' && !showAll)) continue; if (!rankLists[symbol]) rankLists[symbol] = []; rankLists[symbol].push(Users.globalAuth.usernames.get(id) || id); } const buffer = Utils.sortBy( Object.entries(rankLists) as [GroupSymbol, string[]][], ([symbol]) => -Users.Auth.getGroup(symbol).rank ).map( ([symbol, names]) => ( `${(Config.groups[symbol] ? `**${Config.groups[symbol].name}s** (${symbol})` : symbol)}:\n` + Utils.sortBy(names, name => toID(name)).join(", ") ) ); if (!showAll) buffer.push(`(Use \`\`/auth +\`\` to show global voice users.)`); if (!buffer.length) return connection.popup("This server has no global authority."); connection.popup(buffer.join("\n\n")); }, authhelp: [ `/auth - Show global staff for the server.`, `/auth + - Show global staff for the server, including voices.`, `/auth [room] - Show what roomauth a room has.`, `/auth [user] - Show what global and roomauth a user has.`, ], roomstaff: 'roomauth', roomauth1: 'roomauth', roomauth(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { let userLookup = ''; if (cmd === 'roomauth1') userLookup = `\n\nTo look up auth for a user, use /userauth ${target}`; let targetRoom = room; if (target) targetRoom = Rooms.search(target)!; if (!targetRoom?.checkModjoin(user)) { return this.errorReply(`The room "${target}" does not exist.`); } const showAll = user.can('mute', null, targetRoom); const rankLists: { [groupSymbol: string]: ID[] } = {}; for (const [id, rank] of targetRoom.auth) { if (rank === ' ' && !showAll) continue; if (!rankLists[rank]) rankLists[rank] = []; rankLists[rank].push(id); } const buffer = Utils.sortBy( Object.entries(rankLists) as [GroupSymbol, ID[]][], ([symbol]) => -Users.Auth.getGroup(symbol).rank ).map(([symbol, names]) => { let group = Config.groups[symbol] ? `${Config.groups[symbol].name}s (${symbol})` : symbol; if (symbol === ' ') group = 'Whitelisted (this list is only visible to staff)'; return `${group}:\n` + Utils.sortBy(names).map(userid => { const isOnline = Users.get(userid)?.statusType === 'online'; // targetRoom guaranteed to exist above return userid in targetRoom.users && isOnline ? `**${userid}**` : userid; }).join(', '); }); let curRoom = targetRoom; while (curRoom.parent) { const modjoinSetting = curRoom.settings.modjoin === true ? curRoom.settings.modchat : curRoom.settings.modjoin; const roomType = (modjoinSetting ? `modjoin ${modjoinSetting} ` : ''); const inheritedUserType = (modjoinSetting ? ` of rank ${modjoinSetting} and above` : ''); if (curRoom.parent) { const also = buffer.length === 0 ? `` : ` also`; buffer.push(`${curRoom.title} is a ${roomType}subroom of ${curRoom.parent.title}, so ${curRoom.parent.title} users${inheritedUserType}${also} have authority in this room.`); } curRoom = curRoom.parent; } if (!buffer.length) { connection.popup(`The room '${targetRoom.title}' has no auth. ${userLookup}`); return; } if (!curRoom.settings.isPrivate) { buffer.push(`${curRoom.title} is a public room, so global auth with no relevant roomauth will have authority in this room.`); } else if (curRoom.settings.isPrivate === 'hidden' || curRoom.settings.isPrivate === 'voice') { buffer.push(`${curRoom.title} is a hidden room, so global auth with no relevant roomauth will have authority in this room.`); } buffer.push(`Names in **bold** are online.`); if (targetRoom !== room) buffer.unshift(`${targetRoom.title} room auth:`); connection.popup(`${buffer.join("\n\n")}${userLookup}`); }, roomauthhelp: [ `/roomauth [room] - Shows a list of the staff and authority in the given [room].`, `If no room is given, it defaults to the current room.`, ], userauth(target, room, user, connection) { const targetId = toID(target) || user.id; const targetUser = Users.getExact(targetId); const targetUsername = targetUser?.name || target; const buffer = []; let innerBuffer = []; const group = Users.globalAuth.get(targetId); if (group !== ' ' || Users.isTrusted(targetId)) { buffer.push(`Global auth: ${group === ' ' ? 'trusted' : group}`); } const sectionLeader = Users.globalAuth.sectionLeaders.get(targetId); if (sectionLeader) { buffer.push(`Section leader: ${RoomSections.sectionNames[sectionLeader]}`); } for (const curRoom of Rooms.rooms.values()) { if (curRoom.settings.isPrivate) continue; if (!curRoom.auth.has(targetId)) continue; innerBuffer.push(curRoom.auth.getDirect(targetId).trim() + curRoom.roomid); } if (innerBuffer.length) { buffer.push(`Room auth: ${innerBuffer.join(', ')}`); } if (targetId === user.id || user.can('lock')) { innerBuffer = []; for (const curRoom of Rooms.rooms.values()) { if (!curRoom.settings.isPrivate) continue; if (curRoom.settings.isPrivate === true) continue; if (!curRoom.auth.has(targetId)) continue; innerBuffer.push(curRoom.auth.getDirect(targetId).trim() + curRoom.roomid); } if (innerBuffer.length) { buffer.push(`Hidden room auth: ${innerBuffer.join(', ')}`); } } if (targetId === user.id || user.can('makeroom')) { innerBuffer = []; for (const chatRoom of Rooms.global.chatRooms) { if (!chatRoom.settings.isPrivate) continue; if (chatRoom.settings.isPrivate !== true) continue; if (!chatRoom.auth.has(targetId)) continue; innerBuffer.push(chatRoom.auth.getDirect(targetId).trim() + chatRoom.roomid); } if (innerBuffer.length) { buffer.push(`Private room auth: ${innerBuffer.join(', ')}`); } } if (!buffer.length) { buffer.push("No global or room auth."); } buffer.unshift(`${targetUsername} user auth:`); connection.popup(buffer.join("\n\n")); }, userauthhelp: [ `/userauth [username] - Shows all authority visible to the user for the given [username].`, `If no username is given, it defaults to the current user.`, ], sectionleaders(target, room, user, connection) { const usernames = Users.globalAuth.usernames; const buffer = []; const sections: { [k in RoomSection]: Set } = Object.create(null); for (const [id, username] of usernames) { const sectionid = Users.globalAuth.sectionLeaders.get(id); if (!sectionid) continue; if (!sections[sectionid]) sections[sectionid] = new Set(); sections[sectionid].add(username); } let sectionid: RoomSection; for (sectionid in sections) { if (!sections[sectionid].size) continue; buffer.push(`**${RoomSections.sectionNames[sectionid]}**:\n` + Utils.sortBy([...sections[sectionid]]).join(', ')); } if (!buffer.length) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There are no Section Leaders currently.`); connection.popup(buffer.join(`\n\n`)); }, sectionleadershelp: [ `/sectionleaders - Shows the current room sections and their section leaders.`, ], async autojoin(target, room, user, connection) { const targets = target.split(',').filter(Boolean); if (targets.length > 16 || connection.inRooms.size > 1) { return connection.popup("To prevent DoS attacks, you can only use /autojoin for 16 or fewer rooms, when you haven't joined any rooms yet. Please use /join for each room separately."); } Rooms.global.autojoinRooms(user, connection); const autojoins: string[] = []; const promises = targets.map( roomid => user.tryJoinRoom(roomid as RoomID, connection).then(ret => { if (ret === Rooms.RETRY_AFTER_LOGIN) { autojoins.push(roomid); } }) ); await Promise.all(promises); // eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates connection.autojoins = autojoins.join(','); }, autojoinhelp: [`/autojoin [rooms] - Automatically joins all the given rooms.`], joim: 'join', j: 'join', async join(target, room, user, connection) { target = target.trim(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help join'); if (target.startsWith('http://')) target = target.slice(7); if (target.startsWith('https://')) target = target.slice(8); if (target.startsWith(`${Config.routes.client}/`)) target = target.slice(Config.routes.client.length + 1); if (target.startsWith(`${Config.routes.replays}/`)) target = `battle-${target.slice(Config.routes.replays.length + 1)}`; if (target.startsWith('psim.us/')) target = target.slice(8); // isn't in tryJoinRoom so you can still join your own battles / gameRooms etc const numRooms = [...Rooms.rooms.values()].filter(r => user.id in r.users).length; if (!user.can('altsself') && !target.startsWith('view-') && numRooms >= 50) { return connection.sendTo(target as RoomID, `|noinit||You can only join 50 rooms at a time.`); } const ret = await user.tryJoinRoom(target as RoomID, connection); if (ret === Rooms.RETRY_AFTER_LOGIN) { connection.sendTo( target as RoomID, `|noinit|namerequired|The room '${target}' does not exist or requires a login to join.` ); } }, joinhelp: [`/join [roomname] - Attempt to join the room [roomname].`], leave: 'part', part(target, room, user, connection) { const targetRoom = target ? Rooms.search(target) : room; if (!targetRoom) { if (target.startsWith('view-')) { connection.openPages?.delete(target.slice(5)); if (!connection.openPages?.size) connection.openPages = null; Chat.handleRoomClose(target as RoomID, user, connection); return; } return this.errorReply(`The room '${target}' does not exist.`); } Chat.handleRoomClose(targetRoom.roomid, user, connection); user.leaveRoom(targetRoom, connection); }, leavehelp: [`/leave - Leave the current room, or a given room.`], /********************************************************* * Moderating: Punishments *********************************************************/ kick: 'warn', k: 'warn', warn(target, room, user) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help warn'); this.checkChat(); if (room?.settings.isPersonal && !user.can('warn' as any)) { return this.errorReply("Warning is unavailable in group chats."); } // If used in pms, staff, help tickets or battles, log the warn to the global modlog. const globalWarn = ( !room || ['staff', 'adminlog'].includes(room.roomid) || room.roomid.startsWith('help-') || (room.battle && (!room.parent || room.parent.type !== 'chat')) ); const { targetUser, inputUsername, targetUsername, rest: reason } = this.splitUser(target); const targetID = toID(targetUsername); const { privateReason, publicReason } = this.parseSpoiler(reason); const saveReplay = globalWarn && room?.battle; if (!targetUser?.connected) { if (!globalWarn) return this.errorReply(`User '${targetUsername}' not found.`); if (room) { this.checkCan('warn', null, room); } else { this.checkCan('lock'); } this.addGlobalModAction( `${targetID} was warned by ${user.name} while offline.${publicReason ? ` (${publicReason})` : ``}` ); this.globalModlog('WARN OFFLINE', targetUser || targetID, privateReason); Punishments.offlineWarns.set(targetID, publicReason); if (saveReplay) this.parse('/savereplay forpunishment'); return; } if (!globalWarn && !(targetUser.id in room.users)) { return this.errorReply(`User ${targetUsername} is not in the room ${room.roomid}.`); } if (publicReason.length > MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { return this.errorReply(`The reason is too long. It cannot exceed ${MAX_REASON_LENGTH} characters.`); } if (room) { this.checkCan('warn', targetUser, room); } else { this.checkCan('lock', targetUser); } if (targetUser.can('makeroom')) return this.errorReply("You are not allowed to warn upper staff members."); const now = Date.now(); const timeout = now - targetUser.lastWarnedAt; if (timeout < 15 * 1000) { const remainder = (15 - (timeout / 1000)).toFixed(2); return this.errorReply(`You must wait ${remainder} more seconds before you can warn ${targetUser.name} again.`); } const logMessage = `${targetUser.name} was warned by ${user.name}.${(publicReason ? ` (${publicReason})` : ``)}`; if (globalWarn) { this.addGlobalModAction(logMessage); this.globalModlog('WARN', targetUser, privateReason); } else { this.addModAction(logMessage); this.modlog('WARN', targetUser, privateReason, { noalts: 1 }); } targetUser.send(`|c|~|/warn ${publicReason}`); const userid = targetUser.getLastId(); if (room) { this.add(`|hidelines|unlink|${userid}`); if (userid !== toID(inputUsername)) this.add(`|hidelines|unlink|${toID(inputUsername)}`); } targetUser.lastWarnedAt = now; // Automatically upload replays as evidence/reference to the punishment if (saveReplay) this.parse('/savereplay forpunishment'); return true; }, warnhelp: [ `/warn OR /k [username], [reason] - Warns a user showing them the site rules and [reason] in an overlay.`, `/warn OR /k [username], [reason] spoiler: [private reason] - Warns a user, marking [private reason] only in the modlog.`, `Requires: % @ # ~`, ], redirect: 'redir', redir(target, room, user, connection) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help redirect'); if (room.settings.isPrivate || room.settings.isPersonal) { return this.errorReply("Users cannot be redirected from private or personal rooms."); } const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest: targetRoomid } = this.splitUser(target); const targetRoom = Rooms.search(targetRoomid); if (!targetRoom || targetRoom.settings.modjoin || targetRoom.settings.staffRoom) { return this.errorReply(`The room "${targetRoomid}" does not exist.`); } this.checkCan('warn', targetUser, room); this.checkCan('warn', targetUser, targetRoom); if (!user.can('rangeban', targetUser)) { this.errorReply(`Redirects have been deprecated. Instead of /redirect, use <> or /invite to guide users to the correct room, and punish if users don't cooperate.`); return; } if (!targetUser?.connected) { return this.errorReply(`User ${targetUsername} not found.`); } if (targetRoom.roomid === "global") return this.errorReply(`Users cannot be redirected to the global room.`); if (targetRoom.settings.isPrivate || targetRoom.settings.isPersonal) { return this.errorReply(`The room "${targetRoom.title}" is not public.`); } if (targetUser.inRooms.has(targetRoom.roomid)) { return this.errorReply(`User ${targetUser.name} is already in the room ${targetRoom.title}!`); } if (!targetUser.inRooms.has(room.roomid)) { return this.errorReply(`User ${targetUsername} is not in the room ${room.roomid}.`); } targetUser.leaveRoom(room.roomid); targetUser.popup(`You are in the wrong room; please go to <<${targetRoom.roomid}>> instead`); this.addModAction(`${targetUser.name} was redirected to room ${targetRoom.title} by ${user.name}.`); this.modlog('REDIRECT', targetUser, `to ${targetRoom.title}`, { noip: 1, noalts: 1 }); targetUser.leaveRoom(room); }, redirhelp: [ `/redirect OR /redir [username], [roomname] - [DEPRECATED]`, `Attempts to redirect the [username] to the [roomname]. Requires: ~`, ], m: 'mute', mute(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help mute'); this.checkChat(); const { targetUser, inputUsername, targetUsername, rest: reason } = this.splitUser(target); if (!targetUser) return this.errorReply(`User '${targetUsername}' not found.`); if (reason.length > MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { return this.errorReply(`The reason is too long. It cannot exceed ${MAX_REASON_LENGTH} characters.`); } const { publicReason, privateReason } = this.parseSpoiler(reason); const muteDuration = ((cmd === 'hm' || cmd === 'hourmute') ? HOURMUTE_LENGTH : MUTE_LENGTH); this.checkCan('mute', targetUser, room); if (targetUser.can('makeroom')) return this.errorReply("You are not allowed to mute upper staff members."); const canBeMutedFurther = ((room.getMuteTime(targetUser) || 0) <= (muteDuration * 5 / 6)); if (targetUser.locked || (room.isMuted(targetUser) && !canBeMutedFurther) || Punishments.isRoomBanned(targetUser, room.roomid)) { const alreadyPunishment = targetUser.locked ? "locked" : room.isMuted(targetUser) ? "muted" : "room banned"; const problem = ` but was already ${alreadyPunishment}`; if (!reason) { return this.privateModAction(`${targetUser.name} would be muted by ${user.name} ${problem}.`); } return this.addModAction(`${targetUser.name} would be muted by ${user.name} ${problem}. (${publicReason})`); } if (targetUser.id in room.users) { targetUser.popup(`|modal|${user.name} has muted you in ${room.roomid} for ${Chat.toDurationString(muteDuration)}. ${publicReason}`); } this.addModAction(`${targetUser.name} was muted by ${user.name} for ${Chat.toDurationString(muteDuration)}.${(publicReason ? ` (${publicReason})` : ``)}`); this.modlog(`${cmd.includes('h') ? 'HOUR' : ''}MUTE`, targetUser, privateReason); this.update(); // force an update so the (hide lines from x user) message is on the mod action above const ids = [targetUser.getLastId()]; if (ids[0] !== toID(inputUsername)) { ids.push(toID(inputUsername)); } room.hideText(ids); if (targetUser.autoconfirmed && targetUser.autoconfirmed !== targetUser.id) { const displayMessage = `${targetUser.name}'s ac account: ${targetUser.autoconfirmed}`; this.privateModAction(displayMessage); } Chat.runHandlers('onPunishUser', 'MUTE', user, room); room.mute(targetUser, muteDuration); }, mutehelp: [`/mute OR /m [username], [reason] - Mutes a user with reason for 7 minutes. Requires: % @ # ~`], hm: 'hourmute', hourmute(target) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help hourmute'); this.run('mute'); }, hourmutehelp: [`/hourmute OR /hm [username], [reason] - Mutes a user with reason for an hour. Requires: % @ # ~`], um: 'unmute', unmute(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help unmute'); const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest } = this.splitUser(target); if (rest) return this.errorReply(`This command does not support specifying a reason.`); this.checkChat(); this.checkCan('mute', null, room); const successfullyUnmuted = room.unmute( targetUser?.id || toID(targetUsername), `Your mute in '${room.title}' has been lifted.` ); if (successfullyUnmuted) { this.addModAction(`${(targetUser ? targetUser.name : successfullyUnmuted)} was unmuted by ${user.name}.`); this.modlog('UNMUTE', (targetUser || successfullyUnmuted), null, { noip: 1, noalts: 1 }); } else { this.errorReply(`${(targetUser ? targetUser.name : targetUsername)} is not muted.`); } }, unmutehelp: [`/unmute [username] - Removes mute from user. Requires: % @ # ~`], rb: 'ban', weekban: 'ban', wb: 'ban', wrb: 'ban', forceroomban: 'ban', forceweekban: 'ban', weekroomban: 'ban', forcerb: 'ban', roomban: 'ban', b: 'ban', ban(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help ban'); this.checkChat(); const week = ['wrb', 'wb'].includes(cmd) || cmd.includes('week'); const { targetUser, inputUsername, targetUsername, rest: reason } = this.splitUser(target); const { publicReason, privateReason } = this.parseSpoiler(reason); if (!targetUser) return this.errorReply(`User '${targetUsername}' not found.`); if (reason.length > MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { return this.errorReply(`The reason is too long. It cannot exceed ${MAX_REASON_LENGTH} characters.`); } this.checkCan('ban', targetUser, room); if (targetUser.can('makeroom')) return this.errorReply("You are not allowed to ban upper staff members."); if (Punishments.hasRoomPunishType(room, toID(targetUsername), 'BLACKLIST')) { return this.errorReply(`This user is already blacklisted from ${room.roomid}.`); } const name = targetUser.getLastName(); const userid = targetUser.getLastId(); const force = cmd.startsWith('force'); if (targetUser.trusted) { if (!force) { return this.sendReply( `${name} is a trusted user. If you are sure you would like to ban them, use /force${week ? 'week' : 'room'}ban.` ); } } else if (force) { return this.errorReply(`Use /${week ? 'week' : 'room'}ban; ${name} is not a trusted user.`); } if (!reason && !week && Punishments.isRoomBanned(targetUser, room.roomid)) { const problem = " but was already banned"; return this.privateModAction(`${name} would be banned by ${user.name} ${problem}.`); } if (targetUser.trusted && room.settings.isPrivate !== true && !room.settings.isPersonal) { Monitor.log(`[CrisisMonitor] Trusted user ${targetUser.name} ${(targetUser.trusted !== targetUser.id ? ` (${targetUser.trusted})` : ``)} was roombanned from ${room.roomid} by ${user.name}, and should probably be demoted.`); } if (targetUser.id in room.users || user.can('lock')) { targetUser.popup( `|modal||html|

${Utils.escapeHTML(user.name)} has banned you from the room ${room.roomid} ` + `${(room.subRooms ? ` and its subrooms` : ``)}${week ? ' for a week' : ''}.` + `

${(publicReason ? `

Reason: ${Utils.escapeHTML(publicReason)}

` : ``)}` + `

To appeal the ban, PM the staff member that banned you${room.persist ? ` or a room owner. ` + `

` : `.

`}` ); } this.addModAction(`${name} was banned${week ? ' for a week' : ''} from ${room.title} by ${user.name}.${publicReason ? ` (${publicReason})` : ``}`); const time = week ? Date.now() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 : null; const affected = Punishments.roomBan(room, targetUser, time, null, privateReason); for (const u of affected) Chat.runHandlers('onPunishUser', 'ROOMBAN', u, room); if (!room.settings.isPrivate && room.persist) { const acAccount = (targetUser.autoconfirmed !== userid && targetUser.autoconfirmed); let displayMessage = ''; if (affected.length > 1) { displayMessage = `${name}'s ${(acAccount ? ` ac account: ${acAccount}, ` : ``)} banned alts: ${affected.slice(1).map(curUser => curUser.getLastName()).join(", ")}`; this.privateModAction(displayMessage); } else if (acAccount) { displayMessage = `${name}'s ac account: ${acAccount}`; this.privateModAction(displayMessage); } } room.hideText([ ...affected.map(u => u.id), toID(inputUsername), ]); if (room.settings.isPrivate !== true && room.persist) { this.globalModlog(`${week ? 'WEEK' : ''}ROOMBAN`, targetUser, privateReason); } else { this.modlog(`${week ? 'WEEK' : ''}ROOMBAN`, targetUser, privateReason); } return true; }, banhelp: [ `/ban [username], [reason] - Bans the user from the room you are in. Requires: @ # ~`, `/weekban [username], [reason] - Bans the user from the room you are in for a week. Requires: @ # ~`, ], unroomban: 'unban', roomunban: 'unban', unban(target, room, user, connection) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help unban'); this.checkCan('ban', null, room); const name = Punishments.roomUnban(room, target); if (name) { this.addModAction(`${name} was unbanned from ${room.title} by ${user.name}.`); if (room.settings.isPrivate !== true && room.persist) { this.globalModlog("UNROOMBAN", name); } } else { this.errorReply(`User '${target}' is not banned from this room.`); } }, unbanhelp: [`/unban [username] - Unbans the user from the room you are in. Requires: @ # ~`], forcelock: 'lock', forceweeklock: 'lock', forcemonthlock: 'lock', l: 'lock', ipmute: 'lock', wl: 'lock', weeklock: 'lock', monthlock: 'lock', async lock(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { const week = cmd === 'wl' || cmd.includes('week'); const month = cmd.includes('month'); const force = cmd.includes('force'); if (!target) { if (week) return this.parse('/help weeklock'); return this.parse('/help lock'); } const { targetUser, inputUsername, targetUsername, rest: reason } = this.splitUser(target); let userid: ID = toID(targetUsername); if (!targetUser && !Punishments.search(userid).length && !force) { return this.errorReply( `User '${targetUsername}' not found. Use \`\`/force${month ? 'month' : (week ? 'week' : '')}lock\`\` if you need to to lock them anyway.` ); } if (reason.length > MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { return this.errorReply(`The reason is too long. It cannot exceed ${MAX_REASON_LENGTH} characters.`); } this.checkCan('lock', userid); if (month) this.checkCan('rangeban'); let name; if (targetUser) { name = targetUser.getLastName(); userid = targetUser.getLastId(); if (targetUser.locked && !targetUser.locked.startsWith('#') && !week && !month) { return this.privateModAction(`${name} would be locked by ${user.name} but was already locked.`); } } else { name = targetUsername; userid = toID(targetUsername); } if (Users.isTrusted(userid)) { if (force) { const from = runCrisisDemote(userid); Monitor.log(`[CrisisMonitor] ${name} was locked by ${user.name} and demoted from ${from.join(", ")}.`); this.globalModlog("CRISISDEMOTE", targetUser, ` from ${from.join(", ")}`); } else { return this.sendReply(`${name} is a trusted user. If you are sure you would like to lock them use /force${month ? 'month' : (week ? 'week' : '')}lock.`); } } else if (force && targetUser) { return this.errorReply(`Use /lock; ${name} is not a trusted user and is online.`); } const { privateReason, publicReason } = this.parseSpoiler(reason); // Use default time for locks. const duration = week ? Date.now() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 : (month ? Date.now() + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 : null); let affected = []; if (targetUser) { const ignoreAlts = Punishments.isSharedIp(targetUser.latestIp); affected = await Punishments.lock(targetUser, duration, null, ignoreAlts, publicReason); } else { affected = await Punishments.lock(userid, duration, null, false, publicReason); } for (const u of affected) Chat.runHandlers('onPunishUser', 'LOCK', u, room); this.globalModlog( (force ? `FORCE` : ``) + (week ? "WEEKLOCK" : (month ? "MONTHLOCK" : "LOCK")), targetUser || userid, privateReason ); const durationMsg = week ? ' for a week' : (month ? ' for a month' : ''); this.addGlobalModAction(`${name} was locked from talking${durationMsg} by ${user.name}.` + (publicReason ? ` (${publicReason})` : "")); if (room && !room.settings.isHelp) { room.hideText([ ...affected.map(u => u.id), toID(inputUsername), ]); } const acAccount = (targetUser && targetUser.autoconfirmed !== userid && targetUser.autoconfirmed); let displayMessage = ''; if (affected.length > 1) { displayMessage = `${name}'s ${(acAccount ? ` ac account: ${acAccount}, ` : "")} locked alts: ${affected.slice(1).map((curUser: User) => curUser.getLastName()).join(", ")}`; this.privateModAction(displayMessage); } else if (acAccount) { displayMessage = `${name}'s ac account: ${acAccount}`; this.privateModAction(displayMessage); } if (targetUser) { let message = `|popup||html|${user.name} has locked you from talking in chats, battles, and PMing regular users${durationMsg}`; if (publicReason) message += `\n\nReason: ${publicReason}`; let appeal = ''; if (Chat.pages.help) { appeal += ``; } else if (Config.appealurl) { appeal += `appeal: ${Config.appealurl}`; } if (appeal) message += `\n\nIf you feel that your lock was unjustified, you can ${appeal}.`; message += `\n\nYour lock will expire in a few days.`; targetUser.send(message); const roomauth = Rooms.global.destroyPersonalRooms(userid); if (roomauth.length) { Monitor.log(`[CrisisMonitor] Locked user ${name} has public roomauth (${roomauth.join(', ')}), and should probably be demoted.`); } } // Automatically upload replays as evidence/reference to the punishment if (room?.battle) this.parse('/savereplay forpunishment'); return true; }, lockhelp: [ `/lock OR /l [username], [reason] - Locks the user from talking in all chats. Requires: % @ ~`, `/weeklock OR /wl [username], [reason] - Same as /lock, but locks users for a week.`, `/lock OR /l [username], [reason] spoiler: [private reason] - Marks [private reason] in modlog only.`, ], unlock(target, room, user) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help unlock'); this.checkCan('lock'); const targetUser = Users.get(target); if (targetUser?.namelocked) { return this.errorReply(`User ${targetUser.name} is namelocked, not locked. Use /unnamelock to unnamelock them.`); } let reason = ''; if (targetUser?.locked && targetUser.locked.startsWith('#')) { reason = ` (${targetUser.locked})`; } const unlocked = Punishments.unlock(target); if (unlocked) { this.addGlobalModAction(`${unlocked.join(", ")} ${((unlocked.length > 1) ? "were" : "was")} unlocked by ${user.name}.${reason}`); if (!reason) this.globalModlog("UNLOCK", toID(target)); if (targetUser) targetUser.popup(`${user.name} has unlocked you.`); } else { this.errorReply(`User '${target}' is not locked.`); } }, unlockname(target, room, user) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help unlock'); this.checkCan('lock'); const userid = toID(target); if (userid.startsWith('guest')) { return this.errorReply(`You cannot unlock the guest userid - provide their original username instead.`); } const punishment = Punishments.userids.getByType(userid, 'LOCK') || Punishments.userids.getByType(userid, 'NAMELOCK'); if (!punishment) return this.errorReply("This name isn't locked."); if (punishment.id === userid || Users.get(userid)?.previousIDs.includes(punishment.id as ID)) { return this.errorReply(`"${userid}" was specifically locked by a staff member (check the global modlog). Use /unlock if you really want to unlock this name.`); } Punishments.userids.delete(userid); Punishments.savePunishments(); for (const curUser of Users.findUsers([userid], [])) { const locked = Punishments.hasPunishType(curUser.id, ['LOCK', 'NAMELOCK'], curUser.latestIp); if (curUser.locked && !curUser.locked.startsWith('#') && !locked) { curUser.locked = null; curUser.namelocked = null; curUser.destroyPunishmentTimer(); curUser.updateIdentity(); } } this.addGlobalModAction(`The name '${target}' was unlocked by ${user.name}.`); this.globalModlog("UNLOCKNAME", userid); }, unrangelock: 'unlockip', rangeunlock: 'unlockip', unlockip(target, room, user) { target = target.trim(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help unlock'); this.checkCan('globalban'); const range = target.endsWith('*'); if (range) this.checkCan('rangeban'); if (!(range ? IPTools.ipRangeRegex : IPTools.ipRegex).test(target)) { return this.errorReply("Please enter a valid IP address."); } const punishment = Punishments.ips.get(target); if (!punishment) return this.errorReply(`${target} is not a locked/banned IP or IP range.`); Punishments.ips.delete(target); Punishments.savePunishments(); for (const curUser of Users.findUsers([], [target])) { if ( (range ? curUser.locked === '#rangelock' : !curUser.locked?.startsWith('#')) && !Punishments.getPunishType(curUser.id) ) { curUser.locked = null; if (curUser.namelocked) { curUser.namelocked = null; curUser.resetName(); } curUser.destroyPunishmentTimer(); curUser.updateIdentity(); } } this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} unlocked the ${range ? "IP range" : "IP"}: ${target}`); this.globalModlog(`UNLOCK${range ? 'RANGE' : 'IP'}`, null, null, target); }, unlockiphelp: [`/unlockip [ip] - Unlocks a punished ip while leaving the original punishment intact. Requires: @ ~`], unlocknamehelp: [`/unlockname [name] - Unlocks a punished alt, leaving the original lock intact. Requires: % @ ~`], unlockhelp: [ `/unlock [username] - Unlocks the user. Requires: % @ ~`, `/unlockname [username] - Unlocks a punished alt while leaving the original punishment intact. Requires: % @ ~`, `/unlockip [ip] - Unlocks a punished ip while leaving the original punishment intact. Requires: @ ~`, ], forceglobalban: 'globalban', gban: 'globalban', async globalban(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help globalban'); const force = cmd.includes('force'); const { targetUser, inputUsername, targetUsername, rest: reason } = this.splitUser(target); let userid: ID = toID(targetUsername); if (!targetUser && !force) { return this.errorReply(`User '${targetUsername}' not found. Use /forceglobalban to ban them anyway.`); } if (reason.length > MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { return this.errorReply(`The reason is too long. It cannot exceed ${MAX_REASON_LENGTH} characters.`); } if (!reason && REQUIRE_REASONS) { return this.errorReply("Global bans require a reason."); } this.checkCan('globalban', targetUser); let name; if (targetUser) { name = targetUser.getLastName(); userid = targetUser.getLastId(); } else { name = targetUsername; } if (Users.isTrusted(userid)) { if (force) { const from = runCrisisDemote(userid); Monitor.log(`[CrisisMonitor] ${name} was globally banned by ${user.name} and demoted from ${from?.join(", ")}.`); this.globalModlog("CRISISDEMOTE", targetUser, ` from ${from?.join(", ")}`); } else { return this.sendReply(`${name} is a trusted user. If you are sure you would like to ban them use /forceglobalban.`); } } const roomauth = Rooms.global.destroyPersonalRooms(userid); if (roomauth.length) { Monitor.log(`[CrisisMonitor] Globally banned user ${name} has public roomauth (${roomauth.join(', ')}), and should probably be demoted.`); } const { privateReason, publicReason } = this.parseSpoiler(reason); targetUser?.popup( `|modal|${user.name} has globally banned you.${(publicReason ? `\n\nReason: ${publicReason}` : ``)} ` + `${(Config.appealurl ? `\n\nIf you feel that your ban was unjustified, you can appeal:\n${Config.appealurl}` : ``)}` + `\n\nYour ban will expire in a few days.` ); this.addGlobalModAction(`${name} was globally banned by ${user.name}.${(publicReason ? ` (${publicReason})` : ``)}`); const affected = await Punishments.ban(userid, null, null, false, publicReason); for (const u of affected) Chat.runHandlers('onPunishUser', 'BAN', u, room); const acAccount = (targetUser && targetUser.autoconfirmed !== userid && targetUser.autoconfirmed); let displayMessage = ''; if (affected.length > 1) { let guests = affected.length - 1; const affectedAlts = affected.slice(1) .map(curUser => curUser.getLastName()) .filter(alt => !alt.startsWith('[Guest ')); guests -= affectedAlts.length; displayMessage = `${name}'s ${(acAccount ? `ac account: ${acAccount}, ` : ``)} banned alts: ${affectedAlts.join(", ")} ${(guests ? ` [${guests} guests]` : ``)}`; this.privateModAction(displayMessage); for (const id of affectedAlts) { this.add(`|hidelines|unlink|${toID(id)}`); } } else if (acAccount) { displayMessage = `${name}'s ac account: ${acAccount}`; this.privateModAction(displayMessage); } room?.hideText([ ...affected.map(u => u.id), toID(inputUsername), ]); this.globalModlog(`${force ? `FORCE` : ''}BAN`, targetUser, privateReason); return true; }, globalbanhelp: [ `/globalban OR /gban [username], [reason] - Kick user from all rooms and ban user's IP address with reason. Requires: @ ~`, `/globalban OR /gban [username], [reason] spoiler: [private reason] - Marks [private reason] in modlog only.`, ], globalunban: 'unglobalban', unglobalban(target, room, user) { if (!target) return this.parse(`/help unglobalban`); this.checkCan('globalban'); const name = Punishments.unban(target); if (!name) { return this.errorReply(`User '${target}' is not globally banned.`); } this.addGlobalModAction(`${name} was globally unbanned by ${user.name}.`); this.globalModlog("UNBAN", target); }, unglobalbanhelp: [`/unglobalban [username] - Unban a user. Requires: @ ~`], deroomvoiceall(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); this.checkCan('editroom', null, room); if (!room.auth.size) return this.errorReply("Room does not have roomauth."); if (!target) { user.lastCommand = '/deroomvoiceall'; this.errorReply("THIS WILL DEROOMVOICE ALL ROOMVOICED USERS."); this.errorReply("To confirm, use: /deroomvoiceall confirm"); return; } if (user.lastCommand !== '/deroomvoiceall' || target !== 'confirm') { return this.parse('/help deroomvoiceall'); } user.lastCommand = ''; let count = 0; for (const [userid, symbol] of room.auth) { if (symbol === '+') { room.auth.delete(userid); if (userid in room.users) room.users[userid].updateIdentity(room.roomid); count++; } } if (!count) { return this.sendReply("(This room has zero roomvoices)"); } room.saveSettings(); this.addModAction(`All ${count} roomvoices have been cleared by ${user.name}.`); this.modlog('DEROOMVOICEALL'); }, deroomvoiceallhelp: [`/deroomvoiceall - Devoice all roomvoiced users. Requires: # ~`], // this is a separate command for two reasons // a - yearticketban is preferred over /ht yearban // b - it would be messy to switch // from both Punishments.punishRange and #punish in /ht ban // since this takes ips / userids async yearticketban(target, room, user) { this.checkCan('rangeban'); target = target.trim(); let reason = ''; [target, reason] = this.splitOne(target); let isIP = false; let descriptor = ''; if (IPTools.ipRangeRegex.test(target)) { isIP = true; if (IPTools.ipRegex.test(target)) { descriptor = 'the IP '; } else { descriptor = 'the IP range '; } } else { target = toID(target); } if (!target) return this.parse(`/help yearticketban`); const expireTime = Date.now() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; if (isIP) { Punishments.punishRange(target, reason, expireTime, 'TICKETBAN'); } else { await Punishments.punish(target as ID, { type: 'TICKETBAN', id: target as ID, expireTime, reason, rest: [], }, true); } this.addGlobalModAction( `${user.name} banned ${descriptor}${target} from opening tickets for a year` + `${reason ? ` (${reason})` : ""}` ); this.globalModlog( 'YEARTICKETBAN', isIP ? null : target, reason, isIP ? target : undefined ); }, yearticketbanhelp: [ `/yearticketban [IP/userid] - Ban an IP or a userid from opening tickets for a year. `, `Accepts wildcards to ban ranges. Requires: ~`, ], rangeban: 'banip', yearbanip: 'banip', banip(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { const [ip, reason] = this.splitOne(target); if (!ip || !/^[0-9.]+(?:\.\*)?$/.test(ip)) return this.parse('/help banip'); if (!reason) return this.errorReply("/banip requires a ban reason"); this.checkCan('rangeban'); const ipDesc = `IP ${(ip.endsWith('*') ? `range ` : ``)}${ip}`; const year = cmd.startsWith('year'); const time = year ? Date.now() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 : null; const curPunishment = Punishments.ipSearch(ip, 'BAN'); if (curPunishment?.type === 'BAN' && !time) { return this.errorReply(`The ${ipDesc} is already temporarily banned.`); } Punishments.punishRange(ip, reason, time, 'BAN'); const duration = year ? 'year' : 'hour'; if (!this.room || this.room.roomid !== 'staff') { this.sendReply(`You ${duration}-banned the ${ipDesc}.`); } this.room = Rooms.get('staff') || null; this.addGlobalModAction( `${user.name} ${duration}-banned the ${ipDesc}: ${reason}` ); this.globalModlog( `${year ? "YEAR" : ""}RANGEBAN`, null, `${ip.endsWith('*') ? ip : `[${ip}]`}: ${reason}` ); }, baniphelp: [ `/banip [ip] OR /yearbanip [ip] - Globally bans this IP or IP range for an hour. Accepts wildcards to ban ranges.`, `Existing users on the IP will not be banned. Requires: ~`, ], unrangeban: 'unbanip', unbanip(target, room, user) { target = target.trim(); if (!target) { return this.parse('/help unbanip'); } this.checkCan('rangeban'); if (!Punishments.ips.has(target)) { return this.errorReply(`${target} is not a locked/banned IP or IP range.`); } Punishments.ips.delete(target); this.addGlobalModAction(`${user.name} unbanned the ${(target.endsWith('*') ? "IP range" : "IP")}: ${target}`); this.modlog('UNRANGEBAN', null, target); }, unbaniphelp: [`/unbanip [ip] - Unbans. Accepts wildcards to ban ranges. Requires: ~`], forceyearlockname: 'yearlockname', yearlockid: 'yearlockname', forceyearlockid: 'yearlockname', yearlockuserid: 'yearlockname', forceyearlockuserid: 'yearlockname', yearlockname(target, room, user) { this.checkCan('rangeban'); const [targetUsername, rest] = Utils.splitFirst(target, ',').map(k => k.trim()); const targetUser = Users.get(targetUsername); const targetUserid = toID(targetUsername); if (!targetUserid || targetUserid.length > 18) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid userid.`); } const force = this.cmd.includes('force'); if (targetUser?.registered && !force) { return this.errorReply(`That user is registered. Either permalock them normally or use /forceyearlockname.`); } const punishment = { type: 'YEARLOCK', id: targetUserid, expireTime: Date.now() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, reason: rest || "", }; Punishments.userids.add(targetUserid, punishment); Punishments.savePunishments(); this.addGlobalModAction(`${user.name} locked the userid '${targetUserid}' for a year${rest ? ` (${rest})` : ''}.`); this.globalModlog(`${force ? `FORCE` : ''}YEARLOCKNAME`, targetUserid, rest); if (targetUser) { Chat.punishmentfilter(targetUser, punishment); targetUser.locked = targetUserid; } }, rangelock: 'lockip', yearlockip: 'lockip', yearnamelockip: 'lockip', lockip(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { const [ip, reason] = this.splitOne(target); if (!ip || !/^[0-9.]+(?:\.\*)?$/.test(ip)) return this.parse('/help lockip'); if (!reason) return this.errorReply("/lockip requires a lock reason"); this.checkCan('rangeban'); const ipDesc = ip.endsWith('*') ? `IP range ${ip}` : `IP ${ip}`; const year = cmd.startsWith('year'); const curPunishment = Punishments.byWeight(Punishments.ipSearch(ip) || [])[0]; if (!year && curPunishment && (curPunishment.type === 'BAN' || curPunishment.type === 'LOCK')) { const punishDesc = curPunishment.type === 'BAN' ? `temporarily banned` : `temporarily locked`; return this.errorReply(`The ${ipDesc} is already ${punishDesc}.`); } const time = year ? Date.now() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 : null; const type = cmd.includes('name') ? 'NAMELOCK' : 'LOCK'; Punishments.punishRange(ip, reason, time, type); this.addGlobalModAction(`${user.name} ${year ? 'year' : 'hour'}-${type.toLowerCase()}ed the ${ipDesc}: ${reason}`); this.globalModlog( `${year ? 'YEAR' : 'RANGE'}${type}`, null, `${ip.endsWith('*') ? ip : `[${ip}]`}: ${reason}`, ip.endsWith('*') ? `${ip.slice(0, -2)}` : ip ); }, lockiphelp: [ `/lockip [ip] - Globally locks this IP or IP range for an hour. Accepts wildcards to ban ranges.`, `/yearlockip [ip] - Globally locks this IP or IP range for one year. Accepts wildcards to ban ranges.`, `/yearnamelockip [ip] - Namelocks this IP or IP range for one year. Accepts wildcards to ban ranges.`, `Existing users on the IP will not be banned. Requires: ~`, ], /********************************************************* * Moderating: Other *********************************************************/ mn: 'modnote', modnote(target, room, user, connection) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help modnote'); this.checkChat(); if (target.length > MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { return this.errorReply(`The note is too long. It cannot exceed ${MAX_REASON_LENGTH} characters.`); } this.checkCan('receiveauthmessages', null, room); target = target.replace(/\n/g, "; "); let targeted = /\[([^\]]+)\]/.exec(target)?.[1] || null; if (!targeted) { // allow `name, note` and `name - note` syntax targeted = target.split(/[,-]/)[0]?.trim() || ""; if (!targeted || !( Users.get(targeted) || Punishments.search(target).length || IPTools.ipRegex.test(targeted) ) || toID(targeted) === toID(target)) { targeted = null; } } let targetUserid, targetIP; if (targeted) { if (IPTools.ipRegex.test(targeted)) { targetIP = targeted; } else { targetUserid = toID(targeted); } } if ( ['staff', 'upperstaff'].includes(room.roomid) || (Rooms.Modlog.getSharedID(room.roomid) && user.can('modlog')) ) { this.globalModlog('NOTE', targetUserid || null, target, targetIP); } else { this.modlog('NOTE', targetUserid || null, target); } this.privateModAction(`${user.name} notes: ${target}`); }, modnotehelp: [ `/modnote - Adds a moderator note that can be read through modlog. Requires: % @ # ~`, `/modnote [] - Adds a moderator note to a user's modlog that can be read through modlog. Requires: % @ # ~`, ], globalpromote: 'promote', promote(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help promote'); const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest: nextGroupName } = this.splitUser(target, { exactName: true }); const userid = toID(targetUsername); const name = targetUser?.name || targetUsername; if (!userid) return this.parse('/help promote'); const currentGroup = targetUser?.tempGroup || Users.globalAuth.get(userid); let nextGroup = nextGroupName as GroupSymbol; if (nextGroupName === 'deauth') nextGroup = Users.Auth.defaultSymbol(); if (!nextGroup) { return this.errorReply("Please specify a group such as /globalvoice or /globaldeauth"); } if (!Config.groups[nextGroup]) { return this.errorReply(`Group '${nextGroup}' does not exist.`); } if (!cmd.startsWith('global')) { let groupid = Config.groups[nextGroup].id; if (!groupid && nextGroup === Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()) groupid = 'deauth' as ID; if (Config.groups[nextGroup].globalonly) return this.errorReply(`Did you mean "/global${groupid}"?`); if (Config.groups[nextGroup].roomonly) return this.errorReply(`Did you mean "/room${groupid}"?`); return this.errorReply(`Did you mean "/room${groupid}" or "/global${groupid}"?`); } if (Config.groups[nextGroup].roomonly || Config.groups[nextGroup].battleonly) { return this.errorReply(`Group '${nextGroup}' does not exist as a global rank.`); } const groupName = Config.groups[nextGroup].name || "regular user"; if (currentGroup === nextGroup) { return this.errorReply(`User '${name}' is already a ${groupName}`); } if (!Users.Auth.hasPermission(user, 'promote', currentGroup)) { this.errorReply(`/${cmd} - Access denied for promoting from ${currentGroup}`); this.errorReply(`You can only promote to/from: ${Users.Auth.listJurisdiction(user, 'promote')}`); return; } if (!Users.Auth.hasPermission(user, 'promote', nextGroup)) { this.errorReply(`/${cmd} - Access denied for promoting to ${groupName}`); this.errorReply(`You can only promote to/from: ${Users.Auth.listJurisdiction(user, 'promote')}`); return; } if (!Users.isUsernameKnown(userid)) { return this.errorReply(`/globalpromote - WARNING: '${name}' is offline and unrecognized. The username might be misspelled (either by you or the person who told you) or unregistered. Use /forcepromote if you're sure you want to risk it.`); } if (targetUser && !targetUser.registered) { return this.errorReply(`User '${name}' is unregistered, and so can't be promoted.`); } if (nextGroup === Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()) { Users.globalAuth.delete(targetUser ? targetUser.id : userid); } else { Users.globalAuth.set(targetUser ? targetUser.id : userid, nextGroup); } if (Users.Auth.getGroup(nextGroup).rank < Users.Auth.getGroup(currentGroup).rank) { this.privateGlobalModAction(`${name} was demoted to Global ${groupName} by ${user.name}.`); this.globalModlog(`GLOBAL ${groupName.toUpperCase()}`, userid, `(demote)`); if (targetUser) targetUser.popup(`You were demoted to Global ${groupName} by ${user.name}.`); } else { this.addGlobalModAction(`${name} was promoted to Global ${groupName} by ${user.name}.`); this.globalModlog(`GLOBAL ${groupName.toUpperCase()}`, userid); if (targetUser) targetUser.popup(`You were promoted to Global ${groupName} by ${user.name}.`); } if (targetUser) { targetUser.updateIdentity(); Rooms.global.checkAutojoin(targetUser); if (targetUser.trusted && !Users.isTrusted(targetUser.id)) { targetUser.trusted = ''; } } }, promotehelp: [`/promote [username], [group] - Promotes the user to the specified group. Requires: ~`], untrustuser: 'trustuser', unconfirmuser: 'trustuser', confirmuser: 'trustuser', forceconfirmuser: 'trustuser', forcetrustuser: 'trustuser', trustuser(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help trustuser'); this.checkCan('promote'); const force = cmd.includes('force'); const untrust = cmd.includes('un'); const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest } = this.splitUser(target, { exactName: true }); if (rest) return this.errorReply(`This command does not support specifying a reason.`); const userid = toID(targetUsername); const name = targetUser?.name || targetUsername; const currentGroup = Users.globalAuth.get(userid); if (untrust) { if (currentGroup !== Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()) { return this.errorReply(`User '${name}' is trusted indirectly through global rank ${currentGroup}. Demote them from that rank to remove trusted status.`); } const trustedSourceRooms = Rooms.global.chatRooms .filter(authRoom => authRoom.persist && authRoom.settings.isPrivate !== true && authRoom.auth.isStaff(userid)) .map(authRoom => authRoom.auth.get(userid) + authRoom.roomid).join(' '); if (trustedSourceRooms.length && !Users.globalAuth.has(userid)) { return this.errorReply(`User '${name}' is trusted indirectly through room ranks ${trustedSourceRooms}. Demote them from those ranks to remove trusted status.`); } if (!Users.globalAuth.has(userid)) return this.errorReply(`User '${name}' is not trusted.`); if (targetUser) { targetUser.setGroup(Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()); } else { Users.globalAuth.delete(userid); } this.privateGlobalModAction(`${name} was set to no longer be a trusted user by ${user.name}.`); this.globalModlog('UNTRUSTUSER', userid); } else { if (!targetUser && !force) return this.errorReply(`User '${name}' is offline. Use /force${cmd} if you're sure.`); if (currentGroup) { if (Users.globalAuth.has(userid)) { if (currentGroup === Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()) return this.errorReply(`User '${name}' is already trusted.`); return this.errorReply(`User '${name}' has a global rank higher than trusted.`); } } if (targetUser) { targetUser.setGroup(Users.Auth.defaultSymbol(), true); } else { Users.globalAuth.set(userid, Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()); } this.privateGlobalModAction(`${name} was set as a trusted user by ${user.name}.`); this.globalModlog('TRUSTUSER', userid); } }, trustuserhelp: [ `/trustuser [username] - Trusts the user (makes them immune to locks). Requires: ~`, `/untrustuser [username] - Removes the trusted user status from the user. Requires: ~`, ], desectionleader: 'sectionleader', sectionleader(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { this.checkCan('gdeclare'); room = this.requireRoom(); const demoting = cmd === 'desectionleader'; if (!target || (target.split(',').length < 2 && !demoting)) return this.parse(`/help sectionleader`); const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest: sectionid } = this.splitUser(target, { exactName: true }); const userid = toID(targetUsername); const section = demoting ? Users.globalAuth.sectionLeaders.get(userid)! : room.validateSection(sectionid); const name = targetUser ? targetUser.name : targetUsername; if (Users.globalAuth.sectionLeaders.has(targetUser?.id || userid) && !demoting) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${name} is already a Section Leader of ${RoomSections.sectionNames[section]}.`); } else if (!Users.globalAuth.sectionLeaders.has(targetUser?.id || userid) && demoting) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${name} is not a Section Leader.`); } if (!demoting) { Users.globalAuth.setSection(userid, section); this.addGlobalModAction(`${name} was appointed Section Leader of ${RoomSections.sectionNames[section]} by ${user.name}.`); this.globalModlog(`SECTION LEADER`, userid, section); targetUser?.popup(`You were appointed Section Leader of ${RoomSections.sectionNames[section]} by ${user.name}.`); } else { const group = Users.globalAuth.get(userid); Users.globalAuth.deleteSection(userid); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${name} was demoted from Section Leader of ${RoomSections.sectionNames[section]} by ${user.name}.`); if (group === ' ') this.sendReply(`They are also no longer manually trusted. If they should be, use '/trustuser'.`); this.globalModlog(`DESECTION LEADER`, userid, section); targetUser?.popup(`You were demoted from Section Leader of ${RoomSections.sectionNames[section]} by ${user.name}.`); } if (targetUser) { targetUser.updateIdentity(); Rooms.global.checkAutojoin(targetUser); if (targetUser.trusted && !Users.isTrusted(targetUser.id)) { targetUser.trusted = ''; } } }, sectionleaderhelp: [ `/sectionleader [target user], [sectionid] - Appoints [target user] Section Leader.`, `/desectionleader [target user] - Demotes [target user] from Section Leader.`, `Valid sections: ${RoomSections.sections.join(', ')}`, `If you want to change which section someone leads, demote them and then re-promote them in the desired section.`, `Requires: ~`, ], globaldemote: 'demote', demote(target) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help demote'); this.run('promote'); }, demotehelp: [`/demote [username], [group] - Demotes the user to the specified group. Requires: ~`], forcepromote(target, room, user, connection) { // warning: never document this command in /help this.checkCan('forcepromote'); const { targetUsername, rest: nextGroupName } = this.splitUser(target, { exactName: true }); let name = this.filter(targetUsername); if (!name) return; name = name.slice(0, 18); const nextGroup = nextGroupName as GroupSymbol; if (!Config.groups[nextGroup]) return this.errorReply(`Group '${nextGroup}' does not exist.`); if (Config.groups[nextGroup].roomonly || Config.groups[nextGroup].battleonly) { return this.errorReply(`Group '${nextGroup}' does not exist as a global rank.`); } if (Users.isUsernameKnown(name)) { return this.errorReply("/forcepromote - Don't forcepromote unless you have to."); } Users.globalAuth.set(name as ID, nextGroup); this.addGlobalModAction(`${name} was promoted to Global ${(Config.groups[nextGroup].name || "regular user")} by ${user.name}.`); this.globalModlog(`GLOBAL${(Config.groups[nextGroup].name || "regular").toUpperCase()}`, toID(name)); }, devoice: 'deauth', deauth(target, room, user) { return this.parse(`/demote ${target}, deauth`); }, deglobalvoice: 'globaldeauth', deglobalauth: 'globaldeauth', globaldevoice: 'globaldeauth', globaldeauth(target, room, user) { return this.parse(`/globaldemote ${target}, deauth`); }, deroomvoice: 'roomdeauth', roomdevoice: 'roomdeauth', deroomauth: 'roomdeauth', roomdeauth(target, room, user) { return this.parse(`/roomdemote ${target}, deauth`); }, declare(target, room, user) { target = target.trim(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help declare'); room = this.requireRoom(); this.checkCan('declare', null, room); this.checkChat(); if (target.length > 2000) return this.errorReply("Declares should not exceed 2000 characters."); for (const id in room.users) { room.users[id].sendTo(room, `|notify|${room.title} announcement!|${target}`); } this.add(Utils.html`|raw|
`); this.modlog('DECLARE', null, target); }, declarehelp: [`/declare [message] - Anonymously announces a message. Requires: # * ~`], htmldeclare(target, room, user) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help htmldeclare'); room = this.requireRoom(); this.checkCan('declare', null, room); this.checkChat(); this.checkHTML(target); for (const u in room.users) { Users.get(u)?.sendTo( room, `|notify|${room.title} announcement!|${Utils.stripHTML(target)}` ); } this.add(`|raw|
`); this.modlog(`HTMLDECLARE`, null, target); }, htmldeclarehelp: [`/htmldeclare [message] - Anonymously announces a message using safe HTML. Requires: # * ~`], gdeclare: 'globaldeclare', globaldeclare(target, room, user) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help globaldeclare'); this.checkCan('gdeclare'); this.checkHTML(target); for (const u of Users.users.values()) { if (u.connected) u.send(`|pm|~|${u.tempGroup}${u.name}|/raw
`); } this.globalModlog(`GLOBALDECLARE`, null, target); }, globaldeclarehelp: [`/globaldeclare [message] - Anonymously sends a private message to all the users on the site. Requires: ~`], cdeclare: 'chatdeclare', chatdeclare(target, room, user) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help chatdeclare'); this.checkCan('gdeclare'); this.checkHTML(target); for (const curRoom of Rooms.rooms.values()) { if (curRoom.type !== 'battle') { curRoom.addRaw(`
`).update(); } } this.globalModlog(`CHATDECLARE`, null, target); }, chatdeclarehelp: [`/cdeclare [message] - Anonymously announces a message to all chatrooms on the server. Requires: ~`], wall: 'announce', announce(target, room, user) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help announce'); if (room) this.checkCan('announce', null, room); this.checkChat(target); return `/announce ${target}`; }, announcehelp: [`/announce OR /wall [message] - Makes an announcement. Requires: % @ # ~`], notifyoffrank: 'notifyrank', notifyrank(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse(`/help notifyrank`); this.checkCan('addhtml', null, room); this.checkChat(); let [rank, titleNotification] = this.splitOne(target); if (rank === 'all') rank = ` `; if (!(rank in Config.groups)) return this.errorReply(`Group '${rank}' does not exist.`); const id = `${room.roomid}-rank-${(Config.groups[rank].id || `all`)}`; if (cmd === 'notifyoffrank') { if (rank === ' ') { room.send(`|tempnotifyoff|${id}`); } else { room.sendRankedUsers(`|tempnotifyoff|${id}`, rank as GroupSymbol); } } else { let [title, notificationHighlight] = this.splitOne(titleNotification); if (!title) title = `${room.title} ${(Config.groups[rank].name ? `${Config.groups[rank].name}+ ` : ``)}message!`; if (!user.can('addhtml')) { title += ` (notification from ${user.name})`; } const [notification, highlight] = this.splitOne(notificationHighlight); if (notification.length > 300) return this.errorReply(`Notifications should not exceed 300 characters.`); const message = `|tempnotify|${id}|${title}|${notification}${(highlight ? `|${highlight}` : ``)}`; if (rank === ' ') { room.send(message); } else { room.sendRankedUsers(message, rank as GroupSymbol); } this.modlog(`NOTIFYRANK`, null, target); } }, notifyrankhelp: [ `/notifyrank [rank], [title], [message], [highlight] - Sends a notification to users who are [rank] or higher (and highlight on [highlight], if specified). Requires: # * ~`, `/notifyoffrank [rank] - Closes the notification previously sent with /notifyrank [rank]. Requires: # * ~`, ], notifyoffuser: 'notifyuser', notifyuser(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse(`/help notifyuser`); this.checkCan('addhtml', null, room); this.checkChat(); const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest: titleNotification } = this.splitUser(target); if (!targetUser?.connected) return this.errorReply(`User '${targetUsername}' not found.`); const id = `${room.roomid}-user-${toID(targetUsername)}`; if (cmd === 'notifyoffuser') { room.sendUser(targetUser, `|tempnotifyoff|${id}`); this.sendReply(`Closed the notification previously sent to ${targetUser.name}.`); } else { let [title, notification] = this.splitOne(titleNotification); if (!title) title = `${room.title} notification!`; if (!user.can('addhtml')) { title += ` (notification from ${user.name})`; } if (notification.length > 300) return this.errorReply(`Notifications should not exceed 300 characters.`); const message = `|tempnotify|${id}|${title}|${notification}`; room.sendUser(targetUser, message); this.sendReply(`Sent a notification to ${targetUser.name}.`); } }, notifyuserhelp: [ `/notifyuser [username], [title], [message] - Sends a notification to [user]. Requires: # * ~`, `/notifyoffuser [user] - Closes the notification previously sent with /notifyuser [user]. Requires: # * ~`, ], fr: 'forcerename', ofr: 'forcerename', offlineforcerename: 'forcerename', forcerename(target, room, user) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help forcerename'); const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest: reason } = this.splitUser(target, { exactName: true }); const offline = this.cmd.startsWith('o'); const targetID = targetUser?.id || toID(targetUsername); // && !offline because maybe we're trying to disallow the name after they namechanged if (!targetUser && !offline) { const { targetUser: targetUserInexact, inputUsername } = this.splitUser(target); if (targetUserInexact) { return this.errorReply(`User has already changed their name to '${targetUserInexact.name}'.`); } return this.errorReply(`User '${inputUsername}' not found. (use /offlineforcerename to rename anyway.)`); } if (Punishments.namefilterwhitelist.has(targetID)) { this.errorReply(`That name is blocked from being forcerenamed.`); if (user.can('bypassall')) { this.errorReply(`Use /noforcerename remove to remove it from the list if you wish to rename it.`); } return false; } this.checkCan('forcerename', targetID); const { publicReason, privateReason } = this.parseSpoiler(reason); Monitor.forceRenames.set(targetID, false); let forceRenameMessage; if (targetUser?.connected) { forceRenameMessage = `was forced to choose a new name by ${user.name}${(publicReason ? `: ${publicReason}` : ``)}`; this.globalModlog('FORCERENAME', targetUser, reason); Ladders.cancelSearches(targetUser); targetUser.send(`|nametaken||${user.name} considers your name inappropriate${(publicReason ? `: ${publicReason}` : ``)}`); } else { forceRenameMessage = `was forced to choose a new name by ${user.name} while offline${(publicReason ? `: ${publicReason}` : ``)}`; this.globalModlog('FORCERENAME OFFLINE', targetUser, privateReason); } Monitor.forceRenames.set(targetID, false); if (room?.roomid !== 'staff') { if (room?.roomid.startsWith('help-')) { this.addModAction(`${targetUser?.name || targetID} ${forceRenameMessage}`); } else { this.privateModAction(`${targetUser?.name || targetID} ${forceRenameMessage}`); } } const roomMessage = this.pmTarget ? `` : room && room.roomid !== 'staff' ? `«${room.roomid}» ` : ''; const rankMessage = targetUser?.getAccountStatusString() || ""; Rooms.global.notifyRooms( ['staff'], `|html|${roomMessage}` + Utils.html`${targetUser?.name || targetID} ${rankMessage} ${forceRenameMessage}` ); targetUser?.resetName(true); return true; }, forcerenamehelp: [ `/forcerename OR /fr [username], [reason] - Forcibly change a user's name and shows them the [reason]. Requires: % @ ~`, `/allowname [username] - Unmarks a forcerenamed username, stopping staff from being notified when it is used. Requires % @ ~`, ], nfr: 'noforcerename', noforcerename: { add(target, room, user) { const [targetUsername, rest] = Utils.splitFirst(target, ',').map(f => f.trim()); const targetId = toID(targetUsername); if (!targetId) return this.parse('/help noforcerename'); this.checkCan('bypassall'); if (!Punishments.whitelistName(targetId, user.name)) { return this.errorReply(`${targetUsername} is already on the noforcerename list.`); } this.addGlobalModAction(`${user.name} added the name ${targetId} to the no forcerename list.${rest ? ` (${rest})` : ''}`); this.globalModlog('NOFORCERENAME', targetId, rest); }, remove(target, room, user) { const { targetUsername, rest } = this.splitUser(target); const targetId = toID(targetUsername); if (!targetId) return this.parse('/help noforcerename'); this.checkCan('bypassall'); if (!Punishments.namefilterwhitelist.has(targetId)) { return this.errorReply(`${targetUsername} is not on the noforcerename list.`); } Punishments.unwhitelistName(targetId); this.addGlobalModAction(`${user.name} removed ${targetId} from the no forcerename list.${rest ? ` (${rest})` : ''}`); this.globalModlog('UNNOFORCERENAME', targetId, rest); }, }, noforcerenamehelp: [ `/noforcerename add OR /nfr add [username] - Adds [username] to the list of users who can't be forcerenamed by staff.`, `/noforcerename remove OR /nfr remove [username] - Removes [username] from the list of users who can't be forcerenamed by staff.`, ], forceclearstatus(target, room, user) { const { targetUser, rest: reason } = this.requireUser(target, { allowOffline: true }); this.checkCan('forcerename', targetUser); if (!targetUser.userMessage) return this.errorReply(this.tr`${targetUser.name} does not have a status set.`); const displayReason = reason ? `: ${reason}` : ``; this.privateGlobalModAction(this.tr`${targetUser.name}'s status "${targetUser.userMessage}" was cleared by ${user.name}${displayReason}.`); this.globalModlog('CLEARSTATUS', targetUser, ` from "${targetUser.userMessage}"${displayReason}`); targetUser.clearStatus(); targetUser.popup(`${user.name} has cleared your status message for being inappropriate${displayReason || '.'}`); }, nl: 'namelock', forcenamelock: 'namelock', weeknamelock: 'namelock', wnl: 'namelock', fwnl: 'namelock', forceweeknamelock: 'namelock', async namelock(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help namelock'); const week = cmd.includes('w'); const force = cmd.includes('f'); const { targetUser, inputUsername, targetUsername, rest: reason } = this.splitUser(target); const userid = toID(targetUsername); if (!targetUser && !force) { return this.errorReply( `User '${targetUsername}' not found. Use \`\`/force${week ? 'week' : ''}namelock\`\` if you need to namelock them anyway.` ); } if (targetUser && targetUser.id !== toID(inputUsername) && !force) { return this.errorReply(`${inputUsername} has already changed their name to ${targetUser.name}. To namelock anyway, use /force${week ? 'week' : ''}namelock.`); } this.checkCan('forcerename', userid); if (targetUser?.namelocked && !week) { return this.errorReply(`User '${targetUser.name}' is already namelocked.`); } if (!force && !week) { const existingPunishments = Punishments.search(userid); for (const [,, punishment] of existingPunishments) { if (punishment.type === 'LOCK' && (punishment.expireTime - Date.now()) > (2 * DAY)) { this.errorReply(`User '${userid}' is already normally locked for more than 2 days.`); this.errorReply(`Use /weeknamelock to namelock them instead, so you don't decrease the existing punishment.`); return this.errorReply(`If you really need to override this, use /forcenamelock.`); } } } const { privateReason, publicReason } = this.parseSpoiler(reason); const reasonText = publicReason ? ` (${publicReason})` : `.`; this.privateGlobalModAction(`${targetUser?.name || userid} was ${week ? 'week' : ''}namelocked by ${user.name}${reasonText}`); this.globalModlog(`${force ? `FORCE` : ``}${week ? 'WEEK' : ""}NAMELOCK`, targetUser || userid, privateReason); const roomauth = Rooms.global.destroyPersonalRooms(userid); if (roomauth.length) { Monitor.log(`[CrisisMonitor] Namelocked user ${userid} has public roomauth (${roomauth.join(', ')}), and should probably be demoted.`); } if (targetUser) { Ladders.cancelSearches(targetUser); targetUser.popup(`|modal|${user.name} has locked your name and you can't change names anymore${reasonText}`); } const duration = week ? 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 : 48 * 60 * 60 * 1000; await Punishments.namelock(userid, Date.now() + duration, null, false, publicReason); if (targetUser) Chat.runHandlers('onPunishUser', 'NAMELOCK', targetUser, room); // Automatically upload replays as evidence/reference to the punishment if (room?.battle) this.parse('/savereplay forpunishment'); Monitor.forceRenames.set(userid, false); if (connection.openPages) { // this hardcode is necessary because when /namelock and /uspage are send together in one button // the uspage output is sent before the user's name is reset // so it takes two clicks, which is bad behavior for (const page of connection.openPages) { if (page.includes('usersearch-')) { this.refreshPage(page); } } } return true; }, namelockhelp: [`/namelock OR /nl [user], [reason] - Name locks a [user] and shows the [reason]. Requires: % @ ~`], unl: 'unnamelock', unnamelock(target, room, user) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help unnamelock'); this.checkCan('forcerename'); const targetUser = Users.get(target); let reason = ''; if (targetUser?.namelocked) { reason = ` (${targetUser.namelocked})`; } const unlocked = Punishments.unnamelock(target); if (!unlocked) { return this.errorReply(`User '${target}' is not namelocked.`); } this.addGlobalModAction(`${unlocked} was unnamelocked by ${user.name}.${reason}`); this.globalModlog("UNNAMELOCK", toID(target)); this.parse(`/allowname ${toID(target)}`); if (targetUser) targetUser.popup(`${user.name} has unnamelocked you.`); }, unnamelockhelp: [`/unnamelock [username] - Unnamelocks the user. Requires: % @ ~`], hidetextalts: 'hidetext', hidealttext: 'hidetext', hidealtstext: 'hidetext', htext: 'hidetext', forcehidetext: 'hidetext', hidelines: 'hidetext', hlines: 'hidetext', cleartext: 'hidetext', ctext: 'hidetext', clearaltstext: 'hidetext', clearlines: 'hidetext', forcecleartext: 'hidetext', hidetext(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { if (!target) return this.parse(`/help hidetext`); room = this.requireRoom(); const hasLineCount = cmd.includes('lines'); const hideRevealButton = cmd.includes('clear') || cmd === 'ctext'; let { targetUser, inputUsername, targetUsername: name, rest: reason } = this.splitUser(target); let lineCount = 0; if (/^[0-9]+\s*(,|$)/.test(reason)) { if (hasLineCount) { let lineCountString; [lineCountString, reason] = Utils.splitFirst(reason, ',').map(p => p.trim()); lineCount = parseInt(lineCountString); } else if (!cmd.includes('force')) { return this.errorReply(`Your reason was a number; use /hidelines if you wanted to clear a specific number of lines, or /forcehidetext if you really wanted your reason to be a number.`); } } const showAlts = cmd.includes('alt'); if (!lineCount && hasLineCount) { return this.errorReply(`You must specify a number of messages to clear. To clear all messages, use /hidetext.`); } if (reason.length > MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { return this.errorReply(`The reason is too long. It cannot exceed ${MAX_REASON_LENGTH} characters.`); } if (!targetUser && !room.log.hasUsername(name)) { return this.errorReply(`User ${name} not found or has no roomlogs.`); } if (lineCount && showAlts) { return this.errorReply(`You can't specify a line count when using /hidealtstext.`); } const userid = toID(inputUsername); this.checkCan('mute', null, room); // if the user hiding their own text, it would clear the "cleared" message, // so we can't attribute it in that case // and sending the message after `|unlink|` puts the "show lines" button in the wrong place const sender = user === targetUser ? null : user; let message = ''; if (targetUser && showAlts) { message = `${name}'s alts messages were cleared from ${room.title} by ${user.name}.${(reason ? ` (${reason})` : ``)}`; room.sendByUser(sender, message); this.modlog('HIDEALTSTEXT', targetUser, reason, { noip: 1 }); room.hideText([ userid, ...targetUser.previousIDs, ...targetUser.getAltUsers(true).map((curUser: User) => curUser.getLastId()), ] as ID[]); } else { if (lineCount > 0) { message = `${lineCount} of ${name}'s messages were cleared from ${room.title} by ${user.name}.${(reason ? ` (${reason})` : ``)}`; room.sendByUser(sender, message); } else { message = `${name}'s messages were cleared from ${room.title} by ${user.name}.${(reason ? ` (${reason})` : ``)}`; room.sendByUser(sender, message); } this.modlog('HIDETEXT', targetUser || userid, reason, { noip: 1, noalts: 1 }); room.hideText([userid], lineCount, hideRevealButton); this.roomlog(`|c|${user.getIdentity()}|/log ${message}`); } }, hidetexthelp: [ `/hidetext [username], [optional reason] - Removes a user's messages from chat, with an optional reason. Requires: % @ # ~`, `/hidealtstext [username], [optional reason] - Removes a user's messages and their alternate accounts' messages from the chat, with an optional reason. Requires: % @ # ~`, `/hidelines [username], [number], [optional reason] - Removes the [number] most recent messages from a user, with an optional reason. Requires: % @ # ~`, `Use /cleartext, /clearaltstext, and /clearlines to remove messages without displaying a button to reveal them.`, ], ab: 'blacklist', bl: 'blacklist', forceblacklist: 'blacklist', forcebl: 'blacklist', permanentblacklist: 'blacklist', permablacklist: 'blacklist', permabl: 'blacklist', blacklist(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help blacklist'); this.checkChat(); if (toID(target) === 'show') return this.errorReply(`You're looking for /showbl`); const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest: reason } = this.splitUser(target); if (!targetUser) { this.errorReply(`User ${targetUsername} not found.`); return this.errorReply(`If you want to blacklist an offline account by name (not IP), consider /blacklistname`); } this.checkCan('editroom', targetUser, room); if (!room.persist) { return this.errorReply(`This room is not going to last long enough for a blacklist to matter - just ban the user`); } const punishment = Punishments.isRoomBanned(targetUser, room.roomid); if (punishment && punishment.type === 'BLACKLIST') { return this.errorReply(`This user is already blacklisted from this room.`); } const force = cmd === 'forceblacklist' || cmd === 'forcebl'; if (targetUser.trusted) { if (!force) { return this.sendReply( `${targetUser.name} is a trusted user. If you are sure you would like to blacklist them use /forceblacklist.` ); } } else if (force) { return this.errorReply(`Use /blacklist; ${targetUser.name} is not a trusted user.`); } if (!reason && REQUIRE_REASONS) { return this.errorReply(`Blacklists require a reason.`); } if (reason.length > MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { return this.errorReply(`The reason is too long. It cannot exceed ${MAX_REASON_LENGTH} characters.`); } const name = targetUser.getLastName(); const userid = targetUser.getLastId(); if (targetUser.trusted && room.settings.isPrivate !== true) { Monitor.log(`[CrisisMonitor] Trusted user ${targetUser.name}${targetUser.trusted !== targetUser.id ? ` (${targetUser.trusted})` : ''} was blacklisted from ${room.roomid} by ${user.name}, and should probably be demoted.`); } if (targetUser.id in room.users || user.can('lock')) { targetUser.popup( `|modal||html|

${Utils.escapeHTML(user.name)} has blacklisted you from the room ${room.roomid}${(room.subRooms ? ` and its subrooms` : '')}. Reason: ${Utils.escapeHTML(reason)}

` + `

To appeal the ban, PM the staff member that blacklisted you${room.persist ? ` or a room owner.

` : `.

`}` ); } const expireTime = cmd.includes('perma') ? Date.now() + (10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) : null; const action = expireTime ? 'PERMABLACKLIST' : 'BLACKLIST'; this.privateModAction( `${name} was blacklisted from ${room.title} by ${user.name}${expireTime ? ' for ten years' : ''}.` + `${reason ? ` (${reason})` : ''}` ); const affected = Punishments.roomBlacklist(room, targetUser, expireTime, null, reason); for (const u of affected) Chat.runHandlers('onPunishUser', 'BLACKLIST', u, room); if (!room.settings.isPrivate && room.persist) { const acAccount = (targetUser.autoconfirmed !== userid && targetUser.autoconfirmed); let displayMessage = ''; if (affected.length > 1) { displayMessage = `${name}'s ${(acAccount ? ` ac account: ${acAccount},` : '')} blacklisted alts: ${affected.slice(1).map(curUser => curUser.getLastName()).join(", ")}`; this.privateModAction(displayMessage); } else if (acAccount) { displayMessage = `${name}'s ac account: ${acAccount}`; this.privateModAction(displayMessage); } } if (!room.settings.isPrivate && room.persist) { this.globalModlog(action, targetUser, reason); } else { // Room modlog only this.modlog(action, targetUser, reason); } return true; }, blacklisthelp: [ `/blacklist [username], [reason] - Blacklists the user from the room you are in for a year. Requires: # ~`, `/permablacklist OR /permabl - blacklist a user for 10 years. Requires: # ~`, `/unblacklist [username] - Unblacklists the user from the room you are in. Requires: # ~`, `/showblacklist OR /showbl - show a list of blacklisted users in the room. Requires: % @ # ~`, `/expiringblacklists OR /expiringbls - show a list of blacklisted users from the room whose blacklists are expiring in 3 months or less. Requires: % @ # ~`, ], forcebattleban: 'battleban', async battleban(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse(`/help battleban`); const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest: reason } = this.splitUser(target); if (!targetUser) return this.errorReply(`User ${targetUsername} not found.`); if (target.length > MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { return this.errorReply(`The reason is too long. It cannot exceed ${MAX_REASON_LENGTH} characters.`); } if (!reason) { return this.errorReply(`Battle bans require a reason.`); } const includesUrl = reason.includes(`.${Config.routes.root}/`); // lgtm [js/incomplete-url-substring-sanitization] if (!room.battle && !includesUrl && cmd !== 'forcebattleban') { return this.errorReply(`Battle bans require a battle replay if used outside of a battle; if the battle has expired, use /forcebattleban.`); } if (!user.can('rangeban', targetUser)) { this.errorReply(`Battlebans have been deprecated. Alternatives:`); this.errorReply(`- timerstalling and bragging about it: lock`); this.errorReply(`- other timerstalling: they're not timerstalling, leave them alone`); this.errorReply(`- bad nicknames: lock, locks prevent nicknames from appearing; you should always have been locking for this`); this.errorReply(`- ladder cheating: gban, get a moderator if necessary`); this.errorReply(`- serious ladder cheating: permaban, get an administrator`); this.errorReply(`- other: get an administrator`); return; } if (Punishments.isBattleBanned(targetUser)) { return this.errorReply(`User '${targetUser.name}' is already banned from battling.`); } this.privateGlobalModAction(`${targetUser.name} was banned from starting new battles by ${user.name} (${reason})`); if (targetUser.trusted) { Monitor.log(`[CrisisMonitor] Trusted user ${targetUser.name} was banned from battling by ${user.name}, and should probably be demoted.`); } this.globalModlog("BATTLEBAN", targetUser, reason); Ladders.cancelSearches(targetUser); await Punishments.battleban(targetUser, null, null, reason); targetUser.popup(`|modal|${user.name} has prevented you from starting new battles for 2 days (${reason})`); // Automatically upload replays as evidence/reference to the punishment if (room.battle) this.parse('/savereplay forpunishment'); return true; }, battlebanhelp: [ `/battleban [username], [reason] - [DEPRECATED]`, `Prevents the user from starting new battles for 2 days and shows them the [reason]. Requires: ~`, ], unbattleban(target, room, user) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help unbattleban'); this.checkCan('lock'); const targetUser = Users.get(target); const unbanned = Punishments.unbattleban(target); if (unbanned) { this.addModAction(`${unbanned} was allowed to battle again by ${user.name}.`); this.globalModlog("UNBATTLEBAN", toID(target)); if (targetUser) targetUser.popup(`${user.name} has allowed you to battle again.`); } else { this.errorReply(`User ${target} is not banned from battling.`); } }, unbattlebanhelp: [`/unbattleban [username] - [DEPRECATED] Allows a user to battle again. Requires: % @ ~`], monthgroupchatban: 'groupchatban', monthgcban: 'groupchatban', gcban: 'groupchatban', async groupchatban(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse(`/help groupchatban`); if (!user.can('rangeban')) { return this.errorReply( `/groupchatban has been deprecated.\n` + `For future groupchat misuse, lock the creator, it will take away their trusted status and their ability to make groupchats.` ); } const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest: reason } = this.splitUser(target); if (!targetUser) return this.errorReply(`User ${targetUsername} not found.`); if (target.length > MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { return this.errorReply(`The reason is too long. It cannot exceed ${MAX_REASON_LENGTH} characters.`); } const isMonth = cmd.startsWith('month'); if (!isMonth && Punishments.isGroupchatBanned(targetUser)) { return this.errorReply(`User '${targetUser.name}' is already banned from using groupchats.`); } const reasonText = reason ? `: ${reason}` : ``; this.privateGlobalModAction(`${targetUser.name} was banned from using groupchats for a ${isMonth ? 'month' : 'week'} by ${user.name}${reasonText}.`); if (targetUser.trusted) { Monitor.log(`[CrisisMonitor] Trusted user ${targetUser.name} was banned from using groupchats by ${user.name}, and should probably be demoted.`); } const createdGroupchats = await Punishments.groupchatBan( targetUser, (isMonth ? Date.now() + 30 * DAY : null), null, reason ); targetUser.popup(`|modal|${user.name} has banned you from using groupchats for a ${isMonth ? 'month' : 'week'}${reasonText}`); this.globalModlog("GROUPCHATBAN", targetUser, ` by ${user.id}${reasonText}`); for (const roomid of createdGroupchats) { const targetRoom = Rooms.get(roomid); if (!targetRoom) continue; const participants = targetRoom.warnParticipants?.( `This groupchat (${targetRoom.title}) has been deleted due to inappropriate conduct by its creator, ${targetUser.name}.` + ` Do not attempt to recreate it, or you may be punished.${reason ? ` (reason: ${reason})` : ``}` ); if (participants) { const modlogEntry = { action: 'NOTE', loggedBy: user.id, isGlobal: true, note: `participants in ${roomid} (creator: ${targetUser.id}): ${participants.join(', ')}`, }; targetRoom.modlog(modlogEntry); } targetRoom.destroy(); } }, groupchatbanhelp: [ `/groupchatban [user], [optional reason]`, `/monthgroupchatban [user], [optional reason]`, `Bans the user from joining or creating groupchats for a week (or month). Requires: % @ ~`, ], ungcban: 'ungroupchatban', gcunban: 'ungroupchatban', groucphatunban: 'ungroupchatban', ungroupchatban(target, room, user) { if (!target) return this.parse('/help ungroupchatban'); this.checkCan('lock'); const targetUser = Users.get(target); const unbanned = Punishments.groupchatUnban(targetUser || toID(target)); if (unbanned) { this.addGlobalModAction(`${unbanned} was ungroupchatbanned by ${user.name}.`); this.globalModlog("UNGROUPCHATBAN", toID(target), ` by ${user.id}`); if (targetUser) targetUser.popup(`${user.name} has allowed you to use groupchats again.`); } else { this.errorReply(`User ${target} is not banned from using groupchats.`); } }, ungroupchatbanhelp: [`/ungroupchatban [user] - Allows a groupchatbanned user to use groupchats again. Requires: % @ ~`], nameblacklist: 'blacklistname', permablacklistname: 'blacklistname', blacklistname(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help blacklistname'); this.checkChat(); this.checkCan('editroom', null, room); if (!room.persist) { return this.errorReply("This room is not going to last long enough for a blacklist to matter - just ban the user"); } const [targetStr, reason] = target.split('|').map(val => val.trim()); if (!targetStr || (!reason && REQUIRE_REASONS)) { return this.errorReply("Usage: /blacklistname name1, name2, ... | reason"); } const targets = targetStr.split(',').map(s => toID(s)); const duplicates = targets.filter(userid => ( // can be asserted, room should always exist Punishments.roomUserids.nestedGetByType(room.roomid, userid, 'BLACKLIST') )); if (duplicates.length) { return this.errorReply(`[${duplicates.join(', ')}] ${Chat.plural(duplicates, "are", "is")} already blacklisted.`); } const expireTime = this.cmd.includes('perma') ? Date.now() + (10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) : null; const action = expireTime ? 'PERMANAMEBLACKLIST' : 'NAMEBLACKLIST'; for (const userid of targets) { if (!userid) return this.errorReply(`User '${userid}' is not a valid userid.`); if (!Users.Auth.hasPermission(user, 'ban', room.auth.get(userid), room)) { return this.errorReply(`/blacklistname - Access denied: ${userid} is of equal or higher authority than you.`); } Punishments.roomBlacklist(room, userid, expireTime, null, reason); const trusted = Users.isTrusted(userid); if (trusted && room.settings.isPrivate !== true) { Monitor.log(`[CrisisMonitor] Trusted user ${userid}${(trusted !== userid ? ` (${trusted})` : ``)} was nameblacklisted from ${room.roomid} by ${user.name}, and should probably be demoted.`); } if (!room.settings.isPrivate && room.persist) { this.globalModlog(action, userid, reason); } } this.privateModAction( `${targets.join(', ')}${Chat.plural(targets, " were", " was")} nameblacklisted from ${room.title} by ${user.name}` + `${expireTime ? ' for ten years' : ''}.` ); return true; }, blacklistnamehelp: [ `/blacklistname OR /nameblacklist [name1, name2, etc.] | reason - Blacklists all name(s) from the room you are in for a year. Requires: # ~`, `/permablacklistname [name1, name2, etc.] | reason - Blacklists all name(s) from the room you are in for 10 years. Requires: # ~`, ], unab: 'unblacklist', unblacklist(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) return this.parse('/help unblacklist'); this.checkCan('editroom', null, room); const name = Punishments.roomUnblacklist(room, target); if (name) { this.privateModAction(`${name} was unblacklisted by ${user.name}.`); if (!room.settings.isPrivate && room.persist) { this.globalModlog("UNBLACKLIST", name); } } else { this.errorReply(`User '${target}' is not blacklisted.`); } }, unblacklisthelp: [`/unblacklist [username] - Unblacklists the user from the room you are in. Requires: # ~`], unblacklistall(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); this.checkCan('editroom', null, room); if (!target) { user.lastCommand = '/unblacklistall'; this.errorReply("THIS WILL UNBLACKLIST ALL BLACKLISTED USERS IN THIS ROOM."); this.errorReply("To confirm, use: /unblacklistall confirm"); return; } if (user.lastCommand !== '/unblacklistall' || target !== 'confirm') { return this.parse('/help unblacklistall'); } user.lastCommand = ''; const unblacklisted = Punishments.roomUnblacklistAll(room); if (!unblacklisted) return this.errorReply("No users are currently blacklisted in this room to unblacklist."); this.addModAction(`All blacklists in this room have been lifted by ${user.name}.`); this.modlog('UNBLACKLISTALL'); this.roomlog(`Unblacklisted users: ${unblacklisted.join(', ')}`); }, unblacklistallhelp: [`/unblacklistall - Unblacklists all blacklisted users in the current room. Requires: # ~`], expiringbls: 'showblacklist', expiringblacklists: 'showblacklist', blacklists: 'showblacklist', showbl: 'showblacklist', showblacklist(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { if (target) room = Rooms.search(target)!; if (!room) return this.errorReply(`The room "${target}" was not found.`); this.checkCan('mute', null, room); const SOON_EXPIRING_TIME = 3 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 3 months if (!room.persist) return this.errorReply("This room does not support blacklists."); const roomUserids = Punishments.roomUserids.get(room.roomid); if (!roomUserids || roomUserids.size === 0) { return this.sendReply("This room has no blacklisted users."); } const blMap = new Map(); let ips = ''; for (const [userid, punishmentList] of roomUserids) { for (const punishment of punishmentList) { const { type, id, expireTime } = punishment; if (type === 'BLACKLIST') { if (!blMap.has(id)) blMap.set(id, [expireTime]); if (id !== userid) blMap.get(id)!.push(userid); } } } if (user.can('ip')) { const roomIps = Punishments.roomIps.get(room.roomid); if (roomIps) { ips = '/ips'; for (const [ip, punishments] of roomIps) { for (const punishment of punishments) { const { type, id } = punishment; if (type === 'BLACKLIST') { if (!blMap.has(id)) blMap.set(id, []); blMap.get(id)!.push(ip); } } } } } const soonExpiring = (cmd === 'expiringblacklists' || cmd === 'expiringbls'); let buf = Utils.html`Blacklist for ${room.title}${soonExpiring ? ` (expiring within 3 months)` : ''}:
`; for (const [userid, data] of blMap) { const [expireTime, ...alts] = data; if (soonExpiring && expireTime > Date.now() + SOON_EXPIRING_TIME) continue; const expiresIn = new Date(expireTime).getTime() - Date.now(); const expiresDays = Math.round(expiresIn / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24); buf += `- ${userid}, for ${Chat.count(expiresDays, "days")}`; if (alts.length) buf += `, alts${ips}: ${alts.join(', ')}`; buf += `
`; } this.sendReplyBox(buf); }, showblacklisthelp: [ `/showblacklist OR /showbl - show a list of blacklisted users in the room. Requires: % @ # ~`, `/expiringblacklists OR /expiringbls - show a list of blacklisted users from the room whose blacklists are expiring in 3 months or less. Requires: % @ # ~`, ], };