"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var modlog_exports = {}; __export(modlog_exports, { MODLOG_DB_PATH: () => MODLOG_DB_PATH, Modlog: () => Modlog, mainModlog: () => mainModlog }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(modlog_exports); var import_lib = require("../../lib"); var import_config_loader = require("../config-loader"); /** * Modlog * Pokemon Showdown - http://pokemonshowdown.com/ * * Moderator actions are logged into a set of files known as the moderation log, or "modlog." * This file handles reading, writing, and querying the modlog. * * @license MIT */ const LONG_QUERY_DURATION = 2e3; const MODLOG_SCHEMA_PATH = "databases/schemas/modlog.sql"; const MODLOG_V2_MIGRATION_PATH = "databases/migrations/modlog/v2.sql"; const MODLOG_DB_PATH = import_config_loader.Config.nofswriting ? ":memory:" : (0, import_lib.FS)(`databases/modlog.db`).path; const GLOBAL_PUNISHMENTS = [ "WEEKLOCK", "LOCK", "BAN", "RANGEBAN", "RANGELOCK", "FORCERENAME", "TICKETBAN", "AUTOLOCK", "AUTONAMELOCK", "NAMELOCK", "AUTOBAN", "MONTHLOCK", "AUTOWEEKLOCK", "WEEKNAMELOCK", "FORCEWEEKLOCK", "FORCELOCK", "FORCEMONTHLOCK", "FORCERENAME OFFLINE" ]; const PUNISHMENTS = [ ...GLOBAL_PUNISHMENTS, "ROOMBAN", "WEEKROOMBAN", "UNROOMBAN", "WARN", "MUTE", "HOURMUTE", "UNMUTE", "CRISISDEMOTE", "UNLOCK", "UNLOCKNAME", "UNLOCKRANGE", "UNLOCKIP", "UNBAN", "UNRANGEBAN", "TRUSTUSER", "UNTRUSTUSER", "BLACKLIST", "BATTLEBAN", "UNBATTLEBAN", "NAMEBLACKLIST", "KICKBATTLE", "UNTICKETBAN", "HIDETEXT", "HIDEALTSTEXT", "REDIRECT", "NOTE", "MAFIAHOSTBAN", "MAFIAUNHOSTBAN", "MAFIAGAMEBAN", "MAFIAUNGAMEBAN", "GIVEAWAYBAN", "GIVEAWAYUNBAN", "TOUR BAN", "TOUR UNBAN", "UNNAMELOCK", "PERMABLACKLIST" ]; class Modlog { constructor(databasePath, options) { this.modlogInsertionQuery = null; this.altsInsertionQuery = null; this.renameQuery = null; this.globalPunishmentsSearchQuery = null; this.queuedEntries = []; this.databaseReady = false; if (!options.onError) { options.onError = (error, data, isParent) => { if (!isParent) return; Monitor.crashlog(error, "A modlog SQLite query", { query: JSON.stringify(data) }); }; } this.database = (0, import_lib.SQL)(module, { file: databasePath, extension: "server/modlog/transactions.js", ...options }); if (import_config_loader.Config.usesqlite) { if (this.database.isParentProcess) { this.database.spawn(import_config_loader.Config.modlogprocesses || 1); } else { global.Monitor = { crashlog(error, source = "A modlog child process", details = null) { const repr = JSON.stringify([error.name, error.message, source, details]); process.send(`THROW @!!@${repr} ${error.stack}`); } }; process.on("uncaughtException", (err) => { Monitor.crashlog(err, "A modlog database process"); }); process.on("unhandledRejection", (err) => { Monitor.crashlog(err, "A modlog database process"); }); } } this.readyPromise = this.setupDatabase().then((result) => { this.databaseReady = result; this.readyPromise = null; }); } async setupDatabase() { if (!import_config_loader.Config.usesqlite) return false; await this.database.exec("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;"); await this.database.exec(`PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = true;`); const dbExists = await this.database.get(`SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = 'modlog'`); if (!dbExists) { await this.database.runFile(MODLOG_SCHEMA_PATH); } const { hasDBInfo } = await this.database.get( `SELECT count(*) AS hasDBInfo FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'db_info'` ); if (hasDBInfo === 0) { const warnFunction = "Monitor" in global && Monitor.warn ? Monitor.warn : console.log; warnFunction(`The modlog database is being migrated to version 2; this may take a while.`); await this.database.runFile(MODLOG_V2_MIGRATION_PATH); warnFunction(`Modlog database migration complete.`); } this.modlogInsertionQuery = await this.database.prepare( `INSERT INTO modlog (timestamp, roomid, visual_roomid, action, userid, autoconfirmed_userid, ip, action_taker_userid, is_global, note) VALUES ($time, $roomID, $visualRoomID, $action, $userid, $autoconfirmedID, $ip, $loggedBy, $isGlobal, $note)` ); this.altsInsertionQuery = await this.database.prepare(`INSERT INTO alts (modlog_id, userid) VALUES (?, ?)`); this.renameQuery = await this.database.prepare(`UPDATE modlog SET roomid = ? WHERE roomid = ?`); this.globalPunishmentsSearchQuery = await this.database.prepare( `SELECT * FROM modlog WHERE is_global = 1 AND (userid = ? OR autoconfirmed_userid = ? OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM alts WHERE alts.modlog_id = modlog.modlog_id AND userid = ?)) AND timestamp > ? AND action IN (${import_lib.Utils.formatSQLArray(GLOBAL_PUNISHMENTS, [])})` ); await this.writeSQL(this.queuedEntries); return true; } /****************** * Helper methods * ******************/ getSharedID(roomid) { return roomid.includes("-") ? `${toID(roomid.split("-")[0])}-rooms` : false; } /************************************** * Methods for writing to the modlog. * **************************************/ /** @deprecated Modlogs use SQLite and no longer need initialization. */ initialize(roomid) { } /** * Writes to the modlog */ async write(roomid, entry, overrideID) { if (!import_config_loader.Config.usesqlite || !import_config_loader.Config.usesqlitemodlog) return; const roomID = entry.roomID || roomid; const insertableEntry = { action: entry.action, roomID, visualRoomID: overrideID || entry.visualRoomID || "", userid: entry.userid || null, autoconfirmedID: entry.autoconfirmedID || null, alts: entry.alts ? [...new Set(entry.alts)] : [], ip: entry.ip || null, isGlobal: entry.isGlobal || roomID === "global" || false, loggedBy: entry.loggedBy || null, note: entry.note || "", time: entry.time || Date.now() }; await this.writeSQL([insertableEntry]); } async writeSQL(entries) { if (!import_config_loader.Config.usesqlite) return; if (!this.databaseReady) { this.queuedEntries.push(...entries); return; } const toInsert = { entries, modlogInsertionStatement: this.modlogInsertionQuery.toString(), altsInsertionStatement: this.altsInsertionQuery.toString() }; await this.database.transaction("insertion", toInsert); } /** * @deprecated Modlogs use SQLite and no longer need to be destroyed */ async destroy(roomid) { return Promise.resolve(void 0); } destroyAllSQLite() { if (!this.database) return; void this.database.destroy(); this.databaseReady = false; } destroyAll() { this.destroyAllSQLite(); } async rename(oldID, newID) { if (!import_config_loader.Config.usesqlite) return; if (oldID === newID) return; if (this.readyPromise) await this.readyPromise; if (this.databaseReady) { await this.database.run(this.renameQuery, [newID, oldID]); } else { throw new Error(`Attempted to rename a room's modlog before the SQL database was ready.`); } } /****************************************** * Methods for reading (searching) modlog * ******************************************/ async getGlobalPunishments(user, days = 30) { if (!import_config_loader.Config.usesqlite || !import_config_loader.Config.usesqlitemodlog) return null; return this.getGlobalPunishmentsSQL(toID(user), days); } async getGlobalPunishmentsSQL(userid, days) { if (this.readyPromise) await this.readyPromise; if (!this.globalPunishmentsSearchQuery) { throw new Error(`Modlog#globalPunishmentsSearchQuery is falsy but an SQL search function was called.`); } const args = [ userid, userid, userid, Date.now() - days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3, ...GLOBAL_PUNISHMENTS ]; const results = await this.database.all(this.globalPunishmentsSearchQuery, args); return results.length; } /** * Searches the modlog. * * @returns Either a promise for ModlogResults or `null` if modlog is disabled. */ async search(roomid = "global", search = { note: [], user: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }, maxLines = 20, onlyPunishments = false) { if (!import_config_loader.Config.usesqlite || !import_config_loader.Config.usesqlitemodlog) return null; const startTime = Date.now(); let rooms; if (roomid === "public") { rooms = [...Rooms.rooms.values()].filter((room) => !room.settings.isPrivate && !room.settings.isPersonal).map((room) => room.roomid); } else if (roomid === "all") { rooms = "all"; } else { rooms = [roomid]; } if (this.readyPromise) await this.readyPromise; if (!this.databaseReady) return null; const query = this.prepareSQLSearch(rooms, maxLines, onlyPunishments, search); const results = (await this.database.all(query.queryText, query.args)).map((row) => this.dbRowToModlogEntry(row)); const duration = Date.now() - startTime; if (duration > LONG_QUERY_DURATION) { Monitor.slow(`[slow SQL modlog search] ${duration}ms - ${JSON.stringify(query)}`); } return { results, duration }; } dbRowToModlogEntry(row) { return { entryID: row.modlog_id, action: row.action, roomID: row.roomid, visualRoomID: row.visual_roomid, userid: row.userid, autoconfirmedID: row.autoconfirmed_userid, alts: row.alts?.split(",") || [], ip: row.ip || null, isGlobal: Boolean(row.is_global), loggedBy: row.action_taker_userid, note: row.note, time: row.timestamp }; } /** * This is a helper method to build SQL queries optimized to better utilize indices. * This was discussed in https://psim.us/devdiscord (although the syntax is slightly different in practice): * https://discord.com/channels/630837856075513856/630845310033330206/766736895132303371 * * @param select A query fragment of the form `SELECT ... FROM ...` * @param ors Each OR condition fragment (e.g. `userid = ?`) * @param ands Each AND conditions to be appended to every OR condition (e.g. `roomid = ?`) * @param sortAndLimit A fragment of the form `ORDER BY ... LIMIT ...` */ buildParallelIndexScanQuery(select, ors, ands, sortAndLimit) { if (!this.database) throw new Error(`Parallel index scan queries cannot be built when SQLite is not enabled.`); let andQuery = ``; const andArgs = []; for (const and of ands) { if (andQuery.length) andQuery += ` AND `; andQuery += and.query; andArgs.push(...and.args); } let query = ``; const args = []; if (!ors.length) { query = `${select} ${andQuery ? ` WHERE ${andQuery}` : ``}`; args.push(...andArgs); } else { for (const or of ors) { if (query.length) query += ` UNION `; query += `SELECT * FROM (${select} WHERE ${or.query} ${andQuery ? ` AND ${andQuery}` : ``} ${sortAndLimit.query})`; args.push(...or.args, ...andArgs, ...sortAndLimit.args); } } query += ` ${sortAndLimit.query}`; args.push(...sortAndLimit.args); return { queryText: query, args }; } prepareSQLSearch(rooms, maxLines, onlyPunishments, search) { const select = `SELECT *, (SELECT group_concat(userid, ',') FROM alts WHERE alts.modlog_id = modlog.modlog_id) as alts FROM modlog`; const ors = []; const ands = []; const sortAndLimit = { query: `ORDER BY timestamp DESC`, args: [] }; if (maxLines) { sortAndLimit.query += ` LIMIT ?`; sortAndLimit.args.push(maxLines); } if (rooms !== "all") { const args = []; let roomChecker = `roomid IN (${import_lib.Utils.formatSQLArray(rooms, args)})`; if (rooms.includes("global")) { if (rooms.length > 1) { roomChecker = `(is_global = 1 OR ${roomChecker})`; } else { roomChecker = `is_global = 1`; args.pop(); } } ands.push({ query: roomChecker, args }); } for (const action of search.action) { const args = [action.search + "%"]; if (action.isExclusion) { ands.push({ query: `action NOT LIKE ?`, args }); } else { ands.push({ query: `action LIKE ?`, args }); } } if (onlyPunishments) { const args = []; ands.push({ query: `action IN (${import_lib.Utils.formatSQLArray(PUNISHMENTS, args)})`, args }); } for (const ip of search.ip) { const args = [ip.search + "%"]; if (ip.isExclusion) { ands.push({ query: `ip NOT LIKE ?`, args }); } else { ands.push({ query: `ip LIKE ?`, args }); } } for (const actionTaker of search.actionTaker) { const args = [actionTaker.search + "%"]; if (actionTaker.isExclusion) { ands.push({ query: `action_taker_userid NOT LIKE ?`, args }); } else { ands.push({ query: `action_taker_userid LIKE ?`, args }); } } for (const noteSearch of search.note) { const tester = noteSearch.isExact ? `= ?` : `LIKE ?`; const args = [noteSearch.isExact ? noteSearch.search : `%${noteSearch.search}%`]; if (noteSearch.isExclusion) { ands.push({ query: `note ${noteSearch.isExact ? "!" : "NOT "}${tester}`, args }); } else { ands.push({ query: `note ${tester}`, args }); } } for (const user of search.user) { let tester; let param; if (user.isExact) { tester = user.isExclusion ? `!= ?` : `= ?`; param = user.search.toLowerCase(); } else { tester = user.isExclusion ? `NOT LIKE ?` : `LIKE ?`; param = user.search.toLowerCase() + "%"; } ors.push({ query: `(userid ${tester} OR autoconfirmed_userid ${tester})`, args: [param, param] }); ors.push({ query: `EXISTS(SELECT * FROM alts WHERE alts.modlog_id = modlog.modlog_id AND alts.userid ${tester})`, args: [param] }); } return this.buildParallelIndexScanQuery(select, ors, ands, sortAndLimit); } } const mainModlog = new Modlog(MODLOG_DB_PATH, { sqliteOptions: import_config_loader.Config.modlogsqliteoptions }); //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map