"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var responder_exports = {}; __export(responder_exports, { AutoResponder: () => AutoResponder, answererData: () => answererData, chatfilter: () => chatfilter, commands: () => commands, handlers: () => handlers, pages: () => pages }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(responder_exports); var import_lib = require("../../lib"); var import_chatlog = require("./chatlog"); var import_room_faqs = require("./room-faqs"); const DATA_PATH = "config/chat-plugins/responder.json"; const LOG_PATH = Monitor.logPath("responder.jsonl").path; let answererData = {}; try { answererData = JSON.parse((0, import_lib.FS)(DATA_PATH).readSync()); } catch { } const _AutoResponder = class { constructor(room, data) { this.room = room; this.data = data || { pairs: {}, ignore: [] }; _AutoResponder.migrateStats(this.data, this); } static migrateStats(data, responder) { if (!data.stats) return data; for (const date in data.stats) { for (const entry of data.stats[date].matches) { void this.logMessage(responder.room.roomid, { ...entry, date }); } } delete data.stats; responder.data = data; responder.writeState(); return data; } static logMessage(roomid, entry) { return this.logStream.writeLine(JSON.stringify({ ...entry, room: roomid, regex: entry.regex.toString() })); } find(question, user) { question = question.slice(0, 300); const room = this.room; const helpFaqs = import_room_faqs.roomFaqs[room.roomid]; if (!helpFaqs) return null; const normalized = Chat.normalize(question); if (this.data.ignore) { if (this.data.ignore.some((t) => new RegExp(t, "i").test(normalized))) { return null; } } const faqs = Object.keys(helpFaqs).filter((item) => !helpFaqs[item].alias); for (const faq of faqs) { const match = this.test(normalized, faq); if (match) { if (user) { const timestamp = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date()).split(" ")[1]; const log = `${timestamp} |c| ${user.name}|${question}`; this.log(log, faq, match.regex); } return helpFaqs[match.faq]; } } return null; } visualize(question, hideButton, user) { const response = this.find(question, user); if (response) { let buf = ""; buf += import_lib.Utils.html`You said: ${question}
`; buf += `Our automated reply: ${Chat.collapseLineBreaksHTML((0, import_room_faqs.visualizeFaq)(response))}`; if (!hideButton) { buf += import_lib.Utils.html`
`; } return buf; } return null; } getFaqID(faq) { if (!faq) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Your input must be in the format [input] => [faq].`); faq = faq.trim(); if (!faq) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Your FAQ ID can't be empty.`); const room = this.room; const entry = import_room_faqs.roomFaqs[room.roomid][faq]; if (!entry) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`FAQ ID "${faq}" not found.`); if (!entry.alias) return faq; return entry.source; } async getStatsFor(date) { const stream = (0, import_lib.FS)(LOG_PATH).createReadStream(); const buf = []; for await (const raw of stream.byLine()) { try { const data = JSON.parse(raw); if (data.date !== date || data.room !== this.room.roomid) continue; buf.push(data); } catch { } } return buf; } async listDays() { const stream = (0, import_lib.FS)(LOG_PATH).createReadStream(); const buf = new import_lib.Utils.Multiset(); for await (const raw of stream.byLine()) { try { const data = JSON.parse(raw); if (!data.date || data.room !== this.room.roomid) continue; buf.add(data.date); } catch { } } return buf; } /** * Checks if the FAQ exists. If not, deletes all references to it. */ updateFaqData(faq) { if (Config.nofswriting) return true; const room = this.room; if (!room) return; if (import_room_faqs.roomFaqs[room.roomid][faq]) return true; if (this.data.pairs[faq]) delete this.data.pairs[faq]; return false; } stringRegex(str, raw) { [str] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(str, "=>"); const args = str.split(",").map((item) => item.trim()); if (!raw && args.length > 10) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Too many arguments.`); } if (str.length > 300 && !raw) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("Your given string is too long."); return args.map((item) => { const split = item.split("&").map((string) => { if (raw) return string; return string.replace(/[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}]/g, "\\$&").trim(); }); return split.map((term) => { if (term.length > 100 && !raw) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`One or more of your arguments is too long. Use less than 100 characters.`); } if (item.startsWith("|") || item.endsWith("|")) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid use of |. Make sure you have an option on either side.`); } if (term.startsWith("!")) { return `^(?!.*${term.slice(1)})`; } if (!term.trim()) return null; return `(?=.*?(${term.trim()}))`; }).filter(Boolean).join(""); }).filter(Boolean).join(""); } test(question, faq) { if (!this.data.pairs[faq]) this.data.pairs[faq] = []; const regexes = this.data.pairs[faq].map((item) => new RegExp(item, "i")); if (!regexes.length) return; for (const regex of regexes) { if (regex.test(question)) return { faq, regex: regex.toString() }; } return null; } log(entry, faq, expression) { const [day] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(Chat.toTimestamp(new Date()), " "); void _AutoResponder.logMessage(this.room.roomid, { message: entry, faqName: faq, regex: expression, date: day }); } writeState() { for (const faq in this.data.pairs) { this.updateFaqData(faq); } answererData[this.room.roomid] = this.data; return (0, import_lib.FS)(DATA_PATH).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(answererData)); } tryAddRegex(inputString, raw) { let [args, faq] = inputString.split("=>").map((item) => item.trim()); faq = this.getFaqID(toID(faq)); if (!this.data.pairs) this.data.pairs = {}; if (!this.data.pairs[faq]) this.data.pairs[faq] = []; const regex = raw ? args.trim() : this.stringRegex(args, raw); if (this.data.pairs[faq].includes(regex)) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`That regex is already stored.`); } Chat.validateRegex(regex); this.data.pairs[faq].push(regex); return this.writeState(); } tryRemoveRegex(faq, index) { faq = this.getFaqID(faq); if (!this.data.pairs) this.data.pairs = {}; if (!this.data.pairs[faq]) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There are no regexes for ${faq}.`); if (!this.data.pairs[faq][index]) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("Your provided index is invalid."); this.data.pairs[faq].splice(index, 1); this.writeState(); return true; } static canOverride(user, room) { const devAuth = Rooms.get("development")?.auth; return devAuth?.atLeast(user, "%") && devAuth?.has(user.id) && room.auth.atLeast(user, "@") || user.can("rangeban"); } destroy() { this.writeState(); this.room.responder = null; this.room = null; } ignore(terms, context) { const filtered = terms.map((t) => context.filter(t)).filter(Boolean); if (filtered.length !== terms.length) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid terms.`); } if (terms.some((t) => t.length > 300)) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`One of your terms is too long.`); } if (!this.data.ignore) this.data.ignore = []; this.data.ignore.push(...terms); this.writeState(); return terms; } unignore(terms) { if (!this.data.ignore) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The autoresponse filter in this room has no ignored terms.`); } this.data.ignore = this.data.ignore.filter((item) => !terms.includes(item)); this.writeState(); return true; } }; let AutoResponder = _AutoResponder; AutoResponder.logStream = (0, import_lib.FS)(LOG_PATH).createAppendStream(); for (const room of Rooms.rooms.values()) { room.responder?.destroy(); if (answererData[room.roomid]) { room.responder = new AutoResponder(room, answererData[room.roomid]); } } const BYPASS_TERMS = ["a:", "A:", "!", "/"]; const chatfilter = function(message, user, room) { if (BYPASS_TERMS.some((t) => message.startsWith(t))) { return; } if (room?.responder && room.auth.get(user.id) === " ") { const responder = room.responder; const reply = responder.visualize(message, false, user); if (!reply) { return message; } else { this.sendReply(`|uhtml|askhelp-${user}-${toID(message)}|
`); const trimmedMessage = `
${responder.visualize(message, true)}
`; setTimeout(() => { this.sendReply(`|uhtmlchange|askhelp-${user}-${toID(message)}|${trimmedMessage}`); }, 10 * 1e3); return false; } } }; const commands = { question(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); const responder = room.responder; if (!responder) return this.errorReply(`This room does not have an autoresponder configured.`); if (!target) return this.parse("/help question"); const reply = responder.visualize(target, true); if (!reply) return this.sendReplyBox(`No answer found.`); this.runBroadcast(); this.sendReplyBox(reply); }, questionhelp: ["/question [question] - Asks the current room's auto-response filter a question."], ar: "autoresponder", autoresponder: { ""(target, room) { room = this.requireRoom(); const responder = room.responder; if (!responder) { return this.errorReply(`This room has not configured an autoresponder.`); } if (!target) { return this.parse("/help autoresponder"); } return this.parse(`/j view-autoresponder-${room.roomid}-${target}`); }, view(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); return this.parse(`/join view-autoresponder-${room.roomid}-${target}`); }, toggle(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!target) { return this.sendReply( `The Help auto-response filter is currently set to: ${room.responder ? "ON" : "OFF"}` ); } this.checkCan("ban", null, room); if (room.settings.isPrivate === true) { return this.errorReply(`Secret rooms cannot enable an autoresponder.`); } if (this.meansYes(target)) { if (room.responder) return this.errorReply(`The Autoresponder for this room is already enabled.`); room.responder = new AutoResponder(room, answererData[room.roomid]); room.responder.writeState(); } if (this.meansNo(target)) { if (!room.responder) return this.errorReply(`The Autoresponder for this room is already disabled.`); room.responder.destroy(); } this.privateModAction(`${user.name} ${!room.responder ? "disabled" : "enabled"} the auto-response filter.`); this.modlog(`AUTOFILTER`, null, !room.responder ? "OFF" : "ON"); }, forceadd: "add", add(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!room.responder) { return this.errorReply(`This room has not configured an auto-response filter.`); } const force = cmd === "forceadd"; if (force && !AutoResponder.canOverride(user, room)) { return this.errorReply(`You cannot use raw regex - use /autoresponder add instead.`); } this.checkCan("ban", null, room); room.responder.tryAddRegex(target, force); this.privateModAction(`${user.name} added regex for "${target.split("=>")[0]}" to the autoresponder.`); this.modlog(`AUTOFILTER ADD`, null, target); }, remove(target, room, user) { const [faq, index] = target.split(","); room = this.requireRoom(); if (!room.responder) { return this.errorReply(`${room.title} has not configured an auto-response filter.`); } this.checkCan("ban", null, room); const num = parseInt(index); if (isNaN(num)) return this.errorReply("Invalid index."); room.responder.tryRemoveRegex(faq, num - 1); this.privateModAction(`${user.name} removed regex ${num} from the usable regexes for ${faq}.`); this.modlog("AUTOFILTER REMOVE", null, `removed regex ${index} for FAQ ${faq}`); const pages2 = [`keys`, `pairs`]; for (const p of pages2) { this.refreshPage(`autofilter-${room.roomid}-${p}`); } }, ignore(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!room.responder) { return this.errorReply(`This room has not configured an auto-response filter.`); } this.checkCan("ban", null, room); if (!toID(target)) { return this.parse(`/help autoresponder`); } const targets = target.split(","); room.responder.ignore(targets, this); this.privateModAction( `${user.name} added ${Chat.count(targets.length, "terms")} to the autoresponder ignore list.` ); this.modlog(`AUTOFILTER IGNORE`, null, target); }, unignore(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); if (!room.responder) { return this.errorReply(`${room.title} has not configured an auto-response filter.`); } this.checkCan("ban", null, room); if (!toID(target)) { return this.parse(`/help autoresponder`); } const targets = target.split(","); room.responder.unignore(targets); this.privateModAction(`${user.name} removed ${Chat.count(targets.length, "terms")} from the autoresponder ignore list.`); this.modlog(`AUTOFILTER UNIGNORE`, null, target); if (this.connection.openPages?.has(`autoresponder-${room.roomid}-ignore`)) { return this.parse(`/join view-autoresponder-${room.roomid}-ignore`); } } }, autoresponderhelp() { const help = [ `/autoresponder view [page] - Views the Autoresponder page [page]. (options: keys, stats)`, `/autoresponder toggle [on | off] - Enables or disables the Autoresponder for the current room. Requires: @ # ~`, `/autoresponder add [input] => [faq] - Adds regex made from the input string to the current room's Autoresponder, to respond with [faq] to matches.`, `/autoresponder remove [faq], [regex index] - removes the regex matching the [index] from the current room's responses for [faq].`, `Indexes can be found in /autoresponder keys.`, `Requires: @ # ~` ]; return this.sendReplyBox(help.join("
")); } }; const pages = { async autoresponder(args, user) { const room = this.requireRoom(); if (!room.responder) { return this.errorReply(`${room.title} does not have a configured autoresponder.`); } args.shift(); const roomData = answererData[room.roomid]; const canChange = user.can("ban", null, room); let buf = ""; const refresh = (type, extra) => { if (extra) extra = extra.filter(Boolean); let button = `
`; return button; }; const back = `
Back to all`; switch (args[0]) { case "stats": args.shift(); this.checkCan("mute", null, room); const date = args.join("-") || ""; if (!!date && isNaN(new Date(date).getTime())) { return `

Invalid date.

`; } buf = `
Stats for the ${room.title} auto-response filter${date ? ` on ${date}` : ""}.`; buf += `${back}${refresh("stats", [date])}
`; if (date) { const stats = await room.responder.getStatsFor(date); if (!stats) return `

No stats.

`; this.title = `[Autoresponder Stats] ${date ? date : ""}`; if (!stats.length) return `

No stats for ${date}.

`; buf += `Total messages answered: ${stats.length}
`; buf += `
All messages and the corresponding answers (FAQs):`; for (const entry of stats) { buf += `Message:${import_chatlog.LogViewer.renderLine(entry.message)}`; buf += `FAQ: ${entry.faqName}
`; buf += `Regex: ${entry.regex}
`; } return import_chatlog.LogViewer.linkify(buf); } buf += ` No date specified.
`; const days = []; let totalCount = 0; const dayKeys = await room.responder.listDays(); for (const [dateKey, total] of dayKeys) { totalCount += total; days.push(`- ${dateKey} (${total})`); } buf += `Dates with stats:
(total matches: ${totalCount})

`; buf += days.join("
"); break; case "pairs": case "keys": this.title = "[Autoresponder Regexes]"; this.checkCan("show", null, room); buf = `

${room.title} responder regexes and responses:

`; buf += Object.entries(roomData.pairs).map(([item, regexes]) => { if (regexes.length < 1) return null; let buffer = `
${item}`; buffer += `
`; if (canChange) buffer += ``; buffer += ``; for (const regex of regexes) { const index = regexes.indexOf(regex) + 1; const button = ``; buffer += ``; if (canChange) buffer += ``; } buffer += ``; return buffer; }).filter(Boolean).join("
"); break; case "ignore": this.title = `[${room.title} Autoresponder ignore list]`; buf = `

${room.title} responder terms to ignore:

`; if (!roomData.ignore) { return this.errorReply(`No terms on ignore list.`); } for (const term of roomData.ignore) { buf += `- ${term}
`; } buf += `
`; break; default: this.title = `[${room.title} Autoresponder]`; buf = `

Specify a filter page to view.

`; buf += `
`; buf += `Stats
`; buf += `Regex keys
`; buf += `Ignore list
`; buf += `
`; } return import_chatlog.LogViewer.linkify(buf); } }; const handlers = { onRenameRoom(oldID, newID) { if (answererData[oldID]) { if (!answererData[newID]) answererData[newID] = { pairs: {} }; Object.assign(answererData[newID], answererData[oldID]); delete answererData[oldID]; (0, import_lib.FS)(DATA_PATH).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(answererData)); } } }; //# sourceMappingURL=responder.js.map