"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var othermetas_exports = {}; __export(othermetas_exports, { commands: () => commands }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(othermetas_exports); var import_lib = require("../../lib"); function getMegaStone(stone, mod = "gen9") { let dex = Dex; if (mod && toID(mod) in Dex.dexes) dex = Dex.mod(toID(mod)); const item = dex.items.get(stone); if (!item.exists) { if (toID(stone) === "dragonascent") { const move = dex.moves.get(stone); return { id: move.id, name: move.name, fullname: move.name, megaEvolves: "Rayquaza", megaStone: "Rayquaza-Mega", exists: true, // Adding extra values to appease typescript gen: 6, num: -1, effectType: "Item", sourceEffect: "" }; } else { return null; } } if (!(item.forcedForme && !item.zMove) && !item.megaStone && !item.isPrimalOrb && !item.name.startsWith("Rusted")) return null; return item; } const commands = { om: "othermetas", othermetas(target, room, user) { target = toID(target); const omLink = `- Other Metagames Forum
`; if (!target) { this.runBroadcast(); return this.sendReplyBox(omLink); } if (target === "all") { this.runBroadcast(); if (this.broadcasting) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`"!om all" is too spammy to broadcast.`); } this.parse(`/formathelp omofthemonth`); this.parse(`/formathelp othermetagames`); return this.sendReply(`|raw|
`); } if (target === "month") this.target = "omofthemonth"; return this.run("formathelp"); }, othermetashelp: [ `/om - Provides links to information on the Other Metagames.`, `!om - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ # ~` ], mnm: "mixandmega", mixandmega(target, room, user) { if (!toID(target) || !target.includes("@")) return this.parse("/help mixandmega"); this.runBroadcast(); let dex = Dex; const sep = target.split("@"); const stoneName = sep.slice(1).join("@").trim().split(","); const mod = stoneName[1]; if (mod) { if (toID(mod) in Dex.dexes) { dex = Dex.mod(toID(mod)); } else { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`A mod by the name of '${mod.trim()}' does not exist.`); } if (dex === Dex.dexes["gen9ssb"]) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The SSB mod supports custom elements for Mega Stones that have the capability of crashing the server.`); } } const stone = getMegaStone(stoneName[0], mod); const species = dex.species.get(sep[0]); if (!stone) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Mega Stone/Primal Orb/Rusted Item/Origin Item/Mask not found.`); } if (!species.exists) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Pok\xE9mon not found.`); let baseSpecies; let megaSpecies; switch (stone.id) { case "blueorb": megaSpecies = dex.species.get("Kyogre-Primal"); baseSpecies = dex.species.get("Kyogre"); break; case "redorb": megaSpecies = dex.species.get("Groudon-Primal"); baseSpecies = dex.species.get("Groudon"); break; case "rustedshield": megaSpecies = dex.species.get("Zamazenta-Crowned"); baseSpecies = dex.species.get("Zamazenta"); break; case "rustedsword": megaSpecies = dex.species.get("Zacian-Crowned"); baseSpecies = dex.species.get("Zacian"); break; default: const forcedForme = stone.forcedForme; if (forcedForme) { megaSpecies = dex.species.get(forcedForme); baseSpecies = dex.species.get(forcedForme.split("-")[0]); } else { megaSpecies = dex.species.get(stone.megaStone); baseSpecies = dex.species.get(stone.megaEvolves); } break; } const deltas = { baseStats: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), weighthg: megaSpecies.weighthg - baseSpecies.weighthg, heightm: (megaSpecies.heightm * 10 - baseSpecies.heightm * 10) / 10, bst: megaSpecies.bst - baseSpecies.bst }; let statId; for (statId in megaSpecies.baseStats) { deltas.baseStats[statId] = megaSpecies.baseStats[statId] - baseSpecies.baseStats[statId]; } if (["Arceus", "Silvally"].includes(baseSpecies.name)) { deltas.type = megaSpecies.types[0]; } else if (megaSpecies.types.length > baseSpecies.types.length) { deltas.type = megaSpecies.types[1]; } else if (megaSpecies.types.length < baseSpecies.types.length) { deltas.type = dex.gen === 8 ? "mono" : baseSpecies.types[0]; } else if (megaSpecies.types[1] !== baseSpecies.types[1]) { deltas.type = megaSpecies.types[1]; } const mixedSpecies = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(species); mixedSpecies.abilities = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(megaSpecies.abilities); if (["Arceus", "Silvally"].includes(baseSpecies.name)) { const secondType = mixedSpecies.types[1]; mixedSpecies.types = [deltas.type]; if (secondType && secondType !== deltas.type) mixedSpecies.types.push(secondType); } else if (mixedSpecies.types[0] === deltas.type) { mixedSpecies.types = [deltas.type]; } else if (deltas.type === "mono") { mixedSpecies.types = [mixedSpecies.types[0]]; } else if (deltas.type) { mixedSpecies.types = [mixedSpecies.types[0], deltas.type]; } let statName; mixedSpecies.bst = 0; for (statName in species.baseStats) { mixedSpecies.baseStats[statName] = import_lib.Utils.clampIntRange( mixedSpecies.baseStats[statName] + deltas.baseStats[statName], 1, 255 ); mixedSpecies.bst += mixedSpecies.baseStats[statName]; } mixedSpecies.weighthg = Math.max(1, species.weighthg + deltas.weighthg); mixedSpecies.heightm = Math.max(0.1, (species.heightm * 10 + deltas.heightm * 10) / 10); mixedSpecies.tier = "MnM"; let weighthit = 20; if (mixedSpecies.weighthg >= 2e3) { weighthit = 120; } else if (mixedSpecies.weighthg >= 1e3) { weighthit = 100; } else if (mixedSpecies.weighthg >= 500) { weighthit = 80; } else if (mixedSpecies.weighthg >= 250) { weighthit = 60; } else if (mixedSpecies.weighthg >= 100) { weighthit = 40; } const details = { "Dex#": `${mixedSpecies.num}`, Gen: `${mixedSpecies.gen}`, Height: `${mixedSpecies.heightm} m`, Weight: `${mixedSpecies.weighthg / 10} kg (${weighthit} BP)`, "Dex Colour": mixedSpecies.color }; if (mixedSpecies.eggGroups) details["Egg Group(s)"] = mixedSpecies.eggGroups.join(", "); details['Does Not Evolve'] = ""; this.sendReply(`|raw|${Chat.getDataPokemonHTML(mixedSpecies)}`); this.sendReply(`|raw|` + Object.entries(details).map(([detail, value]) => value === "" ? detail : `${detail}: ${value}`).join(" |  ") + ``); }, mixandmegahelp: [ `/mnm @ [, generation] - Shows the Mix and Mega evolved Pok\xE9mon's type and stats.` ], orb: "stone", megastone: "stone", stone(target) { const sep = target.split(","); let dex = Dex; if (sep[1]) { if (toID(sep[1]) in Dex.dexes) { dex = Dex.mod(toID(sep[1])); } else { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`A mod by the name of '${sep[1].trim()}' does not exist.`); } if (dex === Dex.dexes["gen9ssb"]) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The SSB mod supports custom elements for Mega Stones that have the capability of crashing the server.`); } } const targetid = toID(sep[0]); if (!targetid) return this.parse("/help stone"); this.runBroadcast(); const stone = getMegaStone(targetid, sep[1]); const stones = []; if (!stone) { const formeIdRegex = new RegExp( `(?:mega[xy]?|primal|origin|crowned|epilogue|cornerstone|wellspring|hearthflame|douse|shock|chill|burn|${dex.types.all().map((x) => x.id).filter((x) => x !== "normal").join("|")})$` ); const species = dex.species.get(targetid.replace(formeIdRegex, "")); if (!species.exists) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Mega Stone not found.`); if (!species.otherFormes) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Mega Evolution not found.`); for (const poke of species.otherFormes) { const formeRegex = new RegExp( `(?:-Douse|-Shock|-Chill|-Burn|-Cornerstone|-Wellspring|-Hearthflame|-Crowned|-Epilogue|-Origin|-Primal|-Mega(?:-[XY])?|${dex.types.names().filter((x) => x !== "Normal").map((x) => "-" + x).join("|")})$` ); if (!formeRegex.test(poke)) { continue; } const megaPoke = dex.species.get(poke); const flag = megaPoke.requiredMove === "Dragon Ascent" ? megaPoke.requiredMove : megaPoke.requiredItem; if (/mega[xy]$/.test(targetid) && toID(megaPoke.name) !== toID(dex.species.get(targetid))) continue; if (!flag) continue; stones.push(getMegaStone(flag, sep[1])); } if (!stones.length) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Mega Evolution not found.`); } const toDisplay = stones.length ? stones : [stone]; for (const aStone of toDisplay) { if (!aStone) return; let baseSpecies; let megaSpecies; switch (aStone.id) { case "blueorb": megaSpecies = dex.species.get("Kyogre-Primal"); baseSpecies = dex.species.get("Kyogre"); break; case "redorb": megaSpecies = dex.species.get("Groudon-Primal"); baseSpecies = dex.species.get("Groudon"); break; case "rustedshield": megaSpecies = dex.species.get("Zamazenta-Crowned"); baseSpecies = dex.species.get("Zamazenta"); break; case "rustedsword": megaSpecies = dex.species.get("Zacian-Crowned"); baseSpecies = dex.species.get("Zacian"); break; default: const forcedForme = aStone.forcedForme; if (forcedForme) { megaSpecies = dex.species.get(forcedForme); baseSpecies = dex.species.get(forcedForme.split("-")[0]); } else { megaSpecies = dex.species.get(aStone.megaStone); baseSpecies = dex.species.get(aStone.megaEvolves); } break; } const deltas = { baseStats: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), weighthg: megaSpecies.weighthg - baseSpecies.weighthg, heightm: (megaSpecies.heightm * 10 - baseSpecies.heightm * 10) / 10, bst: megaSpecies.bst - baseSpecies.bst }; let statId; for (statId in megaSpecies.baseStats) { deltas.baseStats[statId] = megaSpecies.baseStats[statId] - baseSpecies.baseStats[statId]; } if (["Arceus", "Silvally"].includes(baseSpecies.name)) { deltas.type = megaSpecies.types[0]; } else if (megaSpecies.types.length > baseSpecies.types.length) { deltas.type = megaSpecies.types[1]; } else if (megaSpecies.types.length < baseSpecies.types.length) { deltas.type = dex.gen === 8 ? "mono" : megaSpecies.types[0]; } else if (megaSpecies.types[1] !== baseSpecies.types[1]) { deltas.type = megaSpecies.types[1]; } const details = { Gen: aStone.gen, Height: `${deltas.heightm < 0 ? "" : "+"}${deltas.heightm} m`, Weight: `${deltas.weighthg < 0 ? "" : "+"}${deltas.weighthg / 10} kg` }; let tier; if (["redorb", "blueorb"].includes(aStone.id)) { tier = "Orb"; } else if (aStone.name === "Dragon Ascent") { tier = "Move"; } else if (aStone.name.endsWith("Mask")) { tier = "Mask"; } else if (aStone.megaStone) { tier = "Stone"; } else { tier = "Item"; } let buf = `
  • `; buf += `${tier} `; if (aStone.name === "Dragon Ascent") { buf += ``; } else { const itemName = aStone.name; buf += ` `; } if (aStone.name === "Dragon Ascent") { buf += `Dragon Ascent `; } else { buf += `${aStone.name} `; } if (deltas.type && deltas.type !== "mono") { buf += `${deltas.type} `; } else { buf += ``; } buf += ``; buf += `${megaSpecies.abilities["0"]}`; buf += `${megaSpecies.abilities["H"] ? `${megaSpecies.abilities["H"]}` : ""}`; buf += ``; buf += ``; buf += `HP
    `; buf += `Atk
    `; buf += `Def
    `; buf += `SpA
    `; buf += `SpD
    `; buf += `Spe
    `; buf += `BST
    `; buf += `
    `; buf += `
  • `; this.sendReply(`|raw|
    `); this.sendReply(`|raw|${Object.entries(details).map(([detail, value]) => `${detail}: ${value}`).join(" |  ")}`); } }, stonehelp: [`/stone [, generation] - Shows the changes that a mega stone/orb applies to a Pok\xE9mon.`], 350: "350cup", "350cup"(target, room, user) { const args = target.split(","); if (!toID(args[0])) return this.parse("/help 350cup"); this.runBroadcast(); let dex = Dex; if (args[1] && toID(args[1]) in Dex.dexes) { dex = Dex.dexes[toID(args[1])]; } else if (room?.battle) { const format = Dex.formats.get(room.battle.format); dex = Dex.mod(format.mod); } const species = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(dex.species.get(args[0])); if (!species.exists || species.gen > dex.gen) { const monName = species.gen > dex.gen ? species.name : args[0].trim(); const additionalReason = species.gen > dex.gen ? ` in Generation ${dex.gen}` : ``; throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Pok\xE9mon '${monName}' not found${additionalReason}.`); } const bst = species.bst; species.bst = 0; for (const i in species.baseStats) { if (dex.gen === 1 && i === "spd") continue; species.baseStats[i] *= bst <= 350 ? 2 : 1; species.bst += species.baseStats[i]; } this.sendReply(`|html|${Chat.getDataPokemonHTML(species, dex.gen)}`); }, "350cuphelp": [ `/350 OR /350cup [, gen] - Shows the base stats that a Pok\xE9mon would have in 350 Cup.` ], ts: "tiershift", ts1: "tiershift", ts2: "tiershift", ts3: "tiershift", ts4: "tiershift", ts5: "tiershift", ts6: "tiershift", ts7: "tiershift", ts8: "tiershift", tiershift(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { const args = target.split(","); if (!toID(args[0])) return this.parse("/help tiershift"); this.runBroadcast(); const targetGen = parseInt(cmd[cmd.length - 1]); if (targetGen && !args[1]) args[1] = `gen${targetGen}`; let dex = Dex; if (args[1] && toID(args[1]) in Dex.dexes) { dex = Dex.dexes[toID(args[1])]; } else if (room?.battle) { const format = Dex.formats.get(room.battle.format); dex = Dex.mod(format.mod); } const species = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(dex.species.get(args[0])); if (!species.exists || species.gen > dex.gen) { const monName = species.gen > dex.gen ? species.name : args[0].trim(); const additionalReason = species.gen > dex.gen ? ` in Generation ${dex.gen}` : ``; throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Pok\xE9mon '${monName}' not found${additionalReason}.`); } const boosts = { UU: 15, RUBL: 15, RU: 20, NUBL: 20, NU: 25, PUBL: 25, PU: 30, ZUBL: 30, ZU: 30, NFE: 30, LC: 30 }; if (dex.gen < 9) { boosts["UU"] = boosts["RUBL"] = 10; boosts["RU"] = boosts["NUBL"] = 20; boosts["NU"] = boosts["PUBL"] = 30; boosts["PU"] = boosts["NFE"] = boosts["LC"] = 40; } let tier = species.tier; if (tier[0] === "(") tier = tier.slice(1, -1); if (!(tier in boosts)) return this.sendReply(`|html|${Chat.getDataPokemonHTML(species, dex.gen)}`); const boost = boosts[tier]; species.bst = species.baseStats.hp; for (const statName in species.baseStats) { if (statName === "hp") continue; if (dex.gen === 1 && statName === "spd") continue; species.baseStats[statName] = import_lib.Utils.clampIntRange(species.baseStats[statName] + boost, 1, 255); species.bst += species.baseStats[statName]; } this.sendReply(`|raw|${Chat.getDataPokemonHTML(species, dex.gen)}`); }, tiershifthelp: [ `/ts OR /tiershift [, generation] - Shows the base stats that a Pok\xE9mon would have in Tier Shift.`, `Alternatively, you can use /ts[gen number] to see a Pok\xE9mon's stats in that generation.` ], fuse: "franticfusions", fuse1: "franticfusions", fuse2: "franticfusions", fuse3: "franticfusions", fuse4: "franticfusions", fuse5: "franticfusions", fuse6: "franticfusions", fuse7: "franticfusions", fuse8: "franticfusions", franticfusions(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { const args = target.split(","); if (!toID(args[0]) && !toID(args[1])) return this.parse("/help franticfusions"); const targetGen = parseInt(cmd[cmd.length - 1]); if (targetGen && !args[2]) target = `${target},gen${targetGen}`; const { dex, targets } = this.splitFormat(target, true); this.runBroadcast(); if (targets.length > 2) return this.parse("/help franticfusions"); const species = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(dex.species.get(targets[0])); const fusion = dex.species.get(targets[1]); if (!species.exists || species.gen > dex.gen) { const monName = species.gen > dex.gen ? species.name : args[0].trim(); const additionalReason = species.gen > dex.gen ? ` in Generation ${dex.gen}` : ``; throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Pok\xE9mon '${monName}' not found${additionalReason}.`); } if (fusion.name.length) { if (!fusion.exists || fusion.gen > dex.gen) { const monName = fusion.gen > dex.gen ? fusion.name : args[1].trim(); const additionalReason = fusion.gen > dex.gen ? ` in Generation ${dex.gen}` : ``; throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Pok\xE9mon '${monName}' not found${additionalReason}.`); } if (fusion.name === species.name) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("Pok\xE9mon can't fuse with themselves."); } } if (fusion.name.length) { species.bst = species.baseStats.hp; } else { species.bst = 0; } for (const statName in species.baseStats) { if (statName === "hp") continue; if (!fusion.name.length) { species.baseStats[statName] = Math.floor(species.baseStats[statName] / 4); species.bst += species.baseStats[statName]; } else { const addition = Math.floor(fusion.baseStats[statName] / 4); species.baseStats[statName] = import_lib.Utils.clampIntRange(species.baseStats[statName] + addition, 1, 255); species.bst += species.baseStats[statName]; } } const abilities = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...Object.values(species.abilities), ...Object.values(fusion.abilities)]); let buf = '
    • '; buf += 'Fusion '; buf += ` `; buf += `${species.name} `; buf += ''; if (species.types && fusion.name.length) { for (const type of species.types) { buf += `${type}`; } } buf += " "; if (dex.gen >= 3) { buf += ''; const ability1 = [...abilities.values()][0]; abilities.delete(ability1); let ability2; if (abilities.size) { ability2 = [...abilities.values()][0]; abilities.delete(ability2); } let ability3; if (abilities.size) { ability3 = [...abilities.values()][0]; abilities.delete(ability3); } let ability4; if (abilities.size) { ability4 = [...abilities.values()][0]; abilities.delete(ability4); } let ability5; if (abilities.size) { ability5 = [...abilities.values()][0]; abilities.delete(ability5); } let ability6; if (abilities.size) { ability6 = [...abilities.values()][0]; abilities.delete(ability6); } let ability7; if (abilities.size) { ability7 = [...abilities.values()][0]; abilities.delete(ability7); } if (ability1) { if (ability2) { buf += '' + ability1 + "
      " + ability2 + "
      "; } else { buf += '' + ability1 + ""; } } if (ability3) { if (ability4) { buf += '' + ability3 + "
      " + ability4 + "
      "; } else { buf += '' + ability3 + ""; } } if (ability5) { if (ability6) { buf += '' + ability5 + "
      " + ability6 + "
      "; } else { buf += '' + ability5 + ""; } } if (ability7) { buf += '' + ability7 + ""; } buf += "
      "; } buf += ''; if (fusion.name.length) { buf += 'HP
      ' + species.baseStats.hp + "
      "; } else { buf += 'HP
      '; } buf += 'Atk
      ' + species.baseStats.atk + "
      "; buf += 'Def
      ' + species.baseStats.def + "
      "; if (dex.gen <= 1) { buf += 'Spc
      ' + species.baseStats.spa + "
      "; } else { buf += 'SpA
      ' + species.baseStats.spa + "
      "; buf += 'SpD
      ' + species.baseStats.spd + "
      "; } buf += 'Spe
      ' + species.baseStats.spe + "
      "; buf += 'BST
      ' + species.bst + "
      "; buf += "
      "; buf += '
    '; this.sendReply(`|raw|${buf}`); }, franticfusionshelp: [ `/fuse , [, generation] - Shows the stats and abilities that would get when fused with .`, `/fuse [, generation] - Shows the stats and abilities that donates.`, `Alternatively, you can use /fuse[gen number] to see a Pok\xE9mon's stats in that generation.` ], scale: "scalemons", scale1: "scalemons", scale2: "scalemons", scale3: "scalemons", scale4: "scalemons", scale5: "scalemons", scale6: "scalemons", scale7: "scalemons", scale8: "scalemons", scalemons(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { const args = target.split(","); if (!args.length || !toID(args[0])) return this.parse(`/help scalemons`); this.runBroadcast(); const targetGen = parseInt(cmd[cmd.length - 1]); if (targetGen && !args[1]) args[1] = `gen${targetGen}`; let dex = Dex; if (args[1] && toID(args[1]) in Dex.dexes) { dex = Dex.dexes[toID(args[1])]; } else if (room?.battle) { const format = Dex.formats.get(room.battle.format); dex = Dex.mod(format.mod); } const species = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(dex.species.get(args[0])); if (!species.exists || species.gen > dex.gen) { const monName = species.gen > dex.gen ? species.name : args[0].trim(); const additionalReason = species.gen > dex.gen ? ` in Generation ${dex.gen}` : ``; throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Pok\xE9mon '${monName}' not found${additionalReason}.`); } const bstNoHP = species.bst - species.baseStats.hp; const scale = (dex.gen !== 1 ? 600 : 500) - species.baseStats["hp"]; species.bst = 0; for (const stat in species.baseStats) { if (stat === "hp") continue; if (dex.gen === 1 && stat === "spd") continue; species.baseStats[stat] = import_lib.Utils.clampIntRange(species.baseStats[stat] * scale / bstNoHP, 1, 255); species.bst += species.baseStats[stat]; } species.bst += species.baseStats.hp; this.sendReply(`|raw|${Chat.getDataPokemonHTML(species, dex.gen)}`); }, scalemonshelp: [ `/scale OR /scalemons [, gen] - Shows the base stats that a Pok\xE9mon would have in Scalemons.`, `Alternatively, you can use /scale[gen number] to see a Pok\xE9mon's scaled stats in that generation.` ], flip: "flipped", flip1: "flipped", flip2: "flipped", flip3: "flipped", flip4: "flipped", flip5: "flipped", flip6: "flipped", flip7: "flipped", flip8: "flipped", flipped(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { const args = target.split(","); if (!args[0]) return this.parse(`/help flipped`); this.runBroadcast(); const mon = args[0]; let mod = args[1]; const targetGen = parseInt(cmd[cmd.length - 1]); if (targetGen && !mod) mod = `gen${targetGen}`; let dex = Dex; if (mod && toID(mod) in Dex.dexes) { dex = Dex.dexes[toID(mod)]; } else if (room?.battle) { dex = Dex.forFormat(room.battle.format); } const species = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(dex.species.get(mon)); if (!species.exists || species.gen > dex.gen) { const monName = species.gen > dex.gen ? species.name : mon.trim(); const additionalReason = species.gen > dex.gen ? ` in Generation ${dex.gen}` : ``; throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Pok\xE9mon '${monName}' not found${additionalReason}.`); } if (dex.gen === 1) { const flippedStats = { hp: species.baseStats.spe, atk: species.baseStats.spa, def: species.baseStats.def, spa: species.baseStats.atk, spd: species.baseStats.atk, spe: species.baseStats.hp }; for (const stat in species.baseStats) { species.baseStats[stat] = flippedStats[stat]; } this.sendReply(`|raw|${Chat.getDataPokemonHTML(species, dex.gen)}`); return; } const stats = Object.values(species.baseStats).reverse(); for (const [i, statName] of Object.keys(species.baseStats).entries()) { species.baseStats[statName] = stats[i]; } this.sendReply(`|raw|${Chat.getDataPokemonHTML(species, dex.gen)}`); }, flippedhelp: [ `/flip OR /flipped [, gen] - Shows the base stats that a Pok\xE9mon would have in Flipped.`, `Alternatively, you can use /flip[gen number] to see a Pok\xE9mon's stats in that generation.` ], ns: "natureswap", ns3: "natureswap", ns4: "natureswap", ns5: "natureswap", ns6: "natureswap", ns7: "natureswap", ns8: "natureswap", natureswap(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { const args = target.split(","); const nature = args[0]; const pokemon = args[1]; const targetGen = parseInt(cmd[cmd.length - 1]); if (targetGen && !args[2]) args[2] = `gen${targetGen}`; let dex = Dex; if (args[2] && toID(args[2]) in Dex.dexes) { dex = Dex.dexes[toID(args[2])]; } else if (room?.battle) { const format = Dex.formats.get(room.battle.format); dex = Dex.mod(format.mod); } if (!toID(nature) || !toID(pokemon)) return this.parse(`/help natureswap`); this.runBroadcast(); const natureObj = dex.natures.get(nature); if (dex.gen < 3) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Natures don't exist prior to Generation 3.`); if (!natureObj.exists) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Nature ${nature} not found.`); const species = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(dex.species.get(pokemon)); if (!species.exists || species.gen > dex.gen) { const monName = species.gen > dex.gen ? species.name : args[0].trim(); const additionalReason = species.gen > dex.gen ? ` in Generation ${dex.gen}` : ``; throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Pok\xE9mon '${monName}' not found${additionalReason}.`); } if (natureObj.minus && natureObj.plus) { const swap = species.baseStats[natureObj.minus]; species.baseStats[natureObj.minus] = species.baseStats[natureObj.plus]; species.baseStats[natureObj.plus] = swap; species.tier = "NS"; } this.sendReply(`|raw|${Chat.getDataPokemonHTML(species, dex.gen)}`); }, natureswaphelp: [ `/ns OR /natureswap , [, gen] - Shows the base stats that a Pok\xE9mon would have in Nature Swap.`, `Alternatively, you can use /ns[gen number] to see a Pok\xE9mon's stats in that generation.` ], ce: "crossevolve", crossevo: "crossevolve", crossevolve(target, user, room) { if (!this.runBroadcast()) return; if (!target?.includes(",")) return this.parse(`/help crossevo`); const pokes = target.split(","); const species = Dex.species.get(pokes[0]); const crossSpecies = Dex.species.get(pokes[1]); if (!species.exists) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Pok\xE9mon '${pokes[0]}' not found.`); if (!crossSpecies.exists) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Pok\xE9mon '${pokes[1]}' not found.`); if (!species.evos.length) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: ${species.name} does not evolve.`); if (!crossSpecies.prevo) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: ${crossSpecies.name} does not have a prevolution.`); let setStage = 1; let crossStage = 1; if (species.prevo) { setStage++; if (Dex.species.get(species.prevo).prevo) { setStage++; } } const prevo = Dex.species.get(crossSpecies.prevo); if (crossSpecies.prevo) { crossStage++; if (prevo.prevo) { crossStage++; } } if (setStage + 1 !== crossStage) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Cross evolution must follow evolutionary stages. (${species.name} is Stage ${setStage} and can only cross evolve to Stage ${setStage + 1})`); } const mixedSpecies = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(species); mixedSpecies.abilities = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(crossSpecies.abilities); mixedSpecies.baseStats = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(mixedSpecies.baseStats); mixedSpecies.bst = 0; let statName; for (statName in species.baseStats) { const statChange = crossSpecies.baseStats[statName] - prevo.baseStats[statName]; mixedSpecies.baseStats[statName] = import_lib.Utils.clampIntRange(mixedSpecies.baseStats[statName] + statChange, 1, 255); mixedSpecies.bst += mixedSpecies.baseStats[statName]; } mixedSpecies.types = [species.types[0]]; if (species.types[1]) mixedSpecies.types.push(species.types[1]); if (crossSpecies.types[0] !== prevo.types[0]) mixedSpecies.types[0] = crossSpecies.types[0]; if (crossSpecies.types[1] !== prevo.types[1]) { mixedSpecies.types[1] = crossSpecies.types[1] || crossSpecies.types[0]; } if (mixedSpecies.types[0] === mixedSpecies.types[1]) mixedSpecies.types = [mixedSpecies.types[0]]; mixedSpecies.weighthg += crossSpecies.weighthg - prevo.weighthg; if (mixedSpecies.weighthg < 1) { mixedSpecies.weighthg = 1; } mixedSpecies.tier = "CE"; let weighthit = 20; if (mixedSpecies.weighthg >= 2e3) { weighthit = 120; } else if (mixedSpecies.weighthg >= 1e3) { weighthit = 100; } else if (mixedSpecies.weighthg >= 500) { weighthit = 80; } else if (mixedSpecies.weighthg >= 250) { weighthit = 60; } else if (mixedSpecies.weighthg >= 100) { weighthit = 40; } const details = { "Dex#": mixedSpecies.num, Gen: mixedSpecies.gen, Height: `${mixedSpecies.heightm} m`, Weight: `${mixedSpecies.weighthg / 10} kg (${weighthit} BP)`, "Dex Colour": mixedSpecies.color }; if (mixedSpecies.eggGroups) details["Egg Group(s)"] = mixedSpecies.eggGroups.join(", "); details['Does Not Evolve'] = ""; this.sendReply(`|raw|${Chat.getDataPokemonHTML(mixedSpecies)}`); this.sendReply(`|raw|` + Object.entries(details).map(([detail, value]) => value === "" ? detail : `${detail}: ${value}`).join(" |  ") + ``); }, crossevolvehelp: [ "/crossevo , - Shows the type and stats for the Cross Evolved Pok\xE9mon." ], reevo: "showevo", showevo(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { if (!this.runBroadcast()) return; const targetid = toID(target); const isReEvo = cmd === "reevo"; if (!targetid) return this.parse(`/help ${isReEvo ? "re" : "show"}evo`); const evo = Dex.species.get(target); if (!evo.exists) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: Pok\xE9mon ${target} not found.`); } if (!evo.prevo) { const evoBaseSpecies = Dex.species.get( (Array.isArray(evo.battleOnly) ? evo.battleOnly[0] : evo.battleOnly) || evo.changesFrom || evo.name ); if (!evoBaseSpecies.prevo) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error: ${evoBaseSpecies.name} is not an evolution.`); const prevoSpecies = Dex.species.get(evoBaseSpecies.prevo); const deltas = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(evo); if (!isReEvo) { deltas.tier = "CE"; deltas.weightkg = evo.weightkg - prevoSpecies.weightkg; deltas.types = []; if (evo.types[0] !== prevoSpecies.types[0]) deltas.types[0] = evo.types[0]; if (evo.types[1] !== prevoSpecies.types[1]) { deltas.types[1] = evo.types[1] || evo.types[0]; } if (deltas.types.length) { deltas.types = deltas.types.filter((type) => type !== void 0); if (deltas.types[0] === deltas.types[1]) deltas.types = [deltas.types[0]]; } else { deltas.types = null; } } deltas.bst = 0; let i; for (i in evo.baseStats) { const statChange = evoBaseSpecies.baseStats[i] - prevoSpecies.baseStats[i]; const formeChange = evo.baseStats[i] - evoBaseSpecies.baseStats[i]; if (!isReEvo) { if (!evo.prevo) { deltas.baseStats[i] = formeChange; } else { deltas.baseStats[i] = statChange; } } else { deltas.baseStats[i] = import_lib.Utils.clampIntRange(evoBaseSpecies.baseStats[i] + statChange, 1, 255); deltas.baseStats[i] = import_lib.Utils.clampIntRange(deltas.baseStats[i] + formeChange, 1, 255); } deltas.bst += deltas.baseStats[i]; } const details = { Gen: evo.gen, Weight: `${deltas.weighthg < 0 ? "" : "+"}${deltas.weighthg / 10} kg`, Stage: Dex.species.get(prevoSpecies.prevo).exists ? 3 : 2 }; this.sendReply(`|raw|${Chat.getDataPokemonHTML(deltas)}`); if (!isReEvo) { this.sendReply(`|raw|Gen: ${details["Gen"]} |  Weight: ${details["Weight"]} |  Stage: ${details["Stage"]}`); } } else { const prevoSpecies = Dex.species.get(evo.prevo); const deltas = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(evo); if (!isReEvo) { deltas.tier = "CE"; deltas.weightkg = evo.weightkg - prevoSpecies.weightkg; deltas.types = []; if (evo.types[0] !== prevoSpecies.types[0]) deltas.types[0] = evo.types[0]; if (evo.types[1] !== prevoSpecies.types[1]) { deltas.types[1] = evo.types[1] || evo.types[0]; } if (deltas.types.length) { deltas.types = deltas.types.filter((type) => type !== void 0); if (deltas.types[0] === deltas.types[1]) deltas.types = [deltas.types[0]]; } else { deltas.types = null; } } deltas.bst = 0; let i; for (i in evo.baseStats) { const statChange = evo.baseStats[i] - prevoSpecies.baseStats[i]; if (!isReEvo) { deltas.baseStats[i] = statChange; } else { deltas.baseStats[i] = import_lib.Utils.clampIntRange(deltas.baseStats[i] + statChange, 1, 255); } deltas.bst += deltas.baseStats[i]; } const details = { Gen: evo.gen, Weight: `${deltas.weighthg < 0 ? "" : "+"}${deltas.weighthg / 10} kg`, Stage: Dex.species.get(prevoSpecies.prevo).exists ? 3 : 2 }; this.sendReply(`|raw|${Chat.getDataPokemonHTML(deltas)}`); if (!isReEvo) { this.sendReply(`|raw|Gen: ${details["Gen"]} |  Weight: ${details["Weight"]} |  Stage: ${details["Stage"]}`); } } }, reevohelp: [ `/reevo - Shows the stats that a Pok\xE9mon would have in Re-Evolution` ], showevohelp: [ `/showevo - Shows the changes that a Pok\xE9mon applies in Cross Evolution` ], pokemove(target, room, user) { if (!this.runBroadcast()) return; const species = Dex.species.get(target); if (!species.exists) return this.parse("/help pokemove"); const move = import_lib.Utils.deepClone(Dex.moves.get("tackle")); move.name = species.name; move.type = species.types[0]; move.flags = { protect: 1 }; move.basePower = Math.max(species.baseStats["atk"], species.baseStats["spa"]); move.pp = 5; move.gen = species.gen; move.num = species.num; move.desc = move.shortDesc = `Gives ${species.abilities["0"]} as a second ability after use.`; move.category = species.baseStats["spa"] >= species.baseStats["atk"] ? "Special" : "Physical"; this.sendReply(`|raw|${Chat.getDataMoveHTML(move)}`); }, pokemovehelp: [ `/pokemove - Shows the Pokemove data for .` ] }; //# sourceMappingURL=othermetas.js.map