"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var modlog_viewer_exports = {}; __export(modlog_viewer_exports, { commands: () => commands, pages: () => pages }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(modlog_viewer_exports); var import_lib = require("../../lib"); /** * Modlog viewer * Pokemon Showdown - http://pokemonshowdown.com/ * * Actually reading, writing, and searching modlog is handled in server/modlog/. * * @license MIT */ const MAX_QUERY_LENGTH = 2500; const DEFAULT_RESULTS_LENGTH = 100; const MORE_BUTTON_INCREMENTS = [200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200]; const LINES_SEPARATOR = "lines="; const MAX_RESULTS_LENGTH = MORE_BUTTON_INCREMENTS[MORE_BUTTON_INCREMENTS.length - 1]; const IPS_REGEX = /[([]?([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})[)\]]?/g; const ALIASES = { "helpticket": "help-rooms", "groupchat": "groupchat-rooms", "battle": "battle-rooms" }; function getMoreButton(roomid, searchCmd, lines, maxLines, onlyPunishments, onlyNotes) { let newLines = 0; for (const increase of MORE_BUTTON_INCREMENTS) { if (increase > lines) { newLines = increase; break; } } if (!newLines || lines < maxLines) { return ""; } else { let cmd = `/modlog`; if (onlyNotes) cmd = `/modnotes`; if (onlyPunishments) cmd = `/punishlog`; return import_lib.Utils.html`
`; } } function getRoomID(id) { if (id in ALIASES) return ALIASES[id]; return id; } function prettifyResults(resultArray, roomid, search, searchCmd, addModlogLinks, hideIps, maxLines, onlyPunishments, onlyNotes) { if (resultArray === null) { return "|popup|The modlog query crashed."; } let roomName; switch (roomid) { case "all": roomName = "all rooms"; break; case "public": roomName = "all public rooms"; break; default: roomName = `room ${roomid}`; } const scope = onlyPunishments ? "punishment-related " : ""; let searchString = ``; const excludes = search.note.filter((s) => s.isExclusion).map((s) => s.search) || []; const includes = search.note.filter((s) => !s.isExclusion).map((s) => s.search) || []; if (includes.length) searchString += `with a note including any of: ${includes.join(", ")} `; if (excludes.length) searchString += `with a note that does not include any of: ${excludes.join(", ")} `; for (const u of search.user) searchString += `${u.isExclusion ? "not " : ""}taken against ${u.search} `; for (const ip of search.ip) { searchString += `${ip.isExclusion ? "not " : ""}taken against a user on the IP ${ip.search} `; } for (const action of search.action) searchString += `${action.isExclusion ? "not " : ""}of the type ${action.search} `; for (const actionTaker of search.actionTaker) { searchString += `${actionTaker.isExclusion ? "not " : ""}taken by ${actionTaker.search} `; } if (!resultArray.length) { return `|popup|No ${scope}moderator actions ${searchString}found on ${roomName}.`; } const title = `[${roomid}] ${searchCmd}`; const lines = resultArray.length; let curDate = ""; const resultString = resultArray.map((result) => { const date = new Date(result.time || Date.now()); const entryRoom = result.visualRoomID || result.roomID || "global"; let [dateString2, timestamp2] = Chat.toTimestamp(date, { human: true }).split(" "); let line = `[${timestamp2}] (${entryRoom}) ${result.action}`; if (result.userid) { line += `: [${result.userid}]`; if (result.autoconfirmedID) line += ` ac: [${result.autoconfirmedID}]`; if (result.alts.length) line += ` alts: [${result.alts.join("], [")}]`; if (!hideIps && result.ip) line += ` [${result.ip}]`; } if (result.loggedBy) line += `: by ${result.loggedBy}`; if (result.note) line += `: ${result.note}`; if (dateString2 !== curDate) { curDate = dateString2; dateString2 = `

`; } else { dateString2 = ``; } const thisRoomID = entryRoom?.split(" ")[0]; if (addModlogLinks) { if (thisRoomID.startsWith("battle-")) { timestamp2 = `${timestamp2}`; } else { const [day, time] = Chat.toTimestamp(date).split(" "); timestamp2 = `${timestamp2}`; } } line = import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(line.slice(line.indexOf(")") + ` `.length)); line = line.replace( IPS_REGEX, hideIps ? "" : `[$1]` ); return `${dateString2}[${timestamp2}] (${thisRoomID})${line}`; }).join(`
`); const [dateString, timestamp] = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(), { human: true }).split(" "); let preamble; const modlogid = roomid + (searchString ? "-" + import_lib.Dashycode.encode(searchString) : ""); if (searchString) { preamble = `>view-modlog-${modlogid} |init|html |title|[Modlog]${title} |pagehtml|

The last ${scope}${Chat.count(lines, "logged actions")} ${import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(searchString)} on ${roomName}.`; } else { preamble = `>view-modlog-${modlogid} |init|html |title|[Modlog]${title} |pagehtml|

The last ${Chat.count(lines, `${scope}lines`)} of the Moderator Log of ${roomName}.`; } preamble += `

[${timestamp}] \u2190 current server time`; const moreButton = getMoreButton(roomid, searchCmd, lines, maxLines, onlyPunishments, onlyNotes); return `${preamble}${resultString}${moreButton}

`; } async function getModlog(connection, roomid = "global", search, searchCmd, maxLines = 20, onlyPunishments = false, timed = false, onlyNotes = false) { const targetRoom = Rooms.search(roomid); const user = connection.user; roomid = getRoomID(roomid); if (roomid === "all" || roomid === "public") { if (!user.can("modlog")) { return connection.popup("Access denied"); } } else { if (!user.can("modlog", null, targetRoom) && !user.can("modlog")) { return connection.popup("Access denied"); } } const hideIps = !user.can("lock"); const addModlogLinks = !!(user.tempGroup !== " " || targetRoom && targetRoom.settings.isPrivate !== true); if (hideIps && search.ip.length) { connection.popup(`You cannot search for IPs.`); return; } if (Object.values(search).join("").length > MAX_QUERY_LENGTH) { connection.popup(`Your search query is too long.`); return; } if (search.note?.length) { for (const [i, noteSearch] of search.note.entries()) { if (/^["'].+["']$/.test(noteSearch.search)) { search.note[i] = { ...noteSearch, search: noteSearch.search.substring(1, noteSearch.search.length - 1) }; search.note[i].isExact = true; } } } for (const [i, userSearch] of search.user.entries()) { if (/^["'].+["']$/.test(userSearch.search)) { userSearch.search = userSearch.search.substring(1, userSearch.search.length - 1); userSearch.isExact = true; } userSearch.search = toID(userSearch.search); search.user[i] = userSearch; } if (onlyNotes) search.action.push({ search: "NOTE" }); const response = await Rooms.Modlog.search(roomid, search, maxLines, onlyPunishments); if (!response) return connection.popup(`The moderator log is currently disabled.`); connection.send( prettifyResults( response.results, roomid, search, searchCmd, addModlogLinks, hideIps, maxLines, onlyPunishments, onlyNotes ) ); if (timed) connection.popup(`The modlog query took ${response.duration} ms to complete.`); } const shouldSearchGlobal = ["staff", "adminlog"]; const commands = { ml: "modlog", punishlog: "modlog", pl: "modlog", timedmodlog: "modlog", mlid: "modlog", mlip: "modlog", plid: "modlog", plip: "modlog", modnotes: "modlog", modlog(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { let roomid = !room || shouldSearchGlobal.includes(room.roomid) ? "global" : room.roomid; const onlyPunishments = cmd.startsWith("pl") || cmd.startsWith("punishlog"); let lines; const possibleParam = cmd.slice(2); const targets = target.split(",").map((f) => f.trim()).filter(Boolean); const search = { note: [], user: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }; switch (possibleParam) { case "id": targets.unshift(`user='${targets.shift()}'`); break; case "ip": targets.unshift(`ip=${targets.shift()}`); break; } for (const [i, option] of targets.entries()) { let [param, value] = option.split("=").map((part) => part.trim()); if (!value) { value = param.trim(); if (i === 0 && value) { param = "room"; if (!Rooms.search(toID(value)) && !user.can("lock")) { return this.parse(`/help modlog`); } } else { this.errorReply(`You must specify a search type and search value.`); return this.parse(`/help modlog`); } } const isExclusion = param.endsWith("!"); param = toID(param); switch (param) { case "note": case "text": if (!search.note) search.note = []; search.note.push({ search: value, isExclusion }); break; case "user": case "name": case "username": case "userid": search.user.push({ search: value }); break; case "ip": case "ipaddress": case "ipaddr": search.ip.push({ search: value, isExclusion }); break; case "action": case "punishment": search.action.push({ search: value.toUpperCase(), isExclusion }); break; case "actiontaker": case "moderator": case "staff": case "mod": search.actionTaker.push({ search: toID(value), isExclusion }); break; case "room": case "roomid": roomid = value.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9-]+/g, ""); break; case "lines": case "maxlines": lines = parseInt(value); if (isNaN(lines) || lines < 1) return this.errorReply(`Invalid linecount: '${value}'.`); break; default: this.errorReply(`Invalid modlog parameter: '${param}'.`); return this.errorReply(`Please specify 'room', 'note', 'user', 'ip', 'action', 'staff', or 'lines'.`); } } const targetRoom = Rooms.search(roomid); if (targetRoom) roomid = targetRoom.roomid; if (roomid.includes("-")) { if (user.can("modlog")) { roomid = "global"; } else { return this.errorReply(`Only global staff may view battle and groupchat modlogs.`); } } if (!target && !lines) { lines = 20; } if (!lines) lines = DEFAULT_RESULTS_LENGTH; if (lines > MAX_RESULTS_LENGTH) lines = MAX_RESULTS_LENGTH; void getModlog( connection, roomid, search, target.replace(/^\s?([^,=]*),\s?/, "").replace(/,?\s*(room|lines)\s*=[^,]*,?/g, ""), lines, onlyPunishments, cmd === "timedmodlog", cmd === "modnotes" ); }, modloghelp() { this.sendReplyBox( `/modlog [comma-separated list of parameters]: searches the moderator log, defaulting to the current room unless specified otherwise.
You can replace the = in a parameter with a != to exclude entries that match that parameter.
Additional commands
` ); }, mls: "modlogstats", modlogstats(target, room, user) { this.checkCan("lock"); target = toID(target); if (!target) return this.parse(`/help modlogstats`); return this.parse(`/join view-modlogstats-${target}`); }, modlogstatshelp: [`/modlogstats [userid] - Fetch all information on that [userid] from the modlog (IPs, alts, etc). Requires: @ ~`] }; const pages = { async modlogstats(query, user) { this.checkCan("lock"); const target = toID(query.shift()); if (!target || target.length > 18) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid userid - must be between 1 and 18 characters long.`); } this.title = `[Modlog Stats] ${target}`; this.setHTML(`
Running modlog search...
`); const entries = await Rooms.Modlog.search("global", { user: [{ search: target, isExact: true }], note: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }, 1e3); if (!entries?.results.length) { return this.errorReply(`No data found.`); } const punishmentTable = new import_lib.Utils.Multiset(); const punishmentsByIp = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const actionsWithIp = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const alts = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const autoconfirmed = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const ips = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const entry of entries.results) { if (entry.action !== "NOTE") { punishmentTable.add(entry.action); if (entry.ip) { let ipTable = punishmentsByIp.get(entry.ip); if (!ipTable) { ipTable = new import_lib.Utils.Multiset(); punishmentsByIp.set(entry.ip, ipTable); } ipTable.add(entry.action); actionsWithIp.add(entry.action); } } if (entry.alts) { for (const alt of entry.alts) alts.add(alt); } if (entry.autoconfirmedID) autoconfirmed.add(entry.autoconfirmedID); if (entry.ip) ips.add(entry.ip); } let buf = `

Modlog information for ${target}

`; if (alts.size) { buf += `Listed alts: `; buf += `(These are userids sharing the same IP at the time of the punishment, they may not be direct alts)
`; buf += [...alts].map((id) => `${toID(id)}`).join(", "); buf += `

`; } if (autoconfirmed.size) { buf += `Autoconfirmed alts:`; buf += ` (these are autoconfirmed accounts linked to their name, and are very likely them)
`; buf += [...autoconfirmed].map((id) => `${toID(id)}`).join(", "); buf += `

`; } if (ips.size) { buf += `Known IPs:
`; const mapped = await Promise.all([...ips].map(async (ip) => { const info = await IPTools.lookup(ip); return `${ip} [${info.hostType}]`; })); buf += mapped.join(", "); buf += `

`; } if (punishmentTable.size) { buf += `Punishments:
`; buf += `
`; buf += ``; for (const [punishment, number] of punishmentTable) { buf += ``; } buf += `
Punishment typeCount

`; } if (punishmentsByIp.size) { buf += `Punishments by IP:
`; const keys = [...actionsWithIp]; buf += `
`; buf += `${keys.map((k) => ``).join("")}`; for (const [ip, table] of punishmentsByIp) { buf += ``; for (const key of keys) { buf += ``; } buf += ``; } buf += `
`; } buf += `

`; return buf; } }; //# sourceMappingURL=modlog-viewer.js.map