"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var hangman_exports = {}; __export(hangman_exports, { Hangman: () => Hangman, commands: () => commands, hangmanData: () => hangmanData, pages: () => pages, roomSettings: () => roomSettings }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(hangman_exports); var import_lib = require("../../lib"); const HANGMAN_FILE = "config/chat-plugins/hangman.json"; const DIACRITICS_AFTER_UNDERSCORE = /_[\u0300-\u036f\u0483-\u0489\u0610-\u0615\u064B-\u065F\u0670\u06D6-\u06DC\u06DF-\u06ED\u0E31\u0E34-\u0E3A\u0E47-\u0E4E]+/g; const MAX_HANGMAN_LENGTH = 30; const MAX_INDIVIDUAL_WORD_LENGTH = 20; const MAX_HINT_LENGTH = 150; let hangmanData = {}; try { hangmanData = JSON.parse((0, import_lib.FS)(HANGMAN_FILE).readSync()); let save = false; for (const roomid in hangmanData) { const roomData = hangmanData[roomid] || {}; const roomKeys = Object.keys(roomData); if (roomKeys.length && !roomData[roomKeys[0]].hints) { save = true; for (const key of roomKeys) { roomData[key] = { hints: roomData[key] }; } } } if (save) { (0, import_lib.FS)(HANGMAN_FILE).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(hangmanData)); } } catch { } const maxMistakes = 6; class Hangman extends Rooms.SimpleRoomGame { constructor(room, user, word, hint = "", gameOptions = {}) { super(room); this.gameid = "hangman"; this.checkChat = true; this.gameNumber = room.nextGameNumber(); this.title = "Hangman"; this.creator = user.id; this.word = word; this.hint = hint; this.incorrectGuesses = 0; this.options = gameOptions; this.guesses = []; this.letterGuesses = []; this.lastGuesser = ""; this.wordSoFar = []; for (const letter of word) { if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(letter)) { this.wordSoFar.push("_"); } else { this.wordSoFar.push(letter); } } } choose(user, word) { if (user.id === this.creator && !this.options.allowCreator) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("You can't guess in your own hangman game."); } const sanitized = word.replace(/[^A-Za-z ]/g, ""); const normalized = toID(sanitized); if (normalized.length < 1) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Use "/guess [letter]" to guess a letter, or "/guess [phrase]" to guess the entire Hangman phrase.`); } if (sanitized.length > MAX_HANGMAN_LENGTH) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Guesses must be ${MAX_HANGMAN_LENGTH} or fewer letters \u2013 "${word}" is too long.`); } for (const guessid of this.guesses) { if (normalized === toID(guessid)) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Your guess "${word}" has already been guessed.`); } if (sanitized.length > 1) { if (!this.guessWord(sanitized, user.name)) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Your guess "${sanitized}" is invalid.`); } else { this.room.addByUser(user, `${user.name} guessed "${sanitized}"!`); } } else { if (!this.guessLetter(sanitized, user.name)) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Your guess "${sanitized}" is not a valid letter.`); } } } guessLetter(letter, guesser) { letter = letter.toUpperCase(); if (this.guesses.includes(letter)) return false; if (this.word.toUpperCase().includes(letter)) { for (let i = 0; i < this.word.length; i++) { if (this.word[i].toUpperCase() === letter) { this.wordSoFar[i] = this.word[i]; } } if (!this.wordSoFar.includes("_")) { this.incorrectGuesses = -1; this.guesses.push(letter); this.letterGuesses.push(`${letter}1`); this.lastGuesser = guesser; this.finish(); return true; } this.letterGuesses.push(`${letter}1`); } else { this.incorrectGuesses++; this.letterGuesses.push(`${letter}0`); } this.guesses.push(letter); this.lastGuesser = guesser; this.update(); return true; } guessWord(word, guesser) { const ourWord = toID(this.word.replace(/[0-9]+/g, "")); const guessedWord = toID(word.replace(/[0-9]+/g, "")); const wordSoFar = this.wordSoFar.filter((letter) => /[a-zA-Z_]/.test(letter)).join("").toLowerCase(); if (ourWord.length !== guessedWord.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < ourWord.length; i++) { if (wordSoFar.charAt(i) === "_") { if (this.letterGuesses.some((guess) => guess.toLowerCase().startsWith(guessedWord.charAt(i)))) return false; } else if (wordSoFar.charAt(i) !== guessedWord.charAt(i)) { return false; } } if (ourWord === guessedWord) { for (const [i, letter] of this.wordSoFar.entries()) { if (letter === "_") { this.wordSoFar[i] = this.word[i]; } } this.incorrectGuesses = -1; this.guesses.push(word); this.lastGuesser = guesser; this.finish(); } else { this.incorrectGuesses++; this.guesses.push(word); this.lastGuesser = guesser; this.update(); } return true; } hangingMan() { return ``; } generateWindow() { let result = 0; if (this.incorrectGuesses === maxMistakes) { result = 1; } else if (!this.wordSoFar.includes("_")) { result = 2; } const color = result === 1 ? "red" : result === 2 ? "green" : "blue"; const message = `${result === 1 ? "Too bad! The mon has been hanged." : result === 2 ? "The word has been guessed. Congratulations!" : "Hangman"}`; let output = `
`; output += `


`; output += `
${this.hangingMan()}`; let escapedWord = this.wordSoFar.map(import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML); if (result === 1) { const word = this.word; escapedWord = escapedWord.map((letter, index) => letter === "_" ? `${word.charAt(index)}` : letter); } const wordString = escapedWord.join("").replace(DIACRITICS_AFTER_UNDERSCORE, "_"); if (this.hint) output += import_lib.Utils.html`
(Hint: ${this.hint})
`; output += `


`; if (this.guesses.length) { if (this.letterGuesses.length) { output += "Letters: " + this.letterGuesses.map( (g) => `${g[0]}` ).join(", "); } if (result === 2) { output += import_lib.Utils.html`
Winner: ${this.lastGuesser}`; } else if (this.guesses[this.guesses.length - 1].length === 1) { output += import_lib.Utils.html` – ${this.lastGuesser}`; } else { output += import_lib.Utils.html`
Guessed: ${this.guesses[this.guesses.length - 1]} ` + `– ${this.lastGuesser}`; } } output += "
"; return output; } display(user, broadcast = false) { if (broadcast) { this.room.add(`|uhtml|hangman${this.gameNumber}|${this.generateWindow()}`); } else { user.sendTo(this.room, `|uhtml|hangman${this.gameNumber}|${this.generateWindow()}`); } } update() { this.room.uhtmlchange(`hangman${this.gameNumber}`, this.generateWindow()); if (this.incorrectGuesses === maxMistakes) { this.finish(); } } end() { this.room.uhtmlchange(`hangman${this.gameNumber}`, '
(The game of hangman was ended.)
'); this.room.add("The game of hangman was ended."); this.room.game = null; } finish() { this.room.uhtmlchange(`hangman${this.gameNumber}`, '
(The game of hangman has ended – scroll down to see the results)
'); this.room.add(`|html|${this.generateWindow()}`); this.room.game = null; } static save() { (0, import_lib.FS)(HANGMAN_FILE).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(hangmanData)); } static getRandom(room, tag) { if (!hangmanData[room]) { hangmanData[room] = {}; this.save(); } let phrases = Object.keys(hangmanData[room]); if (!phrases.length) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The room ${room} has no saved hangman words.`); if (tag) { tag = toID(tag); phrases = phrases.filter((key) => hangmanData[room][key].tags?.map(toID).includes(tag)); if (!phrases.length) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`No terms found with tag ${tag}`); } } const shuffled = import_lib.Utils.randomElement(phrases); const entry = hangmanData[room][shuffled]; return { question: shuffled, hint: import_lib.Utils.randomElement(entry.hints) }; } static validateParams(params) { const phrase = params[0].normalize("NFD").trim().replace(/_/g, "\uFF3F"); if (!phrase.length) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("Enter a valid word"); if (phrase.length > MAX_HANGMAN_LENGTH) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Phrase must be less than ${MAX_HANGMAN_LENGTH} characters long.`); } if (phrase.split(" ").some((w) => w.length > MAX_INDIVIDUAL_WORD_LENGTH)) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Each word in the phrase must be less than ${MAX_INDIVIDUAL_WORD_LENGTH} characters long.`); } if (!/[a-zA-Z]/.test(phrase)) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("Word must contain at least one letter."); let hint; if (params.length > 1) { hint = params.slice(1).join(",").trim(); if (hint.length > MAX_HINT_LENGTH) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Hint must be less than ${MAX_HINT_LENGTH} characters long.`); } } return { phrase, hint }; } } const commands = { hangman: { create: "new", new(target, room, user, connection) { room = this.requireRoom(); target = target.trim(); const text = this.filter(target); if (target !== text) return this.errorReply("You are not allowed to use filtered words in hangmans."); const params = text.split(","); this.checkCan("minigame", null, room); if (room.settings.hangmanDisabled) return this.errorReply("Hangman is disabled for this room."); this.checkChat(); if (room.game) return this.errorReply(`There is already a game of ${room.game.title} in progress in this room.`); if (!params) return this.errorReply("No word entered."); const { phrase, hint } = Hangman.validateParams(params); const game = new Hangman(room, user, phrase, hint); room.game = game; game.display(user, true); this.modlog("HANGMAN"); return this.addModAction(`A game of hangman was started by ${user.name} \u2013 use /guess to play!`); }, createhelp: ["/hangman create [word], [hint] - Makes a new hangman game. Requires: % @ # ~"], guess(target, room, user) { const word = this.filter(target); if (word !== target) return this.errorReply(`You may not use filtered words in guesses.`); this.parse(`/choose ${target}`); }, guesshelp: [ `/guess [letter] - Makes a guess for the letter entered.`, `/guess [word] - Same as a letter, but guesses an entire word.` ], stop: "end", end(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); this.checkCan("minigame", null, room); this.checkChat(); const game = this.requireGame(Hangman); game.end(); this.modlog("ENDHANGMAN"); return this.privateModAction(`The game of hangman was ended by ${user.name}.`); }, endhelp: ["/hangman end - Ends the game of hangman before the man is hanged or word is guessed. Requires: % @ # ~"], disable(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); this.checkCan("gamemanagement", null, room); if (room.settings.hangmanDisabled) { return this.errorReply("Hangman is already disabled."); } room.settings.hangmanDisabled = true; room.saveSettings(); return this.sendReply("Hangman has been disabled for this room."); }, enable(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); this.checkCan("gamemanagement", null, room); if (!room.settings.hangmanDisabled) { return this.errorReply("Hangman is already enabled."); } delete room.settings.hangmanDisabled; room.saveSettings(); return this.sendReply("Hangman has been enabled for this room."); }, display(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); const game = this.requireGame(Hangman); if (!this.runBroadcast()) return; room.update(); game.display(user, this.broadcasting); }, ""(target, room, user) { return this.parse("/help hangman"); }, random(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); this.checkCan("mute", null, room); if (room.game) { throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There is already a game of ${room.game.title} running.`); } target = toID(target); const { question, hint } = Hangman.getRandom(room.roomid, target); const game = new Hangman(room, user, question, hint, { allowCreator: true }); room.game = game; this.addModAction(`${user.name} started a random game of hangman - use /guess to play!`); game.display(user, true); this.modlog(`HANGMAN RANDOM`, null, target ? `tag: ${target}` : ""); }, addrandom(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); this.checkCan("mute", null, room); if (!hangmanData[room.roomid]) hangmanData[room.roomid] = {}; if (!target) return this.parse("/help hangman"); const args = target.split(target.includes("|") ? "|" : ","); const { phrase } = Hangman.validateParams(args); if (!hangmanData[room.roomid][phrase]) hangmanData[room.roomid][phrase] = { hints: [] }; args.shift(); hangmanData[room.roomid][phrase].hints.push(...args); Hangman.save(); this.privateModAction(`${user.name} added a random hangman with ${Chat.count(args.length, "hints")}.`); this.modlog(`HANGMAN ADDRANDOM`, null, `${phrase}: ${args.join(", ")}`); }, rr: "removerandom", removerandom(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); this.checkCan("mute", null, room); let [word, ...hints] = target.split(","); if (!toID(target) || !word) return this.parse("/help hangman"); for (const [i, hint] of hints.entries()) { if (hint.startsWith("room:")) { const newID = hint.slice(5); const targetRoom = Rooms.search(newID); if (!targetRoom) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid room: ${newID}`); } this.room = targetRoom; room = targetRoom; hints.splice(i, 1); } } if (!hangmanData[room.roomid]) { return this.errorReply("There are no hangman words for this room."); } const roomKeys = Object.keys(hangmanData[room.roomid]); const roomKeyIDs = roomKeys.map(toID); const index = roomKeyIDs.indexOf(toID(word)); if (index < 0) { return this.errorReply(`That word is not a saved hangman.`); } word = roomKeys[index]; hints = hints.map(toID); if (!hints.length) { delete hangmanData[room.roomid][word]; this.privateModAction(`${user.name} deleted the hangman entry for '${word}'`); this.modlog(`HANGMAN REMOVERANDOM`, null, word); } else { hangmanData[room.roomid][word].hints = hangmanData[room.roomid][word].hints.filter((item) => !hints.includes(toID(item))); if (!hangmanData[room.roomid][word].hints.length) { delete hangmanData[room.roomid][word]; } this.privateModAction(`${user.name} deleted ${Chat.count(hints, "hints")} for the hangman term '${word}'`); this.modlog(`HANGMAN REMOVERANDOM`, null, `${word}: ${hints.join(", ")}`); } this.refreshPage(`hangman-${room.roomid}`); Hangman.save(); }, addtag(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); this.checkCan("mute", null, room); let [term, ...tags] = target.split(","); term = term.trim(); tags = tags.map((i) => toID(i)).filter(Boolean); if (!term || !tags?.length) { return this.parse("/help hangman"); } if (!hangmanData[room.roomid]) { hangmanData[room.roomid] = {}; } if (!hangmanData[room.roomid][term]) { return this.errorReply(`Term ${term} not found.`); } if (!hangmanData[room.roomid][term].tags) hangmanData[room.roomid][term].tags = []; for (const [i, tag] of tags.entries()) { if (hangmanData[room.roomid][term].tags.includes(tag)) { this.errorReply(`The tag ${tag} is already on the term ${term} and has been skipped.`); tags.splice(i, 1); } } if (!tags.length) { this.errorReply(`Specify at least one valid tag.`); return this.parse(`/help hangman`); } hangmanData[room.roomid][term].tags.push(...tags); Hangman.save(); this.privateModAction(`${user.name} added ${Chat.count(tags, "tags")} to the hangman term ${term}`); this.modlog(`HANGMAN ADDTAG`, null, `${term}: ${tags.map(import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML).join(", ")}`); this.refreshPage(`hangman-${room.roomid}`); }, untag(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); this.checkCan("mute", null, room); if (!toID(target)) { return this.parse(`/help hangman`); } let [term, ...tags] = target.split(","); tags = tags.map((i) => toID(i)).filter(Boolean); if (!term || !tags) { return this.parse("/help hangman"); } if (!hangmanData[room.roomid]) { return this.errorReply(`This room has no hangman terms.`); } if (!hangmanData[room.roomid][term]) { return this.errorReply(`That term was not found.`); } if (!hangmanData[room.roomid][term].tags) { return this.errorReply(`That term has no tags.`); } if (tags.length) { this.privateModAction(`${user.name} removed ${Chat.count(tags, "tags")} from the hangman term ${term}`); this.modlog(`HANGMAN UNTAG`, null, `${term}: ${tags.map(import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML).join(", ")}`); hangmanData[room.roomid][term].tags = hangmanData[room.roomid][term].tags?.filter((t) => !tags.includes(t)); } else { this.privateModAction(`${user.name} removed all tags from the hangman term ${term}`); this.modlog(`HANGMAN UNTAG`, null, `${term}`); hangmanData[room.roomid][term].tags = []; } if (!hangmanData[room.roomid][term].tags.length) { delete hangmanData[room.roomid][term].tags; } Hangman.save(); this.refreshPage(`hangman-${room.roomid}`); }, view: "terms", terms(target, room, user) { room = this.requireRoom(); return this.parse(`/j view-hangman-${target || room.roomid}`); } }, hangmanhelp: [ `/hangman allows users to play the popular game hangman in PS rooms.`, `Accepts the following commands:`, `/hangman create [word], [hint] - Makes a new hangman game. Requires: % @ # ~`, `/hangman guess [letter] - Makes a guess for the letter entered.`, `/hangman guess [word] - Same as a letter, but guesses an entire word.`, `/hangman display - Displays the game.`, `/hangman end - Ends the game of hangman before the man is hanged or word is guessed. Requires: % @ # ~`, `/hangman [enable/disable] - Enables or disables hangman from being started in a room. Requires: # ~`, `/hangman random [tag]- Runs a random hangman, if the room has any added. `, `If a tag is given, randomizes from only terms with those tags. Requires: % @ # ~`, `/hangman addrandom [word], [...hints] - Adds an entry for [word] with the [hints] provided to the room's hangman pool. Requires: % @ # ~`, `/hangman removerandom [word][, hints] - Removes data from the hangman entry for [word]. If hints are given, removes only those hints. Otherwise it removes the entire entry. Requires: % @ ~ #`, `/hangman addtag [word], [...tags] - Adds tags to the hangman term matching [word]. Requires: % @ ~ #`, `/hangman untag [term][, ...tags] - Removes tags from the hangman [term]. If tags are given, removes only those tags. Requires: % @ # * `, `/hangman terms - Displays all random hangman in a room. Requires: % @ # ~` ] }; const pages = { hangman(args, user) { const room = this.requireRoom(); this.title = `[Hangman]`; this.checkCan("mute", null, room); let buf = `
`; buf += `

Hangman entries on ${room.title}

`; const roomTerms = hangmanData[room.roomid]; if (!roomTerms) { return this.errorReply(`No hangman terms found for ${room.title}.`); } for (const t in roomTerms) { buf += `
`; buf += `


`; if (user.can("mute", null, room, "hangman addrandom")) { buf += `Hints: `; buf += roomTerms[t].hints.map( (hint) => `${hint} ` ).join(", "); buf += ``; if (roomTerms[t].tags) { buf += `
Tags: `; buf += roomTerms[t].tags?.map( (tag) => `${tag} ` ).join(", "); buf += ``; } } buf += `

`; } buf += `
`; return buf; } }; const roomSettings = (room) => ({ label: "Hangman", permission: "editroom", options: [ [`disabled`, room.settings.hangmanDisabled || "hangman disable"], [`enabled`, !room.settings.hangmanDisabled || "hangman enable"] ] }); //# sourceMappingURL=hangman.js.map