"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var scripts_exports = {}; __export(scripts_exports, { Scripts: () => Scripts }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(scripts_exports); const Scripts = { gen: 9, init() { for (const i in this.data.Items) { const item = this.data.Items[i]; if (!item.megaStone && !item.onDrive && !(item.onPlate && !item.zMove) && !item.onMemory) continue; this.modData("Items", i).onTakeItem = false; if (item.isNonstandard) this.modData("Items", i).isNonstandard = null; if (item.megaStone) { this.modData("FormatsData", this.toID(item.megaStone)).isNonstandard = null; } } }, start() { if (this.deserialized) return; if (!this.sides.every((side) => !!side)) throw new Error(`Missing sides: ${this.sides}`); if (this.started) throw new Error(`Battle already started`); const format = this.format; this.started = true; if (this.gameType === "multi") { this.sides[1].foe = this.sides[2]; this.sides[0].foe = this.sides[3]; this.sides[2].foe = this.sides[1]; this.sides[3].foe = this.sides[0]; this.sides[1].allySide = this.sides[3]; this.sides[0].allySide = this.sides[2]; this.sides[2].allySide = this.sides[0]; this.sides[3].allySide = this.sides[1]; this.sides[2].sideConditions = this.sides[0].sideConditions; this.sides[3].sideConditions = this.sides[1].sideConditions; } else { this.sides[1].foe = this.sides[0]; this.sides[0].foe = this.sides[1]; if (this.sides.length > 2) { this.sides[2].foe = this.sides[3]; this.sides[3].foe = this.sides[2]; } } for (const side of this.sides) { this.add("teamsize", side.id, side.pokemon.length); } this.add("gen", this.gen); this.add("tier", format.name); if (this.rated) { if (this.rated === "Rated battle") this.rated = true; this.add("rated", typeof this.rated === "string" ? this.rated : ""); } if (format.onBegin) format.onBegin.call(this); for (const rule of this.ruleTable.keys()) { if ("+*-!".includes(rule.charAt(0))) continue; const subFormat = this.dex.formats.get(rule); if (subFormat.onBegin) subFormat.onBegin.call(this); } for (const pokemon of this.getAllPokemon()) { const item = pokemon.getItem(); if (item.forcedForme && !item.zMove && item.forcedForme !== pokemon.species.name) { const rawSpecies = this.actions.getMixedSpecies(pokemon.m.originalSpecies, item.forcedForme, pokemon); const species = pokemon.setSpecies(rawSpecies); if (!species) continue; pokemon.baseSpecies = rawSpecies; pokemon.details = pokemon.getUpdatedDetails(); pokemon.ability = this.toID(species.abilities["0"]); pokemon.baseAbility = pokemon.ability; } } if (this.sides.some((side) => !side.pokemon[0])) { throw new Error("Battle not started: A player has an empty team."); } if (this.debugMode) { this.checkEVBalance(); } if (format.onTeamPreview) format.onTeamPreview.call(this); for (const rule of this.ruleTable.keys()) { if ("+*-!".includes(rule.charAt(0))) continue; const subFormat = this.dex.formats.get(rule); if (subFormat.onTeamPreview) subFormat.onTeamPreview.call(this); } this.queue.addChoice({ choice: "start" }); this.midTurn = true; if (!this.requestState) this.turnLoop(); }, runAction(action) { const pokemonOriginalHP = action.pokemon?.hp; let residualPokemon = []; switch (action.choice) { case "start": { for (const side of this.sides) { if (side.pokemonLeft) side.pokemonLeft = side.pokemon.length; } this.add("start"); for (const pokemon of this.getAllPokemon()) { let rawSpecies = null; const item = pokemon.getItem(); if (item.id === "rustedsword") { rawSpecies = this.actions.getMixedSpecies(pokemon.m.originalSpecies, "Zacian-Crowned", pokemon); } else if (item.id === "rustedshield") { rawSpecies = this.actions.getMixedSpecies(pokemon.m.originalSpecies, "Zamazenta-Crowned", pokemon); } if (!rawSpecies) continue; const species = pokemon.setSpecies(rawSpecies); if (!species) continue; pokemon.baseSpecies = rawSpecies; pokemon.details = pokemon.getUpdatedDetails(); pokemon.ability = this.toID(species.abilities["0"]); pokemon.baseAbility = pokemon.ability; const behemothMove = { "Rusted Sword": "behemothblade", "Rusted Shield": "behemothbash" }; const ironHead = pokemon.baseMoves.indexOf("ironhead"); if (ironHead >= 0) { const move = this.dex.moves.get(behemothMove[pokemon.getItem().name]); pokemon.baseMoveSlots[ironHead] = { move: move.name, id: move.id, pp: move.noPPBoosts ? move.pp : move.pp * 8 / 5, maxpp: move.noPPBoosts ? move.pp : move.pp * 8 / 5, target: move.target, disabled: false, disabledSource: "", used: false }; pokemon.moveSlots = pokemon.baseMoveSlots.slice(); } } if (this.format.onBattleStart) this.format.onBattleStart.call(this); for (const rule of this.ruleTable.keys()) { if ("+*-!".includes(rule.charAt(0))) continue; const subFormat = this.dex.formats.get(rule); if (subFormat.onBattleStart) subFormat.onBattleStart.call(this); } for (const side of this.sides) { for (let i = 0; i < side.active.length; i++) { if (!side.pokemonLeft) { side.active[i] = side.pokemon[i]; side.active[i].fainted = true; side.active[i].hp = 0; } else { this.actions.switchIn(side.pokemon[i], i); } } } for (const pokemon of this.getAllPokemon()) { this.singleEvent("Start", this.dex.conditions.getByID(pokemon.species.id), pokemon.speciesState, pokemon); } this.midTurn = true; break; } case "move": if (!action.pokemon.isActive) return false; if (action.pokemon.fainted) return false; this.actions.runMove(action.move, action.pokemon, action.targetLoc, { sourceEffect: action.sourceEffect, zMove: action.zmove, maxMove: action.maxMove, originalTarget: action.originalTarget }); break; case "megaEvo": this.actions.runMegaEvo(action.pokemon); break; case "runDynamax": action.pokemon.addVolatile("dynamax"); action.pokemon.side.dynamaxUsed = true; if (action.pokemon.side.allySide) action.pokemon.side.allySide.dynamaxUsed = true; break; case "terastallize": this.actions.terastallize(action.pokemon); break; case "beforeTurnMove": if (!action.pokemon.isActive) return false; if (action.pokemon.fainted) return false; this.debug("before turn callback: " + action.move.id); const target = this.getTarget(action.pokemon, action.move, action.targetLoc); if (!target) return false; if (!action.move.beforeTurnCallback) throw new Error(`beforeTurnMove has no beforeTurnCallback`); action.move.beforeTurnCallback.call(this, action.pokemon, target); break; case "priorityChargeMove": if (!action.pokemon.isActive) return false; if (action.pokemon.fainted) return false; this.debug("priority charge callback: " + action.move.id); if (!action.move.priorityChargeCallback) throw new Error(`priorityChargeMove has no priorityChargeCallback`); action.move.priorityChargeCallback.call(this, action.pokemon); break; case "event": this.runEvent(action.event, action.pokemon); break; case "team": if (action.index === 0) { action.pokemon.side.pokemon = []; } action.pokemon.side.pokemon.push(action.pokemon); action.pokemon.position = action.index; return; case "pass": return; case "instaswitch": case "switch": if (action.choice === "switch" && action.pokemon.status) { this.singleEvent("CheckShow", this.dex.abilities.getByID("naturalcure"), null, action.pokemon); } if (this.actions.switchIn(action.target, action.pokemon.position, action.sourceEffect) === "pursuitfaint") { if (this.gen <= 4) { this.hint("Previously chosen switches continue in Gen 2-4 after a Pursuit target faints."); action.priority = -101; this.queue.unshift(action); break; } else { this.hint("A Pokemon can't switch between when it runs out of HP and when it faints"); break; } } break; case "revivalblessing": action.pokemon.side.pokemonLeft++; if (action.target.position < action.pokemon.side.active.length) { this.queue.addChoice({ choice: "instaswitch", pokemon: action.target, target: action.target }); } action.target.fainted = false; action.target.faintQueued = false; action.target.subFainted = false; action.target.status = ""; action.target.hp = 1; action.target.sethp(action.target.maxhp / 2); this.add("-heal", action.target, action.target.getHealth, "[from] move: Revival Blessing"); action.pokemon.side.removeSlotCondition(action.pokemon, "revivalblessing"); break; case "runSwitch": this.actions.runSwitch(action.pokemon); break; case "shift": if (!action.pokemon.isActive) return false; if (action.pokemon.fainted) return false; this.swapPosition(action.pokemon, 1); break; case "beforeTurn": this.eachEvent("BeforeTurn"); break; case "residual": this.add(""); this.clearActiveMove(true); this.updateSpeed(); residualPokemon = this.getAllActive().map((pokemon) => [pokemon, pokemon.getUndynamaxedHP()]); this.fieldEvent("Residual"); this.add("upkeep"); break; } for (const side of this.sides) { for (const pokemon of side.active) { if (pokemon.forceSwitchFlag) { if (pokemon.hp) this.actions.dragIn(pokemon.side, pokemon.position); pokemon.forceSwitchFlag = false; } } } this.clearActiveMove(); this.faintMessages(); if (this.ended) return true; if (!this.queue.peek() || this.gen <= 3 && ["move", "residual"].includes(this.queue.peek().choice)) { this.checkFainted(); } else if (action.choice === "megaEvo" && this.gen === 7) { this.eachEvent("Update"); for (const [i, queuedAction] of this.queue.list.entries()) { if (queuedAction.pokemon === action.pokemon && queuedAction.choice === "move") { this.queue.list.splice(i, 1); queuedAction.mega = "done"; this.queue.insertChoice(queuedAction, true); break; } } return false; } else if (this.queue.peek()?.choice === "instaswitch") { return false; } if (this.gen >= 5 && action.choice !== "start") { this.eachEvent("Update"); for (const [pokemon, originalHP] of residualPokemon) { const maxhp = pokemon.getUndynamaxedHP(pokemon.maxhp); if (pokemon.hp && pokemon.getUndynamaxedHP() <= maxhp / 2 && originalHP > maxhp / 2) { this.runEvent("EmergencyExit", pokemon); } } } if (action.choice === "runSwitch") { const pokemon = action.pokemon; if (pokemon.hp && pokemon.hp <= pokemon.maxhp / 2 && pokemonOriginalHP > pokemon.maxhp / 2) { this.runEvent("EmergencyExit", pokemon); } } const switches = this.sides.map( (side) => side.active.some((pokemon) => pokemon && !!pokemon.switchFlag) ); for (let i = 0; i < this.sides.length; i++) { let reviveSwitch = false; if (switches[i] && !this.canSwitch(this.sides[i])) { for (const pokemon of this.sides[i].active) { if (this.sides[i].slotConditions[pokemon.position]["revivalblessing"]) { reviveSwitch = true; continue; } pokemon.switchFlag = false; } if (!reviveSwitch) switches[i] = false; } else if (switches[i]) { for (const pokemon of this.sides[i].active) { if (pokemon.switchFlag && pokemon.switchFlag !== "revivalblessing" && !pokemon.skipBeforeSwitchOutEventFlag) { this.runEvent("BeforeSwitchOut", pokemon); pokemon.skipBeforeSwitchOutEventFlag = true; this.faintMessages(); if (this.ended) return true; if (pokemon.fainted) { switches[i] = this.sides[i].active.some((sidePokemon) => sidePokemon && !!sidePokemon.switchFlag); } } } } } for (const playerSwitch of switches) { if (playerSwitch) { this.makeRequest("switch"); return true; } } if (this.gen < 5) this.eachEvent("Update"); if (this.gen >= 8 && (this.queue.peek()?.choice === "move" || this.queue.peek()?.choice === "runDynamax")) { this.updateSpeed(); for (const queueAction of this.queue.list) { if (queueAction.pokemon) this.getActionSpeed(queueAction); } this.queue.sort(); } return false; }, actions: { canMegaEvo(pokemon) { if (pokemon.species.isMega) return null; const item = pokemon.getItem(); if (item.megaStone) { if (item.megaStone === pokemon.baseSpecies.name) return null; return item.megaStone; } else { return null; } }, runMegaEvo(pokemon) { if (pokemon.species.isMega) return false; const species = this.getMixedSpecies(pokemon.m.originalSpecies, pokemon.canMegaEvo, pokemon); const oSpecies = this.dex.species.get(pokemon.m.originalSpecies); const oMegaSpecies = this.dex.species.get(species.originalSpecies); pokemon.formeChange(species, pokemon.getItem(), true); this.battle.add("-start", pokemon, oMegaSpecies.requiredItem, "[silent]"); if (oSpecies.types.length !== pokemon.species.types.length || oSpecies.types[1] !== pokemon.species.types[1]) { this.battle.add("-start", pokemon, "typechange", pokemon.species.types.join("/"), "[silent]"); } pokemon.canMegaEvo = null; return true; }, terastallize(pokemon) { if (pokemon.illusion?.species.baseSpecies === "Ogerpon") { this.battle.singleEvent("End", this.dex.abilities.get("Illusion"), pokemon.abilityState, pokemon); } if (pokemon.illusion?.species.baseSpecies === "Terapagos") { this.battle.singleEvent("End", this.dex.abilities.get("Illusion"), pokemon.abilityState, pokemon); } let type = pokemon.teraType; if (pokemon.species.baseSpecies !== "Ogerpon" && pokemon.getItem().name.endsWith("Mask")) { type = this.dex.species.get(pokemon.getItem().forcedForme).forceTeraType; } this.battle.add("-terastallize", pokemon, type); pokemon.terastallized = type; for (const ally of pokemon.side.pokemon) { ally.canTerastallize = null; } pokemon.addedType = ""; pokemon.knownType = true; pokemon.apparentType = type; if (pokemon.species.baseSpecies === "Ogerpon") { const tera = pokemon.species.id === "ogerpon" ? "tealtera" : "tera"; pokemon.formeChange(pokemon.species.id + tera, pokemon.getItem(), true); } else { if (pokemon.getItem().name.endsWith("Mask")) { const species = this.getMixedSpecies( pokemon.m.originalSpecies, pokemon.getItem().forcedForme + "-Tera", pokemon ); const oSpecies = this.dex.species.get(pokemon.m.originalSpecies); const originalTeraSpecies = this.dex.species.get(species.originalSpecies); pokemon.formeChange(species, pokemon.getItem(), true); this.battle.add("-start", pokemon, originalTeraSpecies.requiredItem, "[silent]"); if (oSpecies.types.length !== pokemon.species.types.length || oSpecies.types[1] !== pokemon.species.types[1]) { this.battle.add("-start", pokemon, "typechange", pokemon.species.types.join("/"), "[silent]"); } } } if (pokemon.species.name === "Terapagos-Terastal" && type === "Stellar") { pokemon.formeChange("Terapagos-Stellar", null, true); } this.battle.runEvent("AfterTerastallization", pokemon); }, getMixedSpecies(originalForme, formeChange, pokemon) { const originalSpecies = this.dex.species.get(originalForme); const formeChangeSpecies = this.dex.species.get(formeChange); if (originalSpecies.baseSpecies === formeChangeSpecies.baseSpecies && !formeChangeSpecies.isMega && !formeChangeSpecies.isPrimal) { return formeChangeSpecies; } const deltas = this.getFormeChangeDeltas(formeChangeSpecies, pokemon); const species = this.mutateOriginalSpecies(originalSpecies, deltas); return species; }, getFormeChangeDeltas(formeChangeSpecies, pokemon) { const baseSpecies = this.dex.species.get(formeChangeSpecies.baseSpecies); const deltas = { ability: formeChangeSpecies.abilities["0"], baseStats: {}, weighthg: formeChangeSpecies.weighthg - baseSpecies.weighthg, heightm: (formeChangeSpecies.heightm * 10 - baseSpecies.heightm * 10) / 10, originalSpecies: formeChangeSpecies.name, requiredItem: formeChangeSpecies.requiredItem }; let statId; for (statId in formeChangeSpecies.baseStats) { deltas.baseStats[statId] = formeChangeSpecies.baseStats[statId] - baseSpecies.baseStats[statId]; } let formeType = null; if (["Arceus", "Silvally"].includes(baseSpecies.name)) { deltas.type = formeChangeSpecies.types[0]; formeType = "Arceus"; } else if (formeChangeSpecies.types.length > baseSpecies.types.length) { deltas.type = formeChangeSpecies.types[1]; } else if (formeChangeSpecies.types.length < baseSpecies.types.length) { deltas.type = this.battle.ruleTable.has("mixandmegaoldaggronite") ? "mono" : baseSpecies.types[0]; } else if (formeChangeSpecies.types[1] !== baseSpecies.types[1]) { deltas.type = formeChangeSpecies.types[1]; } if (formeChangeSpecies.isMega) formeType = "Mega"; if (formeChangeSpecies.isPrimal) formeType = "Primal"; if (formeChangeSpecies.name.endsWith("Crowned")) formeType = "Crowned"; if (formeType) deltas.formeType = formeType; if (!deltas.formeType && formeChangeSpecies.abilities["H"] && pokemon && pokemon.baseSpecies.abilities["H"] === pokemon.getAbility().name) { deltas.ability = formeChangeSpecies.abilities["H"]; } return deltas; }, mutateOriginalSpecies(speciesOrForme, deltas) { if (!deltas) throw new TypeError("Must specify deltas!"); const species = this.dex.deepClone(this.dex.species.get(speciesOrForme)); species.abilities = { "0": deltas.ability }; if (deltas.formeType === "Arceus") { const secondType = species.types[1]; species.types = [deltas.type]; if (secondType && secondType !== deltas.type) species.types.push(secondType); } else if (species.types[0] === deltas.type) { species.types = [deltas.type]; } else if (deltas.type === "mono") { species.types = [species.types[0]]; } else if (deltas.type) { species.types = [species.types[0], deltas.type]; } const baseStats = species.baseStats; for (const statName in baseStats) { baseStats[statName] = this.battle.clampIntRange(baseStats[statName] + deltas.baseStats[statName], 1, 255); } species.weighthg = Math.max(1, species.weighthg + deltas.weighthg); species.heightm = Math.max(0.1, (species.heightm * 10 + deltas.heightm * 10) / 10); species.originalSpecies = deltas.originalSpecies; species.requiredItem = deltas.requiredItem; if (deltas.formeType === "Mega") species.isMega = true; if (deltas.formeType === "Primal") species.isPrimal = true; return species; } } }; //# sourceMappingURL=scripts.js.map