export const Rulesets: import('../../../sim/dex-formats').ModdedFormatDataTable = { standard: { inherit: true, ruleset: [ 'Obtainable', 'Team Preview', 'Species Clause', 'Nickname Clause', 'OHKO Clause', 'Moody Clause', 'Evasion Items Clause', 'Evasion Moves Clause', 'Endless Battle Clause', 'HP Percentage Mod', 'Cancel Mod', ], }, obtainablemoves: { inherit: true, banlist: [ // Shell Smash: Clamperl Gen 5+ level-up // Sucker Punch: Huntail Gen 4 tutor 'Huntail + Shell Smash + Sucker Punch', ], }, teampreview: { inherit: true, onTeamPreview() { this.add('clearpoke'); for (const pokemon of this.getAllPokemon()) { const details = pokemon.details.replace(', shiny', '') .replace(/(Arceus|Genesect|Gourgeist|Pumpkaboo|Xerneas|Silvally|Urshifu|Dudunsparce)(-[a-zA-Z?-]+)?/g, '$1-*') .replace(/(Zacian|Zamazenta)(?!-Crowned)/g, '$1-*') // Hacked-in Crowned formes will be revealed .replace(/(Greninja)(?!-Ash)/g, '$1-*'); // Hacked-in Greninja-Ash will be revealed const item = pokemon.item.includes('mail') ? 'mail' : pokemon.item ? 'item' : ''; this.add('poke', pokemon.side.id, details, item); } this.makeRequest('teampreview'); }, }, };