export const Scripts: ModdedBattleScriptsData = { inherit: 'gen5', gen: 4, actions: { inherit: true, runSwitch(pokemon) { this.battle.runEvent('EntryHazard', pokemon); this.battle.runEvent('SwitchIn', pokemon); if (this.battle.gen <= 2) { // pokemon.lastMove is reset for all Pokemon on the field after a switch. This affects Mirror Move. for (const poke of this.battle.getAllActive()) poke.lastMove = null; if (!pokemon.side.faintedThisTurn && pokemon.draggedIn !== this.battle.turn) { this.battle.runEvent('AfterSwitchInSelf', pokemon); } } if (!pokemon.hp) return false; pokemon.isStarted = true; if (!pokemon.fainted) { this.battle.singleEvent('Start', pokemon.getAbility(), pokemon.abilityState, pokemon); this.battle.singleEvent('Start', pokemon.getItem(), pokemon.itemState, pokemon); } if (this.battle.gen === 4) { for (const foeActive of pokemon.foes()) { foeActive.removeVolatile('substitutebroken'); } } pokemon.draggedIn = null; return true; }, modifyDamage(baseDamage, pokemon, target, move, suppressMessages = false) { // DPP divides modifiers into several mathematically important stages // The modifiers run earlier than other generations are called with ModifyDamagePhase1 and ModifyDamagePhase2 if (!move.type) move.type = '???'; const type = move.type; // Burn if (pokemon.status === 'brn' && baseDamage && move.category === 'Physical' && !pokemon.hasAbility('guts')) { baseDamage = this.battle.modify(baseDamage, 0.5); } // Other modifiers (Reflect/Light Screen/etc) baseDamage = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyDamagePhase1', pokemon, target, move, baseDamage); // Double battle multi-hit if (move.spreadHit) { const spreadModifier = move.spreadModifier || (this.battle.gameType === 'freeforall' ? 0.5 : 0.75); this.battle.debug(`Spread modifier: ${spreadModifier}`); baseDamage = this.battle.modify(baseDamage, spreadModifier); } // Weather baseDamage = this.battle.runEvent('WeatherModifyDamage', pokemon, target, move, baseDamage); if (this.battle.gen === 3 && move.category === 'Physical' && !Math.floor(baseDamage)) { baseDamage = 1; } baseDamage += 2; const isCrit = target.getMoveHitData(move).crit; if (isCrit) { baseDamage = this.battle.modify(baseDamage, move.critModifier || 2); } // Mod 2 (Damage is floored after all multipliers are in) baseDamage = Math.floor(this.battle.runEvent('ModifyDamagePhase2', pokemon, target, move, baseDamage)); // this is not a modifier baseDamage = this.battle.randomizer(baseDamage); // STAB // The "???" type never gets STAB // Not even if you Roost in Gen 4 and somehow manage to use // Struggle in the same turn. // (On second thought, it might be easier to get a MissingNo.) if (type !== '???') { let stab: number | [number, number] = 1; if (move.forceSTAB || pokemon.hasType(type)) { stab = 1.5; } stab = this.battle.runEvent('ModifySTAB', pokemon, target, move, stab); baseDamage = this.battle.modify(baseDamage, stab); } // types let typeMod = target.runEffectiveness(move); typeMod = this.battle.clampIntRange(typeMod, -6, 6); target.getMoveHitData(move).typeMod = typeMod; if (typeMod > 0) { if (!suppressMessages) this.battle.add('-supereffective', target); for (let i = 0; i < typeMod; i++) { baseDamage *= 2; } } if (typeMod < 0) { if (!suppressMessages) this.battle.add('-resisted', target); for (let i = 0; i > typeMod; i--) { baseDamage = Math.floor(baseDamage / 2); } } if (isCrit && !suppressMessages) this.battle.add('-crit', target); // Final modifier. baseDamage = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyDamage', pokemon, target, move, baseDamage); if (!Math.floor(baseDamage)) { return 1; } return Math.floor(baseDamage); }, hitStepInvulnerabilityEvent(targets, pokemon, move) { const hitResults = this.battle.runEvent('Invulnerability', targets, pokemon, move); for (const [i, target] of targets.entries()) { if (hitResults[i] === false) { if (!move.spreadHit) this.battle.attrLastMove('[miss]'); this.battle.add('-miss', pokemon, target); } } return hitResults; }, hitStepAccuracy(targets, pokemon, move) { const hitResults = []; for (const [i, target] of targets.entries()) { this.battle.activeTarget = target; // calculate true accuracy let accuracy = move.accuracy; if (move.ohko) { // bypasses accuracy modifiers if (!target.isSemiInvulnerable()) { if (pokemon.level < target.level) { this.battle.add('-immune', target, '[ohko]'); hitResults[i] = false; continue; } accuracy = 30 + pokemon.level - target.level; } } else { const boostTable = [1, 4 / 3, 5 / 3, 2, 7 / 3, 8 / 3, 3]; let boosts; let boost!: number; if (accuracy !== true) { if (!move.ignoreAccuracy) { boosts = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyBoost', pokemon, null, null, { ...pokemon.boosts }); boost = this.battle.clampIntRange(boosts['accuracy'], -6, 6); if (boost > 0) { accuracy *= boostTable[boost]; } else { accuracy /= boostTable[-boost]; } } if (!move.ignoreEvasion) { boosts = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyBoost', target, null, null, { ...target.boosts }); boost = this.battle.clampIntRange(boosts['evasion'], -6, 6); if (boost > 0) { accuracy /= boostTable[boost]; } else if (boost < 0) { accuracy *= boostTable[-boost]; } } } accuracy = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyAccuracy', target, pokemon, move, accuracy); } if (move.alwaysHit) { accuracy = true; // bypasses ohko accuracy modifiers } else { accuracy = this.battle.runEvent('Accuracy', target, pokemon, move, accuracy); } if (accuracy !== true && !this.battle.randomChance(accuracy, 100)) { if (!move.spreadHit) this.battle.attrLastMove('[miss]'); this.battle.add('-miss', pokemon, target); hitResults[i] = false; continue; } hitResults[i] = true; } return hitResults; }, calcRecoilDamage(damageDealt, move) { return this.battle.clampIntRange(Math.floor(damageDealt * move.recoil![0] / move.recoil![1]), 1); }, }, };