'use strict'; const assert = require('assert').strict; const common = require('./../../common'); const unimportantPokemon = { species: 'magikarp', moves: ['splash'] }; describe(`[Hackmons] Silvally`, () => { it(`in untyped forme should change its type to match the memory held`, () => { const battle = common.createBattle([ [{ species: 'silvally', ability: 'rkssystem', item: 'firememory', moves: ['rest'] }], [unimportantPokemon], ]); assert.deepEqual(battle.p1.active[0].getTypes(), ["Fire"]); }); it(`in Steel forme should should be Water-typed to match the held Water Memory`, () => { const battle = common.createBattle([ [{ species: 'silvallysteel', ability: 'rkssystem', item: 'watermemory', moves: ['rest'] }], [unimportantPokemon], ]); assert.deepEqual(battle.p1.active[0].getTypes(), ["Water"]); }); it(`in a typed forme should be Normal-typed if no memory is held`, () => { const battle = common.createBattle([ [{ species: 'silvallyfire', ability: 'rkssystem', item: 'leftovers', moves: ['rest'] }], [unimportantPokemon], ]); assert.deepEqual(battle.p1.active[0].getTypes(), ["Normal"]); }); it(`[Gen 7] in a typed forme should be Normal-typed despite holding a memory if Silvally does not have the RKS System ability`, () => { const battle = common.gen(7).createBattle([ [{ species: 'silvallyfire', ability: 'truant', item: 'firememory', moves: ['rest'] }], [unimportantPokemon], ]); assert.deepEqual(battle.p1.active[0].getTypes(), ["Normal"]); }); });