'use strict'; const assert = require('./../../assert'); const common = require('./../../common'); let battle; describe('Commander', () => { afterEach(() => { battle.destroy(); }); it(`should skip Tatsugiri's action while commanding`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'wobbuffet', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['swordsdance'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); assert.cantMove(() => battle.p2.choose('move swordsdance', 'move sleeptalk')); }); it(`should not work if another Pokemon is Transformed into Dondozo`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'mew', moves: ['transform'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('auto', 'move sleeptalk, move transform 2'); const mewDondozo = battle.p2.active[1]; assert.false(!!mewDondozo.volatiles['commanded']); }); it(`should not work if another Pokemon is Transformed into Tatsugiri`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'roggenrola', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'sunkern', ability: 'commander', moves: ['transform'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['transform'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('auto', 'move sleeptalk, move transform 2'); battle.makeChoices('auto', 'switch 3, move sleeptalk'); const dondozo = battle.p2.active[0]; assert.false(!!dondozo.volatiles['commanded'], `Transformed Sunkern into another Tatsugiri should not trigger Commander`); }); it(`should work if Tatsugiri is Transformed into another Pokemon with Commander`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'sunkern', ability: 'commander', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'roggenrola', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['transform'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['transform'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('auto', 'move sleeptalk, move transform 2'); battle.makeChoices('auto', 'switch 3, move sleeptalk'); const dondozo = battle.p2.active[0]; assert(!!dondozo.volatiles['commanded']); }); it(`should work if Dondozo is Transformed`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'diglett', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['transform'] }, { species: 'roggenrola', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('auto', 'move transform 2, move sleeptalk'); battle.makeChoices('auto', 'move sleeptalk, switch 3'); const dondozo = battle.p2.active[0]; assert(!!dondozo.volatiles['commanded']); }); it(`should cause Tatsugiri to dodge all moves, including moves which normally bypass semi-invulnerability`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'machamp', ability: 'noguard', moves: ['closecombat'] }, { species: 'seviper', moves: ['toxic'] }, ], [ { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('move closecombat 1, move toxic 1', 'auto'); // Tatsugiri shouldn't be damaged from No Guard CC or Toxic assert.fullHP(battle.p2.active[0]); // It shouldn't redirect to Dondozo either assert.fullHP(battle.p2.active[1]); }); it(`should prevent all kinds of switchouts`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'wynaut', item: 'redcard', ability: 'noguard', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'tackle', 'dragontail'] }, { species: 'gyarados', item: 'ejectbutton', ability: 'intimidate', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'trick', 'roar'] }, ], [ { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'peck'] }, { species: 'rufflet', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); // const tatsugiri = battle.p2.active[0]; const dondozo = battle.p2.active[1]; battle.makeChoices('move tackle 2, move trick 2', 'auto'); assert.holdsItem(dondozo); assert.equal(battle.requestState, 'move', 'It should not have switched out on Eject Button'); battle.makeChoices('auto', 'move peck 1'); assert.false.holdsItem(battle.p1.active[0]); assert.equal(battle.requestState, 'move', 'It should not have switched out on Red Card'); battle.makeChoices('move dragontail 2, move roar 2', 'auto'); assert.equal(battle.requestState, 'move', 'It should not have switched out on standard phazing moves'); }); it.skip(`should prevent Eject Pack switchouts`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'wynaut', item: 'redcard', ability: 'noguard', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'tackle', 'dragontail'] }, { species: 'gyarados', item: 'ejectbutton', ability: 'intimidate', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'trick', 'roar'] }, ], [ { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', item: 'ejectpack', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'dondozo', item: 'ejectpack', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'peck'] }, { species: 'rufflet', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); const tatsugiri = battle.p2.active[0]; const dondozo = battle.p2.active[1]; assert.statStage(tatsugiri, 'atk', -1); assert.equal(battle.requestState, 'move', 'It should not have switched out on Eject Pack'); assert.holdsItem(tatsugiri); assert.statStage(dondozo, 'atk', 1); assert.holdsItem(dondozo); }); it(`should cause Dondozo to stay commanded even if Tatsugiri faints`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'hypno', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'shuckle', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', item: 'toxicorb', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'orderup'] }, { species: 'teddiursa', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'tatsugiridroopy', ability: 'commander', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); // Kill turns for Toxic Orb to KO Tatsugiri for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) battle.makeChoices(); battle.makeChoices('', 'switch teddiursa'); assert.cantMove(() => battle.p2.choose('move sleeptalk, switch tatsugiri')); battle.makeChoices('auto', 'switch tatsugiridroopy, move orderup 1'); assert.statStage(battle.p2.pokemon[1], 'atk', 3); }); it(`should allow one Tatsugiri to occupy multiple Dondozo`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'wynaut', ability: 'noguard', moves: ['sheercold'] }, { species: 'shuckle', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('move sheercold 2, move sleeptalk', 'auto'); battle.makeChoices('', 'switch 3'); const secondDondozo = battle.p2.active[1]; assert(!!secondDondozo.volatiles['commanded']); }); it(`should not work in Multi Battles`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'multi' }, [[ { species: 'diggersby', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'cubone', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); const dondozo = battle.p4.active[0]; assert.false(!!dondozo.volatiles['commanded']); }); it(`should prevent Dondozo and Tatsugiri from combining if Commander is suppressed`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'shuckle', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'weezing', ability: 'neutralizinggas', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); const dondozo = battle.p2.active[1]; assert.false(!!dondozo.volatiles['commanded']); battle.makeChoices('move sleeptalk, switch 3', 'auto'); assert(!!dondozo.volatiles['commanded']); }); it(`should not split apart Dondozo and Tatsugiri if Neutralizing Gas switches in`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'shuckle', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'weezing', ability: 'neutralizinggas', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['dazzlinggleam'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('switch 3, move sleeptalk', 'auto'); battle.makeChoices(); const dondozo = battle.p2.active[1]; assert(!!dondozo.volatiles['commanded']); const shuckle = battle.p1.active[0]; assert.fullHP(shuckle, `Shuckle should have never taken damage from Dazzling Gleam`); }); it(`should allow Tatsugiri to move again if Dondozo faints while Neutralizing Gas is active`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'shuckle', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'weezing', ability: 'neutralizinggas', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['dazzlinggleam'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['memento'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices('switch 3, move sleeptalk', 'auto'); battle.makeChoices(); const tatsugiri = battle.p2.pokemon[0]; assert.false(!!tatsugiri.volatiles['commanding']); battle.makeChoices(); const shuckle = battle.p1.active[0]; assert.false.fullHP(shuckle, `Shuckle should have taken damage from Dazzling Gleam`); }); it(`should activate after hazards run`, () => { battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ { species: 'regieleki', moves: ['toxicspikes'] }, { species: 'registeel', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ], [ { species: 'shuckle', moves: ['uturn'] }, { species: 'dondozo', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, { species: 'tatsugiri', ability: 'commander', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, ]]); battle.makeChoices(); battle.makeChoices(); const tatsugiri = battle.p2.pokemon[0]; assert.equal(tatsugiri.status, 'psn'); }); });