'use strict'; /** * Tests for Punishments. * * @author mia-pi-git * @author Annika */ const assert = require('../assert'); const { makeUser, makeConnection } = require('../users-utils'); const { Punishments } = require('../../dist/server/punishments'); const TEST_PUNISHMENT_DURATION = 1000; // 1 second describe("Punishments", () => { it("Should properly sort punishments by weight", () => { const list = [ { type: "LOCK", id: "User 1", expireTime: Date.now() + 1000, reason: '' }, { type: "SEMILOCK", id: "User 2", expireTime: Date.now() + 1000, reason: '' }, { type: "BAN", id: "", expireTime: Date.now() + 1000, reason: '' }, ]; Punishments.byWeight(list); assert.equal(list[0].type, 'BAN'); }); it("Should prevent a user from having two punishments of the same type", () => { Punishments.userids.add('banmeplease', { type: 'BAN', expireTime: Date.now() + 30 * 1000, id: 'banmeplease', reason: '' }); Punishments.userids.add("banmeplease", { type: 'BAN', expireTime: Date.now() + 30 * 1000, id: 'banmeplease', reason: 'ok' }); assert.equal(Punishments.userids.get('banmeplease').length, 1); }); it("Should overwrite the old reason when a user receives two of the same punishment", () => { Punishments.userids.add('banmeplease', { type: 'BAN', expireTime: Date.now() + 30 * 1000, id: 'banmeplease', reason: '' }); Punishments.userids.add("banmeplease", { type: 'BAN', expireTime: Date.now() + 30 * 1000, id: 'banmeplease', reason: 'ok' }); assert.equal(Punishments.userids.getByType('banmeplease', 'BAN').reason, 'ok'); }); it("Should properly filter out expiring punishments", () => { const punishments = [{ type: 'BAN', expireTime: Date.now() - 1000, id: 'banmeplease', reason: '' }]; Punishments.userids.removeExpiring(punishments); assert.equal(punishments.length, 0); }); it("Should be able to remove only one punishment from the list by passing an object", () => { const [expireTime, reason, id] = [Date.now() + 1000, '', 'banmeplease']; Punishments.userids.add(id, { type: 'BAN', expireTime, reason, id }); Punishments.userids.add(id, { type: 'RICKROLL', expireTime, reason, id }); Punishments.userids.deleteOne(id, { type: 'RICKROLL', expireTime, reason, id }); assert.equal(Punishments.userids.get(id).length, 1); }); it('should properly search for IP punishments by type', () => { const [expireTime, reason, id] = [Date.now() + 1000, '', 'banmeplease']; Punishments.ips.add('', { type: 'BAN', expireTime, reason, id }); Punishments.ips.add('', { type: 'RICKROLL', expireTime, reason, id }); Punishments.ips.add('127.0.*', { type: 'RANGEBAN', expireTime, reason, id }); const allIPPunishments = Punishments.ipSearch(''); assert(Array.isArray(allIPPunishments)); assert.equal(allIPPunishments.length, 3); const ban = Punishments.ipSearch('', 'BAN'); assert(!Array.isArray(ban)); assert.equal(ban.type, 'BAN'); const rickroll = Punishments.ipSearch('', 'RICKROLL'); assert(!Array.isArray(rickroll)); assert.equal(rickroll.type, 'RICKROLL'); }); }); describe('broader, more integrated Punishments tests', function () { before(() => { this.room = Rooms.get('lobby'); this.parse = async function (message) { Chat.loadPlugins(); const context = new Chat.CommandContext({ message, room: this.room, user: this.user, connection: this.connection, }); return context.parse(); }; }); describe('room bans', () => { before(() => { this.user = makeUser("Roomban Me Please", ''); this.connection = this.user.connections[0]; this.user.joinRoom(this.room.roomid, this.connection); }); beforeEach(async () => Punishments.roomBan(this.room, this.user, Date.now() + TEST_PUNISHMENT_DURATION, this.user.id, false, 'test')); afterEach(() => Punishments.roomUnban(this.room, this.user.id)); it('should force the user to leave the room and prevent them from rejoining', async () => { assert.equal(this.user.id in this.room.users, false, `user should not be in the room`); let joinAttempt = await this.user.tryJoinRoom(this.room, this.connection); assert.equal(joinAttempt, false, `user should be unable to join a room they are banned from`); Punishments.roomUnban(this.room, this.user.id); joinAttempt = await this.user.tryJoinRoom(this.room, this.connection); assert.equal(joinAttempt, true, `user should be able to join the room once they are unbanned`); }); it.skip('should expire on its own', done => { assert(Punishments.hasRoomPunishType(this.room, 'roombanmeplease', 'ROOMBAN'), `should be in effect`); setTimeout(() => { assert(!Punishments.hasRoomPunishType(this.room, 'roombanmeplease', 'ROOMBAN'), `should have expired`); done(); }, TEST_PUNISHMENT_DURATION); }); }); describe('locks (network) (slow)', () => { before(() => { this.user = makeUser("Lock Me Please", ''); this.connection = this.user.connections[0]; this.user.joinRoom(this.room.roomid, this.connection); }); beforeEach(async () => Punishments.lock(this.user, Date.now() + TEST_PUNISHMENT_DURATION, this.user.id, false, 'test')); afterEach(() => Punishments.unlock(this.user.id)); it('should prevent users from chatting in rooms while they are locked', async () => { const initialLogLength = this.room.log.log.length; await this.parse("Hi! I'm a locked user!"); assert.equal(this.room.log.log.length, initialLogLength, `user should be unable to sucessfully chat while locked`); Punishments.unlock(this.user.id); await this.parse("/msgroom lobby,Hi! I'm no longer locked!"); // we can't just check the roomlog length because unlocking adds a |n| message to const lastMessage = this.room.log.log.pop(); assert(lastMessage.endsWith(` Lock Me Please|Hi! I'm no longer locked!`), `user should have sucessfuly sent a message after being locked`); }); // This test relies on Chat#parse returning `false` when permission is denied. // I'm not sure if this is an intended feature, but the way Chat is currently implemented, // an `ErrorMessage` is the only time `false` will be returned by Chat#parse (unless a chat command returns it, which /msg does not). // If you are here because this test is failing, check if the above assumptions are still valid. // If they are not, the test should either be refactored to use another way of // determining whether a PM was sucessful (such as modifying Chat.sendPM), or skipped entirely. it('should prevent users from sending PMs other than to staff while they are locked', async () => { makeUser("Some Random Reg", ''); makeUser("Annika", '').tempGroup = '~'; let result = await this.parse("/msg Some Random Reg, Hi! I'm a locked user!"); assert.equal(result, false, `user should be unable to sucessfully send PMs while locked`); result = await this.parse("/msg Annika, Hi! I'm a locked user!"); assert.notEqual(result, false, `user should be able to send PMs to global staff while locked`); Punishments.unlock(this.user.id); result = await this.parse("/msg Annika, Hi! I'm a locked user!"); assert.notEqual(result, false, `user should be able to send PMs after being unlocked`); result = await this.parse("/msg Some Random Reg, Hi! I'm a locked user!"); assert.notEqual(result, false, `user should be able to send PMs after being unlocked`); }); // expiry tests are skipped because they fail when another test fails. // I don't know why this happens; I'm guessing it's an ideosycrasy of Mocha. it.skip('should expire on its own', done => { assert(this.user.locked); assert(Punishments.hasPunishType(this.user.id, 'LOCK')); setTimeout(() => { assert(!this.user.locked); assert(!Punishments.hasPunishType(this.user.id, 'LOCK')); done(); }, TEST_PUNISHMENT_DURATION); }); }); describe('namelocks (network) (slow)', () => { before(() => { this.user = makeUser("Namelock Me Please", ''); this.connection = this.user.connections[0]; this.user.joinRoom(this.room.roomid, this.connection); }); beforeEach(async () => Punishments.namelock(this.user, Date.now() + TEST_PUNISHMENT_DURATION, this.user.id, false, 'test')); afterEach(() => Punishments.unnamelock(this.user.id)); it('should prevent the user from having a username', async () => { assert(this.user.id.startsWith('guest')); await this.user.rename('some other name', '', false, this.connection); assert(this.user.id.startsWith('guest')); }); it.skip('should expire on its own', done => { assert(this.user.locked); assert(this.user.namelocked); assert(Punishments.hasPunishType('namelockmeplease', 'NAMELOCK')); setTimeout(() => { assert(!this.user.locked); assert(!this.user.namelocked); assert(!Punishments.hasPunishType('namelockmeplease', 'NAMELOCK')); done(); }, TEST_PUNISHMENT_DURATION); }); }); describe('global bans (network) (slow)', () => { before(() => { this.user = makeUser("Ban Me Please", ''); this.connection = this.user.connections[0]; this.user.joinRoom(this.room.roomid, this.connection); }); beforeEach(async () => Punishments.ban(this.user, Date.now() + TEST_PUNISHMENT_DURATION, this.user.id, false, 'test')); afterEach(() => Punishments.unban(this.user.id)); it('should disconnect the user and prevent them from reconnecting', () => { assert.equal(this.user.connected, false, `user should be disconnected`); const conn = makeConnection(''); assert(Punishments.checkIpBanned(conn), `IP should be banned`); }); it.skip('should expire on its own', done => { assert(Punishments.checkIpBanned(makeConnection('')), `IP should be banned`); assert(Punishments.hasPunishType('banmeplease', 'BAN')); setTimeout(() => { assert(!Punishments.checkIpBanned(makeConnection('')), `IP should no longer be banned`); assert(!Punishments.hasPunishType('banmeplease', 'BAN')); done(); }, TEST_PUNISHMENT_DURATION); }); }); });