/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ type Mutable = { -readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P]; }; type Battle = import('./battle').Battle; type BattleQueue = import('./battle-queue').BattleQueue; type BattleActions = import('./battle-actions').BattleActions; type Field = import('./field').Field; type Action = import('./battle-queue').Action; type MoveAction = import('./battle-queue').MoveAction; type ActionChoice = import('./battle-queue').ActionChoice; type ModdedDex = import('./dex').ModdedDex; type Pokemon = import('./pokemon').Pokemon; type PRNGSeed = import('./prng').PRNGSeed; type Side = import('./side').Side; type TeamValidator = import('./team-validator').TeamValidator; type PokemonSources = import('./team-validator').PokemonSources; /** An ID must be lowercase alphanumeric. */ type ID = '' | Lowercase & { __isID: true }; /** Like ID, but doesn't require you to type `as ID` to define it. For data files and object keys. */ type IDEntry = Lowercase; type PokemonSlot = '' | IDEntry & { __isSlot: true }; interface AnyObject { [k: string]: any } type GenderName = 'M' | 'F' | 'N' | ''; type StatIDExceptHP = 'atk' | 'def' | 'spa' | 'spd' | 'spe'; type StatID = 'hp' | StatIDExceptHP; type StatsExceptHPTable = { [stat in StatIDExceptHP]: number }; type StatsTable = { [stat in StatID]: number }; type SparseStatsTable = Partial; type BoostID = StatIDExceptHP | 'accuracy' | 'evasion'; type BoostsTable = { [boost in BoostID]: number }; type SparseBoostsTable = Partial; type Nonstandard = 'Past' | 'Future' | 'Unobtainable' | 'CAP' | 'LGPE' | 'Custom' | 'Gigantamax'; type PokemonSet = import('./teams').PokemonSet; declare namespace TierTypes { export type Singles = "AG" | "Uber" | "(Uber)" | "OU" | "(OU)" | "UUBL" | "UU" | "RUBL" | "RU" | "NUBL" | "NU" | "(NU)" | "PUBL" | "PU" | "(PU)" | "ZUBL" | "ZU" | "NFE" | "LC"; export type Doubles = "DUber" | "(DUber)" | "DOU" | "(DOU)" | "DBL" | "DUU" | "(DUU)" | "NFE" | "LC"; export type Other = "Unreleased" | "Illegal" | "CAP" | "CAP NFE" | "CAP LC"; } interface EventInfo { generation: number; level?: number; /** true: always shiny, 1: sometimes shiny, false | undefined: never shiny */ shiny?: boolean | 1; gender?: GenderName; nature?: string; ivs?: SparseStatsTable; perfectIVs?: number; /** true: has hidden ability, false | undefined: never has hidden ability */ isHidden?: boolean; abilities?: IDEntry[]; maxEggMoves?: number; moves?: IDEntry[]; pokeball?: IDEntry; from?: string; /** Japan-only events can't be transferred to international games in Gen 1 */ japan?: boolean; /** For Emerald event eggs to allow Pomeg glitched moves */ emeraldEventEgg?: boolean; } type Effect = Ability | Item | ActiveMove | Species | Condition | Format; interface CommonHandlers { ModifierEffect: (this: Battle, relayVar: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => number | void; ModifierMove: (this: Battle, relayVar: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => number | void; ResultMove: boolean | ( (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => boolean | null | "" | void ); ExtResultMove: boolean | ( (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => boolean | null | number | "" | void ); VoidEffect: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; VoidMove: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => void; ModifierSourceEffect: ( this: Battle, relayVar: number, source: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => number | void; ModifierSourceMove: ( this: Battle, relayVar: number, source: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => number | void; ResultSourceMove: boolean | ( (this: Battle, source: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => boolean | null | "" | void ); ExtResultSourceMove: boolean | ( (this: Battle, source: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => boolean | null | number | "" | void ); VoidSourceEffect: (this: Battle, source: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; VoidSourceMove: (this: Battle, source: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => void; } interface EffectData { name?: string; desc?: string; duration?: number; durationCallback?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect | null) => number; effectType?: string; infiltrates?: boolean; isNonstandard?: Nonstandard | null; shortDesc?: string; } type ModdedEffectData = EffectData | Partial & { inherit: true }; type EffectType = 'Condition' | 'Pokemon' | 'Move' | 'Item' | 'Ability' | 'Format' | 'Nature' | 'Ruleset' | 'Weather' | 'Status' | 'Terastal' | 'Rule' | 'ValidatorRule'; interface BasicEffect extends EffectData { id: ID; effectType: EffectType; exists: boolean; fullname: string; gen: number; sourceEffect: string; toString: () => string; } type Condition = import('./dex-conditions').Condition; type ActiveMove = import('./dex-moves').ActiveMove; type Move = import('./dex-moves').Move; type MoveTarget = import('./dex-moves').MoveTarget; type Item = import('./dex-items').Item; type Ability = import('./dex-abilities').Ability; type Species = import('./dex-species').Species; type Format = import('./dex-formats').Format; type Nature = import('./dex-data').Nature; type GameType = 'singles' | 'doubles' | 'triples' | 'rotation' | 'multi' | 'freeforall'; type SideID = 'p1' | 'p2' | 'p3' | 'p4'; type SpreadMoveTargets = (Pokemon | false | null)[]; type SpreadMoveDamage = (number | boolean | undefined)[]; type ZMoveOptions = ({ move: string, target: MoveTarget } | null)[]; interface BattleScriptsData { gen: number; } interface ModdedBattleActions { inherit?: true; afterMoveSecondaryEvent?: (this: BattleActions, targets: Pokemon[], pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => undefined; calcRecoilDamage?: (this: BattleActions, damageDealt: number, move: Move, pokemon: Pokemon) => number; canMegaEvo?: (this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon) => string | undefined | null; canMegaEvoX?: (this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon) => string | undefined | null; canMegaEvoY?: (this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon) => string | undefined | null; canTerastallize?: (this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon) => string | null; canUltraBurst?: (this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon) => string | null; canZMove?: (this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon) => ZMoveOptions | void; canDynamax?: (this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon, skipChecks?: boolean) => import('./side').DynamaxOptions | void; forceSwitch?: ( this: BattleActions, damage: SpreadMoveDamage, targets: SpreadMoveTargets, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove, moveData: ActiveMove, isSecondary?: boolean, isSelf?: boolean ) => SpreadMoveDamage; getActiveMaxMove?: (this: BattleActions, move: Move, pokemon: Pokemon) => ActiveMove; getActiveZMove?: (this: BattleActions, move: Move, pokemon: Pokemon) => ActiveMove; getMaxMove?: (this: BattleActions, move: Move, pokemon: Pokemon) => Move | undefined; getSpreadDamage?: ( this: BattleActions, damage: SpreadMoveDamage, targets: SpreadMoveTargets, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove, moveData: ActiveMove, isSecondary?: boolean, isSelf?: boolean ) => SpreadMoveDamage; getZMove?: (this: BattleActions, move: Move, pokemon: Pokemon, skipChecks?: boolean) => string | true | undefined; hitStepAccuracy?: (this: BattleActions, targets: Pokemon[], pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => boolean[]; hitStepBreakProtect?: (this: BattleActions, targets: Pokemon[], pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => undefined; hitStepMoveHitLoop?: (this: BattleActions, targets: Pokemon[], pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => SpreadMoveDamage; hitStepTryImmunity?: (this: BattleActions, targets: Pokemon[], pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => boolean[]; hitStepStealBoosts?: (this: BattleActions, targets: Pokemon[], pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => undefined; hitStepTryHitEvent?: (this: BattleActions, targets: Pokemon[], pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => (boolean | '')[]; hitStepInvulnerabilityEvent?: ( this: BattleActions, targets: Pokemon[], pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => boolean[]; hitStepTypeImmunity?: (this: BattleActions, targets: Pokemon[], pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => boolean[]; moveHit?: ( this: BattleActions, target: Pokemon | null, pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove, moveData?: ActiveMove, isSecondary?: boolean, isSelf?: boolean ) => number | undefined | false; runAction?: (this: BattleActions, action: Action) => void; runMegaEvo?: (this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean; runMegaEvoX?: (this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean; runMegaEvoY?: (this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean; runMove?: ( this: BattleActions, moveOrMoveName: Move | string, pokemon: Pokemon, targetLoc: number, options?: { sourceEffect?: Effect | null, zMove?: string, externalMove?: boolean, maxMove?: string, originalTarget?: Pokemon, } ) => void; runMoveEffects?: ( this: BattleActions, damage: SpreadMoveDamage, targets: SpreadMoveTargets, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove, moveData: ActiveMove, isSecondary?: boolean, isSelf?: boolean ) => SpreadMoveDamage; runSwitch?: (this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean; runZPower?: (this: BattleActions, move: ActiveMove, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; secondaries?: ( this: BattleActions, targets: SpreadMoveTargets, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove, moveData: ActiveMove, isSelf?: boolean ) => void; selfDrops?: ( this: BattleActions, targets: SpreadMoveTargets, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove, moveData: ActiveMove, isSecondary?: boolean ) => void; spreadMoveHit?: ( this: BattleActions, targets: SpreadMoveTargets, pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove, moveData?: ActiveMove, isSecondary?: boolean, isSelf?: boolean ) => [SpreadMoveDamage, SpreadMoveTargets]; switchIn?: ( this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon, pos: number, sourceEffect: Effect | null, isDrag?: boolean ) => boolean | "pursuitfaint"; targetTypeChoices?: (this: BattleActions, targetType: string) => boolean; terastallize?: (this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; tryMoveHit?: ( this: BattleActions, target: Pokemon, pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => number | undefined | false | ''; tryPrimaryHitEvent?: ( this: BattleActions, damage: SpreadMoveDamage, targets: SpreadMoveTargets, pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove, moveData: ActiveMove, isSecondary?: boolean ) => SpreadMoveDamage; trySpreadMoveHit?: ( this: BattleActions, targets: Pokemon[], pokemon: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove, notActive?: boolean ) => boolean; useMove?: ( this: BattleActions, move: Move, pokemon: Pokemon, options?: { target?: Pokemon | null, sourceEffect?: Effect | null, zMove?: string, maxMove?: string, } ) => boolean; useMoveInner?: ( this: BattleActions, move: Move, pokemon: Pokemon, options?: { target?: Pokemon | null, sourceEffect?: Effect | null, zMove?: string, maxMove?: string, } ) => boolean; getDamage?: ( this: BattleActions, pokemon: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: string | number | ActiveMove, suppressMessages: boolean ) => number | undefined | null | false; modifyDamage?: ( this: BattleActions, baseDamage: number, pokemon: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove, suppressMessages?: boolean ) => void; // oms mutateOriginalSpecies?: (this: BattleActions, species: Species, deltas: AnyObject) => Species; getFormeChangeDeltas?: (this: BattleActions, formeChangeSpecies: Species, pokemon?: Pokemon) => AnyObject; getMixedSpecies?: (this: BattleActions, originalName: string, megaName: string, pokemon?: Pokemon) => Species; } interface ModdedBattleSide { inherit?: true; allies?: (this: Side, all?: boolean) => Pokemon[]; canDynamaxNow?: (this: Side) => boolean; chooseSwitch?: (this: Side, slotText?: string) => any; getChoice?: (this: Side) => string; getRequestData?: (this: Side, forAlly?: boolean) => { name: string, id: ID, pokemon: AnyObject[] }; } interface ModdedBattlePokemon { inherit?: true; lostItemForDelibird?: Item | null; boostBy?: (this: Pokemon, boost: SparseBoostsTable) => boolean | number; clearBoosts?: (this: Pokemon) => void; calculateStat?: (this: Pokemon, statName: StatIDExceptHP, boost: number, modifier?: number) => number; cureStatus?: (this: Pokemon, silent?: boolean) => boolean; deductPP?: ( this: Pokemon, move: string | Move, amount?: number | null, target?: Pokemon | null | false ) => number; eatItem?: (this: Pokemon, force?: boolean, source?: Pokemon, sourceEffect?: Effect) => boolean; effectiveWeather?: (this: Pokemon) => ID; formeChange?: ( this: Pokemon, speciesId: string | Species, source: Effect, isPermanent?: boolean, message?: string ) => boolean; hasType?: (this: Pokemon, type: string | string[]) => boolean; getAbility?: (this: Pokemon) => Ability; getActionSpeed?: (this: Pokemon) => number; getItem?: (this: Pokemon) => Item; getMoveRequestData?: (this: Pokemon) => { moves: { move: string, id: ID, target?: string, disabled?: boolean }[], maybeDisabled?: boolean, trapped?: boolean, maybeTrapped?: boolean, canMegaEvo?: boolean, canUltraBurst?: boolean, canZMove?: ZMoveOptions, }; getMoves?: (this: Pokemon, lockedMove?: string | null, restrictData?: boolean) => { move: string, id: string, disabled?: string | boolean, disabledSource?: string, target?: string, pp?: number, maxpp?: number, }[]; getMoveTargets?: (this: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove, target: Pokemon) => { targets: Pokemon[], pressureTargets: Pokemon[], }; getStat?: ( this: Pokemon, statName: StatIDExceptHP, unboosted?: boolean, unmodified?: boolean, fastReturn?: boolean ) => number; getTypes?: (this: Pokemon, excludeAdded?: boolean, preterastallized?: boolean) => string[]; getWeight?: (this: Pokemon) => number; hasAbility?: (this: Pokemon, ability: string | string[]) => boolean; hasItem?: (this: Pokemon, item: string | string[]) => boolean; isGrounded?: (this: Pokemon, negateImmunity: boolean | undefined) => boolean | null; modifyStat?: (this: Pokemon, statName: StatIDExceptHP, modifier: number) => void; moveUsed?: (this: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove, targetLoc?: number) => void; recalculateStats?: (this: Pokemon) => void; runEffectiveness?: (this: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => number; runImmunity?: (this: Pokemon, type: string, message?: string | boolean) => boolean; setAbility?: ( this: Pokemon, ability: string | Ability, source: Pokemon | null, isFromFormeChange: boolean ) => string | false; setItem?: (this: Pokemon, item: string | Item, source?: Pokemon, effect?: Effect) => boolean; setStatus?: ( this: Pokemon, status: string | Condition, source: Pokemon | null, sourceEffect: Effect | null, ignoreImmunities: boolean ) => boolean; takeItem?: (this: Pokemon, source: Pokemon | undefined) => boolean | Item; transformInto?: (this: Pokemon, pokemon: Pokemon, effect: Effect | null) => boolean; useItem?: (this: Pokemon, source?: Pokemon, sourceEffect?: Effect) => boolean; ignoringAbility?: (this: Pokemon) => boolean; ignoringItem?: (this: Pokemon) => boolean; // OM getLinkedMoves?: (this: Pokemon, ignoreDisabled?: boolean) => string[]; hasLinkedMove?: (this: Pokemon, moveid: string) => boolean; } interface ModdedBattleQueue extends Partial { inherit?: true; resolveAction?: (this: BattleQueue, action: ActionChoice, midTurn?: boolean) => Action[]; } interface ModdedField extends Partial { inherit?: true; suppressingWeather?: (this: Field) => boolean; } interface ModdedBattleScriptsData extends Partial { inherit?: string; actions?: ModdedBattleActions; pokemon?: ModdedBattlePokemon; queue?: ModdedBattleQueue; field?: ModdedField; side?: ModdedBattleSide; boost?: ( this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source?: Pokemon | null, effect?: Effect | null, isSecondary?: boolean, isSelf?: boolean ) => boolean | null | 0; debug?: (this: Battle, activity: string) => void; getActionSpeed?: (this: Battle, action: AnyObject) => void; init?: (this: ModdedDex) => void; maybeTriggerEndlessBattleClause?: ( this: Battle, trappedBySide: boolean[], stalenessBySide: ('internal' | 'external' | undefined)[] ) => boolean | undefined; natureModify?: (this: Battle, stats: StatsTable, set: PokemonSet) => StatsTable; endTurn?: (this: Battle) => void; runAction?: (this: Battle, action: Action) => void; spreadModify?: (this: Battle, baseStats: StatsTable, set: PokemonSet) => StatsTable; start?: (this: Battle) => void; suppressingWeather?: (this: Battle) => boolean; trunc?: (n: number) => number; win?: (this: Battle, side?: SideID | '' | Side | null) => boolean; faintMessages?: (this: Battle, lastFirst?: boolean, forceCheck?: boolean, checkWin?: boolean) => boolean | undefined; tiebreak?: (this: Battle) => boolean; checkMoveMakesContact?: ( this: Battle, move: ActiveMove, attacker: Pokemon, defender: Pokemon, announcePads?: boolean ) => boolean; checkWin?: (this: Battle, faintQueue?: Battle['faintQueue'][0]) => true | undefined; fieldEvent?: (this: Battle, eventid: string, targets?: Pokemon[]) => void; getAllActive?: (this: Battle, includeFainted?: boolean, includeCommanding?: boolean) => Pokemon[]; } type TypeInfo = import('./dex-data').TypeInfo; interface PlayerOptions { name?: string; avatar?: string; rating?: number; team?: PokemonSet[] | string | null; seed?: PRNGSeed; } interface BasicTextData { desc?: string; shortDesc?: string; } interface ConditionTextData extends BasicTextData { activate?: string; addItem?: string; block?: string; boost?: string; cant?: string; changeAbility?: string; damage?: string; end?: string; heal?: string; move?: string; start?: string; transform?: string; } interface MoveTextData extends ConditionTextData { alreadyStarted?: string; blockSelf?: string; clearBoost?: string; endFromItem?: string; fail?: string; failSelect?: string; failTooHeavy?: string; failWrongForme?: string; megaNoItem?: string; prepare?: string; removeItem?: string; startFromItem?: string; startFromZEffect?: string; switchOut?: string; takeItem?: string; typeChange?: string; upkeep?: string; } type TextFile = T & { name: string, gen1?: T, gen2?: T, gen3?: T, gen4?: T, gen5?: T, gen6?: T, gen7?: T, gen8?: T, }; type AbilityText = TextFile; type MoveText = TextFile; type ItemText = TextFile; type PokedexText = TextFile; type DefaultText = AnyObject; declare namespace RandomTeamsTypes { export interface TeamDetails { megaStone?: number; zMove?: number; snow?: number; hail?: number; rain?: number; sand?: number; sun?: number; stealthRock?: number; spikes?: number; toxicSpikes?: number; stickyWeb?: number; rapidSpin?: number; defog?: number; screens?: number; illusion?: number; statusCure?: number; teraBlast?: number; } export interface FactoryTeamDetails { megaCount?: number; zCount?: number; wantsTeraCount?: number; forceResult: boolean; weather?: string; terrain?: string[]; typeCount: { [k: string]: number }; typeComboCount: { [k: string]: number }; baseFormes: { [k: string]: number }; has: { [k: string]: number }; weaknesses: { [k: string]: number }; resistances: { [k: string]: number }; gigantamax?: boolean; } export interface RandomSet { name: string; species: string; gender: string | boolean; moves: string[]; ability: string; evs: SparseStatsTable; ivs: SparseStatsTable; item: string; level: number; shiny: boolean; nature?: string; happiness?: number; dynamaxLevel?: number; gigantamax?: boolean; teraType?: string; role?: Role; } export interface RandomFactorySet { name: string; species: string; gender: string; item: string; ability: string; shiny: boolean; level: number; happiness: number; evs: SparseStatsTable; ivs: SparseStatsTable; nature: string; moves: string[]; dynamaxLevel?: number; gigantamax?: boolean; wantsTera?: boolean; teraType?: string; } export interface RandomDraftFactorySet { name: string; species: string; gender: string; moves: string[]; ability: string; evs: SparseStatsTable; ivs: SparseStatsTable; item: string; level: number; shiny: boolean; nature?: string; happiness?: number; dynamaxLevel?: number; gigantamax?: boolean; teraType?: string; teraCaptain?: boolean; } export interface RandomSetData { role: Role; movepool: string[]; abilities?: string[]; teraTypes?: string[]; preferredTypes?: string[]; } export interface RandomSpeciesData { level?: number; sets: RandomSetData[]; } export type Role = '' | 'Fast Attacker' | 'Setup Sweeper' | 'Wallbreaker' | 'Tera Blast user' | 'Bulky Attacker' | 'Bulky Setup' | 'Fast Bulky Setup' | 'Bulky Support' | 'Fast Support' | 'AV Pivot' | 'Doubles Fast Attacker' | 'Doubles Setup Sweeper' | 'Doubles Wallbreaker' | 'Doubles Bulky Attacker' | 'Doubles Bulky Setup' | 'Offensive Protect' | 'Bulky Protect' | 'Doubles Support' | 'Choice Item user' | 'Z-Move user' | 'Staller' | 'Spinner' | 'Generalist' | 'Berry Sweeper' | 'Thief user'; }