import { Utils } from '../lib/utils'; import { assignMissingFields, BasicEffect, toID } from './dex-data'; import type { SecondaryEffect, MoveEventMethods } from './dex-moves'; /** * Event method prefixes: * Ally: triggers for each ally (including the effect holder itself) that is a target of the event, i.e. Pastel Veil * Foe: triggers for each foe that is a target of the event, i.e. Unnerve * Source: triggers for the source of the event; events must have a source parameter to trigger these handlers * Any: triggers for each target of the event regardless of the holder's relation to it */ export interface EventMethods { onDamagingHit?: (this: Battle, damage: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => void; onEmergencyExit?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAfterEachBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAfterHit?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterHit']; onAfterMega?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAfterSetStatus?: (this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAfterSubDamage?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterSubDamage']; onAfterSwitchInSelf?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAfterTerastallization?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAfterUseItem?: (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAfterTakeItem?: (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAfterBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAfterFaint?: (this: Battle, length: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAfterMoveSecondarySelf?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMoveSecondarySelf']; onAfterMoveSecondary?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMoveSecondary']; onAfterMove?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMove']; onAfterMoveSelf?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onAttract?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => void; onAccuracy?: ( this: Battle, accuracy: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => number | boolean | null | void; onBasePower?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onBeforeFaint?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onBeforeMove?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onBeforeSwitchIn?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onBeforeSwitchOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onBeforeTurn?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onChangeBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onTryBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onChargeMove?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onCriticalHit?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, source: null, move: ActiveMove) => boolean | void) | boolean; onDamage?: ( this: Battle, damage: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => number | boolean | null | void; onDeductPP?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => number | void; onDisableMove?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onDragOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, source?: Pokemon, move?: ActiveMove) => void; onEatItem?: (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onEffectiveness?: MoveEventMethods['onEffectiveness']; onEntryHazard?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onFaint?: CommonHandlers['VoidEffect']; onFlinch?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void) | boolean; onFractionalPriority?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove'] | -0.1; onHit?: MoveEventMethods['onHit']; onImmunity?: (this: Battle, type: string, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onLockMove?: string | ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void | string); onMaybeTrapPokemon?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onModifyAccuracy?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onModifyAtk?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onModifyBoost?: (this: Battle, boosts: SparseBoostsTable, pokemon: Pokemon) => SparseBoostsTable | void; onModifyCritRatio?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onModifyDamage?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onModifyDef?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onModifyMove?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyMove']; onModifyPriority?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onModifySecondaries?: ( this: Battle, secondaries: SecondaryEffect[], target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => void; onModifyType?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyType']; onModifyTarget?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyTarget']; onModifySpA?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onModifySpD?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onModifySpe?: (this: Battle, spe: number, pokemon: Pokemon) => number | void; onModifySTAB?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onModifyWeight?: (this: Battle, weighthg: number, pokemon: Pokemon) => number | void; onMoveAborted?: CommonHandlers['VoidMove']; onNegateImmunity?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, type: string) => boolean | void) | boolean; onOverrideAction?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => string | void; onPrepareHit?: CommonHandlers['ResultSourceMove']; onRedirectTarget?: ( this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, source2: Effect, move: ActiveMove ) => Pokemon | void; onResidual?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onSetAbility?: ( this: Battle, ability: string, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => null | void; onSetStatus?: ( this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => boolean | null | void; onSetWeather?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, weather: Condition) => boolean | void; onStallMove?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void; onSwitchIn?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSwitchOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSwap?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => void; onTakeItem?: ( (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move?: ActiveMove) => boolean | void ) | boolean; onWeatherChange?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect) => void; onTerrainChange?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect) => void; onTrapPokemon?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onTryAddVolatile?: ( this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect ) => boolean | null | void; onTryEatItem?: boolean | ((this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void); onTryHeal?: ( ((this: Battle, relayVar: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => number | boolean | void) ); onTryHit?: MoveEventMethods['onTryHit']; onTryHitField?: MoveEventMethods['onTryHitField']; onTryHitSide?: CommonHandlers['ResultMove']; onInvulnerability?: CommonHandlers['ExtResultMove']; onTryMove?: MoveEventMethods['onTryMove']; onTryPrimaryHit?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => boolean | null | number | void; onType?: (this: Battle, types: string[], pokemon: Pokemon) => string[] | void; onUseItem?: (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onUpdate?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onWeather?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: null, effect: Condition) => void; onWeatherModifyDamage?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onModifyDamagePhase1?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onModifyDamagePhase2?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onFoeDamagingHit?: (this: Battle, damage: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => void; onFoeAfterEachBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => void; onFoeAfterHit?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterHit']; onFoeAfterSetStatus?: (this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onFoeAfterSubDamage?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterSubDamage']; onFoeAfterSwitchInSelf?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onFoeAfterUseItem?: (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onFoeAfterBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onFoeAfterFaint?: (this: Battle, length: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onFoeAfterMoveSecondarySelf?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMoveSecondarySelf']; onFoeAfterMoveSecondary?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMoveSecondary']; onFoeAfterMove?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMove']; onFoeAfterMoveSelf?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onFoeAttract?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => void; onFoeAccuracy?: ( this: Battle, accuracy: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => number | boolean | null | void; onFoeBasePower?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onFoeBeforeFaint?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onFoeBeforeMove?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onFoeBeforeSwitchIn?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onFoeBeforeSwitchOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onFoeTryBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onFoeChargeMove?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onFoeCriticalHit?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, source: null, move: ActiveMove) => boolean | void) | boolean; onFoeDamage?: ( this: Battle, damage: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => number | boolean | null | void; onFoeDeductPP?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => number | void; onFoeDisableMove?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onFoeDragOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, source?: Pokemon, move?: ActiveMove) => void; onFoeEatItem?: (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onFoeEffectiveness?: MoveEventMethods['onEffectiveness']; onFoeFaint?: CommonHandlers['VoidEffect']; onFoeFlinch?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void) | boolean; onFoeHit?: MoveEventMethods['onHit']; onFoeImmunity?: (this: Battle, type: string, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onFoeLockMove?: string | ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void | string); onFoeMaybeTrapPokemon?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, source?: Pokemon) => void; onFoeModifyAccuracy?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onFoeModifyAtk?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onFoeModifyBoost?: (this: Battle, boosts: SparseBoostsTable, pokemon: Pokemon) => SparseBoostsTable | void; onFoeModifyCritRatio?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onFoeModifyDamage?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onFoeModifyDef?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onFoeModifyMove?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyMove']; onFoeModifyPriority?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onFoeModifySecondaries?: ( this: Battle, secondaries: SecondaryEffect[], target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => void; onFoeModifySpA?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onFoeModifySpD?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onFoeModifySpe?: (this: Battle, spe: number, pokemon: Pokemon) => number | void; onFoeModifySTAB?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onFoeModifyType?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyType']; onFoeModifyTarget?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyTarget']; onFoeModifyWeight?: (this: Battle, weighthg: number, pokemon: Pokemon) => number | void; onFoeMoveAborted?: CommonHandlers['VoidMove']; onFoeNegateImmunity?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, type: string) => boolean | void) | boolean; onFoeOverrideAction?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => string | void; onFoePrepareHit?: CommonHandlers['ResultSourceMove']; onFoeRedirectTarget?: ( this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, source2: Effect, move: ActiveMove ) => Pokemon | void; onFoeResidual?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon & Side, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onFoeSetAbility?: (this: Battle, ability: string, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => boolean | void; onFoeSetStatus?: ( this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => boolean | null | void; onFoeSetWeather?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, weather: Condition) => boolean | void; onFoeStallMove?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void; onFoeSwitchOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onFoeTakeItem?: ( (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move?: ActiveMove) => boolean | void ) | boolean; onFoeTerrain?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onFoeTrapPokemon?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onFoeTryAddVolatile?: ( this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect ) => boolean | null | void; onFoeTryEatItem?: boolean | ((this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void); /* FIXME: onFoeTryHeal() is run with two different sets of arguments */ onFoeTryHeal?: ( ((this: Battle, relayVar: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => number | boolean | void) | ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void) | boolean ); onFoeTryHit?: MoveEventMethods['onTryHit']; onFoeTryHitField?: MoveEventMethods['onTryHitField']; onFoeTryHitSide?: CommonHandlers['ResultMove']; onFoeInvulnerability?: CommonHandlers['ExtResultMove']; onFoeTryMove?: MoveEventMethods['onTryMove']; onFoeTryPrimaryHit?: ( this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => boolean | null | number | void; onFoeType?: (this: Battle, types: string[], pokemon: Pokemon) => string[] | void; onFoeWeatherModifyDamage?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onFoeModifyDamagePhase1?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onFoeModifyDamagePhase2?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onSourceDamagingHit?: (this: Battle, damage: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => void; onSourceAfterEachBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => void; onSourceAfterHit?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterHit']; onSourceAfterSetStatus?: (this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onSourceAfterSubDamage?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterSubDamage']; onSourceAfterSwitchInSelf?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSourceAfterUseItem?: (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSourceAfterBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onSourceAfterFaint?: (this: Battle, length: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onSourceAfterMoveSecondarySelf?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMoveSecondarySelf']; onSourceAfterMoveSecondary?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMoveSecondary']; onSourceAfterMove?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMove']; onSourceAfterMoveSelf?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onSourceAttract?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => void; onSourceAccuracy?: ( this: Battle, accuracy: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => number | boolean | null | void; onSourceBasePower?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onSourceBeforeFaint?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onSourceBeforeMove?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onSourceBeforeSwitchIn?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSourceBeforeSwitchOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSourceTryBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onSourceChargeMove?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onSourceCriticalHit?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, source: null, move: ActiveMove) => boolean | void) | boolean; onSourceDamage?: ( this: Battle, damage: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => number | boolean | null | void; onSourceDeductPP?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => number | void; onSourceDisableMove?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSourceDragOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, source?: Pokemon, move?: ActiveMove) => void; onSourceEatItem?: (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSourceEffectiveness?: MoveEventMethods['onEffectiveness']; onSourceFaint?: CommonHandlers['VoidEffect']; onSourceFlinch?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void) | boolean; onSourceHit?: MoveEventMethods['onHit']; onSourceImmunity?: (this: Battle, type: string, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSourceLockMove?: string | ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void | string); onSourceMaybeTrapPokemon?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSourceModifyAccuracy?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onSourceModifyAtk?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onSourceModifyBoost?: (this: Battle, boosts: SparseBoostsTable, pokemon: Pokemon) => SparseBoostsTable | void; onSourceModifyCritRatio?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onSourceModifyDamage?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onSourceModifyDef?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onSourceModifyMove?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyMove']; onSourceModifyPriority?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onSourceModifySecondaries?: ( this: Battle, secondaries: SecondaryEffect[], target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => void; onSourceModifySpA?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onSourceModifySpD?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onSourceModifySpe?: (this: Battle, spe: number, pokemon: Pokemon) => number | void; onSourceModifySTAB?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onSourceModifyType?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyType']; onSourceModifyTarget?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyTarget']; onSourceModifyWeight?: (this: Battle, weighthg: number, pokemon: Pokemon) => number | void; onSourceMoveAborted?: CommonHandlers['VoidMove']; onSourceNegateImmunity?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, type: string) => boolean | void) | boolean; onSourceOverrideAction?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => string | void; onSourcePrepareHit?: CommonHandlers['ResultSourceMove']; onSourceRedirectTarget?: ( this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, source2: Effect, move: ActiveMove ) => Pokemon | void; onSourceResidual?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon & Side, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onSourceSetAbility?: ( this: Battle, ability: string, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => boolean | void; onSourceSetStatus?: ( this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => boolean | null | void; onSourceSetWeather?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, weather: Condition) => boolean | void; onSourceStallMove?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void; onSourceSwitchOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSourceTakeItem?: ( (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move?: ActiveMove) => boolean | void ) | boolean; onSourceTerrain?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSourceTrapPokemon?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onSourceTryAddVolatile?: ( this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect ) => boolean | null | void; onSourceTryEatItem?: boolean | ((this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void); /* FIXME: onSourceTryHeal() is run with two different sets of arguments */ onSourceTryHeal?: ( ((this: Battle, relayVar: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => number | boolean | void) | ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void) | boolean ); onSourceTryHit?: MoveEventMethods['onTryHit']; onSourceTryHitField?: MoveEventMethods['onTryHitField']; onSourceTryHitSide?: CommonHandlers['ResultMove']; onSourceInvulnerability?: CommonHandlers['ExtResultMove']; onSourceTryMove?: MoveEventMethods['onTryMove']; onSourceTryPrimaryHit?: ( this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => boolean | null | number | void; onSourceType?: (this: Battle, types: string[], pokemon: Pokemon) => string[] | void; onSourceWeatherModifyDamage?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onSourceModifyDamagePhase1?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onSourceModifyDamagePhase2?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAnyDamagingHit?: (this: Battle, damage: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => void; onAnyAfterEachBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => void; onAnyAfterHit?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterHit']; onAnyAfterSetStatus?: (this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAnyAfterSubDamage?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterSubDamage']; onAnyAfterSwitchInSelf?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAnyAfterUseItem?: (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAnyAfterBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAnyAfterFaint?: (this: Battle, length: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAnyAfterMoveSecondarySelf?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMoveSecondarySelf']; onAnyAfterMoveSecondary?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMoveSecondary']; onAnyAfterMove?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMove']; onAnyAfterMoveSelf?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onAnyAttract?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => void; onAnyAccuracy?: ( this: Battle, accuracy: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => number | boolean | null | void; onAnyBasePower?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAnyBeforeFaint?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAnyBeforeMove?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onAnyBeforeSwitchIn?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAnyBeforeSwitchOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAnyTryBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAnyChargeMove?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onAnyCriticalHit?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, source: null, move: ActiveMove) => boolean | void) | boolean; onAnyDamage?: ( this: Battle, damage: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => number | boolean | null | void; onAnyDeductPP?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => number | void; onAnyDisableMove?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAnyDragOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, source?: Pokemon, move?: ActiveMove) => void; onAnyEatItem?: (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAnyEffectiveness?: MoveEventMethods['onEffectiveness']; onAnyFaint?: CommonHandlers['VoidEffect']; onAnyFlinch?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void) | boolean; onAnyHit?: MoveEventMethods['onHit']; onAnyImmunity?: (this: Battle, type: string, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAnyLockMove?: string | ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void | string); onAnyMaybeTrapPokemon?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAnyModifyAccuracy?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onAnyModifyAtk?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAnyModifyBoost?: (this: Battle, boosts: SparseBoostsTable, pokemon: Pokemon) => SparseBoostsTable | void; onAnyModifyCritRatio?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAnyModifyDamage?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAnyModifyDef?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onAnyModifyMove?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyMove']; onAnyModifyPriority?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAnyModifySecondaries?: ( this: Battle, secondaries: SecondaryEffect[], target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => void; onAnyModifySpA?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAnyModifySpD?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onAnyModifySpe?: (this: Battle, spe: number, pokemon: Pokemon) => number | void; onAnyModifySTAB?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAnyModifyType?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyType']; onAnyModifyTarget?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyTarget']; onAnyModifyWeight?: (this: Battle, weighthg: number, pokemon: Pokemon) => number | void; onAnyMoveAborted?: CommonHandlers['VoidMove']; onAnyNegateImmunity?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, type: string) => boolean | void) | boolean; onAnyOverrideAction?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => string | void; onAnyPrepareHit?: CommonHandlers['ResultSourceMove']; onAnyPseudoWeatherChange?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, pseudoWeather: Condition) => void; onAnyRedirectTarget?: ( this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, source2: Effect, move: ActiveMove ) => Pokemon | void; onAnyResidual?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon & Side, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAnySetAbility?: (this: Battle, ability: string, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => boolean | void; onAnySetStatus?: ( this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => boolean | null | void; onAnySetWeather?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, weather: Condition) => boolean | void; onAnyStallMove?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void; onAnySwitchIn?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAnySwitchOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAnyTakeItem?: ( (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move?: ActiveMove) => boolean | void ) | boolean; onAnyTerrain?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAnyTrapPokemon?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAnyTryAddVolatile?: ( this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect ) => boolean | null | void; onAnyTryEatItem?: boolean | ((this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void); /* FIXME: onAnyTryHeal() is run with two different sets of arguments */ onAnyTryHeal?: ( ((this: Battle, relayVar: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => number | boolean | void) | ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void) | boolean ); onAnyTryHit?: MoveEventMethods['onTryHit']; onAnyTryHitField?: MoveEventMethods['onTryHitField']; onAnyTryHitSide?: CommonHandlers['ResultMove']; onAnyInvulnerability?: CommonHandlers['ExtResultMove']; onAnyTryMove?: MoveEventMethods['onTryMove']; onAnyTryPrimaryHit?: ( this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => boolean | null | number | void; onAnyType?: (this: Battle, types: string[], pokemon: Pokemon) => string[] | void; onAnyWeatherModifyDamage?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAnyModifyDamagePhase1?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAnyModifyDamagePhase2?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; // Priorities (incomplete list) onAccuracyPriority?: number; onDamagingHitOrder?: number; onAfterMoveSecondaryPriority?: number; onAfterMoveSecondarySelfPriority?: number; onAfterMoveSelfPriority?: number; onAfterSetStatusPriority?: number; onAnyBasePowerPriority?: number; onAnyInvulnerabilityPriority?: number; onAnyModifyAccuracyPriority?: number; onAnyFaintPriority?: number; onAnyPrepareHitPriority?: number; onAnySwitchInPriority?: number; onAnySwitchInSubOrder?: number; onAllyBasePowerPriority?: number; onAllyModifyAtkPriority?: number; onAllyModifySpAPriority?: number; onAllyModifySpDPriority?: number; onAttractPriority?: number; onBasePowerPriority?: number; onBeforeMovePriority?: number; onBeforeSwitchOutPriority?: number; onChangeBoostPriority?: number; onDamagePriority?: number; onDragOutPriority?: number; onEffectivenessPriority?: number; onFoeBasePowerPriority?: number; onFoeBeforeMovePriority?: number; onFoeModifyDefPriority?: number; onFoeModifySpDPriority?: number; onFoeRedirectTargetPriority?: number; onFoeTrapPokemonPriority?: number; onFractionalPriorityPriority?: number; onHitPriority?: number; onInvulnerabilityPriority?: number; onModifyAccuracyPriority?: number; onModifyAtkPriority?: number; onModifyCritRatioPriority?: number; onModifyDefPriority?: number; onModifyMovePriority?: number; onModifyPriorityPriority?: number; onModifySpAPriority?: number; onModifySpDPriority?: number; onModifySpePriority?: number; onModifySTABPriority?: number; onModifyTypePriority?: number; onModifyWeightPriority?: number; onRedirectTargetPriority?: number; onResidualOrder?: number; onResidualPriority?: number; onResidualSubOrder?: number; onSourceBasePowerPriority?: number; onSourceInvulnerabilityPriority?: number; onSourceModifyAccuracyPriority?: number; onSourceModifyAtkPriority?: number; onSourceModifyDamagePriority?: number; onSourceModifySpAPriority?: number; onSwitchInPriority?: number; onSwitchInSubOrder?: number; onTrapPokemonPriority?: number; onTryBoostPriority?: number; onTryEatItemPriority?: number; onTryHealPriority?: number; onTryHitPriority?: number; onTryMovePriority?: number; onTryPrimaryHitPriority?: number; onTypePriority?: number; } export interface PokemonEventMethods extends EventMethods { onAllyDamagingHit?: (this: Battle, damage: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => void; onAllyAfterEachBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => void; onAllyAfterHit?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterHit']; onAllyAfterSetStatus?: (this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAllyAfterSubDamage?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterSubDamage']; onAllyAfterSwitchInSelf?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAllyAfterUseItem?: (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAllyAfterBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAllyAfterFaint?: (this: Battle, length: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAllyAfterMoveSecondarySelf?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMoveSecondarySelf']; onAllyAfterMoveSecondary?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMoveSecondary']; onAllyAfterMove?: MoveEventMethods['onAfterMove']; onAllyAfterMoveSelf?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onAllyAttract?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => void; onAllyAccuracy?: ( this: Battle, accuracy: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => number | boolean | null | void; onAllyBasePower?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAllyBeforeFaint?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAllyBeforeMove?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onAllyBeforeSwitchIn?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAllyBeforeSwitchOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAllyTryBoost?: (this: Battle, boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAllyChargeMove?: CommonHandlers['VoidSourceMove']; onAllyCriticalHit?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, source: null, move: ActiveMove) => boolean | void) | boolean; onAllyDamage?: ( this: Battle, damage: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => number | boolean | null | void; onAllyDeductPP?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon) => number | void; onAllyDisableMove?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAllyDragOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, source?: Pokemon, move?: ActiveMove) => void; onAllyEatItem?: (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAllyEffectiveness?: MoveEventMethods['onEffectiveness']; onAllyFaint?: CommonHandlers['VoidEffect']; onAllyFlinch?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void) | boolean; onAllyHit?: MoveEventMethods['onHit']; onAllyImmunity?: (this: Battle, type: string, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAllyLockMove?: string | ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void | string); onAllyMaybeTrapPokemon?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAllyModifyAccuracy?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onAllyModifyAtk?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAllyModifyBoost?: (this: Battle, boosts: SparseBoostsTable, pokemon: Pokemon) => SparseBoostsTable | void; onAllyModifyCritRatio?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAllyModifyDamage?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAllyModifyDef?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onAllyModifyMove?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyMove']; onAllyModifyPriority?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAllyModifySecondaries?: ( this: Battle, secondaries: SecondaryEffect[], target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => void; onAllyModifySpA?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAllyModifySpD?: CommonHandlers['ModifierMove']; onAllyModifySpe?: (this: Battle, spe: number, pokemon: Pokemon) => number | void; onAllyModifySTAB?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAllyModifyType?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyType']; onAllyModifyTarget?: MoveEventMethods['onModifyTarget']; onAllyModifyWeight?: (this: Battle, weighthg: number, pokemon: Pokemon) => number | void; onAllyMoveAborted?: CommonHandlers['VoidMove']; onAllyNegateImmunity?: ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, type: string) => boolean | void) | boolean; onAllyOverrideAction?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) => string | void; onAllyPrepareHit?: CommonHandlers['ResultSourceMove']; onAllyRedirectTarget?: ( this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, source2: Effect, move: ActiveMove ) => Pokemon | void; onAllyResidual?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon & Side, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onAllySetAbility?: (this: Battle, ability: string, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => boolean | void; onAllySetStatus?: ( this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect ) => boolean | null | void; onAllySetWeather?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, weather: Condition) => boolean | void; onAllySideConditionStart?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, sideCondition: Condition) => void; onAllyStallMove?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void; onAllySwitchOut?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAllyTakeItem?: ( (this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move?: ActiveMove) => boolean | void ) | boolean; onAllyTerrain?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAllyTrapPokemon?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; onAllyTryAddVolatile?: ( this: Battle, status: Condition, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect ) => boolean | null | void; onAllyTryEatItem?: boolean | ((this: Battle, item: Item, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void); /* FIXME: onAllyTryHeal() is run with two different sets of arguments */ onAllyTryHeal?: ( ((this: Battle, relayVar: number, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => number | boolean | void) | ((this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean | void) | boolean ); onAllyTryHit?: MoveEventMethods['onTryHit']; onAllyTryHitField?: MoveEventMethods['onTryHitField']; onAllyTryHitSide?: CommonHandlers['ResultMove']; onAllyInvulnerability?: CommonHandlers['ExtResultMove']; onAllyTryMove?: MoveEventMethods['onTryMove']; onAllyTryPrimaryHit?: ( this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove ) => boolean | null | number | void; onAllyType?: (this: Battle, types: string[], pokemon: Pokemon) => string[] | void; onAllyWeatherModifyDamage?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAllyModifyDamagePhase1?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; onAllyModifyDamagePhase2?: CommonHandlers['ModifierSourceMove']; } export interface SideEventMethods extends EventMethods { onSideStart?: (this: Battle, target: Side, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect) => void; onSideRestart?: (this: Battle, target: Side, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect) => void; onSideResidual?: (this: Battle, target: Side, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onSideEnd?: (this: Battle, target: Side) => void; onSideResidualOrder?: number; onSideResidualPriority?: number; onSideResidualSubOrder?: number; } export interface FieldEventMethods extends EventMethods { onFieldStart?: (this: Battle, target: Field, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect) => void; onFieldRestart?: (this: Battle, target: Field, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect) => void; onFieldResidual?: (this: Battle, target: Field, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect) => void; onFieldEnd?: (this: Battle, target: Field) => void; onFieldResidualOrder?: number; onFieldResidualPriority?: number; onFieldResidualSubOrder?: number; } export interface PokemonConditionData extends Partial, PokemonEventMethods {} export interface SideConditionData extends Partial>, SideEventMethods {} export interface FieldConditionData extends Partial>, FieldEventMethods {} export type ConditionData = PokemonConditionData | SideConditionData | FieldConditionData; export type ModdedConditionData = ConditionData & { inherit?: true }; export interface ConditionDataTable { [id: IDEntry]: ConditionData } export interface ModdedConditionDataTable { [id: IDEntry]: ModdedConditionData } export class Condition extends BasicEffect implements Readonly { declare readonly effectType: 'Condition' | 'Weather' | 'Status' | 'Terastal'; declare readonly counterMax?: number; declare effectOrder?: number; declare readonly durationCallback?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, effect: Effect | null) => number; declare readonly onCopy?: (this: Battle, pokemon: Pokemon) => void; declare readonly onEnd?: (this: Battle, target: Pokemon) => void; declare readonly onRestart?: ( this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect ) => boolean | null | void; declare readonly onStart?: ( this: Battle, target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, sourceEffect: Effect ) => boolean | null | void; constructor(data: AnyObject) { super(data); this.effectType = (['Weather', 'Status'].includes(data.effectType) ? data.effectType : 'Condition'); assignMissingFields(this, data); } } const EMPTY_CONDITION: Condition = Utils.deepFreeze(new Condition({ name: '', exists: false })); export class DexConditions { readonly dex: ModdedDex; readonly conditionCache = new Map(); constructor(dex: ModdedDex) { this.dex = dex; } get(name?: string | Effect | null): Condition { if (!name) return EMPTY_CONDITION; if (typeof name !== 'string') return name as Condition; return this.getByID(name.startsWith('item:') || name.startsWith('ability:') ? name as ID : toID(name)); } getByID(id: ID): Condition { if (id === '') return EMPTY_CONDITION; let condition = this.conditionCache.get(id); if (condition) return condition; let found; if (id.startsWith('item:')) { const item = this.dex.items.getByID(id.slice(5) as ID); condition = { ...item, id: 'item:' + as ID } as any as Condition; } else if (id.startsWith('ability:')) { const ability = this.dex.abilities.getByID(id.slice(8) as ID); condition = { ...ability, id: 'ability:' + as ID } as any as Condition; } else if ( { condition = this.dex.formats.get(id) as any as Condition; // formats can't be frozen if they don't have a ruleTable this.conditionCache.set(id, condition); return condition; } else if ( { condition = new Condition({ name: id,[id] }); } else if ( ( && (found =[id]).condition) || ( && (found =[id]).condition) || ( && (found =[id]).condition) ) { condition = new Condition({ name: || id, ...found.condition }); } else if (id === 'recoil') { condition = new Condition({ name: 'Recoil', effectType: 'Recoil' }); } else if (id === 'drain') { condition = new Condition({ name: 'Drain', effectType: 'Drain' }); } else { condition = new Condition({ name: id, exists: false }); } this.conditionCache.set(id, this.dex.deepFreeze(condition)); return condition; } }