Simulator protocol ================== Pokémon Showdown's simulator protocol is implemented as a newline-and-pipe-delimited text stream. For details on how to read to or write from the text stream, see [sim/](./ Receiving messages ------------------ ### Battle initialization The beginning of a battle will look something like this: |player|p1|Anonycat|60|1200 |player|p2|Anonybird|113|1300 |teamsize|p1|4 |teamsize|p2|5 |gametype|doubles |gen|7 |tier|[Gen 7] Doubles Ubers |rule|Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon |rule|OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned |rule|Moody Clause: Moody is banned |rule|Evasion Abilities Clause: Evasion abilities are banned |rule|Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned |rule|Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned |rule|HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages |clearpoke |poke|p1|Pikachu, L59, F|item |poke|p1|Kecleon, M|item |poke|p1|Jynx, F|item |poke|p1|Mewtwo|item |poke|p2|Hoopa-Unbound| |poke|p2|Smeargle, L1, F|item |poke|p2|Forretress, L31, F| |poke|p2|Groudon, L60|item |poke|p2|Feebas, L1, M| |teampreview | |start `|player|PLAYER|USERNAME|AVATAR|RATING` > Player details. > > - `PLAYER` is `p1` or `p2` > - `PLAYER` may also be `p3` or `p4` in 4 player battles > - `USERNAME` is the username > - `AVATAR` is the player's avatar identifier (usually a number, but other > values can be used for custom avatars) > - `RATING` is the player's Elo rating in the format they're playing. This will only be displayed in rated battles and when the player is first introduced otherwise it's blank `|teamsize|PLAYER|NUMBER` > - `PLAYER` is `p1`, `p2`, `p3`, or `p4` > - `NUMBER` is the number of Pokémon your opponent starts with. In games > without Team Preview, you don't know which Pokémon your opponent has, but > you at least know how many there are. `|gametype|GAMETYPE` > - `GAMETYPE` is `singles`, `doubles`, `triples`, `multi`, or `freeforall`. `|gen|GENNUM` > Generation number, from 1 to 9. Stadium counts as its respective gens; > Let's Go counts as 7, and modded formats count as whatever gen they were > based on. `|tier|FORMATNAME` > The name of the format being played. `|rated` > Will be sent if the game will affect the player's ladder rating (Elo > score). `|rated|MESSAGE` > Will be sent if the game is official in some other way, such as being > a tournament game. Does not actually mean the game is rated. `|rule|RULE: DESCRIPTION` > Will appear multiple times, one for each |clearpoke |poke|PLAYER|DETAILS|ITEM |poke|PLAYER|DETAILS|ITEM ... |teampreview > These messages appear if you're playing a format that uses team previews. `|clearpoke` > Marks the start of Team Preview `|poke|PLAYER|DETAILS|ITEM` > Declares a Pokémon for Team Preview. > > - `PLAYER` is the player ID (see `|player|`) > - `DETAILS` describes the pokemon (see "Identifying Pokémon" below) > - `ITEM` will be `item` if the Pokémon is holding an item, or blank if it isn't. > > Note that forme and shininess are hidden on this, unlike on the `|switch|` > details message. `|start` > Indicates that the game has started. ### Battle progress `|` > Clears the message-bar, and add a spacer to the battle history. This is > usually done automatically by detecting the message-type, but can also > be forced to happen with this. `|request|REQUEST` > Gives a JSON object containing a request for a choice (to move or > switch). To assist in your decision, `` has information > about your active Pokémon, and `REQUEST.side` has information about your > your team as a whole. `REQUEST.rqid` is an optional request ID (see > "Sending decisions" for details). `|inactive|MESSAGE` or `|inactiveoff|MESSAGE` > A message related to the battle timer has been sent. The official client > displays these messages in red. > > `inactive` means that the timer is on at the time the message was sent, > while `inactiveoff` means that the timer is off. `|upkeep` > Signals the upkeep phase of the turn where the number of turns left for field > conditions are updated. `|turn|NUMBER` > It is now turn `NUMBER`. `|win|USER` > `USER` has won the battle. `|tie` > The battle has ended in a tie. `|t:|TIMESTAMP` > The current UNIX timestamp (the number of seconds since 1970) - useful for determining > when events occured in real time. ### Identifying Pokémon Pokémon will be identified by a Pokémon ID (generally labeled `POKEMON` in this document), and, in certain cases, also a details string (generally labeled `DETAILS`). A Pokémon ID is in the form `POSITION: NAME`. - `POSITION` is the spot that the Pokémon is in: it consists of the `PLAYER` of the player (see `|player|`), followed by a position letter (`a` in singles). An inactive Pokémon will not have a position letter. In doubles and triples battles, `a` will refer to the leftmost Pokémon from its trainer's perspective (so the leftmost on your team, and the rightmost on your opponent's team, so `p1a` faces `p2c`, etc). So the layout looks like: Doubles, player 1's perspective: p2b p2a p1a p1b Doubles, player 2's perspective: p1b p1a p2a p2b In multi and free-for-all battles, players are grouped by parity. That is, `p1` and `p3` share a side, as do `p2` and `p4`. The position letters still follow the same conventions as in double battles, so the layout looks like: Multi, player 1's perspective p4b p2a p1a p3b - `NAME` is the nickname of the Pokémon (or the species name, if no nickname is given). For example: `p1a: Sparky` could be a Charizard named Sparky. `p1: Dragonite` could be an inactive Dragonite being healed by Heal Bell. - `DETAILS` is a comma-separated list of all information about a Pokemon visible on the battle screen: species, shininess, gender, and level. So it starts with `SPECIES`, adding `, L##` if it's not level 100, `M` if it's male, `, F` if it's female, `, shiny` if it's shiny. In Gen 9, `, tera:TYPE` will be appended if the Pokemon has Terastallized. So, for instance, `Deoxys-Speed` is a level 100 non-shiny genderless Deoxys (Speed forme). `Sawsbuck, L50, F, shiny` is a level 50 shiny female Sawsbuck (Spring form). In Team Preview, `DETAILS` will not include information not available in Team Preview (in particular, level and shininess will be left off), and for Pokémon whose forme isn't revealed in Team Preview, it will be given as `-*`. So, for instance, an Arceus in Team Preview would have the details string `Arceus-*`, no matter what kind of Arceus it is. For most commands, you can just use the position information in the Pokémon ID to identify the Pokémon. Only a few commands actually change the Pokémon in that position (`|switch|` switching, `|replace|` illusion dropping, `|drag|` phazing, and `|detailschange|` permanent forme changes), and these all specify `DETAILS` for you to perform updates with. ### Major actions In battle, most Pokémon actions come in the form `|ACTION|POKEMON|DETAILS` followed by a few messages detailing what happens after the action occurs. Battle actions (especially minor actions) often come with tags such as `|[from] EFFECT|[of] SOURCE`. `EFFECT` will be an effect (move, ability, item, status, etc), and `SOURCE` will be a Pokémon. These can affect the message or animation displayed, but do not affect anything else. Other tags include `|[still]` (suppress animation) and `|[silent]` (suppress message). `|move|POKEMON|MOVE|TARGET` > The specified Pokémon has used move `MOVE` at `TARGET`. If a move has > multiple targets or no target, `TARGET` should be ignored. If a move > targets a side, `TARGET` will be a (possibly fainted) Pokémon on that > side. > > If `|[miss]` is present, the move missed. > > If `|[still]` is present, the move should not animate > > `|[anim] MOVE2` tells the client to use the animation of `MOVE2` instead > of `MOVE` when displaying to the client. `|switch|POKEMON|DETAILS|HP STATUS` or `|drag|POKEMON|DETAILS|HP STATUS` > A Pokémon identified by `POKEMON` has switched in (if there was an old > Pokémon in that position, it is switched out). > > For the DETAILS format, see "Identifying Pokémon" above. > > `POKEMON|DETAILS` represents all the information that can be used to tell > Pokémon apart. If two pokemon have the same `POKEMON|DETAILS` (which will > never happen in any format with Species Clause), you usually won't be able > to tell if the same pokemon switched in or a different pokemon switched > in. > > The switched Pokémon has HP `HP`, and status `STATUS`. `HP` is specified as > a fraction; if it is your own Pokémon then it will be `CURRENT/MAX`, if not, > it will be `/100` if HP Percentage Mod is in effect and `/48` otherwise. > `STATUS` can be left blank, or it can be `slp`, `par`, etc. > > `switch` means it was intentional, while `drag` means it was unintentional > (forced by Whirlwind, Roar, etc). `|detailschange|POKEMON|DETAILS|HP STATUS` or `|-formechange|POKEMON|SPECIES|HP STATUS` > The specified Pokémon has changed formes (via Mega Evolution, ability, etc.) > to `SPECIES`. If the forme change is permanent (Mega Evolution or a > Shaymin-Sky that is frozen), then `detailschange` will appear; otherwise, > the client will send `-formechange`. > > Syntax is the same as `|switch|` above. `|replace|POKEMON|DETAILS|HP STATUS` > Illusion has ended for the specified Pokémon. Syntax is the same as > `|switch|` above, but remember that everything you thought you knew about the > previous Pokémon is now wrong. > > `POKEMON` will be the NEW Pokémon ID - i.e. it will have the nickname of the > Zoroark (or other Illusion user). `|swap|POKEMON|POSITION` > Moves already active `POKEMON` to active field `POSITION` where the > leftmost position is 0 and each position to the right counts up by 1. `|cant|POKEMON|REASON` or `|cant|POKEMON|REASON|MOVE` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` could not perform a move because of the indicated > `REASON` (such as paralysis, Disable, etc). Sometimes, the move it was > trying to use is given. `|faint|POKEMON` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` has fainted. ### Minor actions Minor actions are less important than major actions. In the official client, they're usually displayed in small font if they have a message. Pretty much anything that happens in a battle other than a switch or the fact that a move was used is a minor action. So yes, the effects of a move such as damage or stat boosts are minor actions. `|-fail|POKEMON|ACTION` > The specified `ACTION` has failed against the `POKEMON` targetted. The > `ACTION` in question should be a move that fails due to its own mechanics. > Moves (or effect activations) that fail because they're blocked by another > effect should use `-block` instead. `|-block|POKEMON|EFFECT|MOVE|ATTACKER` > An effect targeted at `POKEMON` was blocked by `EFFECT`. This may optionally > specify that the effect was a `MOVE` from `ATTACKER`. `[of]SOURCE` will note > the owner of the `EFFECT`, in the case that it's not `EFFECT` (for instance, > an ally with Aroma Veil.) `|-notarget|POKEMON` > A move has failed due to their being no target Pokémon `POKEMON`. `POKEMON` is > not present in Generation 1. This action is specific to Generations 1-4 as in > later Generations a failed move will display using `-fail`. `|-miss|SOURCE|TARGET` > The move used by the `SOURCE` Pokémon missed (maybe absent) the `TARGET` > Pokémon. `|-damage|POKEMON|HP STATUS` > The specified Pokémon `POKEMON` has taken damage, and is now at > `HP STATUS` (see `|switch|` for details). > > If `HP` is 0, `STATUS` should be ignored. The current behavior is for > `STATUS` to be `fnt`, but this may change and should not be relied upon. `|-heal|POKEMON|HP STATUS` > Same as `-damage`, but the Pokémon has healed damage instead. `|-sethp|POKEMON|HP` > The specified Pokémon `POKEMON` now has `HP` hit points. `|-status|POKEMON|STATUS` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` has been inflicted with `STATUS`. `|-curestatus|POKEMON|STATUS` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` has recovered from `STATUS`. `|-cureteam|POKEMON` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` has used a move that cures its team of status effects, > like Heal Bell. `|-boost|POKEMON|STAT|AMOUNT` > The specified Pokémon `POKEMON` has gained `AMOUNT` in `STAT`, using the > standard rules for Pokémon stat changes in-battle. `STAT` is a standard > three-letter abbreviation fot the stat in question, so Speed will be `spe`, > Special Defense will be `spd`, etc. `|-unboost|POKEMON|STAT|AMOUNT` > Same as `-boost`, but for negative stat changes instead. `|-setboost|POKEMON|STAT|AMOUNT` > Same as `-boost` and `-unboost`, but `STAT` is *set* to `AMOUNT` instead of > boosted *by* `AMOUNT`. (For example: Anger Point, Belly Drum) `|-swapboost|SOURCE|TARGET|STATS` > Swaps the boosts from `STATS` between the `SOURCE` Pokémon and `TARGET` > Pokémon. `STATS` takes the form of a comma-separated list of `STAT` > abbreviations as described in `-boost`. (For example: Guard Swap, Heart > Swap). `|-invertboost|POKEMON` > Invert the boosts of the target Pokémon `POKEMON`. (For example: Topsy-Turvy). `|-clearboost|POKEMON` > Clears all of the boosts of the target `POKEMON`. (For example: Clear Smog). `|-clearallboost` > Clears all boosts from all Pokémon on both sides. (For example: Haze). `|-clearpositiveboost|TARGET|POKEMON|EFFECT` > Clear the positive boosts from the `TARGET` Pokémon due to an `EFFECT` of the > `POKEMON` Pokémon. (For example: 'move: Spectral Thief'). `|-clearnegativeboost|POKEMON` > Clear the negative boosts from the target Pokémon `POKEMON`. (For example: > usually as the result of a `[zeffect]`). `|-copyboost|SOURCE|TARGET` > Copy the boosts from `SOURCE` Pokémon to `TARGET` Pokémon (For example: Psych > Up). `|-weather|WEATHER` > Indicates the weather that is currently in effect. If `|[upkeep]` is present, > it means that `WEATHER` was active previously and is still in effect that > turn. Otherwise, it means that the weather has changed due to a move or ability, > or has expired, in which case `WEATHER` will be `none`. `|-fieldstart|CONDITION` > The field condition `CONDITION` has started. Field conditions are all effects that > affect the entire field and aren't a weather. (For example: Trick Room, Grassy > Terrain) `|-fieldend|CONDITION` > Indicates that the field condition `CONDITION` has ended. `|-sidestart|SIDE|CONDITION` > A side condition `CONDITION` has started on `SIDE`. Side conditions are all > effects that affect one side of the field. (For example: Tailwind, Stealth > Rock, Reflect) `|-sideend|SIDE|CONDITION` > Indicates that the side condition `CONDITION` ended for the given `SIDE`. `|-swapsideconditions` > Swaps side conditions between sides. Used for Court Change. `|-start|POKEMON|EFFECT` > A [*volatile* status]( > has been inflicted on the `POKEMON` Pokémon by `EFFECT`. (For example: > confusion, Taunt, Substitute). `|-end|POKEMON|EFFECT` > The volatile status from `EFFECT` inflicted on the `POKEMON` Pokémon has > ended. `|-crit|POKEMON` > A move has dealt a critical hit against the `POKEMON`. `|-supereffective|POKEMON` > A move was super effective against the `POKEMON`. `|-resisted|POKEMON` > A move was not very effective against the `POKEMON`. `|-immune|POKEMON` > The `POKEMON` was immune to a move. `|-item|POKEMON|ITEM|[from]EFFECT` > The `ITEM` held by the `POKEMON` has been changed or revealed due to a move or > ability `EFFECT`. `|-item|POKEMON|ITEM` > `POKEMON` has just switched in, and its item `ITEM` is being announced to have a > long-term effect (will not use `[from]`). Air Balloon is the only current user of > this. `|-enditem|POKEMON|ITEM|[from]EFFECT` > The `ITEM` held by `POKEMON` has been destroyed by a move or ability (like > Knock Off), and it now holds no item. > > This will be silent `[silent]` if the item's ownership was changed (with a move > or ability like Thief or Trick), even if the move or ability would result in > a Pokémon without an item. `|-enditem|POKEMON|ITEM` > `POKEMON`'s `ITEM` has destroyed itself (consumed Berries, Air Balloon). If a > berry is consumed, it also has an additional modifier `|[eat]` to indicate > that it was consumed. > > Sticky Barb does not announce itself with this or any other message when it > changes hands. `|-ability|POKEMON|ABILITY|[from]EFFECT` > The `ABILITY` of the `POKEMON` has been changed due to a move/ability `EFFECT`. > > Note that Skill Swap does not send this message despite it changing abilities, > because it does not reveal abilities when used between allies in a Double or > Triple Battle. `|-ability|POKEMON|ABILITY` > `POKEMON` has just switched-in, and its ability `ABILITY` is being announced > to have a long-term effect (will not use `[from]`). > > Effects that start at switch-in include Mold Breaker and Neutralizing Gas. It > does not include abilities that activate once and don't have any long-term > effects, like Intimidate (Intimidate should use `-activate`). `|-endability|POKEMON` > The `POKEMON` has had its ability suppressed by Gastro Acid. `|-transform|POKEMON|SPECIES` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` has transformed into `SPECIES` by the move Transform or > the ability Imposter. `|-mega|POKEMON|MEGASTONE` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` used `MEGASTONE` to Mega Evolve. `|-primal|POKEMON` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` has reverted to its primal forme. `|-burst|POKEMON|SPECIES|ITEM` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` has used `ITEM` to Ultra Burst into `SPECIES`. `|-zpower|POKEMON` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` has used the z-move version of its move. `|-zbroken|POKEMON` > A z-move has broken through protect and hit the `POKEMON`. `|-activate|EFFECT` > A miscellaneous effect has activated. This is triggered whenever an effect could > not be better described by one of the other minor messages: for example, healing > abilities like Water Absorb simply use `-heal`. > > Items usually activate with `-end`, although items with two messages, like Berries > ("POKEMON ate the Leppa Berry! POKEMON restored PP...!"), will send the "ate" > message as `-eat`, and the "restored" message as `-activate`. `|-hint|MESSAGE` > Displays a message in parentheses to the client. Hint messages appear to explain and > clarify why certain actions, such as Fake Out and Mat Block failing, have occurred, > when there would normally be no in-game messages. `|-center` > Appears in Triple Battles when only one Pokémon remains on each side, to indicate > that the Pokémon have been automatically centered. `|-message|MESSAGE` > Displays a miscellaneous message to the client. These messages are primarily used > for messages from game mods that aren't supported by the client, like rule clauses > such as Sleep Clause, or other metagames with custom messages for specific scenarios. `|-combine` > A move has been combined with another (For example: Fire Pledge). `|-waiting|SOURCE|TARGET` > The `SOURCE` Pokémon has used a move and is waiting for the `TARGET` Pokémon > (For example: Fire Pledge). `|-prepare|ATTACKER|MOVE` > The `ATTACKER` Pokémon is preparing to use a charge `MOVE` on an unknown target. > (For example: Dig, Fly). `|-prepare|ATTACKER|MOVE|DEFENDER` > The `ATTACKER` Pokémon is preparing to use a charge `MOVE` on the `DEFENDER`. > (For example: Sky Drop). `|-mustrecharge|POKEMON` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` must spend the turn recharging from a previous move. `|-nothing` > **DEPRECATED**: A move did absolutely nothing. (For example: Splash). In the > future this will be of the form `|-activate|POKEMON|move: Splash`. `|-hitcount|POKEMON|NUM` > A multi-hit move hit the `POKEMON` `NUM` times. `|-singlemove|POKEMON|MOVE` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` used move `MOVE` which causes a temporary effect lasting > the duration of the move. (For example: Grudge, Destiny Bond). `|-singleturn|POKEMON|MOVE` > The Pokémon `POKEMON` used move `MOVE` which causes a temporary effect lasting > the duration of the turn. (For example: Protect, Focus Punch, Roost). Sending decisions ----------------- Using the Pokémon Showdown client, you can specify decisions with `/choose CHOICE`, or, for move and switch decisions, just `/CHOICE` works as well. Using the simulator API, you would write `>p1 CHOICE` or `>p2 CHOICE` into the battle stream. ### Possible choices You can see the syntax in action by looking at the JavaScript console when playing a Pokémon Showdown battle in a browser such as Chrome. As an overview: - `switch Pikachu`, `switch pikachu`, or `switch 2` are all valid `CHOICE` strings to switch to a Pikachu in slot 2. - `move Focus Blast`, `move focusblast`, or `move 4` are all valid `CHOICE` strings to use Focus Blast, your active Pokemon's 4th move. In Doubles, decisions are delimited by `,`. If you have a Manectric and a Cresselia, `move Thunderbolt 1 mega, move Helping Hand -1` will make the Manectric mega evolve and use Thunderbolt at the opponent in slot 1, while Cresselia will use Helping Hand at Manectric. To be exact, `CHOICE` is one of: - `team TEAMSPEC`, during Team Preview, where `TEAMSPEC` is a list of pokemon slots. - For instance, `team 213456` will swap the first two Pokemon and keep all other pokemon in order. - `TEAMSPEC` does not have to be all pokemon: `team 5231` might be a choice in VGC. - `TEAMSPEC` does not need separators unless you have over 10 Pokémon, but in custom games, separate slots with `,`. For instance: `team 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10` - `default`, to auto-choose a decision. This will be the first possible legal choice. This is what's used in VGC if you run out of Move Time. - `undo`, to cancel a previously-made choice. This can only be done if the another player needs to make a choice and hasn't done so yet (or if you are calling `side.choose()` directly, which doesn't auto-continue when both players have made a choice). - `POKEMONCHOICE` in Singles - `POKEMONCHOICE, POKEMONCHOICE` in Doubles `POKEMONCHOICE` is one of: - `default`, to auto-choose a decision - `pass`, to skip a slot in Doubles/Triples that doesn't need a decision (can be left off, but can be useful for readability, to mean "the pokemon in this slot is fainted and won't be making a move") - `move MOVESPEC`, to make a move - `move MOVESPEC mega`, to mega-evolve and make a move - `move MOVESPEC zmove`, to use a z-move version of a move - `move MOVESPEC max`, to Dynamax/Gigantamax and make a move - `switch SWITCHSPEC`, to make a switch `MOVESPEC` is: - `MOVESLOTSPEC` or `MOVESLOTSPEC TARGETSPEC` - `MOVESLOTSPEC` is a move name (capitalization/spacing-insensitive) or 1-based move slot number - `TARGETSPEC` is a 1-based target slot number. Add a `-` in front of it to refer to allies, and a `+` to refer to foes. Remember that slots go in opposite directions, like this: Triples Doubles +3 +2 +1 +2 +1 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 (Slot numbers are unnecessary in Singles: you can never choose a target in Singles.) `SWITCHSPEC` is: - a Pokémon nickname/species or 1-based slot number - Note that if you have multiple Pokémon with the same nickname/species, using the nickname/species will select the first unfainted one. If you want another Pokémon, you'll need to specify it by slot number. Once a choice has been set for all players who need to make a choice, the battle will continue. If an invalid decision is sent (trying to switch when you're trapped by Mean Look or something), you will receive a message starting with: `|error|[Invalid choice] MESSAGE` This will tell you to send a different decision. If your previous choice revealed additional information (For example: a move disabled by Imprison or a trapping effect), the error will be followed with a `|request|` command to base your decision off of: `|error|[Unavailable choice] MESSAGE` `|request|REQUEST` ### Choice requests The protocol message to tell you that it's time for you to make a decision is: `|request|REQUEST` > Gives a JSON object containing a request for a choice (to move or > switch). To assist in your decision, `` has information > about your active Pokémon, and `REQUEST.side` has information about your > your team as a whole. > > If you're using the simulator through a Pokémon Showdown server, > `REQUEST.rqid` is an optional request ID. It will not exist if you're > using the simulator directly through `import sim` or > `./pokemon-showdown simulate-battle`. > > When sending decisions to a Pokémon Showdown server with `/choose`, you > can add `|RQID` at the end. `RQID` is `REQUEST.rqid`, and it identifies > which request the decision was intended for, making sure "Undo" doesn't > cause the next decision to be sent for the wrong turn. Example request object: ``` { "active": [ { "moves": [ { "move": "Light Screen", "id": "lightscreen", "pp": 48, "maxpp": 48, "target": "allySide", "disabled": false }, { "move": "U-turn", "id": "uturn", "pp": 32, "maxpp": 32, "target": "normal", "disabled": false }, { "move": "Knock Off", "id": "knockoff", "pp": 32, "maxpp": 32, "target": "normal", "disabled": false }, { "move": "Roost", "id": "roost", "pp": 16, "maxpp": 16, "target": "self", "disabled": false } ] } ], "side": { "name": "Zarel", "id": "p2", "pokemon": [ { "ident": "p2: Ledian", "details": "Ledian, L83, M", "condition": "227/227", "active": true, "stats": { "atk": 106, "def": 131, "spa": 139, "spd": 230, "spe": 189 }, "moves": [ "lightscreen", "uturn", "knockoff", "roost" ], "baseAbility": "swarm", "item": "leftovers", "pokeball": "pokeball", "ability": "swarm" }, { "ident": "p2: Pyukumuku", "details": "Pyukumuku, L83, F", "condition": "227/227", "active": false, "stats": { "atk": 104, "def": 263, "spa": 97, "spd": 263, "spe": 56 }, "moves": [ "recover", "counter", "lightscreen", "reflect" ], "baseAbility": "innardsout", "item": "lightclay", "pokeball": "pokeball", "ability": "innardsout" }, { "ident": "p2: Heatmor", "details": "Heatmor, L83, F", "condition": "277/277", "active": false, "stats": { "atk": 209, "def": 157, "spa": 222, "spd": 157, "spe": 156 }, "moves": [ "fireblast", "suckerpunch", "gigadrain", "focusblast" ], "baseAbility": "flashfire", "item": "lifeorb", "pokeball": "pokeball", "ability": "flashfire" }, { "ident": "p2: Reuniclus", "details": "Reuniclus, L78, M", "condition": "300/300", "active": false, "stats": { "atk": 106, "def": 162, "spa": 240, "spd": 178, "spe": 92 }, "moves": [ "shadowball", "recover", "calmmind", "psyshock" ], "baseAbility": "magicguard", "item": "lifeorb", "pokeball": "pokeball", "ability": "magicguard" }, { "ident": "p2: Minun", "details": "Minun, L83, F", "condition": "235/235", "active": false, "stats": { "atk": 71, "def": 131, "spa": 172, "spd": 189, "spe": 205 }, "moves": [ "hiddenpowerice60", "nastyplot", "substitute", "thunderbolt" ], "baseAbility": "voltabsorb", "item": "leftovers", "pokeball": "pokeball", "ability": "voltabsorb" }, { "ident": "p2: Gligar", "details": "Gligar, L79, M", "condition": "232/232", "active": false, "stats": { "atk": 164, "def": 211, "spa": 101, "spd": 148, "spe": 180 }, "moves": [ "toxic", "stealthrock", "roost", "earthquake" ], "baseAbility": "hypercutter", "item": "eviolite", "pokeball": "pokeball", "ability": "hypercutter" } ] }, "rqid": 3 } ```