/** * Config loader * Pokemon Showdown - http://pokemonshowdown.com/ * * @license MIT */ import * as defaults from '../config/config-example'; import type { GroupInfo, EffectiveGroupSymbol } from './user-groups'; import { ProcessManager, FS } from '../lib'; export type ConfigType = typeof defaults & { groups: { [symbol: string]: GroupInfo }, groupsranking: EffectiveGroupSymbol[], greatergroupscache: { [combo: string]: GroupSymbol }, [k: string]: any, }; /** Map */ const FLAG_PRESETS = new Map([ ['--no-security', ['nothrottle', 'noguestsecurity', 'noipchecks']], ]); const CONFIG_PATH = FS('./config/config.js').path; export function load(invalidate = false) { if (invalidate) delete require.cache[CONFIG_PATH]; const config = ({ ...defaults, ...require(CONFIG_PATH) }) as ConfigType; // config.routes is nested - we need to ensure values are set for its keys as well. config.routes = { ...defaults.routes, ...config.routes }; // Automatically stop startup if better-sqlite3 isn't installed and SQLite is enabled if (config.usesqlite) { try { require('better-sqlite3'); } catch { throw new Error(`better-sqlite3 is not installed or could not be loaded, but Config.usesqlite is enabled.`); } } for (const [preset, values] of FLAG_PRESETS) { if (process.argv.includes(preset)) { for (const value of values) config[value] = true; } } cacheGroupData(config); return config; } export function cacheGroupData(config: ConfigType) { if (config.groups) { // Support for old config groups format. // Should be removed soon. reportError( `You are using a deprecated version of user group specification in config.\n` + `Support for this will be removed soon.\n` + `Please ensure that you update your config.js to the new format (see config-example.js, line 457).\n` ); } else { config.punishgroups = Object.create(null); config.groups = Object.create(null); config.groupsranking = []; config.greatergroupscache = Object.create(null); } const groups = config.groups; const punishgroups = config.punishgroups; const cachedGroups: { [k: string]: 'processing' | true } = {}; function isPermission(key: string) { return !['symbol', 'id', 'name', 'rank', 'globalGroupInPersonalRoom'].includes(key); } function cacheGroup(symbol: string, groupData: GroupInfo) { if (cachedGroups[symbol] === 'processing') { throw new Error(`Cyclic inheritance in group config for symbol "${symbol}"`); } if (cachedGroups[symbol] === true) return; for (const key in groupData) { if (isPermission(key)) { const jurisdiction = groupData[key as 'jurisdiction']; if (typeof jurisdiction === 'string' && jurisdiction.includes('s')) { reportError(`Outdated jurisdiction for permission "${key}" of group "${symbol}": 's' is no longer a supported jurisdiction; we now use 'ipself' and 'altsself'`); delete groupData[key as 'jurisdiction']; } } } if (groupData['inherit']) { cachedGroups[symbol] = 'processing'; const inheritGroup = groups[groupData['inherit']]; cacheGroup(groupData['inherit'], inheritGroup); // Add lower group permissions to higher ranked groups, // preserving permissions specifically declared for the higher group. for (const key in inheritGroup) { if (key in groupData) continue; if (!isPermission(key)) continue; (groupData as any)[key] = (inheritGroup as any)[key]; } delete groupData['inherit']; } cachedGroups[symbol] = true; } if (config.grouplist) { // Using new groups format. const grouplist = config.grouplist as any; const numGroups = grouplist.length; for (let i = 0; i < numGroups; i++) { const groupData = grouplist[i]; // punish groups if (groupData.punishgroup) { punishgroups[groupData.id] = groupData; continue; } groupData.rank = numGroups - i - 1; groups[groupData.symbol] = groupData; config.groupsranking.unshift(groupData.symbol); } } for (const sym in groups) { const groupData = groups[sym]; cacheGroup(sym, groupData); } // hardcode default punishgroups. if (!punishgroups.locked) { punishgroups.locked = { name: 'Locked', id: 'locked', symbol: '\u203d', }; } if (!punishgroups.muted) { punishgroups.muted = { name: 'Muted', id: 'muted', symbol: '!', }; } } export function checkRipgrepAvailability() { if (Config.ripgrepmodlog === undefined) { const cwd = FS.ROOT_PATH; Config.ripgrepmodlog = (async () => { try { await ProcessManager.exec(['rg', '--version'], { cwd }); await ProcessManager.exec(['tac', '--version'], { cwd }); return true; } catch { return false; } })(); } return Config.ripgrepmodlog; } function reportError(msg: string) { // This module generally loads before Monitor, so we put this in a setImmediate to wait for it to load. // Most child processes don't have Monitor.error, but the main process should always have them, and Config // errors should always be the same across processes, so this is a neat way to avoid unnecessary logging. setImmediate(() => global.Monitor?.error?.(msg)); } export const Config = load();