* Battle search - handles searching battle logs.
import { FS, Utils, ProcessManager, Repl } from '../../lib';
import { checkRipgrepAvailability, Config } from '../config-loader';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as child_process from 'child_process';
const BATTLESEARCH_PROCESS_TIMEOUT = 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 3 hours
interface BattleOutcome {
lost: string;
won: string;
turns: string;
interface BattleSearchResults {
totalBattles: number;
/** Total battle outcomes. Null when only searching for one userid. */
totalOutcomes: BattleOutcome[] | null;
totalWins: { [k: string]: number };
totalLosses: { [k: string]: number };
totalTies: number;
timesBattled: { [k: string]: number };
export async function runBattleSearch(userids: ID[], month: string, tierid: ID, turnLimit?: number) {
const useRipgrep = await checkRipgrepAvailability();
const pathString = `${month}/${tierid}/`;
const results: { [k: string]: BattleSearchResults } = {};
let files = [];
try {
files = await Monitor.logPath(pathString).readdir();
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return results;
throw err;
const [userid] = userids;
files = files.filter(item => item.startsWith(month)).map(item => Monitor.logPath(`${month}/${tierid}/${item}`).path);
if (useRipgrep) {
// Matches non-word (including _ which counts as a word) characters between letters/numbers
// in a user's name so the userid can case-insensitively be matched to the name.
// We want to be order-insensitive for the player IDs. This union is much cheaper than using PCRE.
const userUnion = userids.map(id => `${[...id].join('[^a-zA-Z0-9]*')}[^a-zA-Z0-9]*`).join('|');
const regexString = userids.map(id => `(.*?("p(1|2)":"(${userUnion})"))`).join('');
let output;
try {
output = await ProcessManager.exec(['rg', '-i', regexString, '--no-line-number', '-tjson', ...files]);
} catch {
return results;
for (const line of output.stdout.split('\n').reverse()) {
const [file, raw] = Utils.splitFirst(line, ':');
if (!raw || !line) continue;
const data = JSON.parse(raw);
const day = file.split('/')[3];
if (!results[day]) {
results[day] = {
totalBattles: 0,
totalWins: {},
totalOutcomes: userids.length > 1 ? [] : null,
totalLosses: {},
totalTies: 0,
timesBattled: {},
const p1id = toID(data.p1);
const p2id = toID(data.p2);
if (userids.length > 1) {
// looking for specific userids, only register ones where those users are players
if (userids.filter(item => [p1id, p2id].includes(item)).length < userids.length) continue;
} else {
if (!(p1id === userid || p2id === userid)) continue;
if (turnLimit && data.turns > turnLimit) continue;
if (!results[day]) {
results[day] = {
totalBattles: 0,
totalWins: {},
totalOutcomes: userids.length > 1 ? [] : null,
totalLosses: {},
totalTies: 0,
timesBattled: {},
const winnerid = toID(data.winner);
const loser = winnerid === p1id ? p2id : p1id;
if (userids.includes(winnerid)) {
if (!results[day].totalWins[winnerid]) results[day].totalWins[winnerid] = 0;
} else if (data.winner) {
if (!results[day].totalLosses[loser]) results[day].totalLosses[loser] = 0;
} else {
// explicitly state 0 of stats if none
for (const id of userids) {
if (!results[day].totalLosses[id]) results[day].totalLosses[id] = 0;
if (!results[day].totalWins[id]) results[day].totalWins[id] = 0;
const outcomes = results[day].totalOutcomes;
if (outcomes) {
outcomes.push({ won: winnerid, lost: loser, turns: data.turns });
// we only want foe data for single-userid searches
const foe = userids.length > 1 ? null : userid === toID(data.p1) ? toID(data.p2) : toID(data.p1);
if (foe) {
if (!results[day].timesBattled[foe]) results[day].timesBattled[foe] = 0;
return results;
for (const file of files) {
const subFiles = FS(`${file}`).readdirSync();
const day = file.split('/')[3];
for (const dayFile of subFiles) {
const json = FS(`${file}/${dayFile}`).readIfExistsSync();
const data = JSON.parse(json);
const p1id = toID(data.p1);
const p2id = toID(data.p2);
if (userids.length > 1) {
// looking for specific userids, only register ones where those users are players
if (userids.filter(item => item === p1id || item === p2id).length < userids.length) continue;
} else {
if (!(p1id === userid || p2id === userid)) continue;
if (turnLimit && data.turns > turnLimit) continue;
if (!results[day]) {
results[day] = {
totalBattles: 0,
totalWins: {},
totalOutcomes: [],
totalLosses: {},
totalTies: 0,
timesBattled: {},
const winnerid = toID(data.winner);
const loser = winnerid === p1id ? p2id : p1id;
if (userids.includes(winnerid)) {
if (!results[day].totalWins[winnerid]) results[day].totalWins[winnerid] = 0;
} else if (data.winner) {
if (!results[day].totalLosses[loser]) results[day].totalLosses[loser] = 0;
} else {
// explicitly state 0 of stats if none
for (const id of userids) {
if (!results[day].totalLosses[id]) results[day].totalLosses[id] = 0;
if (!results[day].totalWins[id]) results[day].totalWins[id] = 0;
const outcomes = results[day].totalOutcomes;
if (outcomes) {
outcomes.push({ won: winnerid, lost: loser, turns: data.turns });
// we don't want foe data if we're searching for 2 userids
const foe = userids.length > 1 ? null : userid === p1id ? p2id : p1id;
if (foe) {
if (!results[day].timesBattled[foe]) results[day].timesBattled[foe] = 0;
return results;
function buildResults(
data: { [k: string]: BattleSearchResults }, userids: ID[],
month: string, tierid: ID, turnLimit?: number
) {
let buf = `>view-battlesearch-${userids.join('-')}--${turnLimit}--${month}--${tierid}--confirm\n|init|html\n|title|[Battle Search][${userids.join('-')}][${tierid}][${month}]\n`;
buf += `|pagehtml|
buf += `${tierid} battles on ${month} where `;
buf += userids.length > 1 ? `the users ${userids.join(', ')} were players` : `the user ${userids[0]} was a player`;
buf += turnLimit ? ` and the battle lasted less than ${turnLimit} turn${Chat.plural(turnLimit)}` : '';
buf += `:
return buf;
async function rustBattleSearch(
context: Chat.PageContext, targetUser: string, daysString: string, format: ID
) {
const days = parseInt(daysString);
if (days < 1 || days > 15) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Days must be between 1 and 15. To search longer ranges, use psbattletools manually on sim3.`);
if (!targetUser) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`No user specified.`);
const { connection, user } = context;
const currentDayOfMonth = (new Date()).getDate();
if (days < 1 || days > 15) {
return context.errorReply(`Days must be between 1 and 15. To search longer ranges, use psbattletools manually on sim3.`);
try {
await ProcessManager.exec(`psbattletools --version`, {
env: { PATH: `${process.env.PATH}:${process.env.HOME}/.cargo/bin` },
} catch {
return context.errorReply(
`You must install psbattletools to use the alternate battlesearch.`
if (user.lastCommand !== '/battlesearch' && [30, 31, 1].includes(currentDayOfMonth)) {
const buf = [`Warning: Usage stats may be running currently.`];
buf.push(`Battlesearch can interfere with usage stats processing due to high computational load.`);
buf.push(`Please exercise caution.`);
buf.push(`Type the command again to confirm.`);
user.lastCommand = '/battlesearch';
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(buf.join(' '));
user.lastCommand = '';
const directories = [];
for (let daysAgo = 0; daysAgo < days; daysAgo++) {
const date = new Date(Date.now() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * daysAgo);
const year = date.getFullYear();
const month = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
const day = date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
Monitor.logPath(path.join(`${year}-${month}`, format, `${year}-${month}-${day}`)).path
// TODO: implement flag?
let buf = `>view-battlesearch-${toID(targetUser)}\n|init|html\n|title|[Battlesearch] ${targetUser} in ${format}\n`;
buf += `|pagehtml|
Battlesearch for ${targetUser} in ${format} in the last ${days} days
buf += ``;
buf += `
buf += `
const search = child_process.spawn(
['--threads', '3', 'search', targetUser, ...directories],
{ env: { PATH: `${process.env.PATH}:${process.env.HOME}/.cargo/bin` } }
search.stdout.on('data', data => {
buf = buf.replace('', `${Chat.formatText(data.toString()).replace(/\n/g, ' ')}`);
search.on('close', () => {
buf = buf.replace('Searching...', 'Done!');
async function fsBattleSearch(
connection: Connection, userids: string[], month: string,
tierid: ID, turnLimit?: number
) {
userids = userids.map(toID);
const user = connection.user;
if (!user.can('forcewin')) return connection.popup(`/battlesearch - Access Denied`);
const response = await PM.query({ userids, turnLimit, month, tierid });
connection.send(buildResults(response, userids as ID[], month, tierid, turnLimit));
export const pages: Chat.PageTable = {
async battlesearch(args, user, connection) {
if (!user.named) return Rooms.RETRY_AFTER_LOGIN;
if (Config.nobattlesearch === true) {
return this.errorReply(`Battlesearch has been temporarily disabled due to load issues.`);
if (Config.nobattlesearch === 'psbattletools') {
return rustBattleSearch(this, args[0], args[1], toID(args[2]));
const [ids, rawLimit, month, formatid, confirmation] = Utils.splitFirst(this.pageid.slice(18), '--', 5);
let turnLimit: number | undefined = parseInt(rawLimit);
if (isNaN(turnLimit)) turnLimit = undefined;
const userids = ids.split('-');
if (!ids || turnLimit && turnLimit < 1) {
return user.popup(`Some arguments are missing or invalid for battlesearch. Use /battlesearch to start over.`);
this.title = `[Battle Search][${userids.join(', ')}]`;
let buf = `
const tierid = toID(formatid);
const tiers = Utils.sortBy(await Monitor.logPath(`${month}/`).readdir(), tier => [
// First sort by gen with the latest being first
tier.startsWith('gen') ? -parseInt(tier.charAt(3)) : -6,
// Then sort alphabetically
]).map(tier => {
// Use the official tier name
const format = Dex.formats.get(tier);
if (format?.exists) tier = format.name;
// Otherwise format as best as possible
if (tier.startsWith('gen')) {
return `[Gen ${tier.substring(3, 4)}] ${tier.substring(4)}`;
return tier;
if (!tierid) {
buf += `
Are you sure you want to run a battle search for for ${tierid} battles on ${month} `;
buf += `where the ${userids.length > 1 ? `user(s) ${userids.join(', ')} were players` : `the user ${userid} was a player`}`;
if (turnLimit) buf += ` and the battle lasted less than ${turnLimit} turn${Chat.plural(turnLimit)}`;
buf += `?
` +
`Searching for ${tierid} battles on ${month} where the ` +
`${userids.length > 1 ? `user(s) ${userids.join(', ')} were players` : `the user ${userid} was a player`} ` +
(turnLimit ? `and the battle lasted less than ${turnLimit} turn${Chat.plural(turnLimit)}.` : '') +
Loading... (this will take a while)
export const commands: Chat.ChatCommands = {
battlesearch(target, room, user, connection) {
if (!target.trim()) return this.parse('/help battlesearch');
const parts = target.split(',');
let turnLimit;
const ids = [];
for (const part of parts) {
if (part.startsWith('limit=')) {
const n = parseInt(part.slice('limit='.length).trim());
if (isNaN(n)) {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid limit: ${part.slice('limit='.length)}`);
turnLimit = n;
// Selection on month, tier, and date will be handled in the HTML room
return this.parse(`/join view-battlesearch-${ids.map(toID).join('-')}--${turnLimit || ""}`);
battlesearchhelp() {
if (Config.nobattlesearch === 'psbattletools') {
// use the psbattletools battlesearch command instead
return this.parse('/help rustbattlesearch');
return this.sendReply(
'/battlesearch [args] - Searches rated battle history for the provided [args] and returns information on battles between the userids given.\n' +
`If a number is provided in the [args], it is assumed to be a turn limit, else they're assumed to be userids. Requires ~`
rustbattlesearchhelp: [
`/battlesearch , , - Searches for battles played by in the past days. Requires: ~`,
* Process manager
export const PM = new ProcessManager.QueryProcessManager(module, async data => {
const { userids, turnLimit, month, tierid } = data;
const start = Date.now();
try {
const result = await runBattleSearch(userids, month, tierid, turnLimit);
const elapsedTime = Date.now() - start;
if (elapsedTime > 10 * 60 * 1000) {
Monitor.slow(`[Slow battlesearch query] ${elapsedTime}ms: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
return result;
} catch (err) {
Monitor.crashlog(err, 'A battle search query', {
return null;
if (message.startsWith('SLOW\n')) {
if (!PM.isParentProcess) {
// This is a child process!
global.Config = require('../config-loader').Config;
global.Monitor = {
crashlog(error: Error, source = 'A battle search process', details: AnyObject | null = null) {
const repr = JSON.stringify([error.name, error.message, source, details]);
slow(text: string) {
process.on('uncaughtException', err => {
if (Config.crashguard) {
Monitor.crashlog(err, 'A battle search child process');
global.Dex = require('../../sim/dex').Dex;
global.toID = Dex.toID;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
Repl.start('battlesearch', cmd => eval(cmd));
} else {