"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var room_battle_exports = {}; __export(room_battle_exports, { PM: () => PM, RoomBattle: () => RoomBattle, RoomBattlePlayer: () => RoomBattlePlayer, RoomBattleStream: () => RoomBattleStream, RoomBattleTimer: () => RoomBattleTimer }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(room_battle_exports); var import_child_process = require("child_process"); var import_lib = require("../lib"); var import_battle_stream = require("../sim/battle-stream"); var import_room_game = require("./room-game"); /** * Room Battle * Pokemon Showdown - http://pokemonshowdown.com/ * * This file wraps the simulator in an implementation of the RoomGame * interface. It also abstracts away the multi-process nature of the * simulator. * * For the actual battle simulation, see sim/ * * @license MIT */ const TICK_TIME = 5; const SECONDS = 1e3; const STARTING_TIME = 150; const MAX_TURN_TIME = 150; const STARTING_TIME_CHALLENGE = 300; const STARTING_GRACE_TIME = 60; const MAX_TURN_TIME_CHALLENGE = 300; const DISCONNECTION_TIME = 60; const DISCONNECTION_BANK_TIME = 300; const TIMER_COOLDOWN = 20 * SECONDS; const LOCKDOWN_PERIOD = 30 * 60 * 1e3; class RoomBattlePlayer extends import_room_game.RoomGamePlayer { constructor(user, game, num) { super(user, game, num); if (typeof user === "string") user = null; this.slot = `p${num}`; this.channelIndex = game.gameType === "multi" && num > 2 ? num - 2 : num; this.request = { rqid: 0, request: "", isWait: "cantUndo", choice: "" }; this.wantsTie = false; this.wantsOpenTeamSheets = null; this.active = !!user?.connected; this.eliminated = false; this.secondsLeft = 1; this.turnSecondsLeft = 1; this.dcSecondsLeft = 1; this.knownActive = true; this.invite = ""; this.hasTeam = false; if (user) { user.games.add(this.game.roomid); user.updateSearch(); for (const connection of user.connections) { if (connection.inRooms.has(game.roomid)) { Sockets.channelMove(connection.worker, this.game.roomid, this.channelIndex, connection.socketid); } } } } destroy() { const user = this.getUser(); if (user) { this.updateChannel(user, 0); } this.knownActive = false; this.active = false; } updateChannel(user, channel = this.channelIndex) { for (const connection of user.connections || [user]) { Sockets.channelMove(connection.worker, this.game.roomid, channel, connection.socketid); } } } class RoomBattleTimer { constructor(battle) { this.battle = battle; this.timer = null; this.timerRequesters = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this.isFirstTurn = true; this.lastTick = 0; this.debug = false; this.lastDisabledTime = 0; this.lastDisabledByUser = null; const format = Dex.formats.get(battle.format, true); const hasLongTurns = format.gameType !== "singles"; const isChallenge = battle.challengeType === "challenge"; const timerEntry = Dex.formats.getRuleTable(format).timer; const timerSettings = timerEntry?.[0]; for (const k in timerSettings) { if (timerSettings[k] === void 0) delete timerSettings[k]; } this.settings = { dcTimer: !isChallenge, dcTimerBank: isChallenge, starting: isChallenge ? STARTING_TIME_CHALLENGE : STARTING_TIME, grace: STARTING_GRACE_TIME, addPerTurn: hasLongTurns ? 25 : 10, maxPerTurn: isChallenge ? MAX_TURN_TIME_CHALLENGE : MAX_TURN_TIME, maxFirstTurn: isChallenge ? MAX_TURN_TIME_CHALLENGE : MAX_TURN_TIME, timeoutAutoChoose: false, accelerate: !timerSettings && !isChallenge, ...timerSettings }; if (this.settings.maxPerTurn <= 0) this.settings.maxPerTurn = Infinity; for (const player of this.battle.players) { player.secondsLeft = this.settings.starting + this.settings.grace; player.turnSecondsLeft = -1; player.dcSecondsLeft = this.settings.dcTimerBank ? DISCONNECTION_BANK_TIME : DISCONNECTION_TIME; } } start(requester) { const userid = requester ? requester.id : "staff"; if (this.timerRequesters.has(userid)) return false; if (this.battle.ended) { requester?.sendTo(this.battle.roomid, `|inactiveoff|The timer can't be enabled after a battle has ended.`); return false; } if (this.timer) { this.battle.room.add(`|inactive|${requester ? requester.name : userid} also wants the timer to be on.`).update(); this.timerRequesters.add(userid); return false; } if (requester && this.battle.playerTable[requester.id] && this.lastDisabledByUser === requester.id) { const remainingCooldownMs = (this.lastDisabledTime || 0) + TIMER_COOLDOWN - Date.now(); if (remainingCooldownMs > 0) { this.battle.playerTable[requester.id].sendRoom( `|inactiveoff|The timer can't be re-enabled so soon after disabling it (${Math.ceil(remainingCooldownMs / SECONDS)} seconds remaining).` ); return false; } } this.timerRequesters.add(userid); const requestedBy = requester ? ` (requested by ${requester.name})` : ``; this.battle.room.add(`|inactive|Battle timer is ON: inactive players will automatically lose when time's up.${requestedBy}`).update(); this.checkActivity(); this.nextRequest(); return true; } stop(requester) { if (requester) { if (!this.timerRequesters.has(requester.id)) return false; this.timerRequesters.delete(requester.id); this.lastDisabledByUser = requester.id; this.lastDisabledTime = Date.now(); } else { this.timerRequesters.clear(); } if (this.timerRequesters.size) { this.battle.room.add(`|inactive|${requester.name} no longer wants the timer on, but the timer is staying on because ${[...this.timerRequesters].join(", ")} still does.`).update(); return false; } if (this.end()) { this.battle.room.add(`|inactiveoff|Battle timer is now OFF.`).update(); return true; } return false; } end() { this.timerRequesters.clear(); if (!this.timer) return false; clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; return true; } nextRequest() { if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; } if (!this.timerRequesters.size) return; const players = this.battle.players; if (players.some((player) => player.secondsLeft <= 0)) return; let isFull = true; let isEmpty = true; for (const player of players) { if (player.request.isWait) isFull = false; if (player.request.isWait !== "cantUndo") isEmpty = false; } if (isEmpty) { return; } const isFirst = this.isFirstTurn; this.isFirstTurn = false; const maxTurnTime = (isFirst ? this.settings.maxFirstTurn : 0) || this.settings.maxPerTurn; let addPerTurn = isFirst ? 0 : this.settings.addPerTurn; if (this.settings.accelerate && addPerTurn) { if (this.battle.requestCount > 200 && addPerTurn > TICK_TIME) { addPerTurn -= TICK_TIME; } if (this.battle.requestCount > 400 && Math.floor(this.battle.requestCount / 2) % 2) { addPerTurn = 0; } } if (!isFull && addPerTurn > TICK_TIME) { addPerTurn = TICK_TIME; } const room = this.battle.room; for (const player of players) { if (!isFirst) { player.secondsLeft = Math.min(player.secondsLeft + addPerTurn, this.settings.starting); } player.turnSecondsLeft = Math.min(player.secondsLeft, maxTurnTime); const secondsLeft = player.turnSecondsLeft; let grace = player.secondsLeft - this.settings.starting; if (grace < 0) grace = 0; player.sendRoom(`|inactive|Time left: ${secondsLeft} sec this turn | ${player.secondsLeft - grace} sec total` + (grace ? ` | ${grace} sec grace` : ``)); if (secondsLeft <= 30 && secondsLeft < this.settings.starting) { room.add(`|inactive|${player.name} has ${secondsLeft} seconds left this turn.`); } if (this.debug) { room.add(`||${player.name} | Time left: ${secondsLeft} sec this turn | ${player.secondsLeft} sec total | +${addPerTurn} seconds`); } } room.update(); this.lastTick = Date.now(); this.timer = setTimeout(() => this.nextTick(), TICK_TIME * SECONDS); } nextTick() { if (this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer); if (this.battle.ended) return; const room = this.battle.room; for (const player of this.battle.players) { if (player.request.isWait) continue; if (player.knownActive) { player.secondsLeft -= TICK_TIME; player.turnSecondsLeft -= TICK_TIME; } else { player.dcSecondsLeft -= TICK_TIME; if (!this.settings.dcTimerBank) { player.secondsLeft -= TICK_TIME; player.turnSecondsLeft -= TICK_TIME; } } const dcSecondsLeft = player.dcSecondsLeft; if (dcSecondsLeft <= 0) { player.turnSecondsLeft = 0; } const secondsLeft = player.turnSecondsLeft; if (!secondsLeft) continue; if (!player.knownActive && (dcSecondsLeft <= secondsLeft || this.settings.dcTimerBank)) { if (dcSecondsLeft % 30 === 0 || dcSecondsLeft <= 20) { room.add(`|inactive|${player.name} has ${dcSecondsLeft} seconds to reconnect!`); } } else { if (secondsLeft % 30 === 0 || secondsLeft <= 20) { room.add(`|inactive|${player.name} has ${secondsLeft} seconds left.`); } } if (this.debug) { room.add(`||[${player.name} has ${player.turnSecondsLeft}s this turn / ${player.secondsLeft}s total]`); } } room.update(); if (!this.checkTimeout()) { this.timer = setTimeout(() => this.nextTick(), TICK_TIME * 1e3); } } checkActivity() { if (this.battle.ended) return; for (const player of this.battle.players) { const isActive = !!player.active; if (isActive === player.knownActive) continue; if (!isActive) { player.knownActive = false; if (!this.settings.dcTimerBank) { if (this.settings.dcTimer) { player.dcSecondsLeft = DISCONNECTION_TIME; } else { player.dcSecondsLeft = DISCONNECTION_TIME * 10; } } if (this.timerRequesters.size) { let msg = `!`; if (this.settings.dcTimer) { msg = ` and has a minute to reconnect!`; } if (this.settings.dcTimerBank) { if (player.dcSecondsLeft > 0) { msg = ` and has ${player.dcSecondsLeft} seconds to reconnect!`; } else { msg = ` and has no disconnection time left!`; } } this.battle.room.add(`|inactive|${player.name} disconnected${msg}`).update(); } } else { player.knownActive = true; if (this.timerRequesters.size) { let timeLeft = ``; if (!player.request.isWait) { timeLeft = ` and has ${player.turnSecondsLeft} seconds left`; } this.battle.room.add(`|inactive|${player.name} reconnected${timeLeft}.`).update(); } } } } checkTimeout() { const players = this.battle.players; if (players.every((player) => player.turnSecondsLeft <= 0)) { if (!this.settings.timeoutAutoChoose || players.every((player) => player.secondsLeft <= 0)) { this.battle.room.add(`|-message|All players are inactive.`).update(); this.battle.tie(); return true; } } let didSomething = false; for (const player of players) { if (!player.id) continue; if (player.turnSecondsLeft > 0) continue; if (this.settings.timeoutAutoChoose && player.secondsLeft > 0 && player.knownActive) { void this.battle.stream.write(`>${player.slot} default`); didSomething = true; } else { this.battle.forfeitPlayer(player, " lost due to inactivity."); return true; } } return didSomething; } } class RoomBattle extends import_room_game.RoomGame { constructor(room, options) { super(room); this.gameid = "battle"; /** * userid that requested extraction -> playerids that accepted the extraction */ this.allowExtraction = {}; this.started = false; this.active = false; this.replaySaved = false; this.forcedSettings = {}; this.p1 = null; this.p2 = null; this.p3 = null; this.p4 = null; this.inviteOnlySetter = null; this.logData = null; this.endType = "normal"; /** * If the battle is ended: an array of the number of Pokemon left for each side. */ this.score = null; this.inputLog = null; this.turn = 0; this.rqid = 1; this.requestCount = 0; const format = Dex.formats.get(options.format, true); this.title = format.name; this.options = options; if (!this.title.endsWith(" Battle")) this.title += " Battle"; this.allowRenames = options.allowRenames !== void 0 ? !!options.allowRenames : !options.rated && !options.tour; this.format = options.format; this.gameType = format.gameType; this.challengeType = options.challengeType || "challenge"; this.rated = options.rated === true ? 1 : options.rated || 0; this.ladder = typeof format.rated === "string" ? toID(format.rated) : options.format; this.playerCap = format.playerCount; this.stream = PM.createStream(); let ratedMessage = options.ratedMessage || ""; if (this.rated) { ratedMessage = "Rated battle"; } else if (this.room.tour) { ratedMessage = "Tournament battle"; } this.room.battle = this; const battleOptions = { formatid: this.format, roomid: this.roomid, rated: ratedMessage, seed: options.seed }; if (options.inputLog) { void this.stream.write(options.inputLog); } else { void this.stream.write(`>start ` + JSON.stringify(battleOptions)); } void this.listen(); if (options.players.length > this.playerCap) { throw new Error(`${options.players.length} players passed to battle ${room.roomid} but ${this.playerCap} players expected`); } for (let i = 0; i < this.playerCap; i++) { const p = options.players[i]; const player = this.addPlayer(p?.user || null, p || null); if (!player) throw new Error(`failed to create player ${i + 1} in ${room.roomid}`); } if (options.inputLog) { let scanIndex = 0; for (const player of this.players) { const nameIndex1 = options.inputLog.indexOf(`"name":"`, scanIndex); const nameIndex2 = options.inputLog.indexOf(`"`, nameIndex1 + 8); if (nameIndex1 < 0 || nameIndex2 < 0) break; scanIndex = nameIndex2 + 1; const name = options.inputLog.slice(nameIndex1 + 8, nameIndex2); player.name = name; player.hasTeam = true; } } this.timer = new RoomBattleTimer(this); if (Config.forcetimer || this.format.includes("blitz")) this.timer.start(); this.start(); } checkActive() { const active = this.started && !this.ended && this.players.every((p) => p.active); Rooms.global.battleCount += (active ? 1 : 0) - (this.active ? 1 : 0); this.room.active = active; this.active = active; if (Rooms.global.battleCount === 0) Rooms.global.automaticKillRequest(); } choose(user, data) { if (this.frozen) { user.popup(`Your battle is currently paused, so you cannot move right now.`); return; } const player = this.playerTable[user.id]; const [choice, rqid] = data.split("|", 2); if (!player) return; const request = player.request; if (request.isWait !== false && request.isWait !== true) { player.sendRoom(`|error|[Invalid choice] There's nothing to choose`); return; } const allPlayersWait = this.players.every((p) => !!p.request.isWait); if (allPlayersWait || rqid && rqid !== `${request.rqid}`) { player.sendRoom(`|error|[Invalid choice] Sorry, too late to make a different move; the next turn has already started`); return; } request.isWait = true; request.choice = choice; void this.stream.write(`>${player.slot} ${choice}`); } undo(user, data) { const player = this.playerTable[user.id]; const [, rqid] = data.split("|", 2); if (!player) return; const request = player.request; if (request.isWait !== true) { player.sendRoom(`|error|[Invalid choice] There's nothing to cancel`); return; } const allPlayersWait = this.players.every((p) => !!p.request.isWait); if (allPlayersWait || rqid && rqid !== `${request.rqid}`) { player.sendRoom(`|error|[Invalid choice] Sorry, too late to cancel; the next turn has already started`); return; } request.isWait = false; void this.stream.write(`>${player.slot} undo`); } joinGame(user, slot, playerOpts) { if (user.id in this.playerTable) { user.popup(`You have already joined this battle.`); return false; } const validSlots = this.players.filter((player) => !player.id).map((player) => player.slot); if (slot && !validSlots.includes(slot)) { user.popup(`This battle already has a user in slot ${slot}.`); return false; } if (!validSlots.length) { user.popup(`This battle already has ${this.playerCap} players.`); return false; } slot ?? (slot = this.players.find((player) => player.invite === user.id)?.slot); if (!slot && validSlots.length > 1) { user.popup(`Which slot would you like to join into? Use something like \`/joingame ${validSlots[0]}\``); return false; } slot ?? (slot = validSlots[0]); if (this[slot].invite === user.id) { this.room.auth.set(user.id, Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL); } else if (!user.can("joinbattle", null, this.room)) { user.popup(`You must be set as a player to join a battle you didn't start. Ask a player to use /addplayer on you to join this battle.`); return false; } this.setPlayerUser(this[slot], user, playerOpts); if (validSlots.length - 1 <= 0) { const users = this.players.map((player) => player.getUser()).filter(Boolean); Rooms.global.onCreateBattleRoom(users, this.room, { rated: this.rated }); this.started = true; this.room.add(`|uhtmlchange|invites|`); } else if (!this.started && this.invitesFull()) { this.sendInviteForm(true); } if (user.inRooms.has(this.roomid)) this.onConnect(user); this.room.update(); return true; } leaveGame(user) { if (!user) return false; if (this.room.rated || this.room.tour) { user.popup(`Players can't be swapped out in a ${this.room.tour ? "tournament" : "rated"} battle.`); return false; } const player = this.playerTable[user.id]; if (!player) { user.popup(`Failed to leave battle - you're not a player.`); return false; } Chat.runHandlers("onBattleLeave", user, this.room); this.updatePlayer(player, null); this.room.update(); return true; } startTimer() { this.timer.start(); } async listen() { let disconnected = false; try { for await (const next of this.stream) { if (!this.room) return; this.receive(next.split("\n")); } } catch (err) { if (err.message.includes("Process disconnected")) { disconnected = true; } else { Monitor.crashlog(err, "A sim stream"); } } if (!this.ended) { this.room.add(`|bigerror|The simulator process crashed. We've been notified and will fix this ASAP.`); if (!disconnected) Monitor.crashlog(new Error(`Sim stream interrupted`), `A sim stream`); this.started = true; this.setEnded(); this.checkActive(); } } receive(lines) { for (const player of this.players) player.wantsTie = false; switch (lines[0]) { case "requesteddata": lines = lines.slice(1); const [resolver] = this.dataResolvers.shift(); resolver(lines); break; case "update": for (const line of lines.slice(1)) { if (line.startsWith("|turn|")) { this.turn = parseInt(line.slice(6)); } this.room.add(line); if (line.startsWith(`|bigerror|You will auto-tie if `) && Config.allowrequestingties && !this.room.tour) { this.room.add(`|-hint|If you want to tie earlier, consider using \`/offertie\`.`); } } this.room.update(); if (!this.ended) this.timer.nextRequest(); this.checkActive(); break; case "sideupdate": { const slot = lines[1]; const player = this[slot]; if (lines[2].startsWith(`|error|[Invalid choice] Can't do anything`)) { } else if (lines[2].startsWith(`|error|[Invalid choice]`)) { const undoFailed = lines[2].includes(`Can't undo`); const request = this[slot].request; request.isWait = undoFailed ? "cantUndo" : false; request.choice = ""; } else if (lines[2].startsWith(`|request|`)) { this.rqid++; const request = JSON.parse(lines[2].slice(9)); request.rqid = this.rqid; const requestJSON = JSON.stringify(request); this[slot].request = { rqid: this.rqid, request: requestJSON, isWait: request.wait ? "cantUndo" : false, choice: "" }; this.requestCount++; player?.sendRoom(`|request|${requestJSON}`); break; } player?.sendRoom(lines[2]); break; } case "error": { if (process.uptime() * 1e3 < LOCKDOWN_PERIOD) { const error = new Error(); error.stack = lines.slice(1).join("\n"); Rooms.global.startLockdown(error); } break; } case "end": this.logData = JSON.parse(lines[1]); this.score = this.logData.score; this.inputLog = this.logData.inputLog; this.started = true; void this.end(this.logData.winner); break; } } end(winnerName) { if (this.ended) return; this.setEnded(); this.checkActive(); this.timer.end(); let p1score = 0.5; const winnerid = toID(winnerName); if (winnerid === this.p1.id) { p1score = 1; } else if (winnerid === this.p2.id) { p1score = 0; } Chat.runHandlers("onBattleEnd", this, winnerid, this.players.map((p) => p.id)); if (this.room.rated && !this.options.isBestOfSubBattle) { void this.updateLadder(p1score, winnerid); } else if (Config.logchallenges) { void this.logBattle(p1score); } else if (!this.options.isBestOfSubBattle) { this.logData = null; } this.room.parent?.game?.onBattleWin?.(this.room, winnerid); if (this.room.hideReplay) { this.room.settings.modjoin = "%"; this.room.setPrivate("hidden"); } this.room.update(); for (const player of this.players) { player.getUser()?.games.delete(this.roomid); } if (this.replaySaved || Config.autosavereplays) { const options = Config.autosavereplays === "private" ? void 0 : "silent"; return this.room.uploadReplay(void 0, void 0, options); } } async updateLadder(p1score, winnerid) { this.room.rated = 0; const winner = Users.get(winnerid); if (winner && !winner.registered) { this.room.sendUser(winner, "|askreg|" + winner.id); } const [score, p1rating, p2rating] = await Ladders(this.ladder).updateRating( this.p1.name, this.p2.name, p1score, this.room ); void this.logBattle(score, p1rating, p2rating); Chat.runHandlers("onBattleRanked", this, winnerid, [p1rating, p2rating], [this.p1.id, this.p2.id]); } async logBattle(p1score, p1rating = null, p2rating = null, p3rating = null, p4rating = null) { if (Dex.formats.get(this.format, true).noLog) return; const logData = this.logData; if (!logData) return; this.logData = null; logData.log = this.room.getLog(-1).split("\n"); for (const rating of [p1rating, p2rating, p3rating, p4rating]) { if (rating) { delete rating.formatid; delete rating.username; delete rating.rpsigma; delete rating.sigma; } } logData.p1rating = p1rating; if (this.replaySaved) logData.replaySaved = this.replaySaved; logData.p2rating = p2rating; if (this.playerCap > 2) { logData.p3rating = p3rating; logData.p4rating = p4rating; } logData.endType = this.endType; if (!p1rating) logData.ladderError = true; const date = new Date(); logData.timestamp = `${date}`; logData.roomid = this.room.roomid; logData.format = this.room.format; const logsubfolder = Chat.toTimestamp(date).split(" ")[0]; const logfolder = logsubfolder.split("-", 2).join("-"); const tier = Dex.formats.get(this.room.format).id; const logpath = `${logfolder}/${tier}/${logsubfolder}/`; await Monitor.logPath(logpath).mkdirp(); await Monitor.logPath(`${logpath}${this.room.getReplayData().id}.log.json`).write(JSON.stringify(logData)); } onConnect(user, connection = null) { if (this.ended && this.room.parent?.game?.constructor.name === "BestOfGame") { const parentGame = this.room.parent.game; parentGame.playerTable[user.id]?.updateReadyButton(); } const player = this.playerTable[user.id]; if (!player) return; player.updateChannel(connection || user); const request = player.request; if (request) { let data = `|request|${request.request}`; if (request.choice) data += ` |sentchoice|${request.choice}`; (connection || user).sendTo(this.roomid, data); } if (!this.started) { this.sendInviteForm(connection || user); } if (!player.active) this.onJoin(user); } onRename(user, oldUserid, isJoining, isForceRenamed) { if (user.id === oldUserid) return; if (!this.playerTable) { user.games.delete(this.roomid); return; } if (!(oldUserid in this.playerTable)) { if (user.id in this.playerTable) { this.onConnect(user); } return; } if (!this.allowRenames) { const player2 = this.playerTable[oldUserid]; if (player2) { const message = isForceRenamed ? " lost by having an inappropriate name." : " forfeited by changing their name."; this.forfeitPlayer(player2, message); } if (!(user.id in this.playerTable)) { user.games.delete(this.roomid); } return; } if (!user.named) { this.onLeave(user, oldUserid); return; } if (user.id in this.playerTable) return; const player = this.playerTable[oldUserid]; if (player) { this.updatePlayer(player, user); } const options = { name: user.name, avatar: user.avatar }; void this.stream.write(`>player ${player.slot} ` + JSON.stringify(options)); } onJoin(user) { const player = this.playerTable[user.id]; if (player && !player.active) { player.active = true; this.timer.checkActivity(); this.room.add(`|player|${player.slot}|${user.name}|${user.avatar}|`); Chat.runHandlers("onBattleJoin", player.slot, user, this); } } onLeave(user, oldUserid) { const player = this.playerTable[oldUserid || user.id]; if (player?.active) { player.sendRoom(`|request|null`); player.active = false; this.timer.checkActivity(); this.room.add(`|player|${player.slot}|`); } } win(user) { if (!user) { this.tie(); return true; } const player = this.playerTable[user.id]; if (!player) return false; void this.stream.write(`>forcewin ${player.slot}`); } tie() { void this.stream.write(`>forcetie`); } tiebreak() { void this.stream.write(`>tiebreak`); } forfeit(user, message = "") { if (typeof user !== "string") user = user.id; else user = toID(user); if (!(user in this.playerTable)) return false; return this.forfeitPlayer(this.playerTable[user], message); } forfeitPlayer(player, message = "") { if (this.ended || !this.started || player.eliminated) return false; player.eliminated = true; this.room.add(`|-message|${player.name}${message || " forfeited."}`); this.endType = "forfeit"; if (this.playerCap > 2) { player.sendRoom(`|request|null`); this.setPlayerUser(player, null); } void this.stream.write(`>forcelose ${player.slot}`); return true; } /** * playerOpts should be empty only if importing an inputlog * (so the player isn't recreated) */ addPlayer(user, playerOpts) { const player = super.addPlayer(user); if (typeof user === "string") user = null; if (!player) return null; const slot = player.slot; this[slot] = player; if (playerOpts) { const options = { name: player.name, avatar: user ? `${user.avatar}` : "", team: playerOpts.team || void 0, rating: Math.round(playerOpts.rating || 0) }; void this.stream.write(`>player ${slot} ${JSON.stringify(options)}`); player.hasTeam = true; } if (user) { this.room.auth.set(player.id, Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL); } if (user?.inRooms.has(this.roomid)) this.onConnect(user); return player; } checkPrivacySettings(options) { let inviteOnly = false; const privacySetter = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([]); for (const p of options.players) { if (p.user) { if (p.inviteOnly) { inviteOnly = true; privacySetter.add(p.user.id); } else if (p.hidden) { privacySetter.add(p.user.id); } this.checkForcedUserSettings(p.user); } } if (privacySetter.size) { const room = this.room; if (this.forcedSettings.privacy) { room.setPrivate(false); room.settings.modjoin = null; room.add(`|raw|
This battle is required to be public due to a player having a name starting with '${this.forcedSettings.privacy}'.
`); } else if (!options.tour || room.tour?.allowModjoin) { room.setPrivate("hidden"); if (inviteOnly) room.settings.modjoin = "%"; room.privacySetter = privacySetter; if (inviteOnly) { room.settings.modjoin = "%"; room.add(`|raw|
This battle is invite-only!
Users must be invited with /invite (or be staff) to join
`); } } } } checkForcedUserSettings(user) { this.forcedSettings = { modchat: this.forcedSettings.modchat || RoomBattle.battleForcedSetting(user, "modchat"), privacy: !!this.options.rated && (this.forcedSettings.privacy || RoomBattle.battleForcedSetting(user, "privacy")) }; if (this.players.some((p) => p.getUser()?.battleSettings.special) || this.rated && this.forcedSettings.modchat) { this.room.settings.modchat = "\u2606"; } } static battleForcedSetting(user, key) { if (Config.forcedpublicprefixes) { for (const prefix of Config.forcedpublicprefixes) { Chat.plugins["username-prefixes"]?.prefixManager.addPrefix(prefix, "privacy"); } delete Config.forcedpublicprefixes; } if (!Config.forcedprefixes) return null; for (const { type, prefix } of Config.forcedprefixes) { if (user.id.startsWith(toID(prefix)) && type === key) return prefix; } return null; } makePlayer(user) { const num = this.players.length + 1; return new RoomBattlePlayer(user, this, num); } setPlayerUser(player, user, playerOpts) { if (user === null && this.room.auth.get(player.id) === Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL) { this.room.auth.set(player.id, "+"); } super.setPlayerUser(player, user); player.invite = ""; const slot = player.slot; if (user) { player.active = user.inRooms.has(this.roomid); player.knownActive = true; const options = { name: player.name, avatar: user.avatar, team: playerOpts?.team }; void this.stream.write(`>player ${slot} ` + JSON.stringify(options)); if (playerOpts) player.hasTeam = true; this.room.add(`|player|${slot}|${player.name}|${user.avatar}|`); Chat.runHandlers("onBattleJoin", slot, user, this); } else { player.active = false; player.knownActive = false; const options = { name: "" }; void this.stream.write(`>player ${slot} ` + JSON.stringify(options)); this.room.add(`|player|${slot}|`); } } start() { if (this.gameType === "multi") { this.room.title = `Team ${this.p1.name} vs. Team ${this.p2.name}`; } else if (this.gameType === "freeforall") { this.room.title = `${this.p1.name} and friends`; } else { this.room.title = `${this.p1.name} vs. ${this.p2.name}`; } this.room.send(`|title|${this.room.title}`); const suspectTest = Chat.plugins["suspect-tests"]?.suspectTests[this.format] || Chat.plugins["suspect-tests"]?.suspectTests.suspects[this.format]; if (suspectTest) { const format = Dex.formats.get(this.format); this.room.add( `|html|
${format.name} is currently suspecting ${suspectTest.suspect}! For information on how to participate check out the suspect thread.
` ).update(); } if (this.options.inputLog && this.players.every((player) => player.hasTeam)) { this.started = true; } const delayStart = this.options.delayedStart || !!this.options.inputLog; const users = this.players.map((player) => { const user = player.getUser(); if (!user && !delayStart) { throw new Error(`User ${player.id} not found on ${this.roomid} battle creation`); } return user; }); if (!delayStart) { Rooms.global.onCreateBattleRoom(users, this.room, { rated: this.rated }); this.started = true; } else if (delayStart === "multi") { this.room.add(`|uhtml|invites|
This is a 4-player challenge battle
The players will need to add more players before the battle can start.
`); } } invitesFull() { return this.players.every((player) => player.id || player.invite); } /** true = send to every player; falsy = send to no one */ sendInviteForm(connection) { if (connection === true) { for (const player of this.players) this.sendInviteForm(player.getUser()); return; } if (!connection) return; const playerForms = this.players.map((player) => player.id ? `
` : player.invite ? `
` : `
`); if (this.gameType === "multi") { [playerForms[1], playerForms[2]] = [playerForms[2], playerForms[1]]; playerForms.splice(2, 0, "— vs —"); } connection.sendTo( this.room, `|uhtmlchange|invites|
This battle needs more players to start

` ); } destroy() { if (!this.ended) { this.setEnded(); this.room.parent?.game?.onBattleWin?.(this.room, ""); } for (const player of this.players) { player.destroy(); } this.playerTable = {}; this.players = []; this.p1 = null; this.p2 = null; this.p3 = null; this.p4 = null; void this.stream.destroy(); if (this.active) { Rooms.global.battleCount += -1; this.active = false; } this.room = null; if (this.dataResolvers) { for (const [, reject] of this.dataResolvers) { reject(new Error("Battle was destroyed.")); } } } async getTeam(user) { const id = toID(user); const player = this.playerTable[id]; if (!player) return; return this.getPlayerTeam(player); } async getPlayerTeam(player) { void this.stream.write(`>requestteam ${player.slot}`); const teamDataPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this.dataResolvers) this.dataResolvers = []; this.dataResolvers.push([resolve, reject]); }); const resultStrings = await teamDataPromise; if (!resultStrings) return; const result = Teams.unpack(resultStrings[0]); return result; } onChatMessage(message, user) { const parts = message.split("\n"); for (const line of parts) { void this.stream.write(`>chat-inputlogonly ${user.getIdentity(this.room)}|${line}`); } } async getLog() { if (!this.logData) this.logData = {}; void this.stream.write(">requestlog"); const logPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this.dataResolvers) this.dataResolvers = []; this.dataResolvers.push([resolve, reject]); }); const result = await logPromise; return result; } } class RoomBattleStream extends import_battle_stream.BattleStream { constructor() { super({ keepAlive: true }); this.battle = null; } _write(chunk) { const startTime = Date.now(); if (this.battle && Config.debugsimprocesses && process.send) { process.send("DEBUG\n" + this.battle.inputLog.join("\n") + "\n" + chunk); } try { this._writeLines(chunk); } catch (err) { const battle = this.battle; Monitor.crashlog(err, "A battle", { chunk, inputLog: battle ? "\n" + battle.inputLog.join("\n") : "", log: battle ? "\n" + battle.getDebugLog() : "" }); this.push(`update |html|
The battle crashed
Don't worry, we're working on fixing it.
`); if (battle) { for (const side of battle.sides) { if (side?.requestState) { this.push(`sideupdate ${side.id} |error|[Invalid choice] The battle crashed`); } } } this.push(`error ${err.stack}`); } if (this.battle) this.battle.sendUpdates(); const deltaTime = Date.now() - startTime; if (deltaTime > 1e3) { Monitor.slow(`[slow battle] ${deltaTime}ms - ${chunk.replace(/\n/ig, " | ")}`); } } } const PM = new import_lib.ProcessManager.StreamProcessManager(module, () => new RoomBattleStream(), (message) => { if (message.startsWith(`SLOW `)) { Monitor.slow(message.slice(5)); } }); if (!PM.isParentProcess) { require("source-map-support").install(); global.Config = require("./config-loader").Config; global.Dex = require("../sim/dex").Dex; global.Monitor = { crashlog(error, source = "A simulator process", details = null) { const repr = JSON.stringify([error.name, error.message, source, details]); process.send(`THROW @!!@${repr} ${error.stack}`); }, slow(text) { process.send(`CALLBACK SLOW ${text}`); } }; global.__version = { head: "" }; try { const head = (0, import_child_process.execSync)("git rev-parse HEAD", { stdio: ["ignore", "pipe", "ignore"] }); const merge = (0, import_child_process.execSync)("git merge-base origin/master HEAD", { stdio: ["ignore", "pipe", "ignore"] }); global.__version.head = `${head}`.trim(); const origin = `${merge}`.trim(); if (origin !== global.__version.head) global.__version.origin = origin; } catch { } if (Config.crashguard) { process.on("uncaughtException", (err) => { Monitor.crashlog(err, "A simulator process"); }); process.on("unhandledRejection", (err) => { Monitor.crashlog(err || {}, "A simulator process Promise"); }); } import_lib.Repl.start(`sim-${process.pid}`, (cmd) => eval(cmd)); } else { PM.spawn(global.Config ? Config.simulatorprocesses : 1); } //# sourceMappingURL=room-battle.js.map