"use strict"; var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var abuse_monitor_exports = {}; __export(abuse_monitor_exports, { cache: () => cache, chatfilter: () => chatfilter, classifier: () => classifier, commands: () => commands, handlers: () => handlers, lastLogTime: () => lastLogTime, lock: () => lock, loginfilter: () => loginfilter, metadata: () => metadata, migrated: () => migrated, muted: () => muted, notifyStaff: () => notifyStaff, pages: () => pages, pokemonRegex: () => pokemonRegex, punishmentCache: () => punishmentCache, punishmentfilter: () => punishmentfilter, reviews: () => reviews, runActions: () => runActions, searchModlog: () => searchModlog, settings: () => settings, writeStats: () => writeStats }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(abuse_monitor_exports); var Artemis = __toESM(require("../artemis")); var import_lib = require("../../lib"); var import_config_loader = require("../config-loader"); var import_dex_data = require("../../sim/dex-data"); var import_helptickets = require("./helptickets"); const WHITELIST = ["mia"]; const MUTE_DURATION = 7 * 60 * 1e3; const DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; const STAFF_NOTIF_INTERVAL = 10 * 60 * 1e3; const MAX_MODLOG_TIME = 2 * 365 * DAY; const NON_PUNISHMENTS = ["MUTE", "REPORT"]; const NOJOIN_COMMAND_WHITELIST = { "lock": "/lock", "weeklock": "/weeklock", "warn": "/warn", "forcerename": "/fr", "namelock": "/nl", "weeknamelock": "/wnl" }; let migrated = global.Chat?.oldPlugins["abuse-monitor"]?.migrated || false; const cache = (() => { const plugin = global.Chat?.oldPlugins["abuse-monitor"]; if (!plugin?.cache) return {}; if (plugin.migrated) return plugin.cache; for (const k in plugin.cache) { const cur = plugin.cache[k]; if (typeof cur.recommended?.type === "string") { delete cur.recommended; } } migrated = true; return plugin.cache; })(); const muted = Chat.oldPlugins["abuse-monitor"]?.muted || /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const defaults = { threshold: 4, thresholdIncrement: null, minScore: 0.65, specials: { THREAT: { 0.96: "MAXIMUM" }, IDENTITY_ATTACK: { 0.8: 2 }, SEVERE_TOXICITY: { 0.8: 2 } }, replacements: {}, recommendOnly: true, punishments: [ { certainty: 0.93, type: "IDENTITY_ATTACK", punishment: "WARN", count: 2 } ] }; const settings = (() => { try { return { ...defaults, ...JSON.parse((0, import_lib.FS)("config/chat-plugins/nf.json").readSync()) }; } catch (e) { if (e.code !== "ENOENT") throw e; return defaults; } })(); const reviews = (() => { try { return JSON.parse((0, import_lib.FS)(`config/chat-plugins/artemis-reviews.json`).readSync()); } catch { return {}; } })(); const metadata = (() => { try { return JSON.parse((0, import_lib.FS)("config/chat-plugins/artemis-metadata.json").readSync()); } catch { return {}; } })(); function nextMonth(month) { const next = new Date(new Date(`${month}-15`).getTime() + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3); return next.toISOString().slice(0, 7); } function isFlaggedUserid(name, room) { const id = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(name); const entry = cache[room]?.staffNotified; if (!entry) return false; return typeof entry === "string" ? entry === id : entry.includes(id); } function visualizePunishmentKey(punishment, key) { if (key === "secondaryTypes") { if (!punishment.secondaryTypes) return ""; const keys = import_lib.Utils.sortBy(Object.keys(punishment.secondaryTypes)); return `${keys.map((k) => `${k}: ${punishment.secondaryTypes[k]}`).join(", ")}`; } return punishment[key]?.toString() || ""; } function visualizePunishment(punishment) { return import_lib.Utils.sortBy(Object.keys(punishment)).map((k) => `${k}: ${visualizePunishmentKey(punishment, k)}`).join(", "); } function displayResolved(review, justSubmitted = false) { const user = Users.get(review.staff); if (!user) return; const resolved = review.resolved; if (!resolved) return; const prefix = `|pm|~|${user.getIdentity()}|`; user.send( prefix + `Your Artemis review for <<${review.room}>> was resolved by ${resolved.by}` + (justSubmitted ? "." : `, ${Chat.toDurationString(Date.now() - resolved.time)} ago.`) ); if (resolved.details) user.send(prefix + `The response was: "${resolved.details}"`); const idx = reviews[review.staff].findIndex((r) => r.room === review.room); if (idx > -1) reviews[review.staff].splice(idx, 1); if (!reviews[review.staff].length) { delete reviews[review.staff]; } saveReviews(); } const punishmentCache = Chat.oldPlugins["abuse-monitor"]?.punishmentCache || /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); async function searchModlog(query) { const userObj = Users.get(query.user); if (userObj) { const data = punishmentCache.get(userObj); if (data) { let sum = 0; for (const action of query.actions || Object.keys(data)) { sum += data[action] || 0; } return sum; } } const search = { user: [], ip: [], note: [], actionTaker: [], action: [] }; if (query.user) search.user.push({ search: query.user, isExact: true }); if (query.ip) { if (!Array.isArray(query.ip)) query.ip = [query.ip]; for (const ip of query.ip) { search.ip.push({ search: ip }); } } const modlog = await Rooms.Modlog.search("global", search); if (!modlog) return 0; const ignores = metadata.modlogIgnores?.[query.user]; if (userObj) { const validTypes = Array.from(Punishments.punishmentTypes.keys()); const cacheEntry = {}; for (const entry of modlog.results) { if (Date.now() - entry.time > MAX_MODLOG_TIME) continue; if (!validTypes.some((k) => entry.action.endsWith(k))) continue; if (!cacheEntry[entry.action]) cacheEntry[entry.action] = 0; if (ignores) { if (typeof ignores === "string" && new Date(ignores).getTime() < new Date(entry.time).getTime()) { continue; } else if (Array.isArray(ignores) && ignores.includes(entry.entryID)) { continue; } } cacheEntry[entry.action]++; } punishmentCache.set(userObj, cacheEntry); let sum = 0; for (const action of query.actions || Object.keys(cacheEntry)) { sum += cacheEntry[action] || 0; } return sum; } if (query.actions) { for (const [i, entry] of modlog.results.entries()) { if (!query.actions.includes(entry.action)) { modlog.results.splice(i, 1); } } } return modlog.results.length; } const classifier = new Artemis.RemoteClassifier(); async function runActions(user, room, message, response) { const keys = import_lib.Utils.sortBy(Object.keys(response), (k) => -response[k]); const recommended = []; const roomRecord = cache[room.roomid]; const prevRecommend = roomRecord?.recommended?.[user.id]; for (const punishment of settings.punishments) { if (prevRecommend?.type) { if (PUNISHMENTS.indexOf(punishment.punishment) <= PUNISHMENTS.indexOf(prevRecommend?.type)) continue; } for (const type of keys) { const num = response[type]; if (punishment.type && punishment.type !== type) continue; if (punishment.certainty && punishment.certainty > num) continue; if (punishment.modlogCount) { const modlog = await searchModlog({ user: user.id, actions: punishment.modlogActions }); if (modlog < punishment.modlogCount) continue; } if (punishment.secondaryTypes) { let matches = 0; for (const curType in punishment.secondaryTypes) { if (response[curType] >= punishment.secondaryTypes[curType]) matches++; } if (matches < Object.keys(punishment.secondaryTypes).length) continue; } if (punishment.count) { let hits = await Chat.database.all( `SELECT * FROM perspective_flags WHERE userid = ? AND type = ? AND certainty >= ?`, [user.id, type, num] ); hits = hits.filter((f) => { const date = new Date(f.time); if (date.getFullYear() < 2022) return false; return !(date.getFullYear() === 2022 && date.getMonth() <= 4 && date.getDate() <= 17); }); if (hits.length < punishment.count) continue; } recommended.push([punishment.punishment, type, !!punishment.requiresPunishment]); } } if (recommended.length) { import_lib.Utils.sortBy(recommended, ([punishment2]) => -PUNISHMENTS.indexOf(punishment2)); if (recommended.filter((k) => !NON_PUNISHMENTS.includes(k[1])).every((k) => k[2])) { return; } const [punishment, reason] = recommended[0]; if (roomRecord) { if (!roomRecord.recommended) roomRecord.recommended = {}; roomRecord.recommended[user.id] = { type: punishment, reason: reason.replace(/_/g, " ").toLowerCase() }; } if (user.trusted) { Rooms.get("staff")?.add( `|c|~|/log [Artemis] ${getViewLink(room.roomid)} ${punishment} recommended for trusted user ${user.id}${user.trusted !== user.id ? ` [${user.trusted}]` : ""} ` ).update(); return; } const result = await punishmentHandlers[(0, import_dex_data.toID)(punishment)]?.(user, room, response, message); writeStats("punishments", { punishment, userid: user.id, roomid: room.roomid, timestamp: Date.now() }); if (result !== false) { const notified = roomRecord?.staffNotified; if (notified) { if (typeof notified === "string") { if (notified === user.id) delete roomRecord.staffNotified; } else { notified.splice(notified.indexOf(user.id), 1); if (!notified.length) { delete cache[room.roomid].staffNotified; void Chat.database.run( `INSERT INTO perspective_stats (staff, roomid, result, timestamp) VALUES ($staff, $roomid, $result, $timestamp) ON CONFLICT (roomid) DO UPDATE SET result = $result, timestamp = $timestamp`, // todo: maybe use 3 to indicate punishment? { staff: "", roomid: room.roomid, result: 1, timestamp: Date.now() } ); } } } delete roomRecord?.users[user.id]; if (roomRecord && !Object.keys(roomRecord.users).length) { delete cache[room.roomid]; } notifyStaff(); } } } function globalModlog(action, user, note, roomid) { if (typeof roomid === "object") roomid = roomid.roomid; user = Users.get(user) || user; void Rooms.Modlog.write(roomid || "global", { isGlobal: true, action, ip: user && typeof user === "object" ? user.latestIp : void 0, userid: (0, import_dex_data.toID)(user) || void 0, loggedBy: "artemis", note }); } const getViewLink = (roomid) => `<>`; function addGlobalModAction(message, room) { room.add(`|c|~|/log ${message}`).update(); Rooms.get(`staff`)?.add(`|c|~|/log ${getViewLink(room.roomid)} ${message}`).update(); } const DISCLAIMER = 'This action was done automatically. Want to learn more about the AI? Visit the information thread.'; async function lock(user, room, reason, isWeek) { if (settings.recommendOnly) { Rooms.get("staff")?.add( `|c|~|/log [Artemis] ${getViewLink(room.roomid)} ${isWeek ? "WEEK" : ""}LOCK recommended for ${user.id}` ).update(); room.hideText([user.id], void 0, true); return false; } const affected = await Punishments.lock( user, isWeek ? Date.now() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3 : null, user.id, false, reason, false, ["#artemis"] ); globalModlog(`${isWeek ? "WEEK" : ""}LOCK`, user, reason, room); addGlobalModAction(`${user.name} was locked from talking by Artemis${isWeek ? " for a week. " : ". "}(${reason})`, room); if (affected.length > 1) { Rooms.get("staff")?.add( `|c|~|/log (${user.id}'s locked alts: ${affected.slice(1).map((curUser) => curUser.getLastName()).join(", ")})` ); } room.add(`|c|~|/raw ${DISCLAIMER}`).update(); room.hideText(affected.map((f) => f.id), void 0, true); let message = `|popup||html|Artemis has locked you from talking in chats, battles, and PMing regular users`; message += ` ${!isWeek ? "for two days" : "for a week"}`; message += ` Reason: ${reason}`; let appeal = ""; if (Chat.pages.help) { appeal += ``; } else if (import_config_loader.Config.appealurl) { appeal += `appeal: ${import_config_loader.Config.appealurl}`; } if (appeal) message += ` If you feel that your lock was unjustified, you can ${appeal}.`; message += ` Your lock will expire in a few days.`; user.send(message); const roomauth = Rooms.global.destroyPersonalRooms(user.id); if (roomauth.length) { Monitor.log( `[CrisisMonitor] Locked user ${user.name} has public roomauth (${roomauth.join(", ")}), and should probably be demoted.` ); } } const punishmentHandlers = { report(user, room) { for (const k in room.users) { if (k === user.id) continue; const u = room.users[k]; if (room.auth.get(u) !== Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL) continue; u.sendTo( room.roomid, `|c|~|/uhtml report,Toxicity has been automatically detected in this battle, please click below if you would like to report it.
Make a report` ); } }, mute(user, room) { const roomMutes = muted.get(room) || /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); if (!user.trusted) { muted.set(room, roomMutes); roomMutes.set(user, Date.now() + MUTE_DURATION); } }, warn(user, room, response, message) { const reason = `${Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL}${user.name}: ${message}`; if (!user.connected) { Punishments.offlineWarns.set(user.id, reason); } else { user.send(`|c|~|/warn ${reason}`); } globalModlog("WARN", user, reason, room); addGlobalModAction(`${user.name} was warned by Artemis (${reason})`, room); const punishments = punishmentCache.get(user) || {}; if (!punishments["WARN"]) punishments["WARN"] = 0; punishments["WARN"]++; punishmentCache.set(user, punishments); room.add(`|c|~|/raw ${DISCLAIMER}`).update(); room.hideText([user.id], void 0, true); }, lock(user, room, response, message) { return lock(user, room, `${Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL}${user.name}: ${message}`); }, weeklock(user, room, response, message) { return lock(user, room, `${Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL}${user.name}: ${message}`, true); } }; const PUNISHMENTS = Object.keys(punishmentHandlers).map((f) => f.toUpperCase()); function makeScore(roomid, result) { let score = 0; let main = ""; const flags = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const type in result) { const data = result[type]; if (settings.minScore && data < settings.minScore) continue; const curScore = score; if (settings.specials[type]) { for (const k in settings.specials[type]) { if (data < Number(k)) continue; const num = settings.specials[type][k]; if (num === "MAXIMUM") { score = calcThreshold(roomid); main = type; } else { if (num > score) { score = num; main = type; } } } } if (settings.minScore) { if (score < 1) { score = 1; main = type; } } if (score !== curScore) flags.add(type); } return { score, flags: [...flags], main }; } const chatfilter = function(message, user, room) { if (!room?.battle || !["rated", "unrated"].includes(room.battle.challengeType)) return; const mutes = muted.get(room); const muteEntry = mutes?.get(user); if (muteEntry) { if (Date.now() > muteEntry) { mutes.delete(user); if (!mutes.size) { muted.delete(room); } } else { this.sendReply( `|c|~|/raw
Your behavior in this battle has been automatically identified as breaking Pokemon Showdown's global rules. Repeated instances of misbehavior may incur harsher punishment.
` ); return false; } } if (settings.disabled) return; if (!import_config_loader.Config.perspectiveKey || message.startsWith("!")) return; const roomid = room.roomid; void (async () => { message = message.trim(); message = message.replace(pokemonRegex, "[[Pokemon]]"); for (const k in settings.replacements) { message = message.replace(new RegExp(k, "gi"), settings.replacements[k]); } const response = await classifier.classify(message); const { score, flags, main } = makeScore(roomid, response || {}); if (score) { if (!cache[roomid]) cache[roomid] = { users: {} }; if (!cache[roomid].users[user.id]) cache[roomid].users[user.id] = 0; cache[roomid].users[user.id] += score; let hitThreshold = 0; if (cache[roomid].users[user.id] >= calcThreshold(roomid)) { let notified = cache[roomid].staffNotified; if (notified) { if (!Array.isArray(notified)) { cache[roomid].staffNotified = notified = [notified]; } if (!notified.includes(user.id)) { notified.push(user.id); } } else { cache[roomid].staffNotified = [user.id]; } notifyStaff(); hitThreshold = 1; void room?.uploadReplay?.(user, this.connection, "forpunishment"); await Chat.database.run( `INSERT INTO perspective_flags (userid, score, certainty, type, roomid, time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, // response exists if we got this far [user.id, score, response[main], main, room.roomid, Date.now()] ); void runActions(user, room, message, response || {}); } await Chat.database.run( "INSERT INTO perspective_logs (userid, message, score, flags, roomid, time, hit_threshold) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [user.id, message, score, import_lib.Utils.sortBy(flags).join(","), roomid, Date.now(), hitThreshold] ); } })(); }; chatfilter.priority = -100; const loginfilter = (user) => { if (reviews[user.id]?.length) { for (const r of reviews[user.id]) { displayResolved(r); } } }; function calcThreshold(roomid) { const incr = settings.thresholdIncrement; let num = settings.threshold; const room = Rooms.get(roomid); if (!room?.battle || !incr) return num; if (!incr.minTurns || room.battle.turn >= incr.minTurns) { num += Math.floor(room.battle.turn / incr.turns) * incr.amount; } return num; } const handlers = { onRoomDestroy(roomid) { const entry = cache[roomid]; if (entry) { delete cache[roomid]; if (entry.staffNotified) { notifyStaff(); void Chat.database.run( `INSERT INTO perspective_stats (staff, roomid, result, timestamp) VALUES ($staff, $roomid, $result, $timestamp) ON CONFLICT (roomid) DO UPDATE SET result = $result, timestamp = $timestamp`, // 2 means dead { staff: "", roomid, result: 2, timestamp: Date.now() } ); } } }, onRoomClose(roomid, user) { if (!roomid.startsWith("view-abusemonitor-view")) return; const targetId = roomid.slice("view-abusemonitor-view-".length); if (cache[targetId]?.claimed === user.id) { delete cache[targetId].claimed; notifyStaff(); } }, onRenameRoom(oldId, newId, room) { if (cache[oldId]) { cache[newId] = cache[oldId]; delete cache[oldId]; notifyStaff(); } } }; function getFlaggedRooms() { return Object.keys(cache).filter((roomid) => cache[roomid].staffNotified); } function writeStats(type, entry) { const path = `artemis/${type}/${Chat.toTimestamp(new Date()).split(" ")[0].slice(0, -3)}.jsonl`; try { Monitor.logPath(path).parentDir().mkdirpSync(); } catch { } void Monitor.logPath(path).append(JSON.stringify(entry) + "\n"); } function saveSettings(path) { if (!path) path = "nf"; (0, import_lib.FS)(`config/chat-plugins/${path}.json`).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(settings)); } function saveReviews() { (0, import_lib.FS)(`config/chat-plugins/artemis-reviews.json`).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(reviews)); } function saveMetadata() { (0, import_lib.FS)("config/chat-plugins/artemis-metadata.json").writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(metadata)); } const pokemonRegex = new RegExp( // we want only base formes and existent stuff `\\b(${Dex.species.all().filter((s) => !s.forme && s.num > 0).map((f) => f.id).join("|")})\\b`, "gi" ); let lastLogTime = Chat.oldPlugins["abuse-monitor"]?.lastLogTime || 0; function notifyStaff() { const staffRoom = Rooms.get("staff"); if (staffRoom) { const flagged = getFlaggedRooms(); let buf = ""; if (flagged.length) { buf = ``; } else { buf = "No battles flagged."; } if (lastLogTime + STAFF_NOTIF_INTERVAL < Date.now() || !flagged.length) { staffRoom.send(`|uhtml|abusemonitor|
`); if (flagged.length) { lastLogTime = Date.now(); } else { lastLogTime = 0; } } Chat.refreshPageFor("abusemonitor-flagged", staffRoom); } } function checkAccess(context, perm = "bypassall") { const user = context.user; if (!(WHITELIST.includes(user.id) || user.previousIDs.some((id) => WHITELIST.includes(id)))) { context.checkCan(perm); } } const commands = { am: "abusemonitor", abusemonitor: { ""() { return this.parse("/join view-abusemonitor-flagged"); }, async test(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); const text = target; if (!text) return this.parse(`/help abusemonitor`); this.runBroadcast(); let response = await classifier.classify(text); if (!response) response = {}; for (const k in settings.replacements) { target = target.replace(new RegExp(k, "gi"), settings.replacements[k]); } const { score, flags } = makeScore("staff", response); let buf = `Score for "${text}"${target === text ? "" : ` (alt: "${target}")`}: ${score}
`; buf += `Flags: ${flags.join(", ")}
`; const punishments = []; for (const [i, p] of settings.punishments.entries()) { const matches = []; for (const k in response) { const descriptors = []; if (p.type) { if (p.type !== k) continue; descriptors.push("type"); } if (p.certainty) { if (response[k] < p.certainty) continue; descriptors.push("certainty"); } const secondaries = Object.entries(p.secondaryTypes || {}); if (secondaries.length) { if (!secondaries.every(([sK, sV]) => response[sK] >= sV)) continue; descriptors.push("secondary"); } if (descriptors.length) { matches.push(`${k} (${descriptors.map((f) => `${f} match`).join(", ")})`); } } if (matches.length) { punishments.push({ punishment: p, desc: matches, index: i }); } } if (punishments.length) { buf += `Punishments:
`; buf += punishments.map((p) => `• ${p.index + 1}: ${visualizePunishment(p.punishment)}: ${p.desc.join(", ")}`).join("
"); buf += `
`; } buf += `Score breakdown:
`; for (const k in response) { buf += `• ${k}: ${response[k]}
`; } this.sendReplyBox(buf); }, cm: "compare", async compare(target) { checkAccess(this); const [base, against] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(target, ",").map((f) => f.trim()); if (!(base && against)) return this.parse(`/help abusemonitor`); const colors = { "0": "Purple", "1": "DodgerBlue", "2": "Red" }; const baseResponse = await classifier.classify(base) || {}; const againstResponse = await new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(classifier.classify(against)); }, 500); }) || {}; let buf = import_lib.Utils.html`Compared scores for "${base}" `; buf += `(1) `; buf += import_lib.Utils.html`and "${against}" (2):
`; for (const [k, val] of Object.entries(baseResponse)) { const max = Math.max(val, againstResponse[k]); const num = val === againstResponse[k] ? "0" : max === val ? "1" : "2"; buf += `• ${k}: ${num} `; if (num === "0") { buf += `(${max})`; } else { buf += `(${max} vs ${(max === val ? againstResponse : baseResponse)[k]})`; } buf += `
`; } this.runBroadcast(); return this.sendReplyBox(buf); }, async score(target) { checkAccess(this); target = target.trim(); if (!target) return this.parse(`/help abusemonitor`); const [text, scoreText] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(target, ",").map((f) => f.trim()); const args = Chat.parseArguments(scoreText, ",", { useIDs: false }); const scores = {}; for (let k in args) { const vals = args[k]; if (vals.length > 1) { return this.errorReply(`Too many values for ${k}`); } k = k.toUpperCase().replace(/\s/g, "_"); if (!(k in Artemis.RemoteClassifier.ATTRIBUTES)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid attribute: ${k}`); } const val = parseFloat(vals[0]); if (isNaN(val)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid value for ${k}: ${vals[0]}`); } scores[k] = val; } for (const k in Artemis.RemoteClassifier.ATTRIBUTES) { if (!(k in scores)) scores[k] = 0; } const response = await classifier.suggestScore(text, scores); if (response.error) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(response.error); this.sendReply(`Recommendation successfully sent.`); Rooms.get("abuselog")?.roomlog(`${this.user.name} used /am score ${target}`); }, toggle(target) { checkAccess(this); if (this.meansYes(target)) { if (!settings.disabled) return this.errorReply(`The abuse monitor is already enabled.`); settings.disabled = false; } else if (this.meansNo(target)) { if (settings.disabled) return this.errorReply(`The abuse monitor is already disabled.`); settings.disabled = true; } else { return this.errorReply(`Invalid setting. Must be 'on' or 'off'.`); } saveSettings(); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${this.user.name} ${!settings.disabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"} the abuse monitor.`); this.globalModlog("ABUSEMONITOR", null, !settings.disabled ? "enable" : "disable"); }, threshold(target) { checkAccess(this); if (!target) { return this.sendReply(`The current abuse monitor threshold is ${settings.threshold}.`); } const num = parseInt(target); if (isNaN(num)) { this.errorReply(`Invalid number: ${target}`); return this.parse(`/help abusemonitor`); } if (settings.threshold === num) { return this.errorReply(`The abuse monitor threshold is already ${num}.`); } settings.threshold = num; saveSettings(); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${this.user.name} set the abuse monitor trigger threshold to ${num}.`); this.globalModlog("ABUSEMONITOR THRESHOLD", null, `${num}`); this.sendReply( `|html|Remember to use /am respawn to deploy the settings to the child process.` ); }, async resolve(target) { this.checkCan("lock"); target = target.toLowerCase().trim().replace(/ +/g, ""); let [roomid, rawResult] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(target, ",").map((f) => f.trim()); const tarRoom = Rooms.get(roomid); if (!tarRoom || !cache[tarRoom.roomid] || !cache[tarRoom.roomid]?.staffNotified) { return this.popupReply(`That room has not been flagged by the abuse monitor.`); } if (roomid.includes("-") && roomid.endsWith("pw")) { roomid = roomid.split("-").slice(0, -1).join("-"); } let result = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(rawResult) === "success" ? 1 : (0, import_dex_data.toID)(rawResult) === "failure" ? 0 : null; if (result === null) return this.popupReply(`Invalid result - must be 'success' or 'failure'.`); const inserted = await Chat.database.get(`SELECT result FROM perspective_stats WHERE roomid = ?`, [roomid]); if (inserted?.result === 1) { result = inserted.result; } delete cache[tarRoom.roomid]; notifyStaff(); this.closePage(`abusemonitor-view-${tarRoom.roomid}`); this.closePage(`abusemonitor-flagged`); await Chat.database.run( `INSERT INTO perspective_stats (staff, roomid, result, timestamp) VALUES ($staff, $roomid, $result, $timestamp) ON CONFLICT (roomid) DO UPDATE SET result = $result, timestamp = $timestamp`, { staff: this.user.id, roomid, result, timestamp: Date.now() } ); return this.parse(`/j view-abusemonitor-flagged`); }, unmute(target, room, user) { this.checkCan("lock"); room = this.requireRoom(); target = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(target); if (!target) { return this.parse(`/help am`); } const roomMutes = muted.get(room); if (!roomMutes) { return this.errorReply(`No users have Artemis mutes in this room.`); } const targetUser = Users.get(target); if (!targetUser) { return this.errorReply(`User '${target}' not found.`); } if (!roomMutes.has(targetUser)) { return this.errorReply(`That user does not have an Artemis mute in this room.`); } roomMutes.delete(targetUser); this.modlog(`ABUSEMONITOR UNMUTE`, targetUser); this.privateModAction(`${user.name} removed ${targetUser.name}'s Artemis mute.`); }, async nojoinpunish(target, room, user) { this.checkCan("lock"); const [roomid, type, rest] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(target, ",", 2).map((f) => f.trim()); const tarRoom = Rooms.get(roomid); if (!tarRoom) return this.popupReply(`The room "${roomid}" does not exist.`); const cmd = NOJOIN_COMMAND_WHITELIST[(0, import_dex_data.toID)(type)]; if (!cmd) { return this.errorReply( `Invalid punishment given. Must be one of ${Object.keys(NOJOIN_COMMAND_WHITELIST).join(", ")}.` ); } this.room = tarRoom; this.room.reportJoin("j", user.getIdentityWithStatus(this.room), user); const result = await this.parse(`${cmd} ${rest}`, { bypassRoomCheck: true }); if (result) { this.add( '|c|~|/raw If you have questions about this action, please contact staff by making a help ticket' ); } this.room.reportJoin("l", user.getIdentityWithStatus(this.room), user); }, view(target, room, user) { target = target.toLowerCase().trim(); if (!target) return this.parse(`/help am`); return this.parse(`/j view-abusemonitor-view-${target}`); }, logs(target) { checkAccess(this); const [count, userid] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(target, ",").map(import_dex_data.toID); this.parse(`/join view-abusemonitor-logs-${count || "200"}${userid ? `-${userid}` : ""}`); }, ul: "userlogs", userlogs(target) { checkAccess(this, "lock"); return this.parse(`/join view-abusemonitor-userlogs-${(0, import_dex_data.toID)(target)}`); }, stats(target) { checkAccess(this); return this.parse(`/join view-abusemonitor-stats${target ? `-${target}` : ""}`); }, async respawn(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); this.sendReply(`Respawning...`); const unspawned = await classifier.respawn(); this.sendReply(`DONE. ${Chat.count(unspawned, "processes", "process")} unspawned.`); this.addGlobalModAction(`${user.name} used /abusemonitor respawn`); }, async rescale(target, room, user) { if (!WHITELIST.includes(user.id)) this.canUseConsole(); const examples = target.split(",").filter(Boolean); const type = examples.shift()?.toUpperCase().replace(/\s/g, "_") || ""; if (!(type in Artemis.RemoteClassifier.ATTRIBUTES)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid type: ${type}`); } if (examples.length < 3) { return this.errorReply(`At least 3 examples are needed.`); } const scales = []; const oldScales = []; for (const chunk of examples) { const [message, rawNum] = chunk.split("|"); if (!(message && rawNum)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid example: "${chunk}". Must be in \`\`message|num\`\` format.`); } const num = parseFloat(rawNum); if (isNaN(num)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid number in example '${chunk}'.`); } const data = await classifier.classify(message); if (!data) { return this.errorReply(`No results found. Try again in a minute?`); } oldScales.push(num); scales.push(data[type]); await import_lib.Utils.waitUntil(Date.now() + 1e3); } const newAverage = scales.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / scales.length; const oldAverage = oldScales.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / oldScales.length; const round = (num) => Number(num.toFixed(4)); const change = newAverage / oldAverage; this.sendReply(`Change average: ${change}`); await this.parse(`/am bs prescale`); for (const p of settings.punishments) { if (p.type !== type) continue; if (p.certainty) p.certainty = round(p.certainty * change); if (p.secondaryTypes) { for (const k in p.secondaryTypes) { p.secondaryTypes[k] = round(p.secondaryTypes[k] * change); } } } if (type in settings.specials) { for (const n in settings.specials[type]) { const num = settings.specials[type][n]; delete settings.specials[type][n]; settings.specials[type][round(parseFloat(n) * change)] = num; } } saveSettings(); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); this.addGlobalModAction( `${user.name} used /abusemonitor rescale ${type.toLowerCase().replace("_", "")}` ); this.globalModlog(`ABUSEMONITOR RESCALE`, null, `${type}: ${examples.join(", ")}`); }, async userclear(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); const { targetUsername, rest } = this.splitUser(target); const targetId = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(targetUsername); if (!targetId) return this.parse(`/help abusemonitor`); if (user.lastCommand !== `am userclear ${targetId}`) { user.lastCommand = `am userclear ${targetId}`; this.errorReply(`Are you sure you want to clear abuse monitor database records for ${targetId}?`); this.errorReply(`Retype the command if you're sure.`); return; } user.lastCommand = ""; const results = await Chat.database.run( "DELETE FROM perspective_logs WHERE userid = ?", [targetId] ); if (!results.changes) { return this.errorReply(`No logs for ${targetUsername} found.`); } this.sendReply(`${results.changes} log(s) cleared for ${targetId}.`); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} cleared abuse monitor logs for ${targetUsername}${rest ? ` (${rest})` : ""}.`); this.globalModlog("ABUSEMONITOR CLEAR", targetId, rest); }, async deletelog(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); target = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(target); if (!target) return this.parse(`/help abusemonitor`); const num = parseInt(target); if (isNaN(num)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid log number: ${target}`); } const row = await Chat.database.get( "SELECT * FROM perspective_logs WHERE rowid = ?", [num] ); if (!row) { return this.errorReply(`No log with ID ${num} found.`); } await Chat.database.run( // my kingdom for RETURNING * in sqlite :( "DELETE FROM perspective_logs WHERE rowid = ?", [num] ); this.sendReply(`Log ${num} deleted.`); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} deleted an abuse monitor log for the user ${row.userid}.`); this.stafflog( `Message: "${row.message}", room: ${row.roomid}, time: ${Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(row.time))}` ); this.globalModlog("ABUSEMONITOR DELETELOG", row.userid, `${num}`); Chat.refreshPageFor("abusemonitor-logs", "staff", true); }, es: "editspecial", editspecial(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); if (!(0, import_dex_data.toID)(target)) return this.parse(`/help abusemonitor`); let [rawType, rawPercent, rawScore] = target.split(","); const type = rawType.toUpperCase().replace(/\s/g, "_"); rawScore = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(rawScore); const types = { ...Artemis.RemoteClassifier.ATTRIBUTES, "ALL": {} }; if (!(type in types)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid type: ${type}. Valid types: ${Object.keys(types).join(", ")}.`); } const percent = parseFloat(rawPercent); if (isNaN(percent) || percent > 1 || percent < 0) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid percent: ${percent}. Must be between 0 and 1.`); } const score = parseInt(rawScore) || (0, import_dex_data.toID)(rawScore).toUpperCase(); switch (typeof score) { case "string": if (score !== "MAXIMUM") { return this.errorReply(`Invalid score. Must be a number or "MAXIMUM".`); } break; case "number": if (isNaN(score) || score < 0) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid score. Must be a number or "MAXIMUM".`); } break; } if (settings.specials[type]?.[percent] && !this.cmd.includes("f")) { return this.errorReply(`That special case already exists. Use /am forceeditspecial to change it.`); } if (!settings.specials[type]) settings.specials[type] = {}; settings.specials[type][percent] = score; saveSettings(); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} set the abuse monitor special case for ${type} at ${percent}% to ${score}.`); this.globalModlog("ABUSEMONITOR SPECIAL", type, `${percent}% to ${score}`); this.sendReply(`|html|Remember to use /am respawn to deploy the settings to the child processes.`); }, ds: "deletespecial", deletespecial(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); const [rawType, rawPercent] = target.split(","); const type = rawType.toUpperCase().replace(/\s/g, "_"); const types = { ...Artemis.RemoteClassifier.ATTRIBUTES, "ALL": {} }; if (!(type in types)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid type: ${type}. Valid types: ${Object.keys(types).join(", ")}.`); } const percent = parseFloat(rawPercent); if (isNaN(percent) || percent > 1 || percent < 0) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid percent: ${percent}. Must be between 0 and 1.`); } if (!settings.specials[type]?.[percent]) { return this.errorReply(`That special case does not exist.`); } delete settings.specials[type][percent]; if (!Object.keys(settings.specials[type]).length) { delete settings.specials[type]; } saveSettings(); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} deleted the abuse monitor special case for ${type} at ${percent}%.`); this.globalModlog("ABUSEMONITOR DELETESPECIAL", type, `${percent}%`); this.sendReply(`|html|Remember to use /am respawn to deploy the settings to the child processes.`); }, em: "editmin", editmin(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); const num = parseFloat(target); if (isNaN(num) || num < 0 || num > 1) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid minimum score: ${num}. Must be a positive integer.`); } settings.minScore = num; saveSettings(); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} set the abuse monitor minimum score to ${num}.`); this.globalModlog("ABUSEMONITOR MIN", null, `${num}`); this.sendReply(`|html|Remember to use /am respawn to deploy the settings to the child processes.`); }, ex: "exportpunishment", exportpunishment(target) { checkAccess(this); const num = parseInt(target) - 1; if (isNaN(num)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid punishment number: ${num + 1}.`); } const punishment = settings.punishments[num]; if (!punishment) { return this.errorReply(`Punishment ${num + 1} does not exist.`); } this.sendReply( `|html|Punishment ${num + 1}: ${visualizePunishment(punishment).replace(/: /g, " = ")}` ); }, changeall(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); const [to, from] = target.split(",").map((f) => (0, import_dex_data.toID)(f)); if (!(to && from)) { return this.errorReply(`Specify a type to change and a type to change to.`); } if (![to, from].every((f) => punishmentHandlers[f])) { return this.errorReply( `Invalid types given. Valid types: ${Object.keys(punishmentHandlers).join(", ")}.` ); } const changed = []; for (const [i, punishment] of settings.punishments.entries()) { if ((0, import_dex_data.toID)(punishment.type) === to) { punishment.type = from.toUpperCase(); changed.push(i + 1); } } if (!changed.length) { return this.errorReply(`No punishments of type '${to}' found.`); } this.sendReply(`Updated punishment(s) ${changed.join(", ")}`); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} updated all abuse-monitor punishments of type ${to} to type ${from}`); saveSettings(); this.globalModlog(`ABUSEMONITOR CHANGEALL`, null, `${to} to ${from}`); }, ep: "exportpunishments", // exports punishment settings to something easily copy/pastable exportpunishments() { checkAccess(this); let buf = settings.punishments.map((punishment) => { const line = []; if ("modlogCount" in punishment) line.push(`mlc=${punishment.modlogCount}`); if (punishment.modlogActions) line.push(`${punishment.modlogActions.map((f) => `mla=${f}`).join(", ")}`); line.push(`p=${punishment.punishment}`); if ("type" in punishment) line.push(`t=${punishment.type}`); if ("count" in punishment) line.push(`c=${punishment.count}`); if ("certainty" in punishment) line.push(`ct=${punishment.certainty}`); if ("secondaryTypes" in punishment) { for (const type in punishment.secondaryTypes) { line.push(`st=${type}|${punishment.secondaryTypes[type]}`); } } return line.join(", "); }).join("
"); if (!buf) buf = "None found"; this.sendReplyBox(buf); }, ap: "addpunishment", addpunishment(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); if (!(0, import_dex_data.toID)(target)) return this.parse(`/help am`); const targets = target.split(",").map((f) => f.trim()); const punishment = {}; for (const cur of targets) { let [key, value] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(cur, "=").map((f) => f.trim()); key = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(key); if (!key || !value) { continue; } switch (key) { case "punishment": case "p": if (punishment.punishment) { return this.errorReply(`Duplicate punishment values.`); } value = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(value).toUpperCase(); if (!PUNISHMENTS.includes(value)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid punishment: ${value}. Valid punishments: ${PUNISHMENTS.join(", ")}.`); } punishment.punishment = value; break; case "count": case "num": case "c": if (punishment.count) { return this.errorReply(`Duplicate count values.`); } const num = parseInt(value); if (isNaN(num)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid count '${value}'. Must be a number.`); } punishment.count = num; break; case "type": case "t": if (punishment.type) { return this.errorReply(`Duplicate type values.`); } value = value.replace(/\s/g, "_").toUpperCase(); if (!Artemis.RemoteClassifier.ATTRIBUTES[value]) { return this.errorReply( `Invalid attribute: ${value}. Valid attributes: ${Object.keys(Artemis.RemoteClassifier.ATTRIBUTES).join(", ")}.` ); } punishment.type = value; break; case "certainty": case "ct": if (punishment.certainty) { return this.errorReply(`Duplicate certainty values.`); } const certainty = parseFloat(value); if (isNaN(certainty) || certainty > 1 || certainty < 0) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid certainty '${value}'. Must be a number above 0 and below 1.`); } punishment.certainty = certainty; break; case "mla": case "modlogaction": value = value.toUpperCase(); if (!punishment.modlogActions) { punishment.modlogActions = []; } if (punishment.modlogActions.includes(value)) { return this.errorReply(`Duplicate modlog action values - '${value}'.`); } punishment.modlogActions.push(value); break; case "mlc": case "modlogcount": if (punishment.modlogCount) { return this.errorReply(`Duplicate modlog count values.`); } const count = parseInt(value); if (isNaN(count)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid modlog count.`); } punishment.modlogCount = count; break; case "st": case "s": case "secondary": let [sType, sValue] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(value, "|").map((f) => f.trim()); if (!sType || !sValue) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid secondary type/certainty.`); } sType = sType.replace(/\s/g, "_").toUpperCase(); if (!Artemis.RemoteClassifier.ATTRIBUTES[sType]) { return this.errorReply( `Invalid secondary attribute: ${sType}. Valid attributes: ${Object.keys(Artemis.RemoteClassifier.ATTRIBUTES).join(", ")}.` ); } const sCertainty = parseFloat(sValue); if (isNaN(sCertainty) || sCertainty > 1 || sCertainty < 0) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid secondary certainty '${sValue}'. Must be a number above 0 and below 1.`); } if (!punishment.secondaryTypes) { punishment.secondaryTypes = {}; } if (punishment.secondaryTypes[sType]) { return this.errorReply(`Duplicate secondary type.`); } punishment.secondaryTypes[sType] = sCertainty; break; case "requirepunishment": case "rp": punishment.requiresPunishment = true; break; default: this.errorReply(`Invalid key: ${key}`); return this.parse(`/help am`); } } if (!punishment.punishment) { return this.errorReply(`A punishment type must be specified.`); } for (const [i, p] of settings.punishments.entries()) { let matches = 0; for (const k in p) { const key = k; const val = visualizePunishmentKey(punishment, key); if (val && val === visualizePunishmentKey(p, key)) matches++; } if (matches === Object.keys(p).length) { return this.errorReply(`This punishment is already stored at ${i + 1}.`); } } settings.punishments.push(punishment); saveSettings(); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} added a ${punishment.punishment} abuse-monitor punishment.`); const str = visualizePunishment(punishment); this.stafflog(`Info: ${str}`); this.globalModlog(`ABUSEMONITOR ADDPUNISHMENT`, null, str); }, dp: "deletepunishment", deletepunishment(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); const idx = parseInt(target) - 1; if (isNaN(idx)) return this.errorReply(`Invalid number.`); const punishment = settings.punishments[idx]; if (!punishment) { return this.errorReply(`No punishments exist at index ${idx + 1}.`); } settings.punishments.splice(idx, 1); saveSettings(); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} removed the abuse-monitor punishment indexed at ${idx + 1}.`); this.stafflog( `Punishment: ${Object.keys(punishment).map((f) => `${f}: ${punishment[f]}`).join(", ")}` ); this.globalModlog(`ABUSEMONITOR REMOVEPUNISHMENT`, null, `${idx + 1}`); }, vs: "viewsettings", settings: "viewsettings", viewsettings() { checkAccess(this); return this.parse(`/join view-abusemonitor-settings`); }, ti: "thresholdincrement", thresholdincrement(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); if (!(0, import_dex_data.toID)(target)) { return this.parse(`/help am`); } const [rawTurns, rawIncrement, rawMin] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(target, ",", 2).map(import_dex_data.toID); const turns = parseInt(rawTurns); if (isNaN(turns) || turns < 0) { return this.errorReply(`Turns must be a number above 0.`); } const increment = parseInt(rawIncrement); if (isNaN(increment) || increment < 0) { return this.errorReply(`The increment must be a number above 0.`); } const min = parseInt(rawMin); if (rawMin && isNaN(min)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid minimum (must be a number).`); } settings.thresholdIncrement = { amount: increment, turns }; if (min) { settings.thresholdIncrement.minTurns = min; } saveSettings(); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); this.privateGlobalModAction( `${user.name} set the abuse-monitor threshold increment ${increment} every ${Chat.count(turns, "turns")}${min ? ` after ${Chat.count(min, "turns")}` : ""}` ); this.globalModlog( `ABUSEMONITOR INCREMENT`, null, `${increment} every ${turns} turn(s)${min ? ` after ${min} turn(s)` : ""}` ); }, di: "deleteincrement", deleteincrement(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); if (!settings.thresholdIncrement) return this.errorReply(`The threshold increment is already disabled.`); settings.thresholdIncrement = null; saveSettings(); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} disabled the abuse-monitor threshold increment.`); this.globalModlog(`ABUSEMONITOR DISABLEINCREMENT`); }, async failures(target) { checkAccess(this); if (!(0, import_dex_data.toID)(target)) { target = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date()).split(" ")[0]; } const timeNum = new Date(target).getTime(); if (isNaN(timeNum)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid date.`); } let logs = await Chat.database.all( "SELECT * FROM perspective_stats WHERE result = 0 AND timestamp > ? AND timestamp < ?", [timeNum, timeNum + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3] ); logs = logs.filter((log) => // proofing against node's stupid date lib Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(log.timestamp)).split(" ")[0] === target); if (!logs.length) { return this.errorReply(`No logs found for that date.`); } this.sendReplyBox( `${Chat.count(logs, "logs")} found on the date ${target}:
` + logs.map((f) => `${f.roomid}`).join("
") ); }, bs: "backupsettings", async backupsettings(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); target = target.replace(/\//g, "-").toLowerCase().trim(); let dotIdx = target.lastIndexOf("."); if (dotIdx < 0) { dotIdx = target.length; } target = target.toLowerCase().slice(0, dotIdx); if (target) { target = `/artemis/${target}`; await (0, import_lib.FS)(`config/chat-plugins/artemis/`).mkdirIfNonexistent(); } else { target = `/nf.backup`; } saveSettings(target); this.addGlobalModAction(`${user.name} used /abusemonitor backupsettings`); this.stafflog(`Logged to ${target || "default location"}`); if (target) { this.globalModlog(`ABUSEMONITOR BACKUP`, null, target); } this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); }, lb: "loadbackup", async loadbackup(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); let path = `nf.backup`; if (target) { path = `artemis/${target.toLowerCase().replace(/\//g, "-")}`; } const backup = await (0, import_lib.FS)(`config/chat-plugins/${path}.json`).readIfExists(); if (!backup) return this.errorReply(`No backup settings saved.`); const backupSettings = JSON.parse(backup); Object.assign(settings, backupSettings); saveSettings(); this.addGlobalModAction(`${user.name} used /abusemonitor loadbackup`); this.stafflog(`Loaded ${path}`); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); }, async deletebackup(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); target = target.toLowerCase().replace(/\//g, "-"); if (!target) return this.errorReply(`Specify a backup file.`); const path = (0, import_lib.FS)(`config/chat-plugins/artemis/${target}.json`); if (!await path.exists()) { return this.errorReply(`Backup '${target}' not found.`); } await path.unlinkIfExists(); this.globalModlog(`ABUSEMONITOR DELETEBACKUP`, null, target); this.sendReply(`Backup '${target}' deleted.`); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} deleted the abuse-monitor backup '${target}'`); }, async backups() { checkAccess(this); let buf = `Artemis backups:
`; const files = await (0, import_lib.FS)(`config/chat-plugins/artemis`).readdirIfExists(); if (!files.length) { buf += `No backups found.`; } else { buf += files.map((f) => { const fName = f.slice(0, f.lastIndexOf(".")); let line = `• ${fName} `; line += ` `; line += ``; return line; }).join("
"); } this.sendReplyBox(buf); }, togglepunishments(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); let message; if (this.meansYes(target)) { if (!settings.recommendOnly) { return this.errorReply(`Automatic punishments are already enabled.`); } settings.recommendOnly = false; message = `${user.name} enabled automatic punishments for the Artemis battle monitor`; } else if (this.meansNo(target)) { if (settings.recommendOnly) { return this.errorReply(`Automatic punishments are already disabled.`); } settings.recommendOnly = true; message = `${user.name} disabled automatic punishments for the Artemis battle monitor`; } else { return this.sendReply(`Automatic punishments are: ${!settings.recommendOnly ? "ON" : "OFF"}.`); } this.privateGlobalModAction(message); this.globalModlog(`ABUSEMONITOR TOGGLE`, null, settings.recommendOnly ? "off" : "on"); saveSettings(); }, review() { this.checkCan("lock"); return this.parse(`/join view-abusemonitor-review`); }, reviews() { checkAccess(this); return this.parse(`/join view-abusemonitor-reviews`); }, async submitreview(target, room, user) { var _a; this.checkCan("lock"); if (!target) return this.parse(`/help abusemonitor submitreview`); const [roomid, reason] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(target, ",").map((f) => f.trim()); const log = await (0, import_helptickets.getBattleLog)((0, import_helptickets.getBattleLinks)(roomid)[0] || ""); if (!log) { return this.popupReply(`No logs found for that roomid.`); } if (reviews[user.id]?.some((f) => f.room === roomid)) { return this.popupReply(`You have already submitted a review for this room.`); } if (reason.length < 1 || reason.length > 2e3) { return this.popupReply(`Your review must be between 1 and 2000 characters.`); } (reviews[_a = user.id] || (reviews[_a] = [])).push({ room: roomid, details: reason, staff: user.id, time: Date.now() }); saveReviews(); Chat.refreshPageFor("abusemonitor-reviews", "staff"); this.closePage("abusemonitor-review"); this.popupReply(`Your review has been submitted.`); }, resolvereview(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); let [userid, roomid, accurate, result] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(target, ",", 3).map((f) => f.trim()); userid = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(userid); roomid = (0, import_helptickets.getBattleLinks)(roomid)[0] || ""; if (!userid || !roomid || !accurate || !result) { return this.parse(`/help abusemonitor resolvereview`); } if (!reviews[userid]) { return this.errorReply(`No reviews found by that user.`); } const review = reviews[userid].find((f) => (0, import_helptickets.getBattleLinks)(f.room).includes(roomid)); if (!review) { return this.errorReply(`No reviews found by that user for that room.`); } const isAccurate = Number(accurate); if (isNaN(isAccurate) || isAccurate < 0 || isAccurate > 1) { return this.popupReply(`Invalid accuracy. Must be a number between 0 and 1.`); } if (review.resolved) { return this.errorReply(`That review has already been resolved.`); } review.resolved = { by: user.id, time: Date.now(), details: result, result: isAccurate }; displayResolved(review, true); writeStats("reviews", review); Chat.refreshPageFor("abusemonitor-reviews", "staff"); }, replace(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); if (!target) return this.parse(`/help am`); const [old, newWord] = target.split(","); if (!old || !newWord) return this.errorReply(`Invalid arguments - must be [oldWord], [newWord].`); if ((0, import_dex_data.toID)(old) === (0, import_dex_data.toID)(newWord)) return this.errorReply(`The old word and the new word are the same.`); if (settings.replacements[old]) { return this.errorReply(`The old word '${old}' is already in use (for '${settings.replacements[old]}').`); } Chat.validateRegex(target); settings.replacements[old] = newWord; saveSettings(); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} added an Artemis replacement for '${old}' to '${newWord}'.`); this.globalModlog(`ABUSEMONITOR REPLACE`, null, `'${old}' to '${newWord}'`); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); }, removereplace(target, room, user) { checkAccess(this); if (!target) return this.parse(`/help am`); const replaceTo = settings.replacements[target]; if (!replaceTo) { return this.errorReply(`${target} is not a currently set replacement.`); } delete settings.replacements[target]; saveSettings(); this.privateGlobalModAction(`${user.name} removed the Artemis replacement for ${target}`); this.globalModlog(`ABUSEMONITOR REMOVEREPLACEMENT`, null, `${target} (=> ${replaceTo})`); this.refreshPage("abusemonitor-settings"); }, edithistory(target, room, user) { this.checkCan("lock"); target = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(target); if (!target) { return this.parse(`/help abusemonitor`); } return this.parse(`/j view-abusemonitor-edithistory-${target}`); }, ignoremodlog: { add(target, room, user) { this.checkCan("lock"); let targetUser; [targetUser, target] = this.splitOne(target).map((f) => f.trim()); targetUser = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(targetUser); if (!targetUser || !target) { return this.popupReply( `Must specify a user and a target date (or modlog entry number).` ); } if (!metadata.modlogIgnores) metadata.modlogIgnores = {}; const num = Number(target); if (isNaN(num)) { if (!/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/.test(target)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid date provided. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.`); } metadata.modlogIgnores[targetUser] = target; target = "before and including " + target; } else { let ignores = metadata.modlogIgnores[targetUser]; if (!Array.isArray(ignores)) { metadata.modlogIgnores[targetUser] = ignores = []; } if (ignores.includes(num)) { return this.errorReply(`That modlog entry is already ignored.`); } ignores.push(num); target = `entry #${target}`; } this.globalModlog(`ABUSEMONITOR MODLOGIGNORE`, targetUser, target); saveMetadata(); this.refreshPage(`abusemonitor-edithistory-${targetUser}`); }, remove(target, room, user) { this.checkCan("lock"); let [targetUser, rawNum] = this.splitOne(target).map((f) => f.trim()); targetUser = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(targetUser); const num = Number(rawNum); if (!targetUser || !rawNum) { return this.popupReply( `Specify a target user and a target (either a modlog entry # or a date).` ); } const entry = metadata.modlogIgnores?.[targetUser]; if (!entry) { return this.errorReply(`That user has no ignored modlog entries registered.`); } if (typeof entry === "string") { rawNum = entry; delete metadata.modlogIgnores[targetUser]; } else { if (isNaN(num)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid modlog entry number: ${num}`); } const idx = entry.indexOf(num); if (idx === -1) { return this.errorReply(`That modlog entry is not ignored for the user ${targetUser}.`); } entry.splice(idx, 1); if (!entry.length) { delete metadata.modlogIgnores[targetUser]; } } saveMetadata(); this.globalModlog(`ABUSEMONITOR REMOVEMODLOGIGNORE`, targetUser, rawNum); this.refreshPage(`abusemonitor-edithistory-${targetUser}`); } } }, abusemonitorhelp() { return this.sendReplyBox([ `Staff commands:`, `/am userlogs [user] - View the Artemis flagged message logs for the given [user]. Requires: % @ ~`, `/am unmute [user] - Remove the Artemis mute from the given [user]. Requires: % @ ~`, `/am review - Submit feedback for manual abuse monitor review. Requires: % @ ~`, `
Management commands:`, `/am toggle - Toggle the abuse monitor on and off. Requires: whitelist ~`, `/am threshold [number] - Set the abuse monitor trigger threshold. Requires: whitelist ~`, `/am resolve [room] - Mark a abuse monitor flagged room as handled by staff. Requires: % @ ~`, `/am respawn - Respawns abuse monitor processes. Requires: whitelist ~`, `/am logs [count][, userid] - View logs of recent matches by the abuse monitor. `, `If a userid is given, searches only logs from that userid. Requires: whitelist ~`, `/am edithistory [user] - Clear specific abuse monitor hit(s) for a user. Requires: % @ ~`, `/am userclear [user] - Clear all logged abuse monitor hits for a user. Requires: whitelist ~`, `/am deletelog [number] - Deletes a abuse monitor log matching the row ID [number] given. Requires: whitelist ~`, `/am editspecial [type], [percent], [score] - Sets a special case for the abuse monitor. Requires: whitelist ~`, `[score] can be either a number or MAXIMUM, which will set it to the maximum score possible (that will trigger an action)`, `/am deletespecial [type], [percent] - Deletes a special case for the abuse monitor. Requires: whitelist ~`, `/am editmin [number] - Sets the minimum percent needed to process for all flags. Requires: whitelist ~`, `/am viewsettings - View the current settings for the abuse monitor. Requires: whitelist ~`, `/am thresholdincrement [num], [amount][, min turns] - Sets the threshold increment for the abuse monitor to increase [amount] every [num] turns.`, `If [min turns] is provided, increments will start after that turn number. Requires: whitelist ~`, `/am deleteincrement - clear abuse-monitor threshold increment. Requires: whitelist ~`, `
` ].join("
")); } }; const pages = { abusemonitor: { flagged(query, user) { checkAccess(this, "lock"); const ids = getFlaggedRooms(); this.title = "[Abuse Monitor] Flagged rooms"; let buf = `
`; buf += `

Flagged rooms

`; if (!ids.length) { buf += `

No rooms have been flagged recently.

`; return buf; } buf += `

Currently flagged rooms: ${ids.length}

`; buf += `
`; buf += ``; for (const roomid of ids) { const entry = cache[roomid]; buf += ``; if (entry.claimed) { buf += ``; } else { buf += ``; } buf += import_lib.Utils.html``; buf += ``; buf += ``; buf += ``; } buf += `
StatusRoomClaimed byAction
`; buf += ` Claimed`; buf += ` Unclaimed${Rooms.get(roomid)?.title || roomid}${entry.claimed ? entry.claimed : "-"}
`; return buf; }, async view(query, user) { checkAccess(this, "lock"); const roomid = query.join("-"); if (!(0, import_dex_data.toID)(roomid)) { return this.errorReply(`You must specify a roomid to view abuse monitor data for.`); } let buf = `
`; buf += ``; buf += `

Abuse Monitor`; const room = Rooms.get(roomid); if (!room) { if (cache[roomid]) { delete cache[roomid]; notifyStaff(); } buf += `

No such room.

`; return buf; } room.pokeExpireTimer(); if (!cache[roomid]) { buf += `

The abuse monitor has not flagged the given room.

`; return buf; } const titleParts = room.roomid.split("-"); if (titleParts[titleParts.length - 1].endsWith("pw")) { titleParts.pop(); } buf += import_lib.Utils.html` - ${room.title}`; this.title = `[Abuse Monitor] ${titleParts.join("-")}`; buf += `


`; buf += `
`; if (!cache[roomid].claimed) { cache[roomid].claimed = user.id; notifyStaff(); } else { buf += `

Claimed: ${cache[roomid].claimed}

`; } buf += `
`; const users = new import_lib.Utils.Multiset(); const logData = await (0, import_helptickets.getBattleLog)(room.roomid, true); if (!logData) return `

No such room.

`; for (const line of logData.log) { const data = room.log.parseChatLine(line); if (!data) continue; if (["/log", "/raw"].some((prefix) => data.message.startsWith(prefix))) { continue; } const id = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(data.user); if (!id) continue; users.add(id); buf += `
`; buf += ``; buf += import_lib.Utils.html`${data.user}: ${data.message}
`; } buf += `
`; const recs = cache[roomid].recommended || {}; if (Object.keys(recs).length) { for (const id in recs) { const rec = recs[id]; buf += `

Recommended action for ${id}: ${rec.type} (${rec.reason})

`; } } buf += `

Users: (click a name to punish)

`; const sortedUsers = import_lib.Utils.sortBy([...users], ([id, num]) => [isFlaggedUserid(id, roomid), -num, id]); for (const [id] of sortedUsers) { const curUser = Users.getExact(id); buf += import_lib.Utils.html`
${curUser?.name || id} `; buf += ``; buf += `
`; const punishments = ["Warn", "Lock", "Weeklock", "Forcerename", "Namelock", "Weeknamelock"]; for (const name of punishments) { buf += `
`; buf += `
`; buf += `Optional reason: `; buf += `

`; } buf += `

`; } buf += `
Mark resolved:
`; buf += ` | `; buf += ``; return buf; }, async userlogs(query, user) { this.checkCan("lock"); let buf = `

Artemis user logs

`; const userid = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(query.shift()); if (!userid || userid.length > 18) { buf += `

Invalid username.

`; return buf; } this.title = `[Artemis Logs] ${userid}`; const logs = await Chat.database.all(`SELECT * FROM perspective_logs WHERE userid = ? LIMIT 100`, [userid]); if (!logs.length) { buf += `

No logs found.

`; return buf; } buf += `
`; import_lib.Utils.sortBy(logs, (log) => -log.time); for (const log of logs) { buf += ``; buf += ``; buf += import_lib.Utils.html``; } return buf; }, async logs(query, user) { checkAccess(this); this.title = "[Abuse Monitor] Logs"; let buf = `
`; buf += `

Abuse Monitor Logs

`; const rawCount = query.shift() || ""; let count = 200; if (rawCount) { count = parseInt(rawCount); if (isNaN(count)) { buf += `

Invalid limit specified: ${rawCount}

`; return buf; } } const userid = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(query.shift()); let logQuery = `SELECT rowid, * FROM perspective_logs `; const args = []; if (userid) { logQuery += `WHERE userid = ? `; args.push(userid); } logQuery += `ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT ?`; args.push(count); const logs = await Chat.database.all(logQuery, args); if (!logs.length) { buf += `

No logs found${userid ? ` for the user ${userid}` : ""}.

`; return buf; } import_lib.Utils.sortBy(logs, (log) => [-log.time, log.roomid, log.userid]); buf += `

${logs.length} log(s) found.

`; buf += `
`; buf += `
${Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(log.time), { human: true })}${log.roomid}${log.userid}${log.message}
`; if (!userid) { buf += ``; } buf += ``; buf += ``; const prettifyFlag = (flag) => flag.toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, " "); for (const log of logs) { const { roomid } = log; buf += ``; buf += ``; if (!userid) buf += ``; buf += import_lib.Utils.html``; buf += ``; buf += ``; buf += ``; buf += ``; } buf += `
RoomUserMessageTimeScore / FlagsOther dataManage
${roomid}${log.userid}${log.message}${Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(log.time))}${log.score} (${log.flags.split(",").map(prettifyFlag).join(", ")})Hit threshold: ${log.hit_threshold ? "Yes" : "No"}`; buf += ``; buf += `
`; if (count === logs.length) { buf += `
`; buf += ``; buf += `
`; } return buf; }, async stats(query, user) { checkAccess(this); const dateString = (query.join("-") || Chat.toTimestamp(new Date())).slice(0, 7); if (!/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}$/.test(dateString)) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid date: ${dateString}`); } let buf = `
`; buf += ``; buf += `

Abuse Monitor stats for ${dateString}

`; const next = nextMonth(dateString); const prev = new Date(new Date(`${dateString}-15`).getTime() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3).toISOString().slice(0, 7); buf += `Previous month | `; buf += `Next month`; buf += `
`; const logs = await Chat.database.all( `SELECT * FROM perspective_stats WHERE timestamp > ? AND timestamp < ?`, [new Date(dateString + "-01").getTime(), new Date(nextMonth(dateString)).getTime()] ); this.title = "[Abuse Monitor] Stats"; if (!logs.length) { buf += `

No logs found for the month ${dateString}.

`; return buf; } this.title += ` ${dateString}`; buf += `

${Chat.count(logs.length, "logs")} found.

`; let successes = 0; let failures = 0; let dead = 0; const staffStats = {}; const dayStats = {}; for (const log of logs) { const cur = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(log.timestamp)).split(" ")[0]; if (!dayStats[cur]) dayStats[cur] = { successes: 0, failures: 0, dead: 0, total: 0 }; if (log.result === 2) { dead++; dayStats[cur].dead++; continue; } else if (log.result === 1) { successes++; dayStats[cur].successes++; } else { failures++; dayStats[cur].failures++; } if (!staffStats[log.staff]) staffStats[log.staff] = 0; staffStats[log.staff]++; dayStats[cur].total++; } const percent = (numerator, denom) => Math.floor(numerator / denom * 100) || 0; buf += `

Success rate: ${percent(successes, successes + failures)}% (${successes})

`; buf += `

Failure rate: ${percent(failures, successes + failures)}% (${failures})

`; buf += `

Stats including dead flags`; buf += `

Total dead: ${dead}

`; buf += `

Success rate: ${percent(successes, logs.length)}% (${successes})

`; buf += `

Failure rate: ${percent(failures, logs.length)}% (${failures})

`; buf += `

`; buf += `

Day stats:

`; buf += `
`; let header = ""; let data = ""; const sortedDays = import_lib.Utils.sortBy(Object.keys(dayStats), (d) => new Date(d).getTime()); for (const [i, day] of sortedDays.entries()) { const cur = dayStats[day]; if (!cur.total) continue; header += ``; data += `"; if ((i + 1) % 5 === 0 && sortedDays[i + 1]) { buf += `${header}${data}`; buf += `
${day.split("-")[2]} (${cur.total})${cur.successes} (${percent(cur.successes, cur.total)}%)`; if (cur.failures) { data += ` | ${cur.failures} (${percent(cur.failures, cur.total)}%)`; } else { data += " | 0 (0%)"; } if (cur.dead) data += ` | ${cur.dead}`; data += "
`; buf += `
`; header = ""; data = ""; } } buf += `${header}${data}`; buf += `
`; buf += `

Punishment stats:

`; const punishmentStats = { inaccurate: 0, total: 0, byDay: {}, types: {} }; const inaccurate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const logPath = Monitor.logPath(`artemis/punishments/${dateString}.jsonl`); if (await logPath.exists()) { const stream = logPath.createReadStream(); for await (const line of stream.byLine()) { if (!line.trim()) continue; const chunk = JSON.parse(line.trim()); punishmentStats.total++; if (!punishmentStats.types[chunk.punishment]) punishmentStats.types[chunk.punishment] = 0; punishmentStats.types[chunk.punishment]++; const day = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(chunk.timestamp)).split(" ")[0]; if (!punishmentStats.byDay[day]) punishmentStats.byDay[day] = { total: 0, inaccurate: 0 }; punishmentStats.byDay[day].total++; } } const reviewLogPath = Monitor.logPath(`artemis/reviews/${dateString}.jsonl`); if (await reviewLogPath.exists()) { const stream = reviewLogPath.createReadStream(); for await (const line of stream.byLine()) { if (!line.trim()) continue; const chunk = JSON.parse(line.trim()); if (!chunk.resolved.result) { punishmentStats.inaccurate++; inaccurate.add(chunk.room); const day = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(chunk.time)).split(" ")[0]; if (!punishmentStats.byDay[day]) punishmentStats.byDay[day] = { total: 0, inaccurate: 0 }; punishmentStats.byDay[day].inaccurate++; } } } buf += `

Total punishments: ${punishmentStats.total}

`; const accurate = punishmentStats.total - punishmentStats.inaccurate; buf += `

Accurate punishments: ${accurate} (${percent(accurate, punishmentStats.total)}%)

`; buf += `
Inaccurate punishments: ${punishmentStats.inaccurate} `; buf += `(${percent(punishmentStats.inaccurate, punishmentStats.total)}%)`; buf += Array.from(inaccurate).map((f) => `${f}`).join(", "); buf += `
`; if (punishmentStats.total) { buf += `

Day stats:

`; buf += `
`; header = ""; data = ""; const sortedDayStats = import_lib.Utils.sortBy(Object.keys(punishmentStats.byDay), (d) => new Date(d).getTime()); for (const [i, day] of sortedDayStats.entries()) { const cur = punishmentStats.byDay[day]; if (!cur.total) continue; header += ``; const curAccurate = cur.total - cur.inaccurate; data += `"; if ((i + 1) % 5 === 0 && sortedDays[i + 1]) { buf += `${header}${data}`; buf += `
${day.split("-")[2]} (${cur.total})${curAccurate} (${percent(curAccurate, cur.total)}%)`; if (cur.inaccurate) { data += ` | ${cur.inaccurate} (${percent(cur.inaccurate, cur.total)}%)`; } else { data += " | 0 (0%)"; } data += "
`; buf += `
`; header = ""; data = ""; } } buf += `${header}${data}`; buf += `
`; buf += `
Punishment breakdown:
`; buf += `
`; buf += ``; const sorted = import_lib.Utils.sortBy(Object.entries(punishmentStats.types), (e) => e[1]); for (const [type, num] of sorted) { buf += ``; } buf += `
${type}${num}${percent(num, punishmentStats.total)}%
`; } buf += `

Staff stats:

`; buf += `
`; buf += ``; for (const id of import_lib.Utils.sortBy(Object.keys(staffStats), (k) => -staffStats[k])) { buf += ``; } buf += `
UserTotalPercent total
${id}${staffStats[id]}${staffStats[id] / logs.length * 100}%
`; return buf; }, async settings() { checkAccess(this); this.title = `[Abuse Monitor] Settings`; let buf = `

Abuse Monitor Settings

`; buf += ``; buf += ``; buf += ``; if (await (0, import_lib.FS)("config/chat-plugins/nf.backup.json").exists()) { buf += ``; } buf += `

Miscellaneous settings

`; buf += `Minimum percent to process:
`; buf += ``; buf += `
`; buf += `
Score threshold:
`; buf += ``; buf += `
`; const incr = settings.thresholdIncrement; if (incr) { buf += `
Threshold increments: `; buf += `Increases ${incr.amount} every ${incr.turns} turns`; if (incr.minTurns) buf += ` after turn ${incr.minTurns}`; buf += `
`; } const replacements = Object.keys(settings.replacements); if (replacements.length) { buf += `
Replacements: `; buf += replacements.map((k) => `${k}: ${settings.replacements[k]}`).join(", "); buf += `
`; } buf += `

Punishment settings

`; if (settings.punishments.length) { for (const [i, p] of settings.punishments.entries()) { buf += `• ${i + 1}: `; buf += Object.keys(p).map( (f) => `${f}: ${visualizePunishmentKey(p, f)}` ).join(", "); buf += ` ()`; buf += `
`; } buf += `
`; } buf += `
Add a punishment`; buf += `
`; buf += `Punishment: (required)
`; buf += `Type: (required)
`; buf += `Certainty: (optional)
`; buf += `Count: (optional)
`; buf += `
`; buf += `
`; buf += `


`; const keys = import_lib.Utils.sortBy( Object.keys(Artemis.RemoteClassifier.ATTRIBUTES), (k) => [-Object.keys(settings.specials[k] || {}).length, k] ); for (const k of keys) { buf += `${k}:
`; if (settings.specials[k]) { for (const percent in settings.specials[k]) { buf += `• ${percent}%: ${settings.specials[k][percent]} `; buf += `()`; buf += `
`; } } buf += `
`; buf += `
Add a special case`; buf += `
`; buf += `Percent needed:
`; buf += `Score:
`; buf += ``; buf += `
`; buf += `
`; } buf += `
`; return buf; }, reviews() { checkAccess(this); this.title = `[Abuse Monitor] Reviews`; let buf = `

Artemis recommendation reviews ({{total}})

`; buf += ``; buf += `
`; let total = 0; let atLeastOne = false; for (const userid in reviews) { const curReviews = reviews[userid].filter((f) => !f.resolved); if (curReviews.length) { buf += `${Chat.count(curReviews, "reviews")} from ${userid}:
`; total += curReviews.length; } else { continue; } for (const review of curReviews) { buf += `
`; buf += `Battle: ${review.room}
`; buf += import_lib.Utils.html`
Review details:${review.details}
`; buf += `
`; buf += `Respond:

`; buf += `Mark result:
`; buf += ``; buf += `

`; atLeastOne = true; } buf += `
`; } if (!atLeastOne) { buf += `No reviews to display.`; return buf; } buf = buf.replace("{{total}}", `${total}`); return buf; }, review() { this.checkCan("lock"); this.title = `[Abuse Monitor] Review`; let buf = `

Artemis recommendation review

`; buf += `
`; buf += `
`; buf += ``; buf += `
`; buf += ``; buf += `
`; buf += ` `; buf += `
`; buf += ``; buf += `
`; buf += ``; buf += `
`; return buf; }, async edithistory(query, user) { this.checkCan("lock"); const targetUser = (0, import_dex_data.toID)(query[0]); if (!targetUser) { return this.errorReply(`Specify a user.`); } this.title = `[Artemis History] ${targetUser}`; let buf = `

Artemis modlog handling for ${targetUser}

`; const modlogEntries = await Rooms.Modlog.search("global", { user: [{ search: targetUser, isExact: true }], note: [], ip: [], action: [], actionTaker: [] }, 100, true); if (!modlogEntries?.results.length) { buf += `
No entries found.
`; return buf; } buf += `
`; buf += modlogEntries.results.map((result) => { const day = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(result.time)).split(" ")[0]; let innerBuf = import_lib.Utils.html``; const existingIgnore = metadata.modlogIgnores?.[targetUser]; const todayMatch = existingIgnore === day; const entryMatch = Array.isArray(existingIgnore) && existingIgnore?.includes(result.entryID); let cmd = entryMatch ? `am ignoremodlog remove` : `am ignoremodlog add`; innerBuf += ``; return innerBuf; }).join(""); buf += `
#${result.entryID} [${day}] `; innerBuf += `${result.action}${result.note ? ` (${result.note.trim()})` : ``} `; cmd = todayMatch ? `am ignoremodlog remove` : `am ignoremodlog add`; innerBuf += `
`; return buf; } }, async battlechat(query) { const [format, num, pw] = query.map(import_dex_data.toID); this.checkCan("lock"); if (!format || !num) { return this.errorReply(`Invalid battle link provided.`); } this.title = `[Battle Logs] ${format}-${num}`; const full = `battle-${format}-${num}${pw ? `-${pw}` : ""}`; const logData = await (0, import_helptickets.getBattleLog)(full); if (!logData) { return this.errorReply(`No logs found for the battle ${full}.`); } let log = logData.log; log = log.filter((l) => l.startsWith("|c|")); let buf = '
'; buf += `

Logs for ${logData.title}

`; buf += `Players: ${Object.values(logData.players).map(import_dex_data.toID).filter(Boolean).join(", ")}
`; let atLeastOne = false; for (const line of log) { const [, , username, message] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(line, "|", 3); buf += import_lib.Utils.html`
${username}: ${message}
`; atLeastOne = true; } if (!atLeastOne) buf += `None found.`; return buf; } }; const punishmentfilter = (user, punishment) => { if (typeof user === "string") return; if (!Punishments.punishmentTypes.has(punishment.type)) return; const cacheEntry = punishmentCache.get(user) || {}; if (!cacheEntry[punishment.type]) cacheEntry[punishment.type] = 0; cacheEntry[punishment.type]++; }; //# sourceMappingURL=abuse-monitor.js.map