"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var conditions_exports = {}; __export(conditions_exports, { Conditions: () => Conditions }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(conditions_exports); const Conditions = { brn: { name: "brn", effectType: "Status", onStart(target, source, sourceEffect) { if (sourceEffect && sourceEffect.id === "flameorb") { this.add("-status", target, "brn", "[from] item: Flame Orb"); } else if (sourceEffect && sourceEffect.effectType === "Ability") { this.add("-status", target, "brn", "[from] ability: " + sourceEffect.name, `[of] ${source}`); } else { this.add("-status", target, "brn"); } }, // Damage reduction is handled directly in the sim/battle.js damage function onResidualOrder: 10, onResidual(pokemon) { this.damage(pokemon.baseMaxhp / 16); } }, par: { name: "par", effectType: "Status", onStart(target, source, sourceEffect) { if (sourceEffect && sourceEffect.effectType === "Ability") { this.add("-status", target, "par", "[from] ability: " + sourceEffect.name, `[of] ${source}`); } else { this.add("-status", target, "par"); } }, onModifySpePriority: -101, onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) { spe = this.finalModify(spe); if (!pokemon.hasAbility("quickfeet")) { spe = Math.floor(spe * 50 / 100); } return spe; }, onBeforeMovePriority: 1, onBeforeMove(pokemon) { if (this.randomChance(1, 4)) { this.add("cant", pokemon, "par"); return false; } } }, slp: { name: "slp", effectType: "Status", onStart(target, source, sourceEffect) { if (sourceEffect && sourceEffect.effectType === "Ability") { this.add("-status", target, "slp", "[from] ability: " + sourceEffect.name, `[of] ${source}`); } else if (sourceEffect && sourceEffect.effectType === "Move") { this.add("-status", target, "slp", `[from] move: ${sourceEffect.name}`); } else { this.add("-status", target, "slp"); } this.effectState.startTime = this.random(2, 5); this.effectState.time = this.effectState.startTime; if (target.removeVolatile("nightmare")) { this.add("-end", target, "Nightmare", "[silent]"); } }, onBeforeMovePriority: 10, onBeforeMove(pokemon, target, move) { if (pokemon.hasAbility("earlybird")) { pokemon.statusState.time--; } pokemon.statusState.time--; if (pokemon.statusState.time <= 0) { pokemon.cureStatus(); return; } this.add("cant", pokemon, "slp"); if (move.sleepUsable) { return; } return false; } }, frz: { name: "frz", effectType: "Status", onStart(target, source, sourceEffect) { if (sourceEffect && sourceEffect.effectType === "Ability") { this.add("-status", target, "frz", "[from] ability: " + sourceEffect.name, `[of] ${source}`); } else { this.add("-status", target, "frz"); } if (target.species.name === "Shaymin-Sky" && target.baseSpecies.baseSpecies === "Shaymin") { target.formeChange("Shaymin", this.effect, true); target.regressionForme = false; } }, onBeforeMovePriority: 10, onBeforeMove(pokemon, target, move) { if (move.flags["defrost"]) return; if (this.randomChance(1, 5)) { pokemon.cureStatus(); return; } this.add("cant", pokemon, "frz"); return false; }, onModifyMove(move, pokemon) { if (move.flags["defrost"]) { this.add("-curestatus", pokemon, "frz", `[from] move: ${move}`); pokemon.clearStatus(); } }, onAfterMoveSecondary(target, source, move) { if (move.thawsTarget) { target.cureStatus(); } }, onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { if (move.type === "Fire" && move.category !== "Status") { target.cureStatus(); } } }, psn: { name: "psn", effectType: "Status", onStart(target, source, sourceEffect) { if (sourceEffect && sourceEffect.effectType === "Ability") { this.add("-status", target, "psn", "[from] ability: " + sourceEffect.name, `[of] ${source}`); } else { this.add("-status", target, "psn"); } }, onResidualOrder: 9, onResidual(pokemon) { this.damage(pokemon.baseMaxhp / 8); } }, tox: { name: "tox", effectType: "Status", onStart(target, source, sourceEffect) { this.effectState.stage = 0; if (sourceEffect && sourceEffect.id === "toxicorb") { this.add("-status", target, "tox", "[from] item: Toxic Orb"); } else if (sourceEffect && sourceEffect.effectType === "Ability") { this.add("-status", target, "tox", "[from] ability: " + sourceEffect.name, `[of] ${source}`); } else { this.add("-status", target, "tox"); } }, onSwitchIn() { this.effectState.stage = 0; }, onResidualOrder: 9, onResidual(pokemon) { if (this.effectState.stage < 15) { this.effectState.stage++; } this.damage(this.clampIntRange(pokemon.baseMaxhp / 16, 1) * this.effectState.stage); } }, confusion: { name: "confusion", // this is a volatile status onStart(target, source, sourceEffect) { if (sourceEffect?.id === "lockedmove") { this.add("-start", target, "confusion", "[fatigue]"); } else if (sourceEffect?.effectType === "Ability") { this.add("-start", target, "confusion", "[from] ability: " + sourceEffect.name, `[of] ${source}`); } else { this.add("-start", target, "confusion"); } const min = sourceEffect?.id === "axekick" ? 3 : 2; this.effectState.time = this.random(min, 6); }, onEnd(target) { this.add("-end", target, "confusion"); }, onBeforeMovePriority: 3, onBeforeMove(pokemon) { pokemon.volatiles["confusion"].time--; if (!pokemon.volatiles["confusion"].time) { pokemon.removeVolatile("confusion"); return; } this.add("-activate", pokemon, "confusion"); if (!this.randomChance(33, 100)) { return; } this.activeTarget = pokemon; const damage = this.actions.getConfusionDamage(pokemon, 40); if (typeof damage !== "number") throw new Error("Confusion damage not dealt"); const activeMove = { id: this.toID("confused"), effectType: "Move", type: "???" }; this.damage(damage, pokemon, pokemon, activeMove); return false; } }, flinch: { name: "flinch", duration: 1, onBeforeMovePriority: 8, onBeforeMove(pokemon) { this.add("cant", pokemon, "flinch"); this.runEvent("Flinch", pokemon); return false; } }, trapped: { name: "trapped", noCopy: true, onTrapPokemon(pokemon) { pokemon.tryTrap(); }, onStart(target) { this.add("-activate", target, "trapped"); } }, trapper: { name: "trapper", noCopy: true }, partiallytrapped: { name: "partiallytrapped", duration: 5, durationCallback(target, source) { if (source?.hasItem("gripclaw")) return 8; return this.random(5, 7); }, onStart(pokemon, source) { this.add("-activate", pokemon, "move: " + this.effectState.sourceEffect, `[of] ${source}`); this.effectState.boundDivisor = source.hasItem("bindingband") ? 6 : 8; }, onResidualOrder: 13, onResidual(pokemon) { const source = this.effectState.source; const gmaxEffect = ["gmaxcentiferno", "gmaxsandblast"].includes(this.effectState.sourceEffect.id); if (source && (!source.isActive || source.hp <= 0 || !source.activeTurns) && !gmaxEffect) { delete pokemon.volatiles["partiallytrapped"]; this.add("-end", pokemon, this.effectState.sourceEffect, "[partiallytrapped]", "[silent]"); return; } this.damage(pokemon.baseMaxhp / this.effectState.boundDivisor); }, onEnd(pokemon) { this.add("-end", pokemon, this.effectState.sourceEffect, "[partiallytrapped]"); }, onTrapPokemon(pokemon) { const gmaxEffect = ["gmaxcentiferno", "gmaxsandblast"].includes(this.effectState.sourceEffect.id); if (this.effectState.source?.isActive || gmaxEffect) pokemon.tryTrap(); } }, lockedmove: { // Outrage, Thrash, Petal Dance... name: "lockedmove", duration: 2, onResidual(target) { if (target.status === "slp") { delete target.volatiles["lockedmove"]; } this.effectState.trueDuration--; }, onStart(target, source, effect) { this.effectState.trueDuration = this.random(2, 4); this.effectState.move = effect.id; }, onRestart() { if (this.effectState.trueDuration >= 2) { this.effectState.duration = 2; } }, onEnd(target) { if (this.effectState.trueDuration > 1) return; target.addVolatile("confusion"); }, onLockMove(pokemon) { if (pokemon.volatiles["dynamax"]) return; return this.effectState.move; } }, twoturnmove: { // Skull Bash, SolarBeam, Sky Drop... name: "twoturnmove", duration: 2, onStart(attacker, defender, effect) { this.effectState.move = effect.id; attacker.addVolatile(effect.id); let moveTargetLoc = attacker.lastMoveTargetLoc; if (effect.sourceEffect && this.dex.moves.get(effect.id).target !== "self") { if (defender.fainted) { defender = this.sample(attacker.foes(true)); } moveTargetLoc = attacker.getLocOf(defender); } attacker.volatiles[effect.id].targetLoc = moveTargetLoc; this.attrLastMove("[still]"); this.runEvent("PrepareHit", attacker, defender, effect); }, onEnd(target) { target.removeVolatile(this.effectState.move); }, onLockMove() { return this.effectState.move; }, onMoveAborted(pokemon) { pokemon.removeVolatile("twoturnmove"); } }, choicelock: { name: "choicelock", noCopy: true, onStart(pokemon) { if (!this.activeMove) throw new Error("Battle.activeMove is null"); if (!this.activeMove.id || this.activeMove.hasBounced || this.activeMove.sourceEffect === "snatch") return false; this.effectState.move = this.activeMove.id; }, onBeforeMove(pokemon, target, move) { if (!pokemon.getItem().isChoice) { pokemon.removeVolatile("choicelock"); return; } if (!pokemon.ignoringItem() && !pokemon.volatiles["dynamax"] && move.id !== this.effectState.move && move.id !== "struggle") { this.addMove("move", pokemon, move.name); this.attrLastMove("[still]"); this.debug("Disabled by Choice item lock"); this.add("-fail", pokemon); return false; } }, onDisableMove(pokemon) { if (!pokemon.getItem().isChoice || !pokemon.hasMove(this.effectState.move)) { pokemon.removeVolatile("choicelock"); return; } if (pokemon.ignoringItem() || pokemon.volatiles["dynamax"]) { return; } for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) { if (moveSlot.id !== this.effectState.move) { pokemon.disableMove(moveSlot.id, false, this.effectState.sourceEffect); } } } }, mustrecharge: { name: "mustrecharge", duration: 2, onBeforeMovePriority: 11, onBeforeMove(pokemon) { this.add("cant", pokemon, "recharge"); pokemon.removeVolatile("mustrecharge"); pokemon.removeVolatile("truant"); return null; }, onStart(pokemon) { this.add("-mustrecharge", pokemon); }, onLockMove: "recharge" }, futuremove: { // this is a slot condition name: "futuremove", onStart(target) { this.effectState.targetSlot = target.getSlot(); this.effectState.endingTurn = this.turn - 1 + 2; if (this.effectState.endingTurn >= 254) { this.hint(`In Gen 8+, Future attacks will never resolve when used on the 255th turn or later.`); } }, onResidualOrder: 3, onResidual(target) { if (this.getOverflowedTurnCount() < this.effectState.endingTurn) return; target.side.removeSlotCondition(this.getAtSlot(this.effectState.targetSlot), "futuremove"); }, onEnd(target) { const data = this.effectState; const move = this.dex.moves.get(data.move); if (target.fainted || target === data.source) { this.hint(`${move.name} did not hit because the target is ${target.fainted ? "fainted" : "the user"}.`); return; } this.add("-end", target, "move: " + move.name); target.removeVolatile("Protect"); target.removeVolatile("Endure"); if (data.source.hasAbility("infiltrator") && this.gen >= 6) { data.moveData.infiltrates = true; } if (data.source.hasAbility("normalize") && this.gen >= 6) { data.moveData.type = "Normal"; } const hitMove = new this.dex.Move(data.moveData); this.actions.trySpreadMoveHit([target], data.source, hitMove, true); if (data.source.isActive && data.source.hasItem("lifeorb") && this.gen >= 5) { this.singleEvent("AfterMoveSecondarySelf", data.source.getItem(), data.source.itemState, data.source, target, data.source.getItem()); } this.activeMove = null; this.checkWin(); } }, healreplacement: { // this is a slot condition name: "healreplacement", onStart(target, source, sourceEffect) { this.effectState.sourceEffect = sourceEffect; this.add("-activate", source, "healreplacement"); }, onSwitchIn(target) { if (!target.fainted) { target.heal(target.maxhp); this.add("-heal", target, target.getHealth, "[from] move: " + this.effectState.sourceEffect, "[zeffect]"); target.side.removeSlotCondition(target, "healreplacement"); } } }, stall: { // Protect, Detect, Endure counter name: "stall", duration: 2, counterMax: 729, onStart() { this.effectState.counter = 3; }, onStallMove(pokemon) { const counter = this.effectState.counter || 1; this.debug(`Success chance: ${Math.round(100 / counter)}%`); const success = this.randomChance(1, counter); if (!success) delete pokemon.volatiles["stall"]; return success; }, onRestart() { if (this.effectState.counter < this.effect.counterMax) { this.effectState.counter *= 3; } this.effectState.duration = 2; } }, gem: { name: "gem", duration: 1, affectsFainted: true, onBasePowerPriority: 14, onBasePower(basePower, user, target, move) { this.debug("Gem Boost"); return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); } }, // weather is implemented here since it's so important to the game raindance: { name: "RainDance", effectType: "Weather", duration: 5, durationCallback(source, effect) { if (source?.hasItem("damprock")) { return 8; } return 5; }, onWeatherModifyDamage(damage, attacker, defender, move) { if (defender.hasItem("utilityumbrella")) return; if (move.type === "Water") { this.debug("rain water boost"); return this.chainModify(1.5); } if (move.type === "Fire") { this.debug("rain fire suppress"); return this.chainModify(0.5); } }, onFieldStart(field, source, effect) { if (effect?.effectType === "Ability") { if (this.gen <= 5) this.effectState.duration = 0; this.add("-weather", "RainDance", "[from] ability: " + effect.name, `[of] ${source}`); } else { this.add("-weather", "RainDance"); } }, onFieldResidualOrder: 1, onFieldResidual() { this.add("-weather", "RainDance", "[upkeep]"); this.eachEvent("Weather"); }, onFieldEnd() { this.add("-weather", "none"); } }, primordialsea: { name: "PrimordialSea", effectType: "Weather", duration: 0, onTryMovePriority: 1, onTryMove(attacker, defender, move) { if (move.type === "Fire" && move.category !== "Status") { this.debug("Primordial Sea fire suppress"); this.add("-fail", attacker, move, "[from] Primordial Sea"); this.attrLastMove("[still]"); return null; } }, onWeatherModifyDamage(damage, attacker, defender, move) { if (defender.hasItem("utilityumbrella")) return; if (move.type === "Water") { this.debug("Rain water boost"); return this.chainModify(1.5); } }, onFieldStart(field, source, effect) { this.add("-weather", "PrimordialSea", "[from] ability: " + effect.name, `[of] ${source}`); }, onFieldResidualOrder: 1, onFieldResidual() { this.add("-weather", "PrimordialSea", "[upkeep]"); this.eachEvent("Weather"); }, onFieldEnd() { this.add("-weather", "none"); } }, sunnyday: { name: "SunnyDay", effectType: "Weather", duration: 5, durationCallback(source, effect) { if (source?.hasItem("heatrock")) { return 8; } return 5; }, onWeatherModifyDamage(damage, attacker, defender, move) { if (move.id === "hydrosteam" && !attacker.hasItem("utilityumbrella")) { this.debug("Sunny Day Hydro Steam boost"); return this.chainModify(1.5); } if (defender.hasItem("utilityumbrella")) return; if (move.type === "Fire") { this.debug("Sunny Day fire boost"); return this.chainModify(1.5); } if (move.type === "Water") { this.debug("Sunny Day water suppress"); return this.chainModify(0.5); } }, onFieldStart(battle, source, effect) { if (effect?.effectType === "Ability") { if (this.gen <= 5) this.effectState.duration = 0; this.add("-weather", "SunnyDay", "[from] ability: " + effect.name, `[of] ${source}`); } else { this.add("-weather", "SunnyDay"); } }, onImmunity(type, pokemon) { if (pokemon.hasItem("utilityumbrella")) return; if (type === "frz") return false; }, onFieldResidualOrder: 1, onFieldResidual() { this.add("-weather", "SunnyDay", "[upkeep]"); this.eachEvent("Weather"); }, onFieldEnd() { this.add("-weather", "none"); } }, desolateland: { name: "DesolateLand", effectType: "Weather", duration: 0, onTryMovePriority: 1, onTryMove(attacker, defender, move) { if (move.type === "Water" && move.category !== "Status") { this.debug("Desolate Land water suppress"); this.add("-fail", attacker, move, "[from] Desolate Land"); this.attrLastMove("[still]"); return null; } }, onWeatherModifyDamage(damage, attacker, defender, move) { if (defender.hasItem("utilityumbrella")) return; if (move.type === "Fire") { this.debug("Sunny Day fire boost"); return this.chainModify(1.5); } }, onFieldStart(field, source, effect) { this.add("-weather", "DesolateLand", "[from] ability: " + effect.name, `[of] ${source}`); }, onImmunity(type, pokemon) { if (pokemon.hasItem("utilityumbrella")) return; if (type === "frz") return false; }, onFieldResidualOrder: 1, onFieldResidual() { this.add("-weather", "DesolateLand", "[upkeep]"); this.eachEvent("Weather"); }, onFieldEnd() { this.add("-weather", "none"); } }, sandstorm: { name: "Sandstorm", effectType: "Weather", duration: 5, durationCallback(source, effect) { if (source?.hasItem("smoothrock")) { return 8; } return 5; }, // This should be applied directly to the stat before any of the other modifiers are chained // So we give it increased priority. onModifySpDPriority: 10, onModifySpD(spd, pokemon) { if (pokemon.hasType("Rock") && this.field.isWeather("sandstorm")) { return this.modify(spd, 1.5); } }, onFieldStart(field, source, effect) { if (effect?.effectType === "Ability") { if (this.gen <= 5) this.effectState.duration = 0; this.add("-weather", "Sandstorm", "[from] ability: " + effect.name, `[of] ${source}`); } else { this.add("-weather", "Sandstorm"); } }, onFieldResidualOrder: 1, onFieldResidual() { this.add("-weather", "Sandstorm", "[upkeep]"); if (this.field.isWeather("sandstorm")) this.eachEvent("Weather"); }, onWeather(target) { this.damage(target.baseMaxhp / 16); }, onFieldEnd() { this.add("-weather", "none"); } }, hail: { name: "Hail", effectType: "Weather", duration: 5, durationCallback(source, effect) { if (source?.hasItem("icyrock")) { return 8; } return 5; }, onFieldStart(field, source, effect) { if (effect?.effectType === "Ability") { if (this.gen <= 5) this.effectState.duration = 0; this.add("-weather", "Hail", "[from] ability: " + effect.name, `[of] ${source}`); } else { this.add("-weather", "Hail"); } }, onFieldResidualOrder: 1, onFieldResidual() { this.add("-weather", "Hail", "[upkeep]"); if (this.field.isWeather("hail")) this.eachEvent("Weather"); }, onWeather(target) { this.damage(target.baseMaxhp / 16); }, onFieldEnd() { this.add("-weather", "none"); } }, snowscape: { name: "Snowscape", effectType: "Weather", duration: 5, durationCallback(source, effect) { if (source?.hasItem("icyrock")) { return 8; } return 5; }, onModifyDefPriority: 10, onModifyDef(def, pokemon) { if (pokemon.hasType("Ice") && this.field.isWeather("snowscape")) { return this.modify(def, 1.5); } }, onFieldStart(field, source, effect) { if (effect?.effectType === "Ability") { if (this.gen <= 5) this.effectState.duration = 0; this.add("-weather", "Snowscape", "[from] ability: " + effect.name, `[of] ${source}`); } else { this.add("-weather", "Snowscape"); } }, onFieldResidualOrder: 1, onFieldResidual() { this.add("-weather", "Snowscape", "[upkeep]"); if (this.field.isWeather("snowscape")) this.eachEvent("Weather"); }, onFieldEnd() { this.add("-weather", "none"); } }, deltastream: { name: "DeltaStream", effectType: "Weather", duration: 0, onEffectivenessPriority: -1, onEffectiveness(typeMod, target, type, move) { if (move && move.effectType === "Move" && move.category !== "Status" && type === "Flying" && typeMod > 0) { this.add("-fieldactivate", "Delta Stream"); return 0; } }, onFieldStart(field, source, effect) { this.add("-weather", "DeltaStream", "[from] ability: " + effect.name, `[of] ${source}`); }, onFieldResidualOrder: 1, onFieldResidual() { this.add("-weather", "DeltaStream", "[upkeep]"); this.eachEvent("Weather"); }, onFieldEnd() { this.add("-weather", "none"); } }, dynamax: { name: "Dynamax", noCopy: true, onStart(pokemon) { this.effectState.turns = 0; pokemon.removeVolatile("minimize"); pokemon.removeVolatile("substitute"); if (pokemon.volatiles["torment"]) { delete pokemon.volatiles["torment"]; this.add("-end", pokemon, "Torment", "[silent]"); } if (["cramorantgulping", "cramorantgorging"].includes(pokemon.species.id) && !pokemon.transformed) { pokemon.formeChange("cramorant"); } this.add("-start", pokemon, "Dynamax", pokemon.gigantamax ? "Gmax" : ""); if (pokemon.baseSpecies.name === "Shedinja") return; const ratio = 1.5 + pokemon.dynamaxLevel * 0.05; pokemon.maxhp = Math.floor(pokemon.maxhp * ratio); pokemon.hp = Math.floor(pokemon.hp * ratio); this.add("-heal", pokemon, pokemon.getHealth, "[silent]"); }, onTryAddVolatile(status, pokemon) { if (status.id === "flinch") return null; }, onBeforeSwitchOutPriority: -1, onBeforeSwitchOut(pokemon) { pokemon.removeVolatile("dynamax"); }, onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { if (move.id === "behemothbash" || move.id === "behemothblade" || move.id === "dynamaxcannon") { return this.chainModify(2); } }, onDragOutPriority: 2, onDragOut(pokemon) { this.add("-block", pokemon, "Dynamax"); return null; }, onResidualPriority: -100, onResidual() { this.effectState.turns++; }, onEnd(pokemon) { this.add("-end", pokemon, "Dynamax"); if (pokemon.baseSpecies.name === "Shedinja") return; pokemon.hp = pokemon.getUndynamaxedHP(); pokemon.maxhp = pokemon.baseMaxhp; this.add("-heal", pokemon, pokemon.getHealth, "[silent]"); } }, // Commander needs two conditions so they are implemented here // Dondozo commanded: { name: "Commanded", noCopy: true, onStart(pokemon) { this.boost({ atk: 2, spa: 2, spe: 2, def: 2, spd: 2 }, pokemon); }, onDragOutPriority: 2, onDragOut() { return false; }, // Prevents Shed Shell allowing a swap onTrapPokemonPriority: -11, onTrapPokemon(pokemon) { pokemon.trapped = true; } }, // Tatsugiri commanding: { name: "Commanding", noCopy: true, onDragOutPriority: 2, onDragOut() { return false; }, // Prevents Shed Shell allowing a swap onTrapPokemonPriority: -11, onTrapPokemon(pokemon) { pokemon.trapped = true; }, // Dodging moves is handled in BattleActions#hitStepInvulnerabilityEvent // This is here for moves that manually call this event like Perish Song onInvulnerability: false, onBeforeTurn(pokemon) { this.queue.cancelAction(pokemon); } }, // Arceus and Silvally's actual typing is implemented here. // Their true typing for all their formes is Normal, and it's only // Multitype and RKS System, respectively, that changes their type, // but their formes are specified to be their corresponding type // in the Pokedex, so that needs to be overridden. // This is mainly relevant for Hackmons Cup and Balanced Hackmons. arceus: { name: "Arceus", onTypePriority: 1, onType(types, pokemon) { if (pokemon.transformed || pokemon.ability !== "multitype" && this.gen >= 8) return types; let type = "Normal"; if (pokemon.ability === "multitype") { type = pokemon.getItem().onPlate; if (!type) { type = "Normal"; } } return [type]; } }, silvally: { name: "Silvally", onTypePriority: 1, onType(types, pokemon) { if (pokemon.transformed || pokemon.ability !== "rkssystem" && this.gen >= 8) return types; let type = "Normal"; if (pokemon.ability === "rkssystem") { type = pokemon.getItem().onMemory; if (!type) { type = "Normal"; } } return [type]; } }, rolloutstorage: { name: "rolloutstorage", duration: 2, onBasePower(relayVar, source, target, move) { let bp = Math.max(1, move.basePower); bp *= 2 ** source.volatiles["rolloutstorage"].contactHitCount; if (source.volatiles["defensecurl"]) { bp *= 2; } source.removeVolatile("rolloutstorage"); return bp; } } }; //# sourceMappingURL=conditions.js.map