import type { PRNG } from '../../../sim'; import { type MoveCounter, RandomGen8Teams, type OldRandomBattleSpecies } from '../gen8/teams'; export class RandomLetsGoTeams extends RandomGen8Teams { randomData: { [species: string]: OldRandomBattleSpecies } = require('./data.json'); constructor(format: Format | string, prng: PRNG | PRNGSeed | null) { super(format, prng); this.moveEnforcementCheckers = { Dark: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Dark'), Dragon: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Dragon'), Electric: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Electric'), Fighting: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => ( !counter.get('Fighting') && (!!counter.setupType || !counter.get('Status')) ), Fire: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Fire'), Ghost: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !types.has('Dark') && !counter.get('Ghost'), Ground: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Ground'), Ice: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Ice'), Water: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Water') || !counter.get('stab'), }; } shouldCullMove( move: Move, types: Set, moves: Set, abilities: string[], counter: MoveCounter, movePool: string[], teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails, ): { cull: boolean, isSetup?: boolean } { switch ( { // Set up once and only if we have the moves for it case 'bulkup': case 'swordsdance': return { cull: ( counter.setupType !== 'Physical' || counter.get('physicalsetup') > 1 || counter.get('Physical') + counter.get('physicalpool') < 2 ), isSetup: true, }; case 'calmmind': case 'nastyplot': case 'quiverdance': return { cull: ( counter.setupType !== 'Special' || counter.get('specialsetup') > 1 || counter.get('Special') + counter.get('specialpool') < 2 ), isSetup: true, }; case 'growth': case 'shellsmash': return { cull: ( counter.setupType !== 'Mixed' || (counter.damagingMoves.size + counter.get('physicalpool') + counter.get('specialpool')) < 2 ), isSetup: true, }; case 'agility': return { cull: counter.damagingMoves.size < 2 && !counter.setupType, isSetup: !counter.setupType, }; // Bad after setup case 'dragontail': return { cull: ( !!counter.setupType || !!counter.get('speedsetup') || ['encore', 'roar', 'whirlwind'].some(m => moves.has(m)) ) }; case 'fakeout': case 'uturn': case 'teleport': return { cull: !!counter.setupType || !!counter.get('speedsetup') || moves.has('substitute') }; case 'haze': case 'leechseed': case 'roar': case 'whirlwind': return { cull: !!counter.setupType || !!counter.get('speedsetup') || moves.has('dragontail') }; case 'protect': return { cull: !!counter.setupType || ['rest', 'lightscreen', 'reflect'].some(m => moves.has(m)) }; case 'seismictoss': return { cull: counter.damagingMoves.size > 1 || !!counter.setupType }; case 'stealthrock': return { cull: !!counter.setupType || !!counter.get('speedsetup') || !!teamDetails.stealthRock }; // Bit redundant to have both case 'leechlife': case 'substitute': return { cull: moves.has('uturn') }; case 'dragonpulse': return { cull: moves.has('dragontail') || moves.has('outrage') }; case 'thunderbolt': return { cull: moves.has('thunder') }; case 'flareblitz': case 'flamethrower': return { cull: moves.has('fireblast') || moves.has('firepunch') }; case 'megadrain': return { cull: moves.has('petaldance') || moves.has('powerwhip') }; case 'bonemerang': return { cull: moves.has('earthquake') }; case 'icebeam': return { cull: moves.has('blizzard') }; case 'rockslide': return { cull: moves.has('stoneedge') }; case 'hydropump': case 'willowisp': return { cull: moves.has('scald') }; case 'surf': return { cull: moves.has('hydropump') || moves.has('scald') }; } // Increased/decreased priority moves are unneeded with moves that boost only speed if (move.priority !== 0 && !!counter.get('speedsetup')) return { cull: true }; // This move doesn't satisfy our setup requirements: if ( (move.category === 'Physical' && counter.setupType === 'Special') || (move.category === 'Special' && counter.setupType === 'Physical') ) { // Reject STABs last in case the setup type changes later on if (!types.has(move.type) || counter.get('stab') > 1 || counter.get(move.category) < 2) return { cull: true }; } return { cull: false }; } randomSet(species: string | Species, teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails = {}): RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSet { species = this.dex.species.get(species); let forme =; if (typeof species.battleOnly === 'string') { // Only change the forme. The species has custom moves, and may have different typing and requirements. forme = species.battleOnly; } const data = this.randomData[]; const movePool: string[] = [...(data.moves || this.dex.species.getMovePool(]; const types = new Set(species.types); const moves = new Set(); let counter; do { // Choose next 4 moves from learnset/viable moves and add them to moves list: while (moves.size < this.maxMoveCount && movePool.length) { const moveid = this.sampleNoReplace(movePool); moves.add(moveid); } counter = this.queryMoves(moves, species.types, [], movePool); // Iterate through the moves again, this time to cull them: for (const moveid of moves) { const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); let { cull, isSetup } = this.shouldCullMove(move, types, moves, [], counter, movePool, teamDetails); if ( !isSetup && counter.setupType && counter.setupType !== 'Mixed' && move.category !== counter.setupType && counter.get(counter.setupType) < 2 && ( // Mono-attacking with setup and RestTalk is allowed // Reject Status moves only if there is nothing else to reject move.category !== 'Status' || ( counter.get(counter.setupType) + counter.get('Status') > 3 && counter.get('physicalsetup') + counter.get('specialsetup') < 2 ) ) ) { cull = true; } const moveIsRejectable = !move.damage && (move.category !== 'Status' || !move.flags.heal) && ( move.category === 'Status' || !types.has(move.type) || move.selfSwitch || move.basePower && move.basePower < 40 && !move.multihit ); // Pokemon should have moves that benefit their Type, as well as moves required by its forme if (moveIsRejectable && !cull && !isSetup && counter.get('physicalsetup') + counter.get('specialsetup') < 2 && ( !counter.setupType || counter.setupType === 'Mixed' || (move.category !== counter.setupType && move.category !== 'Status') || counter.get(counter.setupType) + counter.get('Status') > 3 )) { if ( (counter.damagingMoves.size === 0 || !counter.get('stab')) && (counter.get('physicalpool') || counter.get('specialpool')) ) { cull = true; } else { for (const type of types) { if (this.moveEnforcementCheckers[type]?.(movePool, moves, [], types, counter, species, teamDetails)) cull = true; } } } // Remove rejected moves from the move list if (cull && movePool.length) { moves.delete(moveid); break; } } } while (moves.size < this.maxMoveCount && movePool.length); const ivs = { hp: 31, atk: 31, def: 31, spa: 31, spd: 31, spe: 31 }; // Minimize confusion damage if (!counter.get('Physical') && !moves.has('transform')) ivs.atk = 0; const requiredItem = species.requiredItem || (species.requiredItems ? this.sample(species.requiredItems) : null); return { name: species.baseSpecies, species: forme, level: this.adjustLevel || 100, gender: species.gender, happiness: 70, shiny: this.randomChance(1, 1024), item: (requiredItem || ''), ability: 'No Ability', evs: { hp: 20, atk: 20, def: 20, spa: 20, spd: 20, spe: 20 }, moves: Array.from(moves), ivs, }; } randomTeam() { this.enforceNoDirectCustomBanlistChanges(); const pokemon: RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSet[] = []; const pokemonPool: string[] = []; for (const id in { const species = this.dex.species.get(id); if ( species.num < 1 || (species.num > 151 && ![808, 809].includes(species.num)) || species.gen > 7 || species.nfe || !this.randomData[]?.moves || (this.forceMonotype && !species.types.includes(this.forceMonotype)) ) { continue; } pokemonPool.push(id); } const typeCount: { [k: string]: number } = {}; const typeComboCount: { [k: string]: number } = {}; const baseFormes: { [k: string]: number } = {}; const teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails = {}; while (pokemonPool.length && pokemon.length < this.maxTeamSize) { const species = this.dex.species.get(this.sampleNoReplace(pokemonPool)); if (!species.exists) continue; // Limit to one of each species (Species Clause) if (baseFormes[species.baseSpecies]) continue; const types = species.types; // Once we have 2 Pokémon of a given type we reject more Pokémon of that type 80% of the time let skip = false; for (const type of species.types) { if (typeCount[type] > 1 && this.randomChance(4, 5)) { skip = true; break; } } if (skip) continue; // Limit 1 of any type combination const typeCombo = types.slice().sort().join(); if (!this.forceMonotype && typeComboCount[typeCombo] >= 1) continue; // Okay, the set passes, add it to our team const set = this.randomSet(species, teamDetails); pokemon.push(set); // Now that our Pokemon has passed all checks, we can increment our counters baseFormes[species.baseSpecies] = 1; // Increment type counters for (const type of types) { if (type in typeCount) { typeCount[type]++; } else { typeCount[type] = 1; } } if (typeCombo in typeComboCount) { typeComboCount[typeCombo]++; } else { typeComboCount[typeCombo] = 1; } // Team details if (set.moves.includes('stealthrock')) teamDetails.stealthRock = 1; if (set.moves.includes('rapidspin')) teamDetails.rapidSpin = 1; } return pokemon; } } export default RandomLetsGoTeams;