export const Pokedex: import('../sim/dex-species').SpeciesDataTable = { bulbasaur: { num: 1, name: "Bulbasaur", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 49, def: 49, spa: 65, spd: 65, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Chlorophyll" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 6.9, color: "Green", evos: ["Ivysaur"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], }, ivysaur: { num: 2, name: "Ivysaur", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 62, def: 63, spa: 80, spd: 80, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Chlorophyll" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 13, color: "Green", prevo: "Bulbasaur", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Venusaur"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], }, venusaur: { num: 3, name: "Venusaur", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 82, def: 83, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Chlorophyll" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 100, color: "Green", prevo: "Ivysaur", evoLevel: 32, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], otherFormes: ["Venusaur-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Venusaur", "Venusaur-Mega"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Vine Lash", }, venusaurmega: { num: 3, name: "Venusaur-Mega", baseSpecies: "Venusaur", forme: "Mega", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 100, def: 123, spa: 122, spd: 120, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 2.4, weightkg: 155.5, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], requiredItem: "Venusaurite", }, venusaurgmax: { num: 3, name: "Venusaur-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Venusaur", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 82, def: 83, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Chlorophyll" }, heightm: 24, weightkg: 0, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], changesFrom: "Venusaur", }, charmander: { num: 4, name: "Charmander", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 39, atk: 52, def: 43, spa: 60, spd: 50, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Solar Power" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 8.5, color: "Red", evos: ["Charmeleon"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, charmeleon: { num: 5, name: "Charmeleon", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 58, atk: 64, def: 58, spa: 80, spd: 65, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Solar Power" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 19, color: "Red", prevo: "Charmander", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Charizard"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, charizard: { num: 6, name: "Charizard", types: ["Fire", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 84, def: 78, spa: 109, spd: 85, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Solar Power" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 90.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Charmeleon", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], otherFormes: ["Charizard-Mega-X", "Charizard-Mega-Y"], formeOrder: ["Charizard", "Charizard-Mega-X", "Charizard-Mega-Y"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Wildfire", }, charizardmegax: { num: 6, name: "Charizard-Mega-X", baseSpecies: "Charizard", forme: "Mega-X", types: ["Fire", "Dragon"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 130, def: 111, spa: 130, spd: 85, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Tough Claws" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 110.5, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], requiredItem: "Charizardite X", }, charizardmegay: { num: 6, name: "Charizard-Mega-Y", baseSpecies: "Charizard", forme: "Mega-Y", types: ["Fire", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 104, def: 78, spa: 159, spd: 115, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Drought" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], requiredItem: "Charizardite Y", }, charizardgmax: { num: 6, name: "Charizard-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Charizard", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Fire", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 84, def: 78, spa: 109, spd: 85, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Solar Power" }, heightm: 28, weightkg: 0, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], changesFrom: "Charizard", }, squirtle: { num: 7, name: "Squirtle", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 44, atk: 48, def: 65, spa: 50, spd: 64, spe: 43 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Rain Dish" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 9, color: "Blue", evos: ["Wartortle"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], }, wartortle: { num: 8, name: "Wartortle", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 59, atk: 63, def: 80, spa: 65, spd: 80, spe: 58 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Rain Dish" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 22.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Squirtle", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Blastoise"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], }, blastoise: { num: 9, name: "Blastoise", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 79, atk: 83, def: 100, spa: 85, spd: 105, spe: 78 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Rain Dish" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 85.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Wartortle", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], otherFormes: ["Blastoise-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Blastoise", "Blastoise-Mega"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Cannonade", }, blastoisemega: { num: 9, name: "Blastoise-Mega", baseSpecies: "Blastoise", forme: "Mega", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 79, atk: 103, def: 120, spa: 135, spd: 115, spe: 78 }, abilities: { 0: "Mega Launcher" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 101.1, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], requiredItem: "Blastoisinite", }, blastoisegmax: { num: 9, name: "Blastoise-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Blastoise", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 79, atk: 83, def: 100, spa: 85, spd: 105, spe: 78 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Rain Dish" }, heightm: 25, weightkg: 0, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], changesFrom: "Blastoise", }, caterpie: { num: 10, name: "Caterpie", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 30, def: 35, spa: 20, spd: 20, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", H: "Run Away" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2.9, color: "Green", evos: ["Metapod"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, metapod: { num: 11, name: "Metapod", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 20, def: 55, spa: 25, spd: 25, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 9.9, color: "Green", prevo: "Caterpie", evoLevel: 7, evos: ["Butterfree"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, butterfree: { num: 12, name: "Butterfree", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 45, def: 50, spa: 90, spd: 80, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Compound Eyes", H: "Tinted Lens" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 32, color: "White", prevo: "Metapod", evoLevel: 10, eggGroups: ["Bug"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Befuddle", }, butterfreegmax: { num: 12, name: "Butterfree-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Butterfree", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 45, def: 50, spa: 90, spd: 80, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Compound Eyes", H: "Tinted Lens" }, heightm: 17, weightkg: 0, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Bug"], changesFrom: "Butterfree", }, weedle: { num: 13, name: "Weedle", types: ["Bug", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 35, def: 30, spa: 20, spd: 20, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", H: "Run Away" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3.2, color: "Brown", evos: ["Kakuna"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, kakuna: { num: 14, name: "Kakuna", types: ["Bug", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 25, def: 50, spa: 25, spd: 25, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 10, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Weedle", evoLevel: 7, evos: ["Beedrill"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, beedrill: { num: 15, name: "Beedrill", types: ["Bug", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 90, def: 40, spa: 45, spd: 80, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", H: "Sniper" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 29.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Kakuna", evoLevel: 10, eggGroups: ["Bug"], otherFormes: ["Beedrill-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Beedrill", "Beedrill-Mega"], }, beedrillmega: { num: 15, name: "Beedrill-Mega", baseSpecies: "Beedrill", forme: "Mega", types: ["Bug", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 150, def: 40, spa: 15, spd: 80, spe: 145 }, abilities: { 0: "Adaptability" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 40.5, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Bug"], requiredItem: "Beedrillite", }, pidgey: { num: 16, name: "Pidgey", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 40, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 56 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Tangled Feet", H: "Big Pecks" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1.8, color: "Brown", evos: ["Pidgeotto"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, pidgeotto: { num: 17, name: "Pidgeotto", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 63, atk: 60, def: 55, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 71 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Tangled Feet", H: "Big Pecks" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 30, color: "Brown", prevo: "Pidgey", evoLevel: 18, evos: ["Pidgeot"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, pidgeot: { num: 18, name: "Pidgeot", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 83, atk: 80, def: 75, spa: 70, spd: 70, spe: 101 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Tangled Feet", H: "Big Pecks" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 39.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Pidgeotto", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Flying"], otherFormes: ["Pidgeot-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Pidgeot", "Pidgeot-Mega"], }, pidgeotmega: { num: 18, name: "Pidgeot-Mega", baseSpecies: "Pidgeot", forme: "Mega", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 83, atk: 80, def: 80, spa: 135, spd: 80, spe: 121 }, abilities: { 0: "No Guard" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 50.5, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Flying"], requiredItem: "Pidgeotite", }, rattata: { num: 19, name: "Rattata", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 56, def: 35, spa: 25, spd: 35, spe: 72 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Guts", H: "Hustle" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3.5, color: "Purple", evos: ["Raticate"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Rattata-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Rattata", "Rattata-Alola"], }, rattataalola: { num: 19, name: "Rattata-Alola", baseSpecies: "Rattata", forme: "Alola", types: ["Dark", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 56, def: 35, spa: 25, spd: 35, spe: 72 }, abilities: { 0: "Gluttony", 1: "Hustle", H: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3.8, color: "Black", evos: ["Raticate-Alola"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, raticate: { num: 20, name: "Raticate", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 81, def: 60, spa: 50, spd: 70, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Guts", H: "Hustle" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 18.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Rattata", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Raticate-Alola", "Raticate-Alola-Totem"], formeOrder: ["Raticate", "Raticate-Alola", "Raticate-Alola-Totem"], }, raticatealola: { num: 20, name: "Raticate-Alola", baseSpecies: "Raticate", forme: "Alola", types: ["Dark", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 71, def: 70, spa: 40, spd: 80, spe: 77 }, abilities: { 0: "Gluttony", 1: "Hustle", H: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 25.5, color: "Black", prevo: "Rattata-Alola", evoLevel: 20, evoCondition: "at night", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, raticatealolatotem: { num: 20, name: "Raticate-Alola-Totem", baseSpecies: "Raticate", forme: "Alola-Totem", types: ["Dark", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 71, def: 70, spa: 40, spd: 80, spe: 77 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 105, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, spearow: { num: 21, name: "Spearow", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 60, def: 30, spa: 31, spd: 31, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", H: "Sniper" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2, color: "Brown", evos: ["Fearow"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, fearow: { num: 22, name: "Fearow", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 90, def: 65, spa: 61, spd: 61, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", H: "Sniper" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 38, color: "Brown", prevo: "Spearow", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, ekans: { num: 23, name: "Ekans", types: ["Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 60, def: 44, spa: 40, spd: 54, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Shed Skin", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 6.9, color: "Purple", evos: ["Arbok"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Dragon"], }, arbok: { num: 24, name: "Arbok", types: ["Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 95, def: 69, spa: 65, spd: 79, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Shed Skin", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 3.5, weightkg: 65, color: "Purple", prevo: "Ekans", evoLevel: 22, eggGroups: ["Field", "Dragon"], }, pikachu: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Pichu", evoType: "levelFriendship", evos: ["Raichu", "Raichu-Alola"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], otherFormes: ["Pikachu-Cosplay", "Pikachu-Rock-Star", "Pikachu-Belle", "Pikachu-Pop-Star", "Pikachu-PhD", "Pikachu-Libre", "Pikachu-Original", "Pikachu-Hoenn", "Pikachu-Sinnoh", "Pikachu-Unova", "Pikachu-Kalos", "Pikachu-Alola", "Pikachu-Partner", "Pikachu-Starter", "Pikachu-World"], formeOrder: [ "Pikachu", "Pikachu-Original", "Pikachu-Hoenn", "Pikachu-Sinnoh", "Pikachu-Unova", "Pikachu-Kalos", "Pikachu-Alola", "Pikachu-Partner", // Gen 7 formes "Pikachu-Starter", // forme 8 in LGPE "Pikachu-World", // Gen 8 forme (indexed as Pikachu 9 in datamine) "Pikachu-Rock-Star", "Pikachu-Belle", "Pikachu-Pop-Star", "Pikachu-PhD", "Pikachu-Libre", "Pikachu-Cosplay", // formes 1-6 from Gen 6 ], canGigantamax: "G-Max Volt Crash", }, pikachucosplay: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Cosplay", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Cosplay", types: ["Electric"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 6, }, pikachurockstar: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Rock-Star", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Rock-Star", types: ["Electric"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Pikachu-Cosplay", gen: 6, }, pikachubelle: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Belle", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Belle", types: ["Electric"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Pikachu-Cosplay", gen: 6, }, pikachupopstar: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Pop-Star", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Pop-Star", types: ["Electric"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Pikachu-Cosplay", gen: 6, }, pikachuphd: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-PhD", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "PhD", types: ["Electric"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Pikachu-Cosplay", gen: 6, }, pikachulibre: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Libre", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Libre", types: ["Electric"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Pikachu-Cosplay", gen: 6, }, pikachuoriginal: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Original", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Original", types: ["Electric"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 7, }, pikachuhoenn: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Hoenn", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Hoenn", types: ["Electric"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 7, }, pikachusinnoh: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Sinnoh", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Sinnoh", types: ["Electric"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 7, }, pikachuunova: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Unova", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Unova", types: ["Electric"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 7, }, pikachukalos: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Kalos", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Kalos", types: ["Electric"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 7, }, pikachualola: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Alola", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Alola", types: ["Electric"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 7, }, pikachupartner: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Partner", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Partner", types: ["Electric"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 7, }, pikachustarter: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Starter", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Starter", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 80, def: 50, spa: 75, spd: 60, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, pikachugmax: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 21, weightkg: 0, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], changesFrom: "Pikachu", }, pikachuworld: { num: 25, name: "Pikachu-World", baseSpecies: "Pikachu", forme: "World", types: ["Electric"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 8, }, raichu: { num: 26, name: "Raichu", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 90, def: 55, spa: 90, spd: 80, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 30, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Pikachu", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Thunder Stone", eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], otherFormes: ["Raichu-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Raichu", "Raichu-Alola"], }, raichualola: { num: 26, name: "Raichu-Alola", baseSpecies: "Raichu", forme: "Alola", types: ["Electric", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 85, def: 50, spa: 95, spd: 85, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Surge Surfer" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 21, color: "Brown", prevo: "Pikachu", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Thunder Stone", evoRegion: "Alola", eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], }, sandshrew: { num: 27, name: "Sandshrew", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 75, def: 85, spa: 20, spd: 30, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Veil", H: "Sand Rush" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 12, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Sandslash"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Sandshrew-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Sandshrew", "Sandshrew-Alola"], }, sandshrewalola: { num: 27, name: "Sandshrew-Alola", baseSpecies: "Sandshrew", forme: "Alola", types: ["Ice", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 75, def: 90, spa: 10, spd: 35, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Snow Cloak", H: "Slush Rush" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 40, color: "White", evos: ["Sandslash-Alola"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, sandslash: { num: 28, name: "Sandslash", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 100, def: 110, spa: 45, spd: 55, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Veil", H: "Sand Rush" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 29.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Sandshrew", evoLevel: 22, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Sandslash-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Sandslash", "Sandslash-Alola"], }, sandslashalola: { num: 28, name: "Sandslash-Alola", baseSpecies: "Sandslash", forme: "Alola", types: ["Ice", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 100, def: 120, spa: 25, spd: 65, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Snow Cloak", H: "Slush Rush" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 55, color: "Blue", prevo: "Sandshrew-Alola", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Ice Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, nidoranf: { num: 29, name: "Nidoran-F", types: ["Poison"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 47, def: 52, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 41 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Rivalry", H: "Hustle" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 7, color: "Blue", evos: ["Nidorina"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], }, nidorina: { num: 30, name: "Nidorina", types: ["Poison"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 62, def: 67, spa: 55, spd: 55, spe: 56 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Rivalry", H: "Hustle" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 20, color: "Blue", prevo: "Nidoran-F", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Nidoqueen"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, nidoqueen: { num: 31, name: "Nidoqueen", types: ["Poison", "Ground"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 92, def: 87, spa: 75, spd: 85, spe: 76 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Rivalry", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 60, color: "Blue", prevo: "Nidorina", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Moon Stone", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, nidoranm: { num: 32, name: "Nidoran-M", types: ["Poison"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 46, atk: 57, def: 40, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Rivalry", H: "Hustle" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 9, color: "Purple", evos: ["Nidorino"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], mother: 'nidoranf', }, nidorino: { num: 33, name: "Nidorino", types: ["Poison"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 61, atk: 72, def: 57, spa: 55, spd: 55, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Rivalry", H: "Hustle" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 19.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Nidoran-M", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Nidoking"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], }, nidoking: { num: 34, name: "Nidoking", types: ["Poison", "Ground"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 81, atk: 102, def: 77, spa: 85, spd: 75, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Rivalry", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 62, color: "Purple", prevo: "Nidorino", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Moon Stone", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], }, clefairy: { num: 35, name: "Clefairy", types: ["Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 45, def: 48, spa: 60, spd: 65, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", 1: "Magic Guard", H: "Friend Guard" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 7.5, color: "Pink", prevo: "Cleffa", evoType: "levelFriendship", evos: ["Clefable"], eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, clefable: { num: 36, name: "Clefable", types: ["Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 70, def: 73, spa: 95, spd: 90, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", 1: "Magic Guard", H: "Unaware" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 40, color: "Pink", prevo: "Clefairy", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Moon Stone", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, vulpix: { num: 37, name: "Vulpix", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 38, atk: 41, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 65, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", H: "Drought" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 9.9, color: "Brown", evos: ["Ninetales"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Vulpix-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Vulpix", "Vulpix-Alola"], }, vulpixalola: { num: 37, name: "Vulpix-Alola", baseSpecies: "Vulpix", forme: "Alola", types: ["Ice"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 38, atk: 41, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 65, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Snow Cloak", H: "Snow Warning" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 9.9, color: "White", evos: ["Ninetales-Alola"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, ninetales: { num: 38, name: "Ninetales", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 73, atk: 76, def: 75, spa: 81, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", H: "Drought" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 19.9, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Vulpix", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Fire Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Ninetales-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Ninetales", "Ninetales-Alola"], }, ninetalesalola: { num: 38, name: "Ninetales-Alola", baseSpecies: "Ninetales", forme: "Alola", types: ["Ice", "Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 73, atk: 67, def: 75, spa: 81, spd: 100, spe: 109 }, abilities: { 0: "Snow Cloak", H: "Snow Warning" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 19.9, color: "Blue", prevo: "Vulpix-Alola", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Ice Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, jigglypuff: { num: 39, name: "Jigglypuff", types: ["Normal", "Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 115, atk: 45, def: 20, spa: 45, spd: 25, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", 1: "Competitive", H: "Friend Guard" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 5.5, color: "Pink", prevo: "Igglybuff", evoType: "levelFriendship", evos: ["Wigglytuff"], eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, wigglytuff: { num: 40, name: "Wigglytuff", types: ["Normal", "Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 140, atk: 70, def: 45, spa: 85, spd: 50, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", 1: "Competitive", H: "Frisk" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 12, color: "Pink", prevo: "Jigglypuff", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Moon Stone", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, zubat: { num: 41, name: "Zubat", types: ["Poison", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 35, spa: 30, spd: 40, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 7.5, color: "Purple", evos: ["Golbat"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, golbat: { num: 42, name: "Golbat", types: ["Poison", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 80, def: 70, spa: 65, spd: 75, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 55, color: "Purple", prevo: "Zubat", evoLevel: 22, evos: ["Crobat"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, oddish: { num: 43, name: "Oddish", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 50, def: 55, spa: 75, spd: 65, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", H: "Run Away" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 5.4, color: "Blue", evos: ["Gloom"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, gloom: { num: 44, name: "Gloom", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 65, def: 70, spa: 85, spd: 75, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", H: "Stench" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 8.6, color: "Blue", prevo: "Oddish", evoLevel: 21, evos: ["Vileplume", "Bellossom"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, vileplume: { num: 45, name: "Vileplume", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 80, def: 85, spa: 110, spd: 90, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", H: "Effect Spore" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 18.6, color: "Red", prevo: "Gloom", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Leaf Stone", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, paras: { num: 46, name: "Paras", types: ["Bug", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 70, def: 55, spa: 45, spd: 55, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Effect Spore", 1: "Dry Skin", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 5.4, color: "Red", evos: ["Parasect"], eggGroups: ["Bug", "Grass"], }, parasect: { num: 47, name: "Parasect", types: ["Bug", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 95, def: 80, spa: 60, spd: 80, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Effect Spore", 1: "Dry Skin", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 29.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Paras", evoLevel: 24, eggGroups: ["Bug", "Grass"], }, venonat: { num: 48, name: "Venonat", types: ["Bug", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 55, def: 50, spa: 40, spd: 55, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Compound Eyes", 1: "Tinted Lens", H: "Run Away" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 30, color: "Purple", evos: ["Venomoth"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, venomoth: { num: 49, name: "Venomoth", types: ["Bug", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 65, def: 60, spa: 90, spd: 75, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", 1: "Tinted Lens", H: "Wonder Skin" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 12.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Venonat", evoLevel: 31, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, diglett: { num: 50, name: "Diglett", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 10, atk: 55, def: 25, spa: 35, spd: 45, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Veil", 1: "Arena Trap", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.8, color: "Brown", evos: ["Dugtrio"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Diglett-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Diglett", "Diglett-Alola"], }, diglettalola: { num: 50, name: "Diglett-Alola", baseSpecies: "Diglett", forme: "Alola", types: ["Ground", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 10, atk: 55, def: 30, spa: 35, spd: 45, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Veil", 1: "Tangling Hair", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 1, color: "Brown", evos: ["Dugtrio-Alola"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, dugtrio: { num: 51, name: "Dugtrio", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 100, def: 50, spa: 50, spd: 70, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Veil", 1: "Arena Trap", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 33.3, color: "Brown", prevo: "Diglett", evoLevel: 26, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Dugtrio-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Dugtrio", "Dugtrio-Alola"], }, dugtrioalola: { num: 51, name: "Dugtrio-Alola", baseSpecies: "Dugtrio", forme: "Alola", types: ["Ground", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 100, def: 60, spa: 50, spd: 70, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Veil", 1: "Tangling Hair", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 66.6, color: "Brown", prevo: "Diglett-Alola", evoLevel: 26, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, meowth: { num: 52, name: "Meowth", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 35, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Technician", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4.2, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Persian"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Meowth-Alola", "Meowth-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Meowth", "Meowth-Alola", "Meowth-Galar"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Gold Rush", }, meowthalola: { num: 52, name: "Meowth-Alola", baseSpecies: "Meowth", forme: "Alola", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 35, def: 35, spa: 50, spd: 40, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Technician", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4.2, color: "Blue", evos: ["Persian-Alola"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, meowthgalar: { num: 52, name: "Meowth-Galar", baseSpecies: "Meowth", forme: "Galar", types: ["Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 55, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Tough Claws", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 7.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Perrserker"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, meowthgmax: { num: 52, name: "Meowth-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Meowth", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 35, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Technician", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 33, weightkg: 0, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Field"], changesFrom: "Meowth", }, persian: { num: 53, name: "Persian", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 70, def: 60, spa: 65, spd: 65, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Limber", 1: "Technician", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 32, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Meowth", evoLevel: 28, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Persian-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Persian", "Persian-Alola"], }, persianalola: { num: 53, name: "Persian-Alola", baseSpecies: "Persian", forme: "Alola", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 60, def: 60, spa: 75, spd: 65, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Fur Coat", 1: "Technician", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 33, color: "Blue", prevo: "Meowth-Alola", evoType: "levelFriendship", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, psyduck: { num: 54, name: "Psyduck", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 52, def: 48, spa: 65, spd: 50, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Damp", 1: "Cloud Nine", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 19.6, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Golduck"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, golduck: { num: 55, name: "Golduck", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 82, def: 78, spa: 95, spd: 80, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Damp", 1: "Cloud Nine", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 76.6, color: "Blue", prevo: "Psyduck", evoLevel: 33, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, mankey: { num: 56, name: "Mankey", types: ["Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 80, def: 35, spa: 35, spd: 45, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Vital Spirit", 1: "Anger Point", H: "Defiant" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 28, color: "Brown", evos: ["Primeape"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, primeape: { num: 57, name: "Primeape", types: ["Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 105, def: 60, spa: 60, spd: 70, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Vital Spirit", 1: "Anger Point", H: "Defiant" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 32, color: "Brown", prevo: "Mankey", evoLevel: 28, evos: ["Annihilape"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, growlithe: { num: 58, name: "Growlithe", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 70, def: 45, spa: 70, spd: 50, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Flash Fire", H: "Justified" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 19, color: "Brown", evos: ["Arcanine"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Growlithe-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Growlithe", "Growlithe-Hisui"], }, growlithehisui: { num: 58, name: "Growlithe-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Growlithe", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Fire", "Rock"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 75, def: 45, spa: 65, spd: 50, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Flash Fire", H: "Rock Head" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 22.7, color: "Brown", evos: ["Arcanine-Hisui"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, arcanine: { num: 59, name: "Arcanine", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 110, def: 80, spa: 100, spd: 80, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Flash Fire", H: "Justified" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 155, color: "Brown", prevo: "Growlithe", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Fire Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Arcanine-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Arcanine", "Arcanine-Hisui"], }, arcaninehisui: { num: 59, name: "Arcanine-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Arcanine", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Fire", "Rock"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 115, def: 80, spa: 95, spd: 80, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Flash Fire", H: "Rock Head" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 168, color: "Brown", prevo: "Growlithe-Hisui", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Fire Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, poliwag: { num: 60, name: "Poliwag", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 50, def: 40, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Damp", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 12.4, color: "Blue", evos: ["Poliwhirl"], eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, poliwhirl: { num: 61, name: "Poliwhirl", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 65, def: 65, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Damp", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 20, color: "Blue", prevo: "Poliwag", evoLevel: 25, evos: ["Poliwrath", "Politoed"], eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, poliwrath: { num: 62, name: "Poliwrath", types: ["Water", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 70, spd: 90, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Damp", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 54, color: "Blue", prevo: "Poliwhirl", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Water Stone", eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, abra: { num: 63, name: "Abra", types: ["Psychic"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 25, atk: 20, def: 15, spa: 105, spd: 55, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Synchronize", 1: "Inner Focus", H: "Magic Guard" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 19.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Kadabra"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, kadabra: { num: 64, name: "Kadabra", types: ["Psychic"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 35, def: 30, spa: 120, spd: 70, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Synchronize", 1: "Inner Focus", H: "Magic Guard" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 56.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Abra", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Alakazam"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, alakazam: { num: 65, name: "Alakazam", types: ["Psychic"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 50, def: 45, spa: 135, spd: 95, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Synchronize", 1: "Inner Focus", H: "Magic Guard" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 48, color: "Brown", prevo: "Kadabra", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], otherFormes: ["Alakazam-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Alakazam", "Alakazam-Mega"], }, alakazammega: { num: 65, name: "Alakazam-Mega", baseSpecies: "Alakazam", forme: "Mega", types: ["Psychic"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 50, def: 65, spa: 175, spd: 105, spe: 150 }, abilities: { 0: "Trace" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 48, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], requiredItem: "Alakazite", }, machop: { num: 66, name: "Machop", types: ["Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 80, def: 50, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", 1: "No Guard", H: "Steadfast" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 19.5, color: "Gray", evos: ["Machoke"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, machoke: { num: 67, name: "Machoke", types: ["Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 100, def: 70, spa: 50, spd: 60, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", 1: "No Guard", H: "Steadfast" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 70.5, color: "Gray", prevo: "Machop", evoLevel: 28, evos: ["Machamp"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, machamp: { num: 68, name: "Machamp", types: ["Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 130, def: 80, spa: 65, spd: 85, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", 1: "No Guard", H: "Steadfast" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 130, color: "Gray", prevo: "Machoke", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Chi Strike", }, machampgmax: { num: 68, name: "Machamp-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Machamp", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 130, def: 80, spa: 65, spd: 85, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", 1: "No Guard", H: "Steadfast" }, heightm: 25, weightkg: 0, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], changesFrom: "Machamp", }, bellsprout: { num: 69, name: "Bellsprout", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 75, def: 35, spa: 70, spd: 30, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", H: "Gluttony" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 4, color: "Green", evos: ["Weepinbell"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, weepinbell: { num: 70, name: "Weepinbell", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 90, def: 50, spa: 85, spd: 45, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", H: "Gluttony" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 6.4, color: "Green", prevo: "Bellsprout", evoLevel: 21, evos: ["Victreebel"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, victreebel: { num: 71, name: "Victreebel", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 105, def: 65, spa: 100, spd: 70, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", H: "Gluttony" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 15.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Weepinbell", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Leaf Stone", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, tentacool: { num: 72, name: "Tentacool", types: ["Water", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 40, def: 35, spa: 50, spd: 100, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body", 1: "Liquid Ooze", H: "Rain Dish" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 45.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Tentacruel"], eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, tentacruel: { num: 73, name: "Tentacruel", types: ["Water", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 70, def: 65, spa: 80, spd: 120, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body", 1: "Liquid Ooze", H: "Rain Dish" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 55, color: "Blue", prevo: "Tentacool", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, geodude: { num: 74, name: "Geodude", types: ["Rock", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 80, def: 100, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 20, color: "Brown", evos: ["Graveler"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], otherFormes: ["Geodude-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Geodude", "Geodude-Alola"], }, geodudealola: { num: 74, name: "Geodude-Alola", baseSpecies: "Geodude", forme: "Alola", types: ["Rock", "Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 80, def: 100, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Magnet Pull", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Galvanize" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 20.3, color: "Gray", evos: ["Graveler-Alola"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, graveler: { num: 75, name: "Graveler", types: ["Rock", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 95, def: 115, spa: 45, spd: 45, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 105, color: "Brown", prevo: "Geodude", evoLevel: 25, evos: ["Golem"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], otherFormes: ["Graveler-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Graveler", "Graveler-Alola"], }, graveleralola: { num: 75, name: "Graveler-Alola", baseSpecies: "Graveler", forme: "Alola", types: ["Rock", "Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 95, def: 115, spa: 45, spd: 45, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Magnet Pull", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Galvanize" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 110, color: "Gray", prevo: "Geodude-Alola", evoLevel: 25, evos: ["Golem-Alola"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, golem: { num: 76, name: "Golem", types: ["Rock", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 130, spa: 55, spd: 65, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 300, color: "Brown", prevo: "Graveler", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], otherFormes: ["Golem-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Golem", "Golem-Alola"], }, golemalola: { num: 76, name: "Golem-Alola", baseSpecies: "Golem", forme: "Alola", types: ["Rock", "Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 130, spa: 55, spd: 65, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Magnet Pull", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Galvanize" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 316, color: "Gray", prevo: "Graveler-Alola", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, ponyta: { num: 77, name: "Ponyta", types: ["Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 85, def: 55, spa: 65, spd: 65, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Flash Fire", H: "Flame Body" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 30, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Rapidash"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Ponyta-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Ponyta", "Ponyta-Galar"], }, ponytagalar: { num: 77, name: "Ponyta-Galar", baseSpecies: "Ponyta", forme: "Galar", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 85, def: 55, spa: 65, spd: 65, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Pastel Veil", H: "Anticipation" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 24, color: "White", evos: ["Rapidash-Galar"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, rapidash: { num: 78, name: "Rapidash", types: ["Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 100, def: 70, spa: 80, spd: 80, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Flash Fire", H: "Flame Body" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 95, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Ponyta", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Rapidash-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Rapidash", "Rapidash-Galar"], }, rapidashgalar: { num: 78, name: "Rapidash-Galar", baseSpecies: "Rapidash", forme: "Galar", types: ["Psychic", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 100, def: 70, spa: 80, spd: 80, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Pastel Veil", H: "Anticipation" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 80, color: "White", prevo: "Ponyta-Galar", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, slowpoke: { num: 79, name: "Slowpoke", types: ["Water", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 65, def: 65, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 36, color: "Pink", evos: ["Slowbro", "Slowking"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], otherFormes: ["Slowpoke-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Slowpoke", "Slowpoke-Galar"], }, slowpokegalar: { num: 79, name: "Slowpoke-Galar", baseSpecies: "Slowpoke", forme: "Galar", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 65, def: 65, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Gluttony", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 36, color: "Pink", evos: ["Slowbro-Galar", "Slowking-Galar"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], }, slowbro: { num: 80, name: "Slowbro", types: ["Water", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 75, def: 110, spa: 100, spd: 80, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 78.5, color: "Pink", prevo: "Slowpoke", evoLevel: 37, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], otherFormes: ["Slowbro-Mega", "Slowbro-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Slowbro", "Slowbro-Mega", "Slowbro-Galar"], }, slowbromega: { num: 80, name: "Slowbro-Mega", baseSpecies: "Slowbro", forme: "Mega", types: ["Water", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 75, def: 180, spa: 130, spd: 80, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Shell Armor" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 120, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], requiredItem: "Slowbronite", }, slowbrogalar: { num: 80, name: "Slowbro-Galar", baseSpecies: "Slowbro", forme: "Galar", types: ["Poison", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 100, def: 95, spa: 100, spd: 70, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Quick Draw", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 70.5, color: "Pink", prevo: "Slowpoke-Galar", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Galarica Cuff", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], }, magnemite: { num: 81, name: "Magnemite", types: ["Electric", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 25, atk: 35, def: 70, spa: 95, spd: 55, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Magnet Pull", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Analytic" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 6, color: "Gray", evos: ["Magneton"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, magneton: { num: 82, name: "Magneton", types: ["Electric", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 60, def: 95, spa: 120, spd: 70, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Magnet Pull", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Analytic" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 60, color: "Gray", prevo: "Magnemite", evoLevel: 30, evos: ["Magnezone"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, farfetchd: { num: 83, name: "Farfetch\u2019d", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 52, atk: 90, def: 55, spa: 58, spd: 62, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Inner Focus", H: "Defiant" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 15, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Flying", "Field"], otherFormes: ["Farfetch\u2019d-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Farfetch\u2019d", "Farfetch\u2019d-Galar"], }, farfetchdgalar: { num: 83, name: "Farfetch\u2019d-Galar", baseSpecies: "Farfetch\u2019d", forme: "Galar", types: ["Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 52, atk: 95, def: 55, spa: 58, spd: 62, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Steadfast", H: "Scrappy" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 42, color: "Brown", evos: ["Sirfetch\u2019d"], eggGroups: ["Flying", "Field"], }, doduo: { num: 84, name: "Doduo", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 85, def: 45, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Early Bird", H: "Tangled Feet" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 39.2, color: "Brown", evos: ["Dodrio"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, dodrio: { num: 85, name: "Dodrio", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 110, def: 70, spa: 60, spd: 60, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Early Bird", H: "Tangled Feet" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 85.2, color: "Brown", prevo: "Doduo", evoLevel: 31, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, seel: { num: 86, name: "Seel", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 45, def: 55, spa: 45, spd: 70, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Hydration", H: "Ice Body" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 90, color: "White", evos: ["Dewgong"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, dewgong: { num: 87, name: "Dewgong", types: ["Water", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 70, def: 80, spa: 70, spd: 95, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Hydration", H: "Ice Body" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 120, color: "White", prevo: "Seel", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, grimer: { num: 88, name: "Grimer", types: ["Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 80, def: 50, spa: 40, spd: 50, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Stench", 1: "Sticky Hold", H: "Poison Touch" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 30, color: "Purple", evos: ["Muk"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Grimer-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Grimer", "Grimer-Alola"], }, grimeralola: { num: 88, name: "Grimer-Alola", baseSpecies: "Grimer", forme: "Alola", types: ["Poison", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 80, def: 50, spa: 40, spd: 50, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Touch", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Power of Alchemy" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 42, color: "Green", evos: ["Muk-Alola"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, muk: { num: 89, name: "Muk", types: ["Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 105, def: 75, spa: 65, spd: 100, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Stench", 1: "Sticky Hold", H: "Poison Touch" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 30, color: "Purple", prevo: "Grimer", evoLevel: 38, eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Muk-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Muk", "Muk-Alola"], }, mukalola: { num: 89, name: "Muk-Alola", baseSpecies: "Muk", forme: "Alola", types: ["Poison", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 105, def: 75, spa: 65, spd: 100, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Touch", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Power of Alchemy" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 52, color: "Green", prevo: "Grimer-Alola", evoLevel: 38, eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, shellder: { num: 90, name: "Shellder", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 65, def: 100, spa: 45, spd: 25, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Shell Armor", 1: "Skill Link", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 4, color: "Purple", evos: ["Cloyster"], eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, cloyster: { num: 91, name: "Cloyster", types: ["Water", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 95, def: 180, spa: 85, spd: 45, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Shell Armor", 1: "Skill Link", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 132.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Shellder", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Water Stone", eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, gastly: { num: 92, name: "Gastly", types: ["Ghost", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 35, def: 30, spa: 100, spd: 35, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 0.1, color: "Purple", evos: ["Haunter"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, haunter: { num: 93, name: "Haunter", types: ["Ghost", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 50, def: 45, spa: 115, spd: 55, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 0.1, color: "Purple", prevo: "Gastly", evoLevel: 25, evos: ["Gengar"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, gengar: { num: 94, name: "Gengar", types: ["Ghost", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 65, def: 60, spa: 130, spd: 75, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 40.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Haunter", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Gengar-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Gengar", "Gengar-Mega"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Terror", }, gengarmega: { num: 94, name: "Gengar-Mega", baseSpecies: "Gengar", forme: "Mega", types: ["Ghost", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 65, def: 80, spa: 170, spd: 95, spe: 130 }, abilities: { 0: "Shadow Tag" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 40.5, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], requiredItem: "Gengarite", }, gengargmax: { num: 94, name: "Gengar-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Gengar", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Ghost", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 65, def: 60, spa: 130, spd: 75, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 20, weightkg: 0, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], changesFrom: "Gengar", }, onix: { num: 95, name: "Onix", types: ["Rock", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 45, def: 160, spa: 30, spd: 45, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 8.8, weightkg: 210, color: "Gray", evos: ["Steelix"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, drowzee: { num: 96, name: "Drowzee", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 48, def: 45, spa: 43, spd: 90, spe: 42 }, abilities: { 0: "Insomnia", 1: "Forewarn", H: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 32.4, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Hypno"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, hypno: { num: 97, name: "Hypno", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 73, def: 70, spa: 73, spd: 115, spe: 67 }, abilities: { 0: "Insomnia", 1: "Forewarn", H: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 75.6, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Drowzee", evoLevel: 26, eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, krabby: { num: 98, name: "Krabby", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 105, def: 90, spa: 25, spd: 25, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Hyper Cutter", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6.5, color: "Red", evos: ["Kingler"], eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, kingler: { num: 99, name: "Kingler", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 130, def: 115, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Hyper Cutter", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 60, color: "Red", prevo: "Krabby", evoLevel: 28, eggGroups: ["Water 3"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Foam Burst", }, kinglergmax: { num: 99, name: "Kingler-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Kingler", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 130, def: 115, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Hyper Cutter", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 19, weightkg: 0, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Water 3"], changesFrom: "Kingler", }, voltorb: { num: 100, name: "Voltorb", types: ["Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 30, def: 50, spa: 55, spd: 55, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Soundproof", 1: "Static", H: "Aftermath" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 10.4, color: "Red", evos: ["Electrode"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], otherFormes: ["Voltorb-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Voltorb", "Voltorb-Hisui"], }, voltorbhisui: { num: 100, name: "Voltorb-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Voltorb", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Electric", "Grass"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 30, def: 50, spa: 55, spd: 55, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Soundproof", 1: "Static", H: "Aftermath" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 13, color: "Red", evos: ["Electrode-Hisui"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, electrode: { num: 101, name: "Electrode", types: ["Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 50, def: 70, spa: 80, spd: 80, spe: 150 }, abilities: { 0: "Soundproof", 1: "Static", H: "Aftermath" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 66.6, color: "Red", prevo: "Voltorb", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], otherFormes: ["Electrode-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Electrode", "Electrode-Hisui"], }, electrodehisui: { num: 101, name: "Electrode-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Electrode", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Electric", "Grass"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 50, def: 70, spa: 80, spd: 80, spe: 150 }, abilities: { 0: "Soundproof", 1: "Static", H: "Aftermath" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 71, color: "Red", prevo: "Voltorb-Hisui", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Leaf Stone", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, exeggcute: { num: 102, name: "Exeggcute", types: ["Grass", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 40, def: 80, spa: 60, spd: 45, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", H: "Harvest" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 2.5, color: "Pink", evos: ["Exeggutor", "Exeggutor-Alola"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, exeggutor: { num: 103, name: "Exeggutor", types: ["Grass", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 85, spa: 125, spd: 75, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", H: "Harvest" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 120, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Exeggcute", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Leaf Stone", eggGroups: ["Grass"], otherFormes: ["Exeggutor-Alola"], formeOrder: ["Exeggutor", "Exeggutor-Alola"], }, exeggutoralola: { num: 103, name: "Exeggutor-Alola", baseSpecies: "Exeggutor", forme: "Alola", types: ["Grass", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 105, def: 85, spa: 125, spd: 75, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Frisk", H: "Harvest" }, heightm: 10.9, weightkg: 415.6, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Exeggcute", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Leaf Stone", evoRegion: "Alola", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, cubone: { num: 104, name: "Cubone", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 50, def: 95, spa: 40, spd: 50, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", 1: "Lightning Rod", H: "Battle Armor" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Marowak", "Marowak-Alola"], eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, marowak: { num: 105, name: "Marowak", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 80, def: 110, spa: 50, spd: 80, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", 1: "Lightning Rod", H: "Battle Armor" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 45, color: "Brown", prevo: "Cubone", evoLevel: 28, eggGroups: ["Monster"], otherFormes: ["Marowak-Alola", "Marowak-Alola-Totem"], formeOrder: ["Marowak", "Marowak-Alola", "Marowak-Alola-Totem"], }, marowakalola: { num: 105, name: "Marowak-Alola", baseSpecies: "Marowak", forme: "Alola", types: ["Fire", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 80, def: 110, spa: 50, spd: 80, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Cursed Body", 1: "Lightning Rod", H: "Rock Head" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 34, color: "Purple", prevo: "Cubone", evoLevel: 28, evoCondition: "at night", evoRegion: "Alola", eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, marowakalolatotem: { num: 105, name: "Marowak-Alola-Totem", baseSpecies: "Marowak", forme: "Alola-Totem", types: ["Fire", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 80, def: 110, spa: 50, spd: 80, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 98, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, hitmonlee: { num: 106, name: "Hitmonlee", types: ["Fighting"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 120, def: 53, spa: 35, spd: 110, spe: 87 }, abilities: { 0: "Limber", 1: "Reckless", H: "Unburden" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 49.8, color: "Brown", prevo: "Tyrogue", evoLevel: 20, evoCondition: "with an Atk stat > its Def stat", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, hitmonchan: { num: 107, name: "Hitmonchan", types: ["Fighting"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 105, def: 79, spa: 35, spd: 110, spe: 76 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Iron Fist", H: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 50.2, color: "Brown", prevo: "Tyrogue", evoLevel: 20, evoCondition: "with an Atk stat < its Def stat", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, lickitung: { num: 108, name: "Lickitung", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 55, def: 75, spa: 60, spd: 75, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo", 1: "Oblivious", H: "Cloud Nine" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 65.5, color: "Pink", evos: ["Lickilicky"], eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, koffing: { num: 109, name: "Koffing", types: ["Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 65, def: 95, spa: 60, spd: 45, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate", 1: "Neutralizing Gas", H: "Stench" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 1, color: "Purple", evos: ["Weezing", "Weezing-Galar"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, weezing: { num: 110, name: "Weezing", types: ["Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 90, def: 120, spa: 85, spd: 70, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate", 1: "Neutralizing Gas", H: "Stench" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 9.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Koffing", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Weezing-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Weezing", "Weezing-Galar"], }, weezinggalar: { num: 110, name: "Weezing-Galar", baseSpecies: "Weezing", forme: "Galar", types: ["Poison", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 90, def: 120, spa: 85, spd: 70, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate", 1: "Neutralizing Gas", H: "Misty Surge" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 16, color: "Gray", prevo: "Koffing", evoLevel: 35, evoRegion: "Galar", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, rhyhorn: { num: 111, name: "Rhyhorn", types: ["Ground", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 85, def: 95, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod", 1: "Rock Head", H: "Reckless" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 115, color: "Gray", evos: ["Rhydon"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], }, rhydon: { num: 112, name: "Rhydon", types: ["Ground", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 130, def: 120, spa: 45, spd: 45, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod", 1: "Rock Head", H: "Reckless" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 120, color: "Gray", prevo: "Rhyhorn", evoLevel: 42, evos: ["Rhyperior"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], }, chansey: { num: 113, name: "Chansey", types: ["Normal"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 250, atk: 5, def: 5, spa: 35, spd: 105, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure", 1: "Serene Grace", H: "Healer" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 34.6, color: "Pink", prevo: "Happiny", evoType: "levelHold", evoItem: "Oval Stone", evoCondition: "during the day", evos: ["Blissey"], eggGroups: ["Fairy"], canHatch: true, }, tangela: { num: 114, name: "Tangela", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 55, def: 115, spa: 100, spd: 40, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Leaf Guard", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 35, color: "Blue", evos: ["Tangrowth"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, kangaskhan: { num: 115, name: "Kangaskhan", types: ["Normal"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 95, def: 80, spa: 40, spd: 80, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Early Bird", 1: "Scrappy", H: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 80, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Monster"], otherFormes: ["Kangaskhan-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Kangaskhan", "Kangaskhan-Mega"], }, kangaskhanmega: { num: 115, name: "Kangaskhan-Mega", baseSpecies: "Kangaskhan", forme: "Mega", types: ["Normal"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 125, def: 100, spa: 60, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Parental Bond" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 100, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Monster"], requiredItem: "Kangaskhanite", }, horsea: { num: 116, name: "Horsea", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 40, def: 70, spa: 70, spd: 25, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Sniper", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 8, color: "Blue", evos: ["Seadra"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Dragon"], }, seadra: { num: 117, name: "Seadra", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 65, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 45, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Sniper", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 25, color: "Blue", prevo: "Horsea", evoLevel: 32, evos: ["Kingdra"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Dragon"], }, goldeen: { num: 118, name: "Goldeen", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 67, def: 60, spa: 35, spd: 50, spe: 63 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Water Veil", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 15, color: "Red", evos: ["Seaking"], eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, seaking: { num: 119, name: "Seaking", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 92, def: 65, spa: 65, spd: 80, spe: 68 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Water Veil", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 39, color: "Red", prevo: "Goldeen", evoLevel: 33, eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, staryu: { num: 120, name: "Staryu", types: ["Water"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 45, def: 55, spa: 70, spd: 55, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Illuminate", 1: "Natural Cure", H: "Analytic" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 34.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Starmie"], eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, starmie: { num: 121, name: "Starmie", types: ["Water", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 75, def: 85, spa: 100, spd: 85, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Illuminate", 1: "Natural Cure", H: "Analytic" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 80, color: "Purple", prevo: "Staryu", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Water Stone", eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, mrmime: { num: 122, name: "Mr. Mime", types: ["Psychic", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 65, spa: 100, spd: 120, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Soundproof", 1: "Filter", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 54.5, color: "Pink", prevo: "Mime Jr.", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Mimic", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], canHatch: true, otherFormes: ["Mr. Mime-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Mr. Mime", "Mr. Mime-Galar"], }, mrmimegalar: { num: 122, name: "Mr. Mime-Galar", baseSpecies: "Mr. Mime", forme: "Galar", types: ["Ice", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 65, spa: 90, spd: 90, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Vital Spirit", 1: "Screen Cleaner", H: "Ice Body" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 56.8, color: "White", prevo: "Mime Jr.", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Mimic", evoRegion: "Galar", evos: ["Mr. Rime"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], canHatch: true, }, scyther: { num: 123, name: "Scyther", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 110, def: 80, spa: 55, spd: 80, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Technician", H: "Steadfast" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 56, color: "Green", evos: ["Scizor", "Kleavor"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, jynx: { num: 124, name: "Jynx", types: ["Ice", "Psychic"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 50, def: 35, spa: 115, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Forewarn", H: "Dry Skin" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 40.6, color: "Red", prevo: "Smoochum", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, electabuzz: { num: 125, name: "Electabuzz", types: ["Electric"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 83, def: 57, spa: 95, spd: 85, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Vital Spirit" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 30, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Elekid", evoLevel: 30, evos: ["Electivire"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, magmar: { num: 126, name: "Magmar", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 95, def: 57, spa: 100, spd: 85, spe: 93 }, abilities: { 0: "Flame Body", H: "Vital Spirit" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 44.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Magby", evoLevel: 30, evos: ["Magmortar"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, pinsir: { num: 127, name: "Pinsir", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 125, def: 100, spa: 55, spd: 70, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Hyper Cutter", 1: "Mold Breaker", H: "Moxie" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 55, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Bug"], otherFormes: ["Pinsir-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Pinsir", "Pinsir-Mega"], }, pinsirmega: { num: 127, name: "Pinsir-Mega", baseSpecies: "Pinsir", forme: "Mega", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 155, def: 120, spa: 65, spd: 90, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Aerilate" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 59, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Bug"], requiredItem: "Pinsirite", }, tauros: { num: 128, name: "Tauros", types: ["Normal"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 100, def: 95, spa: 40, spd: 70, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Anger Point", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 88.4, color: "Brown", otherFormes: ["Tauros-Paldea-Combat", "Tauros-Paldea-Blaze", "Tauros-Paldea-Aqua"], formeOrder: ["Tauros", "Tauros-Paldea-Combat", "Tauros-Paldea-Blaze", "Tauros-Paldea-Aqua"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, taurospaldeacombat: { num: 128, name: "Tauros-Paldea-Combat", baseSpecies: "Tauros", forme: "Paldea-Combat", types: ["Fighting"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 110, def: 105, spa: 30, spd: 70, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Anger Point", H: "Cud Chew" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 115, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, taurospaldeablaze: { num: 128, name: "Tauros-Paldea-Blaze", baseSpecies: "Tauros", forme: "Paldea-Blaze", types: ["Fighting", "Fire"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 110, def: 105, spa: 30, spd: 70, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Anger Point", H: "Cud Chew" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 85, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, taurospaldeaaqua: { num: 128, name: "Tauros-Paldea-Aqua", baseSpecies: "Tauros", forme: "Paldea-Aqua", types: ["Fighting", "Water"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 110, def: 105, spa: 30, spd: 70, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Anger Point", H: "Cud Chew" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 110, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, magikarp: { num: 129, name: "Magikarp", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 20, atk: 10, def: 55, spa: 15, spd: 20, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 10, color: "Red", evos: ["Gyarados"], eggGroups: ["Water 2", "Dragon"], }, gyarados: { num: 130, name: "Gyarados", types: ["Water", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 125, def: 79, spa: 60, spd: 100, spe: 81 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", H: "Moxie" }, heightm: 6.5, weightkg: 235, color: "Blue", prevo: "Magikarp", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Water 2", "Dragon"], otherFormes: ["Gyarados-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Gyarados", "Gyarados-Mega"], }, gyaradosmega: { num: 130, name: "Gyarados-Mega", baseSpecies: "Gyarados", forme: "Mega", types: ["Water", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 155, def: 109, spa: 70, spd: 130, spe: 81 }, abilities: { 0: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 6.5, weightkg: 305, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Water 2", "Dragon"], requiredItem: "Gyaradosite", }, lapras: { num: 131, name: "Lapras", types: ["Water", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 130, atk: 85, def: 80, spa: 85, spd: 95, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Hydration" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 220, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Resonance", }, laprasgmax: { num: 131, name: "Lapras-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Lapras", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Water", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 130, atk: 85, def: 80, spa: 85, spd: 95, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Hydration" }, heightm: 24, weightkg: 0, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], changesFrom: "Lapras", }, ditto: { num: 132, name: "Ditto", types: ["Normal"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 48, atk: 48, def: 48, spa: 48, spd: 48, spe: 48 }, abilities: { 0: "Limber", H: "Imposter" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 4, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Ditto"], }, eevee: { num: 133, name: "Eevee", types: ["Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 55, def: 50, spa: 45, spd: 65, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Adaptability", H: "Anticipation" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 6.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Vaporeon", "Jolteon", "Flareon", "Espeon", "Umbreon", "Leafeon", "Glaceon", "Sylveon"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Eevee-Starter"], formeOrder: ["Eevee", "Eevee-Starter"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Cuddle", }, eeveestarter: { num: 133, name: "Eevee-Starter", baseSpecies: "Eevee", forme: "Starter", types: ["Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 75, def: 70, spa: 65, spd: 85, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Adaptability", H: "Anticipation" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 6.5, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, eeveegmax: { num: 133, name: "Eevee-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Eevee", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 55, def: 50, spa: 45, spd: 65, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Adaptability", H: "Anticipation" }, heightm: 18, weightkg: 0, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Field"], changesFrom: "Eevee", }, vaporeon: { num: 134, name: "Vaporeon", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 130, atk: 65, def: 60, spa: 110, spd: 95, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", H: "Hydration" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 29, color: "Blue", prevo: "Eevee", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Water Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, jolteon: { num: 135, name: "Jolteon", types: ["Electric"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 65, def: 60, spa: 110, spd: 95, spe: 130 }, abilities: { 0: "Volt Absorb", H: "Quick Feet" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 24.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Eevee", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Thunder Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, flareon: { num: 136, name: "Flareon", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 130, def: 60, spa: 95, spd: 110, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", H: "Guts" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 25, color: "Red", prevo: "Eevee", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Fire Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, porygon: { num: 137, name: "Porygon", types: ["Normal"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 60, def: 70, spa: 85, spd: 75, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Trace", 1: "Download", H: "Analytic" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 36.5, color: "Pink", evos: ["Porygon2"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, omanyte: { num: 138, name: "Omanyte", types: ["Rock", "Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 40, def: 100, spa: 90, spd: 55, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 7.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Omastar"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], }, omastar: { num: 139, name: "Omastar", types: ["Rock", "Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 60, def: 125, spa: 115, spd: 70, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 35, color: "Blue", prevo: "Omanyte", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], }, kabuto: { num: 140, name: "Kabuto", types: ["Rock", "Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 80, def: 90, spa: 55, spd: 45, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Battle Armor", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 11.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Kabutops"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], }, kabutops: { num: 141, name: "Kabutops", types: ["Rock", "Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 115, def: 105, spa: 65, spd: 70, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Battle Armor", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 40.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Kabuto", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], }, aerodactyl: { num: 142, name: "Aerodactyl", types: ["Rock", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 105, def: 65, spa: 60, spd: 75, spe: 130 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", 1: "Pressure", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 59, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Flying"], otherFormes: ["Aerodactyl-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Aerodactyl", "Aerodactyl-Mega"], }, aerodactylmega: { num: 142, name: "Aerodactyl-Mega", baseSpecies: "Aerodactyl", forme: "Mega", types: ["Rock", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 135, def: 85, spa: 70, spd: 95, spe: 150 }, abilities: { 0: "Tough Claws" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 79, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Flying"], requiredItem: "Aerodactylite", }, snorlax: { num: 143, name: "Snorlax", types: ["Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 160, atk: 110, def: 65, spa: 65, spd: 110, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Immunity", 1: "Thick Fat", H: "Gluttony" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 460, color: "Black", prevo: "Munchlax", evoType: "levelFriendship", eggGroups: ["Monster"], canHatch: true, canGigantamax: "G-Max Replenish", }, snorlaxgmax: { num: 143, name: "Snorlax-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Snorlax", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 160, atk: 110, def: 65, spa: 65, spd: 110, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Immunity", 1: "Thick Fat", H: "Gluttony" }, heightm: 35, weightkg: 0, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Monster"], changesFrom: "Snorlax", }, articuno: { num: 144, name: "Articuno", types: ["Ice", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 85, def: 100, spa: 95, spd: 125, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Snow Cloak" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 55.4, color: "Blue", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Articuno-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Articuno", "Articuno-Galar"], }, articunogalar: { num: 144, name: "Articuno-Galar", baseSpecies: "Articuno", forme: "Galar", types: ["Psychic", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 85, def: 85, spa: 125, spd: 100, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Competitive" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 50.9, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, zapdos: { num: 145, name: "Zapdos", types: ["Electric", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 90, def: 85, spa: 125, spd: 90, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Static" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 52.6, color: "Yellow", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Zapdos-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Zapdos", "Zapdos-Galar"], }, zapdosgalar: { num: 145, name: "Zapdos-Galar", baseSpecies: "Zapdos", forme: "Galar", types: ["Fighting", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 125, def: 90, spa: 85, spd: 90, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Defiant" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 58.2, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, moltres: { num: 146, name: "Moltres", types: ["Fire", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 100, def: 90, spa: 125, spd: 85, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Flame Body" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 60, color: "Yellow", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Moltres-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Moltres", "Moltres-Galar"], }, moltresgalar: { num: 146, name: "Moltres-Galar", baseSpecies: "Moltres", forme: "Galar", types: ["Dark", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 85, def: 90, spa: 100, spd: 125, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Berserk" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 66, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, dratini: { num: 147, name: "Dratini", types: ["Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 41, atk: 64, def: 45, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin", H: "Marvel Scale" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 3.3, color: "Blue", evos: ["Dragonair"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Dragon"], }, dragonair: { num: 148, name: "Dragonair", types: ["Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 61, atk: 84, def: 65, spa: 70, spd: 70, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin", H: "Marvel Scale" }, heightm: 4, weightkg: 16.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Dratini", evoLevel: 30, evos: ["Dragonite"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Dragon"], }, dragonite: { num: 149, name: "Dragonite", types: ["Dragon", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 91, atk: 134, def: 95, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", H: "Multiscale" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 210, color: "Brown", prevo: "Dragonair", evoLevel: 55, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Dragon"], }, mewtwo: { num: 150, name: "Mewtwo", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 106, atk: 110, def: 90, spa: 154, spd: 90, spe: 130 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 122, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], otherFormes: ["Mewtwo-Mega-X", "Mewtwo-Mega-Y"], formeOrder: ["Mewtwo", "Mewtwo-Mega-X", "Mewtwo-Mega-Y"], }, mewtwomegax: { num: 150, name: "Mewtwo-Mega-X", baseSpecies: "Mewtwo", forme: "Mega-X", types: ["Psychic", "Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 106, atk: 190, def: 100, spa: 154, spd: 100, spe: 130 }, abilities: { 0: "Steadfast" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 127, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Mewtwonite X", }, mewtwomegay: { num: 150, name: "Mewtwo-Mega-Y", baseSpecies: "Mewtwo", forme: "Mega-Y", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 106, atk: 150, def: 70, spa: 194, spd: 120, spe: 140 }, abilities: { 0: "Insomnia" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 33, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Mewtwonite Y", }, mew: { num: 151, name: "Mew", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Synchronize" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4, color: "Pink", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, chikorita: { num: 152, name: "Chikorita", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 49, def: 65, spa: 49, spd: 65, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Leaf Guard" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 6.4, color: "Green", evos: ["Bayleef"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], }, bayleef: { num: 153, name: "Bayleef", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 62, def: 80, spa: 63, spd: 80, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Leaf Guard" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 15.8, color: "Green", prevo: "Chikorita", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Meganium"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], }, meganium: { num: 154, name: "Meganium", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 82, def: 100, spa: 83, spd: 100, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Leaf Guard" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Bayleef", evoLevel: 32, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], }, cyndaquil: { num: 155, name: "Cyndaquil", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 39, atk: 52, def: 43, spa: 60, spd: 50, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Flash Fire" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 7.9, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Quilava"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, quilava: { num: 156, name: "Quilava", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 58, atk: 64, def: 58, spa: 80, spd: 65, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Flash Fire" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 19, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Cyndaquil", evoLevel: 14, evos: ["Typhlosion", "Typhlosion-Hisui"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, typhlosion: { num: 157, name: "Typhlosion", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 84, def: 78, spa: 109, spd: 85, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Flash Fire" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 79.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Quilava", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Typhlosion-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Typhlosion", "Typhlosion-Hisui"], }, typhlosionhisui: { num: 157, name: "Typhlosion-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Typhlosion", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Fire", "Ghost"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 73, atk: 84, def: 78, spa: 119, spd: 85, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Frisk" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 69.8, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Quilava", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, totodile: { num: 158, name: "Totodile", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 64, spa: 44, spd: 48, spe: 43 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 9.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Croconaw"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], }, croconaw: { num: 159, name: "Croconaw", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 80, def: 80, spa: 59, spd: 63, spe: 58 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 25, color: "Blue", prevo: "Totodile", evoLevel: 18, evos: ["Feraligatr"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], }, feraligatr: { num: 160, name: "Feraligatr", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 105, def: 100, spa: 79, spd: 83, spe: 78 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 88.8, color: "Blue", prevo: "Croconaw", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], }, sentret: { num: 161, name: "Sentret", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 46, def: 34, spa: 35, spd: 45, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Keen Eye", H: "Frisk" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 6, color: "Brown", evos: ["Furret"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, furret: { num: 162, name: "Furret", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 76, def: 64, spa: 45, spd: 55, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Keen Eye", H: "Frisk" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 32.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Sentret", evoLevel: 15, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, hoothoot: { num: 163, name: "Hoothoot", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 30, def: 30, spa: 36, spd: 56, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Insomnia", 1: "Keen Eye", H: "Tinted Lens" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 21.2, color: "Brown", evos: ["Noctowl"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, noctowl: { num: 164, name: "Noctowl", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 50, def: 50, spa: 86, spd: 96, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Insomnia", 1: "Keen Eye", H: "Tinted Lens" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 40.8, color: "Brown", prevo: "Hoothoot", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, ledyba: { num: 165, name: "Ledyba", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 20, def: 30, spa: 40, spd: 80, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Early Bird", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 10.8, color: "Red", evos: ["Ledian"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, ledian: { num: 166, name: "Ledian", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 35, def: 50, spa: 55, spd: 110, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Early Bird", H: "Iron Fist" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 35.6, color: "Red", prevo: "Ledyba", evoLevel: 18, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, spinarak: { num: 167, name: "Spinarak", types: ["Bug", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 60, def: 40, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Insomnia", H: "Sniper" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 8.5, color: "Green", evos: ["Ariados"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, ariados: { num: 168, name: "Ariados", types: ["Bug", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 90, def: 70, spa: 60, spd: 70, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Insomnia", H: "Sniper" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 33.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Spinarak", evoLevel: 22, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, crobat: { num: 169, name: "Crobat", types: ["Poison", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 90, def: 80, spa: 70, spd: 80, spe: 130 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 75, color: "Purple", prevo: "Golbat", evoType: "levelFriendship", eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, chinchou: { num: 170, name: "Chinchou", types: ["Water", "Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 38, def: 38, spa: 56, spd: 56, spe: 67 }, abilities: { 0: "Volt Absorb", 1: "Illuminate", H: "Water Absorb" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 12, color: "Blue", evos: ["Lanturn"], eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, lanturn: { num: 171, name: "Lanturn", types: ["Water", "Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 125, atk: 58, def: 58, spa: 76, spd: 76, spe: 67 }, abilities: { 0: "Volt Absorb", 1: "Illuminate", H: "Water Absorb" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 22.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Chinchou", evoLevel: 27, eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, pichu: { num: 172, name: "Pichu", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 20, atk: 40, def: 15, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Pikachu"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, otherFormes: ["Pichu-Spiky-eared"], formeOrder: ["Pichu", "Pichu-Spiky-eared"], }, pichuspikyeared: { num: 172, name: "Pichu-Spiky-eared", baseSpecies: "Pichu", forme: "Spiky-eared", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 20, atk: 40, def: 15, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Static" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 4, }, cleffa: { num: 173, name: "Cleffa", types: ["Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 25, def: 28, spa: 45, spd: 55, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", 1: "Magic Guard", H: "Friend Guard" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3, color: "Pink", evos: ["Clefairy"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, igglybuff: { num: 174, name: "Igglybuff", types: ["Normal", "Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 30, def: 15, spa: 40, spd: 20, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", 1: "Competitive", H: "Friend Guard" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1, color: "Pink", evos: ["Jigglypuff"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, togepi: { num: 175, name: "Togepi", types: ["Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 20, def: 65, spa: 40, spd: 65, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Hustle", 1: "Serene Grace", H: "Super Luck" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1.5, color: "White", evos: ["Togetic"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, togetic: { num: 176, name: "Togetic", types: ["Fairy", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 40, def: 85, spa: 80, spd: 105, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Hustle", 1: "Serene Grace", H: "Super Luck" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 3.2, color: "White", prevo: "Togepi", evoType: "levelFriendship", evos: ["Togekiss"], eggGroups: ["Flying", "Fairy"], }, natu: { num: 177, name: "Natu", types: ["Psychic", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 50, def: 45, spa: 70, spd: 45, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Synchronize", 1: "Early Bird", H: "Magic Bounce" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 2, color: "Green", evos: ["Xatu"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, xatu: { num: 178, name: "Xatu", types: ["Psychic", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 75, def: 70, spa: 95, spd: 70, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Synchronize", 1: "Early Bird", H: "Magic Bounce" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 15, color: "Green", prevo: "Natu", evoLevel: 25, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, mareep: { num: 179, name: "Mareep", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 40, def: 40, spa: 65, spd: 45, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Plus" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 7.8, color: "White", evos: ["Flaaffy"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], }, flaaffy: { num: 180, name: "Flaaffy", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 55, def: 55, spa: 80, spd: 60, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Plus" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 13.3, color: "Pink", prevo: "Mareep", evoLevel: 15, evos: ["Ampharos"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], }, ampharos: { num: 181, name: "Ampharos", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 75, def: 85, spa: 115, spd: 90, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Plus" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 61.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Flaaffy", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], otherFormes: ["Ampharos-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Ampharos", "Ampharos-Mega"], }, ampharosmega: { num: 181, name: "Ampharos-Mega", baseSpecies: "Ampharos", forme: "Mega", types: ["Electric", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 95, def: 105, spa: 165, spd: 110, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 61.5, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], requiredItem: "Ampharosite", }, bellossom: { num: 182, name: "Bellossom", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 80, def: 95, spa: 90, spd: 100, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", H: "Healer" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 5.8, color: "Green", prevo: "Gloom", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Sun Stone", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, marill: { num: 183, name: "Marill", types: ["Water", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 20, def: 50, spa: 20, spd: 50, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Huge Power", H: "Sap Sipper" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 8.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Azurill", evoType: "levelFriendship", evos: ["Azumarill"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Fairy"], canHatch: true, }, azumarill: { num: 184, name: "Azumarill", types: ["Water", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 50, def: 80, spa: 60, spd: 80, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Huge Power", H: "Sap Sipper" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 28.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Marill", evoLevel: 18, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Fairy"], }, sudowoodo: { num: 185, name: "Sudowoodo", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 100, def: 115, spa: 30, spd: 65, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Rock Head", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 38, color: "Brown", prevo: "Bonsly", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Mimic", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], canHatch: true, }, politoed: { num: 186, name: "Politoed", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 75, def: 75, spa: 90, spd: 100, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Damp", H: "Drizzle" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 33.9, color: "Green", prevo: "Poliwhirl", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "King's Rock", eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, hoppip: { num: 187, name: "Hoppip", types: ["Grass", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 35, def: 40, spa: 35, spd: 55, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Leaf Guard", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 0.5, color: "Pink", evos: ["Skiploom"], eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Grass"], }, skiploom: { num: 188, name: "Skiploom", types: ["Grass", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 45, def: 50, spa: 45, spd: 65, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Leaf Guard", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 1, color: "Green", prevo: "Hoppip", evoLevel: 18, evos: ["Jumpluff"], eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Grass"], }, jumpluff: { num: 189, name: "Jumpluff", types: ["Grass", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 55, def: 70, spa: 55, spd: 95, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Leaf Guard", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 3, color: "Blue", prevo: "Skiploom", evoLevel: 27, eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Grass"], }, aipom: { num: 190, name: "Aipom", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 70, def: 55, spa: 40, spd: 55, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Pickup", H: "Skill Link" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 11.5, color: "Purple", evos: ["Ambipom"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, sunkern: { num: 191, name: "Sunkern", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 30, def: 30, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Solar Power", H: "Early Bird" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1.8, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Sunflora"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, sunflora: { num: 192, name: "Sunflora", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 75, def: 55, spa: 105, spd: 85, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Solar Power", H: "Early Bird" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 8.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Sunkern", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Sun Stone", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, yanma: { num: 193, name: "Yanma", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 65, def: 45, spa: 75, spd: 45, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Speed Boost", 1: "Compound Eyes", H: "Frisk" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 38, color: "Red", evos: ["Yanmega"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, wooper: { num: 194, name: "Wooper", types: ["Water", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 45, def: 45, spa: 25, spd: 25, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Damp", 1: "Water Absorb", H: "Unaware" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 8.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Quagsire"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], otherFormes: ["Wooper-Paldea"], formeOrder: ["Wooper", "Wooper-Paldea"], }, wooperpaldea: { num: 194, name: "Wooper-Paldea", baseSpecies: "Wooper", forme: "Paldea", types: ["Poison", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 45, def: 45, spa: 25, spd: 25, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Water Absorb", H: "Unaware" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 11, color: "Brown", evos: ["Clodsire"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, quagsire: { num: 195, name: "Quagsire", types: ["Water", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 85, def: 85, spa: 65, spd: 65, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Damp", 1: "Water Absorb", H: "Unaware" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 75, color: "Blue", prevo: "Wooper", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, espeon: { num: 196, name: "Espeon", types: ["Psychic"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 65, def: 60, spa: 130, spd: 95, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Synchronize", H: "Magic Bounce" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 26.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Eevee", evoType: "levelFriendship", evoCondition: "during the day", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, umbreon: { num: 197, name: "Umbreon", types: ["Dark"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 65, def: 110, spa: 60, spd: 130, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Synchronize", H: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 27, color: "Black", prevo: "Eevee", evoType: "levelFriendship", evoCondition: "at night", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, murkrow: { num: 198, name: "Murkrow", types: ["Dark", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 85, def: 42, spa: 85, spd: 42, spe: 91 }, abilities: { 0: "Insomnia", 1: "Super Luck", H: "Prankster" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 2.1, color: "Black", evos: ["Honchkrow"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, slowking: { num: 199, name: "Slowking", types: ["Water", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 75, def: 80, spa: 100, spd: 110, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 79.5, color: "Pink", prevo: "Slowpoke", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "King's Rock", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], otherFormes: ["Slowking-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Slowking", "Slowking-Galar"], }, slowkinggalar: { num: 199, name: "Slowking-Galar", baseSpecies: "Slowking", forme: "Galar", types: ["Poison", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 65, def: 80, spa: 110, spd: 110, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Curious Medicine", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 79.5, color: "Pink", prevo: "Slowpoke-Galar", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Galarica Wreath", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], }, misdreavus: { num: 200, name: "Misdreavus", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 60, def: 60, spa: 85, spd: 85, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 1, color: "Gray", evos: ["Mismagius"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, unown: { num: 201, name: "Unown", baseForme: "A", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 48, atk: 72, def: 48, spa: 72, spd: 48, spe: 48 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 5, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Unown-B", "Unown-C", "Unown-D", "Unown-E", "Unown-F", "Unown-G", "Unown-H", "Unown-I", "Unown-J", "Unown-K", "Unown-L", "Unown-M", "Unown-N", "Unown-O", "Unown-P", "Unown-Q", "Unown-R", "Unown-S", "Unown-T", "Unown-U", "Unown-V", "Unown-W", "Unown-X", "Unown-Y", "Unown-Z", "Unown-Exclamation", "Unown-Question"], formeOrder: ["Unown", "Unown-B", "Unown-C", "Unown-D", "Unown-E", "Unown-F", "Unown-G", "Unown-H", "Unown-I", "Unown-J", "Unown-K", "Unown-L", "Unown-M", "Unown-N", "Unown-O", "Unown-P", "Unown-Q", "Unown-R", "Unown-S", "Unown-T", "Unown-U", "Unown-V", "Unown-W", "Unown-X", "Unown-Y", "Unown-Z", "Unown-Exclamation", "Unown-Question"], }, wobbuffet: { num: 202, name: "Wobbuffet", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 190, atk: 33, def: 58, spa: 33, spd: 58, spe: 33 }, abilities: { 0: "Shadow Tag", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 28.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Wynaut", evoLevel: 15, eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], canHatch: true, }, girafarig: { num: 203, name: "Girafarig", types: ["Normal", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 80, def: 65, spa: 90, spd: 65, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", 1: "Early Bird", H: "Sap Sipper" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 41.5, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Farigiraf"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, pineco: { num: 204, name: "Pineco", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 90, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 7.2, color: "Gray", evos: ["Forretress"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, forretress: { num: 205, name: "Forretress", types: ["Bug", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 90, def: 140, spa: 60, spd: 60, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 125.8, color: "Purple", prevo: "Pineco", evoLevel: 31, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, dunsparce: { num: 206, name: "Dunsparce", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 70, def: 70, spa: 65, spd: 65, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Serene Grace", 1: "Run Away", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 14, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Dudunsparce", "Dudunsparce-Three-Segment"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, gligar: { num: 207, name: "Gligar", types: ["Ground", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 75, def: 105, spa: 35, spd: 65, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Hyper Cutter", 1: "Sand Veil", H: "Immunity" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 64.8, color: "Purple", evos: ["Gliscor"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, steelix: { num: 208, name: "Steelix", types: ["Steel", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 85, def: 200, spa: 55, spd: 65, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 9.2, weightkg: 400, color: "Gray", prevo: "Onix", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Metal Coat", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], otherFormes: ["Steelix-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Steelix", "Steelix-Mega"], }, steelixmega: { num: 208, name: "Steelix-Mega", baseSpecies: "Steelix", forme: "Mega", types: ["Steel", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 125, def: 230, spa: 55, spd: 95, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 10.5, weightkg: 740, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], requiredItem: "Steelixite", }, snubbull: { num: 209, name: "Snubbull", types: ["Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 80, def: 50, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Run Away", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 7.8, color: "Pink", evos: ["Granbull"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], }, granbull: { num: 210, name: "Granbull", types: ["Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 120, def: 75, spa: 60, spd: 60, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Quick Feet", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 48.7, color: "Purple", prevo: "Snubbull", evoLevel: 23, eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], }, qwilfish: { num: 211, name: "Qwilfish", types: ["Water", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 95, def: 85, spa: 55, spd: 55, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Swift Swim", H: "Intimidate" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 3.9, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], otherFormes: ["Qwilfish-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Qwilfish", "Qwilfish-Hisui"], }, qwilfishhisui: { num: 211, name: "Qwilfish-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Qwilfish", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Dark", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 95, def: 85, spa: 55, spd: 55, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Swift Swim", H: "Intimidate" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 3.9, color: "Black", evos: ["Overqwil"], eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, scizor: { num: 212, name: "Scizor", types: ["Bug", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 130, def: 100, spa: 55, spd: 80, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Technician", H: "Light Metal" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 118, color: "Red", prevo: "Scyther", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Metal Coat", eggGroups: ["Bug"], otherFormes: ["Scizor-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Scizor", "Scizor-Mega"], }, scizormega: { num: 212, name: "Scizor-Mega", baseSpecies: "Scizor", forme: "Mega", types: ["Bug", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 150, def: 140, spa: 65, spd: 100, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Technician" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 125, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Bug"], requiredItem: "Scizorite", }, shuckle: { num: 213, name: "Shuckle", types: ["Bug", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 20, atk: 10, def: 230, spa: 10, spd: 230, spe: 5 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Contrary" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 20.5, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, heracross: { num: 214, name: "Heracross", types: ["Bug", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 125, def: 75, spa: 40, spd: 95, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Guts", H: "Moxie" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 54, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Bug"], otherFormes: ["Heracross-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Heracross", "Heracross-Mega"], }, heracrossmega: { num: 214, name: "Heracross-Mega", baseSpecies: "Heracross", forme: "Mega", types: ["Bug", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 185, def: 115, spa: 40, spd: 105, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Skill Link" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 62.5, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Bug"], requiredItem: "Heracronite", }, sneasel: { num: 215, name: "Sneasel", types: ["Dark", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 95, def: 55, spa: 35, spd: 75, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", 1: "Keen Eye", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 28, color: "Black", evos: ["Weavile"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Sneasel-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Sneasel", "Sneasel-Hisui"], }, sneaselhisui: { num: 215, name: "Sneasel-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Sneasel", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Fighting", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 95, def: 55, spa: 35, spd: 75, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", 1: "Keen Eye", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 27, color: "Gray", evos: ["Sneasler"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, teddiursa: { num: 216, name: "Teddiursa", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 80, def: 50, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Quick Feet", H: "Honey Gather" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 8.8, color: "Brown", evos: ["Ursaring"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, ursaring: { num: 217, name: "Ursaring", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 130, def: 75, spa: 75, spd: 75, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", 1: "Quick Feet", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 125.8, color: "Brown", prevo: "Teddiursa", evoLevel: 30, evos: ["Ursaluna"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, slugma: { num: 218, name: "Slugma", types: ["Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 40, def: 40, spa: 70, spd: 40, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Magma Armor", 1: "Flame Body", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 35, color: "Red", evos: ["Magcargo"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, magcargo: { num: 219, name: "Magcargo", types: ["Fire", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 50, def: 120, spa: 90, spd: 80, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Magma Armor", 1: "Flame Body", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 55, color: "Red", prevo: "Slugma", evoLevel: 38, eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, swinub: { num: 220, name: "Swinub", types: ["Ice", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 50, def: 40, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Snow Cloak", H: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Piloswine"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, piloswine: { num: 221, name: "Piloswine", types: ["Ice", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 80, spa: 60, spd: 60, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Snow Cloak", H: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 55.8, color: "Brown", prevo: "Swinub", evoLevel: 33, evos: ["Mamoswine"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, corsola: { num: 222, name: "Corsola", types: ["Water", "Rock"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 55, def: 95, spa: 65, spd: 95, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Hustle", 1: "Natural Cure", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 5, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], otherFormes: ["Corsola-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Corsola", "Corsola-Galar"], }, corsolagalar: { num: 222, name: "Corsola-Galar", baseSpecies: "Corsola", forme: "Galar", types: ["Ghost"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 55, def: 100, spa: 65, spd: 100, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Weak Armor", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 0.5, color: "White", evos: ["Cursola"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], }, remoraid: { num: 223, name: "Remoraid", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 65, def: 35, spa: 65, spd: 35, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Hustle", 1: "Sniper", H: "Moody" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 12, color: "Gray", evos: ["Octillery"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 2"], }, octillery: { num: 224, name: "Octillery", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 105, def: 75, spa: 105, spd: 75, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Suction Cups", 1: "Sniper", H: "Moody" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 28.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Remoraid", evoLevel: 25, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 2"], }, delibird: { num: 225, name: "Delibird", types: ["Ice", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 55, def: 45, spa: 65, spd: 45, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Vital Spirit", 1: "Hustle", H: "Insomnia" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 16, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, mantine: { num: 226, name: "Mantine", types: ["Water", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 40, def: 70, spa: 80, spd: 140, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Water Absorb", H: "Water Veil" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 220, color: "Purple", prevo: "Mantyke", evoType: "levelExtra", evoCondition: "with a Remoraid in party", eggGroups: ["Water 1"], canHatch: true, }, skarmory: { num: 227, name: "Skarmory", types: ["Steel", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 80, def: 140, spa: 40, spd: 70, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 50.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, houndour: { num: 228, name: "Houndour", types: ["Dark", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 60, def: 30, spa: 80, spd: 50, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Early Bird", 1: "Flash Fire", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 10.8, color: "Black", evos: ["Houndoom"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, houndoom: { num: 229, name: "Houndoom", types: ["Dark", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 90, def: 50, spa: 110, spd: 80, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Early Bird", 1: "Flash Fire", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 35, color: "Black", prevo: "Houndour", evoLevel: 24, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Houndoom-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Houndoom", "Houndoom-Mega"], }, houndoommega: { num: 229, name: "Houndoom-Mega", baseSpecies: "Houndoom", forme: "Mega", types: ["Dark", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 90, def: 90, spa: 140, spd: 90, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Solar Power" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 49.5, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Field"], requiredItem: "Houndoominite", }, kingdra: { num: 230, name: "Kingdra", types: ["Water", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Sniper", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 152, color: "Blue", prevo: "Seadra", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Dragon Scale", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Dragon"], }, phanpy: { num: 231, name: "Phanpy", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 60, def: 60, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 33.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Donphan"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, donphan: { num: 232, name: "Donphan", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 60, spd: 60, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 120, color: "Gray", prevo: "Phanpy", evoLevel: 25, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, porygon2: { num: 233, name: "Porygon2", types: ["Normal"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 80, def: 90, spa: 105, spd: 95, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Trace", 1: "Download", H: "Analytic" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 32.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Porygon", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Up-Grade", evos: ["Porygon-Z"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, stantler: { num: 234, name: "Stantler", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 73, atk: 95, def: 62, spa: 85, spd: 65, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Frisk", H: "Sap Sipper" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 71.2, color: "Brown", evos: ["Wyrdeer"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, smeargle: { num: 235, name: "Smeargle", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 20, def: 35, spa: 20, spd: 45, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo", 1: "Technician", H: "Moody" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 58, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, tyrogue: { num: 236, name: "Tyrogue", types: ["Fighting"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 35, def: 35, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", 1: "Steadfast", H: "Vital Spirit" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 21, color: "Purple", evos: ["Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Hitmontop"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, hitmontop: { num: 237, name: "Hitmontop", types: ["Fighting"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 35, spd: 110, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Technician", H: "Steadfast" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 48, color: "Brown", prevo: "Tyrogue", evoLevel: 20, evoCondition: "with an Atk stat equal to its Def stat", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, smoochum: { num: 238, name: "Smoochum", types: ["Ice", "Psychic"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 30, def: 15, spa: 85, spd: 65, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Forewarn", H: "Hydration" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Pink", evos: ["Jynx"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, elekid: { num: 239, name: "Elekid", types: ["Electric"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 63, def: 37, spa: 65, spd: 55, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Vital Spirit" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 23.5, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Electabuzz"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, magby: { num: 240, name: "Magby", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 75, def: 37, spa: 70, spd: 55, spe: 83 }, abilities: { 0: "Flame Body", H: "Vital Spirit" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 21.4, color: "Red", evos: ["Magmar"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, miltank: { num: 241, name: "Miltank", types: ["Normal"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 80, def: 105, spa: 40, spd: 70, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Scrappy", H: "Sap Sipper" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 75.5, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, blissey: { num: 242, name: "Blissey", types: ["Normal"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 255, atk: 10, def: 10, spa: 75, spd: 135, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure", 1: "Serene Grace", H: "Healer" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 46.8, color: "Pink", prevo: "Chansey", evoType: "levelFriendship", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, raikou: { num: 243, name: "Raikou", types: ["Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 85, def: 75, spa: 115, spd: 100, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 178, color: "Yellow", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, entei: { num: 244, name: "Entei", types: ["Fire"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 115, atk: 115, def: 85, spa: 90, spd: 75, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 198, color: "Brown", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, suicune: { num: 245, name: "Suicune", types: ["Water"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 75, def: 115, spa: 90, spd: 115, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 187, color: "Blue", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, larvitar: { num: 246, name: "Larvitar", types: ["Rock", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 64, def: 50, spa: 45, spd: 50, spe: 41 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 72, color: "Green", evos: ["Pupitar"], eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, pupitar: { num: 247, name: "Pupitar", types: ["Rock", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 84, def: 70, spa: 65, spd: 70, spe: 51 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 152, color: "Gray", prevo: "Larvitar", evoLevel: 30, evos: ["Tyranitar"], eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, tyranitar: { num: 248, name: "Tyranitar", types: ["Rock", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 134, def: 110, spa: 95, spd: 100, spe: 61 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Stream", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 202, color: "Green", prevo: "Pupitar", evoLevel: 55, eggGroups: ["Monster"], otherFormes: ["Tyranitar-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Tyranitar", "Tyranitar-Mega"], }, tyranitarmega: { num: 248, name: "Tyranitar-Mega", baseSpecies: "Tyranitar", forme: "Mega", types: ["Rock", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 164, def: 150, spa: 95, spd: 120, spe: 71 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Stream" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 255, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Monster"], requiredItem: "Tyranitarite", }, lugia: { num: 249, name: "Lugia", types: ["Psychic", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 106, atk: 90, def: 130, spa: 90, spd: 154, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Multiscale" }, heightm: 5.2, weightkg: 216, color: "White", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, hooh: { num: 250, name: "Ho-Oh", types: ["Fire", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 106, atk: 130, def: 90, spa: 110, spd: 154, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 3.8, weightkg: 199, color: "Red", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, celebi: { num: 251, name: "Celebi", types: ["Psychic", "Grass"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 5, color: "Green", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, treecko: { num: 252, name: "Treecko", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 35, spa: 65, spd: 55, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Unburden" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 5, color: "Green", evos: ["Grovyle"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, grovyle: { num: 253, name: "Grovyle", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 45, spa: 85, spd: 65, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Unburden" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 21.6, color: "Green", prevo: "Treecko", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Sceptile"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, sceptile: { num: 254, name: "Sceptile", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 85, def: 65, spa: 105, spd: 85, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Unburden" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 52.2, color: "Green", prevo: "Grovyle", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], otherFormes: ["Sceptile-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Sceptile", "Sceptile-Mega"], }, sceptilemega: { num: 254, name: "Sceptile-Mega", baseSpecies: "Sceptile", forme: "Mega", types: ["Grass", "Dragon"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 110, def: 75, spa: 145, spd: 85, spe: 145 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 55.2, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], requiredItem: "Sceptilite", }, torchic: { num: 255, name: "Torchic", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 60, def: 40, spa: 70, spd: 50, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Speed Boost" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 2.5, color: "Red", evos: ["Combusken"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, combusken: { num: 256, name: "Combusken", types: ["Fire", "Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 85, def: 60, spa: 85, spd: 60, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Speed Boost" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 19.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Torchic", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Blaziken"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, blaziken: { num: 257, name: "Blaziken", types: ["Fire", "Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 70, spa: 110, spd: 70, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Speed Boost" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 52, color: "Red", prevo: "Combusken", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Blaziken-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Blaziken", "Blaziken-Mega"], }, blazikenmega: { num: 257, name: "Blaziken-Mega", baseSpecies: "Blaziken", forme: "Mega", types: ["Fire", "Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 160, def: 80, spa: 130, spd: 80, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Speed Boost" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 52, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Field"], requiredItem: "Blazikenite", }, mudkip: { num: 258, name: "Mudkip", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 70, def: 50, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 7.6, color: "Blue", evos: ["Marshtomp"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], }, marshtomp: { num: 259, name: "Marshtomp", types: ["Water", "Ground"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 85, def: 70, spa: 60, spd: 70, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 28, color: "Blue", prevo: "Mudkip", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Swampert"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], }, swampert: { num: 260, name: "Swampert", types: ["Water", "Ground"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 110, def: 90, spa: 85, spd: 90, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 81.9, color: "Blue", prevo: "Marshtomp", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], otherFormes: ["Swampert-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Swampert", "Swampert-Mega"], }, swampertmega: { num: 260, name: "Swampert-Mega", baseSpecies: "Swampert", forme: "Mega", types: ["Water", "Ground"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 150, def: 110, spa: 95, spd: 110, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 102, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], requiredItem: "Swampertite", }, poochyena: { num: 261, name: "Poochyena", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 35, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Quick Feet", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 13.6, color: "Gray", evos: ["Mightyena"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, mightyena: { num: 262, name: "Mightyena", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 90, def: 70, spa: 60, spd: 60, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Quick Feet", H: "Moxie" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 37, color: "Gray", prevo: "Poochyena", evoLevel: 18, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, zigzagoon: { num: 263, name: "Zigzagoon", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 38, atk: 30, def: 41, spa: 30, spd: 41, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Quick Feet" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 17.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Linoone"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Zigzagoon-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Zigzagoon", "Zigzagoon-Galar"], }, zigzagoongalar: { num: 263, name: "Zigzagoon-Galar", baseSpecies: "Zigzagoon", forme: "Galar", types: ["Dark", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 38, atk: 30, def: 41, spa: 30, spd: 41, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Quick Feet" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 17.5, color: "White", evos: ["Linoone-Galar"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, linoone: { num: 264, name: "Linoone", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 70, def: 61, spa: 50, spd: 61, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Quick Feet" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 32.5, color: "White", prevo: "Zigzagoon", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Linoone-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Linoone", "Linoone-Galar"], }, linoonegalar: { num: 264, name: "Linoone-Galar", baseSpecies: "Linoone", forme: "Galar", types: ["Dark", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 70, def: 61, spa: 50, spd: 61, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Quick Feet" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 32.5, color: "White", prevo: "Zigzagoon-Galar", evoLevel: 20, evos: ["Obstagoon"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, wurmple: { num: 265, name: "Wurmple", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 45, def: 35, spa: 20, spd: 30, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", H: "Run Away" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3.6, color: "Red", evos: ["Silcoon", "Cascoon"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, silcoon: { num: 266, name: "Silcoon", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 35, def: 55, spa: 25, spd: 25, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 10, color: "White", prevo: "Wurmple", evoLevel: 7, evos: ["Beautifly"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, beautifly: { num: 267, name: "Beautifly", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 70, def: 50, spa: 100, spd: 50, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", H: "Rivalry" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 28.4, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Silcoon", evoLevel: 10, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, cascoon: { num: 268, name: "Cascoon", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 35, def: 55, spa: 25, spd: 25, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 11.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Wurmple", evoLevel: 7, evos: ["Dustox"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, dustox: { num: 269, name: "Dustox", types: ["Bug", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 50, def: 70, spa: 50, spd: 90, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", H: "Compound Eyes" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 31.6, color: "Green", prevo: "Cascoon", evoLevel: 10, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, lotad: { num: 270, name: "Lotad", types: ["Water", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 30, def: 30, spa: 40, spd: 50, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Rain Dish", H: "Own Tempo" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 2.6, color: "Green", evos: ["Lombre"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Grass"], }, lombre: { num: 271, name: "Lombre", types: ["Water", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 50, def: 50, spa: 60, spd: 70, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Rain Dish", H: "Own Tempo" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 32.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Lotad", evoLevel: 14, evos: ["Ludicolo"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Grass"], }, ludicolo: { num: 272, name: "Ludicolo", types: ["Water", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 70, def: 70, spa: 90, spd: 100, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Rain Dish", H: "Own Tempo" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 55, color: "Green", prevo: "Lombre", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Water Stone", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Grass"], }, seedot: { num: 273, name: "Seedot", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 40, def: 50, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Early Bird", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 4, color: "Brown", evos: ["Nuzleaf"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], }, nuzleaf: { num: 274, name: "Nuzleaf", types: ["Grass", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 70, def: 40, spa: 60, spd: 40, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Early Bird", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 28, color: "Brown", prevo: "Seedot", evoLevel: 14, evos: ["Shiftry"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], }, shiftry: { num: 275, name: "Shiftry", types: ["Grass", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 100, def: 60, spa: 90, spd: 60, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Wind Rider", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 59.6, color: "Brown", prevo: "Nuzleaf", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Leaf Stone", eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], }, taillow: { num: 276, name: "Taillow", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 55, def: 30, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", H: "Scrappy" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2.3, color: "Blue", evos: ["Swellow"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, swellow: { num: 277, name: "Swellow", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 85, def: 60, spa: 75, spd: 50, spe: 125 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", H: "Scrappy" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 19.8, color: "Blue", prevo: "Taillow", evoLevel: 22, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, wingull: { num: 278, name: "Wingull", types: ["Water", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 30, def: 30, spa: 55, spd: 30, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Hydration", H: "Rain Dish" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 9.5, color: "White", evos: ["Pelipper"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Flying"], }, pelipper: { num: 279, name: "Pelipper", types: ["Water", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 50, def: 100, spa: 95, spd: 70, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Drizzle", H: "Rain Dish" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 28, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Wingull", evoLevel: 25, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Flying"], }, ralts: { num: 280, name: "Ralts", types: ["Psychic", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 28, atk: 25, def: 25, spa: 45, spd: 35, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Synchronize", 1: "Trace", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6.6, color: "White", evos: ["Kirlia"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like", "Amorphous"], }, kirlia: { num: 281, name: "Kirlia", types: ["Psychic", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 38, atk: 35, def: 35, spa: 65, spd: 55, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Synchronize", 1: "Trace", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 20.2, color: "White", prevo: "Ralts", evoLevel: 20, evos: ["Gardevoir", "Gallade"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like", "Amorphous"], }, gardevoir: { num: 282, name: "Gardevoir", types: ["Psychic", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 65, def: 65, spa: 125, spd: 115, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Synchronize", 1: "Trace", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 48.4, color: "White", prevo: "Kirlia", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Human-Like", "Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Gardevoir-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Gardevoir", "Gardevoir-Mega"], }, gardevoirmega: { num: 282, name: "Gardevoir-Mega", baseSpecies: "Gardevoir", forme: "Mega", types: ["Psychic", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 85, def: 65, spa: 165, spd: 135, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Pixilate" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 48.4, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], requiredItem: "Gardevoirite", }, surskit: { num: 283, name: "Surskit", types: ["Bug", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 30, def: 32, spa: 50, spd: 52, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", H: "Rain Dish" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 1.7, color: "Blue", evos: ["Masquerain"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Bug"], }, masquerain: { num: 284, name: "Masquerain", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 60, def: 62, spa: 100, spd: 82, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 3.6, color: "Blue", prevo: "Surskit", evoLevel: 22, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Bug"], }, shroomish: { num: 285, name: "Shroomish", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 40, def: 60, spa: 40, spd: 60, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Effect Spore", 1: "Poison Heal", H: "Quick Feet" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Breloom"], eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Grass"], }, breloom: { num: 286, name: "Breloom", types: ["Grass", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 130, def: 80, spa: 60, spd: 60, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Effect Spore", 1: "Poison Heal", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 39.2, color: "Green", prevo: "Shroomish", evoLevel: 23, eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Grass"], }, slakoth: { num: 287, name: "Slakoth", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 60, def: 60, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Truant" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 24, color: "Brown", evos: ["Vigoroth"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, vigoroth: { num: 288, name: "Vigoroth", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 80, def: 80, spa: 55, spd: 55, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Vital Spirit" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 46.5, color: "White", prevo: "Slakoth", evoLevel: 18, evos: ["Slaking"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, slaking: { num: 289, name: "Slaking", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 150, atk: 160, def: 100, spa: 95, spd: 65, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Truant" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 130.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Vigoroth", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, nincada: { num: 290, name: "Nincada", types: ["Bug", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 31, atk: 45, def: 90, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Compound Eyes", H: "Run Away" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 5.5, color: "Gray", evos: ["Ninjask", "Shedinja"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, ninjask: { num: 291, name: "Ninjask", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 61, atk: 90, def: 45, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 160 }, abilities: { 0: "Speed Boost", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 12, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Nincada", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, shedinja: { num: 292, name: "Shedinja", types: ["Bug", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 1, atk: 90, def: 45, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 40 }, maxHP: 1, abilities: { 0: "Wonder Guard" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 1.2, color: "Brown", prevo: "Nincada", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, whismur: { num: 293, name: "Whismur", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 64, atk: 51, def: 23, spa: 51, spd: 23, spe: 28 }, abilities: { 0: "Soundproof", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 16.3, color: "Pink", evos: ["Loudred"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], }, loudred: { num: 294, name: "Loudred", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 84, atk: 71, def: 43, spa: 71, spd: 43, spe: 48 }, abilities: { 0: "Soundproof", H: "Scrappy" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 40.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Whismur", evoLevel: 20, evos: ["Exploud"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], }, exploud: { num: 295, name: "Exploud", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 104, atk: 91, def: 63, spa: 91, spd: 73, spe: 68 }, abilities: { 0: "Soundproof", H: "Scrappy" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 84, color: "Blue", prevo: "Loudred", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], }, makuhita: { num: 296, name: "Makuhita", types: ["Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 60, def: 30, spa: 20, spd: 30, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Guts", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 86.4, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Hariyama"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, hariyama: { num: 297, name: "Hariyama", types: ["Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 144, atk: 120, def: 60, spa: 40, spd: 60, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Guts", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 253.8, color: "Brown", prevo: "Makuhita", evoLevel: 24, eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, azurill: { num: 298, name: "Azurill", types: ["Normal", "Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 20, def: 40, spa: 20, spd: 40, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Huge Power", H: "Sap Sipper" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 2, color: "Blue", evos: ["Marill"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, nosepass: { num: 299, name: "Nosepass", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 45, def: 135, spa: 45, spd: 90, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Magnet Pull", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 97, color: "Gray", evos: ["Probopass"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, skitty: { num: 300, name: "Skitty", types: ["Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 45, def: 45, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", 1: "Normalize", H: "Wonder Skin" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 11, color: "Pink", evos: ["Delcatty"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], }, delcatty: { num: 301, name: "Delcatty", types: ["Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 65, def: 65, spa: 55, spd: 55, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", 1: "Normalize", H: "Wonder Skin" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 32.6, color: "Purple", prevo: "Skitty", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Moon Stone", eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], }, sableye: { num: 302, name: "Sableye", types: ["Dark", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 75, def: 75, spa: 65, spd: 65, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Stall", H: "Prankster" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 11, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], otherFormes: ["Sableye-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Sableye", "Sableye-Mega"], }, sableyemega: { num: 302, name: "Sableye-Mega", baseSpecies: "Sableye", forme: "Mega", types: ["Dark", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 85, def: 125, spa: 85, spd: 115, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Magic Bounce" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 161, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], requiredItem: "Sablenite", }, mawile: { num: 303, name: "Mawile", types: ["Steel", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 85, def: 85, spa: 55, spd: 55, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Hyper Cutter", 1: "Intimidate", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 11.5, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], otherFormes: ["Mawile-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Mawile", "Mawile-Mega"], }, mawilemega: { num: 303, name: "Mawile-Mega", baseSpecies: "Mawile", forme: "Mega", types: ["Steel", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 105, def: 125, spa: 55, spd: 95, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Huge Power" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 23.5, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], requiredItem: "Mawilite", }, aron: { num: 304, name: "Aron", types: ["Steel", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 70, def: 100, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Rock Head", H: "Heavy Metal" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 60, color: "Gray", evos: ["Lairon"], eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, lairon: { num: 305, name: "Lairon", types: ["Steel", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 90, def: 140, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Rock Head", H: "Heavy Metal" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 120, color: "Gray", prevo: "Aron", evoLevel: 32, evos: ["Aggron"], eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, aggron: { num: 306, name: "Aggron", types: ["Steel", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 110, def: 180, spa: 60, spd: 60, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Rock Head", H: "Heavy Metal" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 360, color: "Gray", prevo: "Lairon", evoLevel: 42, eggGroups: ["Monster"], otherFormes: ["Aggron-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Aggron", "Aggron-Mega"], }, aggronmega: { num: 306, name: "Aggron-Mega", baseSpecies: "Aggron", forme: "Mega", types: ["Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 140, def: 230, spa: 60, spd: 80, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Filter" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 395, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Monster"], requiredItem: "Aggronite", }, meditite: { num: 307, name: "Meditite", types: ["Fighting", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 40, def: 55, spa: 40, spd: 55, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Pure Power", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 11.2, color: "Blue", evos: ["Medicham"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, medicham: { num: 308, name: "Medicham", types: ["Fighting", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 60, def: 75, spa: 60, spd: 75, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Pure Power", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 31.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Meditite", evoLevel: 37, eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], otherFormes: ["Medicham-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Medicham", "Medicham-Mega"], }, medichammega: { num: 308, name: "Medicham-Mega", baseSpecies: "Medicham", forme: "Mega", types: ["Fighting", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 100, def: 85, spa: 80, spd: 85, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Pure Power" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 31.5, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], requiredItem: "Medichamite", }, electrike: { num: 309, name: "Electrike", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 40, spa: 65, spd: 40, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", 1: "Lightning Rod", H: "Minus" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 15.2, color: "Green", evos: ["Manectric"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, manectric: { num: 310, name: "Manectric", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 75, def: 60, spa: 105, spd: 60, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", 1: "Lightning Rod", H: "Minus" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 40.2, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Electrike", evoLevel: 26, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Manectric-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Manectric", "Manectric-Mega"], }, manectricmega: { num: 310, name: "Manectric-Mega", baseSpecies: "Manectric", forme: "Mega", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 75, def: 80, spa: 135, spd: 80, spe: 135 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 44, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Field"], requiredItem: "Manectite", }, plusle: { num: 311, name: "Plusle", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 50, def: 40, spa: 85, spd: 75, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Plus", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4.2, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, minun: { num: 312, name: "Minun", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 40, def: 50, spa: 75, spd: 85, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Minus", H: "Volt Absorb" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4.2, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, volbeat: { num: 313, name: "Volbeat", types: ["Bug"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 73, def: 75, spa: 47, spd: 85, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Illuminate", 1: "Swarm", H: "Prankster" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 17.7, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Bug", "Human-Like"], mother: 'illumise', }, illumise: { num: 314, name: "Illumise", types: ["Bug"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 47, def: 75, spa: 73, spd: 85, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Tinted Lens", H: "Prankster" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 17.7, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Bug", "Human-Like"], }, roselia: { num: 315, name: "Roselia", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 60, def: 45, spa: 100, spd: 80, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure", 1: "Poison Point", H: "Leaf Guard" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2, color: "Green", prevo: "Budew", evoType: "levelFriendship", evoCondition: "during the day", evos: ["Roserade"], eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Grass"], canHatch: true, }, gulpin: { num: 316, name: "Gulpin", types: ["Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 43, def: 53, spa: 43, spd: 53, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Liquid Ooze", 1: "Sticky Hold", H: "Gluttony" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 10.3, color: "Green", evos: ["Swalot"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, swalot: { num: 317, name: "Swalot", types: ["Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 73, def: 83, spa: 73, spd: 83, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Liquid Ooze", 1: "Sticky Hold", H: "Gluttony" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 80, color: "Purple", prevo: "Gulpin", evoLevel: 26, eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, carvanha: { num: 318, name: "Carvanha", types: ["Water", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 90, def: 20, spa: 65, spd: 20, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Rough Skin", H: "Speed Boost" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 20.8, color: "Red", evos: ["Sharpedo"], eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, sharpedo: { num: 319, name: "Sharpedo", types: ["Water", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 120, def: 40, spa: 95, spd: 40, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Rough Skin", H: "Speed Boost" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 88.8, color: "Blue", prevo: "Carvanha", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Water 2"], otherFormes: ["Sharpedo-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Sharpedo", "Sharpedo-Mega"], }, sharpedomega: { num: 319, name: "Sharpedo-Mega", baseSpecies: "Sharpedo", forme: "Mega", types: ["Water", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 140, def: 70, spa: 110, spd: 65, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Strong Jaw" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 130.3, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], requiredItem: "Sharpedonite", }, wailmer: { num: 320, name: "Wailmer", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 130, atk: 70, def: 35, spa: 70, spd: 35, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Veil", 1: "Oblivious", H: "Pressure" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 130, color: "Blue", evos: ["Wailord"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Water 2"], }, wailord: { num: 321, name: "Wailord", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 170, atk: 90, def: 45, spa: 90, spd: 45, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Veil", 1: "Oblivious", H: "Pressure" }, heightm: 14.5, weightkg: 398, color: "Blue", prevo: "Wailmer", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Field", "Water 2"], }, numel: { num: 322, name: "Numel", types: ["Fire", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 60, def: 40, spa: 65, spd: 45, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Simple", H: "Own Tempo" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 24, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Camerupt"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, camerupt: { num: 323, name: "Camerupt", types: ["Fire", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 100, def: 70, spa: 105, spd: 75, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Magma Armor", 1: "Solid Rock", H: "Anger Point" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 220, color: "Red", prevo: "Numel", evoLevel: 33, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Camerupt-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Camerupt", "Camerupt-Mega"], }, cameruptmega: { num: 323, name: "Camerupt-Mega", baseSpecies: "Camerupt", forme: "Mega", types: ["Fire", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 120, def: 100, spa: 145, spd: 105, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 320.5, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Field"], requiredItem: "Cameruptite", }, torkoal: { num: 324, name: "Torkoal", types: ["Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 85, def: 140, spa: 85, spd: 70, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "White Smoke", 1: "Drought", H: "Shell Armor" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 80.4, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, spoink: { num: 325, name: "Spoink", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 25, def: 35, spa: 70, spd: 80, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Gluttony" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 30.6, color: "Black", evos: ["Grumpig"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, grumpig: { num: 326, name: "Grumpig", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 45, def: 65, spa: 90, spd: 110, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Gluttony" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 71.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Spoink", evoLevel: 32, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, spinda: { num: 327, name: "Spinda", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 60, def: 60, spa: 60, spd: 60, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo", 1: "Tangled Feet", H: "Contrary" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 5, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], }, trapinch: { num: 328, name: "Trapinch", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 100, def: 45, spa: 45, spd: 45, spe: 10 }, abilities: { 0: "Hyper Cutter", 1: "Arena Trap", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 15, color: "Brown", evos: ["Vibrava"], eggGroups: ["Bug", "Dragon"], }, vibrava: { num: 329, name: "Vibrava", types: ["Ground", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 70, def: 50, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 15.3, color: "Green", prevo: "Trapinch", evoLevel: 35, evos: ["Flygon"], eggGroups: ["Bug", "Dragon"], }, flygon: { num: 330, name: "Flygon", types: ["Ground", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 100, def: 80, spa: 80, spd: 80, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 82, color: "Green", prevo: "Vibrava", evoLevel: 45, eggGroups: ["Bug", "Dragon"], }, cacnea: { num: 331, name: "Cacnea", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 85, def: 40, spa: 85, spd: 40, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Veil", H: "Water Absorb" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 51.3, color: "Green", evos: ["Cacturne"], eggGroups: ["Grass", "Human-Like"], }, cacturne: { num: 332, name: "Cacturne", types: ["Grass", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 115, def: 60, spa: 115, spd: 60, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Veil", H: "Water Absorb" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 77.4, color: "Green", prevo: "Cacnea", evoLevel: 32, eggGroups: ["Grass", "Human-Like"], }, swablu: { num: 333, name: "Swablu", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 40, def: 60, spa: 40, spd: 75, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure", H: "Cloud Nine" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 1.2, color: "Blue", evos: ["Altaria"], eggGroups: ["Flying", "Dragon"], }, altaria: { num: 334, name: "Altaria", types: ["Dragon", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 70, def: 90, spa: 70, spd: 105, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure", H: "Cloud Nine" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 20.6, color: "Blue", prevo: "Swablu", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Flying", "Dragon"], otherFormes: ["Altaria-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Altaria", "Altaria-Mega"], }, altariamega: { num: 334, name: "Altaria-Mega", baseSpecies: "Altaria", forme: "Mega", types: ["Dragon", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 110, def: 110, spa: 110, spd: 105, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Pixilate" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 20.6, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Flying", "Dragon"], requiredItem: "Altarianite", }, zangoose: { num: 335, name: "Zangoose", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 73, atk: 115, def: 60, spa: 60, spd: 60, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Immunity", H: "Toxic Boost" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 40.3, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, seviper: { num: 336, name: "Seviper", types: ["Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 73, atk: 100, def: 60, spa: 100, spd: 60, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 2.7, weightkg: 52.5, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Field", "Dragon"], }, lunatone: { num: 337, name: "Lunatone", types: ["Rock", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 55, def: 65, spa: 95, spd: 85, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 168, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, solrock: { num: 338, name: "Solrock", types: ["Rock", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 95, def: 85, spa: 55, spd: 65, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 154, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, barboach: { num: 339, name: "Barboach", types: ["Water", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 48, def: 43, spa: 46, spd: 41, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Anticipation", H: "Hydration" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 1.9, color: "Gray", evos: ["Whiscash"], eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, whiscash: { num: 340, name: "Whiscash", types: ["Water", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 78, def: 73, spa: 76, spd: 71, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Anticipation", H: "Hydration" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 23.6, color: "Blue", prevo: "Barboach", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, corphish: { num: 341, name: "Corphish", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 43, atk: 80, def: 65, spa: 50, spd: 35, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Hyper Cutter", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Adaptability" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 11.5, color: "Red", evos: ["Crawdaunt"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], }, crawdaunt: { num: 342, name: "Crawdaunt", types: ["Water", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 63, atk: 120, def: 85, spa: 90, spd: 55, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Hyper Cutter", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Adaptability" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 32.8, color: "Red", prevo: "Corphish", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], }, baltoy: { num: 343, name: "Baltoy", types: ["Ground", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 40, def: 55, spa: 40, spd: 70, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 21.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Claydol"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, claydol: { num: 344, name: "Claydol", types: ["Ground", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 70, def: 105, spa: 70, spd: 120, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 108, color: "Black", prevo: "Baltoy", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, lileep: { num: 345, name: "Lileep", types: ["Rock", "Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 66, atk: 41, def: 77, spa: 61, spd: 87, spe: 23 }, abilities: { 0: "Suction Cups", H: "Storm Drain" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 23.8, color: "Purple", evos: ["Cradily"], eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, cradily: { num: 346, name: "Cradily", types: ["Rock", "Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 86, atk: 81, def: 97, spa: 81, spd: 107, spe: 43 }, abilities: { 0: "Suction Cups", H: "Storm Drain" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 60.4, color: "Green", prevo: "Lileep", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, anorith: { num: 347, name: "Anorith", types: ["Rock", "Bug"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 95, def: 50, spa: 40, spd: 50, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Battle Armor", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 12.5, color: "Gray", evos: ["Armaldo"], eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, armaldo: { num: 348, name: "Armaldo", types: ["Rock", "Bug"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 125, def: 100, spa: 70, spd: 80, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Battle Armor", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 68.2, color: "Gray", prevo: "Anorith", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, feebas: { num: 349, name: "Feebas", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 20, atk: 15, def: 20, spa: 10, spd: 55, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Oblivious", H: "Adaptability" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 7.4, color: "Brown", evos: ["Milotic"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Dragon"], }, milotic: { num: 350, name: "Milotic", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 60, def: 79, spa: 100, spd: 125, spe: 81 }, abilities: { 0: "Marvel Scale", 1: "Competitive", H: "Cute Charm" }, heightm: 6.2, weightkg: 162, color: "Pink", prevo: "Feebas", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Prism Scale", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Dragon"], }, castform: { num: 351, name: "Castform", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 70, def: 70, spa: 70, spd: 70, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Forecast" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.8, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Castform-Sunny", "Castform-Rainy", "Castform-Snowy"], formeOrder: ["Castform", "Castform-Sunny", "Castform-Rainy", "Castform-Snowy"], }, castformsunny: { num: 351, name: "Castform-Sunny", baseSpecies: "Castform", forme: "Sunny", types: ["Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 70, def: 70, spa: 70, spd: 70, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Forecast" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.8, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Amorphous"], requiredAbility: "Forecast", battleOnly: "Castform", }, castformrainy: { num: 351, name: "Castform-Rainy", baseSpecies: "Castform", forme: "Rainy", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 70, def: 70, spa: 70, spd: 70, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Forecast" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.8, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Amorphous"], requiredAbility: "Forecast", battleOnly: "Castform", }, castformsnowy: { num: 351, name: "Castform-Snowy", baseSpecies: "Castform", forme: "Snowy", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 70, def: 70, spa: 70, spd: 70, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Forecast" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.8, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Amorphous"], requiredAbility: "Forecast", battleOnly: "Castform", }, kecleon: { num: 352, name: "Kecleon", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 90, def: 70, spa: 60, spd: 120, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Color Change", H: "Protean" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 22, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, shuppet: { num: 353, name: "Shuppet", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 44, atk: 75, def: 35, spa: 63, spd: 33, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Insomnia", 1: "Frisk", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 2.3, color: "Black", evos: ["Banette"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, banette: { num: 354, name: "Banette", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 64, atk: 115, def: 65, spa: 83, spd: 63, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Insomnia", 1: "Frisk", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 12.5, color: "Black", prevo: "Shuppet", evoLevel: 37, eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Banette-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Banette", "Banette-Mega"], }, banettemega: { num: 354, name: "Banette-Mega", baseSpecies: "Banette", forme: "Mega", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 64, atk: 165, def: 75, spa: 93, spd: 83, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Prankster" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 13, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], requiredItem: "Banettite", }, duskull: { num: 355, name: "Duskull", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 20, atk: 40, def: 90, spa: 30, spd: 90, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate", H: "Frisk" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 15, color: "Black", evos: ["Dusclops"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, dusclops: { num: 356, name: "Dusclops", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 70, def: 130, spa: 60, spd: 130, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Frisk" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 30.6, color: "Black", prevo: "Duskull", evoLevel: 37, evos: ["Dusknoir"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, tropius: { num: 357, name: "Tropius", types: ["Grass", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 99, atk: 68, def: 83, spa: 72, spd: 87, spe: 51 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Solar Power", H: "Harvest" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 100, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], }, chimecho: { num: 358, name: "Chimecho", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 50, def: 80, spa: 95, spd: 90, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 1, color: "Blue", prevo: "Chingling", evoType: "levelFriendship", evoCondition: "at night", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], canHatch: true, }, absol: { num: 359, name: "Absol", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 130, def: 60, spa: 75, spd: 60, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", 1: "Super Luck", H: "Justified" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 47, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Absol-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Absol", "Absol-Mega"], }, absolmega: { num: 359, name: "Absol-Mega", baseSpecies: "Absol", forme: "Mega", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 150, def: 60, spa: 115, spd: 60, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Magic Bounce" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 49, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Field"], requiredItem: "Absolite", }, wynaut: { num: 360, name: "Wynaut", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 23, def: 48, spa: 23, spd: 48, spe: 23 }, abilities: { 0: "Shadow Tag", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 14, color: "Blue", evos: ["Wobbuffet"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, snorunt: { num: 361, name: "Snorunt", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 50, def: 50, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", 1: "Ice Body", H: "Moody" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 16.8, color: "Gray", evos: ["Glalie", "Froslass"], eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Mineral"], }, glalie: { num: 362, name: "Glalie", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 80, def: 80, spa: 80, spd: 80, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", 1: "Ice Body", H: "Moody" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 256.5, color: "Gray", prevo: "Snorunt", evoLevel: 42, eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Mineral"], otherFormes: ["Glalie-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Glalie", "Glalie-Mega"], }, glaliemega: { num: 362, name: "Glalie-Mega", baseSpecies: "Glalie", forme: "Mega", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 80, spa: 120, spd: 80, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Refrigerate" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 350.2, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Mineral"], requiredItem: "Glalitite", }, spheal: { num: 363, name: "Spheal", types: ["Ice", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 40, def: 50, spa: 55, spd: 50, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Ice Body", H: "Oblivious" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 39.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Sealeo"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, sealeo: { num: 364, name: "Sealeo", types: ["Ice", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 60, def: 70, spa: 75, spd: 70, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Ice Body", H: "Oblivious" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 87.6, color: "Blue", prevo: "Spheal", evoLevel: 32, evos: ["Walrein"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, walrein: { num: 365, name: "Walrein", types: ["Ice", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 80, def: 90, spa: 95, spd: 90, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Ice Body", H: "Oblivious" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 150.6, color: "Blue", prevo: "Sealeo", evoLevel: 44, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, clamperl: { num: 366, name: "Clamperl", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 64, def: 85, spa: 74, spd: 55, spe: 32 }, abilities: { 0: "Shell Armor", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 52.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Huntail", "Gorebyss"], eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, huntail: { num: 367, name: "Huntail", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 104, def: 105, spa: 94, spd: 75, spe: 52 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", H: "Water Veil" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 27, color: "Blue", prevo: "Clamperl", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Deep Sea Tooth", eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, gorebyss: { num: 368, name: "Gorebyss", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 84, def: 105, spa: 114, spd: 75, spe: 52 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", H: "Hydration" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 22.6, color: "Pink", prevo: "Clamperl", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Deep Sea Scale", eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, relicanth: { num: 369, name: "Relicanth", types: ["Water", "Rock"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 90, def: 130, spa: 45, spd: 65, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Rock Head", H: "Sturdy" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 23.4, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 2"], }, luvdisc: { num: 370, name: "Luvdisc", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 43, atk: 30, def: 55, spa: 40, spd: 65, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", H: "Hydration" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 8.7, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, bagon: { num: 371, name: "Bagon", types: ["Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 75, def: 60, spa: 40, spd: 30, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 42.1, color: "Blue", evos: ["Shelgon"], eggGroups: ["Dragon"], }, shelgon: { num: 372, name: "Shelgon", types: ["Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 95, def: 100, spa: 60, spd: 50, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 110.5, color: "White", prevo: "Bagon", evoLevel: 30, evos: ["Salamence"], eggGroups: ["Dragon"], }, salamence: { num: 373, name: "Salamence", types: ["Dragon", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 135, def: 80, spa: 110, spd: 80, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", H: "Moxie" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 102.6, color: "Blue", prevo: "Shelgon", evoLevel: 50, eggGroups: ["Dragon"], otherFormes: ["Salamence-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Salamence", "Salamence-Mega"], }, salamencemega: { num: 373, name: "Salamence-Mega", baseSpecies: "Salamence", forme: "Mega", types: ["Dragon", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 145, def: 130, spa: 120, spd: 90, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Aerilate" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 112.6, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Dragon"], requiredItem: "Salamencite", }, beldum: { num: 374, name: "Beldum", types: ["Steel", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 55, def: 80, spa: 35, spd: 60, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body", H: "Light Metal" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 95.2, color: "Blue", evos: ["Metang"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, metang: { num: 375, name: "Metang", types: ["Steel", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 75, def: 100, spa: 55, spd: 80, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body", H: "Light Metal" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 202.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Beldum", evoLevel: 20, evos: ["Metagross"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, metagross: { num: 376, name: "Metagross", types: ["Steel", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 135, def: 130, spa: 95, spd: 90, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body", H: "Light Metal" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 550, color: "Blue", prevo: "Metang", evoLevel: 45, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], otherFormes: ["Metagross-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Metagross", "Metagross-Mega"], }, metagrossmega: { num: 376, name: "Metagross-Mega", baseSpecies: "Metagross", forme: "Mega", types: ["Steel", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 145, def: 150, spa: 105, spd: 110, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Tough Claws" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 942.9, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], requiredItem: "Metagrossite", }, regirock: { num: 377, name: "Regirock", types: ["Rock"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 100, def: 200, spa: 50, spd: 100, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body", H: "Sturdy" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 230, color: "Brown", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, regice: { num: 378, name: "Regice", types: ["Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 50, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 200, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body", H: "Ice Body" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 175, color: "Blue", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, registeel: { num: 379, name: "Registeel", types: ["Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 75, def: 150, spa: 75, spd: 150, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body", H: "Light Metal" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 205, color: "Gray", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, latias: { num: 380, name: "Latias", types: ["Dragon", "Psychic"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 80, def: 90, spa: 110, spd: 130, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 40, color: "Red", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Latias-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Latias", "Latias-Mega"], }, latiasmega: { num: 380, name: "Latias-Mega", baseSpecies: "Latias", forme: "Mega", types: ["Dragon", "Psychic"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 100, def: 120, spa: 140, spd: 150, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 52, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Latiasite", }, latios: { num: 381, name: "Latios", types: ["Dragon", "Psychic"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 90, def: 80, spa: 130, spd: 110, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 60, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], otherFormes: ["Latios-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Latios", "Latios-Mega"], }, latiosmega: { num: 381, name: "Latios-Mega", baseSpecies: "Latios", forme: "Mega", types: ["Dragon", "Psychic"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 130, def: 100, spa: 160, spd: 120, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 70, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Latiosite", }, kyogre: { num: 382, name: "Kyogre", types: ["Water"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 90, spa: 150, spd: 140, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Drizzle" }, heightm: 4.5, weightkg: 352, color: "Blue", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Kyogre-Primal"], formeOrder: ["Kyogre", "Kyogre-Primal"], }, kyogreprimal: { num: 382, name: "Kyogre-Primal", baseSpecies: "Kyogre", forme: "Primal", types: ["Water"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 150, def: 90, spa: 180, spd: 160, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Primordial Sea" }, heightm: 9.8, weightkg: 430, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Blue Orb", }, groudon: { num: 383, name: "Groudon", types: ["Ground"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 150, def: 140, spa: 100, spd: 90, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Drought" }, heightm: 3.5, weightkg: 950, color: "Red", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Groudon-Primal"], formeOrder: ["Groudon", "Groudon-Primal"], }, groudonprimal: { num: 383, name: "Groudon-Primal", baseSpecies: "Groudon", forme: "Primal", types: ["Ground", "Fire"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 180, def: 160, spa: 150, spd: 90, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Desolate Land" }, heightm: 5, weightkg: 999.7, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Red Orb", }, rayquaza: { num: 384, name: "Rayquaza", types: ["Dragon", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 150, def: 90, spa: 150, spd: 90, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Air Lock" }, heightm: 7, weightkg: 206.5, color: "Green", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Rayquaza-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Rayquaza", "Rayquaza-Mega"], }, rayquazamega: { num: 384, name: "Rayquaza-Mega", baseSpecies: "Rayquaza", forme: "Mega", types: ["Dragon", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 180, def: 100, spa: 180, spd: 100, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Delta Stream" }, heightm: 10.8, weightkg: 392, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredMove: "Dragon Ascent", }, jirachi: { num: 385, name: "Jirachi", types: ["Steel", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Serene Grace" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1.1, color: "Yellow", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, deoxys: { num: 386, name: "Deoxys", baseForme: "Normal", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 150, def: 50, spa: 150, spd: 50, spe: 150 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 60.8, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Mythical"], otherFormes: ["Deoxys-Attack", "Deoxys-Defense", "Deoxys-Speed"], formeOrder: ["Deoxys", "Deoxys-Attack", "Deoxys-Defense", "Deoxys-Speed"], }, deoxysattack: { num: 386, name: "Deoxys-Attack", baseSpecies: "Deoxys", forme: "Attack", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 180, def: 20, spa: 180, spd: 20, spe: 150 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 60.8, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Deoxys", }, deoxysdefense: { num: 386, name: "Deoxys-Defense", baseSpecies: "Deoxys", forme: "Defense", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 70, def: 160, spa: 70, spd: 160, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 60.8, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Deoxys", }, deoxysspeed: { num: 386, name: "Deoxys-Speed", baseSpecies: "Deoxys", forme: "Speed", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 95, def: 90, spa: 95, spd: 90, spe: 180 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 60.8, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Deoxys", }, turtwig: { num: 387, name: "Turtwig", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 68, def: 64, spa: 45, spd: 55, spe: 31 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Shell Armor" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 10.2, color: "Green", evos: ["Grotle"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], }, grotle: { num: 388, name: "Grotle", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 89, def: 85, spa: 55, spd: 65, spe: 36 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Shell Armor" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 97, color: "Green", prevo: "Turtwig", evoLevel: 18, evos: ["Torterra"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], }, torterra: { num: 389, name: "Torterra", types: ["Grass", "Ground"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 109, def: 105, spa: 75, spd: 85, spe: 56 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Shell Armor" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 310, color: "Green", prevo: "Grotle", evoLevel: 32, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], }, chimchar: { num: 390, name: "Chimchar", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 44, atk: 58, def: 44, spa: 58, spd: 44, spe: 61 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Iron Fist" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 6.2, color: "Brown", evos: ["Monferno"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], }, monferno: { num: 391, name: "Monferno", types: ["Fire", "Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 64, atk: 78, def: 52, spa: 78, spd: 52, spe: 81 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Iron Fist" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 22, color: "Brown", prevo: "Chimchar", evoLevel: 14, evos: ["Infernape"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], }, infernape: { num: 392, name: "Infernape", types: ["Fire", "Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 76, atk: 104, def: 71, spa: 104, spd: 71, spe: 108 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Iron Fist" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 55, color: "Brown", prevo: "Monferno", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], }, piplup: { num: 393, name: "Piplup", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 53, atk: 51, def: 53, spa: 61, spd: 56, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Competitive" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 5.2, color: "Blue", evos: ["Prinplup"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, prinplup: { num: 394, name: "Prinplup", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 64, atk: 66, def: 68, spa: 81, spd: 76, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Competitive" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 23, color: "Blue", prevo: "Piplup", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Empoleon"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, empoleon: { num: 395, name: "Empoleon", types: ["Water", "Steel"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 84, atk: 86, def: 88, spa: 111, spd: 101, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Competitive" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 84.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Prinplup", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, starly: { num: 396, name: "Starly", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 55, def: 30, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", H: "Reckless" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2, color: "Brown", evos: ["Staravia"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, staravia: { num: 397, name: "Staravia", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 75, def: 50, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", H: "Reckless" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 15.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Starly", evoLevel: 14, evos: ["Staraptor"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, staraptor: { num: 398, name: "Staraptor", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 120, def: 70, spa: 50, spd: 60, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", H: "Reckless" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 24.9, color: "Brown", prevo: "Staravia", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, bidoof: { num: 399, name: "Bidoof", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 59, atk: 45, def: 40, spa: 35, spd: 40, spe: 31 }, abilities: { 0: "Simple", 1: "Unaware", H: "Moody" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 20, color: "Brown", evos: ["Bibarel"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, bibarel: { num: 400, name: "Bibarel", types: ["Normal", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 79, atk: 85, def: 60, spa: 55, spd: 60, spe: 71 }, abilities: { 0: "Simple", 1: "Unaware", H: "Moody" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 31.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Bidoof", evoLevel: 15, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, kricketot: { num: 401, name: "Kricketot", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 37, atk: 25, def: 41, spa: 25, spd: 41, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin", H: "Run Away" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2.2, color: "Red", evos: ["Kricketune"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, kricketune: { num: 402, name: "Kricketune", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 77, atk: 85, def: 51, spa: 55, spd: 51, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 25.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Kricketot", evoLevel: 10, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, shinx: { num: 403, name: "Shinx", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 65, def: 34, spa: 40, spd: 34, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Rivalry", 1: "Intimidate", H: "Guts" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 9.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Luxio"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, luxio: { num: 404, name: "Luxio", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 85, def: 49, spa: 60, spd: 49, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Rivalry", 1: "Intimidate", H: "Guts" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 30.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Shinx", evoLevel: 15, evos: ["Luxray"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, luxray: { num: 405, name: "Luxray", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 79, spa: 95, spd: 79, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Rivalry", 1: "Intimidate", H: "Guts" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 42, color: "Blue", prevo: "Luxio", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, budew: { num: 406, name: "Budew", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 30, def: 35, spa: 50, spd: 70, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure", 1: "Poison Point", H: "Leaf Guard" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 1.2, color: "Green", evos: ["Roselia"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, roserade: { num: 407, name: "Roserade", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 70, def: 65, spa: 125, spd: 105, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure", 1: "Poison Point", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 14.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Roselia", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Shiny Stone", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Grass"], }, cranidos: { num: 408, name: "Cranidos", types: ["Rock"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 67, atk: 125, def: 40, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 58 }, abilities: { 0: "Mold Breaker", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 31.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Rampardos"], eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, rampardos: { num: 409, name: "Rampardos", types: ["Rock"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 97, atk: 165, def: 60, spa: 65, spd: 50, spe: 58 }, abilities: { 0: "Mold Breaker", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 102.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Cranidos", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, shieldon: { num: 410, name: "Shieldon", types: ["Rock", "Steel"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 42, def: 118, spa: 42, spd: 88, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", H: "Soundproof" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 57, color: "Gray", evos: ["Bastiodon"], eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, bastiodon: { num: 411, name: "Bastiodon", types: ["Rock", "Steel"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 52, def: 168, spa: 47, spd: 138, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", H: "Soundproof" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 149.5, color: "Gray", prevo: "Shieldon", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, burmy: { num: 412, name: "Burmy", baseForme: "Plant", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 29, def: 45, spa: 29, spd: 45, spe: 36 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 3.4, color: "Green", evos: ["Wormadam", "Wormadam-Sandy", "Wormadam-Trash", "Mothim"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], cosmeticFormes: ["Burmy-Sandy", "Burmy-Trash"], formeOrder: ["Burmy", "Burmy-Sandy", "Burmy-Trash"], }, wormadam: { num: 413, name: "Wormadam", baseForme: "Plant", types: ["Bug", "Grass"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 59, def: 85, spa: 79, spd: 105, spe: 36 }, abilities: { 0: "Anticipation", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 6.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Burmy", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Bug"], otherFormes: ["Wormadam-Sandy", "Wormadam-Trash"], formeOrder: ["Wormadam", "Wormadam-Sandy", "Wormadam-Trash"], }, wormadamsandy: { num: 413, name: "Wormadam-Sandy", baseSpecies: "Wormadam", forme: "Sandy", types: ["Bug", "Ground"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 79, def: 105, spa: 59, spd: 85, spe: 36 }, abilities: { 0: "Anticipation", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 6.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Burmy", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, wormadamtrash: { num: 413, name: "Wormadam-Trash", baseSpecies: "Wormadam", forme: "Trash", types: ["Bug", "Steel"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 69, def: 95, spa: 69, spd: 95, spe: 36 }, abilities: { 0: "Anticipation", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 6.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Burmy", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, mothim: { num: 414, name: "Mothim", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 94, def: 50, spa: 94, spd: 50, spe: 66 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", H: "Tinted Lens" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 23.3, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Burmy", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, combee: { num: 415, name: "Combee", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 30, def: 42, spa: 30, spd: 42, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Honey Gather", H: "Hustle" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 5.5, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Vespiquen"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, vespiquen: { num: 416, name: "Vespiquen", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 80, def: 102, spa: 80, spd: 102, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 38.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Combee", evoLevel: 21, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, pachirisu: { num: 417, name: "Pachirisu", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 45, def: 70, spa: 45, spd: 90, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Pickup", H: "Volt Absorb" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 3.9, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], }, buizel: { num: 418, name: "Buizel", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 65, def: 35, spa: 60, spd: 30, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", H: "Water Veil" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 29.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Floatzel"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, floatzel: { num: 419, name: "Floatzel", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 105, def: 55, spa: 85, spd: 50, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", H: "Water Veil" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 33.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Buizel", evoLevel: 26, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, cherubi: { num: 420, name: "Cherubi", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 35, def: 45, spa: 62, spd: 53, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 3.3, color: "Pink", evos: ["Cherrim"], eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Grass"], }, cherrim: { num: 421, name: "Cherrim", baseForme: "Overcast", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 60, def: 70, spa: 87, spd: 78, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Flower Gift" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 9.3, color: "Purple", prevo: "Cherubi", evoLevel: 25, eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Grass"], otherFormes: ["Cherrim-Sunshine"], formeOrder: ["Cherrim", "Cherrim-Sunshine"], }, cherrimsunshine: { num: 421, name: "Cherrim-Sunshine", baseSpecies: "Cherrim", forme: "Sunshine", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 60, def: 70, spa: 87, spd: 78, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Flower Gift" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 9.3, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Grass"], requiredAbility: "Flower Gift", battleOnly: "Cherrim", }, shellos: { num: 422, name: "Shellos", baseForme: "West", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 76, atk: 48, def: 48, spa: 57, spd: 62, spe: 34 }, abilities: { 0: "Sticky Hold", 1: "Storm Drain", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 6.3, color: "Purple", evos: ["Gastrodon"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Amorphous"], cosmeticFormes: ["Shellos-East"], formeOrder: ["Shellos", "Shellos-East"], }, gastrodon: { num: 423, name: "Gastrodon", baseForme: "West", types: ["Water", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 111, atk: 83, def: 68, spa: 92, spd: 82, spe: 39 }, abilities: { 0: "Sticky Hold", 1: "Storm Drain", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 29.9, color: "Purple", prevo: "Shellos", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Amorphous"], cosmeticFormes: ["Gastrodon-East"], formeOrder: ["Gastrodon", "Gastrodon-East"], }, ambipom: { num: 424, name: "Ambipom", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 100, def: 66, spa: 60, spd: 66, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Technician", 1: "Pickup", H: "Skill Link" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 20.3, color: "Purple", prevo: "Aipom", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Double Hit", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, drifloon: { num: 425, name: "Drifloon", types: ["Ghost", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 50, def: 34, spa: 60, spd: 44, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Aftermath", 1: "Unburden", H: "Flare Boost" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 1.2, color: "Purple", evos: ["Drifblim"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, drifblim: { num: 426, name: "Drifblim", types: ["Ghost", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 150, atk: 80, def: 44, spa: 90, spd: 54, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Aftermath", 1: "Unburden", H: "Flare Boost" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 15, color: "Purple", prevo: "Drifloon", evoLevel: 28, eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, buneary: { num: 427, name: "Buneary", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 66, def: 44, spa: 44, spd: 56, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Klutz", H: "Limber" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 5.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Lopunny"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], }, lopunny: { num: 428, name: "Lopunny", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 76, def: 84, spa: 54, spd: 96, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", 1: "Klutz", H: "Limber" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 33.3, color: "Brown", prevo: "Buneary", evoType: "levelFriendship", eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], otherFormes: ["Lopunny-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Lopunny", "Lopunny-Mega"], }, lopunnymega: { num: 428, name: "Lopunny-Mega", baseSpecies: "Lopunny", forme: "Mega", types: ["Normal", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 136, def: 94, spa: 54, spd: 96, spe: 135 }, abilities: { 0: "Scrappy" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 28.3, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], requiredItem: "Lopunnite", }, mismagius: { num: 429, name: "Mismagius", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 60, def: 60, spa: 105, spd: 105, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 4.4, color: "Purple", prevo: "Misdreavus", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Dusk Stone", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, honchkrow: { num: 430, name: "Honchkrow", types: ["Dark", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 125, def: 52, spa: 105, spd: 52, spe: 71 }, abilities: { 0: "Insomnia", 1: "Super Luck", H: "Moxie" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 27.3, color: "Black", prevo: "Murkrow", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Dusk Stone", eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, glameow: { num: 431, name: "Glameow", types: ["Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 49, atk: 55, def: 42, spa: 42, spd: 37, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Limber", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Keen Eye" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 3.9, color: "Gray", evos: ["Purugly"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, purugly: { num: 432, name: "Purugly", types: ["Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 71, atk: 82, def: 64, spa: 64, spd: 59, spe: 112 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Defiant" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 43.8, color: "Gray", prevo: "Glameow", evoLevel: 38, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, chingling: { num: 433, name: "Chingling", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 30, def: 50, spa: 65, spd: 50, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.6, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Chimecho"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, stunky: { num: 434, name: "Stunky", types: ["Poison", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 63, atk: 63, def: 47, spa: 41, spd: 41, spe: 74 }, abilities: { 0: "Stench", 1: "Aftermath", H: "Keen Eye" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 19.2, color: "Purple", evos: ["Skuntank"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, skuntank: { num: 435, name: "Skuntank", types: ["Poison", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 103, atk: 93, def: 67, spa: 71, spd: 61, spe: 84 }, abilities: { 0: "Stench", 1: "Aftermath", H: "Keen Eye" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 38, color: "Purple", prevo: "Stunky", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, bronzor: { num: 436, name: "Bronzor", types: ["Steel", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 57, atk: 24, def: 86, spa: 24, spd: 86, spe: 23 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate", 1: "Heatproof", H: "Heavy Metal" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 60.5, color: "Green", evos: ["Bronzong"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, bronzong: { num: 437, name: "Bronzong", types: ["Steel", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 67, atk: 89, def: 116, spa: 79, spd: 116, spe: 33 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate", 1: "Heatproof", H: "Heavy Metal" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 187, color: "Green", prevo: "Bronzor", evoLevel: 33, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, bonsly: { num: 438, name: "Bonsly", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 80, def: 95, spa: 10, spd: 45, spe: 10 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Rock Head", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 15, color: "Brown", evos: ["Sudowoodo"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, mimejr: { num: 439, name: "Mime Jr.", types: ["Psychic", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 20, atk: 25, def: 45, spa: 70, spd: 90, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Soundproof", 1: "Filter", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 13, color: "Pink", evos: ["Mr. Mime", "Mr. Mime-Galar"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, happiny: { num: 440, name: "Happiny", types: ["Normal"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 5, def: 5, spa: 15, spd: 65, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure", 1: "Serene Grace", H: "Friend Guard" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 24.4, color: "Pink", evos: ["Chansey"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, chatot: { num: 441, name: "Chatot", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 76, atk: 65, def: 45, spa: 92, spd: 42, spe: 91 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Tangled Feet", H: "Big Pecks" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 1.9, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, spiritomb: { num: 442, name: "Spiritomb", types: ["Ghost", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 92, def: 108, spa: 92, spd: 108, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 108, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, gible: { num: 443, name: "Gible", types: ["Dragon", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 58, atk: 70, def: 45, spa: 40, spd: 45, spe: 42 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Veil", H: "Rough Skin" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 20.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Gabite"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, gabite: { num: 444, name: "Gabite", types: ["Dragon", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 90, def: 65, spa: 50, spd: 55, spe: 82 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Veil", H: "Rough Skin" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 56, color: "Blue", prevo: "Gible", evoLevel: 24, evos: ["Garchomp"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, garchomp: { num: 445, name: "Garchomp", types: ["Dragon", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 108, atk: 130, def: 95, spa: 80, spd: 85, spe: 102 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Veil", H: "Rough Skin" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 95, color: "Blue", prevo: "Gabite", evoLevel: 48, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], otherFormes: ["Garchomp-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Garchomp", "Garchomp-Mega"], }, garchompmega: { num: 445, name: "Garchomp-Mega", baseSpecies: "Garchomp", forme: "Mega", types: ["Dragon", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 108, atk: 170, def: 115, spa: 120, spd: 95, spe: 92 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 95, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], requiredItem: "Garchompite", }, munchlax: { num: 446, name: "Munchlax", types: ["Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 135, atk: 85, def: 40, spa: 40, spd: 85, spe: 5 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Thick Fat", H: "Gluttony" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 105, color: "Black", evos: ["Snorlax"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, riolu: { num: 447, name: "Riolu", types: ["Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 70, def: 40, spa: 35, spd: 40, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Steadfast", 1: "Inner Focus", H: "Prankster" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 20.2, color: "Blue", evos: ["Lucario"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, lucario: { num: 448, name: "Lucario", types: ["Fighting", "Steel"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 110, def: 70, spa: 115, spd: 70, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Steadfast", 1: "Inner Focus", H: "Justified" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 54, color: "Blue", prevo: "Riolu", evoType: "levelFriendship", evoCondition: "during the day", eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], otherFormes: ["Lucario-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Lucario", "Lucario-Mega"], }, lucariomega: { num: 448, name: "Lucario-Mega", baseSpecies: "Lucario", forme: "Mega", types: ["Fighting", "Steel"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 145, def: 88, spa: 140, spd: 70, spe: 112 }, abilities: { 0: "Adaptability" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 57.5, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], requiredItem: "Lucarionite", }, hippopotas: { num: 449, name: "Hippopotas", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 72, def: 78, spa: 38, spd: 42, spe: 32 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Stream", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 49.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Hippowdon"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, hippowdon: { num: 450, name: "Hippowdon", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 108, atk: 112, def: 118, spa: 68, spd: 72, spe: 47 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Stream", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 300, color: "Brown", prevo: "Hippopotas", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, skorupi: { num: 451, name: "Skorupi", types: ["Poison", "Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 50, def: 90, spa: 30, spd: 55, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Battle Armor", 1: "Sniper", H: "Keen Eye" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 12, color: "Purple", evos: ["Drapion"], eggGroups: ["Bug", "Water 3"], }, drapion: { num: 452, name: "Drapion", types: ["Poison", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 90, def: 110, spa: 60, spd: 75, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Battle Armor", 1: "Sniper", H: "Keen Eye" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 61.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Skorupi", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Bug", "Water 3"], }, croagunk: { num: 453, name: "Croagunk", types: ["Poison", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 48, atk: 61, def: 40, spa: 61, spd: 40, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Anticipation", 1: "Dry Skin", H: "Poison Touch" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 23, color: "Blue", evos: ["Toxicroak"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, toxicroak: { num: 454, name: "Toxicroak", types: ["Poison", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 83, atk: 106, def: 65, spa: 86, spd: 65, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Anticipation", 1: "Dry Skin", H: "Poison Touch" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 44.4, color: "Blue", prevo: "Croagunk", evoLevel: 37, eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, carnivine: { num: 455, name: "Carnivine", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 74, atk: 100, def: 72, spa: 90, spd: 72, spe: 46 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 27, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, finneon: { num: 456, name: "Finneon", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 49, atk: 49, def: 56, spa: 49, spd: 61, spe: 66 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Storm Drain", H: "Water Veil" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 7, color: "Blue", evos: ["Lumineon"], eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, lumineon: { num: 457, name: "Lumineon", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 69, atk: 69, def: 76, spa: 69, spd: 86, spe: 91 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Storm Drain", H: "Water Veil" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 24, color: "Blue", prevo: "Finneon", evoLevel: 31, eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, mantyke: { num: 458, name: "Mantyke", types: ["Water", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 20, def: 50, spa: 60, spd: 120, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Water Absorb", H: "Water Veil" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 65, color: "Blue", evos: ["Mantine"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, snover: { num: 459, name: "Snover", types: ["Grass", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 62, def: 50, spa: 62, spd: 60, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Snow Warning", H: "Soundproof" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 50.5, color: "White", evos: ["Abomasnow"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], }, abomasnow: { num: 460, name: "Abomasnow", types: ["Grass", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 92, def: 75, spa: 92, spd: 85, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Snow Warning", H: "Soundproof" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 135.5, color: "White", prevo: "Snover", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], otherFormes: ["Abomasnow-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Abomasnow", "Abomasnow-Mega"], }, abomasnowmega: { num: 460, name: "Abomasnow-Mega", baseSpecies: "Abomasnow", forme: "Mega", types: ["Grass", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 132, def: 105, spa: 132, spd: 105, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Snow Warning" }, heightm: 2.7, weightkg: 185, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Grass"], requiredItem: "Abomasite", }, weavile: { num: 461, name: "Weavile", types: ["Dark", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 120, def: 65, spa: 45, spd: 85, spe: 125 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 34, color: "Black", prevo: "Sneasel", evoType: "levelHold", evoItem: "Razor Claw", evoCondition: "at night", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, magnezone: { num: 462, name: "Magnezone", types: ["Electric", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 70, def: 115, spa: 130, spd: 90, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Magnet Pull", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Analytic" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 180, color: "Gray", prevo: "Magneton", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Thunder Stone", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, lickilicky: { num: 463, name: "Lickilicky", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 85, def: 95, spa: 80, spd: 95, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo", 1: "Oblivious", H: "Cloud Nine" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 140, color: "Pink", prevo: "Lickitung", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Rollout", eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, rhyperior: { num: 464, name: "Rhyperior", types: ["Ground", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 115, atk: 140, def: 130, spa: 55, spd: 55, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod", 1: "Solid Rock", H: "Reckless" }, heightm: 2.4, weightkg: 282.8, color: "Gray", prevo: "Rhydon", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Protector", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Field"], }, tangrowth: { num: 465, name: "Tangrowth", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 125, spa: 110, spd: 50, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Leaf Guard", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 128.6, color: "Blue", prevo: "Tangela", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Ancient Power", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, electivire: { num: 466, name: "Electivire", types: ["Electric"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 123, def: 67, spa: 95, spd: 85, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Motor Drive", H: "Vital Spirit" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 138.6, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Electabuzz", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Electirizer", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, magmortar: { num: 467, name: "Magmortar", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 95, def: 67, spa: 125, spd: 95, spe: 83 }, abilities: { 0: "Flame Body", H: "Vital Spirit" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 68, color: "Red", prevo: "Magmar", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Magmarizer", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, togekiss: { num: 468, name: "Togekiss", types: ["Fairy", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 50, def: 95, spa: 120, spd: 115, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Hustle", 1: "Serene Grace", H: "Super Luck" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 38, color: "White", prevo: "Togetic", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Shiny Stone", eggGroups: ["Flying", "Fairy"], }, yanmega: { num: 469, name: "Yanmega", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 86, atk: 76, def: 86, spa: 116, spd: 56, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Speed Boost", 1: "Tinted Lens", H: "Frisk" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 51.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Yanma", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Ancient Power", eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, leafeon: { num: 470, name: "Leafeon", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 110, def: 130, spa: 60, spd: 65, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Leaf Guard", H: "Chlorophyll" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 25.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Eevee", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Leaf Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, glaceon: { num: 471, name: "Glaceon", types: ["Ice"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 60, def: 110, spa: 130, spd: 95, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Snow Cloak", H: "Ice Body" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 25.9, color: "Blue", prevo: "Eevee", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Ice Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, gliscor: { num: 472, name: "Gliscor", types: ["Ground", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 95, def: 125, spa: 45, spd: 75, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Hyper Cutter", 1: "Sand Veil", H: "Poison Heal" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 42.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Gligar", evoType: "levelHold", evoItem: "Razor Fang", evoCondition: "at night", eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, mamoswine: { num: 473, name: "Mamoswine", types: ["Ice", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 130, def: 80, spa: 70, spd: 60, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Snow Cloak", H: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 291, color: "Brown", prevo: "Piloswine", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Ancient Power", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, porygonz: { num: 474, name: "Porygon-Z", types: ["Normal"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 80, def: 70, spa: 135, spd: 75, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Adaptability", 1: "Download", H: "Analytic" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 34, color: "Red", prevo: "Porygon2", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Dubious Disc", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, gallade: { num: 475, name: "Gallade", types: ["Psychic", "Fighting"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 125, def: 65, spa: 65, spd: 115, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Steadfast", 1: "Sharpness", H: "Justified" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 52, color: "White", prevo: "Kirlia", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Dawn Stone", eggGroups: ["Human-Like", "Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Gallade-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Gallade", "Gallade-Mega"], }, gallademega: { num: 475, name: "Gallade-Mega", baseSpecies: "Gallade", forme: "Mega", types: ["Psychic", "Fighting"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 165, def: 95, spa: 65, spd: 115, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 56.4, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], requiredItem: "Galladite", }, probopass: { num: 476, name: "Probopass", types: ["Rock", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 55, def: 145, spa: 75, spd: 150, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Magnet Pull", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 340, color: "Gray", prevo: "Nosepass", evoType: "levelExtra", evoCondition: "near a special magnetic field", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, dusknoir: { num: 477, name: "Dusknoir", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 100, def: 135, spa: 65, spd: 135, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Frisk" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 106.6, color: "Black", prevo: "Dusclops", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Reaper Cloth", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, froslass: { num: 478, name: "Froslass", types: ["Ice", "Ghost"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 80, def: 70, spa: 80, spd: 70, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Snow Cloak", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 26.6, color: "White", prevo: "Snorunt", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Dawn Stone", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Mineral"], }, rotom: { num: 479, name: "Rotom", types: ["Electric", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 50, def: 77, spa: 95, spd: 77, spe: 91 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Rotom-Heat", "Rotom-Wash", "Rotom-Frost", "Rotom-Fan", "Rotom-Mow"], formeOrder: ["Rotom", "Rotom-Heat", "Rotom-Wash", "Rotom-Frost", "Rotom-Fan", "Rotom-Mow"], }, rotomheat: { num: 479, name: "Rotom-Heat", baseSpecies: "Rotom", forme: "Heat", types: ["Electric", "Fire"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 107, spa: 105, spd: 107, spe: 86 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], changesFrom: "Rotom", }, rotomwash: { num: 479, name: "Rotom-Wash", baseSpecies: "Rotom", forme: "Wash", types: ["Electric", "Water"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 107, spa: 105, spd: 107, spe: 86 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], changesFrom: "Rotom", }, rotomfrost: { num: 479, name: "Rotom-Frost", baseSpecies: "Rotom", forme: "Frost", types: ["Electric", "Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 107, spa: 105, spd: 107, spe: 86 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], changesFrom: "Rotom", }, rotomfan: { num: 479, name: "Rotom-Fan", baseSpecies: "Rotom", forme: "Fan", types: ["Electric", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 107, spa: 105, spd: 107, spe: 86 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], changesFrom: "Rotom", }, rotommow: { num: 479, name: "Rotom-Mow", baseSpecies: "Rotom", forme: "Mow", types: ["Electric", "Grass"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 107, spa: 105, spd: 107, spe: 86 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], changesFrom: "Rotom", }, uxie: { num: 480, name: "Uxie", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 75, def: 130, spa: 75, spd: 130, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Yellow", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, mesprit: { num: 481, name: "Mesprit", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 105, def: 105, spa: 105, spd: 105, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Pink", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, azelf: { num: 482, name: "Azelf", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 125, def: 70, spa: 125, spd: 70, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Blue", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, dialga: { num: 483, name: "Dialga", types: ["Steel", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 150, spd: 100, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 5.4, weightkg: 683, tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Dialga-Origin"], formeOrder: ["Dialga", "Dialga-Origin"], }, dialgaorigin: { num: 483, name: "Dialga-Origin", baseSpecies: "Dialga", forme: "Origin", types: ["Steel", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 120, spa: 150, spd: 120, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 7, weightkg: 850, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Adamant Crystal", changesFrom: "Dialga", gen: 8, }, palkia: { num: 484, name: "Palkia", types: ["Water", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 120, def: 100, spa: 150, spd: 120, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 4.2, weightkg: 336, color: "Purple", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Palkia-Origin"], formeOrder: ["Palkia", "Palkia-Origin"], }, palkiaorigin: { num: 484, name: "Palkia-Origin", baseSpecies: "Palkia", forme: "Origin", types: ["Water", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 150, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 6.3, weightkg: 660, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Lustrous Globe", changesFrom: "Palkia", gen: 8, }, heatran: { num: 485, name: "Heatran", types: ["Fire", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 91, atk: 90, def: 106, spa: 130, spd: 106, spe: 77 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", H: "Flame Body" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 430, color: "Brown", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, regigigas: { num: 486, name: "Regigigas", types: ["Normal"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 160, def: 110, spa: 80, spd: 110, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Slow Start" }, heightm: 3.7, weightkg: 420, color: "White", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, giratina: { num: 487, name: "Giratina", baseForme: "Altered", types: ["Ghost", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 150, atk: 100, def: 120, spa: 100, spd: 120, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 4.5, weightkg: 750, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], otherFormes: ["Giratina-Origin"], formeOrder: ["Giratina", "Giratina-Origin"], }, giratinaorigin: { num: 487, name: "Giratina-Origin", baseSpecies: "Giratina", forme: "Origin", types: ["Ghost", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 150, atk: 120, def: 100, spa: 120, spd: 100, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 6.9, weightkg: 650, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Griseous Core", changesFrom: "Giratina", }, cresselia: { num: 488, name: "Cresselia", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 70, def: 110, spa: 75, spd: 120, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 85.6, color: "Yellow", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, phione: { num: 489, name: "Phione", types: ["Water"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 80, def: 80, spa: 80, spd: 80, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Hydration" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 3.1, color: "Blue", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Fairy"], }, manaphy: { num: 490, name: "Manaphy", types: ["Water"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Hydration" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1.4, color: "Blue", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Fairy"], }, darkrai: { num: 491, name: "Darkrai", types: ["Dark"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 90, def: 90, spa: 135, spd: 90, spe: 125 }, abilities: { 0: "Bad Dreams" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 50.5, color: "Black", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, shaymin: { num: 492, name: "Shaymin", baseForme: "Land", types: ["Grass"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 2.1, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Mythical"], otherFormes: ["Shaymin-Sky"], formeOrder: ["Shaymin", "Shaymin-Sky"], }, shayminsky: { num: 492, name: "Shaymin-Sky", baseSpecies: "Shaymin", forme: "Sky", types: ["Grass", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 103, def: 75, spa: 120, spd: 75, spe: 127 }, abilities: { 0: "Serene Grace" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 5.2, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Shaymin", }, arceus: { num: 493, name: "Arceus", baseForme: "Normal", types: ["Normal"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Arceus-Bug", "Arceus-Dark", "Arceus-Dragon", "Arceus-Electric", "Arceus-Fairy", "Arceus-Fighting", "Arceus-Fire", "Arceus-Flying", "Arceus-Ghost", "Arceus-Grass", "Arceus-Ground", "Arceus-Ice", "Arceus-Poison", "Arceus-Psychic", "Arceus-Rock", "Arceus-Steel", "Arceus-Water"], formeOrder: [ "Arceus", "Arceus-Fighting", "Arceus-Flying", "Arceus-Poison", "Arceus-Ground", "Arceus-Rock", "Arceus-Bug", "Arceus-Ghost", "Arceus-Steel", "Arceus-Fire", "Arceus-Water", "Arceus-Grass", "Arceus-Electric", "Arceus-Psychic", "Arceus-Ice", "Arceus-Dragon", "Arceus-Dark", "Arceus-Fairy", ], }, arceusbug: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Bug", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Bug", types: ["Bug"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Insect Plate", "Buginium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceusdark: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Dark", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Dark", types: ["Dark"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Dread Plate", "Darkinium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceusdragon: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Dragon", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Dragon", types: ["Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Draco Plate", "Dragonium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceuselectric: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Electric", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Electric", types: ["Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Zap Plate", "Electrium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceusfairy: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Fairy", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Fairy", types: ["Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Pixie Plate", "Fairium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", gen: 6, }, arceusfighting: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Fighting", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Fighting", types: ["Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Fist Plate", "Fightinium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceusfire: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Fire", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Fire", types: ["Fire"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Flame Plate", "Firium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceusflying: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Flying", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Flying", types: ["Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Sky Plate", "Flyinium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceusghost: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Ghost", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Ghost", types: ["Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Spooky Plate", "Ghostium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceusgrass: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Grass", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Grass", types: ["Grass"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Meadow Plate", "Grassium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceusground: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Ground", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Ground", types: ["Ground"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Earth Plate", "Groundium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceusice: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Ice", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Ice", types: ["Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Icicle Plate", "Icium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceuspoison: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Poison", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Poison", types: ["Poison"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Toxic Plate", "Poisonium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceuspsychic: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Psychic", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Psychic", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Mind Plate", "Psychium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceusrock: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Rock", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Rock", types: ["Rock"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Stone Plate", "Rockium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceussteel: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Steel", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Steel", types: ["Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Iron Plate", "Steelium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, arceuswater: { num: 493, name: "Arceus-Water", baseSpecies: "Arceus", forme: "Water", types: ["Water"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 120, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 120, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Multitype" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 320, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItems: ["Splash Plate", "Waterium Z"], changesFrom: "Arceus", }, victini: { num: 494, name: "Victini", types: ["Psychic", "Fire"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Victory Star" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4, color: "Yellow", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, snivy: { num: 495, name: "Snivy", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 45, def: 55, spa: 45, spd: 55, spe: 63 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Contrary" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 8.1, color: "Green", evos: ["Servine"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], }, servine: { num: 496, name: "Servine", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 60, def: 75, spa: 60, spd: 75, spe: 83 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Contrary" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 16, color: "Green", prevo: "Snivy", evoLevel: 17, evos: ["Serperior"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], }, serperior: { num: 497, name: "Serperior", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 75, def: 95, spa: 75, spd: 95, spe: 113 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Contrary" }, heightm: 3.3, weightkg: 63, color: "Green", prevo: "Servine", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], }, tepig: { num: 498, name: "Tepig", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 63, def: 45, spa: 45, spd: 45, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 9.9, color: "Red", evos: ["Pignite"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, pignite: { num: 499, name: "Pignite", types: ["Fire", "Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 93, def: 55, spa: 70, spd: 55, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 55.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Tepig", evoLevel: 17, evos: ["Emboar"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, emboar: { num: 500, name: "Emboar", types: ["Fire", "Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 123, def: 65, spa: 100, spd: 65, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Reckless" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 150, color: "Red", prevo: "Pignite", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, oshawott: { num: 501, name: "Oshawott", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 55, def: 45, spa: 63, spd: 45, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Shell Armor" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 5.9, color: "Blue", evos: ["Dewott"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, dewott: { num: 502, name: "Dewott", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 75, def: 60, spa: 83, spd: 60, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Shell Armor" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 24.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Oshawott", evoLevel: 17, evos: ["Samurott", "Samurott-Hisui"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, samurott: { num: 503, name: "Samurott", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 100, def: 85, spa: 108, spd: 70, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Shell Armor" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 94.6, color: "Blue", prevo: "Dewott", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Samurott-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Samurott", "Samurott-Hisui"], }, samurotthisui: { num: 503, name: "Samurott-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Samurott", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Water", "Dark"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 108, def: 80, spa: 100, spd: 65, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Sharpness" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 58.2, color: "Blue", prevo: "Dewott", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, patrat: { num: 504, name: "Patrat", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 55, def: 39, spa: 35, spd: 39, spe: 42 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Keen Eye", H: "Analytic" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 11.6, color: "Brown", evos: ["Watchog"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, watchog: { num: 505, name: "Watchog", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 85, def: 69, spa: 60, spd: 69, spe: 77 }, abilities: { 0: "Illuminate", 1: "Keen Eye", H: "Analytic" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 27, color: "Brown", prevo: "Patrat", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, lillipup: { num: 506, name: "Lillipup", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 60, def: 45, spa: 25, spd: 45, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Vital Spirit", 1: "Pickup", H: "Run Away" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4.1, color: "Brown", evos: ["Herdier"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, herdier: { num: 507, name: "Herdier", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 80, def: 65, spa: 35, spd: 65, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Sand Rush", H: "Scrappy" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 14.7, color: "Gray", prevo: "Lillipup", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Stoutland"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, stoutland: { num: 508, name: "Stoutland", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 110, def: 90, spa: 45, spd: 90, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Sand Rush", H: "Scrappy" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 61, color: "Gray", prevo: "Herdier", evoLevel: 32, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, purrloin: { num: 509, name: "Purrloin", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 41, atk: 50, def: 37, spa: 50, spd: 37, spe: 66 }, abilities: { 0: "Limber", 1: "Unburden", H: "Prankster" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 10.1, color: "Purple", evos: ["Liepard"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, liepard: { num: 510, name: "Liepard", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 64, atk: 88, def: 50, spa: 88, spd: 50, spe: 106 }, abilities: { 0: "Limber", 1: "Unburden", H: "Prankster" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 37.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Purrloin", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, pansage: { num: 511, name: "Pansage", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 53, def: 48, spa: 53, spd: 48, spe: 64 }, abilities: { 0: "Gluttony", H: "Overgrow" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 10.5, color: "Green", evos: ["Simisage"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, simisage: { num: 512, name: "Simisage", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 98, def: 63, spa: 98, spd: 63, spe: 101 }, abilities: { 0: "Gluttony", H: "Overgrow" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 30.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Pansage", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Leaf Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, pansear: { num: 513, name: "Pansear", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 53, def: 48, spa: 53, spd: 48, spe: 64 }, abilities: { 0: "Gluttony", H: "Blaze" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 11, color: "Red", evos: ["Simisear"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, simisear: { num: 514, name: "Simisear", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 98, def: 63, spa: 98, spd: 63, spe: 101 }, abilities: { 0: "Gluttony", H: "Blaze" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 28, color: "Red", prevo: "Pansear", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Fire Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, panpour: { num: 515, name: "Panpour", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 53, def: 48, spa: 53, spd: 48, spe: 64 }, abilities: { 0: "Gluttony", H: "Torrent" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 13.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Simipour"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, simipour: { num: 516, name: "Simipour", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 98, def: 63, spa: 98, spd: 63, spe: 101 }, abilities: { 0: "Gluttony", H: "Torrent" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 29, color: "Blue", prevo: "Panpour", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Water Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, munna: { num: 517, name: "Munna", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 76, atk: 25, def: 45, spa: 67, spd: 55, spe: 24 }, abilities: { 0: "Forewarn", 1: "Synchronize", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 23.3, color: "Pink", evos: ["Musharna"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, musharna: { num: 518, name: "Musharna", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 116, atk: 55, def: 85, spa: 107, spd: 95, spe: 29 }, abilities: { 0: "Forewarn", 1: "Synchronize", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 60.5, color: "Pink", prevo: "Munna", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Moon Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, pidove: { num: 519, name: "Pidove", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 55, def: 50, spa: 36, spd: 30, spe: 43 }, abilities: { 0: "Big Pecks", 1: "Super Luck", H: "Rivalry" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2.1, color: "Gray", evos: ["Tranquill"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, tranquill: { num: 520, name: "Tranquill", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 62, atk: 77, def: 62, spa: 50, spd: 42, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Big Pecks", 1: "Super Luck", H: "Rivalry" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 15, color: "Gray", prevo: "Pidove", evoLevel: 21, evos: ["Unfezant"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, unfezant: { num: 521, name: "Unfezant", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 115, def: 80, spa: 65, spd: 55, spe: 93 }, abilities: { 0: "Big Pecks", 1: "Super Luck", H: "Rivalry" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 29, color: "Gray", prevo: "Tranquill", evoLevel: 32, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, blitzle: { num: 522, name: "Blitzle", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 60, def: 32, spa: 50, spd: 32, spe: 76 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod", 1: "Motor Drive", H: "Sap Sipper" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 29.8, color: "Black", evos: ["Zebstrika"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, zebstrika: { num: 523, name: "Zebstrika", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 100, def: 63, spa: 80, spd: 63, spe: 116 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod", 1: "Motor Drive", H: "Sap Sipper" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 79.5, color: "Black", prevo: "Blitzle", evoLevel: 27, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, roggenrola: { num: 524, name: "Roggenrola", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 75, def: 85, spa: 25, spd: 25, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Weak Armor", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 18, color: "Blue", evos: ["Boldore"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, boldore: { num: 525, name: "Boldore", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 105, def: 105, spa: 50, spd: 40, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Weak Armor", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 102, color: "Blue", prevo: "Roggenrola", evoLevel: 25, evos: ["Gigalith"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, gigalith: { num: 526, name: "Gigalith", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 135, def: 130, spa: 60, spd: 80, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Sand Stream", H: "Sand Force" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 260, color: "Blue", prevo: "Boldore", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, woobat: { num: 527, name: "Woobat", types: ["Psychic", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 45, def: 43, spa: 55, spd: 43, spe: 72 }, abilities: { 0: "Unaware", 1: "Klutz", H: "Simple" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 2.1, color: "Blue", evos: ["Swoobat"], eggGroups: ["Flying", "Field"], }, swoobat: { num: 528, name: "Swoobat", types: ["Psychic", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 67, atk: 57, def: 55, spa: 77, spd: 55, spe: 114 }, abilities: { 0: "Unaware", 1: "Klutz", H: "Simple" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 10.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Woobat", evoType: "levelFriendship", eggGroups: ["Flying", "Field"], }, drilbur: { num: 529, name: "Drilbur", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 85, def: 40, spa: 30, spd: 45, spe: 68 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Rush", 1: "Sand Force", H: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 8.5, color: "Gray", evos: ["Excadrill"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, excadrill: { num: 530, name: "Excadrill", types: ["Ground", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 135, def: 60, spa: 50, spd: 65, spe: 88 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Rush", 1: "Sand Force", H: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 40.4, color: "Gray", prevo: "Drilbur", evoLevel: 31, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, audino: { num: 531, name: "Audino", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 103, atk: 60, def: 86, spa: 60, spd: 86, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Healer", 1: "Regenerator", H: "Klutz" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 31, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], otherFormes: ["Audino-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Audino", "Audino-Mega"], }, audinomega: { num: 531, name: "Audino-Mega", baseSpecies: "Audino", forme: "Mega", types: ["Normal", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 103, atk: 60, def: 126, spa: 80, spd: 126, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Healer" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 32, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], requiredItem: "Audinite", }, timburr: { num: 532, name: "Timburr", types: ["Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 80, def: 55, spa: 25, spd: 35, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", 1: "Sheer Force", H: "Iron Fist" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 12.5, color: "Gray", evos: ["Gurdurr"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, gurdurr: { num: 533, name: "Gurdurr", types: ["Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 105, def: 85, spa: 40, spd: 50, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", 1: "Sheer Force", H: "Iron Fist" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 40, color: "Gray", prevo: "Timburr", evoLevel: 25, evos: ["Conkeldurr"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, conkeldurr: { num: 534, name: "Conkeldurr", types: ["Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 140, def: 95, spa: 55, spd: 65, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", 1: "Sheer Force", H: "Iron Fist" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 87, color: "Brown", prevo: "Gurdurr", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, tympole: { num: 535, name: "Tympole", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 50, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 40, spe: 64 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Hydration", H: "Water Absorb" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 4.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Palpitoad"], eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, palpitoad: { num: 536, name: "Palpitoad", types: ["Water", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 65, def: 55, spa: 65, spd: 55, spe: 69 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Hydration", H: "Water Absorb" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 17, color: "Blue", prevo: "Tympole", evoLevel: 25, evos: ["Seismitoad"], eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, seismitoad: { num: 537, name: "Seismitoad", types: ["Water", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 95, def: 75, spa: 85, spd: 75, spe: 74 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Poison Touch", H: "Water Absorb" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 62, color: "Blue", prevo: "Palpitoad", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, throh: { num: 538, name: "Throh", types: ["Fighting"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 100, def: 85, spa: 30, spd: 85, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", 1: "Inner Focus", H: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 55.5, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, sawk: { num: 539, name: "Sawk", types: ["Fighting"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 125, def: 75, spa: 30, spd: 75, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Inner Focus", H: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 51, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, sewaddle: { num: 540, name: "Sewaddle", types: ["Bug", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 53, def: 70, spa: 40, spd: 60, spe: 42 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Chlorophyll", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2.5, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Swadloon"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, swadloon: { num: 541, name: "Swadloon", types: ["Bug", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 63, def: 90, spa: 50, spd: 80, spe: 42 }, abilities: { 0: "Leaf Guard", 1: "Chlorophyll", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 7.3, color: "Green", prevo: "Sewaddle", evoLevel: 20, evos: ["Leavanny"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, leavanny: { num: 542, name: "Leavanny", types: ["Bug", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 103, def: 80, spa: 70, spd: 80, spe: 92 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Chlorophyll", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 20.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Swadloon", evoType: "levelFriendship", eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, venipede: { num: 543, name: "Venipede", types: ["Bug", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 45, def: 59, spa: 30, spd: 39, spe: 57 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Swarm", H: "Speed Boost" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 5.3, color: "Red", evos: ["Whirlipede"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, whirlipede: { num: 544, name: "Whirlipede", types: ["Bug", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 55, def: 99, spa: 40, spd: 79, spe: 47 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Swarm", H: "Speed Boost" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 58.5, color: "Gray", prevo: "Venipede", evoLevel: 22, evos: ["Scolipede"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, scolipede: { num: 545, name: "Scolipede", types: ["Bug", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 100, def: 89, spa: 55, spd: 69, spe: 112 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Swarm", H: "Speed Boost" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 200.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Whirlipede", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, cottonee: { num: 546, name: "Cottonee", types: ["Grass", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 27, def: 60, spa: 37, spd: 50, spe: 66 }, abilities: { 0: "Prankster", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Chlorophyll" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.6, color: "Green", evos: ["Whimsicott"], eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Grass"], }, whimsicott: { num: 547, name: "Whimsicott", types: ["Grass", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 67, def: 85, spa: 77, spd: 75, spe: 116 }, abilities: { 0: "Prankster", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Chlorophyll" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 6.6, color: "Green", prevo: "Cottonee", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Sun Stone", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Grass"], }, petilil: { num: 548, name: "Petilil", types: ["Grass"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 35, def: 50, spa: 70, spd: 50, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Leaf Guard" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 6.6, color: "Green", evos: ["Lilligant", "Lilligant-Hisui"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, lilligant: { num: 549, name: "Lilligant", types: ["Grass"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 60, def: 75, spa: 110, spd: 75, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Leaf Guard" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 16.3, color: "Green", prevo: "Petilil", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Sun Stone", eggGroups: ["Grass"], otherFormes: ["Lilligant-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Lilligant", "Lilligant-Hisui"], }, lilliganthisui: { num: 549, name: "Lilligant-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Lilligant", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Grass", "Fighting"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 105, def: 75, spa: 50, spd: 75, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Hustle", H: "Leaf Guard" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 19.2, color: "Green", prevo: "Petilil", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Sun Stone", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, basculin: { num: 550, name: "Basculin", baseForme: "Red-Striped", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 92, def: 65, spa: 80, spd: 55, spe: 98 }, abilities: { 0: "Reckless", 1: "Adaptability", H: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 18, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], otherFormes: ["Basculin-Blue-Striped", "Basculin-White-Striped"], formeOrder: ["Basculin", "Basculin-Blue-Striped", "Basculin-White-Striped"], }, basculinbluestriped: { num: 550, name: "Basculin-Blue-Striped", baseSpecies: "Basculin", forme: "Blue-Striped", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 92, def: 65, spa: 80, spd: 55, spe: 98 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", 1: "Adaptability", H: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 18, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, basculinwhitestriped: { num: 550, name: "Basculin-White-Striped", baseSpecies: "Basculin", forme: "White-Striped", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 92, def: 65, spa: 80, spd: 55, spe: 98 }, abilities: { 0: "Rattled", 1: "Adaptability", H: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 18, color: "Green", evos: ["Basculegion", "Basculegion-F"], eggGroups: ["Water 2"], gen: 8, }, sandile: { num: 551, name: "Sandile", types: ["Ground", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 72, def: 35, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Moxie", H: "Anger Point" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 15.2, color: "Brown", evos: ["Krokorok"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, krokorok: { num: 552, name: "Krokorok", types: ["Ground", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 82, def: 45, spa: 45, spd: 45, spe: 74 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Moxie", H: "Anger Point" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 33.4, color: "Brown", prevo: "Sandile", evoLevel: 29, evos: ["Krookodile"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, krookodile: { num: 553, name: "Krookodile", types: ["Ground", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 117, def: 80, spa: 65, spd: 70, spe: 92 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Moxie", H: "Anger Point" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 96.3, color: "Red", prevo: "Krokorok", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, darumaka: { num: 554, name: "Darumaka", types: ["Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 90, def: 45, spa: 15, spd: 45, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Hustle", H: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 37.5, color: "Red", evos: ["Darmanitan"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Darumaka-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Darumaka", "Darumaka-Galar"], }, darumakagalar: { num: 554, name: "Darumaka-Galar", baseSpecies: "Darumaka", forme: "Galar", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 90, def: 45, spa: 15, spd: 45, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Hustle", H: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 40, color: "White", evos: ["Darmanitan-Galar"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, darmanitan: { num: 555, name: "Darmanitan", baseForme: "Standard", types: ["Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 140, def: 55, spa: 30, spd: 55, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Sheer Force", H: "Zen Mode" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 92.9, color: "Red", prevo: "Darumaka", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Darmanitan-Zen", "Darmanitan-Galar", "Darmanitan-Galar-Zen"], formeOrder: ["Darmanitan", "Darmanitan-Zen", "Darmanitan-Galar", "Darmanitan-Galar-Zen"], }, darmanitanzen: { num: 555, name: "Darmanitan-Zen", baseSpecies: "Darmanitan", forme: "Zen", types: ["Fire", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 30, def: 105, spa: 140, spd: 105, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Zen Mode" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 92.9, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Field"], requiredAbility: "Zen Mode", battleOnly: "Darmanitan", }, darmanitangalar: { num: 555, name: "Darmanitan-Galar", baseSpecies: "Darmanitan", forme: "Galar", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 140, def: 55, spa: 30, spd: 55, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Gorilla Tactics", H: "Zen Mode" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 120, color: "White", prevo: "Darumaka-Galar", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Ice Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, darmanitangalarzen: { num: 555, name: "Darmanitan-Galar-Zen", baseSpecies: "Darmanitan", forme: "Galar-Zen", types: ["Ice", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 160, def: 55, spa: 30, spd: 55, spe: 135 }, abilities: { 0: "Zen Mode" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 120, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Field"], requiredAbility: "Zen Mode", battleOnly: "Darmanitan-Galar", }, maractus: { num: 556, name: "Maractus", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 86, def: 67, spa: 106, spd: 67, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Chlorophyll", H: "Storm Drain" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 28, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, dwebble: { num: 557, name: "Dwebble", types: ["Bug", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 85, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 14.5, color: "Red", evos: ["Crustle"], eggGroups: ["Bug", "Mineral"], }, crustle: { num: 558, name: "Crustle", types: ["Bug", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 105, def: 125, spa: 65, spd: 75, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 200, color: "Red", prevo: "Dwebble", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Bug", "Mineral"], }, scraggy: { num: 559, name: "Scraggy", types: ["Dark", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 75, def: 70, spa: 35, spd: 70, spe: 48 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin", 1: "Moxie", H: "Intimidate" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 11.8, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Scrafty"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Dragon"], }, scrafty: { num: 560, name: "Scrafty", types: ["Dark", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 90, def: 115, spa: 45, spd: 115, spe: 58 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin", 1: "Moxie", H: "Intimidate" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 30, color: "Red", prevo: "Scraggy", evoLevel: 39, eggGroups: ["Field", "Dragon"], }, sigilyph: { num: 561, name: "Sigilyph", types: ["Psychic", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 58, def: 80, spa: 103, spd: 80, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Wonder Skin", 1: "Magic Guard", H: "Tinted Lens" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 14, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, yamask: { num: 562, name: "Yamask", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 38, atk: 30, def: 85, spa: 55, spd: 65, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Mummy" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 1.5, color: "Black", evos: ["Cofagrigus"], eggGroups: ["Mineral", "Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Yamask-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Yamask", "Yamask-Galar"], }, yamaskgalar: { num: 562, name: "Yamask-Galar", baseSpecies: "Yamask", forme: "Galar", types: ["Ground", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 38, atk: 55, def: 85, spa: 30, spd: 65, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Wandering Spirit" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 1.5, color: "Black", evos: ["Runerigus"], eggGroups: ["Mineral", "Amorphous"], }, cofagrigus: { num: 563, name: "Cofagrigus", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 58, atk: 50, def: 145, spa: 95, spd: 105, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Mummy" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 76.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Yamask", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Mineral", "Amorphous"], }, tirtouga: { num: 564, name: "Tirtouga", types: ["Water", "Rock"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 54, atk: 78, def: 103, spa: 53, spd: 45, spe: 22 }, abilities: { 0: "Solid Rock", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 16.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Carracosta"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], }, carracosta: { num: 565, name: "Carracosta", types: ["Water", "Rock"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 74, atk: 108, def: 133, spa: 83, spd: 65, spe: 32 }, abilities: { 0: "Solid Rock", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 81, color: "Blue", prevo: "Tirtouga", evoLevel: 37, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], }, archen: { num: 566, name: "Archen", types: ["Rock", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 112, def: 45, spa: 74, spd: 45, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Defeatist" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 9.5, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Archeops"], eggGroups: ["Flying", "Water 3"], }, archeops: { num: 567, name: "Archeops", types: ["Rock", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 140, def: 65, spa: 112, spd: 65, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Defeatist" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 32, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Archen", evoLevel: 37, eggGroups: ["Flying", "Water 3"], }, trubbish: { num: 568, name: "Trubbish", types: ["Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 50, def: 62, spa: 40, spd: 62, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Stench", 1: "Sticky Hold", H: "Aftermath" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 31, color: "Green", evos: ["Garbodor"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, garbodor: { num: 569, name: "Garbodor", types: ["Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 95, def: 82, spa: 60, spd: 82, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Stench", 1: "Weak Armor", H: "Aftermath" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 107.3, color: "Green", prevo: "Trubbish", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Malodor", }, garbodorgmax: { num: 569, name: "Garbodor-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Garbodor", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 95, def: 82, spa: 60, spd: 82, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Stench", 1: "Weak Armor", H: "Aftermath" }, heightm: 21, weightkg: 0, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], changesFrom: "Garbodor", }, zorua: { num: 570, name: "Zorua", types: ["Dark"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 65, def: 40, spa: 80, spd: 40, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Illusion" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 12.5, color: "Gray", evos: ["Zoroark"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Zorua-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Zorua", "Zorua-Hisui"], }, zoruahisui: { num: 570, name: "Zorua-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Zorua", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Normal", "Ghost"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 60, def: 40, spa: 85, spd: 40, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Illusion" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 12.5, color: "Gray", evos: ["Zoroark-Hisui"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, zoroark: { num: 571, name: "Zoroark", types: ["Dark"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 105, def: 60, spa: 120, spd: 60, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Illusion" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 81.1, color: "Gray", prevo: "Zorua", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Zoroark-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Zoroark", "Zoroark-Hisui"], }, zoroarkhisui: { num: 571, name: "Zoroark-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Zoroark", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Normal", "Ghost"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 100, def: 60, spa: 125, spd: 60, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Illusion" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 73, color: "Gray", prevo: "Zorua-Hisui", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, minccino: { num: 572, name: "Minccino", types: ["Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 50, def: 40, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", 1: "Technician", H: "Skill Link" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 5.8, color: "Gray", evos: ["Cinccino"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, cinccino: { num: 573, name: "Cinccino", types: ["Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 95, def: 60, spa: 65, spd: 60, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", 1: "Technician", H: "Skill Link" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 7.5, color: "Gray", prevo: "Minccino", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Shiny Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, gothita: { num: 574, name: "Gothita", types: ["Psychic"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 30, def: 50, spa: 55, spd: 65, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Frisk", 1: "Competitive", H: "Shadow Tag" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 5.8, color: "Purple", evos: ["Gothorita"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, gothorita: { num: 575, name: "Gothorita", types: ["Psychic"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 45, def: 70, spa: 75, spd: 85, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Frisk", 1: "Competitive", H: "Shadow Tag" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 18, color: "Purple", prevo: "Gothita", evoLevel: 32, evos: ["Gothitelle"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, gothitelle: { num: 576, name: "Gothitelle", types: ["Psychic"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 55, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 110, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Frisk", 1: "Competitive", H: "Shadow Tag" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 44, color: "Purple", prevo: "Gothorita", evoLevel: 41, eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, solosis: { num: 577, name: "Solosis", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 30, def: 40, spa: 105, spd: 50, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Overcoat", 1: "Magic Guard", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1, color: "Green", evos: ["Duosion"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, duosion: { num: 578, name: "Duosion", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 40, def: 50, spa: 125, spd: 60, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Overcoat", 1: "Magic Guard", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 8, color: "Green", prevo: "Solosis", evoLevel: 32, evos: ["Reuniclus"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, reuniclus: { num: 579, name: "Reuniclus", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 65, def: 75, spa: 125, spd: 85, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Overcoat", 1: "Magic Guard", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 20.1, color: "Green", prevo: "Duosion", evoLevel: 41, eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, ducklett: { num: 580, name: "Ducklett", types: ["Water", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 62, atk: 44, def: 50, spa: 44, spd: 50, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Big Pecks", H: "Hydration" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 5.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Swanna"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Flying"], }, swanna: { num: 581, name: "Swanna", types: ["Water", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 87, def: 63, spa: 87, spd: 63, spe: 98 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Big Pecks", H: "Hydration" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 24.2, color: "White", prevo: "Ducklett", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Flying"], }, vanillite: { num: 582, name: "Vanillite", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 36, atk: 50, def: 50, spa: 65, spd: 60, spe: 44 }, abilities: { 0: "Ice Body", 1: "Snow Cloak", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 5.7, color: "White", evos: ["Vanillish"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, vanillish: { num: 583, name: "Vanillish", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 51, atk: 65, def: 65, spa: 80, spd: 75, spe: 59 }, abilities: { 0: "Ice Body", 1: "Snow Cloak", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 41, color: "White", prevo: "Vanillite", evoLevel: 35, evos: ["Vanilluxe"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, vanilluxe: { num: 584, name: "Vanilluxe", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 71, atk: 95, def: 85, spa: 110, spd: 95, spe: 79 }, abilities: { 0: "Ice Body", 1: "Snow Warning", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 57.5, color: "White", prevo: "Vanillish", evoLevel: 47, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, deerling: { num: 585, name: "Deerling", baseForme: "Spring", types: ["Normal", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 60, def: 50, spa: 40, spd: 50, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Sap Sipper", H: "Serene Grace" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 19.5, color: "Pink", evos: ["Sawsbuck"], eggGroups: ["Field"], cosmeticFormes: ["Deerling-Summer", "Deerling-Autumn", "Deerling-Winter"], formeOrder: ["Deerling", "Deerling-Summer", "Deerling-Autumn", "Deerling-Winter"], }, sawsbuck: { num: 586, name: "Sawsbuck", baseForme: "Spring", types: ["Normal", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 100, def: 70, spa: 60, spd: 70, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Sap Sipper", H: "Serene Grace" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 92.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Deerling", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Field"], cosmeticFormes: ["Sawsbuck-Summer", "Sawsbuck-Autumn", "Sawsbuck-Winter"], formeOrder: ["Sawsbuck", "Sawsbuck-Summer", "Sawsbuck-Autumn", "Sawsbuck-Winter"], }, emolga: { num: 587, name: "Emolga", types: ["Electric", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 75, def: 60, spa: 75, spd: 60, spe: 103 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", H: "Motor Drive" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 5, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, karrablast: { num: 588, name: "Karrablast", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 75, def: 45, spa: 40, spd: 45, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Shed Skin", H: "No Guard" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 5.9, color: "Blue", evos: ["Escavalier"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, escavalier: { num: 589, name: "Escavalier", types: ["Bug", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 135, def: 105, spa: 60, spd: 105, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 33, color: "Gray", prevo: "Karrablast", evoType: "trade", evoCondition: "with a Shelmet", eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, foongus: { num: 590, name: "Foongus", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 69, atk: 55, def: 45, spa: 55, spd: 55, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Effect Spore", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 1, color: "White", evos: ["Amoonguss"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, amoonguss: { num: 591, name: "Amoonguss", types: ["Grass", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 114, atk: 85, def: 70, spa: 85, spd: 80, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Effect Spore", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 10.5, color: "White", prevo: "Foongus", evoLevel: 39, eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, frillish: { num: 592, name: "Frillish", types: ["Water", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 40, def: 50, spa: 65, spd: 85, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Cursed Body", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 33, color: "White", evos: ["Jellicent"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, jellicent: { num: 593, name: "Jellicent", types: ["Water", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 60, def: 70, spa: 85, spd: 105, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Cursed Body", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 135, color: "White", prevo: "Frillish", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, alomomola: { num: 594, name: "Alomomola", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 165, atk: 75, def: 80, spa: 40, spd: 45, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Healer", 1: "Hydration", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 31.6, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 2"], }, joltik: { num: 595, name: "Joltik", types: ["Bug", "Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 47, def: 50, spa: 57, spd: 50, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Compound Eyes", 1: "Unnerve", H: "Swarm" }, heightm: 0.1, weightkg: 0.6, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Galvantula"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, galvantula: { num: 596, name: "Galvantula", types: ["Bug", "Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 77, def: 60, spa: 97, spd: 60, spe: 108 }, abilities: { 0: "Compound Eyes", 1: "Unnerve", H: "Swarm" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 14.3, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Joltik", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, ferroseed: { num: 597, name: "Ferroseed", types: ["Grass", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 44, atk: 50, def: 91, spa: 24, spd: 86, spe: 10 }, abilities: { 0: "Iron Barbs" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 18.8, color: "Gray", evos: ["Ferrothorn"], eggGroups: ["Grass", "Mineral"], }, ferrothorn: { num: 598, name: "Ferrothorn", types: ["Grass", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 74, atk: 94, def: 131, spa: 54, spd: 116, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Iron Barbs", H: "Anticipation" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 110, color: "Gray", prevo: "Ferroseed", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Grass", "Mineral"], }, klink: { num: 599, name: "Klink", types: ["Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 55, def: 70, spa: 45, spd: 60, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Plus", 1: "Minus", H: "Clear Body" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 21, color: "Gray", evos: ["Klang"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, klang: { num: 600, name: "Klang", types: ["Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 80, def: 95, spa: 70, spd: 85, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Plus", 1: "Minus", H: "Clear Body" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 51, color: "Gray", prevo: "Klink", evoLevel: 38, evos: ["Klinklang"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, klinklang: { num: 601, name: "Klinklang", types: ["Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 100, def: 115, spa: 70, spd: 85, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Plus", 1: "Minus", H: "Clear Body" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 81, color: "Gray", prevo: "Klang", evoLevel: 49, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, tynamo: { num: 602, name: "Tynamo", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 45, spd: 40, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.3, color: "White", evos: ["Eelektrik"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, eelektrik: { num: 603, name: "Eelektrik", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 85, def: 70, spa: 75, spd: 70, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 22, color: "Blue", prevo: "Tynamo", evoLevel: 39, evos: ["Eelektross"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, eelektross: { num: 604, name: "Eelektross", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 115, def: 80, spa: 105, spd: 80, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 80.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Eelektrik", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Thunder Stone", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, elgyem: { num: 605, name: "Elgyem", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 55, def: 55, spa: 85, spd: 55, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Telepathy", 1: "Synchronize", H: "Analytic" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 9, color: "Blue", evos: ["Beheeyem"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, beheeyem: { num: 606, name: "Beheeyem", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 75, def: 75, spa: 125, spd: 95, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Telepathy", 1: "Synchronize", H: "Analytic" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 34.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Elgyem", evoLevel: 42, eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, litwick: { num: 607, name: "Litwick", types: ["Ghost", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 30, def: 55, spa: 65, spd: 55, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", 1: "Flame Body", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3.1, color: "White", evos: ["Lampent"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, lampent: { num: 608, name: "Lampent", types: ["Ghost", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 40, def: 60, spa: 95, spd: 60, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", 1: "Flame Body", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 13, color: "Black", prevo: "Litwick", evoLevel: 41, evos: ["Chandelure"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, chandelure: { num: 609, name: "Chandelure", types: ["Ghost", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 55, def: 90, spa: 145, spd: 90, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", 1: "Flame Body", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 34.3, color: "Black", prevo: "Lampent", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Dusk Stone", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, axew: { num: 610, name: "Axew", types: ["Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 46, atk: 87, def: 60, spa: 30, spd: 40, spe: 57 }, abilities: { 0: "Rivalry", 1: "Mold Breaker", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 18, color: "Green", evos: ["Fraxure"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, fraxure: { num: 611, name: "Fraxure", types: ["Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 66, atk: 117, def: 70, spa: 40, spd: 50, spe: 67 }, abilities: { 0: "Rivalry", 1: "Mold Breaker", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 36, color: "Green", prevo: "Axew", evoLevel: 38, evos: ["Haxorus"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, haxorus: { num: 612, name: "Haxorus", types: ["Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 76, atk: 147, def: 90, spa: 60, spd: 70, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Rivalry", 1: "Mold Breaker", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 105.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Fraxure", evoLevel: 48, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, cubchoo: { num: 613, name: "Cubchoo", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 70, def: 40, spa: 60, spd: 40, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Snow Cloak", 1: "Slush Rush", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 8.5, color: "White", evos: ["Beartic"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, beartic: { num: 614, name: "Beartic", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 130, def: 80, spa: 70, spd: 80, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Snow Cloak", 1: "Slush Rush", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 2.6, weightkg: 260, color: "White", prevo: "Cubchoo", evoLevel: 37, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, cryogonal: { num: 615, name: "Cryogonal", types: ["Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 50, def: 50, spa: 95, spd: 135, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 148, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, shelmet: { num: 616, name: "Shelmet", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 40, def: 85, spa: 40, spd: 65, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Hydration", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 7.7, color: "Red", evos: ["Accelgor"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, accelgor: { num: 617, name: "Accelgor", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 70, def: 40, spa: 100, spd: 60, spe: 145 }, abilities: { 0: "Hydration", 1: "Sticky Hold", H: "Unburden" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 25.3, color: "Red", prevo: "Shelmet", evoType: "trade", evoCondition: "with a Karrablast", eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, stunfisk: { num: 618, name: "Stunfisk", types: ["Ground", "Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 109, atk: 66, def: 84, spa: 81, spd: 99, spe: 32 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", 1: "Limber", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 11, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Stunfisk-Galar"], formeOrder: ["Stunfisk", "Stunfisk-Galar"], }, stunfiskgalar: { num: 618, name: "Stunfisk-Galar", baseSpecies: "Stunfisk", forme: "Galar", types: ["Ground", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 109, atk: 81, def: 99, spa: 66, spd: 84, spe: 32 }, abilities: { 0: "Mimicry" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 20.5, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Amorphous"], }, mienfoo: { num: 619, name: "Mienfoo", types: ["Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 85, def: 50, spa: 55, spd: 50, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", 1: "Regenerator", H: "Reckless" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 20, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Mienshao"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], }, mienshao: { num: 620, name: "Mienshao", types: ["Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 125, def: 60, spa: 95, spd: 60, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", 1: "Regenerator", H: "Reckless" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 35.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Mienfoo", evoLevel: 50, eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], }, druddigon: { num: 621, name: "Druddigon", types: ["Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 77, atk: 120, def: 90, spa: 60, spd: 90, spe: 48 }, abilities: { 0: "Rough Skin", 1: "Sheer Force", H: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 139, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, golett: { num: 622, name: "Golett", types: ["Ground", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 59, atk: 74, def: 50, spa: 35, spd: 50, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Iron Fist", 1: "Klutz", H: "No Guard" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 92, color: "Green", evos: ["Golurk"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, golurk: { num: 623, name: "Golurk", types: ["Ground", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 89, atk: 124, def: 80, spa: 55, spd: 80, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Iron Fist", 1: "Klutz", H: "No Guard" }, heightm: 2.8, weightkg: 330, color: "Green", prevo: "Golett", evoLevel: 43, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, pawniard: { num: 624, name: "Pawniard", types: ["Dark", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 85, def: 70, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Defiant", 1: "Inner Focus", H: "Pressure" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 10.2, color: "Red", evos: ["Bisharp"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, bisharp: { num: 625, name: "Bisharp", types: ["Dark", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 125, def: 100, spa: 60, spd: 70, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Defiant", 1: "Inner Focus", H: "Pressure" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 70, color: "Red", prevo: "Pawniard", evoLevel: 52, evos: ["Kingambit"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, bouffalant: { num: 626, name: "Bouffalant", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 110, def: 95, spa: 40, spd: 95, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Reckless", 1: "Sap Sipper", H: "Soundproof" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 94.6, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, rufflet: { num: 627, name: "Rufflet", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 83, def: 50, spa: 37, spd: 50, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Sheer Force", H: "Hustle" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 10.5, color: "White", evos: ["Braviary", "Braviary-Hisui"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, braviary: { num: 628, name: "Braviary", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 123, def: 75, spa: 57, spd: 75, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Sheer Force", H: "Defiant" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 41, color: "Red", prevo: "Rufflet", evoLevel: 54, eggGroups: ["Flying"], otherFormes: ["Braviary-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Braviary", "Braviary-Hisui"], }, braviaryhisui: { num: 628, name: "Braviary-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Braviary", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Psychic", "Flying"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 83, def: 70, spa: 112, spd: 70, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Sheer Force", H: "Tinted Lens" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 43.4, color: "White", prevo: "Rufflet", evoLevel: 54, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, vullaby: { num: 629, name: "Vullaby", types: ["Dark", "Flying"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 55, def: 75, spa: 45, spd: 65, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Big Pecks", 1: "Overcoat", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 9, color: "Brown", evos: ["Mandibuzz"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, mandibuzz: { num: 630, name: "Mandibuzz", types: ["Dark", "Flying"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 65, def: 105, spa: 55, spd: 95, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Big Pecks", 1: "Overcoat", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 39.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Vullaby", evoLevel: 54, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, heatmor: { num: 631, name: "Heatmor", types: ["Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 97, def: 66, spa: 105, spd: 66, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Gluttony", 1: "Flash Fire", H: "White Smoke" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 58, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, durant: { num: 632, name: "Durant", types: ["Bug", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 58, atk: 109, def: 112, spa: 48, spd: 48, spe: 109 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Hustle", H: "Truant" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 33, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, deino: { num: 633, name: "Deino", types: ["Dark", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 52, atk: 65, def: 50, spa: 45, spd: 50, spe: 38 }, abilities: { 0: "Hustle" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 17.3, color: "Blue", evos: ["Zweilous"], eggGroups: ["Dragon"], }, zweilous: { num: 634, name: "Zweilous", types: ["Dark", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 85, def: 70, spa: 65, spd: 70, spe: 58 }, abilities: { 0: "Hustle" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 50, color: "Blue", prevo: "Deino", evoLevel: 50, evos: ["Hydreigon"], eggGroups: ["Dragon"], }, hydreigon: { num: 635, name: "Hydreigon", types: ["Dark", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 92, atk: 105, def: 90, spa: 125, spd: 90, spe: 98 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 160, color: "Blue", prevo: "Zweilous", evoLevel: 64, eggGroups: ["Dragon"], }, larvesta: { num: 636, name: "Larvesta", types: ["Bug", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 85, def: 55, spa: 50, spd: 55, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Flame Body", H: "Swarm" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 28.8, color: "White", evos: ["Volcarona"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, volcarona: { num: 637, name: "Volcarona", types: ["Bug", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 60, def: 65, spa: 135, spd: 105, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Flame Body", H: "Swarm" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 46, color: "White", prevo: "Larvesta", evoLevel: 59, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, cobalion: { num: 638, name: "Cobalion", types: ["Steel", "Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 91, atk: 90, def: 129, spa: 90, spd: 72, spe: 108 }, abilities: { 0: "Justified" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 250, color: "Blue", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, terrakion: { num: 639, name: "Terrakion", types: ["Rock", "Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 91, atk: 129, def: 90, spa: 72, spd: 90, spe: 108 }, abilities: { 0: "Justified" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 260, color: "Gray", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, virizion: { num: 640, name: "Virizion", types: ["Grass", "Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 91, atk: 90, def: 72, spa: 90, spd: 129, spe: 108 }, abilities: { 0: "Justified" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 200, color: "Green", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, tornadus: { num: 641, name: "Tornadus", baseForme: "Incarnate", types: ["Flying"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 79, atk: 115, def: 70, spa: 125, spd: 80, spe: 111 }, abilities: { 0: "Prankster", H: "Defiant" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 63, color: "Green", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Tornadus-Therian"], formeOrder: ["Tornadus", "Tornadus-Therian"], }, tornadustherian: { num: 641, name: "Tornadus-Therian", baseSpecies: "Tornadus", forme: "Therian", types: ["Flying"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 79, atk: 100, def: 80, spa: 110, spd: 90, spe: 121 }, abilities: { 0: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 63, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Tornadus", }, thundurus: { num: 642, name: "Thundurus", baseForme: "Incarnate", types: ["Electric", "Flying"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 79, atk: 115, def: 70, spa: 125, spd: 80, spe: 111 }, abilities: { 0: "Prankster", H: "Defiant" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "Blue", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Thundurus-Therian"], formeOrder: ["Thundurus", "Thundurus-Therian"], }, thundurustherian: { num: 642, name: "Thundurus-Therian", baseSpecies: "Thundurus", forme: "Therian", types: ["Electric", "Flying"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 79, atk: 105, def: 70, spa: 145, spd: 80, spe: 101 }, abilities: { 0: "Volt Absorb" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 61, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Thundurus", }, reshiram: { num: 643, name: "Reshiram", types: ["Dragon", "Fire"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 120, def: 100, spa: 150, spd: 120, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Turboblaze" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 330, color: "White", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, zekrom: { num: 644, name: "Zekrom", types: ["Dragon", "Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 150, def: 120, spa: 120, spd: 100, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Teravolt" }, heightm: 2.9, weightkg: 345, color: "Black", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, landorus: { num: 645, name: "Landorus", baseForme: "Incarnate", types: ["Ground", "Flying"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 89, atk: 125, def: 90, spa: 115, spd: 80, spe: 101 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Force", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 68, color: "Brown", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Landorus-Therian"], formeOrder: ["Landorus", "Landorus-Therian"], }, landorustherian: { num: 645, name: "Landorus-Therian", baseSpecies: "Landorus", forme: "Therian", types: ["Ground", "Flying"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 89, atk: 145, def: 90, spa: 105, spd: 80, spe: 91 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 68, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Landorus", }, kyurem: { num: 646, name: "Kyurem", types: ["Dragon", "Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 125, atk: 130, def: 90, spa: 130, spd: 90, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 325, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], otherFormes: ["Kyurem-Black", "Kyurem-White"], formeOrder: ["Kyurem", "Kyurem-White", "Kyurem-Black"], }, kyuremblack: { num: 646, name: "Kyurem-Black", baseSpecies: "Kyurem", forme: "Black", types: ["Dragon", "Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 125, atk: 170, def: 100, spa: 120, spd: 90, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Teravolt" }, heightm: 3.3, weightkg: 325, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Kyurem", }, kyuremwhite: { num: 646, name: "Kyurem-White", baseSpecies: "Kyurem", forme: "White", types: ["Dragon", "Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 125, atk: 120, def: 90, spa: 170, spd: 100, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Turboblaze" }, heightm: 3.6, weightkg: 325, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Kyurem", }, keldeo: { num: 647, name: "Keldeo", baseForme: "Ordinary", types: ["Water", "Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 91, atk: 72, def: 90, spa: 129, spd: 90, spe: 108 }, abilities: { 0: "Justified" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 48.5, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Mythical"], otherFormes: ["Keldeo-Resolute"], formeOrder: ["Keldeo", "Keldeo-Resolute"], }, keldeoresolute: { num: 647, name: "Keldeo-Resolute", baseSpecies: "Keldeo", forme: "Resolute", types: ["Water", "Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 91, atk: 72, def: 90, spa: 129, spd: 90, spe: 108 }, abilities: { 0: "Justified" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 48.5, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredMove: "Secret Sword", changesFrom: "Keldeo", }, meloetta: { num: 648, name: "Meloetta", baseForme: "Aria", types: ["Normal", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 77, def: 77, spa: 128, spd: 128, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Serene Grace" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 6.5, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Mythical"], otherFormes: ["Meloetta-Pirouette"], formeOrder: ["Meloetta", "Meloetta-Pirouette"], }, meloettapirouette: { num: 648, name: "Meloetta-Pirouette", baseSpecies: "Meloetta", forme: "Pirouette", types: ["Normal", "Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 128, def: 90, spa: 77, spd: 77, spe: 128 }, abilities: { 0: "Serene Grace" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 6.5, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredMove: "Relic Song", battleOnly: "Meloetta", }, genesect: { num: 649, name: "Genesect", types: ["Bug", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 71, atk: 120, def: 95, spa: 120, spd: 95, spe: 99 }, abilities: { 0: "Download" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 82.5, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Mythical"], otherFormes: ["Genesect-Douse", "Genesect-Shock", "Genesect-Burn", "Genesect-Chill"], formeOrder: ["Genesect", "Genesect-Douse", "Genesect-Shock", "Genesect-Burn", "Genesect-Chill"], }, genesectdouse: { num: 649, name: "Genesect-Douse", baseSpecies: "Genesect", forme: "Douse", types: ["Bug", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 71, atk: 120, def: 95, spa: 120, spd: 95, spe: 99 }, abilities: { 0: "Download" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 82.5, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Douse Drive", changesFrom: "Genesect", }, genesectshock: { num: 649, name: "Genesect-Shock", baseSpecies: "Genesect", forme: "Shock", types: ["Bug", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 71, atk: 120, def: 95, spa: 120, spd: 95, spe: 99 }, abilities: { 0: "Download" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 82.5, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Shock Drive", changesFrom: "Genesect", }, genesectburn: { num: 649, name: "Genesect-Burn", baseSpecies: "Genesect", forme: "Burn", types: ["Bug", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 71, atk: 120, def: 95, spa: 120, spd: 95, spe: 99 }, abilities: { 0: "Download" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 82.5, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Burn Drive", changesFrom: "Genesect", }, genesectchill: { num: 649, name: "Genesect-Chill", baseSpecies: "Genesect", forme: "Chill", types: ["Bug", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 71, atk: 120, def: 95, spa: 120, spd: 95, spe: 99 }, abilities: { 0: "Download" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 82.5, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Chill Drive", changesFrom: "Genesect", }, chespin: { num: 650, name: "Chespin", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 56, atk: 61, def: 65, spa: 48, spd: 45, spe: 38 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Bulletproof" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 9, color: "Green", evos: ["Quilladin"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, quilladin: { num: 651, name: "Quilladin", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 61, atk: 78, def: 95, spa: 56, spd: 58, spe: 57 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Bulletproof" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 29, color: "Green", prevo: "Chespin", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Chesnaught"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, chesnaught: { num: 652, name: "Chesnaught", types: ["Grass", "Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 107, def: 122, spa: 74, spd: 75, spe: 64 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Bulletproof" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 90, color: "Green", prevo: "Quilladin", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, fennekin: { num: 653, name: "Fennekin", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 40, spa: 62, spd: 60, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Magician" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 9.4, color: "Red", evos: ["Braixen"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, braixen: { num: 654, name: "Braixen", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 59, atk: 59, def: 58, spa: 90, spd: 70, spe: 73 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Magician" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 14.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Fennekin", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Delphox"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, delphox: { num: 655, name: "Delphox", types: ["Fire", "Psychic"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 69, def: 72, spa: 114, spd: 100, spe: 104 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Magician" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 39, color: "Red", prevo: "Braixen", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, froakie: { num: 656, name: "Froakie", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 41, atk: 56, def: 40, spa: 62, spd: 44, spe: 71 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Protean" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 7, color: "Blue", evos: ["Frogadier"], eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, frogadier: { num: 657, name: "Frogadier", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 54, atk: 63, def: 52, spa: 83, spd: 56, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Protean" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 10.9, color: "Blue", prevo: "Froakie", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Greninja"], eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, greninja: { num: 658, name: "Greninja", types: ["Water", "Dark"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 95, def: 67, spa: 103, spd: 71, spe: 122 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Protean", S: "Battle Bond" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 40, color: "Blue", prevo: "Frogadier", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Water 1"], otherFormes: ["Greninja-Bond", "Greninja-Ash"], formeOrder: ["Greninja", "Greninja-Bond", "Greninja-Ash"], }, greninjabond: { num: 658, name: "Greninja-Bond", baseSpecies: "Greninja", forme: "Bond", types: ["Water", "Dark"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 95, def: 67, spa: 103, spd: 71, spe: 122 }, abilities: { 0: "Battle Bond" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 40, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 7, }, greninjaash: { num: 658, name: "Greninja-Ash", baseSpecies: "Greninja", forme: "Ash", types: ["Water", "Dark"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 145, def: 67, spa: 153, spd: 71, spe: 132 }, abilities: { 0: "Battle Bond" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 40, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredAbility: "Battle Bond", battleOnly: "Greninja-Bond", gen: 7, }, bunnelby: { num: 659, name: "Bunnelby", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 38, atk: 36, def: 38, spa: 32, spd: 36, spe: 57 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Cheek Pouch", H: "Huge Power" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Diggersby"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, diggersby: { num: 660, name: "Diggersby", types: ["Normal", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 56, def: 77, spa: 50, spd: 77, spe: 78 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Cheek Pouch", H: "Huge Power" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 42.4, color: "Brown", prevo: "Bunnelby", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, fletchling: { num: 661, name: "Fletchling", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 50, def: 43, spa: 40, spd: 38, spe: 62 }, abilities: { 0: "Big Pecks", H: "Gale Wings" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1.7, color: "Red", evos: ["Fletchinder"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, fletchinder: { num: 662, name: "Fletchinder", types: ["Fire", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 62, atk: 73, def: 55, spa: 56, spd: 52, spe: 84 }, abilities: { 0: "Flame Body", H: "Gale Wings" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 16, color: "Red", prevo: "Fletchling", evoLevel: 17, evos: ["Talonflame"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, talonflame: { num: 663, name: "Talonflame", types: ["Fire", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 81, def: 71, spa: 74, spd: 69, spe: 126 }, abilities: { 0: "Flame Body", H: "Gale Wings" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 24.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Fletchinder", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, scatterbug: { num: 664, name: "Scatterbug", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 38, atk: 35, def: 40, spa: 27, spd: 25, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", 1: "Compound Eyes", H: "Friend Guard" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2.5, color: "Black", evos: ["Spewpa"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], // TODO: Scatterbug technically has the same number of formes as Vivillon }, spewpa: { num: 665, name: "Spewpa", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 22, def: 60, spa: 27, spd: 30, spe: 29 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin", H: "Friend Guard" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 8.4, color: "Black", prevo: "Scatterbug", evoLevel: 9, evos: ["Vivillon", "Vivillon-Fancy"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], // TODO: Spewpa technically has the same number of formes as Vivillon }, vivillon: { num: 666, name: "Vivillon", baseForme: "Meadow", // TODO: actual base forme is Icy Snow, not Meadow types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 52, def: 50, spa: 90, spd: 50, spe: 89 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", 1: "Compound Eyes", H: "Friend Guard" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 17, color: "White", prevo: "Spewpa", evoLevel: 12, eggGroups: ["Bug"], otherFormes: ["Vivillon-Fancy", "Vivillon-Pokeball"], cosmeticFormes: ["Vivillon-Archipelago", "Vivillon-Continental", "Vivillon-Elegant", "Vivillon-Garden", "Vivillon-High Plains", "Vivillon-Icy Snow", "Vivillon-Jungle", "Vivillon-Marine", "Vivillon-Modern", "Vivillon-Monsoon", "Vivillon-Ocean", "Vivillon-Polar", "Vivillon-River", "Vivillon-Sandstorm", "Vivillon-Savanna", "Vivillon-Sun", "Vivillon-Tundra"], formeOrder: [ "Vivillon-Icy Snow", "Vivillon-Polar", "Vivillon-Tundra", "Vivillon-Continental", "Vivillon-Garden", "Vivillon-Elegant", "Vivillon", // Meadow "Vivillon-Modern", "Vivillon-Marine", "Vivillon-Archipelago", "Vivillon-High Plains", "Vivillon-Sandstorm", "Vivillon-River", "Vivillon-Monsoon", "Vivillon-Savanna", "Vivillon-Sun", "Vivillon-Ocean", "Vivillon-Jungle", "Vivillon-Fancy", "Vivillon-Pokeball", ], }, vivillonfancy: { num: 666, name: "Vivillon-Fancy", baseSpecies: "Vivillon", forme: "Fancy", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 52, def: 50, spa: 90, spd: 50, spe: 89 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", 1: "Compound Eyes", H: "Friend Guard" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 17, color: "Black", prevo: "Spewpa", evoLevel: 12, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, vivillonpokeball: { num: 666, name: "Vivillon-Pokeball", baseSpecies: "Vivillon", forme: "Pokeball", types: ["Bug", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 52, def: 50, spa: 90, spd: 50, spe: 89 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", 1: "Compound Eyes", H: "Friend Guard" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 17, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, litleo: { num: 667, name: "Litleo", types: ["Fire", "Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.125, F: 0.875 }, baseStats: { hp: 62, atk: 50, def: 58, spa: 73, spd: 54, spe: 72 }, abilities: { 0: "Rivalry", 1: "Unnerve", H: "Moxie" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 13.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Pyroar"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, pyroar: { num: 668, name: "Pyroar", types: ["Fire", "Normal"], genderRatio: { M: 0.125, F: 0.875 }, baseStats: { hp: 86, atk: 68, def: 72, spa: 109, spd: 66, spe: 106 }, abilities: { 0: "Rivalry", 1: "Unnerve", H: "Moxie" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 81.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Litleo", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, flabebe: { num: 669, name: "Flabe\u0301be\u0301", baseForme: "Red", types: ["Fairy"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 44, atk: 38, def: 39, spa: 61, spd: 79, spe: 42 }, abilities: { 0: "Flower Veil", H: "Symbiosis" }, heightm: 0.1, weightkg: 0.1, color: "White", evos: ["Floette"], eggGroups: ["Fairy"], cosmeticFormes: ["Flabe\u0301be\u0301-Blue", "Flabe\u0301be\u0301-Orange", "Flabe\u0301be\u0301-White", "Flabe\u0301be\u0301-Yellow"], formeOrder: ["Flabe\u0301be\u0301", "Flabe\u0301be\u0301-Blue", "Flabe\u0301be\u0301-Orange", "Flabe\u0301be\u0301-White", "Flabe\u0301be\u0301-Yellow"], }, floette: { num: 670, name: "Floette", baseForme: "Red", types: ["Fairy"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 54, atk: 45, def: 47, spa: 75, spd: 98, spe: 52 }, abilities: { 0: "Flower Veil", H: "Symbiosis" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.9, color: "White", prevo: "Flabe\u0301be\u0301", evoLevel: 19, evos: ["Florges"], eggGroups: ["Fairy"], otherFormes: ["Floette-Eternal"], cosmeticFormes: ["Floette-Blue", "Floette-Orange", "Floette-White", "Floette-Yellow"], formeOrder: ["Floette", "Floette-Blue", "Floette-Orange", "Floette-White", "Floette-Yellow", "Floette-Eternal"], }, floetteeternal: { num: 670, name: "Floette-Eternal", baseSpecies: "Floette", forme: "Eternal", types: ["Fairy"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 74, atk: 65, def: 67, spa: 125, spd: 128, spe: 92 }, abilities: { 0: "Flower Veil" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.9, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, florges: { num: 671, name: "Florges", baseForme: "Red", types: ["Fairy"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 65, def: 68, spa: 112, spd: 154, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Flower Veil", H: "Symbiosis" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 10, color: "White", prevo: "Floette", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Shiny Stone", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], cosmeticFormes: ["Florges-Blue", "Florges-Orange", "Florges-White", "Florges-Yellow"], formeOrder: ["Florges", "Florges-Blue", "Florges-Orange", "Florges-White", "Florges-Yellow"], }, skiddo: { num: 672, name: "Skiddo", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 66, atk: 65, def: 48, spa: 62, spd: 57, spe: 52 }, abilities: { 0: "Sap Sipper", H: "Grass Pelt" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 31, color: "Brown", evos: ["Gogoat"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, gogoat: { num: 673, name: "Gogoat", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 123, atk: 100, def: 62, spa: 97, spd: 81, spe: 68 }, abilities: { 0: "Sap Sipper", H: "Grass Pelt" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 91, color: "Brown", prevo: "Skiddo", evoLevel: 32, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, pancham: { num: 674, name: "Pancham", types: ["Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 67, atk: 82, def: 62, spa: 46, spd: 48, spe: 43 }, abilities: { 0: "Iron Fist", 1: "Mold Breaker", H: "Scrappy" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 8, color: "White", evos: ["Pangoro"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], }, pangoro: { num: 675, name: "Pangoro", types: ["Fighting", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 124, def: 78, spa: 69, spd: 71, spe: 58 }, abilities: { 0: "Iron Fist", 1: "Mold Breaker", H: "Scrappy" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 136, color: "White", prevo: "Pancham", evoLevel: 32, evoCondition: "with a Dark-type in the party", eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], }, furfrou: { num: 676, name: "Furfrou", baseForme: "Natural", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 80, def: 60, spa: 65, spd: 90, spe: 102 }, abilities: { 0: "Fur Coat" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 28, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Field"], cosmeticFormes: ["Furfrou-Dandy", "Furfrou-Debutante", "Furfrou-Diamond", "Furfrou-Heart", "Furfrou-Kabuki", "Furfrou-La Reine", "Furfrou-Matron", "Furfrou-Pharaoh", "Furfrou-Star"], formeOrder: [ "Furfrou", "Furfrou-Heart", "Furfrou-Star", "Furfrou-Diamond", "Furfrou-Debutante", "Furfrou-Matron", "Furfrou-Dandy", "Furfrou-La Reine", "Furfrou-Kabuki", "Furfrou-Pharaoh", ], }, espurr: { num: 677, name: "Espurr", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 62, atk: 48, def: 54, spa: 63, spd: 60, spe: 68 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Own Tempo" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3.5, color: "Gray", evos: ["Meowstic", "Meowstic-F"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, meowstic: { num: 678, name: "Meowstic", baseForme: "M", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 74, atk: 48, def: 76, spa: 83, spd: 81, spe: 104 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Prankster" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 8.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Espurr", evoLevel: 25, eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Meowstic-F"], formeOrder: ["Meowstic", "Meowstic-F"], }, meowsticf: { num: 678, name: "Meowstic-F", baseSpecies: "Meowstic", forme: "F", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 74, atk: 48, def: 76, spa: 83, spd: 81, spe: 104 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Competitive" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 8.5, color: "White", prevo: "Espurr", evoLevel: 25, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, honedge: { num: 679, name: "Honedge", types: ["Steel", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 80, def: 100, spa: 35, spd: 37, spe: 28 }, abilities: { 0: "No Guard" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 2, color: "Brown", evos: ["Doublade"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, doublade: { num: 680, name: "Doublade", types: ["Steel", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 59, atk: 110, def: 150, spa: 45, spd: 49, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "No Guard" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 4.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Honedge", evoLevel: 35, evos: ["Aegislash"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, aegislash: { num: 681, name: "Aegislash", baseForme: "Shield", types: ["Steel", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 50, def: 140, spa: 50, spd: 140, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Stance Change" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 53, color: "Brown", prevo: "Doublade", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Dusk Stone", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], otherFormes: ["Aegislash-Blade"], formeOrder: ["Aegislash", "Aegislash-Blade"], }, aegislashblade: { num: 681, name: "Aegislash-Blade", baseSpecies: "Aegislash", forme: "Blade", types: ["Steel", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 140, def: 50, spa: 140, spd: 50, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Stance Change" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 53, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], requiredAbility: "Stance Change", battleOnly: "Aegislash", }, spritzee: { num: 682, name: "Spritzee", types: ["Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 52, def: 60, spa: 63, spd: 65, spe: 23 }, abilities: { 0: "Healer", H: "Aroma Veil" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.5, color: "Pink", evos: ["Aromatisse"], eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, aromatisse: { num: 683, name: "Aromatisse", types: ["Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 101, atk: 72, def: 72, spa: 99, spd: 89, spe: 29 }, abilities: { 0: "Healer", H: "Aroma Veil" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 15.5, color: "Pink", prevo: "Spritzee", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Sachet", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, swirlix: { num: 684, name: "Swirlix", types: ["Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 62, atk: 48, def: 66, spa: 59, spd: 57, spe: 49 }, abilities: { 0: "Sweet Veil", H: "Unburden" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 3.5, color: "White", evos: ["Slurpuff"], eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, slurpuff: { num: 685, name: "Slurpuff", types: ["Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 82, atk: 80, def: 86, spa: 85, spd: 75, spe: 72 }, abilities: { 0: "Sweet Veil", H: "Unburden" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 5, color: "White", prevo: "Swirlix", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Whipped Dream", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, inkay: { num: 686, name: "Inkay", types: ["Dark", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 53, atk: 54, def: 53, spa: 37, spd: 46, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Contrary", 1: "Suction Cups", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 3.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Malamar"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 2"], }, malamar: { num: 687, name: "Malamar", types: ["Dark", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 86, atk: 92, def: 88, spa: 68, spd: 75, spe: 73 }, abilities: { 0: "Contrary", 1: "Suction Cups", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 47, color: "Blue", prevo: "Inkay", evoLevel: 30, evoCondition: "with the console turned upside-down", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 2"], }, binacle: { num: 688, name: "Binacle", types: ["Rock", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 42, atk: 52, def: 67, spa: 39, spd: 56, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Tough Claws", 1: "Sniper", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 31, color: "Brown", evos: ["Barbaracle"], eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, barbaracle: { num: 689, name: "Barbaracle", types: ["Rock", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 105, def: 115, spa: 54, spd: 86, spe: 68 }, abilities: { 0: "Tough Claws", 1: "Sniper", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 96, color: "Brown", prevo: "Binacle", evoLevel: 39, eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, skrelp: { num: 690, name: "Skrelp", types: ["Poison", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 60, def: 60, spa: 60, spd: 60, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Poison Touch", H: "Adaptability" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 7.3, color: "Brown", evos: ["Dragalge"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Dragon"], }, dragalge: { num: 691, name: "Dragalge", types: ["Poison", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 75, def: 90, spa: 97, spd: 123, spe: 44 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Poison Touch", H: "Adaptability" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 81.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Skrelp", evoLevel: 48, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Dragon"], }, clauncher: { num: 692, name: "Clauncher", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 53, def: 62, spa: 58, spd: 63, spe: 44 }, abilities: { 0: "Mega Launcher" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 8.3, color: "Blue", evos: ["Clawitzer"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], }, clawitzer: { num: 693, name: "Clawitzer", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 71, atk: 73, def: 88, spa: 120, spd: 89, spe: 59 }, abilities: { 0: "Mega Launcher" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 35.3, color: "Blue", prevo: "Clauncher", evoLevel: 37, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], }, helioptile: { num: 694, name: "Helioptile", types: ["Electric", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 44, atk: 38, def: 33, spa: 61, spd: 43, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Dry Skin", 1: "Sand Veil", H: "Solar Power" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 6, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Heliolisk"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, heliolisk: { num: 695, name: "Heliolisk", types: ["Electric", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 62, atk: 55, def: 52, spa: 109, spd: 94, spe: 109 }, abilities: { 0: "Dry Skin", 1: "Sand Veil", H: "Solar Power" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 21, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Helioptile", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Sun Stone", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, tyrunt: { num: 696, name: "Tyrunt", types: ["Rock", "Dragon"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 58, atk: 89, def: 77, spa: 45, spd: 45, spe: 48 }, abilities: { 0: "Strong Jaw", H: "Sturdy" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 26, color: "Brown", evos: ["Tyrantrum"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, tyrantrum: { num: 697, name: "Tyrantrum", types: ["Rock", "Dragon"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 82, atk: 121, def: 119, spa: 69, spd: 59, spe: 71 }, abilities: { 0: "Strong Jaw", H: "Rock Head" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 270, color: "Red", prevo: "Tyrunt", evoLevel: 39, evoCondition: "during the day", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, amaura: { num: 698, name: "Amaura", types: ["Rock", "Ice"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 77, atk: 59, def: 50, spa: 67, spd: 63, spe: 46 }, abilities: { 0: "Refrigerate", H: "Snow Warning" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 25.2, color: "Blue", evos: ["Aurorus"], eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, aurorus: { num: 699, name: "Aurorus", types: ["Rock", "Ice"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 123, atk: 77, def: 72, spa: 99, spd: 92, spe: 58 }, abilities: { 0: "Refrigerate", H: "Snow Warning" }, heightm: 2.7, weightkg: 225, color: "Blue", prevo: "Amaura", evoLevel: 39, evoCondition: "at night", eggGroups: ["Monster"], }, sylveon: { num: 700, name: "Sylveon", types: ["Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 65, def: 65, spa: 110, spd: 130, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", H: "Pixilate" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 23.5, color: "Pink", prevo: "Eevee", evoType: "levelExtra", evoCondition: "with a Fairy-type move and two levels of Affection", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, hawlucha: { num: 701, name: "Hawlucha", types: ["Fighting", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 92, def: 75, spa: 74, spd: 63, spe: 118 }, abilities: { 0: "Limber", 1: "Unburden", H: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 21.5, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Flying", "Human-Like"], }, dedenne: { num: 702, name: "Dedenne", types: ["Electric", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 67, atk: 58, def: 57, spa: 81, spd: 67, spe: 101 }, abilities: { 0: "Cheek Pouch", 1: "Pickup", H: "Plus" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 2.2, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], }, carbink: { num: 703, name: "Carbink", types: ["Rock", "Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 50, def: 150, spa: 50, spd: 150, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body", H: "Sturdy" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 5.7, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Mineral"], }, goomy: { num: 704, name: "Goomy", types: ["Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 50, def: 35, spa: 55, spd: 75, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Sap Sipper", 1: "Hydration", H: "Gooey" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2.8, color: "Purple", evos: ["Sliggoo", "Sliggoo-Hisui"], eggGroups: ["Dragon"], }, sliggoo: { num: 705, name: "Sliggoo", types: ["Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 75, def: 53, spa: 83, spd: 113, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Sap Sipper", 1: "Hydration", H: "Gooey" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 17.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Goomy", evoLevel: 40, evos: ["Goodra"], eggGroups: ["Dragon"], otherFormes: ["Sliggoo-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Sliggoo", "Sliggoo-Hisui"], }, sliggoohisui: { num: 705, name: "Sliggoo-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Sliggoo", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Steel", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 58, atk: 75, def: 83, spa: 83, spd: 113, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Sap Sipper", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Gooey" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 68.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Goomy", evoLevel: 40, evos: ["Goodra-Hisui"], eggGroups: ["Dragon"], }, goodra: { num: 706, name: "Goodra", types: ["Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 100, def: 70, spa: 110, spd: 150, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Sap Sipper", 1: "Hydration", H: "Gooey" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 150.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Sliggoo", evoLevel: 50, evoCondition: "during rain", eggGroups: ["Dragon"], otherFormes: ["Goodra-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Goodra", "Goodra-Hisui"], }, goodrahisui: { num: 706, name: "Goodra-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Goodra", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Steel", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 110, spd: 150, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Sap Sipper", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Gooey" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 334.1, color: "Purple", prevo: "Sliggoo-Hisui", evoLevel: 50, evoCondition: "during rain", eggGroups: ["Dragon"], }, klefki: { num: 707, name: "Klefki", types: ["Steel", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 57, atk: 80, def: 91, spa: 80, spd: 87, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Prankster", H: "Magician" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 3, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, phantump: { num: 708, name: "Phantump", types: ["Ghost", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 43, atk: 70, def: 48, spa: 50, spd: 60, spe: 38 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure", 1: "Frisk", H: "Harvest" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 7, color: "Brown", evos: ["Trevenant"], eggGroups: ["Grass", "Amorphous"], }, trevenant: { num: 709, name: "Trevenant", types: ["Ghost", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 110, def: 76, spa: 65, spd: 82, spe: 56 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure", 1: "Frisk", H: "Harvest" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 71, color: "Brown", prevo: "Phantump", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Grass", "Amorphous"], }, pumpkaboo: { num: 710, name: "Pumpkaboo", baseForme: "Average", types: ["Ghost", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 49, atk: 66, def: 70, spa: 44, spd: 55, spe: 51 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Frisk", H: "Insomnia" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Gourgeist"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Pumpkaboo-Small", "Pumpkaboo-Large", "Pumpkaboo-Super"], formeOrder: ["Pumpkaboo", "Pumpkaboo-Small", "Pumpkaboo-Large", "Pumpkaboo-Super"], }, pumpkaboosmall: { num: 710, name: "Pumpkaboo-Small", baseSpecies: "Pumpkaboo", forme: "Small", types: ["Ghost", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 44, atk: 66, def: 70, spa: 44, spd: 55, spe: 56 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Frisk", H: "Insomnia" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Gourgeist-Small"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, pumpkaboolarge: { num: 710, name: "Pumpkaboo-Large", baseSpecies: "Pumpkaboo", forme: "Large", types: ["Ghost", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 54, atk: 66, def: 70, spa: 44, spd: 55, spe: 46 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Frisk", H: "Insomnia" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 7.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Gourgeist-Large"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, pumpkaboosuper: { num: 710, name: "Pumpkaboo-Super", baseSpecies: "Pumpkaboo", forme: "Super", types: ["Ghost", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 59, atk: 66, def: 70, spa: 44, spd: 55, spe: 41 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Frisk", H: "Insomnia" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 15, color: "Brown", evos: ["Gourgeist-Super"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, gourgeist: { num: 711, name: "Gourgeist", baseForme: "Average", types: ["Ghost", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 90, def: 122, spa: 58, spd: 75, spe: 84 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Frisk", H: "Insomnia" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 12.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Pumpkaboo", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Gourgeist-Small", "Gourgeist-Large", "Gourgeist-Super"], formeOrder: ["Gourgeist", "Gourgeist-Small", "Gourgeist-Large", "Gourgeist-Super"], }, gourgeistsmall: { num: 711, name: "Gourgeist-Small", baseSpecies: "Gourgeist", forme: "Small", types: ["Ghost", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 85, def: 122, spa: 58, spd: 75, spe: 99 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Frisk", H: "Insomnia" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 9.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Pumpkaboo-Small", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, gourgeistlarge: { num: 711, name: "Gourgeist-Large", baseSpecies: "Gourgeist", forme: "Large", types: ["Ghost", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 95, def: 122, spa: 58, spd: 75, spe: 69 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Frisk", H: "Insomnia" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 14, color: "Brown", prevo: "Pumpkaboo-Large", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, gourgeistsuper: { num: 711, name: "Gourgeist-Super", baseSpecies: "Gourgeist", forme: "Super", types: ["Ghost", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 100, def: 122, spa: 58, spd: 75, spe: 54 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", 1: "Frisk", H: "Insomnia" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 39, color: "Brown", prevo: "Pumpkaboo-Super", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, bergmite: { num: 712, name: "Bergmite", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 69, def: 85, spa: 32, spd: 35, spe: 28 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo", 1: "Ice Body", H: "Sturdy" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 99.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Avalugg", "Avalugg-Hisui"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Mineral"], }, avalugg: { num: 713, name: "Avalugg", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 117, def: 184, spa: 44, spd: 46, spe: 28 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo", 1: "Ice Body", H: "Sturdy" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 505, color: "Blue", prevo: "Bergmite", evoLevel: 37, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Mineral"], otherFormes: ["Avalugg-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Avalugg", "Avalugg-Hisui"], }, avalugghisui: { num: 713, name: "Avalugg-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Avalugg", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Ice", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 127, def: 184, spa: 34, spd: 36, spe: 38 }, abilities: { 0: "Strong Jaw", 1: "Ice Body", H: "Sturdy" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 262.4, color: "Blue", prevo: "Bergmite", evoLevel: 37, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Mineral"], }, noibat: { num: 714, name: "Noibat", types: ["Flying", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 30, def: 35, spa: 45, spd: 40, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Frisk", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 8, color: "Purple", evos: ["Noivern"], eggGroups: ["Flying", "Dragon"], }, noivern: { num: 715, name: "Noivern", types: ["Flying", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 70, def: 80, spa: 97, spd: 80, spe: 123 }, abilities: { 0: "Frisk", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 85, color: "Purple", prevo: "Noibat", evoLevel: 48, eggGroups: ["Flying", "Dragon"], }, xerneas: { num: 716, name: "Xerneas", baseForme: "Active", // Neutral is technically the base, but it can't be used in battle types: ["Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 126, atk: 131, def: 95, spa: 131, spd: 98, spe: 99 }, abilities: { 0: "Fairy Aura" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 215, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], otherFormes: ["Xerneas-Neutral"], formeOrder: ["Xerneas-Neutral", "Xerneas"], }, xerneasneutral: { num: 716, name: "Xerneas-Neutral", baseSpecies: "Xerneas", forme: "Neutral", types: ["Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 126, atk: 131, def: 95, spa: 131, spd: 98, spe: 99 }, abilities: { 0: "Fairy Aura" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 215, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, yveltal: { num: 717, name: "Yveltal", types: ["Dark", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 126, atk: 131, def: 95, spa: 131, spd: 98, spe: 99 }, abilities: { 0: "Dark Aura" }, heightm: 5.8, weightkg: 203, color: "Red", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, zygarde: { num: 718, name: "Zygarde", baseForme: "50%", types: ["Dragon", "Ground"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 108, atk: 100, def: 121, spa: 81, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Aura Break", S: "Power Construct" }, heightm: 5, weightkg: 305, color: "Green", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Zygarde-10%", "Zygarde-Complete"], // forme 2 = 10% with Power Constructor ,forme 3 = 50% with Power Construct formeOrder: ["Zygarde", "Zygarde-10%", "Zygarde-10%", "Zygarde", "Zygarde-Complete"], }, zygarde10: { num: 718, name: "Zygarde-10%", baseSpecies: "Zygarde", forme: "10%", types: ["Dragon", "Ground"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 54, atk: 100, def: 71, spa: 61, spd: 85, spe: 115 }, abilities: { 0: "Aura Break", S: "Power Construct" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 33.5, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Zygarde", gen: 7, }, zygardecomplete: { num: 718, name: "Zygarde-Complete", baseSpecies: "Zygarde", forme: "Complete", types: ["Dragon", "Ground"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 216, atk: 100, def: 121, spa: 91, spd: 95, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Power Construct" }, heightm: 4.5, weightkg: 610, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredAbility: "Power Construct", battleOnly: ["Zygarde", "Zygarde-10%"], gen: 7, }, diancie: { num: 719, name: "Diancie", types: ["Rock", "Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 100, def: 150, spa: 100, spd: 150, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 8.8, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Mythical"], otherFormes: ["Diancie-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Diancie", "Diancie-Mega"], }, dianciemega: { num: 719, name: "Diancie-Mega", baseSpecies: "Diancie", forme: "Mega", types: ["Rock", "Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 160, def: 110, spa: 160, spd: 110, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Magic Bounce" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 27.8, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Diancite", }, hoopa: { num: 720, name: "Hoopa", baseForme: "Confined", types: ["Psychic", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 110, def: 60, spa: 150, spd: 130, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Magician" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 9, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Mythical"], otherFormes: ["Hoopa-Unbound"], formeOrder: ["Hoopa", "Hoopa-Unbound"], }, hoopaunbound: { num: 720, name: "Hoopa-Unbound", baseSpecies: "Hoopa", forme: "Unbound", types: ["Psychic", "Dark"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 160, def: 60, spa: 170, spd: 130, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Magician" }, heightm: 6.5, weightkg: 490, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Hoopa", }, volcanion: { num: 721, name: "Volcanion", types: ["Fire", "Water"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 110, def: 120, spa: 130, spd: 90, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 195, color: "Brown", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, rowlet: { num: 722, name: "Rowlet", types: ["Grass", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 55, def: 55, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 42 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Long Reach" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Dartrix"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, dartrix: { num: 723, name: "Dartrix", types: ["Grass", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 75, def: 75, spa: 70, spd: 70, spe: 52 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Long Reach" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 16, color: "Brown", prevo: "Rowlet", evoLevel: 17, evos: ["Decidueye", "Decidueye-Hisui"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, decidueye: { num: 724, name: "Decidueye", types: ["Grass", "Ghost"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 107, def: 75, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Long Reach" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 36.6, color: "Brown", prevo: "Dartrix", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Flying"], otherFormes: ["Decidueye-Hisui"], formeOrder: ["Decidueye", "Decidueye-Hisui"], }, decidueyehisui: { num: 724, name: "Decidueye-Hisui", baseSpecies: "Decidueye", forme: "Hisui", types: ["Grass", "Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 112, def: 80, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Scrappy" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 37, color: "Brown", prevo: "Dartrix", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, litten: { num: 725, name: "Litten", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 65, def: 40, spa: 60, spd: 40, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Intimidate" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4.3, color: "Red", evos: ["Torracat"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, torracat: { num: 726, name: "Torracat", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 85, def: 50, spa: 80, spd: 50, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Intimidate" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 25, color: "Red", prevo: "Litten", evoLevel: 17, evos: ["Incineroar"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, incineroar: { num: 727, name: "Incineroar", types: ["Fire", "Dark"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 115, def: 90, spa: 80, spd: 90, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Intimidate" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 83, color: "Red", prevo: "Torracat", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, popplio: { num: 728, name: "Popplio", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 54, def: 54, spa: 66, spd: 56, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Liquid Voice" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 7.5, color: "Blue", evos: ["Brionne"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, brionne: { num: 729, name: "Brionne", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 69, def: 69, spa: 91, spd: 81, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Liquid Voice" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 17.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Popplio", evoLevel: 17, evos: ["Primarina"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, primarina: { num: 730, name: "Primarina", types: ["Water", "Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 74, def: 74, spa: 126, spd: 116, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Liquid Voice" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 44, color: "Blue", prevo: "Brionne", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, pikipek: { num: 731, name: "Pikipek", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 75, def: 30, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Skill Link", H: "Pickup" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1.2, color: "Black", evos: ["Trumbeak"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, trumbeak: { num: 732, name: "Trumbeak", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 85, def: 50, spa: 40, spd: 50, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Skill Link", H: "Pickup" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 14.8, color: "Black", prevo: "Pikipek", evoLevel: 14, evos: ["Toucannon"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, toucannon: { num: 733, name: "Toucannon", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 75, spa: 75, spd: 75, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Skill Link", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 26, color: "Black", prevo: "Trumbeak", evoLevel: 28, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, yungoos: { num: 734, name: "Yungoos", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 48, atk: 70, def: 30, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Stakeout", 1: "Strong Jaw", H: "Adaptability" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6, color: "Brown", evos: ["Gumshoos"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, gumshoos: { num: 735, name: "Gumshoos", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 110, def: 60, spa: 55, spd: 60, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Stakeout", 1: "Strong Jaw", H: "Adaptability" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 14.2, color: "Brown", prevo: "Yungoos", evoLevel: 20, evoCondition: "during the day", eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Gumshoos-Totem"], formeOrder: ["Gumshoos", "Gumshoos-Totem"], }, gumshoostotem: { num: 735, name: "Gumshoos-Totem", baseSpecies: "Gumshoos", forme: "Totem", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 110, def: 60, spa: 55, spd: 60, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Adaptability" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 60, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, grubbin: { num: 736, name: "Grubbin", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 47, atk: 62, def: 45, spa: 55, spd: 45, spe: 46 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4.4, color: "Gray", evos: ["Charjabug"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, charjabug: { num: 737, name: "Charjabug", types: ["Bug", "Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 57, atk: 82, def: 95, spa: 55, spd: 75, spe: 36 }, abilities: { 0: "Battery" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 10.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Grubbin", evoLevel: 20, evos: ["Vikavolt"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, vikavolt: { num: 738, name: "Vikavolt", types: ["Bug", "Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 77, atk: 70, def: 90, spa: 145, spd: 75, spe: 43 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 45, color: "Blue", prevo: "Charjabug", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Thunder Stone", eggGroups: ["Bug"], otherFormes: ["Vikavolt-Totem"], formeOrder: ["Vikavolt", "Vikavolt-Totem"], }, vikavolttotem: { num: 738, name: "Vikavolt-Totem", baseSpecies: "Vikavolt", forme: "Totem", types: ["Bug", "Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 77, atk: 70, def: 90, spa: 145, spd: 75, spe: 43 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 2.6, weightkg: 147.5, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, crabrawler: { num: 739, name: "Crabrawler", types: ["Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 47, atk: 82, def: 57, spa: 42, spd: 47, spe: 63 }, abilities: { 0: "Hyper Cutter", 1: "Iron Fist", H: "Anger Point" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 7, color: "Purple", evos: ["Crabominable"], eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, crabominable: { num: 740, name: "Crabominable", types: ["Fighting", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 97, atk: 132, def: 77, spa: 62, spd: 67, spe: 43 }, abilities: { 0: "Hyper Cutter", 1: "Iron Fist", H: "Anger Point" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 180, color: "White", prevo: "Crabrawler", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Ice Stone", eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, oricorio: { num: 741, name: "Oricorio", baseForme: "Baile", types: ["Fire", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 70, def: 70, spa: 98, spd: 70, spe: 93 }, abilities: { 0: "Dancer" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 3.4, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Flying"], otherFormes: ["Oricorio-Pom-Pom", "Oricorio-Pa'u", "Oricorio-Sensu"], formeOrder: ["Oricorio", "Oricorio-Pom-Pom", "Oricorio-Pa'u", "Oricorio-Sensu"], }, oricoriopompom: { num: 741, name: "Oricorio-Pom-Pom", baseSpecies: "Oricorio", forme: "Pom-Pom", types: ["Electric", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 70, def: 70, spa: 98, spd: 70, spe: 93 }, abilities: { 0: "Dancer" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 3.4, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Flying"], changesFrom: "Oricorio", }, oricoriopau: { num: 741, name: "Oricorio-Pa'u", baseSpecies: "Oricorio", forme: "Pa'u", types: ["Psychic", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 70, def: 70, spa: 98, spd: 70, spe: 93 }, abilities: { 0: "Dancer" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 3.4, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Flying"], changesFrom: "Oricorio", }, oricoriosensu: { num: 741, name: "Oricorio-Sensu", baseSpecies: "Oricorio", forme: "Sensu", types: ["Ghost", "Flying"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 70, def: 70, spa: 98, spd: 70, spe: 93 }, abilities: { 0: "Dancer" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 3.4, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Flying"], changesFrom: "Oricorio", }, cutiefly: { num: 742, name: "Cutiefly", types: ["Bug", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 40, spa: 55, spd: 40, spe: 84 }, abilities: { 0: "Honey Gather", 1: "Shield Dust", H: "Sweet Veil" }, heightm: 0.1, weightkg: 0.2, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Ribombee"], eggGroups: ["Bug", "Fairy"], }, ribombee: { num: 743, name: "Ribombee", types: ["Bug", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 55, def: 60, spa: 95, spd: 70, spe: 124 }, abilities: { 0: "Honey Gather", 1: "Shield Dust", H: "Sweet Veil" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Cutiefly", evoLevel: 25, eggGroups: ["Bug", "Fairy"], otherFormes: ["Ribombee-Totem"], formeOrder: ["Ribombee", "Ribombee-Totem"], }, ribombeetotem: { num: 743, name: "Ribombee-Totem", baseSpecies: "Ribombee", forme: "Totem", types: ["Bug", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 55, def: 60, spa: 95, spd: 70, spe: 124 }, abilities: { 0: "Sweet Veil" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 2, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Bug", "Fairy"], }, rockruff: { num: 744, name: "Rockruff", baseForme: "Midday", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 65, def: 40, spa: 30, spd: 40, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Vital Spirit", H: "Steadfast", S: "Own Tempo" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 9.2, color: "Brown", evos: ["Lycanroc", "Lycanroc-Midnight"], eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Rockruff-Dusk"], formeOrder: ["Rockruff", "Rockruff-Dusk"], }, rockruffdusk: { num: 744, name: "Rockruff-Dusk", baseSpecies: "Rockruff", forme: "Dusk", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 65, def: 40, spa: 30, spd: 40, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 9.2, color: "Brown", evos: ["Lycanroc-Dusk"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, lycanroc: { num: 745, name: "Lycanroc", baseForme: "Midday", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 115, def: 65, spa: 55, spd: 65, spe: 112 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Sand Rush", H: "Steadfast" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 25, color: "Brown", prevo: "Rockruff", evoLevel: 25, evoCondition: "during the day", eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Lycanroc-Midnight", "Lycanroc-Dusk"], formeOrder: ["Lycanroc", "Lycanroc-Midnight", "Lycanroc-Dusk"], }, lycanrocmidnight: { num: 745, name: "Lycanroc-Midnight", baseSpecies: "Lycanroc", forme: "Midnight", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 115, def: 75, spa: 55, spd: 75, spe: 82 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Vital Spirit", H: "No Guard" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 25, color: "Red", prevo: "Rockruff", evoLevel: 25, evoCondition: "at night", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, lycanrocdusk: { num: 745, name: "Lycanroc-Dusk", baseSpecies: "Lycanroc", forme: "Dusk", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 117, def: 65, spa: 55, spd: 65, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Tough Claws" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 25, color: "Brown", prevo: "Rockruff-Dusk", evoLevel: 25, evoCondition: "from a special Rockruff during the evening", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, wishiwashi: { num: 746, name: "Wishiwashi", baseForme: "Solo", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 20, def: 20, spa: 25, spd: 25, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Schooling" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], otherFormes: ["Wishiwashi-School"], formeOrder: ["Wishiwashi", "Wishiwashi-School"], }, wishiwashischool: { num: 746, name: "Wishiwashi-School", baseSpecies: "Wishiwashi", forme: "School", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 140, def: 130, spa: 140, spd: 135, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Schooling" }, heightm: 8.2, weightkg: 78.6, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], requiredAbility: "Schooling", battleOnly: "Wishiwashi", }, mareanie: { num: 747, name: "Mareanie", types: ["Poison", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 53, def: 62, spa: 43, spd: 52, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Merciless", 1: "Limber", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 8, color: "Blue", evos: ["Toxapex"], eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, toxapex: { num: 748, name: "Toxapex", types: ["Poison", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 63, def: 152, spa: 53, spd: 142, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Merciless", 1: "Limber", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 14.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Mareanie", evoLevel: 38, eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, mudbray: { num: 749, name: "Mudbray", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 100, def: 70, spa: 45, spd: 55, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo", 1: "Stamina", H: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 110, color: "Brown", evos: ["Mudsdale"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, mudsdale: { num: 750, name: "Mudsdale", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 125, def: 100, spa: 55, spd: 85, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo", 1: "Stamina", H: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 920, color: "Brown", prevo: "Mudbray", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, dewpider: { num: 751, name: "Dewpider", types: ["Water", "Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 38, atk: 40, def: 52, spa: 40, spd: 72, spe: 27 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Bubble", H: "Water Absorb" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 4, color: "Green", evos: ["Araquanid"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Bug"], }, araquanid: { num: 752, name: "Araquanid", types: ["Water", "Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 70, def: 92, spa: 50, spd: 132, spe: 42 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Bubble", H: "Water Absorb" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 82, color: "Green", prevo: "Dewpider", evoLevel: 22, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Bug"], otherFormes: ["Araquanid-Totem"], formeOrder: ["Araquanid", "Araquanid-Totem"], }, araquanidtotem: { num: 752, name: "Araquanid-Totem", baseSpecies: "Araquanid", forme: "Totem", types: ["Water", "Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 70, def: 92, spa: 50, spd: 132, spe: 42 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Bubble" }, heightm: 3.1, weightkg: 217.5, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Bug"], }, fomantis: { num: 753, name: "Fomantis", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 55, def: 35, spa: 50, spd: 35, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Leaf Guard", H: "Contrary" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1.5, color: "Pink", evos: ["Lurantis"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, lurantis: { num: 754, name: "Lurantis", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 105, def: 90, spa: 80, spd: 90, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Leaf Guard", H: "Contrary" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 18.5, color: "Pink", prevo: "Fomantis", evoLevel: 34, evoCondition: "during the day", eggGroups: ["Grass"], otherFormes: ["Lurantis-Totem"], formeOrder: ["Lurantis", "Lurantis-Totem"], }, lurantistotem: { num: 754, name: "Lurantis-Totem", baseSpecies: "Lurantis", forme: "Totem", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 105, def: 90, spa: 80, spd: 90, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Leaf Guard" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 58, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, morelull: { num: 755, name: "Morelull", types: ["Grass", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 35, def: 55, spa: 65, spd: 75, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Illuminate", 1: "Effect Spore", H: "Rain Dish" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 1.5, color: "Purple", evos: ["Shiinotic"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, shiinotic: { num: 756, name: "Shiinotic", types: ["Grass", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 45, def: 80, spa: 90, spd: 100, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Illuminate", 1: "Effect Spore", H: "Rain Dish" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 11.5, color: "Purple", prevo: "Morelull", evoLevel: 24, eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, salandit: { num: 757, name: "Salandit", types: ["Poison", "Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 48, atk: 44, def: 40, spa: 71, spd: 40, spe: 77 }, abilities: { 0: "Corrosion", H: "Oblivious" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 4.8, color: "Black", evos: ["Salazzle"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, salazzle: { num: 758, name: "Salazzle", types: ["Poison", "Fire"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 64, def: 60, spa: 111, spd: 60, spe: 117 }, abilities: { 0: "Corrosion", H: "Oblivious" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 22.2, color: "Black", prevo: "Salandit", evoLevel: 33, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], otherFormes: ["Salazzle-Totem"], formeOrder: ["Salazzle", "Salazzle-Totem"], }, salazzletotem: { num: 758, name: "Salazzle-Totem", baseSpecies: "Salazzle", forme: "Totem", types: ["Poison", "Fire"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 64, def: 60, spa: 111, spd: 60, spe: 117 }, abilities: { 0: "Corrosion" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 81, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, stufful: { num: 759, name: "Stufful", types: ["Normal", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 75, def: 50, spa: 45, spd: 50, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Fluffy", 1: "Klutz", H: "Cute Charm" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 6.8, color: "Pink", evos: ["Bewear"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, bewear: { num: 760, name: "Bewear", types: ["Normal", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 125, def: 80, spa: 55, spd: 60, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Fluffy", 1: "Klutz", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 135, color: "Pink", prevo: "Stufful", evoLevel: 27, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, bounsweet: { num: 761, name: "Bounsweet", types: ["Grass"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 42, atk: 30, def: 38, spa: 30, spd: 38, spe: 32 }, abilities: { 0: "Leaf Guard", 1: "Oblivious", H: "Sweet Veil" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3.2, color: "Purple", evos: ["Steenee"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, steenee: { num: 762, name: "Steenee", types: ["Grass"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 52, atk: 40, def: 48, spa: 40, spd: 48, spe: 62 }, abilities: { 0: "Leaf Guard", 1: "Oblivious", H: "Sweet Veil" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 8.2, color: "Purple", prevo: "Bounsweet", evoLevel: 18, evos: ["Tsareena"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, tsareena: { num: 763, name: "Tsareena", types: ["Grass"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 120, def: 98, spa: 50, spd: 98, spe: 72 }, abilities: { 0: "Leaf Guard", 1: "Queenly Majesty", H: "Sweet Veil" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 21.4, color: "Purple", prevo: "Steenee", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Stomp", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, comfey: { num: 764, name: "Comfey", types: ["Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 51, atk: 52, def: 90, spa: 82, spd: 110, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Flower Veil", 1: "Triage", H: "Natural Cure" }, heightm: 0.1, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, oranguru: { num: 765, name: "Oranguru", types: ["Normal", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 60, def: 80, spa: 90, spd: 110, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", 1: "Telepathy", H: "Symbiosis" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 76, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, passimian: { num: 766, name: "Passimian", types: ["Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 120, def: 90, spa: 40, spd: 60, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Receiver", H: "Defiant" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 82.8, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, wimpod: { num: 767, name: "Wimpod", types: ["Bug", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 25, atk: 35, def: 40, spa: 20, spd: 30, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Wimp Out" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 12, color: "Gray", evos: ["Golisopod"], eggGroups: ["Bug", "Water 3"], }, golisopod: { num: 768, name: "Golisopod", types: ["Bug", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 125, def: 140, spa: 60, spd: 90, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Emergency Exit" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 108, color: "Gray", prevo: "Wimpod", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Bug", "Water 3"], }, sandygast: { num: 769, name: "Sandygast", types: ["Ghost", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 55, def: 80, spa: 70, spd: 45, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Compaction", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 70, color: "Brown", evos: ["Palossand"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, palossand: { num: 770, name: "Palossand", types: ["Ghost", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 75, def: 110, spa: 100, spd: 75, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Compaction", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 250, color: "Brown", prevo: "Sandygast", evoLevel: 42, eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, pyukumuku: { num: 771, name: "Pyukumuku", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 60, def: 130, spa: 30, spd: 130, spe: 5 }, abilities: { 0: "Innards Out", H: "Unaware" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1.2, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, typenull: { num: 772, name: "Type: Null", types: ["Normal"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 59 }, abilities: { 0: "Battle Armor" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 120.5, color: "Gray", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], evos: ["Silvally"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, silvally: { num: 773, name: "Silvally", types: ["Normal"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], prevo: "Type: Null", evoType: "levelFriendship", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Silvally-Bug", "Silvally-Dark", "Silvally-Dragon", "Silvally-Electric", "Silvally-Fairy", "Silvally-Fighting", "Silvally-Fire", "Silvally-Flying", "Silvally-Ghost", "Silvally-Grass", "Silvally-Ground", "Silvally-Ice", "Silvally-Poison", "Silvally-Psychic", "Silvally-Rock", "Silvally-Steel", "Silvally-Water"], formeOrder: [ "Silvally", "Silvally-Fighting", "Silvally-Flying", "Silvally-Poison", "Silvally-Ground", "Silvally-Rock", "Silvally-Bug", "Silvally-Ghost", "Silvally-Steel", "Silvally-Fire", "Silvally-Water", "Silvally-Grass", "Silvally-Electric", "Silvally-Psychic", "Silvally-Ice", "Silvally-Dragon", "Silvally-Dark", "Silvally-Fairy", ], }, silvallybug: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Bug", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Bug", types: ["Bug"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Bug Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallydark: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Dark", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Dark", types: ["Dark"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Dark Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallydragon: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Dragon", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Dragon", types: ["Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Dragon Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallyelectric: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Electric", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Electric", types: ["Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Electric Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallyfairy: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Fairy", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Fairy", types: ["Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Fairy Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallyfighting: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Fighting", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Fighting", types: ["Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Fighting Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallyfire: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Fire", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Fire", types: ["Fire"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Fire Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallyflying: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Flying", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Flying", types: ["Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Flying Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallyghost: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Ghost", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Ghost", types: ["Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Ghost Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallygrass: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Grass", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Grass", types: ["Grass"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Grass Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallyground: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Ground", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Ground", types: ["Ground"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Ground Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallyice: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Ice", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Ice", types: ["Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Ice Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallypoison: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Poison", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Poison", types: ["Poison"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Poison Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallypsychic: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Psychic", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Psychic", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Psychic Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallyrock: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Rock", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Rock", types: ["Rock"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Rock Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallysteel: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Steel", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Steel", types: ["Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Steel Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, silvallywater: { num: 773, name: "Silvally-Water", baseSpecies: "Silvally", forme: "Water", types: ["Water"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 95, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "RKS System" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 100.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Water Memory", changesFrom: "Silvally", }, minior: { num: 774, name: "Minior", baseForme: "Red", types: ["Rock", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 100, def: 60, spa: 100, spd: 60, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Shields Down" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], otherFormes: ["Minior-Meteor"], cosmeticFormes: ["Minior-Orange", "Minior-Yellow", "Minior-Green", "Minior-Blue", "Minior-Indigo", "Minior-Violet"], formeOrder: [ // All of the colored Minior Meteor formes (unsupported by PS) are numbers 0-6 "Minior-Meteor", "Minior-Meteor", "Minior-Meteor", "Minior-Meteor", "Minior-Meteor", "Minior-Meteor", "Minior-Meteor", "Minior", "Minior-Orange", "Minior-Yellow", "Minior-Green", "Minior-Blue", "Minior-Indigo", "Minior-Violet", ], }, miniormeteor: { num: 774, name: "Minior-Meteor", baseSpecies: "Minior", forme: "Meteor", types: ["Rock", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 60, def: 100, spa: 60, spd: 100, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Shields Down" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 40, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], requiredAbility: "Shields Down", battleOnly: "Minior", }, komala: { num: 775, name: "Komala", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 115, def: 65, spa: 75, spd: 95, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Comatose" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 19.9, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, turtonator: { num: 776, name: "Turtonator", types: ["Fire", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 78, def: 135, spa: 91, spd: 85, spe: 36 }, abilities: { 0: "Shell Armor" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 212, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, togedemaru: { num: 777, name: "Togedemaru", types: ["Electric", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 98, def: 63, spa: 40, spd: 73, spe: 96 }, abilities: { 0: "Iron Barbs", 1: "Lightning Rod", H: "Sturdy" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3.3, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], otherFormes: ["Togedemaru-Totem"], formeOrder: ["Togedemaru", "Togedemaru-Totem"], }, togedemarutotem: { num: 777, name: "Togedemaru-Totem", baseSpecies: "Togedemaru", forme: "Totem", types: ["Electric", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 98, def: 63, spa: 40, spd: 73, spe: 96 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 13, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], }, mimikyu: { num: 778, name: "Mimikyu", baseForme: "Disguised", types: ["Ghost", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 90, def: 80, spa: 50, spd: 105, spe: 96 }, abilities: { 0: "Disguise" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.7, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Mimikyu-Busted", "Mimikyu-Totem", "Mimikyu-Busted-Totem"], formeOrder: ["Mimikyu", "Mimikyu-Busted", "Mimikyu-Totem", "Mimikyu-Busted-Totem"], }, mimikyubusted: { num: 778, name: "Mimikyu-Busted", baseSpecies: "Mimikyu", forme: "Busted", types: ["Ghost", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 90, def: 80, spa: 50, spd: 105, spe: 96 }, abilities: { 0: "Disguise" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.7, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], requiredAbility: "Disguise", battleOnly: "Mimikyu", }, mimikyutotem: { num: 778, name: "Mimikyu-Totem", baseSpecies: "Mimikyu", forme: "Totem", types: ["Ghost", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 90, def: 80, spa: 50, spd: 105, spe: 96 }, abilities: { 0: "Disguise" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 2.8, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], }, mimikyubustedtotem: { num: 778, name: "Mimikyu-Busted-Totem", baseSpecies: "Mimikyu", forme: "Busted-Totem", types: ["Ghost", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 90, def: 80, spa: 50, spd: 105, spe: 96 }, abilities: { 0: "Disguise" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 2.8, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], requiredAbility: "Disguise", battleOnly: "Mimikyu-Totem", }, bruxish: { num: 779, name: "Bruxish", types: ["Water", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 105, def: 70, spa: 70, spd: 70, spe: 92 }, abilities: { 0: "Dazzling", 1: "Strong Jaw", H: "Wonder Skin" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 19, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, drampa: { num: 780, name: "Drampa", types: ["Normal", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 60, def: 85, spa: 135, spd: 91, spe: 36 }, abilities: { 0: "Berserk", 1: "Sap Sipper", H: "Cloud Nine" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 185, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], }, dhelmise: { num: 781, name: "Dhelmise", types: ["Ghost", "Grass"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 131, def: 100, spa: 86, spd: 90, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Steelworker" }, heightm: 3.9, weightkg: 210, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, jangmoo: { num: 782, name: "Jangmo-o", types: ["Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 55, def: 65, spa: 45, spd: 45, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Bulletproof", 1: "Soundproof", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 29.7, color: "Gray", evos: ["Hakamo-o"], eggGroups: ["Dragon"], }, hakamoo: { num: 783, name: "Hakamo-o", types: ["Dragon", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 75, def: 90, spa: 65, spd: 70, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Bulletproof", 1: "Soundproof", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 47, color: "Gray", prevo: "Jangmo-o", evoLevel: 35, evos: ["Kommo-o"], eggGroups: ["Dragon"], }, kommoo: { num: 784, name: "Kommo-o", types: ["Dragon", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 110, def: 125, spa: 100, spd: 105, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Bulletproof", 1: "Soundproof", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 78.2, color: "Gray", prevo: "Hakamo-o", evoLevel: 45, eggGroups: ["Dragon"], otherFormes: ["Kommo-o-Totem"], formeOrder: ["Kommo-o", "Kommo-o-Totem"], }, kommoototem: { num: 784, name: "Kommo-o-Totem", baseSpecies: "Kommo-o", forme: "Totem", types: ["Dragon", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 110, def: 125, spa: 100, spd: 105, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 2.4, weightkg: 207.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Dragon"], }, tapukoko: { num: 785, name: "Tapu Koko", types: ["Electric", "Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 115, def: 85, spa: 95, spd: 75, spe: 130 }, abilities: { 0: "Electric Surge", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 20.5, color: "Yellow", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, tapulele: { num: 786, name: "Tapu Lele", types: ["Psychic", "Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 85, def: 75, spa: 130, spd: 115, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Psychic Surge", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 18.6, color: "Pink", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, tapubulu: { num: 787, name: "Tapu Bulu", types: ["Grass", "Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 130, def: 115, spa: 85, spd: 95, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Grassy Surge", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 45.5, color: "Red", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, tapufini: { num: 788, name: "Tapu Fini", types: ["Water", "Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 75, def: 115, spa: 95, spd: 130, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Misty Surge", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 21.2, color: "Purple", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, cosmog: { num: 789, name: "Cosmog", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 43, atk: 29, def: 31, spa: 29, spd: 31, spe: 37 }, abilities: { 0: "Unaware" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.1, color: "Blue", evos: ["Cosmoem"], tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, cosmoem: { num: 790, name: "Cosmoem", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 43, atk: 29, def: 131, spa: 29, spd: 131, spe: 37 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy" }, heightm: 0.1, weightkg: 999.9, color: "Blue", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], prevo: "Cosmog", evoLevel: 43, evos: ["Solgaleo", "Lunala"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, solgaleo: { num: 791, name: "Solgaleo", types: ["Psychic", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 137, atk: 137, def: 107, spa: 113, spd: 89, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Full Metal Body" }, heightm: 3.4, weightkg: 230, color: "White", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], prevo: "Cosmoem", evoLevel: 53, eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, lunala: { num: 792, name: "Lunala", types: ["Psychic", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 137, atk: 113, def: 89, spa: 137, spd: 107, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Shadow Shield" }, heightm: 4, weightkg: 120, color: "Purple", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], prevo: "Cosmoem", evoLevel: 53, eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, nihilego: { num: 793, name: "Nihilego", types: ["Rock", "Poison"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 109, atk: 53, def: 47, spa: 127, spd: 131, spe: 103 }, abilities: { 0: "Beast Boost" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 55.5, color: "White", tags: ["Ultra Beast"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, buzzwole: { num: 794, name: "Buzzwole", types: ["Bug", "Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 107, atk: 139, def: 139, spa: 53, spd: 53, spe: 79 }, abilities: { 0: "Beast Boost" }, heightm: 2.4, weightkg: 333.6, color: "Red", tags: ["Ultra Beast"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, pheromosa: { num: 795, name: "Pheromosa", types: ["Bug", "Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 71, atk: 137, def: 37, spa: 137, spd: 37, spe: 151 }, abilities: { 0: "Beast Boost" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 25, color: "White", tags: ["Ultra Beast"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, xurkitree: { num: 796, name: "Xurkitree", types: ["Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 83, atk: 89, def: 71, spa: 173, spd: 71, spe: 83 }, abilities: { 0: "Beast Boost" }, heightm: 3.8, weightkg: 100, color: "Black", tags: ["Ultra Beast"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, celesteela: { num: 797, name: "Celesteela", types: ["Steel", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 97, atk: 101, def: 103, spa: 107, spd: 101, spe: 61 }, abilities: { 0: "Beast Boost" }, heightm: 9.2, weightkg: 999.9, color: "Green", tags: ["Ultra Beast"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, kartana: { num: 798, name: "Kartana", types: ["Grass", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 59, atk: 181, def: 131, spa: 59, spd: 31, spe: 109 }, abilities: { 0: "Beast Boost" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.1, color: "White", tags: ["Ultra Beast"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, guzzlord: { num: 799, name: "Guzzlord", types: ["Dark", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 223, atk: 101, def: 53, spa: 97, spd: 53, spe: 43 }, abilities: { 0: "Beast Boost" }, heightm: 5.5, weightkg: 888, color: "Black", tags: ["Ultra Beast"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, necrozma: { num: 800, name: "Necrozma", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 97, atk: 107, def: 101, spa: 127, spd: 89, spe: 79 }, abilities: { 0: "Prism Armor" }, heightm: 2.4, weightkg: 230, color: "Black", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Necrozma-Dusk-Mane", "Necrozma-Dawn-Wings", "Necrozma-Ultra"], formeOrder: ["Necrozma", "Necrozma-Dusk-Mane", "Necrozma-Dawn-Wings", "Necrozma-Ultra"], }, necrozmaduskmane: { num: 800, name: "Necrozma-Dusk-Mane", baseSpecies: "Necrozma", forme: "Dusk-Mane", types: ["Psychic", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 97, atk: 157, def: 127, spa: 113, spd: 109, spe: 77 }, abilities: { 0: "Prism Armor" }, heightm: 3.8, weightkg: 460, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Necrozma", }, necrozmadawnwings: { num: 800, name: "Necrozma-Dawn-Wings", baseSpecies: "Necrozma", forme: "Dawn-Wings", types: ["Psychic", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 97, atk: 113, def: 109, spa: 157, spd: 127, spe: 77 }, abilities: { 0: "Prism Armor" }, heightm: 4.2, weightkg: 350, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Necrozma", }, necrozmaultra: { num: 800, name: "Necrozma-Ultra", baseSpecies: "Necrozma", forme: "Ultra", types: ["Psychic", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 97, atk: 167, def: 97, spa: 167, spd: 97, spe: 129 }, abilities: { 0: "Neuroforce" }, heightm: 7.5, weightkg: 230, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Ultranecrozium Z", battleOnly: ["Necrozma-Dawn-Wings", "Necrozma-Dusk-Mane"], }, magearna: { num: 801, name: "Magearna", types: ["Steel", "Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 95, def: 115, spa: 130, spd: 115, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Soul-Heart" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 80.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Mythical"], otherFormes: ["Magearna-Original"], formeOrder: ["Magearna", "Magearna-Original"], }, magearnaoriginal: { num: 801, name: "Magearna-Original", baseSpecies: "Magearna", forme: "Original", types: ["Steel", "Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 95, def: 115, spa: 130, spd: 115, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Soul-Heart" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 80.5, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, marshadow: { num: 802, name: "Marshadow", types: ["Fighting", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 125, def: 80, spa: 90, spd: 90, spe: 125 }, abilities: { 0: "Technician" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 22.2, color: "Gray", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, poipole: { num: 803, name: "Poipole", types: ["Poison"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 67, atk: 73, def: 67, spa: 73, spd: 67, spe: 73 }, abilities: { 0: "Beast Boost" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 1.8, color: "Purple", tags: ["Ultra Beast"], evos: ["Naganadel"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, naganadel: { num: 804, name: "Naganadel", types: ["Poison", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 73, atk: 73, def: 73, spa: 127, spd: 73, spe: 121 }, abilities: { 0: "Beast Boost" }, heightm: 3.6, weightkg: 150, color: "Purple", tags: ["Ultra Beast"], prevo: "Poipole", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Dragon Pulse", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, stakataka: { num: 805, name: "Stakataka", types: ["Rock", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 61, atk: 131, def: 211, spa: 53, spd: 101, spe: 13 }, abilities: { 0: "Beast Boost" }, heightm: 5.5, weightkg: 820, color: "Gray", tags: ["Ultra Beast"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, blacephalon: { num: 806, name: "Blacephalon", types: ["Fire", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 53, atk: 127, def: 53, spa: 151, spd: 79, spe: 107 }, abilities: { 0: "Beast Boost" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 13, color: "White", tags: ["Ultra Beast"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, zeraora: { num: 807, name: "Zeraora", types: ["Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 112, def: 75, spa: 102, spd: 80, spe: 143 }, abilities: { 0: "Volt Absorb" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 44.5, color: "Yellow", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, meltan: { num: 808, name: "Meltan", types: ["Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 46, atk: 65, def: 65, spa: 55, spd: 35, spe: 34 }, abilities: { 0: "Magnet Pull" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 8, color: "Gray", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, melmetal: { num: 809, name: "Melmetal", types: ["Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 135, atk: 143, def: 143, spa: 80, spd: 65, spe: 34 }, abilities: { 0: "Iron Fist" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 800, color: "Gray", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Meltdown", }, melmetalgmax: { num: 809, name: "Melmetal-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Melmetal", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 135, atk: 143, def: 143, spa: 80, spd: 65, spe: 34 }, abilities: { 0: "Iron Fist" }, heightm: 25, weightkg: 0, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Melmetal", }, grookey: { num: 810, name: "Grookey", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 50, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Grassy Surge" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 5, color: "Green", evos: ["Thwackey"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], }, thwackey: { num: 811, name: "Thwackey", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 85, def: 70, spa: 55, spd: 60, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Grassy Surge" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 14, color: "Green", prevo: "Grookey", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Rillaboom"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], }, rillaboom: { num: 812, name: "Rillaboom", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 125, def: 90, spa: 60, spd: 70, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Grassy Surge" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 90, color: "Green", prevo: "Thwackey", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Drum Solo", }, rillaboomgmax: { num: 812, name: "Rillaboom-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Rillaboom", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 125, def: 90, spa: 60, spd: 70, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Grassy Surge" }, heightm: 28, weightkg: 0, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], changesFrom: "Rillaboom", }, scorbunny: { num: 813, name: "Scorbunny", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 71, def: 40, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 69 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Libero" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 4.5, color: "White", evos: ["Raboot"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], }, raboot: { num: 814, name: "Raboot", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 86, def: 60, spa: 55, spd: 60, spe: 94 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Libero" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 9, color: "Gray", prevo: "Scorbunny", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Cinderace"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], }, cinderace: { num: 815, name: "Cinderace", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 116, def: 75, spa: 65, spd: 75, spe: 119 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Libero" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 33, color: "White", prevo: "Raboot", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Fireball", }, cinderacegmax: { num: 815, name: "Cinderace-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Cinderace", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 116, def: 75, spa: 65, spd: 75, spe: 119 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Libero" }, heightm: 27, weightkg: 0, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Field", "Human-Like"], changesFrom: "Cinderace", }, sobble: { num: 816, name: "Sobble", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 40, def: 40, spa: 70, spd: 40, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Sniper" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 4, color: "Blue", evos: ["Drizzile"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, drizzile: { num: 817, name: "Drizzile", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 60, def: 55, spa: 95, spd: 55, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Sniper" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 11.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Sobble", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Inteleon"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, inteleon: { num: 818, name: "Inteleon", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 85, def: 65, spa: 125, spd: 65, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Sniper" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 45.2, color: "Blue", prevo: "Drizzile", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Hydrosnipe", }, inteleongmax: { num: 818, name: "Inteleon-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Inteleon", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 85, def: 65, spa: 125, spd: 65, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Sniper" }, heightm: 40, weightkg: 0, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], changesFrom: "Inteleon", }, skwovet: { num: 819, name: "Skwovet", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 55, def: 55, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Cheek Pouch", H: "Gluttony" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Greedent"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, greedent: { num: 820, name: "Greedent", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 55, spd: 75, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Cheek Pouch", H: "Gluttony" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 6, color: "Brown", prevo: "Skwovet", evoLevel: 24, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, rookidee: { num: 821, name: "Rookidee", types: ["Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 38, atk: 47, def: 35, spa: 33, spd: 35, spe: 57 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Unnerve", H: "Big Pecks" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 1.8, color: "Blue", evos: ["Corvisquire"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, corvisquire: { num: 822, name: "Corvisquire", types: ["Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 67, def: 55, spa: 43, spd: 55, spe: 77 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Unnerve", H: "Big Pecks" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 16, color: "Blue", prevo: "Rookidee", evoLevel: 18, evos: ["Corviknight"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, corviknight: { num: 823, name: "Corviknight", types: ["Flying", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 98, atk: 87, def: 105, spa: 53, spd: 85, spe: 67 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", 1: "Unnerve", H: "Mirror Armor" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 75, color: "Purple", prevo: "Corvisquire", evoLevel: 38, eggGroups: ["Flying"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Wind Rage", }, corviknightgmax: { num: 823, name: "Corviknight-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Corviknight", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Flying", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 98, atk: 87, def: 105, spa: 53, spd: 85, spe: 67 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", 1: "Unnerve", H: "Mirror Armor" }, heightm: 14, weightkg: 0, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Flying"], changesFrom: "Corviknight", }, blipbug: { num: 824, name: "Blipbug", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 25, atk: 20, def: 20, spa: 25, spd: 45, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Compound Eyes", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 8, color: "Blue", evos: ["Dottler"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, dottler: { num: 825, name: "Dottler", types: ["Bug", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 35, def: 80, spa: 50, spd: 90, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Compound Eyes", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 19.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Blipbug", evoLevel: 10, evos: ["Orbeetle"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, orbeetle: { num: 826, name: "Orbeetle", types: ["Bug", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 45, def: 110, spa: 80, spd: 120, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Frisk", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 40.8, color: "Red", prevo: "Dottler", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Bug"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Gravitas", }, orbeetlegmax: { num: 826, name: "Orbeetle-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Orbeetle", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Bug", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 45, def: 110, spa: 80, spd: 120, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Frisk", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 14, weightkg: 0, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Bug"], changesFrom: "Orbeetle", }, nickit: { num: 827, name: "Nickit", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 28, def: 28, spa: 47, spd: 52, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Unburden", H: "Stakeout" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 8.9, color: "Brown", evos: ["Thievul"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, thievul: { num: 828, name: "Thievul", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 58, def: 58, spa: 87, spd: 92, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Unburden", H: "Stakeout" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 19.9, color: "Brown", prevo: "Nickit", evoLevel: 18, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, gossifleur: { num: 829, name: "Gossifleur", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 40, def: 60, spa: 40, spd: 60, spe: 10 }, abilities: { 0: "Cotton Down", 1: "Regenerator", H: "Effect Spore" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 2.2, color: "Green", evos: ["Eldegoss"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, eldegoss: { num: 830, name: "Eldegoss", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 50, def: 90, spa: 80, spd: 120, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Cotton Down", 1: "Regenerator", H: "Effect Spore" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 2.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Gossifleur", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, wooloo: { num: 831, name: "Wooloo", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 42, atk: 40, def: 55, spa: 40, spd: 45, spe: 48 }, abilities: { 0: "Fluffy", 1: "Run Away", H: "Bulletproof" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 6, color: "White", evos: ["Dubwool"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, dubwool: { num: 832, name: "Dubwool", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 80, def: 100, spa: 60, spd: 90, spe: 88 }, abilities: { 0: "Fluffy", 1: "Steadfast", H: "Bulletproof" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 43, color: "White", prevo: "Wooloo", evoLevel: 24, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, chewtle: { num: 833, name: "Chewtle", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 64, def: 50, spa: 38, spd: 38, spe: 44 }, abilities: { 0: "Strong Jaw", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 8.5, color: "Green", evos: ["Drednaw"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], }, drednaw: { num: 834, name: "Drednaw", types: ["Water", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 115, def: 90, spa: 48, spd: 68, spe: 74 }, abilities: { 0: "Strong Jaw", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 115.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Chewtle", evoLevel: 22, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Stonesurge", }, drednawgmax: { num: 834, name: "Drednaw-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Drednaw", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Water", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 115, def: 90, spa: 48, spd: 68, spe: 74 }, abilities: { 0: "Strong Jaw", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 24, weightkg: 0, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Water 1"], changesFrom: "Drednaw", }, yamper: { num: 835, name: "Yamper", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 59, atk: 45, def: 50, spa: 40, spd: 50, spe: 26 }, abilities: { 0: "Ball Fetch", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 13.5, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Boltund"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, boltund: { num: 836, name: "Boltund", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 69, atk: 90, def: 60, spa: 90, spd: 60, spe: 121 }, abilities: { 0: "Strong Jaw", H: "Competitive" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 34, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Yamper", evoLevel: 25, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, rolycoly: { num: 837, name: "Rolycoly", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 40, def: 50, spa: 40, spd: 50, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Steam Engine", 1: "Heatproof", H: "Flash Fire" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 12, color: "Black", evos: ["Carkol"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, carkol: { num: 838, name: "Carkol", types: ["Rock", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 60, def: 90, spa: 60, spd: 70, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Steam Engine", 1: "Flame Body", H: "Flash Fire" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 78, color: "Black", prevo: "Rolycoly", evoLevel: 18, evos: ["Coalossal"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, coalossal: { num: 839, name: "Coalossal", types: ["Rock", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 80, def: 120, spa: 80, spd: 90, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Steam Engine", 1: "Flame Body", H: "Flash Fire" }, heightm: 2.8, weightkg: 310.5, color: "Black", prevo: "Carkol", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Volcalith", }, coalossalgmax: { num: 839, name: "Coalossal-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Coalossal", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Rock", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 80, def: 120, spa: 80, spd: 90, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Steam Engine", 1: "Flame Body", H: "Flash Fire" }, heightm: 42, weightkg: 0, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], changesFrom: "Coalossal", }, applin: { num: 840, name: "Applin", types: ["Grass", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 40, def: 80, spa: 40, spd: 40, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Ripen", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Bulletproof" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.5, color: "Green", evos: ["Flapple", "Appletun", "Dipplin"], eggGroups: ["Grass", "Dragon"], }, flapple: { num: 841, name: "Flapple", types: ["Grass", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 110, def: 80, spa: 95, spd: 60, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Ripen", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Hustle" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1, color: "Green", prevo: "Applin", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Tart Apple", eggGroups: ["Grass", "Dragon"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Tartness", }, flapplegmax: { num: 841, name: "Flapple-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Flapple", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Grass", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 110, def: 80, spa: 95, spd: 60, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Ripen", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Hustle" }, heightm: 24, weightkg: 0, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Grass", "Dragon"], changesFrom: "Flapple", }, appletun: { num: 842, name: "Appletun", types: ["Grass", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 85, def: 80, spa: 100, spd: 80, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Ripen", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 13, color: "Green", prevo: "Applin", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Sweet Apple", eggGroups: ["Grass", "Dragon"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Sweetness", }, appletungmax: { num: 842, name: "Appletun-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Appletun", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Grass", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 85, def: 80, spa: 100, spd: 80, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Ripen", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 24, weightkg: 0, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Grass", "Dragon"], changesFrom: "Appletun", }, silicobra: { num: 843, name: "Silicobra", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 52, atk: 57, def: 75, spa: 35, spd: 50, spe: 46 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Spit", 1: "Shed Skin", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 7.6, color: "Green", evos: ["Sandaconda"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Dragon"], }, sandaconda: { num: 844, name: "Sandaconda", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 107, def: 125, spa: 65, spd: 70, spe: 71 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Spit", 1: "Shed Skin", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 3.8, weightkg: 65.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Silicobra", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field", "Dragon"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Sandblast", }, sandacondagmax: { num: 844, name: "Sandaconda-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Sandaconda", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 107, def: 125, spa: 65, spd: 70, spe: 71 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Spit", 1: "Shed Skin", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 22, weightkg: 0, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Field", "Dragon"], changesFrom: "Sandaconda", }, cramorant: { num: 845, name: "Cramorant", types: ["Flying", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 85, def: 55, spa: 85, spd: 95, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Gulp Missile" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 18, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Flying"], otherFormes: ["Cramorant-Gulping", "Cramorant-Gorging"], formeOrder: ["Cramorant", "Cramorant-Gulping", "Cramorant-Gorging"], }, cramorantgulping: { num: 845, name: "Cramorant-Gulping", baseSpecies: "Cramorant", forme: "Gulping", types: ["Flying", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 85, def: 55, spa: 85, spd: 95, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Gulp Missile" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 18, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Flying"], requiredAbility: "Gulp Missile", battleOnly: "Cramorant", }, cramorantgorging: { num: 845, name: "Cramorant-Gorging", baseSpecies: "Cramorant", forme: "Gorging", types: ["Flying", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 85, def: 55, spa: 85, spd: 95, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Gulp Missile" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 18, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Flying"], requiredAbility: "Gulp Missile", battleOnly: "Cramorant", }, arrokuda: { num: 846, name: "Arrokuda", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 41, atk: 63, def: 40, spa: 40, spd: 30, spe: 66 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", H: "Propeller Tail" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 1, color: "Brown", evos: ["Barraskewda"], eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, barraskewda: { num: 847, name: "Barraskewda", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 61, atk: 123, def: 60, spa: 60, spd: 50, spe: 136 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", H: "Propeller Tail" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 30, color: "Brown", prevo: "Arrokuda", evoLevel: 26, eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, toxel: { num: 848, name: "Toxel", types: ["Electric", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 38, def: 35, spa: 54, spd: 35, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Rattled", 1: "Static", H: "Klutz" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 11, color: "Purple", evos: ["Toxtricity", "Toxtricity-Low-Key"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, }, toxtricity: { num: 849, name: "Toxtricity", baseForme: "Amped", types: ["Electric", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 98, def: 70, spa: 114, spd: 70, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Punk Rock", 1: "Plus", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 40, color: "Purple", prevo: "Toxel", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], otherFormes: ["Toxtricity-Low-Key"], formeOrder: ["Toxtricity", "Toxtricity-Low-Key"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Stun Shock", }, toxtricitylowkey: { num: 849, name: "Toxtricity-Low-Key", baseSpecies: "Toxtricity", forme: "Low-Key", types: ["Electric", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 98, def: 70, spa: 114, spd: 70, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Punk Rock", 1: "Minus", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 40, color: "Purple", prevo: "Toxel", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Stun Shock", }, toxtricitygmax: { num: 849, name: "Toxtricity-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Toxtricity", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Electric", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 98, def: 70, spa: 114, spd: 70, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Punk Rock", 1: "Plus", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 24, weightkg: 0, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], changesFrom: "Toxtricity", }, toxtricitylowkeygmax: { num: 849, name: "Toxtricity-Low-Key-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Toxtricity", forme: "Low-Key-Gmax", types: ["Electric", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 98, def: 70, spa: 114, spd: 70, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Punk Rock", 1: "Minus", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 24, weightkg: 0, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], battleOnly: "Toxtricity-Low-Key", changesFrom: "Toxtricity-Low-Key", }, sizzlipede: { num: 850, name: "Sizzlipede", types: ["Fire", "Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 65, def: 45, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", 1: "White Smoke", H: "Flame Body" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 1, color: "Red", evos: ["Centiskorch"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, centiskorch: { num: 851, name: "Centiskorch", types: ["Fire", "Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 115, def: 65, spa: 90, spd: 90, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", 1: "White Smoke", H: "Flame Body" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 120, color: "Red", prevo: "Sizzlipede", evoLevel: 28, eggGroups: ["Bug"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Centiferno", }, centiskorchgmax: { num: 851, name: "Centiskorch-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Centiskorch", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Fire", "Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 115, def: 65, spa: 90, spd: 90, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", 1: "White Smoke", H: "Flame Body" }, heightm: 75, weightkg: 0, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Bug"], changesFrom: "Centiskorch", }, clobbopus: { num: 852, name: "Clobbopus", types: ["Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 68, def: 60, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 32 }, abilities: { 0: "Limber", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 4, color: "Brown", evos: ["Grapploct"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Human-Like"], }, grapploct: { num: 853, name: "Grapploct", types: ["Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 118, def: 90, spa: 70, spd: 80, spe: 42 }, abilities: { 0: "Limber", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 39, color: "Blue", prevo: "Clobbopus", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Taunt", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Human-Like"], }, sinistea: { num: 854, name: "Sinistea", baseForme: "Phony", types: ["Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 45, spa: 74, spd: 54, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Weak Armor", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 0.1, weightkg: 0.2, color: "Purple", evos: ["Polteageist"], eggGroups: ["Mineral", "Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Sinistea-Antique"], formeOrder: ["Sinistea", "Sinistea-Antique"], }, sinisteaantique: { num: 854, name: "Sinistea-Antique", baseSpecies: "Sinistea", forme: "Antique", types: ["Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 45, spa: 74, spd: 54, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Weak Armor", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 0.1, weightkg: 0.2, color: "Purple", evos: ["Polteageist-Antique"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, polteageist: { num: 855, name: "Polteageist", baseForme: "Phony", types: ["Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 65, def: 65, spa: 134, spd: 114, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Weak Armor", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.4, color: "Purple", prevo: "Sinistea", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Cracked Pot", eggGroups: ["Mineral", "Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Polteageist-Antique"], formeOrder: ["Polteageist", "Polteageist-Antique"], }, polteageistantique: { num: 855, name: "Polteageist-Antique", baseSpecies: "Polteageist", forme: "Antique", types: ["Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 65, def: 65, spa: 134, spd: 114, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Weak Armor", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.4, color: "Purple", prevo: "Sinistea-Antique", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Chipped Pot", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, hatenna: { num: 856, name: "Hatenna", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 42, atk: 30, def: 45, spa: 56, spd: 53, spe: 39 }, abilities: { 0: "Healer", 1: "Anticipation", H: "Magic Bounce" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 3.4, color: "Pink", evos: ["Hattrem"], eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, hattrem: { num: 857, name: "Hattrem", types: ["Psychic"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 57, atk: 40, def: 65, spa: 86, spd: 73, spe: 49 }, abilities: { 0: "Healer", 1: "Anticipation", H: "Magic Bounce" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 4.8, color: "Pink", prevo: "Hatenna", evoLevel: 32, evos: ["Hatterene"], eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, hatterene: { num: 858, name: "Hatterene", types: ["Psychic", "Fairy"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 57, atk: 90, def: 95, spa: 136, spd: 103, spe: 29 }, abilities: { 0: "Healer", 1: "Anticipation", H: "Magic Bounce" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 5.1, color: "Pink", prevo: "Hattrem", evoLevel: 42, eggGroups: ["Fairy"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Smite", }, hatterenegmax: { num: 858, name: "Hatterene-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Hatterene", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Psychic", "Fairy"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 57, atk: 90, def: 95, spa: 136, spd: 103, spe: 29 }, abilities: { 0: "Healer", 1: "Anticipation", H: "Magic Bounce" }, heightm: 26, weightkg: 0, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], changesFrom: "Hatterene", }, impidimp: { num: 859, name: "Impidimp", types: ["Dark", "Fairy"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 45, def: 30, spa: 55, spd: 40, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Prankster", 1: "Frisk", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 5.5, color: "Pink", evos: ["Morgrem"], eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Human-Like"], }, morgrem: { num: 860, name: "Morgrem", types: ["Dark", "Fairy"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 60, def: 45, spa: 75, spd: 55, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Prankster", 1: "Frisk", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 12.5, color: "Pink", prevo: "Impidimp", evoLevel: 32, evos: ["Grimmsnarl"], eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Human-Like"], }, grimmsnarl: { num: 861, name: "Grimmsnarl", types: ["Dark", "Fairy"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 120, def: 65, spa: 95, spd: 75, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Prankster", 1: "Frisk", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "Purple", prevo: "Morgrem", evoLevel: 42, eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Human-Like"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Snooze", }, grimmsnarlgmax: { num: 861, name: "Grimmsnarl-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Grimmsnarl", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Dark", "Fairy"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 120, def: 65, spa: 95, spd: 75, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Prankster", 1: "Frisk", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 32, weightkg: 0, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Human-Like"], changesFrom: "Grimmsnarl", }, obstagoon: { num: 862, name: "Obstagoon", types: ["Dark", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 93, atk: 90, def: 101, spa: 60, spd: 81, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Reckless", 1: "Guts", H: "Defiant" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 46, color: "Gray", prevo: "Linoone-Galar", evoLevel: 35, evoCondition: "at night", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, perrserker: { num: 863, name: "Perrserker", types: ["Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 110, def: 100, spa: 50, spd: 60, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Battle Armor", 1: "Tough Claws", H: "Steely Spirit" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 28, color: "Brown", prevo: "Meowth-Galar", evoLevel: 28, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, cursola: { num: 864, name: "Cursola", types: ["Ghost"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 95, def: 50, spa: 145, spd: 130, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Weak Armor", H: "Perish Body" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 0.4, color: "White", prevo: "Corsola-Galar", evoLevel: 38, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], }, sirfetchd: { num: 865, name: "Sirfetch\u2019d", types: ["Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 62, atk: 135, def: 95, spa: 68, spd: 82, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Steadfast", H: "Scrappy" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 117, color: "White", prevo: "Farfetch\u2019d-Galar", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Land 3 critical hits in 1 battle", eggGroups: ["Flying", "Field"], }, mrrime: { num: 866, name: "Mr. Rime", types: ["Ice", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 85, def: 75, spa: 110, spd: 100, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Tangled Feet", 1: "Screen Cleaner", H: "Ice Body" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 58.2, color: "Purple", prevo: "Mr. Mime-Galar", evoLevel: 42, eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, runerigus: { num: 867, name: "Runerigus", types: ["Ground", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 58, atk: 95, def: 145, spa: 50, spd: 105, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Wandering Spirit" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 66.6, color: "Gray", prevo: "Yamask-Galar", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Have 49+ HP lost and walk under stone sculpture in Dusty Bowl", eggGroups: ["Mineral", "Amorphous"], }, milcery: { num: 868, name: "Milcery", types: ["Fairy"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 40, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 61, spe: 34 }, abilities: { 0: "Sweet Veil", H: "Aroma Veil" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.3, color: "White", evos: ["Alcremie"], eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Amorphous"], }, alcremie: { num: 869, name: "Alcremie", baseForme: "Vanilla Cream", types: ["Fairy"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 60, def: 75, spa: 110, spd: 121, spe: 64 }, abilities: { 0: "Sweet Veil", H: "Aroma Veil" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.5, color: "White", prevo: "Milcery", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "spin while holding a Sweet", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Amorphous"], cosmeticFormes: ["Alcremie-Ruby-Cream", "Alcremie-Matcha-Cream", "Alcremie-Mint-Cream", "Alcremie-Lemon-Cream", "Alcremie-Salted-Cream", "Alcremie-Ruby-Swirl", "Alcremie-Caramel-Swirl", "Alcremie-Rainbow-Swirl"], formeOrder: ["Alcremie", "Alcremie-Ruby-Cream", "Alcremie-Matcha-Cream", "Alcremie-Mint-Cream", "Alcremie-Lemon-Cream", "Alcremie-Salted-Cream", "Alcremie-Ruby-Swirl", "Alcremie-Caramel-Swirl", "Alcremie-Rainbow-Swirl"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Finale", }, alcremiegmax: { num: 869, name: "Alcremie-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Alcremie", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Fairy"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 60, def: 75, spa: 110, spd: 121, spe: 64 }, abilities: { 0: "Sweet Veil", H: "Aroma Veil" }, heightm: 30, weightkg: 0, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Amorphous"], changesFrom: "Alcremie", }, falinks: { num: 870, name: "Falinks", types: ["Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 70, spd: 60, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Battle Armor", H: "Defiant" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 62, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Mineral"], }, pincurchin: { num: 871, name: "Pincurchin", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 48, atk: 101, def: 95, spa: 91, spd: 85, spe: 15 }, abilities: { 0: "Lightning Rod", H: "Electric Surge" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Amorphous"], }, snom: { num: 872, name: "Snom", types: ["Ice", "Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 25, def: 35, spa: 45, spd: 30, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", H: "Ice Scales" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3.8, color: "White", evos: ["Frosmoth"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, frosmoth: { num: 873, name: "Frosmoth", types: ["Ice", "Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 65, def: 60, spa: 125, spd: 90, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", H: "Ice Scales" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 42, color: "White", prevo: "Snom", evoType: "levelFriendship", evoCondition: "at night", eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, stonjourner: { num: 874, name: "Stonjourner", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 125, def: 135, spa: 20, spd: 20, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Power Spot" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 520, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, eiscue: { num: 875, name: "Eiscue", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 80, def: 110, spa: 65, spd: 90, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Ice Face" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 89, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], otherFormes: ["Eiscue-Noice"], formeOrder: ["Eiscue", "Eiscue-Noice"], }, eiscuenoice: { num: 875, name: "Eiscue-Noice", baseSpecies: "Eiscue", forme: "Noice", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 80, def: 70, spa: 65, spd: 50, spe: 130 }, abilities: { 0: "Ice Face" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 89, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], requiredAbility: "Ice Face", battleOnly: "Eiscue", }, indeedee: { num: 876, name: "Indeedee", baseForme: "M", types: ["Psychic", "Normal"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 65, def: 55, spa: 105, spd: 95, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", 1: "Synchronize", H: "Psychic Surge" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 28, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], otherFormes: ["Indeedee-F"], formeOrder: ["Indeedee", "Indeedee-F"], mother: 'indeedeef', }, indeedeef: { num: 876, name: "Indeedee-F", baseSpecies: "Indeedee", forme: "F", types: ["Psychic", "Normal"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 55, def: 65, spa: 95, spd: 105, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo", 1: "Synchronize", H: "Psychic Surge" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 28, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, morpeko: { num: 877, name: "Morpeko", types: ["Electric", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 58, atk: 95, def: 58, spa: 70, spd: 58, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Hunger Switch" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], otherFormes: ["Morpeko-Hangry"], formeOrder: ["Morpeko", "Morpeko-Hangry"], }, morpekohangry: { num: 877, name: "Morpeko-Hangry", baseSpecies: "Morpeko", forme: "Hangry", types: ["Electric", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 58, atk: 95, def: 58, spa: 70, spd: 58, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Hunger Switch" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], requiredAbility: "Hunger Switch", battleOnly: "Morpeko", }, cufant: { num: 878, name: "Cufant", types: ["Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 80, def: 49, spa: 40, spd: 49, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Sheer Force", H: "Heavy Metal" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 100, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Copperajah"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Mineral"], }, copperajah: { num: 879, name: "Copperajah", types: ["Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 122, atk: 130, def: 69, spa: 80, spd: 69, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Sheer Force", H: "Heavy Metal" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 650, color: "Green", prevo: "Cufant", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Field", "Mineral"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Steelsurge", }, copperajahgmax: { num: 879, name: "Copperajah-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Copperajah", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 122, atk: 130, def: 69, spa: 80, spd: 69, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Sheer Force", H: "Heavy Metal" }, heightm: 23, weightkg: 0, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Field", "Mineral"], changesFrom: "Copperajah", }, dracozolt: { num: 880, name: "Dracozolt", types: ["Electric", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 100, def: 90, spa: 80, spd: 70, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Volt Absorb", 1: "Hustle", H: "Sand Rush" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 190, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, arctozolt: { num: 881, name: "Arctozolt", types: ["Electric", "Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 100, def: 90, spa: 90, spd: 80, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Volt Absorb", 1: "Static", H: "Slush Rush" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 150, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, dracovish: { num: 882, name: "Dracovish", types: ["Water", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 90, def: 100, spa: 70, spd: 80, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Strong Jaw", H: "Sand Rush" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 215, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, arctovish: { num: 883, name: "Arctovish", types: ["Water", "Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 90, def: 100, spa: 80, spd: 90, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Ice Body", H: "Slush Rush" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 175, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, duraludon: { num: 884, name: "Duraludon", types: ["Steel", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 95, def: 115, spa: 120, spd: 50, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Light Metal", 1: "Heavy Metal", H: "Stalwart" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 40, color: "White", evos: ["Archaludon"], eggGroups: ["Mineral", "Dragon"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Depletion", }, duraludongmax: { num: 884, name: "Duraludon-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Duraludon", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Steel", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 95, def: 115, spa: 120, spd: 50, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Light Metal", 1: "Heavy Metal", H: "Stalwart" }, heightm: 43, weightkg: 0, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Mineral", "Dragon"], changesFrom: "Duraludon", }, dreepy: { num: 885, name: "Dreepy", types: ["Dragon", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 28, atk: 60, def: 30, spa: 40, spd: 30, spe: 82 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 2, color: "Green", evos: ["Drakloak"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous", "Dragon"], }, drakloak: { num: 886, name: "Drakloak", types: ["Dragon", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 80, def: 50, spa: 60, spd: 50, spe: 102 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 11, color: "Green", prevo: "Dreepy", evoLevel: 50, evos: ["Dragapult"], eggGroups: ["Amorphous", "Dragon"], }, dragapult: { num: 887, name: "Dragapult", types: ["Dragon", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 120, def: 75, spa: 100, spd: 75, spe: 142 }, abilities: { 0: "Clear Body", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 50, color: "Green", prevo: "Drakloak", evoLevel: 60, eggGroups: ["Amorphous", "Dragon"], }, zacian: { num: 888, name: "Zacian", baseForme: "Hero", types: ["Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 92, atk: 120, def: 115, spa: 80, spd: 115, spe: 138 }, abilities: { 0: "Intrepid Sword" }, heightm: 2.8, weightkg: 110, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], otherFormes: ["Zacian-Crowned"], formeOrder: ["Zacian", "Zacian-Crowned"], cannotDynamax: true, }, zaciancrowned: { num: 888, name: "Zacian-Crowned", baseSpecies: "Zacian", forme: "Crowned", types: ["Fairy", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 92, atk: 150, def: 115, spa: 80, spd: 115, spe: 148 }, abilities: { 0: "Intrepid Sword" }, heightm: 2.8, weightkg: 355, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Rusted Sword", battleOnly: "Zacian", cannotDynamax: true, }, zamazenta: { num: 889, name: "Zamazenta", baseForme: "Hero", types: ["Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 92, atk: 120, def: 115, spa: 80, spd: 115, spe: 138 }, abilities: { 0: "Dauntless Shield" }, heightm: 2.9, weightkg: 210, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], otherFormes: ["Zamazenta-Crowned"], formeOrder: ["Zamazenta", "Zamazenta-Crowned"], cannotDynamax: true, }, zamazentacrowned: { num: 889, name: "Zamazenta-Crowned", baseSpecies: "Zamazenta", forme: "Crowned", types: ["Fighting", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 92, atk: 120, def: 140, spa: 80, spd: 140, spe: 128 }, abilities: { 0: "Dauntless Shield" }, heightm: 2.9, weightkg: 785, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Rusted Shield", battleOnly: "Zamazenta", cannotDynamax: true, }, eternatus: { num: 890, name: "Eternatus", types: ["Poison", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 140, atk: 85, def: 95, spa: 145, spd: 95, spe: 130 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure" }, heightm: 20, weightkg: 950, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], otherFormes: ["Eternatus-Eternamax"], formeOrder: ["Eternatus", "Eternatus-Eternamax"], cannotDynamax: true, }, eternatuseternamax: { num: 890, name: "Eternatus-Eternamax", baseSpecies: "Eternatus", forme: "Eternamax", types: ["Poison", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 255, atk: 115, def: 250, spa: 125, spd: 250, spe: 130 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure" }, heightm: 100, weightkg: 0, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cannotDynamax: true, }, kubfu: { num: 891, name: "Kubfu", types: ["Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 90, def: 60, spa: 53, spd: 50, spe: 72 }, abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 12, color: "Gray", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], evos: ["Urshifu", "Urshifu-Rapid-Strike"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, urshifu: { num: 892, name: "Urshifu", baseForme: "Single-Strike", types: ["Fighting", "Dark"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 130, def: 100, spa: 63, spd: 60, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Unseen Fist" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 105, color: "Gray", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], prevo: "Kubfu", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Defeat the Single Strike Tower", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Urshifu-Rapid-Strike"], formeOrder: ["Urshifu", "Urshifu-Rapid-Strike"], canGigantamax: "G-Max One Blow", }, urshifurapidstrike: { num: 892, name: "Urshifu-Rapid-Strike", baseSpecies: "Urshifu", forme: "Rapid-Strike", types: ["Fighting", "Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 130, def: 100, spa: 63, spd: 60, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Unseen Fist" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 105, color: "Gray", prevo: "Kubfu", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Defeat the Rapid Strike Tower", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canGigantamax: "G-Max Rapid Flow", }, urshifugmax: { num: 892, name: "Urshifu-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Urshifu", forme: "Gmax", types: ["Fighting", "Dark"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 130, def: 100, spa: 63, spd: 60, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Unseen Fist" }, heightm: 29, weightkg: 0, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Urshifu", }, urshifurapidstrikegmax: { num: 892, name: "Urshifu-Rapid-Strike-Gmax", baseSpecies: "Urshifu", forme: "Rapid-Strike-Gmax", types: ["Fighting", "Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 130, def: 100, spa: 63, spd: 60, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Unseen Fist" }, heightm: 26, weightkg: 0, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], battleOnly: "Urshifu-Rapid-Strike", changesFrom: "Urshifu-Rapid-Strike", }, zarude: { num: 893, name: "Zarude", types: ["Dark", "Grass"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 120, def: 105, spa: 70, spd: 95, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Leaf Guard" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 70, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Mythical"], otherFormes: ["Zarude-Dada"], formeOrder: ["Zarude", "Zarude-Dada"], }, zarudedada: { num: 893, name: "Zarude-Dada", baseSpecies: "Zarude", forme: "Dada", types: ["Dark", "Grass"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 120, def: 105, spa: 70, spd: 95, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Leaf Guard" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 70, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, regieleki: { num: 894, name: "Regieleki", types: ["Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 100, def: 50, spa: 100, spd: 50, spe: 200 }, abilities: { 0: "Transistor" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 145, color: "Yellow", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, regidrago: { num: 895, name: "Regidrago", types: ["Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 200, atk: 100, def: 50, spa: 100, spd: 50, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Dragon's Maw" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 200, color: "Green", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, glastrier: { num: 896, name: "Glastrier", types: ["Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 145, def: 130, spa: 65, spd: 110, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Chilling Neigh" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 800, color: "White", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, spectrier: { num: 897, name: "Spectrier", types: ["Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 65, def: 60, spa: 145, spd: 80, spe: 130 }, abilities: { 0: "Grim Neigh" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 44.5, color: "Black", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, calyrex: { num: 898, name: "Calyrex", types: ["Psychic", "Grass"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 80, def: 80, spa: 80, spd: 80, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 7.7, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], otherFormes: ["Calyrex-Ice", "Calyrex-Shadow"], formeOrder: ["Calyrex", "Calyrex-Ice", "Calyrex-Shadow"], }, calyrexice: { num: 898, name: "Calyrex-Ice", baseSpecies: "Calyrex", forme: "Ice", types: ["Psychic", "Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 165, def: 150, spa: 85, spd: 130, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "As One (Glastrier)" }, heightm: 2.4, weightkg: 809.1, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Calyrex", }, calyrexshadow: { num: 898, name: "Calyrex-Shadow", baseSpecies: "Calyrex", forme: "Shadow", types: ["Psychic", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 85, def: 80, spa: 165, spd: 100, spe: 150 }, abilities: { 0: "As One (Spectrier)" }, heightm: 2.4, weightkg: 53.6, color: "Black", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Calyrex", }, wyrdeer: { num: 899, name: "Wyrdeer", types: ["Normal", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 103, atk: 105, def: 72, spa: 105, spd: 75, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Frisk", H: "Sap Sipper" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 95.1, color: "Gray", prevo: "Stantler", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Use Agile style Psyshield Bash 20 times", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, kleavor: { num: 900, name: "Kleavor", types: ["Bug", "Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 135, def: 95, spa: 45, spd: 70, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Sheer Force", H: "Sharpness" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 89, color: "Brown", prevo: "Scyther", evoType: "useItem", evoCondition: "Black Augurite", eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, ursaluna: { num: 901, name: "Ursaluna", types: ["Ground", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 130, atk: 140, def: 105, spa: 45, spd: 80, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", 1: "Bulletproof", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 2.4, weightkg: 290, color: "Brown", prevo: "Ursaring", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Peat Block when there's a full moon", eggGroups: ["Field"], otherFormes: ["Ursaluna-Bloodmoon"], formeOrder: ["Ursaluna", "Ursaluna-Bloodmoon"], }, ursalunabloodmoon: { num: 901, name: "Ursaluna-Bloodmoon", baseSpecies: "Ursaluna", forme: "Bloodmoon", types: ["Ground", "Normal"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 113, atk: 70, def: 120, spa: 135, spd: 65, spe: 52 }, abilities: { 0: "Mind's Eye" }, heightm: 2.7, weightkg: 333, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Field"], gen: 9, }, basculegion: { num: 902, name: "Basculegion", baseForme: "M", types: ["Water", "Ghost"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 112, def: 65, spa: 80, spd: 75, spe: 78 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Adaptability", H: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 110, color: "Green", prevo: "Basculin-White-Striped", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Receive 294+ recoil without fainting", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], otherFormes: ["Basculegion-F"], formeOrder: ["Basculegion", "Basculegion-F"], }, basculegionf: { num: 902, name: "Basculegion-F", baseSpecies: "Basculegion", forme: "F", types: ["Water", "Ghost"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 92, def: 65, spa: 100, spd: 75, spe: 78 }, abilities: { 0: "Swift Swim", 1: "Adaptability", H: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 110, color: "Green", prevo: "Basculin-White-Striped", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Receive 294+ recoil without fainting", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, sneasler: { num: 903, name: "Sneasler", types: ["Fighting", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 130, def: 60, spa: 40, spd: 80, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure", 1: "Unburden", H: "Poison Touch" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 43, color: "Blue", prevo: "Sneasel-Hisui", evoType: "levelHold", evoItem: "Razor Claw", evoCondition: "during the day", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, overqwil: { num: 904, name: "Overqwil", types: ["Dark", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 115, def: 95, spa: 65, spd: 65, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Swift Swim", H: "Intimidate" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 60.5, color: "Black", prevo: "Qwilfish-Hisui", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Use Strong style Barb Barrage 20 times", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, enamorus: { num: 905, name: "Enamorus", baseForme: "Incarnate", types: ["Fairy", "Flying"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 74, atk: 115, def: 70, spa: 135, spd: 80, spe: 106 }, abilities: { 0: "Cute Charm", H: "Contrary" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 48, color: "Pink", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Enamorus-Therian"], formeOrder: ["Enamorus", "Enamorus-Therian"], }, enamorustherian: { num: 905, name: "Enamorus-Therian", baseSpecies: "Enamorus", forme: "Therian", types: ["Fairy", "Flying"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 74, atk: 115, def: 110, spa: 135, spd: 100, spe: 46 }, abilities: { 0: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 48, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], changesFrom: "Enamorus", }, sprigatito: { num: 906, name: "Sprigatito", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 61, def: 54, spa: 45, spd: 45, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Protean" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4.1, color: "Green", evos: ["Floragato"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], }, floragato: { num: 907, name: "Floragato", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 61, atk: 80, def: 63, spa: 60, spd: 63, spe: 83 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Protean" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 12.2, color: "Green", prevo: "Sprigatito", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Meowscarada"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], }, meowscarada: { num: 908, name: "Meowscarada", types: ["Grass", "Dark"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 76, atk: 110, def: 70, spa: 81, spd: 70, spe: 123 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Protean" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 31.2, color: "Green", prevo: "Floragato", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field", "Grass"], }, fuecoco: { num: 909, name: "Fuecoco", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 67, atk: 45, def: 59, spa: 63, spd: 40, spe: 36 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Unaware" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 9.8, color: "Red", evos: ["Crocalor"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, crocalor: { num: 910, name: "Crocalor", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 81, atk: 55, def: 78, spa: 90, spd: 58, spe: 49 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Unaware" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 30.7, color: "Red", prevo: "Fuecoco", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Skeledirge"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, skeledirge: { num: 911, name: "Skeledirge", types: ["Fire", "Ghost"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 104, atk: 75, def: 100, spa: 110, spd: 75, spe: 66 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Unaware" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 326.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Crocalor", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, quaxly: { num: 912, name: "Quaxly", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 65, def: 45, spa: 50, spd: 45, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Moxie" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 6.1, color: "Blue", evos: ["Quaxwell"], eggGroups: ["Flying", "Water 1"], }, quaxwell: { num: 913, name: "Quaxwell", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 85, def: 65, spa: 65, spd: 60, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Moxie" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 21.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Quaxly", evoLevel: 16, evos: ["Quaquaval"], eggGroups: ["Flying", "Water 1"], }, quaquaval: { num: 914, name: "Quaquaval", types: ["Water", "Fighting"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 120, def: 80, spa: 85, spd: 75, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Moxie" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 61.9, color: "Blue", prevo: "Quaxwell", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Flying", "Water 1"], }, lechonk: { num: 915, name: "Lechonk", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 54, atk: 45, def: 40, spa: 35, spd: 45, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Aroma Veil", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 10.2, color: "Gray", evos: ["Oinkologne", "Oinkologne-F"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, oinkologne: { num: 916, name: "Oinkologne", baseForme: "M", types: ["Normal"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 100, def: 75, spa: 59, spd: 80, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Lingering Aroma", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 120, color: "Gray", prevo: "Lechonk", evoLevel: 18, otherFormes: ["Oinkologne-F"], formeOrder: ["Oinkologne", "Oinkologne-F"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, oinkolognef: { num: 916, name: "Oinkologne-F", baseSpecies: "Oinkologne", forme: "F", types: ["Normal"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 115, atk: 90, def: 70, spa: 59, spd: 90, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Aroma Veil", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Thick Fat" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 120, color: "Brown", prevo: "Lechonk", evoLevel: 18, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, tarountula: { num: 917, name: "Tarountula", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 41, def: 45, spa: 29, spd: 40, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Insomnia", H: "Stakeout" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 4, color: "White", evos: ["Spidops"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, spidops: { num: 918, name: "Spidops", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 79, def: 92, spa: 52, spd: 86, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Insomnia", H: "Stakeout" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 16.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Tarountula", evoLevel: 15, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, nymble: { num: 919, name: "Nymble", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 33, atk: 46, def: 40, spa: 21, spd: 25, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", H: "Tinted Lens" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 1, color: "Gray", evos: ["Lokix"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, lokix: { num: 920, name: "Lokix", types: ["Bug", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 71, atk: 102, def: 78, spa: 52, spd: 55, spe: 92 }, abilities: { 0: "Swarm", H: "Tinted Lens" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 17.5, color: "Gray", prevo: "Nymble", evoLevel: 24, eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, pawmi: { num: 921, name: "Pawmi", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 50, def: 20, spa: 40, spd: 25, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Static", 1: "Natural Cure", H: "Iron Fist" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2.5, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Pawmo"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, pawmo: { num: 922, name: "Pawmo", types: ["Electric", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 75, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 40, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Volt Absorb", 1: "Natural Cure", H: "Iron Fist" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 6.5, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Pawmi", evoLevel: 18, evos: ["Pawmot"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, pawmot: { num: 923, name: "Pawmot", types: ["Electric", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 115, def: 70, spa: 70, spd: 60, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Volt Absorb", 1: "Natural Cure", H: "Iron Fist" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 41, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Pawmo", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "walk 1000 steps in Let's Go", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, tandemaus: { num: 924, name: "Tandemaus", types: ["Normal"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 50, def: 45, spa: 40, spd: 45, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away", 1: "Pickup", H: "Own Tempo" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1.8, color: "White", evos: ["Maushold", "Maushold-Four"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], }, maushold: { num: 925, name: "Maushold", baseForme: "Three", types: ["Normal"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 74, atk: 75, def: 70, spa: 65, spd: 75, spe: 111 }, abilities: { 0: "Friend Guard", 1: "Cheek Pouch", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2.3, color: "White", prevo: "Tandemaus", evoLevel: 25, otherFormes: ["Maushold-Four"], formeOrder: ["Maushold", "Maushold-Four"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], }, mausholdfour: { num: 925, name: "Maushold-Four", baseSpecies: "Maushold", forme: "Four", types: ["Normal"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 74, atk: 75, def: 70, spa: 65, spd: 75, spe: 111 }, abilities: { 0: "Friend Guard", 1: "Cheek Pouch", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 2.8, color: "White", prevo: "Tandemaus", evoLevel: 25, eggGroups: ["Field", "Fairy"], }, fidough: { num: 926, name: "Fidough", types: ["Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 37, atk: 55, def: 70, spa: 30, spd: 55, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo", H: "Klutz" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 10.9, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Dachsbun"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Mineral"], }, dachsbun: { num: 927, name: "Dachsbun", types: ["Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 57, atk: 80, def: 115, spa: 50, spd: 80, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Well-Baked Body", H: "Aroma Veil" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 14.9, color: "Brown", prevo: "Fidough", evoLevel: 26, eggGroups: ["Field", "Mineral"], }, smoliv: { num: 928, name: "Smoliv", types: ["Grass", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 41, atk: 35, def: 45, spa: 58, spd: 51, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Early Bird", H: "Harvest" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 6.5, color: "Green", evos: ["Dolliv"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, dolliv: { num: 929, name: "Dolliv", types: ["Grass", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 52, atk: 53, def: 60, spa: 78, spd: 78, spe: 33 }, abilities: { 0: "Early Bird", H: "Harvest" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 11.9, color: "Green", prevo: "Smoliv", evoLevel: 25, evos: ["Arboliva"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, arboliva: { num: 930, name: "Arboliva", types: ["Grass", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 78, atk: 69, def: 90, spa: 125, spd: 109, spe: 39 }, abilities: { 0: "Seed Sower", H: "Harvest" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 48.2, color: "Green", prevo: "Dolliv", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, squawkabilly: { num: 931, name: "Squawkabilly", baseForme: "Green", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 82, atk: 96, def: 51, spa: 45, spd: 51, spe: 92 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Hustle", H: "Guts" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 2.4, color: "Green", otherFormes: ["Squawkabilly-Blue", "Squawkabilly-Yellow", "Squawkabilly-White"], formeOrder: ["Squawkabilly", "Squawkabilly-Blue", "Squawkabilly-Yellow", "Squawkabilly-White"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, squawkabillyblue: { num: 931, name: "Squawkabilly-Blue", baseSpecies: "Squawkabilly", forme: "Blue", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 82, atk: 96, def: 51, spa: 45, spd: 51, spe: 92 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Hustle", H: "Guts" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 2.4, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, squawkabillyyellow: { num: 931, name: "Squawkabilly-Yellow", baseSpecies: "Squawkabilly", forme: "Yellow", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 82, atk: 96, def: 51, spa: 45, spd: 51, spe: 92 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Hustle", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 2.4, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, squawkabillywhite: { num: 931, name: "Squawkabilly-White", baseSpecies: "Squawkabilly", forme: "White", types: ["Normal", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 82, atk: 96, def: 51, spa: 45, spd: 51, spe: 92 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Hustle", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 2.4, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, nacli: { num: 932, name: "Nacli", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 55, def: 75, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 25 }, abilities: { 0: "Purifying Salt", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Clear Body" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 16, color: "Brown", evos: ["Naclstack"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, naclstack: { num: 933, name: "Naclstack", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 60, def: 100, spa: 35, spd: 65, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Purifying Salt", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Clear Body" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 105, color: "Brown", prevo: "Nacli", evoLevel: 24, evos: ["Garganacl"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, garganacl: { num: 934, name: "Garganacl", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 130, spa: 45, spd: 90, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Purifying Salt", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Clear Body" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 240, color: "Brown", prevo: "Naclstack", evoLevel: 38, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, charcadet: { num: 935, name: "Charcadet", types: ["Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 50, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 40, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", H: "Flame Body" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 10.5, color: "Red", evos: ["Armarouge", "Ceruledge"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, armarouge: { num: 936, name: "Armarouge", types: ["Fire", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 60, def: 100, spa: 125, spd: 80, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 85, color: "Red", prevo: "Charcadet", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Auspicious Armor", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, ceruledge: { num: 937, name: "Ceruledge", types: ["Fire", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 125, def: 80, spa: 60, spd: 100, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire", H: "Weak Armor" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 62, color: "Purple", prevo: "Charcadet", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Malicious Armor", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, tadbulb: { num: 938, name: "Tadbulb", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 61, atk: 31, def: 41, spa: 59, spd: 35, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo", 1: "Static", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.4, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Bellibolt"], eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, bellibolt: { num: 939, name: "Bellibolt", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 109, atk: 64, def: 91, spa: 103, spd: 83, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Electromorphosis", 1: "Static", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 113, color: "Green", prevo: "Tadbulb", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Thunder Stone", eggGroups: ["Water 1"], }, wattrel: { num: 940, name: "Wattrel", types: ["Electric", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 40, def: 35, spa: 55, spd: 40, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Wind Power", 1: "Volt Absorb", H: "Competitive" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 3.6, color: "Black", evos: ["Kilowattrel"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Flying"], }, kilowattrel: { num: 941, name: "Kilowattrel", types: ["Electric", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 70, def: 60, spa: 105, spd: 60, spe: 125 }, abilities: { 0: "Wind Power", 1: "Volt Absorb", H: "Competitive" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 38.6, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Wattrel", evoLevel: 25, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Flying"], }, maschiff: { num: 942, name: "Maschiff", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 78, def: 60, spa: 40, spd: 51, spe: 51 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Run Away", H: "Stakeout" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 16, color: "Brown", evos: ["Mabosstiff"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, mabosstiff: { num: 943, name: "Mabosstiff", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 90, spa: 60, spd: 70, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Guard Dog", H: "Stakeout" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 61, color: "Gray", prevo: "Maschiff", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, shroodle: { num: 944, name: "Shroodle", types: ["Poison", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 65, def: 35, spa: 40, spd: 35, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Unburden", 1: "Pickpocket", H: "Prankster" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 0.7, color: "Gray", evos: ["Grafaiai"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, grafaiai: { num: 945, name: "Grafaiai", types: ["Poison", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 63, atk: 95, def: 65, spa: 80, spd: 72, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Unburden", 1: "Poison Touch", H: "Prankster" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 27.2, color: "Gray", prevo: "Shroodle", evoLevel: 28, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, bramblin: { num: 946, name: "Bramblin", types: ["Grass", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 65, def: 30, spa: 45, spd: 35, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Wind Rider", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 0.6, color: "Brown", evos: ["Brambleghast"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, brambleghast: { num: 947, name: "Brambleghast", types: ["Grass", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 115, def: 70, spa: 80, spd: 70, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Wind Rider", H: "Infiltrator" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 6, color: "Brown", prevo: "Bramblin", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Walk 1000 steps in Let's Go", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, toedscool: { num: 948, name: "Toedscool", types: ["Ground", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 40, def: 35, spa: 50, spd: 100, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Mycelium Might" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 33, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Toedscruel"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, toedscruel: { num: 949, name: "Toedscruel", types: ["Ground", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 70, def: 65, spa: 80, spd: 120, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Mycelium Might" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 58, color: "Black", prevo: "Toedscool", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Field"], }, klawf: { num: 950, name: "Klawf", types: ["Rock"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 100, def: 115, spa: 35, spd: 55, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Anger Shell", 1: "Shell Armor", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 79, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, capsakid: { num: 951, name: "Capsakid", types: ["Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 62, def: 40, spa: 62, spd: 40, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Insomnia", H: "Klutz" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3, color: "Green", evos: ["Scovillain"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, scovillain: { num: 952, name: "Scovillain", types: ["Grass", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 108, def: 65, spa: 108, spd: 65, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Insomnia", H: "Moody" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 15, color: "Green", prevo: "Capsakid", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Fire Stone", eggGroups: ["Grass"], }, rellor: { num: 953, name: "Rellor", types: ["Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 41, atk: 50, def: 60, spa: 31, spd: 58, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Compound Eyes", H: "Shed Skin" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 1, color: "Brown", evos: ["Rabsca"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, rabsca: { num: 954, name: "Rabsca", types: ["Bug", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 50, def: 85, spa: 115, spd: 100, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Synchronize", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 3.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Rellor", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "walk 1000 steps in Let's Go", eggGroups: ["Bug"], }, flittle: { num: 955, name: "Flittle", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 35, def: 30, spa: 55, spd: 30, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Anticipation", 1: "Frisk", H: "Speed Boost" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 1.5, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Espathra"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, espathra: { num: 956, name: "Espathra", types: ["Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 60, def: 60, spa: 101, spd: 60, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Opportunist", 1: "Frisk", H: "Speed Boost" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 90, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Flittle", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, tinkatink: { num: 957, name: "Tinkatink", types: ["Fairy", "Steel"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 45, def: 45, spa: 35, spd: 64, spe: 58 }, abilities: { 0: "Mold Breaker", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 8.9, color: "Pink", evos: ["Tinkatuff"], eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, tinkatuff: { num: 958, name: "Tinkatuff", types: ["Fairy", "Steel"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 55, def: 55, spa: 45, spd: 82, spe: 78 }, abilities: { 0: "Mold Breaker", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 59.1, color: "Pink", prevo: "Tinkatink", evoLevel: 24, evos: ["Tinkaton"], eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, tinkaton: { num: 959, name: "Tinkaton", types: ["Fairy", "Steel"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 75, def: 77, spa: 70, spd: 105, spe: 94 }, abilities: { 0: "Mold Breaker", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Pickpocket" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 112.8, color: "Pink", prevo: "Tinkatuff", evoLevel: 38, eggGroups: ["Fairy"], }, wiglett: { num: 960, name: "Wiglett", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 10, atk: 55, def: 25, spa: 35, spd: 25, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Gooey", 1: "Rattled", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 1.8, color: "White", evos: ["Wugtrio"], eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, wugtrio: { num: 961, name: "Wugtrio", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 100, def: 50, spa: 50, spd: 70, spe: 120 }, abilities: { 0: "Gooey", 1: "Rattled", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 5.4, color: "Red", prevo: "Wiglett", evoLevel: 26, eggGroups: ["Water 3"], }, bombirdier: { num: 962, name: "Bombirdier", types: ["Flying", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 103, def: 85, spa: 60, spd: 85, spe: 82 }, abilities: { 0: "Big Pecks", 1: "Keen Eye", H: "Rocky Payload" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 42.9, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, finizen: { num: 963, name: "Finizen", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 45, def: 40, spa: 45, spd: 40, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Veil" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 60.2, color: "Blue", evos: ["Palafin"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Water 2"], }, palafin: { num: 964, name: "Palafin", baseForme: "Zero", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 70, def: 72, spa: 53, spd: 62, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Zero to Hero" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 60.2, color: "Blue", prevo: "Finizen", evoLevel: 38, otherFormes: ["Palafin-Hero"], formeOrder: ["Palafin", "Palafin-Hero"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Water 2"], }, palafinhero: { num: 964, name: "Palafin-Hero", baseSpecies: "Palafin", forme: "Hero", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 160, def: 97, spa: 106, spd: 87, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Zero to Hero" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 97.4, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Field", "Water 2"], requiredAbility: "Zero to Hero", battleOnly: "Palafin", }, varoom: { num: 965, name: "Varoom", types: ["Steel", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 70, def: 63, spa: 30, spd: 45, spe: 47 }, abilities: { 0: "Overcoat", H: "Slow Start" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 35, color: "Gray", evos: ["Revavroom"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, revavroom: { num: 966, name: "Revavroom", types: ["Steel", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 119, def: 90, spa: 54, spd: 67, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Overcoat", H: "Filter" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 120, color: "Gray", prevo: "Varoom", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, cyclizar: { num: 967, name: "Cyclizar", types: ["Dragon", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 95, def: 65, spa: 85, spd: 65, spe: 121 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin", H: "Regenerator" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 63, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, orthworm: { num: 968, name: "Orthworm", types: ["Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 85, def: 145, spa: 60, spd: 55, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Earth Eater", H: "Sand Veil" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 310, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, glimmet: { num: 969, name: "Glimmet", types: ["Rock", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 48, atk: 35, def: 42, spa: 105, spd: 60, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Toxic Debris", H: "Corrosion" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 8, color: "Blue", evos: ["Glimmora"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, glimmora: { num: 970, name: "Glimmora", types: ["Rock", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 83, atk: 55, def: 90, spa: 130, spd: 81, spe: 86 }, abilities: { 0: "Toxic Debris", H: "Corrosion" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 45, color: "Blue", prevo: "Glimmet", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], }, greavard: { num: 971, name: "Greavard", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 61, def: 60, spa: 30, spd: 55, spe: 34 }, abilities: { 0: "Pickup", H: "Fluffy" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 35, color: "White", evos: ["Houndstone"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, houndstone: { num: 972, name: "Houndstone", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 101, def: 100, spa: 50, spd: 97, spe: 68 }, abilities: { 0: "Sand Rush", H: "Fluffy" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 15, color: "White", prevo: "Greavard", evoLevel: 30, evoCondition: "at night", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, flamigo: { num: 973, name: "Flamigo", types: ["Flying", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 82, atk: 115, def: 74, spa: 75, spd: 64, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Scrappy", 1: "Tangled Feet", H: "Costar" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 37, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Flying"], }, cetoddle: { num: 974, name: "Cetoddle", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 108, atk: 68, def: 45, spa: 30, spd: 40, spe: 43 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Snow Cloak", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 45, color: "White", evos: ["Cetitan"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, cetitan: { num: 975, name: "Cetitan", types: ["Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 170, atk: 113, def: 65, spa: 45, spd: 55, spe: 73 }, abilities: { 0: "Thick Fat", 1: "Slush Rush", H: "Sheer Force" }, heightm: 4.5, weightkg: 700, color: "White", prevo: "Cetoddle", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Ice Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, veluza: { num: 976, name: "Veluza", types: ["Water", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 102, def: 73, spa: 78, spd: 65, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Mold Breaker", H: "Sharpness" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 90, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, dondozo: { num: 977, name: "Dondozo", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 150, atk: 100, def: 115, spa: 65, spd: 65, spe: 35 }, abilities: { 0: "Unaware", 1: "Oblivious", H: "Water Veil" }, heightm: 12, weightkg: 220, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, tatsugiri: { num: 978, name: "Tatsugiri", baseForme: "Curly", types: ["Dragon", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 50, def: 60, spa: 120, spd: 95, spe: 82 }, abilities: { 0: "Commander", H: "Storm Drain" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 8, color: "Red", cosmeticFormes: ["Tatsugiri-Droopy", "Tatsugiri-Stretchy"], formeOrder: ["Tatsugiri", "Tatsugiri-Droopy", "Tatsugiri-Stretchy"], eggGroups: ["Water 2"], }, annihilape: { num: 979, name: "Annihilape", types: ["Fighting", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 115, def: 80, spa: 50, spd: 90, spe: 90 }, abilities: { 0: "Vital Spirit", 1: "Inner Focus", H: "Defiant" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 56, color: "Gray", prevo: "Primeape", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Use Rage Fist 20 times and level-up", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, clodsire: { num: 980, name: "Clodsire", types: ["Poison", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 130, atk: 75, def: 60, spa: 45, spd: 100, spe: 20 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Point", 1: "Water Absorb", H: "Unaware" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 223, color: "Brown", prevo: "Wooper-Paldea", evoLevel: 20, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], }, farigiraf: { num: 981, name: "Farigiraf", types: ["Normal", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 90, def: 70, spa: 110, spd: 70, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Cud Chew", 1: "Armor Tail", H: "Sap Sipper" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 160, color: "Brown", prevo: "Girafarig", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Twin Beam", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, dudunsparce: { num: 982, name: "Dudunsparce", baseForme: "Two-Segment", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 125, atk: 100, def: 80, spa: 85, spd: 75, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Serene Grace", 1: "Run Away", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 3.6, weightkg: 39.2, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Dunsparce", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Hyper Drill", otherFormes: ["Dudunsparce-Three-Segment"], formeOrder: ["Dudunsparce", "Dudunsparce-Three-Segment"], eggGroups: ["Field"], }, dudunsparcethreesegment: { num: 982, name: "Dudunsparce-Three-Segment", baseSpecies: "Dudunsparce", forme: "Three-Segment", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 125, atk: 100, def: 80, spa: 85, spd: 75, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Serene Grace", 1: "Run Away", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 4.5, weightkg: 47.4, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Dunsparce", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Hyper Drill", eggGroups: ["Field"], }, kingambit: { num: 983, name: "Kingambit", types: ["Dark", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 135, def: 120, spa: 60, spd: 85, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Defiant", 1: "Supreme Overlord", H: "Pressure" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 120, color: "Black", prevo: "Bisharp", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Defeat 3 Bisharp leading Pawniard and level-up", eggGroups: ["Human-Like"], }, greattusk: { num: 984, name: "Great Tusk", types: ["Ground", "Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 115, atk: 131, def: 131, spa: 53, spd: 53, spe: 87 }, abilities: { 0: "Protosynthesis" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 320, color: "Purple", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, screamtail: { num: 985, name: "Scream Tail", types: ["Fairy", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 115, atk: 65, def: 99, spa: 65, spd: 115, spe: 111 }, abilities: { 0: "Protosynthesis" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 8, color: "Pink", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, brutebonnet: { num: 986, name: "Brute Bonnet", types: ["Grass", "Dark"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 111, atk: 127, def: 99, spa: 79, spd: 99, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Protosynthesis" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 21, color: "White", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, fluttermane: { num: 987, name: "Flutter Mane", types: ["Ghost", "Fairy"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 55, def: 55, spa: 135, spd: 135, spe: 135 }, abilities: { 0: "Protosynthesis" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 4, color: "Gray", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, slitherwing: { num: 988, name: "Slither Wing", types: ["Bug", "Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 135, def: 79, spa: 85, spd: 105, spe: 81 }, abilities: { 0: "Protosynthesis" }, heightm: 3.2, weightkg: 92, color: "White", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, sandyshocks: { num: 989, name: "Sandy Shocks", types: ["Electric", "Ground"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 81, def: 97, spa: 121, spd: 85, spe: 101 }, abilities: { 0: "Protosynthesis" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 60, color: "Gray", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, irontreads: { num: 990, name: "Iron Treads", types: ["Ground", "Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 112, def: 120, spa: 72, spd: 70, spe: 106 }, abilities: { 0: "Quark Drive" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 240, color: "Gray", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, ironbundle: { num: 991, name: "Iron Bundle", types: ["Ice", "Water"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 56, atk: 80, def: 114, spa: 124, spd: 60, spe: 136 }, abilities: { 0: "Quark Drive" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 11, color: "Red", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, ironhands: { num: 992, name: "Iron Hands", types: ["Fighting", "Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 154, atk: 140, def: 108, spa: 50, spd: 68, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Quark Drive" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 380.7, color: "Gray", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, ironjugulis: { num: 993, name: "Iron Jugulis", types: ["Dark", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 94, atk: 80, def: 86, spa: 122, spd: 80, spe: 108 }, abilities: { 0: "Quark Drive" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 111, color: "Blue", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, ironmoth: { num: 994, name: "Iron Moth", types: ["Fire", "Poison"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 70, def: 60, spa: 140, spd: 110, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Quark Drive" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 36, color: "White", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, ironthorns: { num: 995, name: "Iron Thorns", types: ["Rock", "Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 134, def: 110, spa: 70, spd: 84, spe: 72 }, abilities: { 0: "Quark Drive" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 303, color: "Green", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, frigibax: { num: 996, name: "Frigibax", types: ["Dragon", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 75, def: 45, spa: 35, spd: 45, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Thermal Exchange", H: "Ice Body" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 17, color: "Gray", evos: ["Arctibax"], eggGroups: ["Dragon", "Mineral"], }, arctibax: { num: 997, name: "Arctibax", types: ["Dragon", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 95, def: 66, spa: 45, spd: 65, spe: 62 }, abilities: { 0: "Thermal Exchange", H: "Ice Body" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 30, color: "Blue", prevo: "Frigibax", evoLevel: 35, evos: ["Baxcalibur"], eggGroups: ["Dragon", "Mineral"], }, baxcalibur: { num: 998, name: "Baxcalibur", types: ["Dragon", "Ice"], baseStats: { hp: 115, atk: 145, def: 92, spa: 75, spd: 86, spe: 87 }, abilities: { 0: "Thermal Exchange", H: "Ice Body" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 210, color: "Blue", prevo: "Arctibax", evoLevel: 54, eggGroups: ["Dragon", "Mineral"], }, gimmighoul: { num: 999, name: "Gimmighoul", baseForme: "Chest", types: ["Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 30, def: 70, spa: 75, spd: 70, spe: 10 }, abilities: { 0: "Rattled" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 5, color: "Red", evos: ["Gholdengo"], otherFormes: ["Gimmighoul-Roaming"], formeOrder: ["Gimmighoul", "Gimmighoul-Roaming"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, gimmighoulroaming: { num: 999, name: "Gimmighoul-Roaming", baseSpecies: "Gimmighoul", forme: "Roaming", types: ["Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 30, def: 25, spa: 75, spd: 45, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Run Away" }, heightm: 0.1, weightkg: 0.1, color: "Gray", evos: ["Gholdengo"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, gholdengo: { num: 1000, name: "Gholdengo", types: ["Steel", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 87, atk: 60, def: 95, spa: 133, spd: 91, spe: 84 }, abilities: { 0: "Good as Gold" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 30, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Gimmighoul", evoType: "other", evoCondition: "Level up with 999 Coins in the bag", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, wochien: { num: 1001, name: "Wo-Chien", types: ["Dark", "Grass"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 85, def: 100, spa: 95, spd: 135, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Tablets of Ruin" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 74.2, color: "Brown", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, chienpao: { num: 1002, name: "Chien-Pao", types: ["Dark", "Ice"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 80, spa: 90, spd: 65, spe: 135 }, abilities: { 0: "Sword of Ruin" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 152.2, color: "White", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, tinglu: { num: 1003, name: "Ting-Lu", types: ["Dark", "Ground"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 155, atk: 110, def: 125, spa: 55, spd: 80, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Vessel of Ruin" }, heightm: 2.7, weightkg: 699.7, color: "Brown", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, chiyu: { num: 1004, name: "Chi-Yu", types: ["Dark", "Fire"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 80, def: 80, spa: 135, spd: 120, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Beads of Ruin" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4.9, color: "Red", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, roaringmoon: { num: 1005, name: "Roaring Moon", types: ["Dragon", "Dark"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 139, def: 71, spa: 55, spd: 101, spe: 119 }, abilities: { 0: "Protosynthesis" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 380, color: "Blue", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, ironvaliant: { num: 1006, name: "Iron Valiant", types: ["Fairy", "Fighting"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 74, atk: 130, def: 90, spa: 120, spd: 60, spe: 116 }, abilities: { 0: "Quark Drive" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 35, color: "White", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, koraidon: { num: 1007, name: "Koraidon", types: ["Fighting", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 135, def: 115, spa: 85, spd: 100, spe: 135 }, abilities: { 0: "Orichalcum Pulse" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 303, color: "Red", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, miraidon: { num: 1008, name: "Miraidon", types: ["Electric", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 85, def: 100, spa: 135, spd: 115, spe: 135 }, abilities: { 0: "Hadron Engine" }, heightm: 3.5, weightkg: 240, color: "Purple", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, walkingwake: { num: 1009, name: "Walking Wake", types: ["Water", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 99, atk: 83, def: 91, spa: 125, spd: 83, spe: 109 }, abilities: { 0: "Protosynthesis" }, heightm: 3.5, weightkg: 280, color: "Blue", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, ironleaves: { num: 1010, name: "Iron Leaves", types: ["Grass", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 130, def: 88, spa: 70, spd: 108, spe: 104 }, abilities: { 0: "Quark Drive" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 125, color: "Green", tags: ["Paradox"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, dipplin: { num: 1011, name: "Dipplin", types: ["Grass", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 80, def: 110, spa: 95, spd: 80, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Supersweet Syrup", 1: "Gluttony", H: "Sticky Hold" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 4.4, color: "Green", prevo: "Applin", evos: ["Hydrapple"], evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Syrupy Apple", eggGroups: ["Grass", "Dragon"], }, poltchageist: { num: 1012, name: "Poltchageist", baseForme: "Counterfeit", types: ["Grass", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 45, spa: 74, spd: 54, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Hospitality", H: "Heatproof" }, heightm: 0.1, weightkg: 1.1, color: "Green", evos: ["Sinistcha"], eggGroups: ["Mineral", "Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Poltchageist-Artisan"], formeOrder: ["Poltchageist", "Poltchageist-Artisan"], }, poltchageistartisan: { num: 1012, name: "Poltchageist-Artisan", baseSpecies: "Poltchageist", forme: "Artisan", types: ["Grass", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 45, def: 45, spa: 74, spd: 54, spe: 50 }, abilities: { 0: "Hospitality", H: "Heatproof" }, heightm: 0.1, weightkg: 1.1, color: "Green", evos: ["Sinistcha-Masterpiece"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, sinistcha: { num: 1013, name: "Sinistcha", baseForme: "Unremarkable", types: ["Grass", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 71, atk: 60, def: 106, spa: 121, spd: 80, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Hospitality", H: "Heatproof" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 2.2, color: "Green", prevo: "Poltchageist", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Unremarkable Teacup", eggGroups: ["Mineral", "Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Sinistcha-Masterpiece"], formeOrder: ["Sinistcha", "Sinistcha-Masterpiece"], }, sinistchamasterpiece: { num: 1013, name: "Sinistcha-Masterpiece", baseSpecies: "Sinistcha", forme: "Masterpiece", types: ["Grass", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 71, atk: 60, def: 106, spa: 121, spd: 80, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Hospitality", H: "Heatproof" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 2.2, color: "Green", prevo: "Poltchageist-Artisan", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Masterpiece Teacup", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, okidogi: { num: 1014, name: "Okidogi", types: ["Poison", "Fighting"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 128, def: 115, spa: 58, spd: 86, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Toxic Chain", H: "Guard Dog" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 92, color: "Black", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, munkidori: { num: 1015, name: "Munkidori", types: ["Poison", "Psychic"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 75, def: 66, spa: 130, spd: 90, spe: 106 }, abilities: { 0: "Toxic Chain", H: "Frisk" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 12.2, color: "Black", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, fezandipiti: { num: 1016, name: "Fezandipiti", types: ["Poison", "Fairy"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 91, def: 82, spa: 70, spd: 125, spe: 99 }, abilities: { 0: "Toxic Chain", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 30.1, color: "Black", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, ogerpon: { num: 1017, name: "Ogerpon", baseForme: "Teal", types: ["Grass"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 84, spa: 60, spd: 96, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Defiant" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 39.8, color: "Green", tags: ["Sub-Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Ogerpon-Wellspring", "Ogerpon-Hearthflame", "Ogerpon-Cornerstone", "Ogerpon-Teal-Tera", "Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera", "Ogerpon-Hearthflame-Tera", "Ogerpon-Cornerstone-Tera"], formeOrder: ["Ogerpon", "Ogerpon-Wellspring", "Ogerpon-Hearthflame", "Ogerpon-Cornerstone", "Ogerpon-Teal-Tera", "Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera", "Ogerpon-Hearthflame-Tera", "Ogerpon-Cornerstone-Tera"], forceTeraType: "Grass", }, ogerponwellspring: { num: 1017, name: "Ogerpon-Wellspring", baseSpecies: "Ogerpon", forme: "Wellspring", types: ["Grass", "Water"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 84, spa: 60, spd: 96, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 39.8, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Wellspring Mask", changesFrom: "Ogerpon", forceTeraType: "Water", }, ogerponhearthflame: { num: 1017, name: "Ogerpon-Hearthflame", baseSpecies: "Ogerpon", forme: "Hearthflame", types: ["Grass", "Fire"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 84, spa: 60, spd: 96, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Mold Breaker" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 39.8, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Hearthflame Mask", changesFrom: "Ogerpon", forceTeraType: "Fire", }, ogerponcornerstone: { num: 1017, name: "Ogerpon-Cornerstone", baseSpecies: "Ogerpon", forme: "Cornerstone", types: ["Grass", "Rock"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 84, spa: 60, spd: 96, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Sturdy" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 39.8, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Cornerstone Mask", changesFrom: "Ogerpon", forceTeraType: "Rock", }, ogerpontealtera: { num: 1017, name: "Ogerpon-Teal-Tera", baseSpecies: "Ogerpon", forme: "Teal-Tera", types: ["Grass"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 84, spa: 60, spd: 96, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Embody Aspect (Teal)" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 39.8, color: "Green", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], battleOnly: "Ogerpon", forceTeraType: "Grass", }, ogerponwellspringtera: { num: 1017, name: "Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera", baseSpecies: "Ogerpon", forme: "Wellspring-Tera", types: ["Grass", "Water"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 84, spa: 60, spd: 96, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Embody Aspect (Wellspring)" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 39.8, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Wellspring Mask", battleOnly: "Ogerpon-Wellspring", forceTeraType: "Water", }, ogerponhearthflametera: { num: 1017, name: "Ogerpon-Hearthflame-Tera", baseSpecies: "Ogerpon", forme: "Hearthflame-Tera", types: ["Grass", "Fire"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 84, spa: 60, spd: 96, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Embody Aspect (Hearthflame)" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 39.8, color: "Red", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Hearthflame Mask", battleOnly: "Ogerpon-Hearthflame", forceTeraType: "Fire", }, ogerponcornerstonetera: { num: 1017, name: "Ogerpon-Cornerstone-Tera", baseSpecies: "Ogerpon", forme: "Cornerstone-Tera", types: ["Grass", "Rock"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 120, def: 84, spa: 60, spd: 96, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Embody Aspect (Cornerstone)" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 39.8, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], requiredItem: "Cornerstone Mask", battleOnly: "Ogerpon-Cornerstone", forceTeraType: "Rock", }, archaludon: { num: 1018, name: "Archaludon", types: ["Steel", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 105, def: 130, spa: 125, spd: 65, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Stamina", 1: "Sturdy", H: "Stalwart" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 60, color: "White", prevo: "Duraludon", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Metal Alloy", eggGroups: ["Mineral", "Dragon"], }, hydrapple: { num: 1019, name: "Hydrapple", types: ["Grass", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 106, atk: 80, def: 110, spa: 120, spd: 80, spe: 44 }, abilities: { 0: "Supersweet Syrup", 1: "Regenerator", H: "Sticky Hold" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 93, color: "Green", prevo: "Dipplin", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Dragon Cheer", eggGroups: ["Grass", "Dragon"], }, gougingfire: { num: 1020, name: "Gouging Fire", types: ["Fire", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 115, def: 121, spa: 65, spd: 93, spe: 91 }, abilities: { 0: "Protosynthesis" }, heightm: 3.5, weightkg: 590, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, ragingbolt: { num: 1021, name: "Raging Bolt", types: ["Electric", "Dragon"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 125, atk: 73, def: 91, spa: 137, spd: 89, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Protosynthesis" }, heightm: 5.2, weightkg: 480, color: "Yellow", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, ironboulder: { num: 1022, name: "Iron Boulder", types: ["Rock", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 120, def: 80, spa: 68, spd: 108, spe: 124 }, abilities: { 0: "Quark Drive" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 162.5, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, ironcrown: { num: 1023, name: "Iron Crown", types: ["Steel", "Psychic"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 72, def: 100, spa: 122, spd: 108, spe: 98 }, abilities: { 0: "Quark Drive" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 156, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, terapagos: { num: 1024, name: "Terapagos", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 65, def: 85, spa: 65, spd: 85, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Tera Shift" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 6.5, color: "Blue", tags: ["Restricted Legendary"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Terapagos-Terastal", "Terapagos-Stellar"], formeOrder: ["Terapagos", "Terapagos-Terastal", "Terapagos-Stellar"], forceTeraType: "Stellar", }, terapagosterastal: { num: 1024, name: "Terapagos-Terastal", baseSpecies: "Terapagos", forme: "Terastal", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 110, spa: 105, spd: 110, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Tera Shell" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 16, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], battleOnly: "Terapagos", forceTeraType: "Stellar", }, terapagosstellar: { num: 1024, name: "Terapagos-Stellar", baseSpecies: "Terapagos", forme: "Stellar", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 160, atk: 105, def: 110, spa: 130, spd: 110, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Teraform Zero" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 77, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], battleOnly: "Terapagos", forceTeraType: "Stellar", }, pecharunt: { num: 1025, name: "Pecharunt", types: ["Poison", "Ghost"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 88, def: 160, spa: 88, spd: 88, spe: 88 }, abilities: { 0: "Poison Puppeteer" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 0.3, color: "Purple", tags: ["Mythical"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, missingno: { num: 0, name: "MissingNo.", types: ["Bird", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 33, atk: 136, def: 0, spa: 6, spd: 6, spe: 29 }, abilities: { 0: "" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 1590.8, color: "Gray", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], }, syclar: { num: -1, name: "Syclar", types: ["Ice", "Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 76, def: 45, spa: 74, spd: 39, spe: 91 }, abilities: { 0: "Compound Eyes", 1: "Snow Cloak", H: "Ice Body" }, heightm: 0.2, weightkg: 4, color: "Blue", evos: ["Syclant"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], gen: 4, }, syclant: { num: -2, name: "Syclant", types: ["Ice", "Bug"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 116, def: 70, spa: 114, spd: 64, spe: 121 }, abilities: { 0: "Compound Eyes", 1: "Mountaineer", H: "Ice Body" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 52, color: "Blue", prevo: "Syclar", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Bug"], gen: 4, }, revenankh: { num: -3, name: "Revenankh", types: ["Ghost", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 105, def: 90, spa: 65, spd: 110, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Air Lock", 1: "Triage", H: "Shed Skin" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 44, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Amorphous", "Human-Like"], gen: 4, }, embirch: { num: -4, name: "Embirch", types: ["Fire", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 40, def: 55, spa: 65, spd: 40, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Reckless", 1: "Leaf Guard", H: "Chlorophyll" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 15, color: "Brown", evos: ["Flarelm"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], gen: 4, }, flarelm: { num: -5, name: "Flarelm", types: ["Fire", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 50, def: 95, spa: 75, spd: 70, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", 1: "Battle Armor", H: "White Smoke" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 73, color: "Brown", prevo: "Embirch", evoLevel: 24, evos: ["Pyroak"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], gen: 4, }, pyroak: { num: -6, name: "Pyroak", types: ["Fire", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 70, def: 105, spa: 70, spd: 65, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Rock Head", 1: "Battle Armor", H: "Contrary" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 168, color: "Brown", prevo: "Flarelm", evoLevel: 38, eggGroups: ["Monster", "Dragon"], gen: 4, }, breezi: { num: -7, name: "Breezi", types: ["Poison", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 46, def: 69, spa: 60, spd: 50, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Unburden", 1: "Own Tempo", H: "Frisk" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 0.6, color: "Purple", evos: ["Fidgit"], eggGroups: ["Field"], gen: 4, }, fidgit: { num: -8, name: "Fidgit", types: ["Poison", "Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 76, def: 109, spa: 90, spd: 80, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Persistent", 1: "Vital Spirit", H: "Frisk" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 53, color: "Purple", prevo: "Breezi", evoLevel: 33, eggGroups: ["Field"], gen: 4, }, rebble: { num: -9, name: "Rebble", types: ["Rock"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 25, def: 65, spa: 75, spd: 55, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate", 1: "Solid Rock", H: "Sniper" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 7, color: "Gray", evos: ["Tactite"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], gen: 4, }, tactite: { num: -10, name: "Tactite", types: ["Rock"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 40, def: 65, spa: 100, spd: 65, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate", 1: "Technician", H: "Sniper" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 16, color: "Gray", prevo: "Rebble", evoLevel: 28, evos: ["Stratagem"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], gen: 4, }, stratagem: { num: -11, name: "Stratagem", types: ["Rock"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 60, def: 65, spa: 120, spd: 70, spe: 130 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate", 1: "Technician", H: "Sniper" }, heightm: 0.9, weightkg: 45, color: "Gray", prevo: "Tactite", evoType: "trade", eggGroups: ["Mineral"], gen: 4, }, privatyke: { num: -12, name: "Privatyke", types: ["Water", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 75, def: 65, spa: 40, spd: 60, spe: 45 }, abilities: { 0: "Unaware", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 35, color: "Green", evos: ["Arghonaut"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], gen: 4, }, arghonaut: { num: -13, name: "Arghonaut", types: ["Water", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 110, def: 95, spa: 70, spd: 100, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Unaware", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 151, color: "Green", prevo: "Privatyke", evoLevel: 37, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 3"], gen: 4, }, kitsunoh: { num: -14, name: "Kitsunoh", types: ["Ghost", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 117, def: 85, spa: 55, spd: 80, spe: 128 }, abilities: { 0: "Frisk", 1: "Limber", H: "Trace" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 51, color: "Gray", prevo: "Nohface", evoType: "trade", evoItem: "Metal Coat", eggGroups: ["Field"], gen: 4, }, cyclohm: { num: -15, name: "Cyclohm", types: ["Electric", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 108, atk: 60, def: 118, spa: 112, spd: 70, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", 1: "Static", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 1.6, weightkg: 59, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Duohm", evoLevel: 43, eggGroups: ["Dragon", "Monster"], gen: 4, }, colossoil: { num: -16, name: "Colossoil", types: ["Ground", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 133, atk: 122, def: 72, spa: 71, spd: 72, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Rebound", 1: "Guts", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 2.6, weightkg: 683.6, color: "Brown", prevo: "Dorsoil", evoLevel: 39, eggGroups: ["Water 2", "Field"], gen: 4, }, krilowatt: { num: -17, name: "Krilowatt", types: ["Electric", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 151, atk: 84, def: 73, spa: 83, spd: 74, spe: 105 }, abilities: { 0: "Trace", 1: "Magic Guard", H: "Minus" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 10.6, color: "Red", prevo: "Protowatt", evoLevel: 15, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Fairy"], gen: 4, }, voodoll: { num: -18, name: "Voodoll", types: ["Normal", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 40, def: 55, spa: 75, spd: 50, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Volt Absorb", 1: "Lightning Rod", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 25, color: "Brown", evos: ["Voodoom"], eggGroups: ["Human-Like", "Field"], gen: 4, }, voodoom: { num: -19, name: "Voodoom", types: ["Fighting", "Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 85, def: 80, spa: 130, spd: 80, spe: 110 }, abilities: { 0: "Volt Absorb", 1: "Lightning Rod", H: "Cursed Body" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 75.5, color: "Brown", prevo: "Voodoll", evoLevel: 32, eggGroups: ["Human-Like", "Field"], gen: 4, }, scratchet: { num: -20, name: "Scratchet", types: ["Normal", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 85, def: 80, spa: 20, spd: 70, spe: 40 }, abilities: { 0: "Scrappy", 1: "Prankster", H: "Vital Spirit" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 20, color: "Brown", evos: ["Tomohawk"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Flying"], gen: 5, }, tomohawk: { num: -21, name: "Tomohawk", types: ["Flying", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 60, def: 90, spa: 115, spd: 80, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Prankster", H: "Justified" }, heightm: 1.27, weightkg: 37.2, color: "Red", prevo: "Scratchet", evoLevel: 23, eggGroups: ["Field", "Flying"], gen: 5, }, necturine: { num: -22, name: "Necturine", types: ["Grass", "Ghost"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 49, atk: 55, def: 60, spa: 50, spd: 75, spe: 51 }, abilities: { 0: "Anticipation", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 1.8, color: "White", evos: ["Necturna"], eggGroups: ["Grass", "Field"], gen: 5, }, necturna: { num: -23, name: "Necturna", types: ["Grass", "Ghost"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 64, atk: 120, def: 100, spa: 85, spd: 120, spe: 58 }, abilities: { 0: "Forewarn", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 1.65, weightkg: 49.6, color: "Black", prevo: "Necturine", evoLevel: 31, eggGroups: ["Grass", "Field"], gen: 5, }, mollux: { num: -24, name: "Mollux", types: ["Fire", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 45, def: 83, spa: 131, spd: 105, spe: 76 }, abilities: { 0: "Dry Skin", H: "Illuminate" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 41, color: "Pink", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Field"], gen: 5, }, cupra: { num: -25, name: "Cupra", types: ["Bug", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 60, def: 49, spa: 67, spd: 30, spe: 44 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", 1: "Keen Eye", H: "Magic Guard" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 4.8, color: "Brown", evos: ["Argalis"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], gen: 5, }, argalis: { num: -26, name: "Argalis", types: ["Bug", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 90, def: 89, spa: 87, spd: 40, spe: 54 }, abilities: { 0: "Shed Skin", 1: "Compound Eyes", H: "Overcoat" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 341.4, color: "Gray", prevo: "Cupra", evoLevel: 30, evos: ["Aurumoth"], eggGroups: ["Bug"], gen: 5, }, aurumoth: { num: -27, name: "Aurumoth", types: ["Bug", "Psychic"], baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 120, def: 99, spa: 117, spd: 60, spe: 94 }, abilities: { 0: "Weak Armor", 1: "No Guard", H: "Light Metal" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 193, color: "Purple", prevo: "Argalis", evoLevel: 50, eggGroups: ["Bug"], gen: 5, }, brattler: { num: -28, name: "Brattler", types: ["Dark", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 70, def: 40, spa: 20, spd: 90, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Harvest", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Rattled" }, heightm: 1.8, weightkg: 11.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Malaconda"], eggGroups: ["Grass", "Dragon"], gen: 5, }, malaconda: { num: -29, name: "Malaconda", types: ["Dark", "Grass"], baseStats: { hp: 115, atk: 100, def: 60, spa: 40, spd: 130, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Harvest", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Drought" }, heightm: 5.5, weightkg: 108.8, color: "Brown", prevo: "Brattler", evoLevel: 33, eggGroups: ["Grass", "Dragon"], gen: 5, }, cawdet: { num: -30, name: "Cawdet", types: ["Steel", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 72, def: 85, spa: 40, spd: 55, spe: 88 }, abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Volt Absorb", H: "Big Pecks" }, heightm: 0.76, weightkg: 25, color: "Gray", evos: ["Cawmodore"], eggGroups: ["Flying"], gen: 5, }, cawmodore: { num: -31, name: "Cawmodore", types: ["Steel", "Flying"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 92, def: 130, spa: 65, spd: 75, spe: 118 }, abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Volt Absorb", H: "Big Pecks" }, heightm: 1.7, weightkg: 37, color: "Black", prevo: "Cawdet", evoLevel: 33, eggGroups: ["Flying"], gen: 5, }, volkritter: { num: -32, name: "Volkritter", types: ["Water", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 30, def: 50, spa: 80, spd: 60, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Anticipation", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 0.3, weightkg: 15, color: "Red", evos: ["Volkraken"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 2"], gen: 6, }, volkraken: { num: -33, name: "Volkraken", types: ["Water", "Fire"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 45, def: 80, spa: 135, spd: 100, spe: 95 }, abilities: { 0: "Analytic", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Pressure" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 44.5, color: "Red", prevo: "Volkritter", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 2"], gen: 6, }, snugglow: { num: -34, name: "Snugglow", types: ["Electric", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 37, def: 79, spa: 91, spd: 68, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Storm Drain", 1: "Vital Spirit", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 6, color: "Purple", evos: ["Plasmanta"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 2"], gen: 6, }, plasmanta: { num: -35, name: "Plasmanta", types: ["Electric", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 57, def: 119, spa: 131, spd: 98, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Storm Drain", 1: "Vital Spirit", H: "Telepathy" }, heightm: 7, weightkg: 460, color: "Purple", prevo: "Snugglow", evoLevel: 29, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Water 2"], gen: 6, }, floatoy: { num: -36, name: "Floatoy", types: ["Water"], baseStats: { hp: 48, atk: 70, def: 40, spa: 70, spd: 30, spe: 77 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Veil", 1: "Heatproof", H: "Swift Swim" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 1.9, color: "White", evos: ["Caimanoe"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], gen: 6, }, caimanoe: { num: -37, name: "Caimanoe", types: ["Water", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 73, atk: 85, def: 65, spa: 80, spd: 40, spe: 87 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Veil", 1: "Heatproof", H: "Light Metal" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 72.5, color: "Gray", prevo: "Floatoy", evoLevel: 21, evos: ["Naviathan"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], gen: 6, }, naviathan: { num: -38, name: "Naviathan", types: ["Water", "Steel"], baseStats: { hp: 103, atk: 110, def: 90, spa: 95, spd: 65, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Guts", 1: "Heatproof", H: "Light Metal" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 510, color: "Gray", prevo: "Caimanoe", evoLevel: 40, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Field"], gen: 6, }, crucibelle: { num: -39, name: "Crucibelle", types: ["Rock", "Poison"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 106, atk: 105, def: 65, spa: 75, spd: 85, spe: 104 }, abilities: { 0: "Regenerator", 1: "Mold Breaker", H: "Liquid Ooze" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 23.6, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Amorphous", "Mineral"], otherFormes: ["Crucibelle-Mega"], formeOrder: ["Crucibelle", "Crucibelle-Mega"], gen: 6, }, crucibellemega: { num: -39, name: "Crucibelle-Mega", baseSpecies: "Crucibelle", forme: "Mega", types: ["Rock", "Poison"], genderRatio: { M: 0.25, F: 0.75 }, baseStats: { hp: 106, atk: 135, def: 75, spa: 91, spd: 125, spe: 108 }, abilities: { 0: "Magic Guard" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 22.5, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Amorphous", "Mineral"], requiredItem: "Crucibellite", gen: 6, }, pluffle: { num: -40, name: "Pluffle", types: ["Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 74, atk: 38, def: 51, spa: 65, spd: 78, spe: 49 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure", 1: "Aroma Veil", H: "Friend Guard" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 1.8, color: "Pink", evos: ["Kerfluffle"], eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Human-Like"], gen: 6, }, kerfluffle: { num: -41, name: "Kerfluffle", types: ["Fairy", "Fighting"], baseStats: { hp: 84, atk: 78, def: 86, spa: 115, spd: 88, spe: 119 }, abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure", 1: "Aroma Veil", H: "Friend Guard" }, heightm: 2.1, weightkg: 24.2, color: "Pink", prevo: "Pluffle", evoType: "levelMove", evoMove: "Play Rough", eggGroups: ["Fairy", "Human-Like"], gen: 6, }, pajantom: { num: -42, name: "Pajantom", types: ["Dragon", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 84, atk: 133, def: 71, spa: 51, spd: 111, spe: 101 }, abilities: { 0: "Comatose" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 3.1, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Dragon", "Monster"], gen: 7, }, mumbao: { num: -43, name: "Mumbao", types: ["Grass", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 30, def: 64, spa: 87, spd: 73, spe: 66 }, abilities: { 0: "Trace", 1: "Overcoat", H: "Solar Power" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 83, color: "Brown", evos: ["Jumbao"], eggGroups: ["Grass"], gen: 7, }, jumbao: { num: -44, name: "Jumbao", types: ["Grass", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 92, atk: 63, def: 97, spa: 124, spd: 104, spe: 96 }, abilities: { 0: "Trace", 1: "Overcoat", H: "Drought" }, heightm: 2.4, weightkg: 200, color: "Brown", prevo: "Mumbao", evoType: "levelFriendship", evoCondition: "during the day", eggGroups: ["Grass"], gen: 7, }, fawnifer: { num: -45, name: "Fawnifer", types: ["Grass"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 49, atk: 61, def: 42, spa: 52, spd: 40, spe: 76 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Lightning Rod" }, heightm: 0.7, weightkg: 6.9, color: "Green", evos: ["Electrelk"], eggGroups: ["Field"], gen: 7, }, electrelk: { num: -46, name: "Electrelk", types: ["Grass", "Electric"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 59, atk: 81, def: 67, spa: 57, spd: 55, spe: 101 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Galvanize" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 41.5, color: "Green", prevo: "Fawnifer", evoLevel: 17, evos: ["Caribolt"], eggGroups: ["Field"], gen: 7, }, caribolt: { num: -47, name: "Caribolt", types: ["Grass", "Electric"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 84, atk: 106, def: 82, spa: 77, spd: 80, spe: 106 }, abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Galvanize" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 140, color: "Green", prevo: "Electrelk", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Field"], gen: 7, }, smogecko: { num: -48, name: "Smogecko", types: ["Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 48, atk: 66, def: 43, spa: 58, spd: 48, spe: 56 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 8.5, color: "Red", evos: ["Smoguana"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Monster"], gen: 7, }, smoguana: { num: -49, name: "Smoguana", types: ["Fire", "Ground"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 86, def: 53, spa: 68, spd: 68, spe: 76 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 22.2, color: "Red", prevo: "Smogecko", evoLevel: 15, evos: ["Smokomodo"], eggGroups: ["Field", "Monster"], gen: 7, }, smokomodo: { num: -50, name: "Smokomodo", types: ["Fire", "Ground"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 116, def: 67, spa: 88, spd: 78, spe: 97 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Technician" }, heightm: 2.2, weightkg: 205, color: "Red", prevo: "Smoguana", evoLevel: 36, eggGroups: ["Field", "Monster"], gen: 7, }, swirlpool: { num: -51, name: "Swirlpool", types: ["Water"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 61, atk: 49, def: 70, spa: 50, spd: 62, spe: 28 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Poison Heal" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 7, color: "Blue", evos: ["Coribalis"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Fairy"], gen: 7, }, coribalis: { num: -52, name: "Coribalis", types: ["Water", "Bug"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 76, atk: 69, def: 90, spa: 65, spd: 77, spe: 43 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Poison Heal" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 24.5, color: "Blue", prevo: "Swirlpool", evoLevel: 17, evos: ["Snaelstrom"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Fairy"], gen: 7, }, snaelstrom: { num: -53, name: "Snaelstrom", types: ["Water", "Bug"], genderRatio: { M: 0.875, F: 0.125 }, baseStats: { hp: 91, atk: 94, def: 110, spa: 80, spd: 97, spe: 63 }, abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Poison Heal" }, heightm: 2, weightkg: 120, color: "Blue", prevo: "Coribalis", evoLevel: 34, eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Fairy"], gen: 7, }, justyke: { num: -54, name: "Justyke", types: ["Steel", "Ground"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 72, atk: 70, def: 56, spa: 83, spd: 68, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate", 1: "Bulletproof", H: "Justified" }, heightm: 0.4, weightkg: 36.5, color: "Brown", evos: ["Equilibra"], eggGroups: ["Mineral"], gen: 7, }, equilibra: { num: -55, name: "Equilibra", types: ["Steel", "Ground"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 102, atk: 50, def: 96, spa: 133, spd: 118, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate", 1: "Bulletproof", H: "Justified" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 51.3, color: "Brown", prevo: "Justyke", evoLevel: 32, eggGroups: ["Mineral"], gen: 7, }, solotl: { num: -56, name: "Solotl", types: ["Fire", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 68, atk: 48, def: 34, spa: 72, spd: 24, spe: 84 }, abilities: { 0: "Regenerator", 1: "Vital Spirit", H: "Magician" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 11.8, color: "Red", evos: ["Astrolotl"], eggGroups: ["Dragon", "Fairy"], gen: 8, }, astrolotl: { num: -57, name: "Astrolotl", types: ["Fire", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 108, atk: 108, def: 74, spa: 92, spd: 64, spe: 114 }, abilities: { 0: "Regenerator", 1: "Vital Spirit", H: "Magician" }, heightm: 1.9, weightkg: 50, color: "Red", prevo: "Solotl", evoLevel: 35, eggGroups: ["Dragon", "Fairy"], gen: 8, }, miasmite: { num: -58, name: "Miasmite", types: ["Bug", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 85, def: 60, spa: 52, spd: 52, spe: 44 }, abilities: { 0: "Neutralizing Gas", 1: "Hyper Cutter", H: "Compound Eyes" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 10.1, color: "Green", evos: ["Miasmaw"], eggGroups: ["Bug", "Dragon"], gen: 8, }, miasmaw: { num: -59, name: "Miasmaw", types: ["Bug", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 135, def: 60, spa: 88, spd: 105, spe: 99 }, abilities: { 0: "Neutralizing Gas", 1: "Hyper Cutter", H: "Compound Eyes" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 57, color: "Green", prevo: "Miasmite", evoLevel: 30, eggGroups: ["Bug", "Dragon"], gen: 8, }, chromera: { num: -60, name: "Chromera", types: ["Dark", "Normal"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 85, def: 115, spa: 115, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Color Change" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 215, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 8, }, nohface: { num: -61, name: "Nohface", types: ["Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 73, def: 50, spa: 30, spd: 50, spe: 80 }, abilities: { 0: "Frisk", 1: "Limber", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 5.9, color: "Blue", evos: ["Kitsunoh"], eggGroups: ["Field"], gen: 4, }, monohm: { num: -62, name: "Monohm", types: ["Electric"], baseStats: { hp: 53, atk: 40, def: 58, spa: 67, spd: 55, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", 1: "Static", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 0.6, weightkg: 4.1, color: "Yellow", evos: ["Duohm"], eggGroups: ["Dragon", "Monster"], gen: 4, }, duohm: { num: -63, name: "Duohm", types: ["Electric", "Dragon"], baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 40, def: 103, spa: 77, spd: 60, spe: 60 }, abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", 1: "Static", H: "Damp" }, heightm: 1.1, weightkg: 19.2, color: "Yellow", prevo: "Monohm", evoLevel: 32, evos: ["Cyclohm"], eggGroups: ["Dragon", "Monster"], gen: 4, }, dorsoil: { num: -64, name: "Dorsoil", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 103, atk: 72, def: 52, spa: 61, spd: 52, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Oblivious", 1: "Guts", H: "Unnerve" }, heightm: 1.3, weightkg: 145, color: "White", evos: ["Colossoil"], eggGroups: ["Water 2", "Field"], gen: 4, }, protowatt: { num: -65, name: "Protowatt", types: ["Electric", "Water"], baseStats: { hp: 51, atk: 44, def: 33, spa: 43, spd: 34, spe: 65 }, abilities: { 0: "Trace", 1: "Magic Guard", H: "Minus" }, heightm: 0.1, weightkg: 0.1, color: "Red", evos: ["Krilowatt"], eggGroups: ["Water 1", "Fairy"], gen: 4, }, venomicon: { num: -66, name: "Venomicon", baseForme: "Prologue", types: ["Poison", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 50, def: 113, spa: 118, spd: 90, spe: 64 }, abilities: { 0: "Stamina", H: "Power of Alchemy" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 11.5, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], otherFormes: ["Venomicon-Epilogue"], formeOrder: ["Venomicon", "Venomicon-Epilogue"], gen: 8, }, venomiconepilogue: { num: -66, name: "Venomicon-Epilogue", baseSpecies: "Venomicon", forme: "Epilogue", types: ["Poison", "Flying"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 102, def: 85, spa: 62, spd: 85, spe: 101 }, abilities: { 0: "Tinted Lens" }, heightm: 0.8, weightkg: 12.4, color: "Purple", eggGroups: ["Amorphous"], requiredItem: "Vile Vial", changesFrom: "Venomicon", gen: 8, }, saharascal: { num: -67, name: "Saharascal", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 80, def: 65, spa: 45, spd: 90, spe: 70 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Pickpocket", H: "Sand Spit" }, heightm: 1.2, weightkg: 48, color: "Brown", evos: ["Saharaja"], eggGroups: ["Field"], gen: 8, }, saharaja: { num: -68, name: "Saharaja", types: ["Ground"], baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 112, def: 105, spa: 65, spd: 123, spe: 78 }, abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb", 1: "Serene Grace", H: "Sand Spit" }, heightm: 2.3, weightkg: 303.9, color: "White", prevo: "Saharascal", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Shiny Stone", eggGroups: ["Field"], gen: 8, }, ababo: { num: -69, name: "Ababo", types: ["Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 42, atk: 35, def: 27, spa: 35, spd: 35, spe: 38 }, abilities: { 0: "Pixilate", 1: "Rattled", H: "Own Tempo" }, heightm: 0.5, weightkg: 3.5, color: "White", evos: ["Scattervein"], eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], canHatch: true, gen: 9, }, scattervein: { num: -70, name: "Scattervein", types: ["Fairy"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 74, def: 87, spa: 62, spd: 89, spe: 63 }, abilities: { 0: "Pixilate", 1: "Intimidate", H: "Own Tempo" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 25, color: "Pink", prevo: "Ababo", evoType: "levelFriendship", evos: ["Hemogoblin"], eggGroups: ["Monster", "Fairy"], canHatch: true, gen: 9, }, hemogoblin: { num: -71, name: "Hemogoblin", types: ["Fairy", "Fire"], genderRatio: { M: 0.75, F: 0.25 }, baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 96, def: 87, spa: 96, spd: 89, spe: 55 }, abilities: { 0: "Pixilate", 1: "Intimidate", H: "Own Tempo" }, heightm: 1.4, weightkg: 85, color: "Pink", prevo: "Scattervein", evoType: "useItem", evoItem: "Fire Stone", eggGroups: ["Monster", "Fairy"], gen: 9, }, cresceidon: { num: -72, name: "Cresceidon", types: ["Water", "Fairy"], baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 32, def: 111, spa: 88, spd: 99, spe: 124 }, abilities: { 0: "Multiscale", 1: "Rough Skin", H: "Water Veil" }, heightm: 10, weightkg: 999.9, color: "Blue", eggGroups: ["Amorphous", "Water 3"], gen: 9, }, chuggon: { num: -73, name: "Chuggon", types: ["Dragon", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 30, atk: 23, def: 77, spa: 55, spd: 65, spe: 30 }, abilities: { 0: "Shell Armor", 1: "White Smoke", H: "Slow Start" }, heightm: 1, weightkg: 50, color: "Black", evos: ["Draggalong"], eggGroups: ["Dragon", "Mineral"], gen: 9, }, draggalong: { num: -74, name: "Draggalong", types: ["Dragon", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 40, atk: 33, def: 92, spa: 95, spd: 80, spe: 85 }, abilities: { 0: "Armor Tail", 1: "White Smoke", H: "Slow Start" }, heightm: 2.5, weightkg: 110, color: "Black", prevo: "Chuggon", evoLevel: 36, evos: ["Chuggalong"], eggGroups: ["Dragon", "Mineral"], gen: 9, }, chuggalong: { num: -75, name: "Chuggalong", types: ["Dragon", "Poison"], baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 43, def: 117, spa: 120, spd: 110, spe: 108 }, abilities: { 0: "Armor Tail", 1: "White Smoke", H: "Slow Start" }, heightm: 6.2, weightkg: 201.6, color: "Black", prevo: "Draggalong", evoLevel: 46, eggGroups: ["Dragon", "Mineral"], gen: 9, }, shox: { num: -77, name: "Shox", types: ["Electric", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 136, atk: 55, def: 87, spa: 108, spd: 108, spe: 56 }, abilities: { 0: "Electromorphosis", 1: "Sticky Hold", H: "Cud Chew" }, heightm: 3, weightkg: 99.9, color: "Brown", eggGroups: ["Field"], gen: 9, }, // NOTE: PokeStar "formes" are not actually formes and thus do not have a formeOrder pokestarsmeargle: { num: -5000, name: "Pokestar Smeargle", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 20, def: 35, spa: 20, spd: 45, spe: 75 }, abilities: { 0: "Own Tempo", 1: "Technician", H: "Moody" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Field"], gen: 5, }, pokestarufo: { num: -5001, name: "Pokestar UFO", types: ["Flying", "Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], otherFormes: ["Pokestar UFO-2", "Pokestar UFO-PropU2"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar UFO-PropU1"], gen: 5, }, pokestarufo2: { num: -5001, name: "Pokestar UFO-2", baseSpecies: "Pokestar UFO", forme: "2", types: ["Psychic", "Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 5, }, pokestarbrycenman: { num: -5002, name: "Pokestar Brycen-Man", types: ["Dark", "Psychic"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar Brycen-Man-Prop"], gen: 5, }, pokestarmt: { num: -5003, name: "Pokestar MT", types: ["Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Analytic" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar MT-Prop"], gen: 5, }, pokestarmt2: { num: -5004, name: "Pokestar MT2", types: ["Steel", "Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar MT2-Prop"], gen: 5, }, pokestartransport: { num: -5005, name: "Pokestar Transport", types: ["Steel"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Motor Drive" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar Transport-Prop"], gen: 5, }, pokestargiant: { num: -5006, name: "Pokestar Giant", types: ["Normal"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Huge Power" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar Giant-2", "Pokestar Giant-PropO1", "Pokestar Giant-PropO2"], gen: 5, }, pokestarhumanoid: { num: -5007, name: "Pokestar Humanoid", types: ["Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Insomnia" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar Humanoid-Prop"], gen: 5, }, pokestarmonster: { num: -5008, name: "Pokestar Monster", types: ["Dark"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Pressure" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar Monster-Prop"], gen: 5, }, pokestarf00: { num: -5009, name: "Pokestar F-00", types: ["Steel", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Volt Absorb" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar F-00-Prop"], gen: 5, }, pokestarf002: { num: -5010, name: "Pokestar F-002", types: ["Steel", "Normal"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Reckless" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar F-002-Prop"], gen: 5, }, pokestarspirit: { num: -5011, name: "Pokestar Spirit", types: ["Dark", "Ghost"], baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Wonder Guard" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar Spirit-Prop"], gen: 5, }, pokestarblackdoor: { num: -5012, name: "Pokestar Black Door", types: ["Grass"], gender: "F", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Early Bird" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar Black Door-Prop"], gen: 5, }, pokestarwhitedoor: { num: -5013, name: "Pokestar White Door", types: ["Fire"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Blaze" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar White Door-Prop"], gen: 5, }, pokestarblackbelt: { num: -5014, name: "Pokestar Black Belt", types: ["Fighting"], gender: "M", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Huge Power" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], cosmeticFormes: ["Pokestar Black Belt-Prop"], gen: 5, }, pokestarufopropu2: { num: -5001, name: "Pokestar UFO-PropU2", baseSpecies: "Pokestar UFO", forme: "PropU2", types: ["Psychic", "Electric"], gender: "N", baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 }, abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }, heightm: 1.5, weightkg: 61, color: "White", eggGroups: ["Undiscovered"], gen: 5, }, };