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import * as http from 'http';
import * as https from 'https';
import * as url from 'url';
import * as util from 'util';
import * as smogon from 'smogon';
import { Streams } from '../../lib';
import { Dex, toID } from '../../sim/dex';
import { TeamValidator } from '../../sim/team-validator';
type DeepPartial<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends (infer I)[]
? (DeepPartial<I>)[]
: DeepPartial<T[P]>;
interface PokemonSets {
[speciesid: string]: {
[name: string]: DeepPartial<PokemonSet>,
interface IncomingMessage extends NodeJS.ReadableStream {
statusCode: number;
headers: { location?: string };
// eg. 'gen1.json'
interface GenerationData {
[formatid: string]: FormatData;
// eg. 'gen7balancedhackmons.json'
interface FormatData {
[source: string]: PokemonSets;
type GenerationNum = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;
// The tiers we support, ie. ones that we have data sources for.
export const TIERS = new Set([
'ubers', 'ou', 'uu', 'ru', 'nu', 'pu', 'zu', 'lc', 'cap', 'nationaldex',
'doublesou', 'battlespotsingles', 'battlespotdoubles', 'battlestadiumsingles',
// UGH
'battlestadiumsinglesseries2', 'battlestadiumsinglesregulationc',
'vgc2016', 'vgc2017', 'vgc2018', 'vgc2019ultraseries', 'vgc2020', 'vgc2023regulatione', 'vgc', '1v1',
'anythinggoes', 'nationaldexag', 'almostanyability', 'balancedhackmons',
'letsgoou', 'monotype', 'purehackmons', 'nationaldexmonotype',
const FORMATS = new Map<ID, { gen: GenerationNum, format: Format }>();
const VALIDATORS = new Map<ID, TeamValidator>();
for (let gen = 1; gen <= 9; gen++) {
for (const tier of TIERS) {
const format = Dex.formats.get(`gen${gen}${tier}`);
if (format.effectType === 'Format') {
FORMATS.set(, { gen: gen as GenerationNum, format });
VALIDATORS.set(, new TeamValidator(format));
export async function importAll() {
const index = await request(smogon.Statistics.URL);
const imports = [];
for (let gen = 1; gen <= 9; gen++) {
imports.push(importGen(gen as GenerationNum, index));
return Promise.all(imports);
async function importGen(gen: GenerationNum, index: string) {
const data: GenerationData = {};
const smogonSetsByFormat: { [formatid: string]: PokemonSets } = {};
const thirdPartySetsByFormat: { [source: string]: { [formatid: string]: PokemonSets } } = {};
const numByFormat: { [formatid: string]: number } = {};
const imports = [];
const dex = Dex.forFormat(`gen${gen}ou`);
for (const id in {
if (!eligible(dex, id as ID)) continue;
const species = dex.species.get(id);
if (species.battleOnly) continue;// Smogon collapses these into their out of battle species
imports.push(importSmogonSets(dex.species.get(id).name, gen, smogonSetsByFormat, numByFormat));
await Promise.all(imports);
for (const { format, gen: g } of FORMATS.values()) {
if (g !== gen) continue;
if (smogonSetsByFormat[] && Object.keys(smogonSetsByFormat[]).length) {
data[] = {};
data[]['dex'] = smogonSetsByFormat[];
report(format, numByFormat[], 'dex');
for (const source in thirdPartySetsByFormat) {
if (thirdPartySetsByFormat[source][] && Object.keys(thirdPartySetsByFormat[source][]).length) {
data[] = data[] || {};
data[][source] = thirdPartySetsByFormat[source][];
const stats = await getStatisticsURL(index, format);
if (!stats) continue;
try {
const statistics = smogon.Statistics.process(await request(stats.url));
const sets = importUsageBasedSets(gen, format, statistics, stats.count);
if (Object.keys(sets).length) {
data[] = data[] || {};
data[]['stats'] = sets;
data[] = data[] || {};
} catch (err) {
error(`${stats.url} = ${err}`);
return data;
function eligible(dex: ModdedDex, id: ID) {
const gen = toGen(dex, id);
if (!gen || gen > dex.gen) return false;
const species = dex.species.get(id);
if (['Mega', 'Primal', 'Ultra'].some(f => species.forme.startsWith(f))) return true;
// Species with formes distinct enough to merit inclusion
const unique = ['darmanitan', 'meloetta', 'greninja', 'zygarde'];
// Too similar to their base forme/species to matter
const similar = ['pichu', 'pikachu', 'genesect', 'basculin', 'magearna', 'keldeo', 'vivillon'];
if (species.battleOnly && !unique.some(f => id.startsWith(f))) return false;
// Most of these don't have analyses
const capNFE = species.isNonstandard === 'CAP' && species.nfe;
return !id.endsWith('totem') && !capNFE && !similar.some(f => id.startsWith(f) && id !== f);
// TODO: Fix dex data such that CAP mons have a correct gen set
function toGen(dex: ModdedDex, name: string): GenerationNum | undefined {
const pokemon = dex.species.get(name);
if (pokemon.isNonstandard === 'LGPE') return 7;
if (!pokemon.exists || (pokemon.isNonstandard && pokemon.isNonstandard !== 'CAP')) return undefined;
// CAP mons should have a gen property
if (pokemon.gen) return pokemon.gen as GenerationNum;
const n = pokemon.num;
if (n > 905) return 9;
if (n > 810) return 8;
if (n > 721) return 7;
if (n > 649) return 6;
if (n > 493) return 5;
if (n > 386) return 4;
if (n > 251) return 3;
if (n > 151) return 2;
if (n > 0) return 1;
async function importSmogonSets(
pokemon: string,
gen: GenerationNum,
setsByFormat: { [format: string]: PokemonSets },
numByFormat: { [format: string]: number }
) {
const analysesByFormat = await getAnalysesByFormat(pokemon, gen);
if (!analysesByFormat) return;
for (const [format, analyses] of analysesByFormat.entries()) {
const dex = Dex.forFormat(format);
let setsForPokemon = setsByFormat[];
if (!setsForPokemon) {
setsForPokemon = {};
setsByFormat[] = setsForPokemon;
let baseSpecies = dex.species.get(pokemon);
if (baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== baseSpecies = dex.species.get(baseSpecies.baseSpecies);
const battleOnlyFormes: Species[] = [];
if (baseSpecies.otherFormes) {
for (const forme of baseSpecies.otherFormes) {
const formeSpecies = dex.species.get(forme);
if (formeSpecies.battleOnly && eligible(dex, toID(formeSpecies))) {
for (const analysis of analyses) {
for (const moveset of analysis.movesets) {
const set = movesetToPokemonSet(dex, format, pokemon, moveset);
const name = cleanName(;
addSmogonSet(dex, format, pokemon, name, set, setsForPokemon, numByFormat);
for (const battleOnlyForme of battleOnlyFormes) {
// Note: this is just a shallow copy which is fine because we're just modifying the ability
const s = { ...set };
if (!'balancedhackmons')) s.ability = battleOnlyForme.abilities[0];
if (typeof battleOnlyForme.battleOnly !== 'string') {
if (!battleOnlyForme.battleOnly!.includes(pokemon)) continue;
const species = dex.species.get(pokemon);
const disambiguated = `${name} - ${species.baseForme || species.forme}`;
addSmogonSet(dex, format,, disambiguated, s, setsForPokemon, numByFormat, pokemon);
} else if (battleOnlyForme.battleOnly === pokemon) {
addSmogonSet(dex, format,, name, s, setsForPokemon, numByFormat);
function addSmogonSet(
dex: ModdedDex,
format: Format,
pokemon: string,
name: string,
set: DeepPartial<PokemonSet>,
setsForPokemon: PokemonSets,
numByFormat: { [format: string]: number },
outOfBattleSpeciesName?: string
) {
if (validSet('dex', dex, format, pokemon, name, set, outOfBattleSpeciesName)) {
setsForPokemon[pokemon] = setsForPokemon[pokemon] || {};
setsForPokemon[pokemon][name] = set;
numByFormat[] = (numByFormat[] || 0) + 1;
function cleanName(name: string) {
return name.replace(/"/g, `'`);
function movesetToPokemonSet(dex: ModdedDex, format: Format, pokemon: string, set: smogon.Moveset) {
const level = getLevel(format, set.levels[0]);
return {
level: level === 100 ? undefined : level,
moves: => ms[0]).map(s => s.type ? `${s.move} ${s.type}` : s.move),
ability: fixedAbility(dex, pokemon, set.abilities[0]),
item: set.items[0] === 'No Item' ? undefined : set.items[0],
nature: set.natures[0],
teraType: set.teratypes ? set.teratypes[0] : undefined,
ivs: toStatsTable(set.ivconfigs[0], 31),
evs: toStatsTable(set.evconfigs[0]),
function toStatsTable(stats?: StatsTable, elide = 0) {
if (!stats) return undefined;
const s: Partial<StatsTable> = {};
let stat: keyof StatsTable;
for (stat in stats) {
const val = stats[stat];
if (val !== elide) s[stat] = val;
return s;
function fixedAbility(dex: ModdedDex, pokemon: string, ability?: string) {
if (dex.gen <= 2) return undefined;
const species = dex.species.get(pokemon);
if (ability && !['Mega', 'Primal', 'Ultra'].some(f => species.forme.startsWith(f))) return ability;
return species.abilities[0];
function validSet(
source: string,
dex: ModdedDex,
format: Format,
pokemon: string,
name: string,
set: DeepPartial<PokemonSet>,
outOfBattleSpeciesName?: string
) {
if (skip(dex, format, pokemon, set)) return false;
const pset = toPokemonSet(dex, format, pokemon, set, outOfBattleSpeciesName);
let invalid = VALIDATORS.get(!.validateSet(pset, {});
if (!invalid) return true;
// Correct invalidations where set is required to be shiny due to an event
if (invalid.length === 1 && invalid[0].includes('must be shiny')) {
set.shiny = true;
pset.shiny = true;
invalid = VALIDATORS.get(!.validateSet(pset, {});
if (!invalid) return true;
// Allow Gen 4 Arceus sets because they're occasionally useful for tournaments
if ( === 'gen4ubers' && invalid.includes(`${pokemon} is banned.`)) return true;
const title = `${}: ${pokemon} (${name})'`;
const details = `${JSON.stringify(set)} = ${invalid.join(', ')}`;
// console.error(`${color(source, 94)} Invalid set ${color(title, 91)}: ${color(details, 90)}`);
console.error(color(`${source} Invalid set ${title}: ${details}`, 90));
return false;
function skip(dex: ModdedDex, format: Format, pokemon: string, set: DeepPartial<PokemonSet>) {
const { gen } = FORMATS.get(!;
const hasMove = (m: string) => set.moves?.includes(m);
const bh ='balancedhackmons');
if (pokemon === 'Groudon-Primal' && set.item !== 'Red Orb') return true;
if (pokemon === 'Kyogre-Primal' && set.item !== 'Blue Orb' && !(bh && gen === 7)) return true;
if (bh) return false; // Everying else is legal or will get stripped by the team validator anyway
if (dex.species.get(pokemon).forme.startsWith('Mega')) {
if (pokemon === 'Rayquaza-Mega') {
return'ubers') || !hasMove('Dragon Ascent');
} else {
return dex.items.get(set.item).megaStone !== pokemon;
if (pokemon === 'Necrozma-Ultra' && set.item !== 'Ultranecrozium Z') return true;
if (pokemon === 'Greninja-Ash' && set.ability !== 'Battle Bond') return true;
if (pokemon === 'Zygarde-Complete' && set.ability !== 'Power Construct') return true;
if (pokemon === 'Darmanitan-Zen' && set.ability !== 'Zen Mode') return true;
if (pokemon === 'Meloetta-Pirouette' && !hasMove('Relic Song')) return true;
return false;
function toPokemonSet(
dex: ModdedDex,
format: Format,
pokemon: string,
set: DeepPartial<PokemonSet>,
outOfBattleSpeciesName?: string
): PokemonSet {
// To simplify things, during validation we mutate the input set to correct for HP mismatches
const hp = set.moves?.find(m => m.startsWith('Hidden Power'));
let fill = dex.gen === 2 ? 30 : 31;
if (hp) {
const type = hp.slice(13);
if (type && dex.getHiddenPower(fillStats(set.ivs, fill)).type !== type) {
if (!set.ivs || (dex.gen >= 7 && (!set.level || set.level === 100))) {
set.hpType = type;
fill = 31;
} else if (dex.gen === 2) {
const dvs = { ...dex.types.get(type).HPdvs };
let stat: StatID;
for (stat in dvs) {
dvs[stat]! *= 2;
set.ivs = { ...dvs, ...set.ivs };
set.ivs.hp = expectedHP(set.ivs);
} else {
set.ivs = { ...dex.types.get(type).HPivs, ...set.ivs };
const copy = { species: pokemon, ...set } as PokemonSet;
copy.ivs = fillStats(set.ivs, fill);
// The validator expects us to have at least 1 EV set to prove it is intentional
if (!set.evs && dex.gen >= 3 && !== 'gen7letsgoou') set.evs = { spe: 1 };
copy.evs = fillStats(set.evs, dex.gen <= 2 ? 252 : 0);
// The validator wants an ability even when Gen < 3
copy.ability = copy.ability || 'None';
const species = dex.species.get(pokemon);
if (species.battleOnly && !'balancedhackmons')) {
if (outOfBattleSpeciesName) {
copy.species = outOfBattleSpeciesName;
} else if (typeof species.battleOnly === 'string') {
copy.species = species.battleOnly;
} else {
throw new Error(`Unable to disambiguate out of battle species for ${} in ${}`);
copy.ability = dex.species.get(copy.species).abilities[0];
return copy;
function expectedHP(ivs: Partial<StatsTable>) {
ivs = fillStats(ivs, 31);
const atkDV = Math.floor(ivs.atk! / 2);
const defDV = Math.floor(ivs.def! / 2);
const speDV = Math.floor(ivs.spe! / 2);
const spcDV = Math.floor(! / 2);
return 2 * ((atkDV % 2) * 8 + (defDV % 2) * 4 + (speDV % 2) * 2 + (spcDV % 2));
function fillStats(stats?: Partial<StatsTable>, fill = 0) {
return TeamValidator.fillStats(stats || null, fill);
const SMOGON = {
uber: 'ubers',
doubles: 'doublesou',
lgpeou: 'letsgoou',
ag: 'anythinggoes',
bh: 'balancedhackmons',
vgc16: 'vgc2016',
vgc17: 'vgc2017',
vgc18: 'vgc2018',
vgc19: 'vgc2019ultraseries',
vgc24regulatione: 'vgc2023regulatione',
// bssseries1: 'battlestadiumsinglesseries1', // ?
bssseries2: 'battlestadiumsinglesseries2',
} as unknown as { [id: string]: ID };
const getAnalysis = retrying(async (u: string) => {
try {
return smogon.Analyses.process(await request(u));
} catch (err: any) {
// Don't try HTTP errors that we've already retried
if (err.message.startsWith('HTTP')) {
return Promise.reject(err);
} else {
return Promise.reject(new RetryableError(err.message));
}, 3, 50);
async function getAnalysesByFormat(pokemon: string, gen: GenerationNum) {
const u = smogon.Analyses.url(pokemon === 'Meowstic' ? 'Meowstic-M' : pokemon, gen);
try {
const analysesByTier = await getAnalysis(u);
if (!analysesByTier) {
error(`Unable to process analysis for ${pokemon} in generation ${gen}`);
return undefined;
const analysesByFormat = new Map<Format, smogon.Analysis[]>();
for (const [tier, analyses] of analysesByTier.entries()) {
let t = toID(tier);
// Dumb hack, need to talk to BSS people
if (gen === 9 && t === 'battlestadiumsingles') {
t = 'battlestadiumsinglesregulationc' as ID;
const f = FORMATS.get(`gen${gen}${SMOGON[t] || t}` as ID);
if (f) analysesByFormat.set(f.format, analyses);
return analysesByFormat;
} catch {
error(`Unable to process analysis for ${pokemon} in generation ${gen}`);
return undefined;
function getLevel(format: Format, level = 0) {
const ruleTable = Dex.formats.getRuleTable(format);
if (ruleTable.adjustLevel) return ruleTable.adjustLevel;
const maxLevel = ruleTable.maxLevel;
const adjustLevelDown = ruleTable.adjustLevelDown || maxLevel;
if (!level) level = ruleTable.defaultLevel;
return level > adjustLevelDown ? adjustLevelDown : level;
export async function getStatisticsURL(
index: string,
format: Format
): Promise<{ url: string, count: number } | undefined> {
const current = index.includes(;
const latest = await smogon.Statistics.latestDate(, !current);
if (!latest) return undefined;
return { url: smogon.Statistics.url(,, current || 1500), count: latest.count };
// TODO: Use bigram matrix, bucketed spreads and generative validation logic for more realistic sets
function importUsageBasedSets(gen: GenerationNum, format: Format, statistics: smogon.UsageStatistics, count: number) {
const sets: PokemonSets = {};
const dex = Dex.forFormat(format);
const threshold = getUsageThreshold(format, count);
let num = 0;
for (const pokemon in {
const stats =[pokemon];
if (eligible(dex, toID(pokemon)) && stats.usage >= threshold) {
const set: DeepPartial<PokemonSet> = {
level: getLevel(format),
moves: (top(stats.Moves, 4) as string[]).map(m => dex.moves.get(m).name).filter(m => m),
if (gen >= 2 && !== 'gen7letsgoou') {
const id = top(stats.Items) as string;
set.item = dex.items.get(id).name;
if (set.item === 'nothing') set.item = undefined;
if (gen >= 3) {
const id = top(stats.Abilities) as string;
set.ability = fixedAbility(dex, pokemon, dex.abilities.get(id).name);
const { nature, evs } = fromSpread(top(stats.Spreads) as string);
set.nature = nature;
if ( !== 'gen7letsgoou') {
if (!evs || !Object.keys(evs).length) continue;
set.evs = evs;
const name = 'Showdown Usage';
if (validSet('stats', dex, format, pokemon, name, set)) {
sets[pokemon] = {};
sets[pokemon][name] = set;
report(format, num, 'stats');
return sets;
function getUsageThreshold(format: Format, count: number) {
// For old metagames with extremely low total battle counts we adjust the thresholds
if (count < 100) return Infinity;
if (count < 400) return 0.05;
// These formats are deemed to have playerbases of lower quality than normal
return /uber|anythinggoes|doublesou/.test( ? 0.03 : 0.01;
const STATS = Dex.stats.ids();
function fromSpread(spread: string) {
const [nature, revs] = spread.split(':');
const evs: Partial<StatsTable> = {};
for (const [i, rev] of revs.split('/').entries()) {
const ev = Number(rev);
if (ev) evs[STATS[i]] = ev;
return { nature, evs };
function top(weighted: { [key: string]: number }, n = 1): string | string[] | undefined {
if (n === 0) return undefined;
// Optimize the more common case with an linear algorithm instead of log-linear
if (n === 1) {
let max;
for (const key in weighted) {
if (!max || weighted[max] < weighted[key]) max = key;
return max;
return Object.entries(weighted)
.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])
.slice(0, n)
.map(x => x[0]);
class RetryableError extends Error {
constructor(message?: string) {
// restore prototype chain
// We throttle to 20 QPS by only issuing one request every 50ms at most. This
// is importantly different than using the more obvious 20 and 1000ms here,
// as it results in more spaced out requests which won't cause as many gettaddrinfo
// ENOTFOUND (nodejs/node-v0.x-archive#5488). Similarly, the evenly spaced
// requests makes us signficantly less likely to encounter ECONNRESET errors
// on macOS (though these are still pretty frequent, Linux is recommended for running
// this tool). Retry up to 5 times with a 20ms backoff increment.
const request = retrying(throttling(fetch, 1, 50), 5, 20);
export function fetch(u: string) {
const client = u.startsWith('http:') ? http : https;
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
// @ts-expect-error Typescript bug - thinks the second argument should be RequestOptions, not a callback
const req = client.get(u, (res: IncomingMessage) => {
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
if (res.statusCode >= 500 && res.statusCode < 600) {
return reject(new RetryableError(`HTTP ${res.statusCode}`));
} else if (res.statusCode >= 300 && res.statusCode <= 400 && res.headers.location) {
resolve(fetch(url.resolve(u, res.headers.location)));
} else {
return reject(new Error(`HTTP ${res.statusCode}`));
Streams.readAll(res).then(resolve, reject);
req.on('error', reject);
function retrying<I, O>(fn: (args: I) => Promise<O>, retries: number, wait: number): (args: I) => Promise<O> {
const retry = async (args: I, attempt = 0): Promise<O> => {
try {
return await fn(args);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof RetryableError) {
if (attempt > retries) return Promise.reject(err);
const timeout = Math.round(attempt * wait * (1 + Math.random() / 2));
warn(`Retrying ${args} in ${timeout}ms (${attempt}):`, err);
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve(retry(args, attempt++));
}, timeout);
} else {
return Promise.reject(err);
return retry;
function throttling<I, O>(fn: (args: I) => Promise<O>, limit: number, interval: number): (args: I) => Promise<O> {
const queue = new Map();
let currentTick = 0;
let activeCount = 0;
const throttled = (args: I) => {
let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout;
return new Promise<O>((resolve, reject) => {
const execute = () => {
const now =;
if (now - currentTick > interval) {
activeCount = 1;
currentTick = now;
} else if (activeCount < limit) {
} else {
currentTick += interval;
activeCount = 1;
timeout = setTimeout(execute, currentTick - now);
queue.set(timeout, reject);
return throttled;
function color(s: any, code: number) {
return util.format(`\x1b[${code}m%s\x1b[0m`, s);
function report(format: Format, num: number, source: string) {`${}: ${color(num, 33)} ${color(`(${source})`, 90)}`);
function warn(s: string, err: Error) {
console.warn(`${color(s, 33)} ${color(err.message, 90)}`);
function error(s: string) {
console.error(color(s, 91));