Pokemon_server / tools /modlog /converter.ts
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* Converts modlogs between text and SQLite; also modernizes old-format modlogs
* @author Annika
* @author jetou
if (!global.Config) {
let hasSQLite = true;
try {
} catch {
console.warn(`Warning: the modlog conversion script is running without a SQLite library.`);
hasSQLite = false;
global.Config = {
nofswriting: false,
usesqlitemodlog: hasSQLite,
usesqlite: hasSQLite,
} as any;
import type * as DatabaseType from 'better-sqlite3';
import type {ModlogEntry} from '../../server/modlog';
import {FS} from '../../lib';
import {IPTools} from '../../server/ip-tools';
const Database = Config.usesqlite ? require('better-sqlite3') : null;
const {Modlog} = require('../../server/modlog');
type ModlogFormat = 'txt' | 'sqlite';
/** The number of modlog entries to write to the database on each transaction */
const ENTRIES_TO_BUFFER = 7500;
const ALTS_REGEX = /\(.*?'s (lock|mut|bann|blacklist)ed alts: (.*)\)/;
const AUTOCONFIRMED_REGEX = /\(.*?'s ac account: (.*)\)/;
const IP_ONLY_ACTIONS = new Set([
export function parseBrackets(line: string, openingBracket: '(' | '[', greedy?: boolean) {
const brackets = {
'(': ')',
'[': ']',
const bracketOpenIndex = line.indexOf(openingBracket);
const bracketCloseIndex = greedy ? line.lastIndexOf(brackets[openingBracket]) : line.indexOf(brackets[openingBracket]);
if (bracketCloseIndex < 0 || bracketOpenIndex < 0) return '';
return line.slice(bracketOpenIndex + 1, bracketCloseIndex);
function toID(text: any): ID {
return (text && typeof text === "string" ? text : "").toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, "") as ID;
export function modernizeLog(line: string, nextLine?: string): string | undefined {
// first we save and remove the timestamp and the roomname
const prefix = line.match(/\[.+?\] \(.+?\) /i)?.[0];
if (!prefix) return;
if (ALTS_REGEX.test(line) || AUTOCONFIRMED_REGEX.test(line)) return;
line = line.replace(prefix, '');
// handle duplicate room bug
if (line.startsWith('(')) line = line.replace(/\([a-z0-9-]*\) /, '');
if (line.startsWith('(') && line.endsWith(')')) {
line = line.slice(1, -1);
const getAlts = () => {
let alts = '';
nextLine?.replace(ALTS_REGEX, (_a, _b, rawAlts) => {
if (rawAlts) alts = `alts: [${rawAlts.split(',').map(toID).join('], [')}] `;
return '';
return alts;
const getAutoconfirmed = () => {
let autoconfirmed = '';
nextLine?.replace(AUTOCONFIRMED_REGEX, (_a, rawAutoconfirmed) => {
if (rawAutoconfirmed) autoconfirmed = `ac: [${toID(rawAutoconfirmed)}] `;
return '';
return autoconfirmed;
// Special cases
if (line.startsWith('SCAV ')) {
line = line.replace(/: (\[room: .*?\]) by (.*)/, (match, roominfo, rest) => `: by ${rest} ${roominfo}`);
line = line.replace(
/(GIVEAWAY WIN|GTS FINISHED): ([A-Za-z0-9].*?)(won|has finished)/,
(match, action, user) => `${action}: [${toID(user)}]:`
if (line.includes(':')) {
const possibleModernAction = line.slice(0, line.indexOf(':')).trim();
if (possibleModernAction === possibleModernAction.toUpperCase()) {
if (possibleModernAction.includes('[')) {
// for corrupted lines
const [drop, ...keep] = line.split('[');
process.stderr.write(`Ignoring malformed line: ${drop}\n`);
return modernizeLog(keep.join(''));
if (/\(.+\) by [a-z0-9]{1,19}$/.test(line) && !['OLD MODLOG', 'NOTE'].includes(possibleModernAction)) {
// weird reason formatting
const reason = parseBrackets(line, '(', true);
return `${prefix}${line.replace(` (${reason})`, '')}: ${reason}`;
// Log is already modernized
return `${prefix}${line}`;
if (/\[(the|a)poll\] was (started|ended) by/.test(line)) {
const actionTaker = toID(line.slice(line.indexOf(' by ') + ' by '.length));
const isEnding = line.includes('was ended by');
return `${prefix}POLL${isEnding ? ' END' : ''}: by ${actionTaker}`;
if (/User (.*?) won the game of (.*?) mode trivia/.test(line)) {
return `${prefix}TRIVIAGAME: by unknown: ${line}`;
const modernizerTransformations: {[k: string]: (log: string) => string} = {
'notes: ': (log) => {
const [actionTaker, ...rest] = line.split(' notes: ');
return `NOTE: by ${toID(actionTaker)}: ${rest.join('')}`;
' declared': (log) => {
let newAction = 'DECLARE';
let oldAction = ' declared';
if (log.includes(' globally declared')) {
oldAction = ' globally declared';
newAction = 'GLOBALDECLARE';
if (log.includes('(chat level)')) {
oldAction += ' (chat level)';
newAction = `CHATDECLARE`;
const actionTakerName = toID(log.slice(0, log.lastIndexOf(oldAction)));
log = log.slice(actionTakerName.length);
log = log.slice(oldAction.length);
log = log.replace(/^\s?:/, '').trim();
return `${newAction}: by ${actionTakerName}: ${log}`;
'changed the roomdesc to: ': (log) => {
const actionTaker = parseBrackets(log, '[');
log = log.slice(actionTaker.length + 3);
log = log.slice('changed the roomdesc to: '.length + 1, -2);
return `ROOMDESC: by ${actionTaker}: to "${log}"`;
'roomevent titled "': (log) => {
let action;
if (log.includes(' added a roomevent titled "')) {
action = 'added a';
} else if (log.includes(' removed a roomevent titled "')) {
action = 'removed a';
} else {
action = 'edited the';
const actionTakerName = log.slice(0, log.lastIndexOf(` ${action} roomevent titled "`));
log = log.slice(actionTakerName.length + 1);
const eventName = log.slice(` ${action} roomevent titled `.length, -2);
return `ROOMEVENT: by ${toID(actionTakerName)}: ${action.split(' ')[0]} "${eventName}"`;
'set modchat to ': (log) => {
const actionTaker = parseBrackets(log, '[');
log = log.slice(actionTaker.length + 3);
log = log.slice('set modchat to '.length);
return `MODCHAT: by ${actionTaker}: to ${log}`;
'set modjoin to ': (log) => {
const actionTakerName = log.slice(0, log.lastIndexOf(' set'));
log = log.slice(actionTakerName.length + 1);
log = log.slice('set modjoin to '.length);
const rank = log.startsWith('sync') ? 'sync' : log.replace('.', '');
return `MODJOIN${rank === 'sync' ? ' SYNC' : ''}: by ${toID(actionTakerName)}${rank !== 'sync' ? `: ${rank}` : ``}`;
'turned off modjoin': (log) => {
const actionTakerName = log.slice(0, log.lastIndexOf(' turned off modjoin'));
return `MODJOIN: by ${toID(actionTakerName)}: OFF`;
'changed the roomintro': (log) => {
const isDeletion = /deleted the (staff|room)intro/.test(log);
const isRoomintro = log.includes('roomintro');
const actionTaker = toID(log.slice(0, log.indexOf(isDeletion ? 'deleted' : 'changed')));
return `${isDeletion ? 'DELETE' : ''}${isRoomintro ? 'ROOM' : 'STAFF'}INTRO: by ${actionTaker}`;
'deleted the roomintro': (log) => modernizerTransformations['changed the roomintro'](log),
'changed the staffintro': (log) => modernizerTransformations['changed the roomintro'](log),
'deleted the staffintro': (log) => modernizerTransformations['changed the roomintro'](log),
'created a tournament in': (log) => {
const actionTaker = parseBrackets(log, '[');
log = log.slice(actionTaker.length + 3);
log = log.slice(24, -8);
return `TOUR CREATE: by ${actionTaker}: ${log}`;
'was disqualified from the tournament by': (log) => {
const disqualified = parseBrackets(log, '[');
log = log.slice(disqualified.length + 3);
log = log.slice('was disqualified from the tournament by'.length);
return `TOUR DQ: [${toID(disqualified)}] by ${toID(log)}`;
'The tournament auto disqualify timeout was set to': (log) => {
const byIndex = log.indexOf(' by ');
const actionTaker = log.slice(byIndex + ' by '.length);
const length = log.slice('The tournament auto disqualify timeout was set to'.length, byIndex);
return `TOUR AUTODQ: by ${toID(actionTaker)}: ${length.trim()}`;
' was blacklisted from ': (log) => {
const isName = log.includes(' was nameblacklisted from ');
const banned = toID(log.slice(0, log.indexOf(` was ${isName ? 'name' : ''}blacklisted from `)));
log = log.slice(log.indexOf(' by ') + ' by '.length);
let reason, ip;
if (/\(.*\)/.test(log)) {
reason = parseBrackets(log, '(');
if (/\[.*\]/.test(log)) ip = parseBrackets(log, '[');
log = log.slice(0, log.indexOf('('));
const actionTaker = toID(log);
return `${isName ? 'NAME' : ''}BLACKLIST: [${banned}] ${getAutoconfirmed()}${getAlts()}${ip ? `[${ip}] ` : ``}by ${actionTaker}${reason ? `: ${reason}` : ``}`;
' was nameblacklisted from ': (log) => modernizerTransformations[' was blacklisted from '](log),
' was banned from room ': (log) => {
const banned = toID(log.slice(0, log.indexOf(' was banned from room ')));
log = log.slice(log.indexOf(' by ') + ' by '.length);
let reason, ip;
if (/\(.*\)/.test(log)) {
reason = parseBrackets(log, '(');
if (/\[.*\]/.test(log)) ip = parseBrackets(log, '[');
log = log.slice(0, log.indexOf('('));
const actionTaker = toID(log);
return `ROOMBAN: [${banned}] ${getAutoconfirmed()}${getAlts()}${ip ? `[${ip}] ` : ``}by ${actionTaker}${reason ? `: ${reason}` : ``}`;
' was muted by ': (log) => {
let muted = '';
let isHour = false;
[muted, log] = log.split(' was muted by ');
muted = toID(muted);
let reason, ip;
if (/\(.*\)/.test(log)) {
reason = parseBrackets(log, '(');
if (/\[.*\]/.test(log)) ip = parseBrackets(log, '[');
log = log.slice(0, log.indexOf('('));
let actionTaker = toID(log);
if (actionTaker.endsWith('for1hour')) {
isHour = true;
actionTaker = actionTaker.replace(/^(.*)(for1hour)$/, (match, staff) => staff) as ID;
return `${isHour ? 'HOUR' : ''}MUTE: [${muted}] ${getAutoconfirmed()}${getAlts()}${ip ? `[${ip}] ` : ``}by ${actionTaker}${reason ? `: ${reason}` : ``}`;
' was locked from talking ': (log) => {
const isWeek = log.includes(' was locked from talking for a week ');
const locked = toID(log.slice(0, log.indexOf(' was locked from talking ')));
log = log.slice(log.indexOf(' by ') + ' by '.length);
let reason, ip;
if (/\(.*\)/.test(log)) {
reason = parseBrackets(log, '(');
if (/\[.*\]/.test(log)) ip = parseBrackets(log, '[');
log = log.slice(0, log.indexOf('('));
const actionTaker = toID(log);
return `${isWeek ? 'WEEK' : ''}LOCK: [${locked}] ${getAutoconfirmed()}${getAlts()}${ip ? `[${ip}] ` : ``}by ${actionTaker}${reason ? `: ${reason}` : ``}`;
' was banned ': (log) => {
if (log.includes(' was banned from room ')) return modernizerTransformations[' was banned from room '](log);
const banned = toID(log.slice(0, log.indexOf(' was banned ')));
log = log.slice(log.indexOf(' by ') + ' by '.length);
let reason, ip;
if (/\(.*\)/.test(log)) {
reason = parseBrackets(log, '(');
if (/\[.*\]/.test(log)) ip = parseBrackets(log, '[');
log = log.slice(0, log.indexOf('('));
const actionTaker = toID(log);
return `BAN: [${banned}] ${getAutoconfirmed()}${getAlts()}${ip ? `[${ip}] ` : ``}by ${actionTaker}${reason ? `: ${reason}` : ``}`;
'was promoted to ': (log) => {
const isDemotion = log.includes('was demoted to ');
const userid = toID(log.split(' was ')[0]);
if (!userid) {
throw new Error(`Ignoring malformed line: ${prefix}${log}`);
log = log.slice(userid.length + 3);
log = log.slice(`was ${isDemotion ? 'demoted' : 'promoted'} to `.length);
let rank = log.slice(0, log.indexOf(' by')).replace(/ /, '').toUpperCase();
log = log.slice(`${rank} by `.length);
if (!rank.startsWith('ROOM')) rank = `GLOBAL ${rank}`;
const actionTaker = parseBrackets(log, '[');
return `${rank}: [${userid}] by ${actionTaker}${isDemotion ? ': (demote)' : ''}`;
'was demoted to ': (log) => modernizerTransformations['was promoted to '](log),
'was appointed Room Owner by ': (log) => {
const userid = parseBrackets(log, '[');
log = log.slice(userid.length + 3);
log = log.slice('was appointed Room Owner by '.length);
const actionTaker = parseBrackets(log, '[');
return `ROOMOWNER: [${userid}] by ${actionTaker}`;
' claimed this ticket': (log) => {
const actions: {[k: string]: string} = {
' claimed this ticket': 'TICKETCLAIM',
' closed this ticket': 'TICKETCLOSE',
' deleted this ticket': 'TICKETDELETE',
for (const oldAction in actions) {
if (log.includes(oldAction)) {
const actionTaker = toID(log.slice(0, log.indexOf(oldAction)));
return `${actions[oldAction]}: by ${actionTaker}`;
return log;
'This ticket is now claimed by ': (log) => {
const claimer = toID(log.slice(log.indexOf(' by ') + ' by '.length));
return `TICKETCLAIM: by ${claimer}`;
' is no longer interested in this ticket': (log) => {
const abandoner = toID(log.slice(0, log.indexOf(' is no longer interested in this ticket')));
return `TICKETABANDON: by ${abandoner}`;
' opened a new ticket': (log) => {
const opener = toID(log.slice(0, log.indexOf(' opened a new ticket')));
const problem = log.slice(log.indexOf(' Issue: ') + ' Issue: '.length).trim();
return `TICKETOPEN: by ${opener}: ${problem}`;
' closed this ticket': (log) => modernizerTransformations[' claimed this ticket'](log),
' deleted this ticket': (log) => modernizerTransformations[' claimed this ticket'](log),
'This ticket is no longer claimed': () => 'TICKETUNCLAIM',
' has been caught attempting a hunt with ': (log) => {
const index = log.indexOf(' has been caught attempting a hunt with ');
const user = toID(log.slice(0, index));
log = log.slice(index + ' has been caught attempting a hunt with '.length);
log = log.replace('. The user has also', '; has also').replace('.', '');
return `SCAV CHEATER: [${user}]: caught attempting a hunt with ${log}`;
'made this room hidden': (log) => {
const user = toID(log.slice(0, log.indexOf(' made this room hidden')));
return `HIDDENROOM: by ${user}`;
'The tournament auto start timer was set to ': (log) => {
log = log.slice('The tournament auto start timer was set to'.length);
const [length, setter] = log.split(' by ').map(toID);
return `TOUR AUTOSTART: by ${setter}: ${length}`;
'The tournament auto disqualify timer was set to ': (log) => {
log = log.slice('The tournament auto disqualify timer was set to'.length);
const [length, setter] = log.split(' by ').map(toID);
return `TOUR AUTODQ: by ${setter}: ${length}`;
" set the tournament's banlist to ": (log) => {
const [setter, banlist] = log.split(` set the tournament's banlist to `);
return `TOUR BANLIST: by ${toID(setter)}: ${banlist.slice(0, -1)}`; // remove trailing . from banlist
" set the tournament's custom rules to": (log) => {
const [setter, rules] = log.split(` set the tournament's custom rules to `);
return `TOUR RULES: by ${toID(setter)}: ${rules.slice(0, -1)}`;
'[agameofhangman] was started by ': (log) => `HANGMAN: by ${toID(log.slice('[agameofhangman] was started by '.length))}`,
'[agameofunowas] created by ': (log) => `UNO CREATE: by ${toID(log.slice('[agameofunowas] created by '.length))}`,
'[thetournament] was set to autostart': (log) => {
const [, user] = log.split(' by ');
return `TOUR AUTOSTART: by ${toID(user)}: when playercap is reached`;
'[thetournament] was set to allow scouting': (log) => {
const [, user] = log.split(' by ');
return `TOUR SCOUT: by ${toID(user)}: allow`;
'[thetournament] was set to disallow scouting': (log) => {
const [, user] = log.split(' by ');
return `TOUR SCOUT: by ${toID(user)}: disallow`;
for (const oldAction in modernizerTransformations) {
if (line.includes(oldAction)) {
try {
return prefix + modernizerTransformations[oldAction](line);
} catch (err: any) {
if (Config.nofswriting) throw err;
return `${prefix}${line}`;
export function parseModlog(raw: string, nextLine?: string, isGlobal = false): ModlogEntry | undefined {
let line = modernizeLog(raw);
if (!line) return;
const timestamp = parseBrackets(line, '[');
line = line.slice(timestamp.length + 3);
const [roomID, ...bonus] = parseBrackets(line, '(').split(' ');
const log: ModlogEntry = {
action: 'NULL',
visualRoomID: '',
userid: null,
autoconfirmedID: null,
alts: [],
ip: null,
loggedBy: null,
note: '',
time: Math.floor(new Date(timestamp).getTime()) || 0,
if (bonus.length) log.visualRoomID = `${log.roomID} ${bonus.join(' ')}`;
line = line.slice((log.visualRoomID || log.roomID).length + 3);
const actionColonIndex = line.indexOf(':');
const action = line.slice(0, actionColonIndex);
if (action !== action.toUpperCase()) {
// no action (probably an old-format log that slipped past the modernizer)
log.action = 'OLD MODLOG';
log.loggedBy = 'unknown' as ID;
log.note = line.trim();
return log;
} else {
log.action = action;
if (log.action === 'OLD MODLOG') {
log.loggedBy = 'unknown' as ID;
log.note = line.slice(line.indexOf('by unknown: ') + 'by unknown :'.length).trim();
return log;
line = line.slice(actionColonIndex + 2);
if (line[0] === '[') {
if (!IP_ONLY_ACTIONS.has(log.action)) {
const userid = toID(parseBrackets(line, '['));
log.userid = userid;
line = line.slice(userid.length + 3).trim();
if (line.startsWith('ac:')) {
line = line.slice(3).trim();
const ac = parseBrackets(line, '[');
log.autoconfirmedID = toID(ac);
line = line.slice(ac.length + 3).trim();
if (line.startsWith('alts:')) {
line = line.slice(5).trim();
const alts = new Set<ID>(); // we need to weed out duplicate alts
let alt = parseBrackets(line, '[');
do {
if (alt.includes(', ')) {
// old alt format
for (const trueAlt of alt.split(', ')) {
line = line.slice(line.indexOf(`[${alt}],`) + `[${alt}],`.length).trim();
if (!line.startsWith('[')) line = `[${line}`;
} else {
if (IPTools.ipRegex.test(alt)) break;
line = line.slice(line.indexOf(`[${alt}],`) + `[${alt}],`.length).trim();
if (alt.includes('[') && !line.startsWith('[')) line = `[${line}`;
alt = parseBrackets(line, '[');
} while (alt);
log.alts = [...alts];
if (line[0] === '[') {
log.ip = parseBrackets(line, '[');
line = line.slice(log.ip.length + 3).trim();
let regex = /\bby .*:/;
let actionTakerIndex = regex.exec(line)?.index;
if (actionTakerIndex === undefined) {
actionTakerIndex = line.indexOf('by ');
regex = /\bby .*/;
if (actionTakerIndex !== -1) {
const colonIndex = line.indexOf(': ');
const actionTaker = line.slice(actionTakerIndex + 3, colonIndex > actionTakerIndex ? colonIndex : undefined);
if (toID(actionTaker).length < 19) {
log.loggedBy = toID(actionTaker) || null;
if (colonIndex > actionTakerIndex) line = line.slice(colonIndex);
line = line.replace(regex, ' ');
if (line) log.note = line.replace(/^\s?:\s?/, '').trim();
return log;
export function rawifyLog(log: ModlogEntry) {
let result = `[${new Date(log.time || Date.now()).toJSON()}] (${(log.visualRoomID || log.roomID || 'global').replace(/^global-/, '')}) ${log.action}`;
if (log.userid) result += `: [${log.userid}]`;
if (log.autoconfirmedID) result += ` ac: [${log.autoconfirmedID}]`;
if (log.alts.length) result += ` alts: [${log.alts.join('], [')}]`;
if (log.ip) {
if (!log.userid) result += `:`;
result += ` [${log.ip}]`;
if (log.loggedBy) result += `${result.endsWith(']') ? '' : ':'} by ${log.loggedBy}`;
if (log.note) result += `: ${log.note}`;
return result + `\n`;
export class ModlogConverterSQLite {
readonly databaseFile: string;
readonly textLogDir: string;
readonly isTesting: {files: Map<string, string>, db: DatabaseType.Database} | null = null;
readonly newestAllowedTimestamp?: number;
databaseFile: string, textLogDir: string,
isTesting?: DatabaseType.Database, newestAllowedTimestamp?: number
) {
this.databaseFile = databaseFile;
this.textLogDir = textLogDir;
if (isTesting || Config.nofswriting) {
this.isTesting = {files: new Map<string, string>(), db: isTesting || new Database(':memory:')};
this.newestAllowedTimestamp = newestAllowedTimestamp;
async toTxt() {
const database = this.isTesting?.db || new Database(this.databaseFile, {fileMustExist: true});
const roomids = database.prepare('SELECT DISTINCT roomid FROM modlog').all();
const globalEntries = [];
for (const {roomid} of roomids) {
if (!Config.nofswriting) console.log(`Reading ${roomid}...`);
const results = database.prepare(
`SELECT *, (SELECT group_concat(userid, ',') FROM alts WHERE alts.modlog_id = modlog.modlog_id) as alts ` +
`FROM modlog WHERE roomid = ? ORDER BY timestamp ASC`
const trueRoomID = roomid.replace(/^global-/, '');
let entriesLogged = 0;
let entries: string[] = [];
const insertEntries = async () => {
if (roomid === 'global') return;
entriesLogged += entries.length;
if (!Config.nofswriting && (entriesLogged % ENTRIES_TO_BUFFER === 0 || entriesLogged < ENTRIES_TO_BUFFER)) {
process.stdout.write(`Wrote ${entriesLogged} entries from '${trueRoomID}'`);
await this.writeFile(`${this.textLogDir}/modlog_${trueRoomID}.txt`, entries.join(''));
entries = [];
for (const result of results) {
if (this.newestAllowedTimestamp && result.timestamp > this.newestAllowedTimestamp) break;
const entry: ModlogEntry = {
action: result.action,
roomID: result.roomid?.replace(/^global-/, ''),
visualRoomID: result.visual_roomid,
userid: result.userid,
autoconfirmedID: result.autoconfirmed_userid,
alts: result.alts?.split(','),
ip: result.ip,
isGlobal: result.roomid?.startsWith('global-') || result.roomid === 'global' || result.is_global,
loggedBy: result.action_taker_userid,
note: result.note,
time: result.timestamp,
const rawLog = rawifyLog(entry);
if (entry.isGlobal) {
if (entries.length === ENTRIES_TO_BUFFER) await insertEntries();
await insertEntries();
if (entriesLogged) process.stdout.write('\n');
if (!Config.nofswriting) console.log(`Writing the global modlog...`);
await this.writeFile(`${this.textLogDir}/modlog_global.txt`, globalEntries.join(''));
async writeFile(path: string, text: string) {
if (this.isTesting) {
const old = this.isTesting.files.get(path);
return this.isTesting.files.set(path, `${old || ''}${text}`);
return FS(path).append(text);
export class ModlogConverterTxt {
readonly databaseFile: string;
readonly modlog: typeof Modlog;
readonly newestAllowedTimestamp?: number;
readonly textLogDir: string;
readonly isTesting: {files: Map<string, string>, ml?: typeof Modlog} | null = null;
databaseFile: string,
textLogDir: string,
isTesting?: Map<string, string>,
newestAllowedTimestamp?: number
) {
this.databaseFile = databaseFile;
this.textLogDir = textLogDir;
if (isTesting || Config.nofswriting) {
this.isTesting = {
files: isTesting || new Map<string, string>(),
this.modlog = new Modlog(
this.isTesting ? ':memory:' : this.databaseFile,
// wait 15 seconds for DB to no longer be busy - this is important since I'm trying to do
// a no-downtime transfer of text -> SQLite
{sqliteOptions: {timeout: 15000}},
this.newestAllowedTimestamp = newestAllowedTimestamp;
async toSQLite() {
await this.modlog.readyPromise;
const files = this.isTesting ? [...this.isTesting.files.keys()] : await FS(this.textLogDir).readdir();
// Read global modlog first to avoid inserting duplicate data to database
if (files.includes('modlog_global.txt')) {
files.splice(files.indexOf('modlog_global.txt'), 1);
// we don't want to insert global modlog entries twice, so we keep track of global ones
// and don't reinsert them
/** roomid:list of modlog entry strings */
const globalEntries: {[k: string]: string[]} = {};
for (const file of files) {
if (file === 'README.md') continue;
const roomid = file.slice(7, -4);
const lines = this.isTesting ?
this.isTesting.files.get(file)?.split('\n') || [] :
let entriesLogged = 0;
let lastLine = undefined;
let entries: ModlogEntry[] = [];
const insertEntries = async () => {
await this.modlog.writeSQL(entries);
entriesLogged += entries.length;
if (!Config.nofswriting) {
process.stdout.write(`Inserted ${entriesLogged} entries from '${roomid}'`);
entries = [];
for await (const line of lines) {
const entry = parseModlog(line, lastLine, roomid === 'global');
lastLine = line;
if (!entry) continue;
if (this.newestAllowedTimestamp && entry.time > this.newestAllowedTimestamp) break;
if (roomid !== 'global' && globalEntries[entry.roomID]?.includes(line)) {
// this is a global modlog entry that has already been inserted
if (entry.isGlobal) {
if (!globalEntries[entry.roomID]) globalEntries[entry.roomID] = [];
if (entries.length === ENTRIES_TO_BUFFER) await insertEntries();
delete globalEntries[roomid];
await insertEntries();
if (entriesLogged) process.stdout.write('\n');
return this.modlog.database;
export class ModlogConverterTest {
readonly inputDir: string;
readonly outputDir: string;
constructor(inputDir: string, outputDir: string) {
this.inputDir = inputDir;
this.outputDir = outputDir;
async toTxt() {
const files = await FS(this.inputDir).readdir();
// Read global modlog last to avoid inserting duplicate data to database
if (files.includes('modlog_global.txt')) {
files.splice(files.indexOf('modlog_global.txt'), 1);
const globalEntries = [];
for (const file of files) {
if (file === 'README.md') continue;
const roomid = file.slice(7, -4);
let entriesLogged = 0;
let lastLine = undefined;
let entries: string[] = [];
const insertEntries = async () => {
if (roomid === 'global') return;
entriesLogged += entries.length;
if (!Config.nofswriting && (entriesLogged % ENTRIES_TO_BUFFER === 0 || entriesLogged < ENTRIES_TO_BUFFER)) {
process.stdout.write(`Wrote ${entriesLogged} entries from '${roomid}'`);
await FS(`${this.outputDir}/modlog_${roomid}.txt`).append(entries.join(''));
entries = [];
const readStream = FS(`${this.inputDir}/${file}`).createReadStream();
for await (const line of readStream.byLine()) {
const entry = parseModlog(line, lastLine, roomid === 'global');
lastLine = line;
if (!entry) continue;
const rawLog = rawifyLog(entry);
if (roomid !== 'global') entries.push(rawLog);
if (entry.isGlobal) {
if (entries.length === ENTRIES_TO_BUFFER) await insertEntries();
await insertEntries();
if (entriesLogged) process.stdout.write('\n');
if (!Config.nofswriting) console.log(`Writing the global modlog...`);
await FS(`${this.outputDir}/modlog_global.txt`).append(globalEntries.join(''));
export const ModlogConverter = {
async convert(
from: ModlogFormat, to: ModlogFormat, databasePath: string,
textLogDirectoryPath: string, outputLogPath?: string, newestAllowedTimestamp?: number,
) {
if (from === 'txt' && to === 'txt' && outputLogPath) {
const converter = new ModlogConverterTest(textLogDirectoryPath, outputLogPath);
await converter.toTxt();
} else if (from === 'sqlite' && to === 'txt') {
const converter = new ModlogConverterSQLite(databasePath, textLogDirectoryPath, undefined, newestAllowedTimestamp);
await converter.toTxt();
} else if (from === 'txt' && to === 'sqlite') {
const converter = new ModlogConverterTxt(databasePath, textLogDirectoryPath, undefined, newestAllowedTimestamp);
await converter.toSQLite();