; | |
/** @type {typeof import('../lib/streams').ObjectReadWriteStream} */ | |
const ObjectReadWriteStream = require('../dist/lib/streams').ObjectReadWriteStream; | |
/** @extends {ObjectReadWriteStream<string>} */ | |
class WorkerStream extends ObjectReadWriteStream { | |
constructor(id) { | |
super(); | | = id; | |
this.process = { connected: true }; | |
this.sockets = new Set(); | |
this.rooms = new Map(); | |
this.roomChannels = new Map(); | |
} | |
_write(msg) { | |
const cmd = msg.charAt(0); | |
const params = msg.substr(1).split('\n'); | |
switch (cmd) { | |
case '!': | |
return this.removeSocket(...params); | |
case '>': | |
return this.sendToSocket(...params); | |
case '#': | |
return this.sendToRoom(...params); | |
case '+': | |
return this.addToRoom(...params); | |
case '-': | |
return this.removeFromRoom(...params); | |
case '.': | |
return this.moveToChannel(...params); | |
case ':': | |
return this.broadcastToChannels(params[0]); | |
} | |
} | |
addSocket(socketid) { | |
this.sockets.add(+socketid); | |
} | |
removeSocket(socketid) { | |
socketid = +socketid; | |
if (!this.sockets.has(socketid)) { | |
throw new Error(`Attempted to disconnect nonexistent socket ${socketid}`); | |
} | |
this.sockets.delete(socketid); | |
for (const room of this.rooms.values()) { | |
room.delete(socketid); | |
} | |
} | |
sendToSocket(socketid, msg) { | |
socketid = +socketid; | |
if (!this.sockets.has(socketid)) { | |
throw new Error(`Attempted to send ${msg} to nonexistent socket ${socketid}`); | |
} | |
} | |
sendToRoom(roomid, msg) { | |
if (!this.rooms.has(roomid)) { | |
throw new Error(`Attempted to send ${msg} to nonexistent room ${roomid}`); | |
} | |
} | |
addToRoom(roomid, socketid) { | |
socketid = +socketid; | |
if (!this.rooms.has(roomid)) { | |
this.rooms.set(roomid, new Set([socketid])); | |
return; | |
} | |
const room = this.rooms.get(roomid); | |
if (room.has(socketid)) { | |
throw new Error(`Attempted to redundantly add socket ${socketid} to room ${roomid}`); | |
} | |
room.add(socketid); | |
} | |
removeFromRoom(roomid, socketid) { | |
socketid = +socketid; | |
if (!this.rooms.has(roomid)) { | |
throw new Error(`Attempted to remove socket ${socketid} from nonexistent room ${roomid}`); | |
} | |
const room = this.rooms.get(roomid); | |
if (!room.has(socketid)) { | |
throw new Error(`Attempted to remove nonexistent socket ${socketid} from room ${roomid}`); | |
} | |
room.delete(socketid); | |
if (!room.size) { | |
this.rooms.delete(roomid); | |
this.roomChannels.delete(roomid); | |
} | |
} | |
moveToChannel(roomid, channelid, socketid) { | |
socketid = +socketid; | |
if (!this.rooms.has(roomid)) { | |
// happens when destroying rooms | |
// throw new Error(`Attempted to move socket ${socketid} to channel ${channelid} of nonexistent room ${roomid}`); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!this.roomChannels.has(roomid)) { | |
if (channelid === '0') return; | |
this.roomChannels.set(roomid, new Map([[socketid, channelid]])); | |
return; | |
} | |
const channel = this.roomChannels.get(roomid); | |
if (!channel.has(socketid)) { | |
if (channelid !== '0') channel.set(socketid, channelid); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (channelid === '0') { | |
channel.delete(socketid); | |
} else { | |
channel.set(socketid, channelid); | |
} | |
} | |
broadcastToChannels(roomid) { | |
if (!this.rooms.has(roomid)) { | |
throw new Error(`Attempted to broadcast to roomChannels of nonexistent room ${roomid}`); | |
} | |
if (!this.roomChannels.has(roomid)) { | |
throw new Error(`Attempted to broadcast to nonexistent roomChannels of room ${roomid}`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
class Worker { | |
constructor(id) { | | = id; | | = new WorkerStream(id); | |
} | |
} | |
const worker = new Worker(1); | |
function makeConnection(ip) { | |
const workerid = 1; | |
let socketid = 1; | |
while (Users.connections.has(`${workerid}-${socketid}`)) { | |
socketid++; | |
} | |; | |
const connectionid = `${workerid}-${socketid}`; | |
const connection = new Users.Connection(connectionid, worker, socketid, null, ip || ''); | |
Users.connections.set(connectionid, connection); | |
return connection; | |
} | |
function makeUser(name, connectionOrIp) { | |
if (!connectionOrIp) connectionOrIp = ''; | |
const connection = typeof connectionOrIp === 'string' ? makeConnection(connectionOrIp) : connectionOrIp; | |
const user = new Users.User(connection); | |
connection.user = user; | |
if (name) user.forceRename(name, true); | |
if (!user.connected) throw new Error("User should be connected"); | |
if (Users.users.get( !== user) throw new Error("User should be in user table"); | |
return user; | |
} | |
function destroyUser(user) { | |
if (!user || !user.connected) return false; | |
user.resetName(); | |
user.disconnectAll(); | |
user.destroy(); | |
} | |
exports.makeConnection = makeConnection; | |
exports.makeUser = makeUser; | |
exports.destroyUser = destroyUser; | |