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'use strict';
const assert = require('../../assert');
describe('Team Validator', () => {
it('should require Hidden Ability status to match event moves', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'raichu', ability: 'lightningrod', moves: ['extremespeed'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7anythinggoes');
it('should handle Dream World moves', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'garchomp', ability: 'roughskin', moves: ['endure'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');
it('should reject mutually incompatible Dream World moves', () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'spinda', ability: 'contrary', moves: ['superpower', 'fakeout'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');
// Both are Dream World moves, but Smack Down is also level-up/TM
team = [
{ species: 'boldore', ability: 'sandforce', moves: ['heavyslam', 'smackdown'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');
it('should consider Dream World Abilities as Hidden based on Gen 5 data', () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'kecleon', ability: 'colorchange', moves: ['reflecttype'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen6ou');
team = [
{ species: 'kecleon', ability: 'protean', moves: ['reflecttype'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen6ou');
it('should properly validate Greninja-Ash', () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'greninja-ash', ability: 'battlebond', moves: ['happyhour'], shiny: true, evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7anythinggoes');
team = [
{ species: 'greninja-ash', ability: 'battlebond', moves: ['protect'], shiny: true, evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7anythinggoes');
team = [
{ species: 'greninja-ash', ability: 'battlebond', moves: ['protect'], ivs: { atk: 0 }, evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7anythinggoes');
team = [
{ species: 'greninja-ash', ability: 'battlebond', moves: ['hiddenpowergrass'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7anythinggoes');
it('should not allow evolutions of Shiny-locked events to be Shiny', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'urshifu', ability: 'unseenfist', shiny: true, moves: ['snore'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'cosmoem', ability: 'sturdy', shiny: true, moves: ['teleport'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen8anythinggoes');
it('should not allow events to use moves only obtainable in a previous generation', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'zeraora', ability: 'voltabsorb', shiny: true, moves: ['knockoff'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen8anythinggoes');
it(`should accept event Pokemon with oldgen tutor moves and HAs in formats with Ability Patch`, () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'heatran', ability: 'flamebody', moves: ['eruption'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'regirock', ability: 'sturdy', moves: ['counter'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'zapdos', ability: 'static', moves: ['aircutter'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen8anythinggoes');
it('should validate the Diancie released with zero perfect IVs', () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'diancie', ability: 'clearbody', shiny: true, moves: ['hiddenpowerfighting'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen6ou');
team = [
{ species: 'diancie', ability: 'clearbody', moves: ['hiddenpowerfighting'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen6ou');
it('should not allow Gen 1 JP events', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'rapidash', moves: ['payday'] },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen1ou');
it('should allow Gen 2 events of Gen 1 Pokemon to learn moves exclusive to Gen 1', () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'nidoking', moves: ['lovelykiss', 'counter'] },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen2ou');
// Espeon should be allowed to learn moves as an Eevee
team = [
{ species: 'espeon', moves: ['growth', 'substitute'] },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen2ou');
it('should allow Gen 2 events that evolve into Gen 1 Pokemon to learn moves exclusive to Gen 1', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'pikachu', moves: ['sing', 'surf'] },
{ species: 'clefairy', moves: ['dizzypunch', 'bodyslam'] },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen2ou');
it('should allow Gen 2 events in Gen 1 Tradebacks OU', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'charizard', moves: ['crunch'] },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen1tradebacksou');
it('should allow use of a Hidden Ability if the format has the item Ability Patch', () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'heatran', ability: 'flamebody', moves: ['sleeptalk'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'entei', ability: 'innerfocus', moves: ['sleeptalk'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'dracovish', ability: 'sandrush', moves: ['sleeptalk'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'zapdos', ability: 'static', moves: ['sleeptalk'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen8vgc2021');
team = [
{ species: 'heatran', ability: 'flamebody', moves: ['sleeptalk'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7anythinggoes');
it('should allow evolved Pokemon obtainable from events at lower levels than they could otherwise be obtained', () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'dragonite', ability: 'innerfocus', moves: ['dracometeor'], nature: 'Mild', evs: { hp: 1 }, level: 50 },
{ species: 'magmar', ability: 'flamebody', moves: ['ember'], evs: { hp: 1 }, level: 10 },
{ species: 'electivire', ability: 'motordrive', moves: ['quickattack'], evs: { hp: 1 }, level: 10 },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen4ou');
team = [
{ species: 'mandibuzz', level: 25, ability: 'weakarmor', moves: ['pluck'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'volcarona', level: 35, ability: 'flamebody', moves: ['leechlife'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');