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'use strict';
const assert = require('../../assert');
let team;
describe('Team Validator', () => {
it("should validate Shedinja's egg moves correctly", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'shedinja', ability: 'wonderguard', moves: ['silverwind', 'gust'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen3ou');
it("should properly exclude egg moves for Baby Pokemon and their evolutions", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'blissey', ability: 'naturalcure', moves: ['charm', 'seismictoss'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7ou');
team = [
{ species: 'marill', ability: 'hugepower', moves: ['splash', 'aquajet'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7ou');
team = [
{ species: 'azumarill', ability: 'thickfat', moves: ['futuresight', 'slam'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7ou');
it("should disallow 4 egg moves on move evolutions before gen 6", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'mamoswine', ability: 'oblivious', moves: ['tackle', 'iceshard', 'amnesia', 'furyattack'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen7ou');
it("should disallow egg moves with male-only Hidden Abilities", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'combusken', ability: 'speedboost', moves: ['batonpass'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');
it("should disallow Pokemon in Little Cup that can't be bred to be level 5", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'kubfu', ability: 'innerfocus', moves: ['aerialace'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen8lc');
it('should reject illegal egg move combinations', () => {
team = [
{ species: 'azumarill', ability: 'hugepower', moves: ['bellydrum', 'aquajet'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');
team = [
{ species: 'cloyster', moves: ['rapidspin', 'explosion'] },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen2ou');
team = [
{ species: 'skarmory', ability: 'keeneye', moves: ['curse', 'drillpeck'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen3ou');
team = [
{ species: 'skarmory', ability: 'keeneye', moves: ['whirlwind', 'drillpeck'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen3ou');
team = [
{ species: 'armaldo', ability: 'battlearmor', moves: ['knockoff', 'rapidspin'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen3ou');
it('should allow chain breeding', () => {
// via duskull
team = [
{ species: 'weezing', ability: 'levitate', moves: ['painsplit', 'willowisp'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen3ou');
// via snubbull
team = [
{ species: 'blissey', moves: ['present', 'healbell'] },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen2ou');
// combine different tyrogue evos
team = [
{ species: 'hitmontop', ability: 'intimidate', moves: ["highjumpkick", 'machpunch'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen3ou');
// via cranidos
team = [
{ species: 'snorlax', ability: 'immunity', moves: ['curse', 'pursuit'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen4ou');
it('should accept this chainbreed on Snorlax', () => {
// the weirdest chainbreed I've ever seen:
// breed male Curse Snorlax in Gen 3, transfer to XD, teach Self-destruct
// by tutor, breed with female Gluttony Snorlax
team = [
{ species: 'snorlax', ability: 'gluttony', moves: ['curse', 'selfdestruct'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');
it('should allow trading back Gen 2 egg moves if compatible with Gen 1', () => {
// HJK can be bred onto Tyrogue in Gen 2, evolved into Hitmonchan, transferred back to Gen 1, taught Body Slam via TM, and transferred back to Gen 2.
team = [
{ species: 'hitmonchan', moves: ['highjumpkick', 'bodyslam'] },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen2ou');
team = [
{ species: 'marowak', moves: ['swordsdance', 'rockslide', 'bodyslam'] },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen2ou');
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen1tradebacksou');
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen1ou');
it("should disallow trading back an egg move not in gen 1", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'marowak', moves: ['swordsdance', 'ancientpower', 'bodyslam'] },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen2ou');
it("should properly resolve egg moves for Pokemon with pre-evolutions that don't have Hidden Abilities", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'tyranitar', ability: 'unnerve', moves: ['dragondance'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'staraptor', ability: 'reckless', moves: ['pursuit'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');
it("should allow Nidoqueen to have egg moves", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'nidoqueen', ability: 'poisonpoint', moves: ['charm'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen6ou');
it("should properly handle HA Dragonite with Extreme Speed", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'dragonite', ability: 'multiscale', moves: ['extremespeed'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');
team = [
{ species: 'dragonite', ability: 'multiscale', moves: ['extremespeed', 'aquajet'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');
it("should disallow low-level female-only Pokemon with illegal (level up) egg moves/egg move combinations", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'tinkatink', level: 5, ability: 'moldbreaker', moves: ['brutalswing'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen9lc');
team = [
{ species: 'tinkatink', level: 5, ability: 'moldbreaker', moves: ['covet', 'fakeout'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen9lc');
it("should disallow illegal (level up) egg move combinations involving moves that can't be tradebacked", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'chansey', level: 5, moves: ['healbell', 'softboiled'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen2ou');
it("should disallow illegal (level up) egg moves/egg move combinations involving Pomeg glitch and Gen 4 abilities", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'smoochum', level: 5, ability: 'forewarn', moves: ['powdersnow'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen4lc');
it("should allow previously illegal level up egg moves in Gen 7", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'smoochum', level: 5, ability: 'hydration', moves: ['powdersnow'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen7lc');
it("should allow Pomeg glitch with event egg moves", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'zigzagoon', level: 5, ability: 'pickup', moves: ['bellydrum', 'extremespeed'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen3ou');
it("should disallow illegal egg move combinations containing past gen universal moves", () => {
team = [
{ species: 'salamence', ability: 'intimidate', moves: ['defensecurl', 'thrash', 'dragonrage', 'dragonrush'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');
it('should allow complex chainbred sets', () => {
team = [
{ species: 'toxicroak', ability: 'dryskin', moves: ['bulletpunch', 'crosschop', 'fakeout'], evs: { hp: 4 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen5ou');
team = [
{ species: 'corphish', ability: 'hypercutter', moves: ['dragondance', 'metalclaw'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen4ou');
it('should reject Volbeat with both Lunge and Dizzy Punch in Gen 7', () => {
team = [
{ species: 'volbeat', ability: 'swarm', moves: ['lunge', 'dizzypunch'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7anythinggoes');
it('should allow level 5 Indeedee-M with Disarming Voice', () => {
team = [
{ species: 'indeedee', level: 5, ability: 'innerfocus', moves: ['disarmingvoice'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen8ou');
it('should allow egg moves on event formes in Gen 9', () => {
team = [
{ species: 'ursalunabloodmoon', ability: 'mindseye', moves: ['yawn', 'bellydrum'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'greninjabond', ability: 'battlebond', moves: ['counter', 'switcheroo'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'pikachualola', ability: 'static', moves: ['wish', 'fakeout'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen9anythinggoes');
it('should not allow egg moves on event formes before Gen 9', () => {
team = [
{ species: 'greninjabond', ability: 'battlebond', moves: ['toxicspikes'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7anythinggoes');
it('should not allow egg Pokemon below level 5 in Gens 2-3', () => {
team = [
{ species: 'totodile', level: 1, ability: 'torrent', moves: ['ancientpower'] },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen3ou');