Pokemon_server / test /sim /moves /gmaxvolcalith.js
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'use strict';
const assert = require('./../../assert');
const common = require('./../../common');
let battle;
describe('G-Max Volcalith', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it(`should not damage Rock-types`, () => {
battle = common.gen(8).createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[
{ species: 'Coalossal', moves: ['rockthrow'], gigantamax: true },
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'Blastoise', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
{ species: 'Boldore', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
battle.makeChoices('move rockthrow 1 dynamax, move sleeptalk', 'move sleeptalk, move sleeptalk');
it(`should deal damage for four turns, including the fourth turn`, () => {
battle = common.gen(8).createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[
{ species: 'Coalossal', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'rockthrow'], gigantamax: true },
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'Blastoise', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
{ species: 'Boldore', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
battle.makeChoices('move rockthrow 2 dynamax, move sleeptalk', 'move sleeptalk, move sleeptalk');
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { battle.makeChoices(); }
const blastoise = battle.p2.active[0];
assert.equal(blastoise.hp, blastoise.maxhp - (Math.floor(blastoise.maxhp / 6) * 4));
it.skip(`should deal damage alongside Sea of Fire or G-Max Wildfire in the order those field effects were set`, () => {
battle = common.gen(8).createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[
{ species: 'Coalossal', item: 'Eject Button', moves: ['rockthrow', 'sleeptalk'], gigantamax: true },
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'grasspledge'] },
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'firepledge'] },
], [
{ species: 'Blissey', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
{ species: 'Chansey', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
// Set up Volcalith first, then Sea of Fire
battle.makeChoices('move rockthrow 1 dynamax, move grasspledge -1', 'auto');
battle.makeChoices('switch 3');
battle.makeChoices('move firepledge 1, move grasspledge 1', 'auto');
const log = battle.getDebugLog();
const pledgeDamageIndex = log.lastIndexOf('|[from] Fire Pledge');
const volcalithDamageIndex = log.lastIndexOf('|[from] G-Max Volcalith');
assert(volcalithDamageIndex < pledgeDamageIndex, 'G-Max Volcalith should damage before Sea of Fire, because Volcalith was set up first.');
it(`should damage Pokemon in order of Speed`, () => {
battle = common.gen(8).createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[
{ species: 'Coalossal', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'rockthrow'], gigantamax: true },
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'Coalossal', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'rockthrow'], gigantamax: true },
{ species: 'Mewtwo', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'trickroom'] },
battle.makeChoices('move rockthrow 1 dynamax, move sleeptalk', 'move rockthrow 1 dynamax, move sleeptalk');
battle.makeChoices('auto', 'move sleeptalk, move trickroom');
const log = battle.getDebugLog();
const mewtwoDamagedIndex = log.indexOf('|-damage|p1b: Wynaut');
const wynautDamagedIndex = log.indexOf('|-damage|p2b: Mewtwo');
assert(wynautDamagedIndex < mewtwoDamagedIndex, 'Mewtwo should be damaged before Wynaut in normal circumstances.');
const mewtwoDamagedTRIndex = log.lastIndexOf('|-damage|p1b: Wynaut');
const wynautDamagedTRIndex = log.lastIndexOf('|-damage|p2b: Mewtwo');
assert(mewtwoDamagedTRIndex < wynautDamagedTRIndex, 'Wynaut should be damaged before Mewtwo in Trick Room.');
it(`should deal damage before Black Sludge recovery/damage`, () => {
battle = common.gen(8).createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[
{ species: 'Coalossal', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'rockthrow'], gigantamax: true },
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'Toxicroak', item: 'blacksludge', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
{ species: 'Boldore', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
battle.makeChoices('move rockthrow 2 dynamax, move sleeptalk', 'move sleeptalk, move sleeptalk');
const toxicroak = battle.p2.active[0];
assert.equal(toxicroak.hp, toxicroak.maxhp - Math.floor(toxicroak.maxhp / 6) + Math.floor(toxicroak.maxhp / 16));
it(`should deal damage before Grassy Terrain recovery`, () => {
battle = common.gen(8).createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[
{ species: 'Coalossal', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'rockthrow'], gigantamax: true },
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'Rillaboom', ability: 'grassysurge', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
{ species: 'Boldore', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
battle.makeChoices('move rockthrow 2 dynamax, move sleeptalk', 'move sleeptalk, move sleeptalk');
const rillaboom = battle.p2.active[0];
assert.equal(rillaboom.hp, rillaboom.maxhp - Math.floor(rillaboom.maxhp / 6) + Math.floor(rillaboom.maxhp / 16));