; | |
const assert = require('./../../assert'); | |
const common = require('./../../common'); | |
let battle; | |
describe('After You', () => { | |
afterEach(() => { | |
battle.destroy(); | |
}); | |
it(`should cause the targeted Pokemon to immediately move next`, () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ | |
{ species: 'Wynaut', ability: 'prankster', moves: ['afteryou'] }, | |
{ species: 'Magnemite', level: 1, moves: ['magnetrise'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: 'Great Tusk', moves: ['headlongrush'] }, | |
{ species: "Magikarp", moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
]]); | |
battle.makeChoices('move afteryou -2, move magnetrise', 'move headlongrush 2, auto'); | |
const magnemite =[1]; | |
assert.false.fainted(magnemite); | |
}); | |
it(`should only cause the target to move next, not run a submove`, () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[ | |
{ species: 'Wynaut', ability: 'prankster', moves: ['afteryou'] }, | |
{ species: 'Necrozma', level: 50, ability: 'prankster', moves: ['photongeyser'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: 'Dugtrio', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
{ species: 'Roggenrola', level: 1, ability: 'sturdy', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
]]); | |
// Photon Geyser has a mechanic where it ignores abilities with Mold Breaker, | |
// but doesn't when called via a submove like Sleep Talk. If it fails to KO through Sturdy, | |
// it's most likely because it's using submove behavior | |
battle.makeChoices('move afteryou -2, move photongeyser 2', 'auto'); | |
const roggenrola =[1]; | |
assert.fainted(roggenrola); | |
}); | |
it(`should work in a free-for-all`, () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'freeforall' }, [[ | |
{ species: 'Wynaut', ability: 'prankster', moves: ['afteryou'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: 'Magnemite', level: 1, moves: ['magnetrise'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: 'Great Tusk', moves: ['headlongrush'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: 'Magikarp', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
]]); | |
battle.makeChoices('move afteryou 1', 'move magnetrise', 'move headlongrush 1', 'auto'); | |
const magnemite =[0]; | |
assert.false.fainted(magnemite); | |
}); | |
it(`should fail in singles whether the user is faster or slower than its target`, () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle([[ | |
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['afteryou', 'ember'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: 'Tyrogue', moves: ['afteryou', 'seismictoss'] }, | |
]]); | |
battle.makeChoices('move afteryou', 'move seismictoss'); | |
battle.makeChoices('move ember', 'move afteryou'); | |
assert(battle.log.includes('|-fail|p1a: Wynaut')); | |
assert(battle.log.includes('|-fail|p2a: Tyrogue')); | |
}); | |
}); | |