; | |
const assert = require('./../../assert'); | |
const common = require('./../../common'); | |
let battle; | |
describe('Mega Evolution', () => { | |
afterEach(() => { | |
battle.destroy(); | |
}); | |
it('should cause mega ability to affect the order of the turn in which it happens', () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle(); | |
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: 'Banette', ability: 'frisk', item: 'banettite', moves: ['psychup'] }] }); | |
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [{ species: 'Deoxys-Speed', ability: 'pressure', moves: ['calmmind'] }] }); | |
const pranksterMega =[0]; | |
battle.makeChoices('move psychup mega', 'move calmmind'); | |
assert.statStage(pranksterMega, 'spa', 0); | |
}); | |
it('should cause an ability copied with Trace by a mega to affect the order of the turn in which it happens', () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle([ | |
[{ species: "Politoed", ability: 'drizzle', item: '', moves: ['scald'] }, { species: "Kingdra", ability: 'swiftswim', item: '', moves: ['dragondance'] }], | |
[{ species: "Marowak", ability: 'rockhead', item: '', moves: ['earthquake'] }, { species: "Alakazam", ability: 'magicguard', item: 'alakazite', moves: ['psychup'] }], | |
]); | |
battle.makeChoices('switch 2', 'switch 2'); | |
battle.makeChoices('move dragondance', 'move psychup mega'); | |
assert.statStage([0], 'atk', 1); | |
assert.statStage([0], 'atk', 0); | |
assert.species([0], 'Alakazam-Mega'); | |
}); | |
it('should cause base ability to not affect the order of the turn in which it happens', () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle(); | |
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: 'Sableye', ability: 'prankster', item: 'sablenite', moves: ['psychup'] }] }); | |
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [{ species: 'Deoxys-Speed', ability: 'pressure', moves: ['calmmind'] }] }); | |
const noPranksterMega =[0]; | |
battle.makeChoices('move psychup mega', 'move calmmind'); | |
assert.statStage(noPranksterMega, 'spa', 1); | |
}); | |
it('should cause mega forme speed to decide turn order', () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle(); | |
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: 'Beedrill', ability: 'swarm', item: 'beedrillite', moves: ['xscissor'] }] }); | |
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [{ species: 'Hoopa-Unbound', ability: 'magician', moves: ['psyshock'] }] }); | |
const fastBase =[0]; | |
battle.makeChoices('move xscissor mega', 'move psyshock'); | |
assert.fainted(fastBase); | |
}); | |
it('should cause ultra forme speed to decide turn order', () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle(); | |
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: 'Necrozma-Dusk-Mane', ability: 'swarm', item: 'ultranecroziumz', moves: ['xscissor'] }] }); | |
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [{ species: 'Hoopa-Unbound', ability: 'magician', moves: ['darkpulse'] }] }); | |
const fastBase =[0]; | |
battle.makeChoices('move xscissor ultra', 'move darkpulse'); | |
assert.equal(fastBase.hp, 0); | |
}); | |
}); | |
describe('Mega Evolution [Gen 6]', () => { | |
afterEach(() => { | |
battle.destroy(); | |
}); | |
it('should not cause mega ability to affect the order of the turn in which it happens', () => { | |
battle = common.gen(6).createBattle(); | |
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: 'Banette', ability: 'frisk', item: 'banettite', moves: ['psychup'] }] }); | |
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [{ species: 'Deoxys-Speed', ability: 'pressure', moves: ['calmmind'] }] }); | |
const pranksterMega =[0]; | |
battle.makeChoices('move psychup mega', 'move calmmind'); | |
assert.statStage(pranksterMega, 'spa', 1); | |
}); | |
it('should not cause an ability copied with Trace by a mega to affect the order of the turn in which it happens', () => { | |
battle = common.gen(6).createBattle([ | |
[{ species: "Politoed", ability: 'drizzle', item: '', moves: ['scald'] }, { species: "Kingdra", ability: 'swiftswim', item: '', moves: ['dragondance'] }], | |
[{ species: "Marowak", ability: 'rockhead', item: '', moves: ['earthquake'] }, { species: "Alakazam", ability: 'magicguard', item: 'alakazite', moves: ['psychup'] }], | |
]); | |
battle.makeChoices('switch 2', 'switch 2'); | |
battle.makeChoices('move dragondance', 'move psychup mega'); | |
assert.statStage([0], 'atk', 1); | |
assert.statStage([0], 'atk', 1); | |
assert.species([0], 'Alakazam-Mega'); | |
}); | |
it('should cause base ability to affect the order of the turn in which it happens', () => { | |
battle = common.gen(6).createBattle(); | |
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: 'Sableye', ability: 'prankster', item: 'sablenite', moves: ['psychup'] }] }); | |
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [{ species: 'Deoxys-Speed', ability: 'pressure', moves: ['calmmind'] }] }); | |
const noPranksterMega =[0]; | |
battle.makeChoices('move psychup mega', 'move calmmind'); | |
assert.statStage(noPranksterMega, 'spa', 0); | |
}); | |
it('should cause base forme speed to decide turn order', () => { | |
battle = common.gen(6).createBattle(); | |
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: 'Beedrill', ability: 'swarm', item: 'beedrillite', moves: ['xscissor'] }] }); | |
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [{ species: 'Hoopa-Unbound', ability: 'magician', moves: ['psyshock'] }] }); | |
const fastMega =[0]; | |
battle.makeChoices('move xscissor mega', 'move psyshock'); | |
assert.fainted(fastMega); | |
}); | |
}); | |
describe('Pokemon Speed', () => { | |
afterEach(() => { | |
battle.destroy(); | |
}); | |
it('should update dynamically in Gen 8', () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }); | |
const p1team = [ | |
{ species: 'Ludicolo', ability: 'swiftswim', moves: ['scald'], evs: { spe: 100 } }, // 201 Speed | |
{ species: 'Appletun', ability: 'ripen', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, // To be switched out | |
{ species: 'Pelipper', ability: 'drizzle', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, // Will set rain on switch in | |
]; | |
const p2team = [ | |
{ species: 'Accelgor', ability: 'hydration', moves: ['bugbuzz'], evs: { spe: 156 }, nature: 'Timid' }, // 401 Speed | |
{ species: 'Aegislash', ability: 'stancechange', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, // Does nothing but fill a slot | |
]; | |
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: p1team }); | |
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: p2team }); | |
// Set ludicolo's and accelgor's HP to 1. | |
battle.p1.pokemon[0].sethp(1); // Ludicolo | |
battle.p2.pokemon[0].sethp(1); // Accelgor | |
battle.makeChoices('move scald 1, switch 3', 'move bugbuzz 1, auto'); | |
assert.fainted(battle.p2.pokemon[0]); // Accelgor should be fainted | |
}); | |
it('should NOT update dynamically in Gen 7', () => { | |
battle = common.gen(7).createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }); | |
const p1team = [ | |
{ species: 'Ludicolo', ability: 'swiftswim', moves: ['scald'], evs: { spe: 100 } }, // 201 Speed | |
{ species: 'Appletun', ability: 'ripen', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, // To be switched out | |
{ species: 'Pelipper', ability: 'drizzle', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, // Will set rain on switch in | |
]; | |
const p2team = [ | |
{ species: 'Accelgor', ability: 'hydration', moves: ['bugbuzz'], evs: { spe: 156 }, nature: 'Timid' }, // 401 Speed | |
{ species: 'Aegislash', ability: 'stancechange', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, // Does nothing but fill a slot | |
]; | |
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: p1team }); | |
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: p2team }); | |
// Set ludicolo's and accelgor's HP to 1. | |
battle.p1.pokemon[0].sethp(1); // Ludicolo | |
battle.p2.pokemon[0].sethp(1); // Accelgor | |
battle.makeChoices('move scald 1, switch 3', 'move bugbuzz 1, auto'); | |
assert.fainted(battle.p1.pokemon[0]); // Ludicolo should be fainted | |
}); | |
}); | |
describe('Switching out', () => { | |
it('should happen in order of switch-out\'s Speed stat', () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle(); | |
const p1team = [ | |
{ species: 'Accelgor', ability: 'runaway', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
{ species: 'Shuckle', ability: 'intimidate', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
]; | |
const p2team = [ | |
{ species: 'Durant', ability: 'runaway', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
{ species: 'Barraskewda', ability: 'runaway', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
]; | |
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: p1team }); | |
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: p2team }); | |
battle.makeChoices('switch 2', 'switch 2'); | |
assert.equal(battle.p2.pokemon[0].boosts.atk, 0); | |
}); | |
}); | |
describe('Switching in', () => { | |
it(`should trigger events in an order determined by what each Pokemon's speed was when they switched in`, () => { | |
battle = common.gen(7).createBattle([[ | |
{ species: "ribombee", moves: ['stickyweb'] }, | |
{ species: "groudon", item: 'redorb', moves: ['sleeptalk'], evs: { spe: 0 } }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: "golemalola", ability: 'galvanize', moves: ['explosion'] }, | |
{ species: "kyogre", item: 'blueorb', moves: ['sleeptalk'], evs: { spe: 252 } }, | |
]]); | |
battle.makeChoices(); | |
battle.makeChoices('switch 2', 'switch 2'); | |
const kyogre =[0]; | |
assert.statStage(kyogre, 'spe', -1); | |
assert.equal(, 'desolateland', 'Groudon should have reverted after Kyogre in spite of Sticky Web because it was slower before the SwitchIn event started'); | |
}); | |
}); | |
describe('Speed ties', () => { | |
it('(slow) Perish Song faint order should be random', () => { | |
const wins = { p1: 0, p2: 0 }; | |
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { | |
battle = common.createBattle({ | |
seed: [i, 2, 3, 4], | |
}, [[ | |
{ species: "Politoed", moves: ['perishsong'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: "Politoed", moves: ['perishsong'] }, | |
]]); | |
battle.makeChoices('auto', 'auto'); | |
battle.makeChoices('auto', 'auto'); | |
battle.makeChoices('auto', 'auto'); | |
battle.makeChoices('auto', 'auto'); | |
wins[battle.winner === 'Player 1' ? 'p1' : 'p2']++; | |
if (wins.p1 && wins.p2) break; | |
} | |
assert(wins.p1); | |
assert(wins.p2); | |
}); | |
}); | |