Pokemon_server / test /sim /misc /trapmoves.js
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'use strict';
const assert = require('./../../assert');
const common = require('./../../common');
let battle;
const trappers = ['Block', 'Mean Look', 'Spider Web', 'Thousand Waves', 'Anchor Shot', 'Spirit Shackle'];
const partialtrappers = ['Bind', 'Clamp', 'Fire Spin', 'Infestation', 'Magma Storm', 'Sand Tomb', 'Whirlpool', 'Wrap'];
describe('Trapping Moves', () => {
afterEach(() => {
for (const move of trappers) {
it('should prevent Pokemon from switching out normally', () => {
battle = common.createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: "Smeargle", ability: 'prankster', moves: [toID(move)] }] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [
{ species: "Tangrowth", ability: 'leafguard', moves: ['swordsdance'] },
{ species: "Starmie", ability: 'illuminate', moves: ['reflecttype'] },
] });
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'move swordsdance');
assert.trapped(() => battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'switch 2'));
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[0].species.id, 'tangrowth');
it('should not prevent Pokemon from switching out using moves', () => {
battle = common.createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: "Smeargle", ability: 'prankster', moves: [toID(move)] }] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [
{ species: "Tangrowth", ability: 'leafguard', moves: ['batonpass'] },
{ species: "Starmie", ability: 'illuminate', moves: ['reflecttype'] },
] });
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'move batonpass');
battle.makeChoices('', 'switch 2');
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[0].species.id, 'starmie');
it('should not prevent Pokemon immune to trapping from switching out', () => {
battle = common.createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: "Smeargle", ability: 'prankster', moves: [toID(move)] }] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [
{ species: "Gourgeist", ability: 'insomnia', moves: ['synthesis'] },
{ species: "Starmie", ability: 'illuminate', moves: ['reflecttype'] },
] });
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'move synthesis');
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'switch 2');
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[0].species.id, 'starmie');
it('should stop trapping the Pokemon if the user is no longer active', () => {
battle = common.createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [
{ species: "Smeargle", ability: 'prankster', moves: [toID(move)] },
{ species: "Kyurem", ability: 'pressure', moves: ['rest'] },
] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [
{ species: "Tangrowth", ability: 'leafguard', moves: ['roar'] },
{ species: "Starmie", ability: 'illuminate', moves: ['reflecttype'] },
] });
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'move roar');
battle.makeChoices('move rest', 'switch 2');
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[0].species.id, 'starmie');
it('should free all trapped Pokemon if the user is no longer active', () => {
battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' });
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [
{ species: "Smeargle", ability: 'prankster', moves: [toID(move)] },
{ species: "Cobalion", ability: 'justified', item: 'laggingtail', moves: ['swordsdance', 'closecombat'] },
] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [
{ species: "Tangrowth", ability: 'leafguard', moves: ['synthesis'] },
{ species: "Starmie", ability: 'illuminate', moves: ['recover'] },
{ species: "Cradily", ability: 'suctioncups', moves: ['recover'] },
{ species: "Hippowdon", ability: 'sandstream', moves: ['slackoff'] },
] });
if (move !== 'Thousand Waves') {
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move) + ' 1, move swordsdance', 'move synthesis, move recover');
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move) + ' 2, move closecombat -1', 'move synthesis, move recover');
} else {
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move) + ', move closecombat -1', 'move synthesis, move recover');
battle.makeChoices('move swordsdance', 'switch 3, switch 4');
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[0].species.id, 'cradily');
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[1].species.id, 'hippowdon');
if (trappers.indexOf(move) < 3) {
// Only test on moves that existed in gen 4
it('should be passed when the user uses Baton Pass in Gen 4', () => {
battle = common.gen(4).createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [
{ species: "Smeargle", ability: 'prankster', moves: [toID(move), 'batonpass'] },
{ species: "Shedinja", ability: 'wonderguard', moves: ['rest'] },
] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [
{ species: "Tangrowth", ability: 'leafguard', moves: ['synthesis', 'roar'] },
{ species: "Starmie", ability: 'illuminate', moves: ['reflecttype'] },
] });
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'move synthesis');
battle.makeChoices('move batonpass', 'move synthesis');
battle.makeChoices('switch 2', '');
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[0].species.id, 'tangrowth');
battle.makeChoices('move rest', 'move roar');
battle.makeChoices('move batonpass', 'switch 2');
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[0].species.id, 'starmie');
describe('Partial Trapping Moves', () => {
afterEach(() => {
for (const move of partialtrappers) {
it('should deal 1/8 HP per turn', () => {
battle = common.createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: "Smeargle", ability: 'noguard', moves: [toID(move), 'rest'] }] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [{ species: "Blissey", ability: 'naturalcure', moves: ['healbell'] }] });
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'move healbell');
const pokemon = battle.p2.active[0];
battle.makeChoices('move rest', 'move healbell');
assert.equal(pokemon.maxhp - pokemon.hp, battle.modify(pokemon.maxhp, 1 / 8));
it('should prevent Pokemon from switching out normally', () => {
battle = common.createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: "Smeargle", ability: 'noguard', moves: [toID(move)] }] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [
{ species: "Blissey", ability: 'naturalcure', moves: ['healbell'] },
{ species: "Starmie", ability: 'illuminate', moves: ['reflecttype'] },
] });
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'move healbell');
assert.trapped(() => battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'switch 2'));
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[0].species.id, 'blissey');
it('should not prevent Pokemon from switching out using moves', () => {
battle = common.createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: "Smeargle", ability: 'noguard', moves: [toID(move)] }] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [
{ species: "Blissey", ability: 'naturalcure', moves: ['batonpass'] },
{ species: "Starmie", ability: 'illuminate', moves: ['reflecttype'] },
] });
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'move batonpass');
battle.makeChoices('', 'switch 2');
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[0].species.id, 'starmie');
it('should not prevent Pokemon immune to trapping from switching out', () => {
battle = common.createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: "Smeargle", ability: 'noguard', moves: [toID(move)] }] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [
{ species: "Dusknoir", ability: 'frisk', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
{ species: "Starmie", ability: 'illuminate', moves: ['reflecttype'] },
] });
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'move sleeptalk');
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'switch 2');
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[0].species.id, 'starmie');
it('should stop trapping the Pokemon if the user is no longer active', () => {
battle = common.createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [
{ species: "Smeargle", ability: 'noguard', moves: [toID(move)] },
{ species: "Kyurem", ability: 'pressure', moves: ['rest'] },
] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [
{ species: "Blissey", ability: 'naturalcure', moves: ['roar'] },
{ species: "Starmie", ability: 'illuminate', moves: ['reflecttype'] },
] });
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'move roar');
battle.makeChoices('move rest', 'switch 2');
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[0].species.id, 'starmie');
it('should stop trapping the Pokemon if the target uses Rapid Spin', () => {
battle = common.createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [
{ species: "Smeargle", ability: 'noguard', moves: [toID(move)] },
{ species: "Kyurem", ability: 'pressure', moves: ['rest'] },
] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [
{ species: "Blissey", ability: 'naturalcure', moves: ['rapidspin'] },
{ species: "Starmie", ability: 'illuminate', moves: ['reflecttype'] },
] });
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'move rapidspin');
battle.makeChoices('move ' + toID(move), 'switch 2');
assert.equal(battle.p2.active[0].species.id, 'starmie');
describe('Partial Trapping Moves [Gen 1]', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it('Wrap ends when wrapped Pokemon dies of residual damage', () => {
battle = common.gen(1).createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: "Arbok", moves: ['wrap', 'toxic'] }] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [{ species: "Rhydon", moves: ['splash'] }, { species: "Exeggutor", moves: ['splash'] }] });
battle.makeChoices('move toxic', 'move splash');
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
it('Wrap ends when wrapped Pokemon switches to a Pokemon that dies of residual damage', () => {
battle = common.gen(1).createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: "Dragonite", moves: ['wrap', 'seismictoss', 'toxic'], evs: { hp: 255 } }] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [{ species: "Mewtwo", moves: ['splash'], evs: { hp: 255 } }, { species: "Exeggutor", moves: ['splash'] }] });
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
battle.makeChoices('move seismictoss', 'auto');
battle.makeChoices('move toxic', 'auto');
battle.makeChoices('move wrap', 'switch 2');
battle.makeChoices('move wrap', 'switch 2');
it('Wrap ends when wrapper dies to residual damage', () => {
battle = common.gen(1).createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: "Dragonite", moves: ['wrap', 'splash'] }, { species: "Exeggutor", moves: ['splash'] }] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [{ species: "Rhydon", moves: ['toxic'] }] });
battle.makeChoices('move splash', 'move toxic');
for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
it('Wrap ends when wrapper switches to a Pokemon that dies of residual damage', () => {
battle = common.gen(1).createBattle();
battle.setPlayer('p1', { team: [{ species: "Rhydon", moves: ['splash'], evs: { hp: 255 } }, { species: "Dragonite", moves: ['wrap'] }] });
battle.setPlayer('p2', { team: [{ species: "Slowbro", moves: ['seismictoss', 'toxic'] }] });
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
battle.makeChoices('move splash', 'move toxic');
battle.makeChoices('switch 2', 'auto');
battle.makeChoices('switch 2', 'auto');