Pokemon_server / test /sim /misc /terastellar.js
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'use strict';
const assert = require('./../../assert');
const common = require('./../../common');
let battle;
describe("Tera Stellar", () => {
afterEach(() => {
it(`should increase the damage of non-STAB moves by 1.2x on the first use of that move type`, () => {
battle = common.gen(9).createBattle([[
{ species: 'Wynaut', ability: 'noguard', moves: ['surf', 'hydropump', 'extrasensory', 'hyperspacehole'], teraType: 'Stellar' },
], [
{ species: 'Happiny', ability: 'shellarmor', moves: ['softboiled'] },
const happiny = battle.p2.active[0];
battle.makeChoices('move surf terastallize', 'auto');
let damage = happiny.maxhp - happiny.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [40, 47], `Surf should have ~1.2x damage on its first use`);
battle.makeChoices('move surf', 'auto');
damage = happiny.maxhp - happiny.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [33, 39], `Surf should have regular damage on its second use`);
battle.makeChoices('move hydropump', 'auto');
damage = happiny.maxhp - happiny.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [39, 47], `Hydro Pump should have regular damage, because Water-type was already used`);
battle.makeChoices('move extrasensory', 'auto');
damage = happiny.maxhp - happiny.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [58, 70], `Extrasensory should have 2x damage on its first use`);
battle.makeChoices('move extrasensory', 'auto');
damage = happiny.maxhp - happiny.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [43, 52], `Extrasensory should have 1.5x damage on its second use`);
battle.makeChoices('move hyperspacehole', 'auto');
damage = happiny.maxhp - happiny.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [43, 52], `Hyperspace Hole should have 1.5x damage on its first use, because Psychic-type was already used`);
it(`should not have the once-per-type restriction when used by Terapagos`, () => {
battle = common.gen(9).createBattle([[
{ species: 'Terapagos', ability: 'terashift', moves: ['surf', 'hypervoice'], item: 'laggingtail', teraType: 'Stellar' },
], [
{ species: 'Chansey', ability: 'shellarmor', moves: ['softboiled'] },
const chansey = battle.p2.active[0];
battle.makeChoices('move surf terastallize', 'auto');
let damage = chansey.maxhp - chansey.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [94, 110], `Surf should have ~1.2x damage on its first use`);
battle.makeChoices('move surf', 'auto');
damage = chansey.maxhp - chansey.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [94, 110], `Surf should have ~1.2x damage on its second use`);
battle.makeChoices('move hypervoice', 'auto');
damage = chansey.maxhp - chansey.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [156, 184], `Hyper Voice should have 2x damage on its first use`);
battle.makeChoices('move hypervoice', 'auto');
damage = chansey.maxhp - chansey.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [156, 184], `Hyper Voice should have 2x damage on its second use`);
it(`should not modify the Pokemon's base type for defensive purposes`, () => {
battle = common.gen(9).createBattle([[
{ species: 'Krookodile', moves: ['sleeptalk'], teraType: 'Stellar' },
], [
{ species: 'Tornadus', ability: 'prankster', moves: ['psychic', 'thunderwave', 'leer'] },
const krookodile = battle.p1.active[0];
battle.makeChoices('move sleeptalk terastallize', 'move psychic');
battle.makeChoices('auto', 'move thunderwave');
assert.equal(krookodile.status, '');
battle.makeChoices('auto', 'move thunderwave');
battle.makeChoices('auto', 'move leer');
assert.statStage(krookodile, 'def', 0);
it(`should only be super-effective against opposing Terastallized targets`, () => {
battle = common.gen(9).createBattle([[
{ species: 'Krookodile', moves: ['terablast'], teraType: 'Stellar' },
], [
{ species: 'Steelix', item: 'weaknesspolicy', moves: ['sleeptalk'], teraType: 'Stellar' },
const steelix = battle.p2.active[0];
battle.makeChoices('move terablast terastallize', 'move sleeptalk terastallize');
assert.statStage(steelix, 'atk', 2);
it(`should increase the user's stats with Tera Blast if the user has Contrary`, () => {
battle = common.gen(9).createBattle([[
{ species: 'inkay', ability: 'contrary', moves: ['terablast'], teraType: 'Stellar' },
], [
{ species: 'chansey', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
const inkay = battle.p1.active[0];
battle.makeChoices('move terablast terastallize', 'move sleeptalk terastallize');
assert.statStage(inkay, 'atk', 1);
assert.statStage(inkay, 'spa', 1);
it(`should not work with Adapatability`, () => {
battle = common.gen(9).createBattle([[
{ species: 'Wynaut', ability: 'adaptability', moves: ['hyperspacehole', 'terablast'], teraType: 'Stellar' },
], [
{ species: 'Happiny', ability: 'shellarmor', moves: ['softboiled'] },
const happiny = battle.p2.active[0];
battle.makeChoices('move hyperspacehole terastallize', 'auto');
let damage = happiny.maxhp - happiny.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [58, 70], `Hyperspace Hole should only have 2x damage on its first use`);
battle.makeChoices('move hyperspacehole', 'auto');
damage = happiny.maxhp - happiny.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [43, 52], `Hyperspace Hole should only have 1.5x damage on its second use`);
battle.makeChoices('move terablast', 'auto');
damage = happiny.maxhp - happiny.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [43, 52], `Tera Blast should only have ~1.2x damage on its first use`);
battle.makeChoices('move terablast', 'auto');
damage = happiny.maxhp - happiny.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [24, 29], `Tera Blast should not have any boosted damage on its second use`);
it(`should increase the damage of all hits of a multi-hit move`, () => {
battle = common.gen(9).createBattle([[
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['surgingstrikes', 'flipturn'], teraType: 'Stellar' },
], [
{ species: 'Blissey', moves: ['softboiled'] },
const blissey = battle.p2.active[0];
battle.makeChoices('move surgingstrikes terastallize', 'auto');
let damage = blissey.maxhp - blissey.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [144, 174], `Surging Strikes should have ~1.2x damage on its first use for all 3 hits`);
battle.makeChoices('move flipturn', 'auto');
damage = blissey.maxhp - blissey.hp;
assert.bounded(damage, [63, 75], `Flip Turn should have regular damage on its first use, because Water-type was already used`);