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'use strict';
const assert = require('./../../assert');
const common = require('./../../common');
let battle;
describe('Hazards', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it(`should damage Pokemon before regular entrance Abilities`, () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'wynaut', moves: ['uturn'] },
{ species: 'shedinja', ability: 'electricsurge', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'landorus', moves: ['stealthrock'] },
battle.makeChoices('switch 2');
it(`should damage multiple Pokemon switching in simulatenously by Speed order`, () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'wynaut', moves: ['stealthrock', 'sleeptalk'] },
{ species: 'kyogre', ability: 'drizzle', item: 'choicescarf', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'miltank', moves: ['stealthrock', 'finalgambit'] },
{ species: 'landorus-therian', ability: 'intimidate', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
battle.makeChoices('move sleeptalk', 'move finalgambit');
battle.makeChoices('switch 2', 'switch 2');
const log = battle.getDebugLog();
const rocksKyogreIndex = log.indexOf('|-damage|p1a: Kyogre|299/341|[from] Stealth Rock');
const abilityKyogreIndex = log.indexOf('ability: Drizzle|[of] p1a: Kyogre');
const rocksLandorusIndex = log.indexOf('|-damage|p2a: Landorus|280/319|[from] Stealth Rock');
const abilityLandorusIndex = log.indexOf('|-ability|p2a: Landorus|Intimidate');
assert(rocksKyogreIndex < abilityKyogreIndex, 'Stealth Rock should damage Kyogre before Drizzle activates.');
assert(abilityKyogreIndex < rocksLandorusIndex, 'Kyogre should activate Drizzle before Landorus takes rocks damage.');
assert(rocksLandorusIndex < abilityLandorusIndex, 'Stealth Rock should damage Landorus before Intimidate activates.');
it(`should set up hazards even if there is no target`, () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'diglett', level: 1, moves: ['sleeptalk', 'finalgambit'] },
{ species: 'diglett', level: 1, moves: ['sleeptalk', 'finalgambit'] },
{ species: 'diglett', level: 1, moves: ['sleeptalk', 'finalgambit'] },
{ species: 'diglett', level: 1, moves: ['sleeptalk', 'finalgambit'] },
], [
{ species: 'wynaut', item: 'laggingtail', moves: ['stealthrock', 'spikes', 'stickyweb', 'defog'] },
battle.makeChoices('move finalgambit', 'move stealthrock');
battle.makeChoices('switch 2');
battle.makeChoices('move sleeptalk', 'move defog');
battle.makeChoices('move finalgambit', 'move spikes');
battle.makeChoices('switch 3');
battle.makeChoices('move sleeptalk', 'move defog');
battle.makeChoices('move finalgambit', 'move stickyweb');
battle.makeChoices('switch 4');
assert.statStage([0], 'spe', -1);
it(`should apply hazards in the order they were set up`, () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'uturn'] },
{ species: 'whismur', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'landorus', moves: ['stealthrock', 'spikes', 'stickyweb', 'toxicspikes'] },
battle.makeChoices('move sleeptalk', 'move toxicspikes');
battle.makeChoices('move sleeptalk', 'move stickyweb');
battle.makeChoices('move sleeptalk', 'move spikes');
battle.makeChoices('move sleeptalk', 'move toxicspikes');
battle.makeChoices('move uturn', 'move stealthrock');
battle.makeChoices('switch 2');
const log = battle.getDebugLog();
const tSpikeIndex = log.indexOf('|-status|p1a: Whismur|tox');
const websIndex = log.indexOf('|-activate|p1a: Whismur|move: Sticky Web');
const spikesIndex = log.indexOf('|[from] Spikes');
const rocksIndex = log.indexOf('[from] Stealth Rock');
assert(tSpikeIndex < websIndex, 'Toxic Spikes should have poisoned before Sticky Web lowered speed.');
assert(websIndex < spikesIndex, 'Sticky Web should have lowered speed before Spikes damage.');
assert(spikesIndex < rocksIndex, 'Spikes should have damaged before Stealth Rock.');
it(`should allow Berries to trigger between hazards`, () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'uturn'] },
{ species: 'shedinja', item: 'lumberry', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'landorus', moves: ['toxicspikes', 'stealthrock'] },
battle.makeChoices('move uturn', 'move stealthrock');
battle.makeChoices('switch 2');
const shedinja =[0];
assert.false.holdsItem(shedinja, 'Shedinja should have lost Lum Berry before fainting to rocks.');
it(`should set up hazards to every opponents' side in a Free-for-all battle`, () => {
battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'freeforall' }, [[
{ species: 'Bronzong', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'stealthrock'] },
], [
{ species: 'Cufant', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'Qwilfish', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'Marowak', moves: ['stealthrock'] },
assert.deepEqual( => !!side.sideConditions.stealthrock), [true, true, true, false]);
battle.makeChoices('move stealthrock', 'auto', 'auto', 'auto');
assert.deepEqual( => !!side.sideConditions.stealthrock), [true, true, true, true]);
it(`should set up hazards even if there is no target in a Free-for-all battle`, () => {
battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'freeforall' }, [[
{ species: 'Bronzong', item: 'laggingtail', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'stealthrock'] },
], [
{ species: 'Wynaut', level: 1, moves: ['finalgambit'] },
{ species: 'Cufant', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'Wynaut', level: 1, moves: ['finalgambit'] },
{ species: 'Qwilfish', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'Wynaut', level: 1, moves: ['finalgambit'] },
{ species: 'Marowak', moves: ['stealthrock'] },
battle.makeChoices('move stealthrock', 'move finalgambit 1', 'move finalgambit 1', 'move finalgambit 1');
assert.deepEqual( => !!side.sideConditions.stealthrock), [false, true, true, true]);