; | |
const assert = require('./../../assert'); | |
const common = require('./../../common'); | |
let battle; | |
describe('Gulp Missile', () => { | |
afterEach(() => { | |
battle.destroy(); | |
}); | |
it(`should retrieve a catch on the first turn of Dive`, () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle([[ | |
{ species: 'cramorant', ability: 'gulpmissile', moves: ['dive'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: 'wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
]]); | |
battle.makeChoices(); | |
assert.species([0], 'Cramorant-Gulping'); | |
}); | |
it(`should retrieve a catch only if the move was successful`, () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle([[ | |
{ species: 'cramorant', ability: 'gulpmissile', moves: ['surf'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: 'lapras', ability: 'waterabsorb', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
]]); | |
battle.makeChoices(); | |
assert.false.species([0], 'Cramorant-Gulping'); | |
}); | |
it(`should not spit out its catch if the Cramorant is semi-invulnerable`, () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle([[ | |
{ species: 'cramorant', ability: 'gulpmissile', moves: ['dive'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: 'ludicolo', ability: 'noguard', moves: ['sleeptalk', 'machpunch'] }, | |
]]); | |
battle.makeChoices(); | |
battle.makeChoices('auto', 'move machpunch'); | |
assert.species([0], 'Cramorant-Gulping'); | |
assert.statStage([0], 'def', 0); | |
}); | |
it(`should change forms before damage calculation`, () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle([[ | |
{ species: 'cramorant', ability: 'gulpmissile', moves: ['surf'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: 'sceptile', ability: 'shellarmor', moves: ['magicpowder'] }, | |
]]); | |
battle.makeChoices(); | |
const sceptile =[0]; | |
const damage = sceptile.maxhp - sceptile.hp; | |
assert.bounded(damage, [48, 57], `Cramorant should have received STAB in damage calculation`); | |
}); | |
describe(`Hackmons Cramorant`, () => { | |
it(`should be sent out as the hacked form`, () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle([[ | |
{ species: 'cramorantgulping', ability: 'gulpmissile', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
{ species: 'wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: 'togepi', moves: ['fairywind'] }, | |
]]); | |
battle.makeChoices(); | |
const togepi =[0]; | |
assert.equal(togepi.hp, togepi.maxhp - Math.floor(togepi.maxhp / 4)); | |
assert.statStage(togepi, 'def', -1); | |
battle.makeChoices('switch 2', 'auto'); | |
battle.makeChoices('switch 2', 'auto'); | |
assert.equal(togepi.hp, togepi.maxhp - (Math.floor(togepi.maxhp / 4) * 2)); | |
assert.statStage(togepi, 'def', -2); | |
}); | |
it(`should not force Cramorant-Gorging or -Gulping to have Gulp Missile`, () => { | |
battle = common.createBattle([[ | |
{ species: 'cramorantgorging', ability: 'intimidate', moves: ['sleeptalk'] }, | |
], [ | |
{ species: 'togepi', moves: ['fairywind'] }, | |
]]); | |
battle.makeChoices(); | |
const togepi =[0]; | |
assert.statStage(togepi, 'atk', -1); | |
}); | |
}); | |
}); | |