Pokemon_server / test /sim /abilities /desolateland.js
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'use strict';
const assert = require('./../../assert');
const common = require('./../../common');
let battle;
describe('Desolate Land', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it('should activate the Desolate Land weather upon switch-in', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['helpinghand'] },
], [
{ species: "Abra", ability: 'magicguard', moves: ['teleport'] },
it('should increase the damage (not the basePower) of Fire-type attacks', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Ninetales', ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['incinerate'] },
], [
{ species: 'Cryogonal', ability: 'levitate', moves: ['splash'] },
battle.randomizer = dmg => dmg; // max damage
const attacker = battle.p1.active[0];
const defender = battle.p2.active[0];
assert.hurtsBy(defender, 152, () => battle.makeChoices('move incinerate', 'move splash'));
const move = Dex.moves.get('incinerate');
const basePower = battle.runEvent('BasePower', attacker, defender, move, move.basePower, true);
assert.equal(basePower, move.basePower);
it('should cause Water-type attacks to fail', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['helpinghand'] },
], [
{ species: "Blastoise", ability: 'torrent', moves: ['surf'] },
battle.makeChoices('move helpinghand', 'move surf');
it('should not cause Water-type Status moves to fail', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['helpinghand'] },
], [
{ species: "Blastoise", ability: 'torrent', moves: ['soak'] },
const soakTarget = battle.p1.active[0];
assert.sets(() => soakTarget.getTypes().join('/'), 'Water', () => battle.makeChoices('move helpinghand', 'move soak'));
it('should prevent moves and abilities from setting the weather to Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Hail', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['helpinghand'] },
], [
{ species: "Abra", ability: 'magicguard', moves: ['teleport'] },
{ species: "Kyogre", ability: 'drizzle', moves: ['raindance'] },
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'drought', moves: ['sunnyday'] },
{ species: "Tyranitar", ability: 'sandstream', moves: ['sandstorm'] },
{ species: "Abomasnow", ability: 'snowwarning', moves: ['hail'] },
for (let i = 2; i <= 5; i++) {
battle.makeChoices('move helpinghand', 'switch ' + i);
battle.makeChoices('move helpinghand', 'move 1');
it('should be treated as Sunny Day for any forme, move or ability that requires it', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['helpinghand', 'solarbeam'] },
], [
{ species: "Castform", ability: 'forecast', moves: ['weatherball'] },
{ species: "Cherrim", ability: 'flowergift', moves: ['growth'] },
{ species: "Charizard", ability: 'solarpower', moves: ['roost'] },
{ species: "Venusaur", ability: 'chlorophyll', moves: ['growth'] },
{ species: "Toxicroak", ability: 'dryskin', moves: ['bulkup'] },
battle.onEvent('Hit', battle.format, (target, pokemon, move) => {
if (move.id === 'weatherball') {
assert.equal(move.type, 'Fire');
const myActive = battle.p2.active;
battle.makeChoices('move helpinghand', 'move weatherball');
assert.species(myActive[0], 'Castform-Sunny');
battle.makeChoices('move helpinghand', 'switch 2');
assert.species(myActive[0], 'Cherrim-Sunshine');
battle.makeChoices('move helpinghand', 'switch 3');
assert.false.fullHP(myActive[0], "Charizard should be hurt by Solar Power");
battle.makeChoices('move solarbeam', 'switch 4');
assert.equal(myActive[0].getStat('spe'), 2 * myActive[0].storedStats['spe'], "Venusaur's speed should be doubled by Chlorophyll");
assert.false.fullHP(myActive[0], "Solar Beam should skip its charge turn");
battle.makeChoices('move helpinghand', 'switch 5');
assert.false.fullHP(myActive[0], "Toxicroak should be hurt by Dry Skin");
it('should cause the Desolate Land weather to fade if it switches out and no other Desolate Land Pokemon are active', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['helpinghand'] },
{ species: "Ho-Oh", ability: 'pressure', moves: ['roost'] },
], [
{ species: "Lugia", ability: 'pressure', moves: ['roost'] },
assert.sets(() => battle.field.isWeather('desolateland'), false, () => battle.makeChoices('switch 2', 'move roost'));
it('should not cause the Desolate Land weather to fade if it switches out and another Desolate Land Pokemon is active', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['helpinghand'] },
{ species: "Ho-Oh", ability: 'pressure', moves: ['roost'] },
], [
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['bulkup'] },
assert.constant(() => battle.field.isWeather('desolateland'), () => battle.makeChoices('switch 2', 'move bulkup'));
it('should cause the Desolate Land weather to fade if its ability is suppressed and no other Desolate Land Pokemon are active', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['helpinghand'] },
], [
{ species: "Lugia", ability: 'pressure', moves: ['gastroacid'] },
assert.sets(() => battle.field.isWeather('desolateland'), false, () => battle.makeChoices('move helpinghand', 'move gastroacid'));
it('should not cause the Desolate Land weather to fade if its ability is suppressed and another Desolate Land Pokemon is active', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['helpinghand'] },
], [
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['gastroacid'] },
assert.constant(() => battle.field.isWeather('desolateland'), () => battle.makeChoices('move helpinghand', 'move gastroacid'));
it('should cause the Desolate Land weather to fade if its ability is changed and no other Desolate Land Pokemon are active', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: "Groudon", ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['helpinghand'] },
], [
{ species: "Lugia", ability: 'pressure', moves: ['entrainment'] },
assert.sets(() => battle.field.isWeather('desolateland'), false, () => battle.makeChoices('move helpinghand', 'move entrainment'));
it('should fade after being forced out via Roar', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Groudon', item: "Red Orb", moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['roar'] },
it(`should cause Water-type Natural Gift to fail`, () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Groudon', item: 'Red Orb', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['naturalgift'] },