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'use strict';
const assert = require('./../../assert');
const common = require('./../../common');
let battle;
describe('Cloud Nine', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it('should treat the weather as none for the purposes of formes, moves and abilities', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Golduck', ability: 'cloudnine', moves: ['sunnyday'] },
], [
{ species: 'Cherrim', ability: 'flowergift', item: 'laggingtail', moves: ['solarbeam'] },
const [weatherSuppressor, weatherUser] = [[0],[0]];
assert.false.hurts(weatherSuppressor, () => battle.makeChoices('move sunnyday', 'move solarbeam')); // Solar Beam must charge
assert.species(weatherUser, 'Cherrim');
it('should negate the effects of Sun on Fire-type and Water-type attacks', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Groudon', ability: 'drought', moves: ['rest'] },
], [
{ species: 'Golduck', ability: 'cloudnine', moves: ['calmmind'] },
let move, basePower;
battle.makeChoices('move rest', 'move calmmind');
move = Dex.moves.get('firepledge');
basePower = battle.runEvent('BasePower',[0],[0], move, move.basePower, true);
assert.equal(basePower, move.basePower);
move = Dex.moves.get('waterpledge');
basePower = battle.runEvent('BasePower',[0],[0], move, move.basePower, true);
assert.equal(basePower, move.basePower);
it('should negate the effects of Rain on Fire-type and Water-type attacks', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Kyogre', ability: 'drizzle', moves: ['rest'] },
], [
{ species: 'Golduck', ability: 'cloudnine', moves: ['calmmind'] },
let move, basePower;
battle.makeChoices('move rest', 'move calmmind');
move = Dex.moves.get('firepledge');
basePower = battle.runEvent('BasePower',[0],[0], move, move.basePower, true);
assert.equal(basePower, move.basePower);
move = Dex.moves.get('waterpledge');
basePower = battle.runEvent('BasePower',[0],[0], move, move.basePower, true);
assert.equal(basePower, move.basePower);
it('should negate the damage-dealing effects of Sandstorm', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Tyranitar', ability: 'sandstream', moves: ['dragondance'] },
], [
{ species: 'Golduck', ability: 'cloudnine', moves: ['calmmind'] },
assert.false.hurts([0], () => battle.makeChoices('move dragondance', 'move calmmind'));
it('should negate the damage-dealing effects of Hail', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Abomasnow', ability: 'snowwarning', moves: ['rest'] },
], [
{ species: 'Golduck', ability: 'cloudnine', moves: ['calmmind'] },
assert.false.hurts([0], () => battle.makeChoices('move rest', 'move calmmind'));
it('should not negate Desolate Land\'s ability to prevent other weathers from activating', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Golduck', ability: 'cloudnine', moves: ['raindance'] },
], [
{ species: 'Groudon', ability: 'desolateland', moves: ['sunnyday'] },
assert.constant(() =>, () => battle.makeChoices('move raindance', 'move sunnyday'));
it('should not negate Primordial Sea\'s ability to prevent other weathers from activating', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Golduck', ability: 'cloudnine', moves: ['raindance'] },
], [
{ species: 'Kyogre', ability: 'primordialsea', moves: ['sunnyday'] },
assert.constant(() =>, () => battle.makeChoices('move raindance', 'move sunnyday'));
it('should not negate Delta Stream\'s ability to prevent other weathers from activating', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Golduck', ability: 'cloudnine', moves: ['raindance'] },
], [
{ species: 'Rayquaza', ability: 'deltastream', moves: ['sunnyday'] },
assert.constant(() =>, () => battle.makeChoices('move raindance', 'move sunnyday'));
it('should still display status of the weather', () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Golduck', ability: 'cloudnine', moves: ['calmmind'] },
], [
{ species: 'Sunkern', ability: 'solarpower', moves: ['sunnyday'] },
battle.makeChoices('move calmmind', 'move sunnyday');
assert.equal(battle.log[battle.lastMoveLine + 1], '|-weather|SunnyDay');
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
battle.makeChoices('move calmmind', 'move sunnyday');
assert.equal(battle.log[battle.lastMoveLine + 4], '|-weather|SunnyDay|[upkeep]', 'here' + i);
battle.makeChoices('move calmmind', 'move sunnyday');
assert.equal(battle.log[battle.lastMoveLine + 4], '|-weather|none');
it(`should allow Hydration to trigger if the user fainted before Hydration could trigger`, () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'Toxapex', ability: 'cloudnine', moves: ['toxic', 'raindance', 'finalgambit'] },
{ species: 'Wynaut', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'Manaphy', ability: 'hydration', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
const manaphy =[0];
battle.makeChoices('move raindance', 'auto');
assert.equal(manaphy.status, 'tox');
battle.makeChoices('move finalgambit', 'auto');
assert.equal(manaphy.status, '');