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'use strict';
const assert = require('./../../assert');
const common = require('./../../common');
let battle;
describe('Berserk', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it(`should activate prior to healing from Sitrus Berry`, () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'drampa', item: 'sitrusberry', ability: 'berserk', evs: { hp: 4 }, moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'wynaut', ability: 'compoundeyes', moves: ['superfang'] },
const drampa =[0];
assert.statStage(drampa, 'spa', 1);
assert.equal(drampa.hp, Math.floor(drampa.maxhp / 2) + Math.floor(drampa.maxhp / 4));
it(`should not activate prior to healing from Sitrus Berry after a multi-hit move`, () => {
battle = common.createBattle([[
{ species: 'drampa', item: 'sitrusberry', ability: 'berserk', evs: { hp: 4 }, moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
], [
{ species: 'wynaut', ability: 'parentalbond', moves: ['seismictoss'] },
const drampa =[0];
assert.statStage(drampa, 'spa', 0);
assert.equal(drampa.hp, drampa.maxhp - 200 + Math.floor(drampa.maxhp / 4));
it(`should not activate below 50% HP if it was damaged by Dragon Darts`, () => {
battle = common.createBattle({ gameType: 'doubles' }, [[
{ species: 'drampa', ability: 'berserk', evs: { hp: 4 }, moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
{ species: 'togedemaru', ability: 'compoundeyes', moves: ['superfang'] },
], [
{ species: 'wynaut', moves: ['dragondarts'] },
{ species: 'shuckle', moves: ['sleeptalk'] },
battle.makeChoices('move sleeptalk, move superfang -1', 'auto');
const drampa =[0];
assert.statStage(drampa, 'spa', 1);