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* Tests for the IPTools class
* Written by Annika
'use strict';
const assert = require('assert').strict;
const IPTools = require('../../dist/server/ip-tools').IPTools;
const Utils = require('../../dist/lib/utils').Utils;
describe("IP tools", () => {
it('should resolve to localhost', async () => {
const lookup = await IPTools.lookup('');
assert.equal(, 'localhost');
it('should resolve unknown IPs correctly', async () => {
const lookup = await IPTools.lookup('');
assert.equal(, '255.255?/unknown');
assert.equal(lookup.hostType, 'unknown');
it('should parse CIDR ranges', () => {
const range = IPTools.getCidrRange('');
assert.equal(range.minIP, IPTools.ipToNumber(''));
assert.equal(range.maxIP, IPTools.ipToNumber(''));
it('should guess whether a range is CIDR or hyphen', () => {
const cidrRange = IPTools.stringToRange('');
const stringRange = IPTools.stringToRange(' -');
assert.deepEqual(cidrRange, stringRange);
it('should not parse invalid ranges', () => {
assert.equal(IPTools.isValidRange(' -'), false);
assert.equal(IPTools.isValidRange(' -'), false);
assert.equal(IPTools.isValidRange(''), false);
assert.equal(IPTools.isValidRange(''), false);
assert.equal(IPTools.isValidRange(''), false);
assert.equal(IPTools.isValidRange(' -'), false);
assert.equal(IPTools.isValidRange('*'), false);
it('should reject invalid IPs', () => {
assert.equal(IPTools.ipToNumber(''), null);
assert.equal(IPTools.ipToNumber(''), null);
assert.equal(IPTools.ipToNumber('42.0.hi.0'), null);
assert.equal(IPTools.ipToNumber(''), null);
assert.equal(IPTools.ipToNumber('256.0.0hi.1'), null);
assert.equal(IPTools.ipToNumber('256.0.1'), null);
assert.equal(IPTools.numberToIP(-1), null);
it('should be able to convert IPs in both directions', () => {
assert.equal(IPTools.ipToNumber(IPTools.numberToIP(0)), 0);
assert.equal(IPTools.numberToIP(IPTools.ipToNumber('')), '');
assert.equal(IPTools.ipToNumber(IPTools.numberToIP(56468451)), 56468451);
it('should check if an IP is in a range', () => {
const range = IPTools.stringToRange(' -');
// Checks that beginning, middle, and end match
assert(IPTools.checkPattern([range], IPTools.ipToNumber('')));
assert(IPTools.checkPattern([range], IPTools.ipToNumber('')));
assert(IPTools.checkPattern([range], IPTools.ipToNumber('')));
// Checks for off-by-one errors
assert(!IPTools.checkPattern([range], IPTools.ipToNumber('')));
assert(!IPTools.checkPattern([range], IPTools.ipToNumber('')));
// Checks that a random IP does not match
assert(!IPTools.checkPattern([range], IPTools.ipToNumber('')));
it('should handle wildcards in string ranges', () => {
{ minIP: IPTools.ipToNumber(''), maxIP: IPTools.ipToNumber('') }
{ minIP: IPTools.ipToNumber(''), maxIP: IPTools.ipToNumber('') }
{ minIP: IPTools.ipToNumber(''), maxIP: IPTools.ipToNumber('') }
it('should handle single IPs as string ranges', () => {
{ minIP: IPTools.ipToNumber(''), maxIP: IPTools.ipToNumber('') }
describe("IP tools helper functions", () => {
it("ipToNumber and numberToIp should be each other's inverses", () => {
const numTests = 10;
for (let i = 0; i < numTests; i++) {
const testNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967294) + 1;
assert.equal(IPTools.ipToNumber(IPTools.numberToIP(testNumber)), testNumber);
it("should produce sortable IP numbers", () => {
const unsortedIPs = ['', '', '', '', ''];
const sortedIPs = ['', '', '', '', ''];
const sortedIPNumbers = => IPTools.ipToNumber(ip));
assert.deepEqual( => IPTools.numberToIP(ipnum)), sortedIPs);
it('should convert URLs to hosts', () => {
assert.equal(IPTools.urlToHost(''), '');
assert.equal(IPTools.urlToHost(''), '');
assert.equal(IPTools.urlToHost(''), '');
it('should correctly sort a list of IP addresses', () => {
const ipList = ['', '', '', '', ''];
Utils.sortBy(ipList, IPTools.ipToNumber);
assert.deepEqual(ipList, ['', '', '', '', '']);
describe('IP range conflict checker', () => {
it('should not allow inserting a range where maxIP < minIP', () => {
assert.throws(() => IPTools.checkRangeConflicts({ maxIP: 1000, minIP: 9999 }, []));
it('should respect the widen parameter', () => {
const ranges = [{
minIP: 100,
maxIP: 200,
// Widen the minimum IP
assert.throws(() => IPTools.checkRangeConflicts({ minIP: 99, maxIP: 200 }, ranges, false));
assert.doesNotThrow(() => IPTools.checkRangeConflicts({ minIP: 99, maxIP: 200 }, ranges, true));
// Widen the maximum IP
assert.throws(() => IPTools.checkRangeConflicts({ minIP: 100, maxIP: 201 }, ranges, false));
assert.doesNotThrow(() => IPTools.checkRangeConflicts({ minIP: 100, maxIP: 201 }, ranges, true));
// Widen both IPs
assert.throws(() => IPTools.checkRangeConflicts({ minIP: 99, maxIP: 201 }, ranges, false));
assert.doesNotThrow(() => IPTools.checkRangeConflicts({ minIP: 99, maxIP: 201 }, ranges, true));
// Don't widen at all
assert.doesNotThrow(() => IPTools.checkRangeConflicts({ minIP: 98, maxIP: 99 }, ranges, false));
assert.doesNotThrow(() => IPTools.checkRangeConflicts({ minIP: 98, maxIP: 99 }, ranges, true));