/** | |
* Tests for Gen 8 randomized formats | |
*/ | |
; | |
const { testSet, testNotBothMoves, testHasSTAB, testAlwaysHasMove } = require('./tools'); | |
const assert = require('../assert'); | |
describe('[Gen 8] Random Battle (slow)', () => { | |
const options = { format: 'gen8randombattle' }; | |
const dataJSON = require(`../../dist/data/random-battles/gen8/data.json`); | |
const dex = Dex.forFormat(options.format); | |
const generator = Teams.getGenerator(options.format); | |
it('All moves on all sets should be obtainable', () => { | |
const rounds = 500; | |
for (const pokemon of Object.keys(dataJSON)) { | |
const species = dex.species.get(pokemon); | |
const data = dataJSON[pokemon]; | |
if (!data.moves || species.isNonstandard) continue; | |
const remainingMoves = new Set(data.moves); | |
for (let i = 0; i < rounds; i++) { | |
// Test lead 1/6 of the time | |
const set = generator.randomSet(species, {}, i % 6 === 0); | |
for (const move of set.moves) remainingMoves.delete(move); | |
if (!remainingMoves.size) break; | |
} | |
assert.false(remainingMoves.size, | |
`The following moves on ${} are unused: ${[...remainingMoves].join(', ')}`); | |
} | |
}); | |
it('should not generate Golisopod without Bug STAB', () => { | |
testSet('golisopod', options, set => { | |
assert(set.moves.some(m => { | |
const move = Dex.moves.get(m); | |
return move.type === 'Bug' && move.category !== 'Status'; | |
}), `Golisopod should get Bug STAB (got ${set.moves})`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should not generate Stone Edge + Swords Dance Lucario', () => { | |
testNotBothMoves('lucario', options, 'stoneedge', 'swordsdance'); | |
}); | |
it('should not generate Shift Gear + U-turn Genesect', () => { | |
testNotBothMoves('Genesect', options, 'shiftgear', 'uturn'); | |
}); | |
it('should not generate Flame Charge + Flare Blitz Solgaleo', () => { | |
testNotBothMoves('solgaleo', options, 'flamecharge', 'flareblitz'); | |
}); | |
it('should not generate Knock Off + Sucker Punch Toxicroak', () => { | |
testNotBothMoves('toxicroak', options, 'knockoff', 'suckerpunch'); | |
}); | |
it('should not generate Swords Dance + Fire Blast Garchomp', () => { | |
testNotBothMoves('garchomp', options, 'swordsdance', 'fireblast'); | |
}); | |
it('should give 4 Attacks Scyther a Choice Band', () => { | |
testSet('scyther', options, set => { | |
if (!set.moves.includes('roost') && !set.moves.includes('swordsdance')) { | |
assert.equal(set.item, "Choice Band"); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should give Solid Rock + Shell Smash Carracosta a Weakness Policy', () => { | |
testSet('carracosta', options, set => { | |
if (set.moves.includes('shellsmash') && set.ability === 'Solid Rock') { | |
assert.equal(set.item, "Weakness Policy"); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should not generate 3-attack Alcremie-Gmax', () => { | |
testSet('alcremiegmax', options, set => assert( | |
!['psychic', 'dazzlinggleam', 'mysticalfire'].every(move => set.moves.includes(move)), | |
`Alcremie-Gmax should not get three attacks (got ${set.moves})` | |
)); | |
}); | |
it('should always give Doublade Swords Dance', () => { | |
testAlwaysHasMove('doublade', options, 'swordsdance'); | |
}); | |
it('Dragonite and Salamence should always get Outrage', () => { | |
for (const pkmn of ['dragonite', 'salamence']) { | |
testAlwaysHasMove(pkmn, options, 'outrage'); | |
} | |
}); | |
it('should give Sticky Web Pokémon Sticky Web unless they have setup', () => { | |
for (const pkmn of ['shuckle', 'orbeetle', 'araquanid']) { | |
testSet(pkmn, options, set => { | |
if (set.moves.some(move => Dex.moves.get(move).boosts)) return; // Setup | |
assert( | |
set.moves.includes('stickyweb'), | |
`${pkmn} should always generate Sticky Web (generated moveset: ${set.moves})` | |
); | |
if (pkmn === 'shuckle') assert(set.moves.includes('stealthrock')); | |
}); | |
} | |
}); | |
it('should give Throat Spray to Shift Gear Toxtricity sets', () => { | |
testSet('toxtricity', options, set => { | |
if (!set.moves.includes('shiftgear')) return; | |
assert.equal(set.item, "Throat Spray", `got ${set.item} instead of Throat Spray`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('Toxapex should always have Scald', () => testAlwaysHasMove('toxapex', options, 'scald')); | |
it('Shiinotic should always have Moonblast', () => testAlwaysHasMove('shiinotic', options, 'moonblast')); | |
it('should prevent Dragon Dance and Extreme Speed from appearing together', () => { | |
testNotBothMoves('dragonite', options, 'dragondance', 'extremespeed'); | |
}); | |
it('Rapidash with Swords Dance should have at least two attacks', () => { | |
testSet('rapidash', options, set => { | |
if (!set.moves.includes('swordsdance')) return; | |
assert(set.moves.filter(m => dex.moves.get(m).category !== 'Status').length > 1, `got ${JSON.stringify(set.moves)}`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('Celesteela should not get Leech Seed or Protect on Autotomize sets', () => { | |
testNotBothMoves('celesteela', options, 'leechseed', 'autotomize'); | |
testNotBothMoves('celesteela', options, 'protect', 'autotomize'); | |
}); | |
it('Landorus-Therian should not get Fly and Stealth Rock on the same set', () => { | |
testNotBothMoves('landorustherian', options, 'fly', 'stealthrock'); | |
}); | |
it('should give Scyther the correct item', () => { | |
testSet('scyther', options, set => { | |
let item; | |
if (set.moves.every(move => Dex.moves.get(move).category !== 'Status')) { | |
item = 'Choice Band'; | |
} else if (set.moves.includes('uturn')) { | |
item = 'Heavy-Duty Boots'; | |
} else { | |
// Test interface currently doesn't tell us if we're testing in the lead slot or not | |
// But FTR it should be Eviolite if it's the lead, Boots otherwise | |
return; | |
} | |
assert.equal(set.item, item, `set=${JSON.stringify(set)}`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should guarantee Poison STAB on all Grass/Poison types', function () { | |
// This test takes more than 2000ms | |
this.timeout(0); | |
const pokemon = Object.keys(dataJSON) | |
.filter(pkmn => | |
dataJSON[pkmn].moves && | |
dex.species.get(pkmn).types.includes('Grass') && dex.species.get(pkmn).types.includes('Poison')); | |
for (const pkmn of pokemon) { | |
testHasSTAB(pkmn, options, ['Poison']); | |
} | |
}); | |
it('should not allow Swords Dance + Dragon Dance Rayquaza', () => { | |
testNotBothMoves('rayquaza', options, 'swordsdance', 'dragondance'); | |
}); | |
it('should not allow Extreme Speed + Dragon Dance Rayquaza', () => { | |
testNotBothMoves('rayquaza', options, 'extremespeed', 'dragondance'); | |
}); | |
it('should not generate Noctowl with three attacks and Roost', () => { | |
testSet('noctowl', options, set => { | |
const attacks = set.moves.filter(m => dex.moves.get(m).category !== 'Status'); | |
assert( | |
!(set.moves.includes('roost') && attacks.length === 3), | |
`Noctowl should not get three attacks and Roost (got ${set.moves})` | |
); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it(`should minimize Chansey's attack stat`, () => { | |
testSet('chansey', options, set => { | |
const [atkIV, atkEV] = [set.ivs.atk, set.evs.atk]; | |
assert(atkIV === 0 && atkEV === 0, `Chansey should have minimum attack (Atk IV: ${atkIV}, Atk EV: ${atkEV})`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should always give Palossand Shore Up', () => testAlwaysHasMove('palossand', options, 'shoreup')); | |
it('should always give Azumarill Aqua Jet', () => testAlwaysHasMove('azumarill', options, 'aquajet')); | |
it('should forbid a certain Togekiss set', () => { | |
testSet('togekiss', options, set => { | |
assert.notDeepEqual( | |
[...set.moves].sort(), | |
['airslash', 'aurasphere', 'fireblast', 'roost'], | |
`got ${set.moves}` | |
); | |
}); | |
}); | |
}); | |
describe('[Gen 8] Random Doubles Battle (slow)', () => { | |
const options = { format: 'gen8randomdoublesbattle' }; | |
it('should never generate Melmetal without Body Press', () => { | |
testSet('melmetal', options, set => { | |
assert(set.moves.includes('bodypress'), `Melmetal should get Body Press (got ${set.moves})`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should enforce STAB on Pinsir, Pikachu, and Zygarde', () => { | |
for (const pkmn of ['pinsir', 'pikachu', 'zygarde']) { | |
testHasSTAB(pkmn, options); | |
} | |
}); | |
it('should give Galarian Darmanitan a Choice Item', () => { | |
testSet('darmanitangalar', options, set => assert(set.item.startsWith('Choice '))); | |
}); | |
it('should always give Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Surging Strikes', () => { | |
testAlwaysHasMove('urshifurapidstrike', options, 'surgingstrikes'); | |
}); | |
it('should always give Urshifu Wicked Blow', () => { | |
testAlwaysHasMove('urshifu', options, 'wickedblow'); | |
}); | |
it('should always give Flapple Ripen', () => { | |
testSet('flapple', options, set => { | |
assert.equal(set.ability, 'Ripen'); | |
}); | |
}); | |
}); | |
describe('[Gen 8] Random Battle (No Dmax) (slow)', () => { | |
// No tests here yet! | |
// This format is extremely new; this will be filled in later when I have to fix No Dmax bugs. | |
// const options = {format: 'gen8randombattlenodmax', isDynamax: true}; | |
}); | |
describe('[Gen 8] Free-for-All Random Battle (slow)', () => { | |
const options = { format: 'gen8freeforallrandombattle', isDoubles: true }; | |
it('should enforce STAB on Pinsir, Pikachu, and Zygarde', () => { | |
for (const pkmn of ['pinsir', 'pikachu', 'zygarde']) { | |
testHasSTAB(pkmn, options); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
describe('[Gen 8 BDSP] Random Battle (slow)', () => { | |
const options = { format: 'gen8bdsprandombattle' }; | |
const dataJSON = require(`../../dist/data/random-battles/gen8bdsp/data.json`); | |
const dex = Dex.forFormat(options.format); | |
const okToHaveChoiceMoves = ['switcheroo', 'trick', 'healingwish']; | |
for (const pokemon of Object.keys(dataJSON)) { | |
const species = dex.species.get(pokemon); | |
const data = dataJSON[pokemon]; | |
if (!data.moves) continue; | |
// Pokémon with Sniper should never have Scope Lens | |
if (Object.values(species.abilities).includes('Sniper')) { | |
it(`should never give ${species} Scope Lens if it has Sniper`, () => { | |
testSet(species, options, set => { | |
if (set.ability !== 'Sniper') return; | |
assert.notEqual(set.item, 'Scope Lens', `got Scope Lens (set=${JSON.stringify(set)})`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
} | |
// Pokemon with Fake Out should not have Choice Items | |
if (data.moves.includes('fakeout')) { | |
it(`should not give ${species} a Choice Item if it has Fake Out`, () => { | |
testSet(species, options, set => { | |
if (!set.moves.includes('fakeout')) return; | |
assert.doesNotMatch(set.item, /Choice /, `got Choice Item '${set.item}' on a Fake Out set (${set.moves})`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
} | |
if ( !== 'ditto') { // Ditto always wants Choice Scarf | |
// This test is marked as slow because although each individual test is fairly fast to run, | |
// ~500 tests are generated, so they can dramatically slow down the process of unit testing. | |
it(`should not generate Choice items on ${} sets with status moves, unless an item-switching move or Healing Wish is generated`, () => { | |
testSet(, { ...options, rounds: 500 }, set => { | |
if (set.item.startsWith('Choice') && !okToHaveChoiceMoves.some(okMove => set.moves.includes(okMove))) { | |
assert(set.moves.every(m => dex.moves.get(m).category !== 'Status'), `Choice item and status moves on set ${JSON.stringify(set)}`); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
it('should give Tropius Harvest + Sitrus Berry', () => { | |
testSet('tropius', options, set => { | |
assert.equal(set.item, 'Sitrus Berry'); | |
assert.equal(set.ability, 'Harvest'); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should give Unown a Choice item', () => { | |
testSet('unown', options, set => assert(set.item.startsWith('Choice'))); | |
}); | |
it('should give Toxic Orb to Gliscor and Zangoose', () => { | |
testSet('gliscor', options, set => assert.equal(set.item, 'Toxic Orb')); | |
testSet('zangoose', options, set => assert.equal(set.item, 'Toxic Orb', set.ability)); | |
}); | |
it('should not generate Power Herb + Solar Beam on Drought sets', () => { | |
for (const species of ['ninetales', 'torkoal']) { | |
testSet(species, options, set => { | |
if (set.ability !== 'Drought') return; | |
if (!set.moves.includes('solarbeam')) return; | |
assert.notEqual(set.item, 'Power Herb', `${species} should not get Power Herb with Solar Beam + Drought`); | |
}); | |
} | |
}); | |
it('should not give Unown Leftovers', () => { | |
testSet('unown', options, set => assert.notEqual(set.item, 'Leftovers')); | |
}); | |
it('should always give Jumpluff Acrobatics', () => { | |
testAlwaysHasMove('jumpluff', options, 'acrobatics'); | |
}); | |
it('should always give Smeargle Spore', () => { | |
testAlwaysHasMove('smeargle', options, 'spore'); | |
}); | |
it('should give No Guard to Dynamic Punch Machamp', () => { | |
testSet('machamp', options, set => { | |
if (set.moves.includes('dynamicpunch')) assert.equal(set.ability, 'No Guard', set.moves); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should not give Shell Smash Blastoise Roar', () => { | |
testSet('blastoise', options, set => { | |
if (set.moves.includes('roar')) { | |
assert(!set.moves.includes('shellsmash'), `Blastoise has Roar and Shell Smash (${set.moves})`); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should always give Smeargle a Focus Sash', () => { | |
testSet('smeargle', options, set => assert.equal(set.item, 'Focus Sash')); | |
}); | |
it('should always give Shaymin-Sky Air Slash', () => testAlwaysHasMove('shayminsky', options, 'airslash')); | |
it('should always give Hitmonlee Reckless', () => { | |
testSet('hitmonlee', options, set => assert.equal(set.ability, 'Reckless')); | |
}); | |
it('should always give Bibarel Simple', () => { | |
testSet('bibarel', options, set => assert.equal(set.ability, 'Simple')); | |
}); | |
it('should not give Breloom Focus Punch without Substitute', () => { | |
testSet('breloom', options, set => { | |
if (set.moves.includes('focuspunch')) assert(set.moves.includes('substitute'), `Breloom has Focus Punch and no Substitute (${set.moves})`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should never give Flygon Defog and Dragon Dance', () => { | |
testSet('flygon', options, set => { | |
if (set.moves.includes('defog')) { | |
assert(!set.moves.includes('dragondance'), `Flygon has Defog and Dragon Dance (${set.moves})`); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
for (const pokemon of ['arceussteel', 'empoleon']) { | |
it(`should not give ${pokemon} Defog and Stealth Rock`, () => { | |
testSet(pokemon, options, set => { | |
if (set.moves.includes('defog')) { | |
assert(!set.moves.includes('stealthrock'), `${pokemon} has Defog and Stealth Rock (${set.moves})`); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
} | |
it('should not give Magcargo Fire Blast and Lava Plume', () => { | |
testSet('magcargo', options, set => { | |
if (set.moves.includes('fireblast')) { | |
assert(!set.moves.includes('lavaplume'), `Magcargo has Fire Blast and Lava Plume (${set.moves})`); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should not give Yanmega Protect + Tinted Lens', () => { | |
testSet('yanmega', options, set => { | |
if (set.moves.includes('protect')) { | |
assert.notEqual(set.ability, 'Tinted Lens', `Yanmega has Protect and Tinted Lens (set=${JSON.stringify(set)})`); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
for (const species of ['shaymin', 'shayminsky', 'phione']) { | |
it(`should not give ${species} Chesto Berry`, () => { | |
testSet(species, options, set => { | |
assert.notEqual(set.item, 'Chesto Berry', `${species} has Chesto Berry`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
} | |
it('Ambipom should only get Switcheroo if it has a Choice item', () => { | |
testSet('ambipom', options, set => { | |
if (!set.moves.includes('switcheroo')) return; | |
assert(set.item.startsWith('Choice'), `Ambipom has Switcheroo and no Choice item (set=${JSON.stringify(set)})`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should give Yanmega Tinted Lens when it has Choice Specs', () => { | |
testSet('yanmega', options, set => { | |
if (set.item !== 'Choice Specs') return; | |
assert.equal(set.ability, 'Tinted Lens', `Yanmega has Protect and no Tinted Lens (set=${JSON.stringify(set)})`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('should give Yanmega Speed Boost if it has Protect', () => { | |
testSet('yanmega', options, set => { | |
if (!set.moves.includes('protect')) return; | |
assert.equal(set.ability, 'Speed Boost', `Yanmega has Protect and no Speed Boost (set=${JSON.stringify(set)})`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
}); | |