/** | |
* Miscellaneous Random Battle-related tests not associated with a particular generation. | |
*/ | |
; | |
const assert = require('../assert'); | |
const common = require('../common'); | |
const { Utils } = require('../../dist/lib'); | |
const { testTeam, assertSetValidity, validateLearnset } = require('./tools'); | |
const { default: Dex } = require('../../dist/sim/dex'); | |
describe('value rule support (slow)', () => { | |
it('should generate teams of the proper length for the format (i.e. support Max Team Size)', () => { | |
testTeam({ format: 'gen9randombattle', rounds: 100 }, team => assert.equal(team.length, 6)); | |
testTeam({ format: 'gen9challengecup1v1', rounds: 100 }, team => assert.equal(team.length, 6)); | |
testTeam({ format: 'gen9hackmonscup', rounds: 100 }, team => assert.equal(team.length, 6)); | |
testTeam({ format: 'gen8multirandombattle', rounds: 100 }, team => assert.equal(team.length, 3)); | |
testTeam({ format: 'gen8cap1v1', rounds: 100 }, team => assert.equal(team.length, 3)); | |
testTeam({ format: 'gen7randombattle', rounds: 100 }, team => assert.equal(team.length, 6)); | |
}); | |
for (let gen = 1; gen <= 9; gen++) { | |
const formatID = `gen${gen}randombattle`; | |
const dex = Dex.forFormat(formatID); | |
for (const count of [1, 3, 24]) { | |
// This is tough to test in Gen 1 because we don't know how many moves a Pokémon ought to have, | |
// so we only test 'Max Move Count = 1' in Gen 1. | |
if (gen === 1 && count !== 1) continue; | |
const format = Dex.formats.get(`${formatID}@@@Max Move Count = ${count}`); | |
// New set format | |
if ([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9].includes(gen)) { | |
// Due to frontloading of moveset generation, formats with the new set format do not support | |
// Max Move Counts less than 4 | |
if (count < 4) continue; | |
const setsJSON = require(`../../dist/data/random-battles/gen${gen}/sets.json`); | |
it(`${} should support Max Move Count = ${count}`, () => { | |
testTeam({ format, rounds: 50 }, team => { | |
for (const set of team) { | |
let species = set.species; | |
// Formes make this test code really complicated, so we skip them | |
// (This is because info about formes isn't passed through) | |
if (dex.species.get(species).otherFormes?.length || dex.species.get(species).forme) continue; | |
if (set.gigantamax && !set.species.endsWith('max')) species += '-Gmax'; | |
// This is an array because the new set format can have multiple sets, and hence multiple possible | |
// set lengths. | |
const expectedMoves = []; | |
for (const s of setsJSON[dex.species.get(species).id].sets) { | |
let seenHP = false; | |
let totalMoves = 0; | |
for (const move of s.movepool) { | |
if (move.startsWith('hiddenpower')) { | |
if (seenHP) continue; | |
seenHP = true; | |
} | |
totalMoves++; | |
} | |
expectedMoves.push(Math.min(totalMoves, count)); | |
} | |
assert(expectedMoves.includes(set.moves.length), `${species} should have ${expectedMoves.toString()} moves (moves=${set.moves})`); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
} else { | |
const dataJSON = require(`../../dist/data/random-battles/gen${gen}/data.json`); | |
it(`${} should support Max Move Count = ${count}`, () => { | |
testTeam({ format, rounds: 50 }, team => { | |
for (const set of team) { | |
let species = set.species; | |
// Formes make this test code really complicated, so we skip them | |
// (This is because info about formes isn't passed through) | |
if (dex.species.get(species).otherFormes?.length || dex.species.get(species).forme) continue; | |
if (set.gigantamax && !set.species.endsWith('max')) species += '-Gmax'; | |
// If the Pokémon has less than the max in its movepool, we should | |
// just see all those moves. | |
let totalMoves = 0; | |
let seenHP = false; | |
for (const move of dataJSON[dex.species.get(species).id].moves) { | |
if (move.startsWith('hiddenpower')) { | |
if (seenHP) continue; | |
seenHP = true; | |
} | |
totalMoves++; | |
} | |
const expected = Math.min(totalMoves, count); | |
assert.equal(set.moves.length, expected, `${species} should have ${expected} moves (moves=${set.moves})`); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
for (const format of Dex.formats.all()) { | |
if (! continue; | |
if (Dex.formats.getRuleTable(format).has('adjustleveldown') || Dex.formats.getRuleTable(format).has('adjustlevel')) continue; // already adjusts level | |
for (const level of [1, 99999]) { | |
it(`${} should support Adjust Level = ${level}`, () => { | |
testTeam({ format: `${}@@@Adjust Level = ${level}`, rounds: 50 }, team => { | |
for (const set of team) { | |
assert.equal(set.level, level); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
describe("New set format (slow)", () => { | |
// formatInfo lists filenames and roles for each format | |
const formatInfo = { | |
"gen2randombattle": { | |
filename: "gen2/sets", | |
roles: ["Fast Attacker", "Setup Sweeper", "Bulky Attacker", "Bulky Setup", "Bulky Support", "Generalist", "Thief user"], | |
}, | |
"gen3randombattle": { | |
filename: "gen3/sets", | |
roles: ["Fast Attacker", "Setup Sweeper", "Wallbreaker", "Bulky Attacker", "Bulky Setup", "Staller", "Bulky Support", "Generalist", "Berry Sweeper"], | |
}, | |
"gen4randombattle": { | |
filename: "gen4/sets", | |
roles: ["Fast Attacker", "Setup Sweeper", "Wallbreaker", "Bulky Attacker", "Bulky Setup", "Staller", "Bulky Support", "Fast Support", "Spinner"], | |
}, | |
"gen5randombattle": { | |
filename: "gen5/sets", | |
roles: ["Fast Attacker", "Setup Sweeper", "Wallbreaker", "Bulky Attacker", "Bulky Setup", "Staller", "Bulky Support", "Fast Support", "Spinner"], | |
}, | |
"gen6randombattle": { | |
filename: "gen6/sets", | |
roles: ["Fast Attacker", "Setup Sweeper", "Wallbreaker", "Bulky Attacker", "Bulky Setup", "Staller", "Bulky Support", "Fast Support", "AV Pivot"], | |
}, | |
"gen7randombattle": { | |
filename: "gen7/sets", | |
roles: ["Fast Attacker", "Setup Sweeper", "Wallbreaker", "Z-Move user", "Bulky Attacker", "Bulky Setup", "Staller", "Bulky Support", "Fast Support", "AV Pivot"], | |
}, | |
"gen9randombattle": { | |
filename: "gen9/sets", | |
roles: ["Fast Attacker", "Setup Sweeper", "Wallbreaker", "Tera Blast user", "Bulky Attacker", "Bulky Setup", "Fast Bulky Setup", "Bulky Support", "Fast Support", "AV Pivot"], | |
}, | |
"gen9randomdoublesbattle": { | |
filename: "gen9/doubles-sets", | |
roles: ["Doubles Fast Attacker", "Doubles Setup Sweeper", "Doubles Wallbreaker", "Tera Blast user", "Doubles Bulky Attacker", "Doubles Bulky Setup", "Offensive Protect", "Bulky Protect", "Doubles Support", "Choice Item user"], | |
}, | |
"gen9babyrandombattle": { | |
filename: "gen9baby/sets", | |
roles: ["Fast Attacker", "Setup Sweeper", "Wallbreaker", "Tera Blast user", "Bulky Attacker", "Bulky Setup", "Bulky Support", "Fast Support"], | |
}, | |
"gen9randombattle@@@+cap": { | |
filename: "gen9cap/sets", | |
roles: ["Fast Attacker", "Setup Sweeper", "Wallbreaker", "Tera Blast user", "Bulky Attacker", "Bulky Setup", "Fast Bulky Setup", "Bulky Support", "Fast Support", "AV Pivot"], | |
}, | |
}; | |
for (const format of Object.keys(formatInfo)) { | |
const filename = formatInfo[format].filename; | |
const setsJSON = require(`../../dist/data/random-battles/${filename}.json`); | |
const dex = common.mod(common.getFormat({ formatid: format }).mod).dex; // verifies format exists | |
const genNum = dex.gen; | |
const rounds = 100; | |
it(`${filename}.json should have valid set data`, () => { | |
const validRoles = formatInfo[format].roles; | |
for (const [id, sets] of Object.entries(setsJSON)) { | |
const species = dex.species.get(id); | |
assert(species.exists, `In ${format}, misspelled species ID: ${id}`); | |
assert(Array.isArray(sets.sets)); | |
for (const set of sets.sets) { | |
assert(validRoles.includes(set.role), `In ${format}, set for ${} has invalid role: ${set.role}`); | |
for (const move of set.movepool) { | |
const dexMove = dex.moves.get(move); | |
assert(dexMove.exists, `In ${format}, ${} has invalid move: ${move}`); | |
// Old gens have moves in id form, currently. | |
if (genNum === 9) { | |
assert.equal(move,, `In ${format}, ${} has misformatted move: ${move}`); | |
} else { | |
assert(move === || move.startsWith('hiddenpower'), `In ${format}, ${} has misformatted move: ${move}`); | |
} | |
assert(validateLearnset(dexMove, { species }, 'ubers', `gen${genNum}`), `In ${format}, ${} can't learn ${move}`); | |
} | |
for (let i = 0; i < set.movepool.length - 1; i++) { | |
assert(set.movepool[i + 1] > set.movepool[i], `In ${format}, ${} movepool should be sorted alphabetically`); | |
} | |
if (genNum >= 3) { | |
assert(set.abilities, `In ${format}, ${set.abilities} has no abilities`); | |
for (const ability of set.abilities) { | |
const dexAbility = dex.abilities.get(ability); | |
assert(dexAbility.exists, `In ${format}, ${} has invalid ability: ${ability}`); | |
// Mega/Primal Pokemon have abilities from their base formes | |
const allowedAbilities = new Set(Object.values((species.battleOnly && !species.requiredAbility) ? dex.species.get(species.battleOnly).abilities : species.abilities)); | |
if (species.unreleasedHidden) allowedAbilities.delete(species.abilities.H); | |
assert(allowedAbilities.has(ability), `In ${format}, ${} can't have ${ability}`); | |
} | |
for (let i = 0; i < set.abilities.length - 1; i++) { | |
assert(set.abilities[i + 1] > set.abilities[i], `In ${format}, ${} abilities should be sorted alphabetically`); | |
} | |
} | |
if (genNum === 9) { | |
assert(set.teraTypes, `In ${format}, ${} has no Tera Types`); | |
for (const type of set.teraTypes) { | |
const dexType = dex.types.get(type); | |
assert(dexType.exists, `In ${format}, ${} has invalid Tera Type: ${type}`); | |
assert.equal(type,, `In ${format}, ${} has misformatted Tera Type: ${type}`); | |
} | |
for (let i = 0; i < set.teraTypes.length - 1; i++) { | |
assert(set.teraTypes[i + 1] > set.teraTypes[i], `In ${format}, ${} teraTypes should be sorted alphabetically`); | |
} | |
} | |
if (set.preferredTypes) { | |
for (const type of set.preferredTypes) { | |
const dexType = dex.types.get(type); | |
assert(dexType.exists, `In ${format}, ${} has invalid Preferred Type: ${type}`); | |
assert.equal(type,, `In ${format}, ${} has misformatted Preferred Type: ${type}`); | |
} | |
for (let i = 0; i < set.preferredTypes.length - 1; i++) { | |
assert(set.preferredTypes[i + 1] > set.preferredTypes[i], `In ${format}, ${} preferredTypes should be sorted alphabetically`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
it('all Pokemon should have 4 moves, except for Ditto and Unown', () => { | |
testTeam({ format, rounds }, team => { | |
for (const pokemon of team) assert( === 'Ditto' || === 'Unown' || pokemon.moves.length === 4, `In ${format}, ${} can generate with ${pokemon.moves.length} moves`); | |
}); | |
}); | |
it('all moves on all sets should exist and be obtainable', () => { | |
const generator = Teams.getGenerator(format); | |
for (const pokemon of Object.keys(setsJSON)) { | |
const species = dex.species.get(pokemon); | |
assert(species.exists, `In ${format}, Pokemon ${species} does not exist`); | |
const sets = setsJSON[pokemon]["sets"]; | |
const types = species.types; | |
for (const set of sets) { | |
assert(set.movepool.every(m => dex.moves.get(m).exists), `In ${format}, for Pokemon ${species}, one of ${set.movepool} does not exist.`); | |
const role = set.role; | |
const moves = new Set( => (m.startsWith('hiddenpower') ? m : dex.moves.get(m).id))); | |
const abilities = set.abilities || []; | |
const specialTypes = genNum === 9 ? set.teraTypes : set.preferredTypes; | |
// Go through all possible teamDetails combinations, if necessary | |
for (let j = 0; j < rounds; j++) { | |
// In Gens 2-3, if a set has multiple preferred types, we enforce moves of all the types. | |
const specialType = specialTypes ? (genNum > 3 ? specialTypes[j % specialTypes.length] : specialTypes.join()) : ''; | |
// Generate a moveset for each combination of relevant teamDetails. Spikes is relevant for Gen 2. | |
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { | |
const rapidSpin = i % 2; | |
const stealthRock = Math.floor(i / 2) % 2; | |
const stickyWeb = Math.floor(i / 4) % 2; | |
const spikes = Math.floor(i / 8) % 2; | |
const screens = Math.floor(i / 2) % 2; | |
const teamDetails = { rapidSpin, stealthRock, stickyWeb, spikes, screens }; | |
// randomMoveset() deletes moves from the movepool, so recreate it every time | |
const movePool = => (m.startsWith('hiddenpower') ? m : dex.moves.get(m).id)); | |
let moveSet; | |
if (genNum === 9) { | |
moveSet = generator.randomMoveset(types, abilities, teamDetails, species, false, format.includes('doubles'), movePool, specialType, role); | |
} else { | |
moveSet = generator.randomMoveset(types, abilities, teamDetails, species, false, movePool, specialType, role); | |
} | |
for (const move of moveSet) moves.delete(move); | |
if (!moves.size) break; | |
} | |
if (!moves.size) break; | |
} | |
assert.false(moves.size, `In ${format}, the following moves on ${} are unused: ${[...moves].join(', ')}`); | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
}); | |
describe('randomly generated teams should be valid (slow)', () => { | |
for (const format of Dex.formats.all()) { | |
if (! continue; // format doesn't use randomly generated teams | |
if (format.mod === 'gen9ssb') continue; // Temporary | |
it(`should generate valid ${format} teams`, function () { | |
this.timeout(0); | |
const targetTeamSize = Dex.formats.getRuleTable(format).maxTeamSize; | |
testTeam({ format: }, team => { | |
assert.equal(team.length, targetTeamSize, `Team of incorrect size (should have ${targetTeamSize} Pokémon but actually has ${team.length} Pokémon): ${JSON.stringify(team)}`); | |
for (const set of team) { | |
assertSetValidity(format, set); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
} | |
}); | |
describe('Battle Factory and BSS Factory data should be valid (slow)', () => { | |
for (const filename of ['gen9/factory-sets', 'gen8/factory-sets', 'gen8/bss-factory-sets', 'gen7/bss-factory-sets', 'gen7/factory-sets', 'gen6/factory-sets']) { | |
it(`${filename}.json should contain valid sets`, function () { | |
this.timeout(0); | |
const setsJSON = require(`../../dist/data/random-battles/${filename}.json`); | |
const mod = filename.split('/')[0] || 'gen' + Dex.gen; | |
const genNum = isNaN(mod[3]) ? Dex.gen : parseInt(mod[3]); | |
const dex = Dex.mod(mod); | |
for (const type in setsJSON) { | |
const typeTable = filename.includes('bss-factory-sets') ? setsJSON : setsJSON[type]; | |
let vType; | |
if (filename.includes('bss-factory-sets')) { | |
vType = `battle${genNum === 8 ? 'stadium' : 'spot'}singles`; | |
} else if (type === 'Mono') { | |
vType = 'monotype'; | |
} else if (type === 'Uber') { | |
vType = 'ubers'; | |
} else { | |
vType = type.toLowerCase(); | |
} | |
for (const species in typeTable) { | |
const speciesData = typeTable[species]; | |
for (const set of speciesData.sets) { | |
const species = dex.species.get(set.species); | |
assert(species.exists, `invalid species "${set.species}" of ${species}`); | |
assert.equal(, set.species, `miscapitalized species "${set.species}" of ${species}`); | |
assert(, `non-matching species "${set.species}" of ${species}`); | |
for (const itemName of [].concat(set.item)) { | |
if (!itemName) continue; | |
const item = dex.items.get(itemName); | |
assert(item.exists, `invalid item "${itemName}" of ${species}`); | |
assert.equal(, itemName, `miscapitalized item "${itemName}" of ${species}`); | |
} | |
for (const abilityName of [].concat(set.ability)) { | |
const ability = dex.abilities.get(abilityName); | |
assert(ability.exists, `invalid ability "${abilityName}" of ${species}`); | |
assert.equal(, abilityName, `miscapitalized ability "${abilityName}" of ${species}`); | |
const allowedAbilities = new Set(Object.values((species.battleOnly && !species.requiredAbility) ? dex.species.get(species.battleOnly).abilities : species.abilities)); | |
if (species.unreleasedHidden) allowedAbilities.delete(species.abilities.H); | |
assert(allowedAbilities.has(abilityName), `${} can't have ${abilityName}`); | |
} | |
for (const natureName of [].concat(set.nature)) { | |
const nature = dex.natures.get(natureName); | |
assert(nature.exists, `invalid nature "${natureName}" of ${species}`); | |
assert.equal(, natureName, `miscapitalized nature "${natureName}" of ${species}`); | |
} | |
for (const moveSpec of set.moves) { | |
for (const moveName of [].concat(moveSpec)) { | |
const move = dex.moves.get(moveName); | |
assert(move.exists, `invalid move "${moveName}" of ${species}`); | |
assert.equal(, moveName, `miscapitalized move "${moveName}" ≠ "${}" of ${species}`); | |
if ( === 'zacian' && [].concat(set.item).includes('Rusted Sword') && moveName === 'Behemoth Blade') continue; | |
assert(validateLearnset(move, set, vType, mod), `illegal move "${moveName}" of ${species}`); | |
} | |
} | |
// Check that no moves appear more than once in a set | |
assert.equal(set.moves.flat(1).length, new Set(set.moves.flat(1)).size, `${species} has repeat moves`); | |
assert(!!set.evs, `Set of ${species} has no EVs specified`); | |
const keys = Object.keys(set.evs); | |
let totalEVs = 0; | |
for (const ev of keys) { | |
assert(dex.stats.ids().includes(ev), `Invalid EV key (${ev}) on set of ${species}`); | |
totalEVs += set.evs[ev]; | |
assert.equal(set.evs[ev] % 4, 0, `EVs of ${ev} not divisible by 4 on ${species}`); | |
} | |
const sortedKeys = Utils.sortBy([...keys], ev => dex.stats.ids().indexOf(ev)); | |
assert.deepEqual(keys, sortedKeys, `EVs out of order on set of ${species}, possibly because one of them is for the wrong stat`); | |
assert(totalEVs <= 510, `more than 510 EVs on set of ${species}`); | |
if (genNum === 9) { | |
assert(set.teraType, `missing Tera Types on set of ${species}`); | |
for (const type of set.teraType) { | |
const dexType = dex.types.get(type); | |
assert(dexType.exists, `${species} has invalid Tera Type: ${type}`); | |
assert.equal(type,, `${} has misformatted Tera Type: ${type}`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (filename === 'gen9/factory-sets') { | |
// Set weights should add up to 100 | |
let totalWeight = 0; | |
for (const set of speciesData.sets) { | |
totalWeight += set.weight; | |
} | |
assert.equal(totalWeight, 100, `Total set weight for ${species} is ${totalWeight < 100 ? 'less' : 'greater'} than 100%`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
}); | |
describe('[Gen 9] BSS Factory data should be valid (slow)', () => { | |
it(`gen9/bss-factory-sets.json should contain valid sets`, function () { | |
this.timeout(0); | |
const setsJSON = require(`../../dist/data/random-battles/gen9/bss-factory-sets.json`); | |
const mod = 'gen9'; | |
const genNum = 9; | |
for (const speciesid in setsJSON) { | |
const vType = 'bssregh'; | |
let totalWeight = 0; | |
for (const set of setsJSON[speciesid].sets) { | |
totalWeight += set.weight; | |
const species = Dex.species.get(set.species); | |
assert(species.exists, `invalid species "${set.species}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
assert(!species.isNonstandard, `illegal species "${set.species}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
assert.equal(, set.species, `miscapitalized species "${set.species}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
assert(, `non-matching species "${set.species}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
assert(!species.battleOnly, `invalid battle-only forme "${set.species}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
for (const itemName of [].concat(set.item)) { | |
if (!itemName && [].concat(...set.moves).includes("Acrobatics")) continue; | |
const item = Dex.forGen(genNum).items.get(itemName); | |
assert(item.exists, `invalid item "${itemName}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
assert.equal(, itemName, `miscapitalized item "${itemName}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
} | |
for (const abilityName of [].concat(set.ability)) { | |
const ability = Dex.forGen(genNum).abilities.get(abilityName); | |
assert(ability.exists, `invalid ability "${abilityName}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
assert.equal(, abilityName, `miscapitalized ability "${abilityName}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
} | |
for (const natureName of [].concat(set.nature)) { | |
const nature = Dex.forGen(genNum).natures.get(natureName); | |
assert(nature.exists, `invalid nature "${natureName}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
assert.equal(, natureName, `miscapitalized nature "${natureName}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
} | |
for (const moveSpec of set.moves) { | |
for (const moveName of [].concat(moveSpec)) { | |
const move = Dex.forGen(genNum).moves.get(moveName); | |
assert(move.exists, `invalid move "${moveName}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
assert.equal(, moveName, `miscapitalized move "${moveName}" ≠ "${}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
assert(validateLearnset(move, set, vType, mod), `illegal move "${moveName}" of ${speciesid}`); | |
} | |
} | |
assert(!!set.evs, `Set of ${speciesid} has no EVs specified`); | |
const keys = Object.keys(set.evs); | |
let totalEVs = 0; | |
for (const ev of keys) { | |
assert(Dex.stats.ids().includes(ev), `Invalid EV key (${ev}) on set of ${speciesid}`); | |
totalEVs += set.evs[ev]; | |
assert.equal(set.evs[ev] % 4, 0, `EVs of ${ev} not divisible by 4 on ${speciesid}`); | |
} | |
const sortedKeys = Utils.sortBy([...keys], ev => Dex.stats.ids().indexOf(ev)); | |
assert.deepEqual(keys, sortedKeys, `EVs out of order on set of ${speciesid}, possibly because one of them is for the wrong stat`); | |
assert(totalEVs <= 510, `more than 510 EVs on set of ${speciesid}`); | |
} | |
// Some species have 1/3 probability for each set | |
if (totalWeight === 99) totalWeight += 1; | |
assert.equal(totalWeight, 100, `Total set weight for ${speciesid} is ${totalWeight < 100 ? 'less' : 'greater'} than 100%`); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |