/** | |
* Assert extensions | |
* | |
* WARNING: These extensions are added directly to Node's `assert.strict`, | |
* modifying built-ins. We don't personally consider this a problem because | |
* it only happens in tests, but you should be aware in case you care. | |
* | |
* by Slayer95 and Zarel | |
*/ | |
; | |
const legacyAssert = require('assert'); | |
const assert = legacyAssert.strict; | |
const AssertionError = assert.AssertionError; | |
assert.bounded = function (value, range, message) { | |
if (value >= range[0] && value <= range[1]) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
actual: value, | |
expected: `[${range[0]}, ${range[1]}]`, | |
operator: '\u2208', | |
message, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.bounded, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.atLeast = function (value, threshold, message) { | |
if (value >= threshold) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
actual: value, | |
expected: `${threshold}`, | |
operator: '>=', | |
message, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.atLeast, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.atMost = function (value, threshold, message) { | |
if (value <= threshold) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
actual: value, | |
expected: `${threshold}`, | |
operator: '<=', | |
message, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.atMost, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.legalTeam = function (team, format, message) { | |
const actual = require('../dist/sim/team-validator').TeamValidator.get(format).validateTeam(team); | |
if (actual === null) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
message: message || "Expected team to be valid, but it was rejected because:\n" + actual.join("\n"), | |
stackStartFunction: assert.legalTeam, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.species = function (pokemon, species, message) { | |
const actual =; | |
if (actual === species) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
message: message || `Expected ${pokemon} species to be ${species}, not ${actual}.`, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.species, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.fainted = function (pokemon, message) { | |
if (!pokemon.hp) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
message: message || `Expected ${pokemon} to be fainted.`, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.fainted, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.fullHP = function (pokemon, message) { | |
if (pokemon.hp === pokemon.maxhp) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
message: message || `Expected ${pokemon} to be fully healed, not at ${pokemon.hp}/${pokemon.maxhp}.`, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.fullHP, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.hasAbility = function (pokemon, ability, message) { | |
const actual = pokemon.ability; | |
const expected = toID(ability); | |
if (actual === expected) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
message: message || `Expected ${pokemon} ability to be ${expected}, not ${actual}.`, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.hasAbility, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.holdsItem = function (pokemon, message) { | |
if (pokemon.item) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
message: message || `Expected ${pokemon} to hold an item`, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.holdsItem, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.trapped = function (fn, unavailable, message) { | |
assert.throws( | |
fn, | |
new RegExp(`\\[${unavailable ? 'Unavailable' : 'Invalid'} choice\\] Can't switch: The active Pokémon is trapped`), | |
message || 'Expected active Pokemon to be trapped.' | |
); | |
}; | |
assert.cantMove = function (fn, pokemon, move, unavailable, message) { | |
message = message ? `${message}; ` : ``; | |
if (pokemon && move) { | |
try { | |
fn(); | |
} catch (e) { | |
const lcMessage = e.message.toLowerCase(); | |
const choiceErrorTag = `[${unavailable ? 'Unavailable' : 'Invalid'} choice]`; | |
assert(e.message.includes(choiceErrorTag), `${message}Error "${e.message}" should contain "${choiceErrorTag}"`); | |
assert(lcMessage.includes(pokemon.toLowerCase()), `${message}Error "${e.message}" should contain "${pokemon}"`); | |
assert(lcMessage.includes(move.toLowerCase()), `${message}Error "${e.message}" should contain "${move}"`); | |
return; | |
} | |
} else { | |
try { | |
fn(); | |
} catch { | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
assert(false, `${message}${pokemon} should not be able to use ${move}.`); | |
}; | |
assert.cantUndo = function (fn, message) { | |
assert.throws(fn, /\[Invalid choice\] Can't undo:/, message || 'Expected to be unable to undo choice.'); | |
}; | |
assert.cantTarget = function (fn, move, message) { | |
assert.cantMove(fn, 'target', move, false, message || `Expected not to be able to choose a target for ${move}.`); | |
}; | |
assert.statStage = function (pokemon, statName, stage, message) { | |
const actual = pokemon.boosts[statName]; | |
if (actual === stage) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
message: message || `Expected ${pokemon}'s ${statName} at stage ${stage}, not at ${actual}.`, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.statStage, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.hurts = function (pokemon, fn, message) { | |
const prevHP = pokemon.hp; | |
fn(); | |
if (pokemon.hp < prevHP) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
actual: pokemon.hp, | |
expected: `${prevHP}`, | |
operator: '<', | |
message: message || `Expected ${pokemon} to be hurt.`, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.hurts, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.hurtsBy = function (pokemon, damage, fn, message) { | |
// Support of healing effects is intentional. | |
const prevHP = pokemon.hp; | |
fn(); | |
const actual = prevHP - pokemon.hp; | |
if (actual === damage) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
actual, | |
expected: damage, | |
operator: '===', | |
message: message || `Expected ${pokemon} to be hurt by ${damage}, not by ${actual}.`, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.hurtsBy, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.constant = function (getter, fn, message) { | |
const initialValue = getter(); | |
fn(); | |
const finalValue = getter(); | |
if (finalValue === initialValue) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
message: message || `Expected value to remain as ${initialValue}, not to change to ${finalValue}.`, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.constant, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.sets = function (getter, value, fn, message) { | |
assert.notEqual(getter(), value, `Function was prematurely equal to ${value}.`); | |
fn(); | |
const finalValue = getter(); | |
if (finalValue === value) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
actual: finalValue, | |
expected: value, | |
operator: '===', | |
message, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.sets, | |
}); | |
}; | |
// .throws() does not currently work with Promises. | |
assert.throwsAsync = async function (fn, message) { | |
try { | |
await fn(); | |
} catch { | |
return; // threw | |
} | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
message: message || `Expected function to throw an error.`, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.throwsAsync, | |
}); | |
}; | |
assert.doesNotThrowAsync = async function (fn, message) { | |
try { | |
await fn(); | |
} catch (e) { | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
message: message || `Expected function not to throw an error (threw ${e}).`, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.doesNotThrowAsync, | |
}); | |
} | |
}; | |
assert.strictEqual = () => { | |
throw new Error(`This API is deprecated; please use assert.equal()`); | |
}; | |
assert.deepStrictEqual = () => { | |
throw new Error(`This API is deprecated; please use assert.deepEqual()`); | |
}; | |
assert.notStrictEqual = () => { | |
throw new Error(`This API is deprecated; please use assert.notEqual()`); | |
}; | |
assert.notDeepStrictEqual = () => { | |
throw new Error(`This API is deprecated; please use assert.notDeepEqual()`); | |
}; | |
assert.ok = () => { | |
throw new Error(`This API is deprecated; please use assert()`); | |
}; | |
for (const fn in legacyAssert) { | |
if (fn !== 'strict' && typeof legacyAssert[fn] === 'function') { | |
legacyAssert[fn] = () => { | |
throw new Error(`This API is deprecated; please use assert.strict`); | |
}; | |
} | |
} | |
const assertMethods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(assert).filter(methodName => ( | |
methodName !== 'constructor' && methodName !== 'AssertionError' && typeof assert[methodName] === 'function' | |
)); | |
assert.false = function (value, message) { | |
if (!value) return; | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
actual: `!${value}`, | |
expected: true, | |
operator: '===', | |
message, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.false, | |
}); | |
}; | |
for (const methodName of assertMethods) { | |
const lastArgIndex = assert[methodName].length - 1; | |
assert.false[methodName] = function (...args) { | |
try { | |
assert[methodName].apply(null, args); | |
} catch { | |
return; | |
} | |
throw new AssertionError({ | |
message: lastArgIndex < args.length ? args[lastArgIndex] : `Expected '${methodName}' assertion to fail.`, | |
stackStartFunction: assert.false[methodName], | |
}); | |
}; | |
} | |
module.exports = assert; | |