Pokemon_server / sim /tools /exhaustive-runner.ts
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* Battle Simulator exhaustive runner.
* Pokemon Showdown - http://pokemonshowdown.com/
* @license MIT
import type { ObjectReadWriteStream } from '../../lib/streams';
import { Dex, toID } from '../dex';
import { PRNG, type PRNGSeed } from '../prng';
import { RandomPlayerAI } from './random-player-ai';
import { type AIOptions, Runner } from './runner';
interface Pools {
pokemon: Pool;
items: Pool;
abilities: Pool;
moves: Pool;
export interface ExhaustiveRunnerOptions {
format: string;
cycles?: number;
prng?: PRNG | PRNGSeed | null;
log?: boolean;
maxGames?: number;
maxFailures?: number;
dual?: boolean | 'debug';
export class ExhaustiveRunner {
static readonly DEFAULT_CYCLES = 1;
static readonly MAX_FAILURES = 10;
// TODO: Add triple battles once supported by the AI.
static readonly FORMATS = [
'gen9customgame', 'gen9doublescustomgame',
'gen8customgame', 'gen8doublescustomgame',
'gen7customgame', 'gen7doublescustomgame',
'gen6customgame', 'gen6doublescustomgame',
'gen5customgame', 'gen5doublescustomgame',
'gen4customgame', 'gen4doublescustomgame',
'gen3customgame', 'gen3doublescustomgame',
private readonly format: string;
private readonly cycles: number;
private readonly prng: PRNG;
private readonly log: boolean;
private readonly maxGames?: number;
private readonly maxFailures?: number;
private readonly dual: boolean | 'debug';
private failures: number;
private games: number;
constructor(options: ExhaustiveRunnerOptions) {
this.format = options.format;
this.cycles = options.cycles || ExhaustiveRunner.DEFAULT_CYCLES;
this.prng = PRNG.get(options.prng);
this.log = !!options.log;
this.maxGames = options.maxGames;
this.maxFailures = options.maxFailures || ExhaustiveRunner.MAX_FAILURES;
this.dual = options.dual || false;
this.failures = 0;
this.games = 0;
async run() {
const dex = Dex.forFormat(this.format);
const seed = this.prng.getSeed();
const pools = this.createPools(dex);
const createAI = (s: ObjectReadWriteStream<string>, o: AIOptions) => new CoordinatedPlayerAI(s, o, pools);
const generator = new TeamGenerator(dex, this.prng, pools, ExhaustiveRunner.getSignatures(dex, pools));
do {
try {
const is4P = dex.formats.get(this.format).gameType === 'multi';
// We run these sequentially instead of async so that the team generator
// and the AI can coordinate usage properly.
await new Runner({
prng: this.prng,
p1options: { team: generator.generate(), createAI },
p2options: { team: generator.generate(), createAI },
p3options: is4P ? { team: generator.generate(), createAI } : undefined,
p4options: is4P ? { team: generator.generate(), createAI } : undefined,
format: this.format,
dual: this.dual,
error: true,
if (this.log) this.logProgress(pools);
} catch (err) {
`\n\nRun \`node tools/simulate exhaustive --cycles=${this.cycles} ` +
`--format=${this.format} --seed=${seed}\`:\n`,
} while ((!this.maxGames || this.games < this.maxGames) &&
(!this.maxFailures || this.failures < this.maxFailures) &&
generator.exhausted < this.cycles);
return this.failures;
private createPools(dex: typeof Dex): Pools {
return {
pokemon: new Pool(ExhaustiveRunner.onlyValid(dex.gen, dex.data.Pokedex, p => dex.species.get(p), (_, p) =>
(p.name !== 'Pichu-Spiky-eared' && p.name.substr(0, 8) !== 'Pikachu-') &&
!['Greninja-Bond', 'Rockruff-Dusk'].includes(p.name)),
items: new Pool(ExhaustiveRunner.onlyValid(dex.gen, dex.data.Items, i => dex.items.get(i)), this.prng),
abilities: new Pool(ExhaustiveRunner.onlyValid(dex.gen, dex.data.Abilities, a => dex.abilities.get(a)), this.prng),
moves: new Pool(ExhaustiveRunner.onlyValid(dex.gen, dex.data.Moves, m => dex.moves.get(m),
m => (m !== 'struggle' && (m === 'hiddenpower' || m.substr(0, 11) !== 'hiddenpower'))), this.prng),
private logProgress(p: Pools) {
// `\r` = return to the beginning of the line
// `\x1b[k` (`\e[K`) = clear all characters from cursor position to EOL
if (this.games) process.stdout.write('\r\x1b[K');
// Deliberately don't print a `\n` character so that we can overwrite
`[${this.format}] P:${p.pokemon} I:${p.items} A:${p.abilities} M:${p.moves} = ${this.games}`
private static getSignatures(dex: typeof Dex, pools: Pools): Map<string, { item: string, move?: string }[]> {
const signatures = new Map();
for (const id of pools.items.possible) {
const item = dex.data.Items[id];
if (item.megaEvolves) {
const pokemon = toID(item.megaEvolves);
const combo = { item: id };
let combos = signatures.get(pokemon);
if (!combos) {
combos = [];
signatures.set(pokemon, combos);
} else if (item.itemUser) {
for (const user of item.itemUser) {
const pokemon = toID(user);
const combo: { item: string, move?: string } = { item: id };
if (item.zMoveFrom) combo.move = toID(item.zMoveFrom);
let combos = signatures.get(pokemon);
if (!combos) {
combos = [];
signatures.set(pokemon, combos);
return signatures;
private static onlyValid<T>(
gen: number, obj: { [key: string]: T }, getter: (k: string) => AnyObject,
additional?: (k: string, v: AnyObject) => boolean, nonStandard?: boolean
) {
return Object.keys(obj).filter(k => {
const v = getter(k);
return v.gen <= gen &&
(!v.isNonstandard || !!nonStandard) &&
(!additional || additional(k, v));
// Generates random teams of pokemon suitable for use in custom games (ie. without team
// validation). Coordinates with the CoordinatedPlayerAI below through Pools to ensure as
// many different options as possible get exercised in battle.
class TeamGenerator {
// By default, the TeamGenerator generates sets completely at random which unforunately means
// certain signature combinations (eg. Mega Stone/Z Moves which only work for specific Pokemon)
// are unlikely to be chosen. To combat this, we keep a mapping of these combinations and some
// fraction of the time when we are generating sets for these particular Pokemon we give them
// the combinations they need to exercise the simulator more thoroughly.
static readonly COMBO = 0.5;
private readonly dex: typeof Dex;
private readonly prng: PRNG;
private readonly pools: Pools;
private readonly signatures: Map<string, { item: string, move?: string }[]>;
private readonly natures: readonly string[];
dex: typeof Dex, prng: PRNG | PRNGSeed | null, pools: Pools,
signatures: Map<string, { item: string, move?: string }[]>
) {
this.dex = dex;
this.prng = PRNG.get(prng);
this.pools = pools;
this.signatures = signatures;
this.natures = Object.keys(this.dex.data.Natures);
get exhausted() {
const exhausted = [this.pools.pokemon.exhausted, this.pools.moves.exhausted];
if (this.dex.gen >= 2) exhausted.push(this.pools.items.exhausted);
if (this.dex.gen >= 3) exhausted.push(this.pools.abilities.exhausted);
return Math.min.apply(null, exhausted);
generate() {
const team: PokemonSet[] = [];
for (const pokemon of this.pools.pokemon.next(6)) {
const species = this.dex.species.get(pokemon);
const randomEVs = () => this.prng.random(253);
const randomIVs = () => this.prng.random(32);
let item;
const moves = [];
const combos = this.signatures.get(species.id);
if (combos && this.prng.random() > TeamGenerator.COMBO) {
const combo = this.prng.sample(combos);
item = combo.item;
if (combo.move) moves.push(combo.move);
} else {
item = this.dex.gen >= 2 ? this.pools.items.next() : '';
name: species.baseSpecies,
species: species.name,
gender: species.gender,
ability: this.dex.gen >= 3 ? this.pools.abilities.next() : 'None',
moves: moves.concat(...this.pools.moves.next(4 - moves.length)),
evs: {
hp: randomEVs(),
atk: randomEVs(),
def: randomEVs(),
spa: randomEVs(),
spd: randomEVs(),
spe: randomEVs(),
ivs: {
hp: randomIVs(),
atk: randomIVs(),
def: randomIVs(),
spa: randomIVs(),
spd: randomIVs(),
spe: randomIVs(),
nature: this.prng.sample(this.natures),
level: this.prng.random(50, 100),
happiness: this.prng.random(256),
shiny: this.prng.randomChance(1, 1024),
return team;
class Pool {
readonly possible: string[];
private readonly prng: PRNG;
private unused: Set<string>;
private filled: Set<string> | undefined;
private filler: string[] | undefined;
private iter: (Iterator<string> & { done?: boolean }) | undefined;
exhausted: number;
constructor(possible: string[], prng: PRNG) {
this.possible = possible;
this.prng = prng;
this.exhausted = 0;
this.unused = new Set();
toString() {
return `${this.exhausted} (${this.unused.size}/${this.possible.length})`;
private reset() {
if (this.filled) this.exhausted++;
this.iter = undefined;
this.unused = new Set(this.shuffle(this.possible));
if (this.possible.length && this.filled) {
for (const used of this.filled) {
this.filled = new Set();
if (!this.unused.size) this.reset();
} else {
this.filled = new Set();
this.filler = this.possible.slice();
// POST: this.unused.size === this.possible.length
// POST: this.filler.length > 0
// POST: this.filled.size === 0
// POST: this.iter === undefined
private shuffle<T>(arr: T[]): T[] {
for (let i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = this.prng.random(i + 1);
[arr[i], arr[j]] = [arr[j], arr[i]];
return arr;
wasUsed(k: string) {
// NOTE: We are intentionally clearing our iterator even though `unused`
// hasn't been modified, see explanation below.
this.iter = undefined;
return !this.unused.has(k);
markUsed(k: string) {
this.iter = undefined;
next(): string;
next(num: number): string[];
next(num?: number): string | string[] {
if (!num) return this.choose();
const chosen = [];
for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
return chosen;
// Returns the next option in our set of unused options which were shuffled
// before insertion so as to come out in random order. The iterator is
// reset when the pools are manipulated by the CombinedPlayerAI (`markUsed`
// as it mutates the set, but also `wasUsed` because resetting the
// iterator isn't so much 'marking it as invalid' as 'signalling that we
// should move the unused options to the top again').
// As the pool of options dwindles, we run into scenarios where `choose`
// will keep returning the same options. This helps ensure they get used,
// but having a game with every Pokemon having the same move or ability etc
// is less realistic, so instead we 'fill' out the remaining choices during a
// generator round (ie. until our iterator gets invalidated during gameplay).
// The 'filler' choices are tracked in `filled` to later subtract from the next
// exhaustion cycle of this pool, but in theory we could be so unlucky that
// we loop through our fillers multiple times while dealing with a few stubborn
// remaining options in `unused`, therefore undercounting our `exhausted` total,
// but this is considered to be unlikely enough that we don't care (and
// `exhausted` is a lower bound anyway).
private choose() {
if (!this.unused.size) this.reset();
if (this.iter) {
if (!this.iter.done) {
const next = this.iter.next();
this.iter.done = next.done;
if (!next.done) return next.value;
return this.fill();
this.iter = this.unused.values();
const next = this.iter.next();
this.iter.done = next.done;
// this.iter.next() must have a value (!this.iter.done) because this.unused.size > 0
// after this.reset(), and the only places that mutate this.unused clear this.iter.
return next.value;
private fill() {
let length = this.filler!.length;
if (!length) {
this.filler = this.possible.slice();
length = this.filler.length;
const index = this.prng.random(length);
const element = this.filler![index];
this.filler![index] = this.filler![length - 1];
return element;
// Random AI which shares Pools with the TeamGenerator to coordinate creating battle simulations
// that test out as many different Pokemon/Species/Items/Moves as possible. The logic is still
// random, so it's not going to optimally use as many new effects as would be possible, but it
// should exhaust its pools much faster than the naive RandomPlayerAI alone.
// NOTE: We're tracking 'usage' when we make the choice and not what actually gets used in Battle.
// These can differ in edge cases and so its possible we report that we've 'used' every option
// when we haven't (for example, we may switch in a Pokemon with an ability, but we're not
// guaranteeing the ability activates, etc).
class CoordinatedPlayerAI extends RandomPlayerAI {
private readonly pools: Pools;
constructor(playerStream: ObjectReadWriteStream<string>, options: AIOptions, pools: Pools) {
super(playerStream, options);
this.pools = pools;
protected chooseTeamPreview(team: AnyObject[]): string {
return `team ${this.choosePokemon(team.map((p, i) => ({ slot: i + 1, pokemon: p }))) || 1}`;
protected chooseMove(active: AnyObject, moves: { choice: string, move: AnyObject }[]): string {
// Prefer to use a move which hasn't been used yet.
for (const { choice, move } of moves) {
const id = this.fixMove(move);
if (!this.pools.moves.wasUsed(id)) {
return choice;
return super.chooseMove(active, moves);
protected chooseSwitch(active: AnyObject | undefined, switches: { slot: number, pokemon: AnyObject }[]): number {
return this.choosePokemon(switches) || super.chooseSwitch(active, switches);
private choosePokemon(choices: { slot: number, pokemon: AnyObject }[]) {
// Prefer to choose a Pokemon that has a species/ability/item/move we haven't seen yet.
for (const { slot, pokemon } of choices) {
const species = toID(pokemon.details.split(',')[0]);
if (
!this.pools.pokemon.wasUsed(species) ||
!this.pools.abilities.wasUsed(pokemon.baseAbility) ||
!this.pools.items.wasUsed(pokemon.item) ||
pokemon.moves.some((m: AnyObject) => !this.pools.moves.wasUsed(this.fixMove(m)))
) {
return slot;
// The move options provided by the simulator have been converted from the name
// which we're tracking, so we need to convert them back.
private fixMove(m: AnyObject) {
const id = toID(m.move);
if (id.startsWith('return')) return 'return';
if (id.startsWith('frustration')) return 'frustration';
if (id.startsWith('hiddenpower')) return 'hiddenpower';
return id;
// Gigantamax Pokemon need to be special cased for tracking because the current
// tracking only works if you can switch in a Pokemon.
private markUsedIfGmax(active: AnyObject | undefined) {
if (active && !active.canDynamax && active.maxMoves?.gigantamax) {