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* Simulator Pokemon
* Pokemon Showdown - http://pokemonshowdown.com/
* @license MIT license
import { State } from './state';
import { toID } from './dex';
import type { DynamaxOptions, PokemonMoveRequestData, PokemonSwitchRequestData } from './side';
/** A Pokemon's move slot. */
interface MoveSlot {
id: ID;
move: string;
pp: number;
maxpp: number;
target?: string;
disabled: boolean | string;
disabledSource?: string;
used: boolean;
virtual?: boolean;
interface Attacker {
source: Pokemon;
damage: number;
thisTurn: boolean;
move?: ID;
slot: PokemonSlot;
damageValue?: (number | boolean | undefined);
export interface EffectState {
id: string;
effectOrder: number;
duration?: number;
[k: string]: any;
// Berries which restore PP/HP and thus inflict external staleness when given to an opponent as
// there are very few non-malicious competitive reasons to do so
export const RESTORATIVE_BERRIES = new Set([
'leppaberry', 'aguavberry', 'enigmaberry', 'figyberry', 'iapapaberry', 'magoberry', 'sitrusberry', 'wikiberry', 'oranberry',
] as ID[]);
export class Pokemon {
readonly side: Side;
readonly battle: Battle;
readonly set: PokemonSet;
readonly name: string;
/** `` `${sideid}: ${name}` `` - used to refer to pokemon in the protocol */
readonly fullname: string;
readonly level: number;
readonly gender: GenderName;
readonly happiness: number;
readonly pokeball: ID;
readonly dynamaxLevel: number;
readonly gigantamax: boolean;
/** Transform keeps the original pre-transformed Hidden Power in Gen 2-4. */
readonly baseHpType: string;
readonly baseHpPower: number;
readonly baseMoveSlots: MoveSlot[];
moveSlots: MoveSlot[];
hpType: string;
hpPower: number;
* Index of `pokemon.side.pokemon` and `pokemon.side.active`, which are
* guaranteed to be the same for active pokemon. Note that this isn't
* its field position in multi battles - use `getSlot()` for that.
position: number;
* Information about this pokemon visible to opponents when in battle
* (species, gender, level, shininess, tera state).
* @see https://github.com/smogon/pokemon-showdown/blob/master/sim/SIM-PROTOCOL.md#identifying-pok%C3%A9mon
details: string;
baseSpecies: Species;
species: Species;
speciesState: EffectState;
status: ID;
statusState: EffectState;
volatiles: { [id: string]: EffectState };
showCure?: boolean;
* These are the basic stats that appear on the in-game stats screen:
* calculated purely from the species base stats, level, IVs, EVs,
* and Nature, before modifications from item, ability, etc.
* Forme changes affect these, but Transform doesn't.
baseStoredStats: StatsTable;
* These are pre-modification stored stats in-battle. At switch-in,
* they're identical to `baseStoredStats`, but can be temporarily changed
* until switch-out by effects such as Power Trick and Transform.
* Stat multipliers from abilities, items, and volatiles, such as
* Solar Power, Choice Band, or Swords Dance, are not stored in
* `storedStats`, but applied on top and accessed by `pokemon.getStat`.
* (Except in Gen 1, where stat multipliers are stored, leading
* to several famous glitches.)
storedStats: StatsExceptHPTable;
boosts: BoostsTable;
baseAbility: ID;
ability: ID;
abilityState: EffectState;
item: ID;
itemState: EffectState;
lastItem: ID;
usedItemThisTurn: boolean;
ateBerry: boolean;
trapped: boolean | "hidden";
maybeTrapped: boolean;
maybeDisabled: boolean;
illusion: Pokemon | null;
transformed: boolean;
maxhp: number;
/** This is the max HP before Dynamaxing; it's updated for Power Construct etc */
baseMaxhp: number;
hp: number;
fainted: boolean;
faintQueued: boolean;
subFainted: boolean | null;
/** If this Pokemon should revert to its set species when it faints */
regressionForme: boolean;
types: string[];
addedType: string;
knownType: boolean;
/** Keeps track of what type the client sees for this Pokemon. */
apparentType: string;
* If the switch is called by an effect with a special switch
* message, like U-turn or Baton Pass, this will be the ID of
* the calling effect.
switchFlag: ID | boolean;
forceSwitchFlag: boolean;
skipBeforeSwitchOutEventFlag: boolean;
draggedIn: number | null;
newlySwitched: boolean;
beingCalledBack: boolean;
lastMove: ActiveMove | null;
// Gen 2 only
lastMoveEncore?: ActiveMove | null;
lastMoveUsed: ActiveMove | null;
lastMoveTargetLoc?: number;
moveThisTurn: string | boolean;
statsRaisedThisTurn: boolean;
statsLoweredThisTurn: boolean;
* The result of the last move used on the previous turn by this
* Pokemon. Stomping Tantrum checks this property for a value of false
* when determine whether to double its power, but it has four
* possible values:
* undefined indicates this Pokemon was not active last turn. It should
* not be used to indicate that a move was attempted and failed, either
* in a way that boosts Stomping Tantrum or not.
* null indicates that the Pokemon's move was skipped in such a way
* that does not boost Stomping Tantrum, either from having to recharge
* or spending a turn trapped by another Pokemon's Sky Drop.
* false indicates that the move completely failed to execute for any
* reason not mentioned above, including missing, the target being
* immune, the user being immobilized by an effect such as paralysis, etc.
* true indicates that the move successfully executed one or more of
* its effects on one or more targets, including hitting with an attack
* but dealing 0 damage to the target in cases such as Disguise, or that
* the move was blocked by one or more moves such as Protect.
moveLastTurnResult: boolean | null | undefined;
* The result of the most recent move used this turn by this Pokemon.
* At the start of each turn, the value stored here is moved to its
* counterpart, moveLastTurnResult, and this property is reinitialized
* to undefined. This property can have one of four possible values:
* undefined indicates that this Pokemon has not yet finished an
* attempt to use a move this turn. As this value is only overwritten
* after a move finishes execution, it is not sufficient for an event
* to examine only this property when checking if a Pokemon has not
* moved yet this turn if the event could take place during that
* Pokemon's move.
* null indicates that the Pokemon's move was skipped in such a way
* that does not boost Stomping Tantrum, either from having to recharge
* or spending a turn trapped by another Pokemon's Sky Drop.
* false indicates that the move completely failed to execute for any
* reason not mentioned above, including missing, the target being
* immune, the user being immobilized by an effect such as paralysis, etc.
* true indicates that the move successfully executed one or more of
* its effects on one or more targets, including hitting with an attack
* but dealing 0 damage to the target in cases such as Disguise. It can
* also mean that the move was blocked by one or more moves such as
* Protect. Uniquely, this value can also be true if this Pokemon mega
* evolved or ultra bursted this turn, but in that case the value should
* always be overwritten by a move action before the end of that turn.
moveThisTurnResult: boolean | null | undefined;
* The undynamaxed HP value this Pokemon was reduced to by damage this turn,
* or false if it hasn't taken damage yet this turn
* Used for Assurance, Emergency Exit, and Wimp Out
hurtThisTurn: number | null;
lastDamage: number;
attackedBy: Attacker[];
timesAttacked: number;
isActive: boolean;
activeTurns: number;
* This is for Fake-Out-likes specifically - it mostly counts how many move
* actions you've had since the last time you switched in, so 1/turn normally,
* +1 for Dancer/Instruct, -1 for shifting/Sky Drop.
* Incremented before the move is used, so the first move use has
* `activeMoveActions === 1`.
* Unfortunately, Truant counts Mega Evolution as an action and Fake
* Out doesn't, meaning that Truant can't use this number.
activeMoveActions: number;
previouslySwitchedIn: number;
truantTurn: boolean;
// Gen 9 only
swordBoost: boolean;
shieldBoost: boolean;
syrupTriggered: boolean;
stellarBoostedTypes: string[];
/** Have this pokemon's Start events run yet? (Start events run every switch-in) */
isStarted: boolean;
duringMove: boolean;
weighthg: number;
speed: number;
canMegaEvo: string | null | undefined;
canMegaEvoX: string | null | undefined;
canMegaEvoY: string | null | undefined;
canUltraBurst: string | null | undefined;
readonly canGigantamax: string | null;
* A Pokemon's Tera type if it can Terastallize, false if it is temporarily unable to tera and should have its
* ability restored upon switching out, or null if its inability to tera is permanent.
canTerastallize: string | false | null;
teraType: string;
baseTypes: string[];
terastallized?: string;
/** A Pokemon's currently 'staleness' with respect to the Endless Battle Clause. */
staleness?: 'internal' | 'external';
/** Staleness that will be set once a future action occurs (eg. eating a berry). */
pendingStaleness?: 'internal' | 'external';
/** Temporary staleness that lasts only until the Pokemon switches. */
volatileStaleness?: 'external';
// Gen 1 only
modifiedStats?: StatsExceptHPTable;
modifyStat?: (this: Pokemon, statName: StatIDExceptHP, modifier: number) => void;
// Stadium only
recalculateStats?: (this: Pokemon) => void;
* An object for storing untyped data, for mods to use.
m: {
innate?: string, // Partners in Crime
originalSpecies?: string, // Mix and Mega
[key: string]: any,
constructor(set: string | AnyObject, side: Side) {
this.side = side;
this.battle = side.battle;
this.m = {};
const pokemonScripts = this.battle.format.pokemon || this.battle.dex.data.Scripts.pokemon;
if (pokemonScripts) Object.assign(this, pokemonScripts);
if (typeof set === 'string') set = { name: set };
this.baseSpecies = this.battle.dex.species.get(set.species || set.name);
if (!this.baseSpecies.exists) {
throw new Error(`Unidentified species: ${this.baseSpecies.name}`);
this.set = set as PokemonSet;
this.species = this.baseSpecies;
if (set.name === set.species || !set.name) {
set.name = this.baseSpecies.baseSpecies;
this.speciesState = this.battle.initEffectState({ id: this.species.id });
this.name = set.name.substr(0, 20);
this.fullname = `${this.side.id}: ${this.name}`;
set.level = this.battle.clampIntRange(set.adjustLevel || set.level || 100, 1, 9999);
this.level = set.level;
const genders: { [key: string]: GenderName } = { M: 'M', F: 'F', N: 'N' };
this.gender = genders[set.gender] || this.species.gender || (this.battle.random(2) ? 'F' : 'M');
if (this.gender === 'N') this.gender = '';
this.happiness = typeof set.happiness === 'number' ? this.battle.clampIntRange(set.happiness, 0, 255) : 255;
this.pokeball = toID(this.set.pokeball) || 'pokeball' as ID;
this.dynamaxLevel = typeof set.dynamaxLevel === 'number' ? this.battle.clampIntRange(set.dynamaxLevel, 0, 10) : 10;
this.gigantamax = this.set.gigantamax || false;
this.baseMoveSlots = [];
this.moveSlots = [];
if (!this.set.moves?.length) {
throw new Error(`Set ${this.name} has no moves`);
for (const moveid of this.set.moves) {
let move = this.battle.dex.moves.get(moveid);
if (!move.id) continue;
if (move.id === 'hiddenpower' && move.type !== 'Normal') {
if (!set.hpType) set.hpType = move.type;
move = this.battle.dex.moves.get('hiddenpower');
let basepp = move.noPPBoosts ? move.pp : move.pp * 8 / 5;
if (this.battle.gen < 3) basepp = Math.min(61, basepp);
move: move.name,
id: move.id,
pp: basepp,
maxpp: basepp,
target: move.target,
disabled: false,
disabledSource: '',
used: false,
this.position = 0;
this.details = this.getUpdatedDetails();
this.status = '';
this.statusState = this.battle.initEffectState({});
this.volatiles = {};
this.showCure = undefined;
if (!this.set.evs) {
this.set.evs = { hp: 0, atk: 0, def: 0, spa: 0, spd: 0, spe: 0 };
if (!this.set.ivs) {
this.set.ivs = { hp: 31, atk: 31, def: 31, spa: 31, spd: 31, spe: 31 };
const stats: StatsTable = { hp: 31, atk: 31, def: 31, spe: 31, spa: 31, spd: 31 };
let stat: StatID;
for (stat in stats) {
if (!this.set.evs[stat]) this.set.evs[stat] = 0;
if (!this.set.ivs[stat] && this.set.ivs[stat] !== 0) this.set.ivs[stat] = 31;
for (stat in this.set.evs) {
this.set.evs[stat] = this.battle.clampIntRange(this.set.evs[stat], 0, 255);
for (stat in this.set.ivs) {
this.set.ivs[stat] = this.battle.clampIntRange(this.set.ivs[stat], 0, 31);
if (this.battle.gen && this.battle.gen <= 2) {
// We represent DVs using even IVs. Ensure they are in fact even.
for (stat in this.set.ivs) {
this.set.ivs[stat] &= 30;
const hpData = this.battle.dex.getHiddenPower(this.set.ivs);
this.hpType = set.hpType || hpData.type;
this.hpPower = hpData.power;
this.baseHpType = this.hpType;
this.baseHpPower = this.hpPower;
// initialized in this.setSpecies(this.baseSpecies)
this.baseStoredStats = null!;
this.storedStats = { atk: 0, def: 0, spa: 0, spd: 0, spe: 0 };
this.boosts = { atk: 0, def: 0, spa: 0, spd: 0, spe: 0, accuracy: 0, evasion: 0 };
this.baseAbility = toID(set.ability);
this.ability = this.baseAbility;
this.abilityState = this.battle.initEffectState({ id: this.ability, target: this });
this.item = toID(set.item);
this.itemState = this.battle.initEffectState({ id: this.item, target: this });
this.lastItem = '';
this.usedItemThisTurn = false;
this.ateBerry = false;
this.trapped = false;
this.maybeTrapped = false;
this.maybeDisabled = false;
this.illusion = null;
this.transformed = false;
this.fainted = false;
this.faintQueued = false;
this.subFainted = null;
this.regressionForme = false;
this.types = this.baseSpecies.types;
this.baseTypes = this.types;
this.addedType = '';
this.knownType = true;
this.apparentType = this.baseSpecies.types.join('/');
// Every Pokemon has a Terastal type
this.teraType = this.set.teraType || this.types[0];
this.switchFlag = false;
this.forceSwitchFlag = false;
this.skipBeforeSwitchOutEventFlag = false;
this.draggedIn = null;
this.newlySwitched = false;
this.beingCalledBack = false;
this.lastMove = null;
// This is used in gen 2 only, here to avoid code repetition.
// Only declared if gen 2 to avoid declaring an object we aren't going to need.
if (this.battle.gen === 2) this.lastMoveEncore = null;
this.lastMoveUsed = null;
this.moveThisTurn = '';
this.statsRaisedThisTurn = false;
this.statsLoweredThisTurn = false;
this.hurtThisTurn = null;
this.lastDamage = 0;
this.attackedBy = [];
this.timesAttacked = 0;
this.isActive = false;
this.activeTurns = 0;
this.activeMoveActions = 0;
this.previouslySwitchedIn = 0;
this.truantTurn = false;
this.swordBoost = false;
this.shieldBoost = false;
this.syrupTriggered = false;
this.stellarBoostedTypes = [];
this.isStarted = false;
this.duringMove = false;
this.weighthg = 1;
this.speed = 0;
this.canMegaEvo = this.battle.actions.canMegaEvo(this);
this.canMegaEvoX = this.battle.actions.canMegaEvoX?.(this);
this.canMegaEvoY = this.battle.actions.canMegaEvoY?.(this);
this.canUltraBurst = this.battle.actions.canUltraBurst(this);
this.canGigantamax = this.baseSpecies.canGigantamax || null;
this.canTerastallize = this.battle.actions.canTerastallize(this);
// This is used in gen 1 only, here to avoid code repetition.
// Only declared if gen 1 to avoid declaring an object we aren't going to need.
if (this.battle.gen === 1) this.modifiedStats = { atk: 0, def: 0, spa: 0, spd: 0, spe: 0 };
this.maxhp = 0;
this.baseMaxhp = 0;
this.hp = 0;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
toJSON(): AnyObject {
return State.serializePokemon(this);
get moves(): readonly string[] {
return this.moveSlots.map(moveSlot => moveSlot.id);
get baseMoves(): readonly string[] {
return this.baseMoveSlots.map(moveSlot => moveSlot.id);
getSlot(): PokemonSlot {
const positionOffset = Math.floor(this.side.n / 2) * this.side.active.length;
const positionLetter = 'abcdef'.charAt(this.position + positionOffset);
return (this.side.id + positionLetter) as PokemonSlot;
toString() {
const fullname = (this.illusion) ? this.illusion.fullname : this.fullname;
return this.isActive ? this.getSlot() + fullname.slice(2) : fullname;
getUpdatedDetails(level?: number) {
let name = this.species.name;
if (['Greninja-Bond', 'Rockruff-Dusk'].includes(name)) name = this.species.baseSpecies;
if (!level) level = this.level;
return name + (level === 100 ? '' : `, L${level}`) +
(this.gender === '' ? '' : `, ${this.gender}`) + (this.set.shiny ? ', shiny' : '');
getFullDetails = () => {
const health = this.getHealth();
let details = this.details;
if (this.illusion) {
details = this.illusion.getUpdatedDetails(
this.battle.ruleTable.has('illusionlevelmod') ? this.illusion.level : this.level
if (this.terastallized) details += `, tera:${this.terastallized}`;
return { side: health.side, secret: `${details}|${health.secret}`, shared: `${details}|${health.shared}` };
updateSpeed() {
this.speed = this.getActionSpeed();
calculateStat(statName: StatIDExceptHP, boost: number, modifier?: number, statUser?: Pokemon) {
statName = toID(statName) as StatIDExceptHP;
// @ts-expect-error type checking prevents 'hp' from being passed, but we're paranoid
if (statName === 'hp') throw new Error("Please read `maxhp` directly");
// base stat
let stat = this.storedStats[statName];
// Wonder Room swaps defenses before calculating anything else
if ('wonderroom' in this.battle.field.pseudoWeather) {
if (statName === 'def') {
stat = this.storedStats['spd'];
} else if (statName === 'spd') {
stat = this.storedStats['def'];
// stat boosts
let boosts: SparseBoostsTable = {};
const boostName = statName as BoostID;
boosts[boostName] = boost;
boosts = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyBoost', statUser || this, null, null, boosts);
boost = boosts[boostName]!;
const boostTable = [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4];
if (boost > 6) boost = 6;
if (boost < -6) boost = -6;
if (boost >= 0) {
stat = Math.floor(stat * boostTable[boost]);
} else {
stat = Math.floor(stat / boostTable[-boost]);
// stat modifier
return this.battle.modify(stat, (modifier || 1));
getStat(statName: StatIDExceptHP, unboosted?: boolean, unmodified?: boolean) {
statName = toID(statName) as StatIDExceptHP;
// @ts-expect-error type checking prevents 'hp' from being passed, but we're paranoid
if (statName === 'hp') throw new Error("Please read `maxhp` directly");
// base stat
let stat = this.storedStats[statName];
// Download ignores Wonder Room's effect, but this results in
// stat stages being calculated on the opposite defensive stat
if (unmodified && 'wonderroom' in this.battle.field.pseudoWeather) {
if (statName === 'def') {
statName = 'spd';
} else if (statName === 'spd') {
statName = 'def';
// stat boosts
if (!unboosted) {
const boosts = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyBoost', this, null, null, { ...this.boosts });
let boost = boosts[statName];
const boostTable = [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4];
if (boost > 6) boost = 6;
if (boost < -6) boost = -6;
if (boost >= 0) {
stat = Math.floor(stat * boostTable[boost]);
} else {
stat = Math.floor(stat / boostTable[-boost]);
// stat modifier effects
if (!unmodified) {
const statTable: { [s in StatIDExceptHP]: string } = { atk: 'Atk', def: 'Def', spa: 'SpA', spd: 'SpD', spe: 'Spe' };
stat = this.battle.runEvent('Modify' + statTable[statName], this, null, null, stat);
if (statName === 'spe' && stat > 10000 && !this.battle.format.battle?.trunc) stat = 10000;
return stat;
getActionSpeed() {
let speed = this.getStat('spe', false, false);
const trickRoomCheck = this.battle.ruleTable.has('twisteddimensionmod') ?
!this.battle.field.getPseudoWeather('trickroom') : this.battle.field.getPseudoWeather('trickroom');
if (trickRoomCheck) {
speed = 10000 - speed;
return this.battle.trunc(speed, 13);
* Gets the Pokemon's best stat.
* Moved to its own method due to frequent use of the same code.
* Used by Beast Boost, Quark Drive, and Protosynthesis.
getBestStat(unboosted?: boolean, unmodified?: boolean): StatIDExceptHP {
let statName: StatIDExceptHP = 'atk';
let bestStat = 0;
const stats: StatIDExceptHP[] = ['atk', 'def', 'spa', 'spd', 'spe'];
for (const i of stats) {
if (this.getStat(i, unboosted, unmodified) > bestStat) {
statName = i;
bestStat = this.getStat(i, unboosted, unmodified);
return statName;
/* Commented out for now until a use for Combat Power is found in Let's Go
getCombatPower() {
let statSum = 0;
let awakeningSum = 0;
for (const stat in this.stats) {
statSum += this.calculateStat(stat, this.boosts[stat as BoostName]);
awakeningSum += this.calculateStat(
stat, this.boosts[stat as BoostName]) + this.set.evs[stat];
const combatPower = Math.floor(Math.floor(statSum * this.level * 6 / 100) +
(Math.floor(awakeningSum) * Math.floor((this.level * 4) / 100 + 2)));
return this.battle.clampIntRange(combatPower, 0, 10000);
getWeight() {
const weighthg = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyWeight', this, null, null, this.weighthg);
return Math.max(1, weighthg);
getMoveData(move: string | Move) {
move = this.battle.dex.moves.get(move);
for (const moveSlot of this.moveSlots) {
if (moveSlot.id === move.id) {
return moveSlot;
return null;
getMoveHitData(move: ActiveMove) {
if (!move.moveHitData) move.moveHitData = {};
const slot = this.getSlot();
return move.moveHitData[slot] || (move.moveHitData[slot] = {
crit: false,
typeMod: 0,
zBrokeProtect: false,
alliesAndSelf(): Pokemon[] {
return this.side.allies();
allies(): Pokemon[] {
return this.side.allies().filter(ally => ally !== this);
adjacentAllies(): Pokemon[] {
return this.side.allies().filter(ally => this.isAdjacent(ally));
foes(all?: boolean): Pokemon[] {
return this.side.foes(all);
adjacentFoes(): Pokemon[] {
if (this.battle.activePerHalf <= 2) return this.side.foes();
return this.side.foes().filter(foe => this.isAdjacent(foe));
isAlly(pokemon: Pokemon | null) {
return !!pokemon && (this.side === pokemon.side || this.side.allySide === pokemon.side);
isAdjacent(pokemon2: Pokemon) {
if (this.fainted || pokemon2.fainted) return false;
if (this.battle.activePerHalf <= 2) return this !== pokemon2;
if (this.side === pokemon2.side) return Math.abs(this.position - pokemon2.position) === 1;
return Math.abs(this.position + pokemon2.position + 1 - this.side.active.length) <= 1;
getUndynamaxedHP(amount?: number) {
const hp = amount || this.hp;
if (this.volatiles['dynamax']) {
return Math.ceil(hp * this.baseMaxhp / this.maxhp);
return hp;
/** Get targets for Dragon Darts */
getSmartTargets(target: Pokemon, move: ActiveMove) {
const target2 = target.adjacentAllies()[0];
if (!target2 || target2 === this || !target2.hp) {
move.smartTarget = false;
return [target];
if (!target.hp) {
move.smartTarget = false;
return [target2];
return [target, target2];
getAtLoc(targetLoc: number) {
let side = this.battle.sides[targetLoc < 0 ? this.side.n % 2 : (this.side.n + 1) % 2];
targetLoc = Math.abs(targetLoc);
if (targetLoc > side.active.length) {
targetLoc -= side.active.length;
side = this.battle.sides[side.n + 2];
return side.active[targetLoc - 1];
* Returns a relative location: 1-3, positive for foe, and negative for ally.
* Use `getAtLoc` to reverse.
getLocOf(target: Pokemon) {
const positionOffset = Math.floor(target.side.n / 2) * target.side.active.length;
const position = target.position + positionOffset + 1;
const sameHalf = (this.side.n % 2) === (target.side.n % 2);
return sameHalf ? -position : position;
getMoveTargets(move: ActiveMove, target: Pokemon): { targets: Pokemon[], pressureTargets: Pokemon[] } {
let targets: Pokemon[] = [];
switch (move.target) {
case 'all':
case 'foeSide':
case 'allySide':
case 'allyTeam':
if (!move.target.startsWith('foe')) {
if (!move.target.startsWith('ally')) {
if (targets.length && !targets.includes(target)) {
this.battle.retargetLastMove(targets[targets.length - 1]);
case 'allAdjacent':
// falls through
case 'allAdjacentFoes':
if (targets.length && !targets.includes(target)) {
this.battle.retargetLastMove(targets[targets.length - 1]);
case 'allies':
targets = this.alliesAndSelf();
const selectedTarget = target;
if (!target || (target.fainted && !target.isAlly(this)) && this.battle.gameType !== 'freeforall') {
// If a targeted foe faints, the move is retargeted
const possibleTarget = this.battle.getRandomTarget(this, move);
if (!possibleTarget) return { targets: [], pressureTargets: [] };
target = possibleTarget;
if (this.battle.activePerHalf > 1 && !move.tracksTarget) {
const isCharging = move.flags['charge'] && !this.volatiles['twoturnmove'] &&
!(move.id.startsWith('solarb') && ['sunnyday', 'desolateland'].includes(this.effectiveWeather())) &&
!(move.id === 'electroshot' && ['raindance', 'primordialsea'].includes(this.effectiveWeather())) &&
!(this.hasItem('powerherb') && move.id !== 'skydrop');
if (!isCharging) {
target = this.battle.priorityEvent('RedirectTarget', this, this, move, target);
if (move.smartTarget) {
targets = this.getSmartTargets(target, move);
target = targets[0];
} else {
if (target.fainted && !move.flags['futuremove']) {
return { targets: [], pressureTargets: [] };
if (selectedTarget !== target) {
// Resolve apparent targets for Pressure.
let pressureTargets = targets;
if (move.target === 'foeSide') {
pressureTargets = [];
if (move.flags['mustpressure']) {
pressureTargets = this.foes();
return { targets, pressureTargets };
ignoringAbility() {
if (this.battle.gen >= 5 && !this.isActive) return true;
// Certain Abilities won't activate while Transformed, even if they ordinarily couldn't be suppressed (e.g. Disguise)
if (this.getAbility().flags['notransform'] && this.transformed) return true;
if (this.getAbility().flags['cantsuppress']) return false;
if (this.volatiles['gastroacid']) return true;
// Check if any active pokemon have the ability Neutralizing Gas
if (this.hasItem('Ability Shield') || this.ability === ('neutralizinggas' as ID)) return false;
for (const pokemon of this.battle.getAllActive()) {
// can't use hasAbility because it would lead to infinite recursion
if (pokemon.ability === ('neutralizinggas' as ID) && !pokemon.volatiles['gastroacid'] &&
!pokemon.transformed && !pokemon.abilityState.ending && !this.volatiles['commanding']) {
return true;
return false;
ignoringItem() {
return !this.getItem().isPrimalOrb && !!(
this.itemState.knockedOff || // Gen 3-4
(this.battle.gen >= 5 && !this.isActive) ||
(!this.getItem().ignoreKlutz && this.hasAbility('klutz')) ||
this.volatiles['embargo'] || this.battle.field.pseudoWeather['magicroom']
deductPP(move: string | Move, amount?: number | null, target?: Pokemon | null | false) {
const gen = this.battle.gen;
move = this.battle.dex.moves.get(move);
const ppData = this.getMoveData(move);
if (!ppData) return 0;
ppData.used = true;
if (!ppData.pp && gen > 1) return 0;
if (!amount) amount = 1;
ppData.pp -= amount;
if (ppData.pp < 0 && gen > 1) {
amount += ppData.pp;
ppData.pp = 0;
return amount;
moveUsed(move: ActiveMove, targetLoc?: number) {
this.lastMove = move;
if (this.battle.gen === 2) this.lastMoveEncore = move;
this.lastMoveTargetLoc = targetLoc;
this.moveThisTurn = move.id;
gotAttacked(move: string | Move, damage: number | false | undefined, source: Pokemon) {
const damageNumber = (typeof damage === 'number') ? damage : 0;
move = this.battle.dex.moves.get(move);
damage: damageNumber,
move: move.id,
thisTurn: true,
slot: source.getSlot(),
damageValue: damage,
getLastAttackedBy() {
if (this.attackedBy.length === 0) return undefined;
return this.attackedBy[this.attackedBy.length - 1];
getLastDamagedBy(filterOutSameSide: boolean) {
const damagedBy: Attacker[] = this.attackedBy.filter(attacker => (
typeof attacker.damageValue === 'number' &&
(filterOutSameSide === undefined || !this.isAlly(attacker.source))
if (damagedBy.length === 0) return undefined;
return damagedBy[damagedBy.length - 1];
* This refers to multi-turn moves like SolarBeam and Outrage and
* Sky Drop, which remove all choice (no dynamax, switching, etc).
* Don't use it for "soft locks" like Choice Band.
getLockedMove(): ID | null {
const lockedMove = this.battle.runEvent('LockMove', this);
return (lockedMove === true) ? null : lockedMove;
getMoves(lockedMove?: ID | null, restrictData?: boolean): {
move: string, id: ID, disabled?: string | boolean, disabledSource?: string,
target?: string, pp?: number, maxpp?: number,
}[] {
if (lockedMove) {
lockedMove = toID(lockedMove);
this.trapped = true;
if (lockedMove === 'recharge') {
return [{
move: 'Recharge',
id: 'recharge' as ID,
for (const moveSlot of this.moveSlots) {
if (moveSlot.id !== lockedMove) continue;
return [{
move: moveSlot.move,
id: moveSlot.id,
// does this happen?
return [{
move: this.battle.dex.moves.get(lockedMove).name,
id: lockedMove,
const moves = [];
let hasValidMove = false;
for (const moveSlot of this.moveSlots) {
let moveName = moveSlot.move;
if (moveSlot.id === 'hiddenpower') {
moveName = `Hidden Power ${this.hpType}`;
if (this.battle.gen < 6) moveName += ` ${this.hpPower}`;
} else if (moveSlot.id === 'return' || moveSlot.id === 'frustration') {
const basePowerCallback = this.battle.dex.moves.get(moveSlot.id).basePowerCallback as (pokemon: Pokemon) => number;
moveName += ` ${basePowerCallback(this)}`;
let target = moveSlot.target;
switch (moveSlot.id) {
case 'curse':
if (!this.hasType('Ghost')) {
target = this.battle.dex.moves.get('curse').nonGhostTarget;
case 'pollenpuff':
// Heal Block only prevents Pollen Puff from targeting an ally when the user has Heal Block
if (this.volatiles['healblock']) {
target = 'adjacentFoe';
case 'terastarstorm':
if (this.species.name === 'Terapagos-Stellar') {
target = 'allAdjacentFoes';
let disabled = moveSlot.disabled;
if (this.volatiles['dynamax']) {
// if each of a Pokemon's base moves are disabled by one of these effects, it will Struggle
const canCauseStruggle = ['Encore', 'Disable', 'Taunt', 'Assault Vest', 'Belch', 'Stuff Cheeks'];
disabled = this.maxMoveDisabled(moveSlot.id) || disabled && canCauseStruggle.includes(moveSlot.disabledSource!);
} else if (
(moveSlot.pp <= 0 && !this.volatiles['partialtrappinglock']) || disabled &&
this.side.active.length >= 2 && this.battle.actions.targetTypeChoices(target!)
) {
disabled = true;
if (!disabled) {
hasValidMove = true;
} else if (disabled === 'hidden' && restrictData) {
disabled = false;
move: moveName,
id: moveSlot.id,
pp: moveSlot.pp,
maxpp: moveSlot.maxpp,
return hasValidMove ? moves : [];
/** This should be passed the base move and not the corresponding max move so we can check how much PP is left. */
maxMoveDisabled(baseMove: Move | string) {
baseMove = this.battle.dex.moves.get(baseMove);
if (!this.getMoveData(baseMove.id)?.pp) return true;
return !!(baseMove.category === 'Status' && (this.hasItem('assaultvest') || this.volatiles['taunt']));
getDynamaxRequest(skipChecks?: boolean) {
// {gigantamax?: string, maxMoves: {[k: string]: string} | null}[]
if (!skipChecks) {
if (!this.side.canDynamaxNow()) return;
if (
this.species.isMega || this.species.isPrimal || this.species.forme === "Ultra" ||
this.getItem().zMove || this.canMegaEvo
) {
// Some pokemon species are unable to dynamax
if (this.species.cannotDynamax || this.illusion?.species.cannotDynamax) return;
const result: DynamaxOptions = { maxMoves: [] };
let atLeastOne = false;
for (const moveSlot of this.moveSlots) {
const move = this.battle.dex.moves.get(moveSlot.id);
const maxMove = this.battle.actions.getMaxMove(move, this);
if (maxMove) {
if (this.maxMoveDisabled(move)) {
result.maxMoves.push({ move: maxMove.id, target: maxMove.target, disabled: true });
} else {
result.maxMoves.push({ move: maxMove.id, target: maxMove.target });
atLeastOne = true;
if (!atLeastOne) return;
if (this.canGigantamax) result.gigantamax = this.canGigantamax;
return result;
getMoveRequestData() {
let lockedMove = this.getLockedMove();
// Information should be restricted for the last active Pokémon
const isLastActive = this.isLastActive();
const canSwitchIn = this.battle.canSwitch(this.side) > 0;
let moves = this.getMoves(lockedMove, isLastActive);
if (!moves.length) {
moves = [{ move: 'Struggle', id: 'struggle' as ID, target: 'randomNormal', disabled: false }];
lockedMove = 'struggle' as ID;
const data: PokemonMoveRequestData = {
if (isLastActive) {
if (this.maybeDisabled) {
data.maybeDisabled = true;
if (canSwitchIn) {
if (this.trapped === true) {
data.trapped = true;
} else if (this.maybeTrapped) {
data.maybeTrapped = true;
} else if (canSwitchIn) {
// Discovered by selecting a valid Pokémon as a switch target and cancelling.
if (this.trapped) data.trapped = true;
if (!lockedMove) {
if (this.canMegaEvo) data.canMegaEvo = true;
if (this.canMegaEvoX) data.canMegaEvoX = true;
if (this.canMegaEvoY) data.canMegaEvoY = true;
if (this.canUltraBurst) data.canUltraBurst = true;
const canZMove = this.battle.actions.canZMove(this);
if (canZMove) data.canZMove = canZMove;
if (this.getDynamaxRequest()) data.canDynamax = true;
if (data.canDynamax || this.volatiles['dynamax']) data.maxMoves = this.getDynamaxRequest(true);
if (this.canTerastallize) data.canTerastallize = this.canTerastallize;
return data;
getSwitchRequestData(forAlly?: boolean): PokemonSwitchRequestData {
const entry: PokemonSwitchRequestData = {
ident: this.fullname,
details: this.details,
condition: this.getHealth().secret,
active: (this.position < this.side.active.length),
stats: {
atk: this.baseStoredStats['atk'],
def: this.baseStoredStats['def'],
spa: this.baseStoredStats['spa'],
spd: this.baseStoredStats['spd'],
spe: this.baseStoredStats['spe'],
moves: this[forAlly ? 'baseMoves' : 'moves'].map(move => {
if (move === 'hiddenpower') {
return `${move}${toID(this.hpType)}${this.battle.gen < 6 ? '' : this.hpPower}` as ID;
if (move === 'frustration' || move === 'return') {
const basePowerCallback = this.battle.dex.moves.get(move).basePowerCallback as (pokemon: Pokemon) => number;
return `${move}${basePowerCallback(this)}` as ID;
return move as ID;
baseAbility: this.baseAbility,
item: this.item,
pokeball: this.pokeball,
if (this.battle.gen > 6) entry.ability = this.ability;
if (this.battle.gen >= 9) {
entry.commanding = !!this.volatiles['commanding'] && !this.fainted;
entry.reviving = this.isActive && !!this.side.slotConditions[this.position]['revivalblessing'];
if (this.battle.gen === 9) {
entry.teraType = this.teraType;
entry.terastallized = this.terastallized || '';
return entry;
isLastActive() {
if (!this.isActive) return false;
const allyActive = this.side.active;
for (let i = this.position + 1; i < allyActive.length; i++) {
if (allyActive[i] && !allyActive[i].fainted) return false;
return true;
positiveBoosts() {
let boosts = 0;
let boost: BoostID;
for (boost in this.boosts) {
if (this.boosts[boost] > 0) boosts += this.boosts[boost];
return boosts;
getCappedBoost(boosts: SparseBoostsTable) {
const cappedBoost: SparseBoostsTable = {};
let boostName: BoostID;
for (boostName in boosts) {
const boost = boosts[boostName];
if (!boost) continue;
cappedBoost[boostName] = this.battle.clampIntRange(this.boosts[boostName] + boost, -6, 6) - this.boosts[boostName];
return cappedBoost;
boostBy(boosts: SparseBoostsTable) {
boosts = this.getCappedBoost(boosts);
let delta = 0;
let boostName: BoostID;
for (boostName in boosts) {
delta = boosts[boostName]!;
this.boosts[boostName] += delta;
return delta;
clearBoosts() {
let boostName: BoostID;
for (boostName in this.boosts) {
this.boosts[boostName] = 0;
setBoost(boosts: SparseBoostsTable) {
let boostName: BoostID;
for (boostName in boosts) {
this.boosts[boostName] = boosts[boostName]!;
copyVolatileFrom(pokemon: Pokemon, switchCause?: string | boolean) {
if (switchCause !== 'shedtail') this.boosts = pokemon.boosts;
for (const i in pokemon.volatiles) {
if (switchCause === 'shedtail' && i !== 'substitute') continue;
if (this.battle.dex.conditions.getByID(i as ID).noCopy) continue;
// shallow clones
this.volatiles[i] = this.battle.initEffectState({ ...pokemon.volatiles[i] });
if (this.volatiles[i].linkedPokemon) {
delete pokemon.volatiles[i].linkedPokemon;
delete pokemon.volatiles[i].linkedStatus;
for (const linkedPoke of this.volatiles[i].linkedPokemon) {
const linkedPokeLinks = linkedPoke.volatiles[this.volatiles[i].linkedStatus].linkedPokemon;
linkedPokeLinks[linkedPokeLinks.indexOf(pokemon)] = this;
for (const i in this.volatiles) {
const volatile = this.getVolatile(i) as Condition;
this.battle.singleEvent('Copy', volatile, this.volatiles[i], this);
transformInto(pokemon: Pokemon, effect?: Effect) {
const species = pokemon.species;
if (
pokemon.fainted || this.illusion || pokemon.illusion || (pokemon.volatiles['substitute'] && this.battle.gen >= 5) ||
(pokemon.transformed && this.battle.gen >= 2) || (this.transformed && this.battle.gen >= 5) ||
species.name === 'Eternatus-Eternamax' ||
(['Ogerpon', 'Terapagos'].includes(species.baseSpecies) && (this.terastallized || pokemon.terastallized)) ||
this.terastallized === 'Stellar'
) {
return false;
if (this.battle.dex.currentMod === 'gen1stadium' && (
species.name === 'Ditto' ||
(this.species.name === 'Ditto' && pokemon.moves.includes('transform'))
)) {
return false;
if (!this.setSpecies(species, effect, true)) return false;
this.transformed = true;
this.weighthg = pokemon.weighthg;
const types = pokemon.getTypes(true, true);
this.setType(pokemon.volatiles['roost'] ? pokemon.volatiles['roost'].typeWas : types, true);
this.addedType = pokemon.addedType;
this.knownType = this.isAlly(pokemon) && pokemon.knownType;
this.apparentType = pokemon.apparentType;
let statName: StatIDExceptHP;
for (statName in this.storedStats) {
this.storedStats[statName] = pokemon.storedStats[statName];
if (this.modifiedStats) this.modifiedStats[statName] = pokemon.modifiedStats![statName]; // Gen 1: Copy modified stats.
this.moveSlots = [];
this.hpType = (this.battle.gen >= 5 ? this.hpType : pokemon.hpType);
this.hpPower = (this.battle.gen >= 5 ? this.hpPower : pokemon.hpPower);
this.timesAttacked = pokemon.timesAttacked;
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) {
let moveName = moveSlot.move;
if (moveSlot.id === 'hiddenpower') {
moveName = 'Hidden Power ' + this.hpType;
move: moveName,
id: moveSlot.id,
pp: moveSlot.maxpp === 1 ? 1 : 5,
maxpp: this.battle.gen >= 5 ? (moveSlot.maxpp === 1 ? 1 : 5) : moveSlot.maxpp,
target: moveSlot.target,
disabled: false,
used: false,
virtual: true,
let boostName: BoostID;
for (boostName in pokemon.boosts) {
this.boosts[boostName] = pokemon.boosts[boostName];
if (this.battle.gen >= 6) {
// we need to remove all of the overlapping crit volatiles before adding any of them
const volatilesToCopy = ['dragoncheer', 'focusenergy', 'gmaxchistrike', 'laserfocus'];
for (const volatile of volatilesToCopy) this.removeVolatile(volatile);
for (const volatile of volatilesToCopy) {
if (pokemon.volatiles[volatile]) {
if (volatile === 'gmaxchistrike') this.volatiles[volatile].layers = pokemon.volatiles[volatile].layers;
if (volatile === 'dragoncheer') this.volatiles[volatile].hasDragonType = pokemon.volatiles[volatile].hasDragonType;
if (effect) {
this.battle.add('-transform', this, pokemon, '[from] ' + effect.fullname);
} else {
this.battle.add('-transform', this, pokemon);
if (this.terastallized) {
this.knownType = true;
this.apparentType = this.terastallized;
if (this.battle.gen > 2) this.setAbility(pokemon.ability, this, true, true);
// Change formes based on held items (for Transform)
// Only ever relevant in Generation 4 since Generation 3 didn't have item-based forme changes
if (this.battle.gen === 4) {
if (this.species.num === 487) {
// Giratina formes
if (this.species.name === 'Giratina' && this.item === 'griseousorb') {
} else if (this.species.name === 'Giratina-Origin' && this.item !== 'griseousorb') {
if (this.species.num === 493) {
// Arceus formes
const item = this.getItem();
const targetForme = (item?.onPlate ? 'Arceus-' + item.onPlate : 'Arceus');
if (this.species.name !== targetForme) {
// Pokemon transformed into Ogerpon cannot Terastallize
// restoring their ability to tera after they untransform is handled ELSEWHERE
if (['Ogerpon', 'Terapagos'].includes(this.species.baseSpecies) && this.canTerastallize) this.canTerastallize = false;
return true;
* Changes this Pokemon's species to the given speciesId (or species).
* This function only handles changes to stats and type.
* Use formeChange to handle changes to ability and sending client messages.
setSpecies(rawSpecies: Species, source: Effect | null = this.battle.effect, isTransform = false) {
const species = this.battle.runEvent('ModifySpecies', this, null, source, rawSpecies);
if (!species) return null;
this.species = species;
this.setType(species.types, true);
this.apparentType = rawSpecies.types.join('/');
this.addedType = species.addedType || '';
this.knownType = true;
this.weighthg = species.weighthg;
const stats = this.battle.spreadModify(this.species.baseStats, this.set);
if (this.species.maxHP) stats.hp = this.species.maxHP;
if (!this.maxhp) {
this.baseMaxhp = stats.hp;
this.maxhp = stats.hp;
this.hp = stats.hp;
if (!isTransform) this.baseStoredStats = stats;
let statName: StatIDExceptHP;
for (statName in this.storedStats) {
this.storedStats[statName] = stats[statName];
if (this.modifiedStats) this.modifiedStats[statName] = stats[statName]; // Gen 1: Reset modified stats.
if (this.battle.gen <= 1) {
// Gen 1: Re-Apply burn and para drops.
if (this.status === 'par') this.modifyStat!('spe', 0.25);
if (this.status === 'brn') this.modifyStat!('atk', 0.5);
this.speed = this.storedStats.spe;
return species;
* Changes this Pokemon's forme to match the given speciesId (or species).
* This function handles all changes to stats, ability, type, species, etc.
* as well as sending all relevant messages sent to the client.
speciesId: string | Species, source: Effect | null = this.battle.effect,
isPermanent?: boolean, abilitySlot = '0', message?: string
) {
const rawSpecies = this.battle.dex.species.get(speciesId);
const species = this.setSpecies(rawSpecies, source);
if (!species) return false;
if (this.battle.gen <= 2) return true;
// The species the opponent sees
const apparentSpecies =
this.illusion ? this.illusion.species.name : species.baseSpecies;
if (isPermanent) {
if (!this.transformed) this.regressionForme = true;
this.baseSpecies = rawSpecies;
this.details = this.getUpdatedDetails();
let details = (this.illusion || this).details;
if (this.terastallized) details += `, tera:${this.terastallized}`;
this.battle.add('detailschange', this, details);
if (!source) {
// Tera forme
// Ogerpon/Terapagos text goes here
} else if (source.effectType === 'Item') {
this.canTerastallize = null; // National Dex behavior
if (source.zMove) {
this.battle.add('-burst', this, apparentSpecies, species.requiredItem);
this.moveThisTurnResult = true; // Ultra Burst counts as an action for Truant
} else if (source.isPrimalOrb) {
if (this.illusion) {
this.ability = '';
this.battle.add('-primal', this.illusion, species.requiredItem);
} else {
this.battle.add('-primal', this, species.requiredItem);
} else {
this.battle.add('-mega', this, apparentSpecies, species.requiredItem);
this.moveThisTurnResult = true; // Mega Evolution counts as an action for Truant
} else if (source.effectType === 'Status') {
// Shaymin-Sky -> Shaymin
this.battle.add('-formechange', this, species.name, message);
} else {
if (source?.effectType === 'Ability') {
this.battle.add('-formechange', this, species.name, message, `[from] ability: ${source.name}`);
} else {
this.battle.add('-formechange', this, this.illusion ? this.illusion.species.name : species.name, message);
if (isPermanent && (!source || !['disguise', 'iceface'].includes(source.id))) {
if (this.illusion) {
this.ability = ''; // Don't allow Illusion to wear off
const ability = species.abilities[abilitySlot] || species.abilities['0'];
// Ogerpon's forme change doesn't override permanent abilities
if (source || !this.getAbility().flags['cantsuppress']) this.setAbility(ability, null, true);
// However, its ability does reset upon switching out
this.baseAbility = toID(ability);
if (this.terastallized) {
this.knownType = true;
this.apparentType = this.terastallized;
return true;
clearVolatile(includeSwitchFlags = true) {
this.boosts = {
atk: 0,
def: 0,
spa: 0,
spd: 0,
spe: 0,
accuracy: 0,
evasion: 0,
if (this.battle.gen === 1 && this.baseMoves.includes('mimic' as ID) && !this.transformed) {
const moveslot = this.baseMoves.indexOf('mimic' as ID);
const mimicPP = this.moveSlots[moveslot] ? this.moveSlots[moveslot].pp : 16;
this.moveSlots = this.baseMoveSlots.slice();
this.moveSlots[moveslot].pp = mimicPP;
} else {
this.moveSlots = this.baseMoveSlots.slice();
this.transformed = false;
this.ability = this.baseAbility;
this.hpType = this.baseHpType;
this.hpPower = this.baseHpPower;
if (this.canTerastallize === false) this.canTerastallize = this.teraType;
for (const i in this.volatiles) {
if (this.volatiles[i].linkedStatus) {
this.removeLinkedVolatiles(this.volatiles[i].linkedStatus, this.volatiles[i].linkedPokemon);
if (this.species.name === 'Eternatus-Eternamax' && this.volatiles['dynamax']) {
this.volatiles = { dynamax: this.volatiles['dynamax'] };
} else {
this.volatiles = {};
if (includeSwitchFlags) {
this.switchFlag = false;
this.forceSwitchFlag = false;
this.lastMove = null;
if (this.battle.gen === 2) this.lastMoveEncore = null;
this.lastMoveUsed = null;
this.moveThisTurn = '';
this.moveLastTurnResult = undefined;
this.moveThisTurnResult = undefined;
this.lastDamage = 0;
this.attackedBy = [];
this.hurtThisTurn = null;
this.newlySwitched = true;
this.beingCalledBack = false;
this.volatileStaleness = undefined;
delete this.abilityState.started;
delete this.itemState.started;
hasType(type: string | string[]) {
const thisTypes = this.getTypes();
if (typeof type === 'string') {
return thisTypes.includes(type);
for (const typeName of type) {
if (thisTypes.includes(typeName)) return true;
return false;
* This function only puts the pokemon in the faint queue;
* actually setting of this.fainted comes later when the
* faint queue is resolved.
* Returns the amount of damage actually dealt
faint(source: Pokemon | null = null, effect: Effect | null = null) {
if (this.fainted || this.faintQueued) return 0;
const d = this.hp;
this.hp = 0;
this.switchFlag = false;
this.faintQueued = true;
target: this,
return d;
damage(d: number, source: Pokemon | null = null, effect: Effect | null = null) {
if (!this.hp || isNaN(d) || d <= 0) return 0;
if (d < 1 && d > 0) d = 1;
d = this.battle.trunc(d);
this.hp -= d;
if (this.hp <= 0) {
d += this.hp;
this.faint(source, effect);
return d;
tryTrap(isHidden = false) {
if (!this.runStatusImmunity('trapped')) return false;
if (this.trapped && isHidden) return true;
this.trapped = isHidden ? 'hidden' : true;
return true;
hasMove(moveid: string) {
moveid = toID(moveid);
if (moveid.substr(0, 11) === 'hiddenpower') moveid = 'hiddenpower';
for (const moveSlot of this.moveSlots) {
if (moveid === moveSlot.id) {
return moveid;
return false;
disableMove(moveid: string, isHidden?: boolean | string, sourceEffect?: Effect) {
if (!sourceEffect && this.battle.event) {
sourceEffect = this.battle.effect;
moveid = toID(moveid);
for (const moveSlot of this.moveSlots) {
if (moveSlot.id === moveid && moveSlot.disabled !== true) {
moveSlot.disabled = (isHidden || true);
moveSlot.disabledSource = (sourceEffect?.name || moveSlot.move);
/** Returns the amount of damage actually healed */
heal(d: number, source: Pokemon | null = null, effect: Effect | null = null) {
if (!this.hp) return false;
d = this.battle.trunc(d);
if (isNaN(d)) return false;
if (d <= 0) return false;
if (this.hp >= this.maxhp) return false;
this.hp += d;
if (this.hp > this.maxhp) {
d -= this.hp - this.maxhp;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
return d;
/** Sets HP, returns delta */
sethp(d: number) {
if (!this.hp) return 0;
d = this.battle.trunc(d);
if (isNaN(d)) return;
if (d < 1) d = 1;
d -= this.hp;
this.hp += d;
if (this.hp > this.maxhp) {
d -= this.hp - this.maxhp;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
return d;
trySetStatus(status: string | Condition, source: Pokemon | null = null, sourceEffect: Effect | null = null) {
return this.setStatus(this.status || status, source, sourceEffect);
/** Unlike clearStatus, gives cure message */
cureStatus(silent = false) {
if (!this.hp || !this.status) return false;
this.battle.add('-curestatus', this, this.status, silent ? '[silent]' : '[msg]');
if (this.status === 'slp' && this.removeVolatile('nightmare')) {
this.battle.add('-end', this, 'Nightmare', '[silent]');
return true;
status: string | Condition,
source: Pokemon | null = null,
sourceEffect: Effect | null = null,
ignoreImmunities = false
) {
if (!this.hp) return false;
status = this.battle.dex.conditions.get(status);
if (this.battle.event) {
if (!source) source = this.battle.event.source;
if (!sourceEffect) sourceEffect = this.battle.effect;
if (!source) source = this;
if (this.status === status.id) {
if ((sourceEffect as Move)?.status === this.status) {
this.battle.add('-fail', this, this.status);
} else if ((sourceEffect as Move)?.status) {
this.battle.add('-fail', source);
return false;
if (
!ignoreImmunities && status.id && !(source?.hasAbility('corrosion') && ['tox', 'psn'].includes(status.id))
) {
// the game currently never ignores immunities
if (!this.runStatusImmunity(status.id === 'tox' ? 'psn' : status.id)) {
this.battle.debug('immune to status');
if ((sourceEffect as Move)?.status) {
this.battle.add('-immune', this);
return false;
const prevStatus = this.status;
const prevStatusState = this.statusState;
if (status.id) {
const result: boolean = this.battle.runEvent('SetStatus', this, source, sourceEffect, status);
if (!result) {
this.battle.debug('set status [' + status.id + '] interrupted');
return result;
this.status = status.id;
this.statusState = this.battle.initEffectState({ id: status.id, target: this });
if (source) this.statusState.source = source;
if (status.duration) this.statusState.duration = status.duration;
if (status.durationCallback) {
this.statusState.duration = status.durationCallback.call(this.battle, this, source, sourceEffect);
if (status.id && !this.battle.singleEvent('Start', status, this.statusState, this, source, sourceEffect)) {
this.battle.debug('status start [' + status.id + '] interrupted');
// cancel the setstatus
this.status = prevStatus;
this.statusState = prevStatusState;
return false;
if (status.id && !this.battle.runEvent('AfterSetStatus', this, source, sourceEffect, status)) {
return false;
return true;
* Unlike cureStatus, does not give cure message
clearStatus() {
if (!this.hp || !this.status) return false;
if (this.status === 'slp' && this.removeVolatile('nightmare')) {
this.battle.add('-end', this, 'Nightmare', '[silent]');
return true;
getStatus() {
return this.battle.dex.conditions.getByID(this.status);
eatItem(force?: boolean, source?: Pokemon, sourceEffect?: Effect) {
if (!this.item || this.itemState.knockedOff) return false;
if ((!this.hp && this.item !== 'jabocaberry' && this.item !== 'rowapberry') || !this.isActive) return false;
if (!sourceEffect && this.battle.effect) sourceEffect = this.battle.effect;
if (!source && this.battle.event?.target) source = this.battle.event.target;
const item = this.getItem();
if (sourceEffect?.effectType === 'Item' && this.item !== sourceEffect.id && source === this) {
// if an item is telling us to eat it but we aren't holding it, we probably shouldn't eat what we are holding
return false;
if (
this.battle.runEvent('UseItem', this, null, null, item) &&
(force || this.battle.runEvent('TryEatItem', this, null, null, item))
) {
this.battle.add('-enditem', this, item, '[eat]');
this.battle.singleEvent('Eat', item, this.itemState, this, source, sourceEffect);
this.battle.runEvent('EatItem', this, null, null, item);
if (RESTORATIVE_BERRIES.has(item.id)) {
switch (this.pendingStaleness) {
case 'internal':
if (this.staleness !== 'external') this.staleness = 'internal';
case 'external':
this.staleness = 'external';
this.pendingStaleness = undefined;
this.lastItem = this.item;
this.item = '';
this.usedItemThisTurn = true;
this.ateBerry = true;
this.battle.runEvent('AfterUseItem', this, null, null, item);
return true;
return false;
useItem(source?: Pokemon, sourceEffect?: Effect) {
if ((!this.hp && !this.getItem().isGem) || !this.isActive) return false;
if (!this.item || this.itemState.knockedOff) return false;
if (!sourceEffect && this.battle.effect) sourceEffect = this.battle.effect;
if (!source && this.battle.event?.target) source = this.battle.event.target;
const item = this.getItem();
if (sourceEffect?.effectType === 'Item' && this.item !== sourceEffect.id && source === this) {
// if an item is telling us to eat it but we aren't holding it, we probably shouldn't eat what we are holding
return false;
if (this.battle.runEvent('UseItem', this, null, null, item)) {
switch (item.id) {
case 'redcard':
this.battle.add('-enditem', this, item, `[of] ${source}`);
if (item.isGem) {
this.battle.add('-enditem', this, item, '[from] gem');
} else {
this.battle.add('-enditem', this, item);
if (item.boosts) {
this.battle.boost(item.boosts, this, source, item);
this.battle.singleEvent('Use', item, this.itemState, this, source, sourceEffect);
this.lastItem = this.item;
this.item = '';
this.usedItemThisTurn = true;
this.battle.runEvent('AfterUseItem', this, null, null, item);
return true;
return false;
takeItem(source?: Pokemon) {
if (!this.isActive) return false;
if (!this.item || this.itemState.knockedOff) return false;
if (!source) source = this;
if (this.battle.gen === 4) {
if (toID(this.ability) === 'multitype') return false;
if (toID(source.ability) === 'multitype') return false;
const item = this.getItem();
if (this.battle.runEvent('TakeItem', this, source, null, item)) {
this.item = '';
const oldItemState = this.itemState;
this.pendingStaleness = undefined;
this.battle.singleEvent('End', item, oldItemState, this);
this.battle.runEvent('AfterTakeItem', this, null, null, item);
return item;
return false;
setItem(item: string | Item, source?: Pokemon, effect?: Effect) {
if (!this.hp || !this.isActive) return false;
if (this.itemState.knockedOff) return false;
if (typeof item === 'string') item = this.battle.dex.items.get(item);
const effectid = this.battle.effect ? this.battle.effect.id : '';
if (RESTORATIVE_BERRIES.has('leppaberry' as ID)) {
const inflicted = ['trick', 'switcheroo'].includes(effectid);
const external = inflicted && source && !source.isAlly(this);
this.pendingStaleness = external ? 'external' : 'internal';
} else {
this.pendingStaleness = undefined;
const oldItem = this.getItem();
const oldItemState = this.itemState;
this.item = item.id;
this.itemState = this.battle.initEffectState({ id: item.id, target: this });
if (oldItem.exists) this.battle.singleEvent('End', oldItem, oldItemState, this);
if (item.id) {
this.battle.singleEvent('Start', item, this.itemState, this, source, effect);
return true;
getItem() {
return this.battle.dex.items.getByID(this.item);
hasItem(item: string | string[]) {
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
if (!item.map(toID).includes(this.item)) return false;
} else {
if (toID(item) !== this.item) return false;
return !this.ignoringItem();
clearItem() {
return this.setItem('');
setAbility(ability: string | Ability, source?: Pokemon | null, isFromFormeChange = false, isTransform = false) {
if (!this.hp) return false;
if (typeof ability === 'string') ability = this.battle.dex.abilities.get(ability);
const oldAbility = this.ability;
if (!isFromFormeChange) {
if (ability.flags['cantsuppress'] || this.getAbility().flags['cantsuppress']) return false;
if (!isFromFormeChange && !isTransform) {
const setAbilityEvent: boolean | null = this.battle.runEvent('SetAbility', this, source, this.battle.effect, ability);
if (!setAbilityEvent) return setAbilityEvent;
this.battle.singleEvent('End', this.battle.dex.abilities.get(oldAbility), this.abilityState, this, source);
if (this.battle.effect && this.battle.effect.effectType === 'Move' && !isFromFormeChange) {
'-endability', this, this.battle.dex.abilities.get(oldAbility),
`[from] move: ${this.battle.dex.moves.get(this.battle.effect.id)}`
this.ability = ability.id;
this.abilityState = this.battle.initEffectState({ id: ability.id, target: this });
if (ability.id && this.battle.gen > 3 &&
(!isTransform || oldAbility !== ability.id || this.battle.gen <= 4)) {
this.battle.singleEvent('Start', ability, this.abilityState, this, source);
return oldAbility;
getAbility() {
return this.battle.dex.abilities.getByID(this.ability);
hasAbility(ability: string | string[]) {
if (Array.isArray(ability)) {
if (!ability.map(toID).includes(this.ability)) return false;
} else {
if (toID(ability) !== this.ability) return false;
return !this.ignoringAbility();
clearAbility() {
return this.setAbility('');
getNature() {
return this.battle.dex.natures.get(this.set.nature);
status: string | Condition, source: Pokemon | null = null, sourceEffect: Effect | null = null,
linkedStatus: string | Condition | null = null
): boolean | any {
let result;
status = this.battle.dex.conditions.get(status);
if (!this.hp && !status.affectsFainted) return false;
if (linkedStatus && source && !source.hp) return false;
if (this.battle.event) {
if (!source) source = this.battle.event.source;
if (!sourceEffect) sourceEffect = this.battle.effect;
if (!source) source = this;
if (this.volatiles[status.id]) {
if (!status.onRestart) return false;
return this.battle.singleEvent('Restart', status, this.volatiles[status.id], this, source, sourceEffect);
if (!this.runStatusImmunity(status.id)) {
this.battle.debug('immune to volatile status');
if ((sourceEffect as Move)?.status) {
this.battle.add('-immune', this);
return false;
result = this.battle.runEvent('TryAddVolatile', this, source, sourceEffect, status);
if (!result) {
this.battle.debug('add volatile [' + status.id + '] interrupted');
return result;
this.volatiles[status.id] = this.battle.initEffectState({ id: status.id, name: status.name, target: this });
if (source) {
this.volatiles[status.id].source = source;
this.volatiles[status.id].sourceSlot = source.getSlot();
if (sourceEffect) this.volatiles[status.id].sourceEffect = sourceEffect;
if (status.duration) this.volatiles[status.id].duration = status.duration;
if (status.durationCallback) {
this.volatiles[status.id].duration = status.durationCallback.call(this.battle, this, source, sourceEffect);
result = this.battle.singleEvent('Start', status, this.volatiles[status.id], this, source, sourceEffect);
if (!result) {
// cancel
delete this.volatiles[status.id];
return result;
if (linkedStatus && source) {
if (!source.volatiles[linkedStatus.toString()]) {
source.addVolatile(linkedStatus, this, sourceEffect);
source.volatiles[linkedStatus.toString()].linkedPokemon = [this];
source.volatiles[linkedStatus.toString()].linkedStatus = status;
} else {
this.volatiles[status.toString()].linkedPokemon = [source];
this.volatiles[status.toString()].linkedStatus = linkedStatus;
return true;
getVolatile(status: string | Effect) {
status = this.battle.dex.conditions.get(status) as Effect;
if (!this.volatiles[status.id]) return null;
return status;
removeVolatile(status: string | Effect) {
if (!this.hp) return false;
status = this.battle.dex.conditions.get(status) as Effect;
if (!this.volatiles[status.id]) return false;
const linkedPokemon = this.volatiles[status.id].linkedPokemon;
const linkedStatus = this.volatiles[status.id].linkedStatus;
this.battle.singleEvent('End', status, this.volatiles[status.id], this);
delete this.volatiles[status.id];
if (linkedPokemon) {
this.removeLinkedVolatiles(linkedStatus, linkedPokemon);
return true;
removeLinkedVolatiles(linkedStatus: string | Effect, linkedPokemon: Pokemon[]) {
linkedStatus = linkedStatus.toString();
for (const linkedPoke of linkedPokemon) {
const volatileData = linkedPoke.volatiles[linkedStatus];
if (!volatileData) continue;
volatileData.linkedPokemon.splice(volatileData.linkedPokemon.indexOf(this), 1);
if (volatileData.linkedPokemon.length === 0) {
getHealth = () => {
if (!this.hp) return { side: this.side.id, secret: '0 fnt', shared: '0 fnt' };
let secret = `${this.hp}/${this.maxhp}`;
let shared;
const ratio = this.hp / this.maxhp;
if (this.battle.reportExactHP) {
shared = secret;
} else if (this.battle.reportPercentages || this.battle.gen >= 8) {
// HP Percentage Mod mechanics
let percentage = Math.ceil(ratio * 100);
if ((percentage === 100) && (ratio < 1.0)) {
percentage = 99;
shared = `${percentage}/100`;
} else {
// In-game accurate pixel health mechanics
const pixels = Math.floor(ratio * 48) || 1;
shared = `${pixels}/48`;
if ((pixels === 9) && (ratio > 0.2)) {
shared += 'y'; // force yellow HP bar
} else if ((pixels === 24) && (ratio > 0.5)) {
shared += 'g'; // force green HP bar
if (this.status) {
secret += ` ${this.status}`;
shared += ` ${this.status}`;
return { side: this.side.id, secret, shared };
* Sets a type (except on Arceus, who resists type changes)
setType(newType: string | string[], enforce = false) {
if (!enforce) {
// No Pokemon should be able to have Stellar as a base type
if (typeof newType === 'string' ? newType === 'Stellar' : newType.includes('Stellar')) return false;
// First type of Arceus, Silvally cannot be normally changed
if ((this.battle.gen >= 5 && (this.species.num === 493 || this.species.num === 773)) ||
(this.battle.gen === 4 && this.hasAbility('multitype'))) {
return false;
// Terastallized Pokemon cannot have their base type changed except via forme change
if (this.terastallized) return false;
if (!newType) throw new Error("Must pass type to setType");
this.types = (typeof newType === 'string' ? [newType] : newType);
this.addedType = '';
this.knownType = true;
this.apparentType = this.types.join('/');
return true;
/** Removes any types added previously and adds another one. */
addType(newType: string) {
if (this.terastallized) return false;
this.addedType = newType;
return true;
getTypes(excludeAdded?: boolean, preterastallized?: boolean): string[] {
if (!preterastallized && this.terastallized && this.terastallized !== 'Stellar') {
return [this.terastallized];
const types = this.battle.runEvent('Type', this, null, null, this.types);
if (!types.length) types.push(this.battle.gen >= 5 ? 'Normal' : '???');
if (!excludeAdded && this.addedType) return types.concat(this.addedType);
return types;
isGrounded(negateImmunity = false) {
if ('gravity' in this.battle.field.pseudoWeather) return true;
if ('ingrain' in this.volatiles && this.battle.gen >= 4) return true;
if ('smackdown' in this.volatiles) return true;
const item = (this.ignoringItem() ? '' : this.item);
if (item === 'ironball') return true;
// If a Fire/Flying type uses Burn Up and Roost, it becomes ???/Flying-type, but it's still grounded.
if (!negateImmunity && this.hasType('Flying') && !(this.hasType('???') && 'roost' in this.volatiles)) return false;
if (this.hasAbility('levitate') && !this.battle.suppressingAbility(this)) return null;
if ('magnetrise' in this.volatiles) return false;
if ('telekinesis' in this.volatiles) return false;
return item !== 'airballoon';
isSemiInvulnerable() {
return (this.volatiles['fly'] || this.volatiles['bounce'] || this.volatiles['dive'] || this.volatiles['dig'] ||
this.volatiles['phantomforce'] || this.volatiles['shadowforce'] || this.isSkyDropped());
isSkyDropped() {
if (this.volatiles['skydrop']) return true;
for (const foeActive of this.side.foe.active) {
if (foeActive.volatiles['skydrop'] && foeActive.volatiles['skydrop'].source === this) {
return true;
return false;
/** Specifically: is protected against a single-target damaging move */
isProtected() {
return !!(
this.volatiles['protect'] || this.volatiles['detect'] || this.volatiles['maxguard'] ||
this.volatiles['kingsshield'] || this.volatiles['spikyshield'] || this.volatiles['banefulbunker'] ||
this.volatiles['obstruct'] || this.volatiles['silktrap'] || this.volatiles['burningbulwark']
* Like Field.effectiveWeather(), but ignores sun and rain if
* the Utility Umbrella is active for the Pokemon.
effectiveWeather() {
const weather = this.battle.field.effectiveWeather();
switch (weather) {
case 'sunnyday':
case 'raindance':
case 'desolateland':
case 'primordialsea':
if (this.hasItem('utilityumbrella')) return '';
return weather;
runEffectiveness(move: ActiveMove) {
let totalTypeMod = 0;
if (this.terastallized && move.type === 'Stellar') {
totalTypeMod = 1;
} else {
for (const type of this.getTypes()) {
let typeMod = this.battle.dex.getEffectiveness(move, type);
typeMod = this.battle.singleEvent('Effectiveness', move, null, this, type, move, typeMod);
totalTypeMod += this.battle.runEvent('Effectiveness', this, type, move, typeMod);
if (this.species.name === 'Terapagos-Terastal' && this.hasAbility('Tera Shell') &&
!this.battle.suppressingAbility(this)) {
if (this.abilityState.resisted) return -1; // all hits of multi-hit move should be not very effective
if (move.category === 'Status' || move.id === 'struggle' || !this.runImmunity(move.type) ||
totalTypeMod < 0 || this.hp < this.maxhp) {
return totalTypeMod;
this.battle.add('-activate', this, 'ability: Tera Shell');
this.abilityState.resisted = true;
return -1;
return totalTypeMod;
/** false = immune, true = not immune */
runImmunity(type: string, message?: string | boolean) {
if (!type || type === '???') return true;
if (!this.battle.dex.types.isName(type)) {
throw new Error("Use runStatusImmunity for " + type);
if (this.fainted) return false;
const negateImmunity = !this.battle.runEvent('NegateImmunity', this, type);
const notImmune = type === 'Ground' ?
this.isGrounded(negateImmunity) :
negateImmunity || this.battle.dex.getImmunity(type, this);
if (notImmune) return true;
if (!message) return false;
if (notImmune === null) {
this.battle.add('-immune', this, '[from] ability: Levitate');
} else {
this.battle.add('-immune', this);
return false;
runStatusImmunity(type: string, message?: string) {
if (this.fainted) return false;
if (!type) return true;
if (!this.battle.dex.getImmunity(type, this)) {
this.battle.debug('natural status immunity');
if (message) {
this.battle.add('-immune', this);
return false;
const immunity = this.battle.runEvent('Immunity', this, null, null, type);
if (!immunity) {
this.battle.debug('artificial status immunity');
if (message && immunity !== null) {
this.battle.add('-immune', this);
return false;
return true;
destroy() {
// deallocate ourself
// get rid of some possibly-circular references
(this as any).battle = null!;
(this as any).side = null!;